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#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include <bio.h>
#include <libsec.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#include "iso9660.h"

 * ISO 9660 file names must be uppercase, digits, or underscore.
 * We use lowercase, digits, and underscore, translating lower to upper
 * in mkisostring, and upper to lower in isostring.
 * Files with uppercase letters in their names are thus nonconforming.
 * Conforming files also must have a basename
 * at most 8 letters and at most one suffix of at most 3 letters.
isostring(uchar *buf, int len)
        char *p, *q;

        p = emalloc(len+1);
        memmove(p, buf, len);
        p[len] = '\0';
        while(len > 0 && p[len-1] == ' ')
                p[--len] = '\0';
        for(q=p; *q; q++)
                *q = tolower(*q);

        q = atom(p);
        return q;

isisofrog(char c)
        if(c >= '0' && c <= '9')
                return 0;
        if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
                return 0;
        if(c == '_')
                return 0;

        return 1;

isbadiso9660(char *s)
        char *p, *q;
        int i;

        if((p = strchr(s, '.')) != nil) {
                if(p-s > 8)
                        return 1;
                for(q=s; q<p; q++)
                                return 1;
                if(strlen(p+1) > 3)
                        return 1;
                for(q=p+1; *q; q++)
                                return 1;
        } else {
                if(strlen(s) > 8)
                        return 1;
                for(q=s; *q; q++)
                                return 1;

                 * we rename files of the form [FD]dddddd
                 * so they don't interfere with us.
                if(strlen(s) == 7 && (s[0] == 'D' || s[0] == 'F')) {
                        for(i=1; i<7; i++)
                                if(s[i] < '0' || s[i] > '9')
                        if(i == 7)
                                return 1;
        return 0;

 * ISO9660 name comparison
 * The standard algorithm is as follows:
 *   Take the filenames without extensions, pad the shorter with 0x20s (spaces),
 *   and do strcmp.  If they are equal, go on.
 *   Take the extensions, pad the shorter with 0x20s (spaces),
 *   and do strcmp.  If they are equal, go on.
 *   Compare the version numbers.
 * Since Plan 9 names are not allowed to contain characters 0x00-0x1F,
 * the padded comparisons are equivalent to using strcmp directly.
 * We still need to handle the base and extension differently,
 * so that .foo sorts before !
isocmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
        int i;
        char s1[32], s2[32], *b1, *b2, *e1, *e2;
        const Direc *a, *b;

        a = va;
        b = vb;

        strecpy(s1, s1+sizeof s1, a->confname);
        b1 = s1;
        strecpy(s2, s2+sizeof s2, b->confname);
        b2 = s2;
        if((e1 = strchr(b1, '.')) != nil)
                *e1++ = '\0';
                e1 = "";
        if((e2 = strchr(b2, '.')) != nil)
                *e2++ = '\0';
                e2 = "";

        if((i = strcmp(b1, b2)) != 0)
                return i;

        return strcmp(e1, e2);

static char*
mkisostring(char *isobuf, int n, char *s)
        char *p, *q, *eq;

        eq = isobuf+n;
        for(p=s, q=isobuf; *p && q < eq; p++)
                if('a' <= *p && *p <= 'z')
                        *q++ = *p+'A'-'a';
                        *q++ = *p;

        while(q < eq)
                *q++ = ' ';

        return isobuf;

Cputisopvd(Cdimg *cd, Cdinfo info)
        char buf[130];

        Cputc(cd, 1);                           /* primary volume descriptor */
        Cputs(cd, "CD001", 5);                  /* standard identifier */
        Cputc(cd, 1);                           /* volume descriptor version */
        Cputc(cd, 0);                           /* unused */

        assert(~info.flags & (CDplan9|CDrockridge));

        /* system identifier */
        strcpy(buf, "");
        if(info.flags & CDplan9)
                strcat(buf, "plan 9 ");
        if(info.flags & CDrockridge)
                strcat(buf, "rrip ");
        if(info.flags & CDbootable)
                strcat(buf, "boot ");
        if(info.flags & CDconform)
                strcat(buf, "iso9660");
                strcat(buf, "utf8");
        struprcpy(buf, buf);
        Cputs(cd, buf, 32);

        Cputs(cd, mkisostring(buf, 32, info.volumename), 32);                   /* volume identifier */

        Crepeat(cd, 0, 8);                              /* unused */
        Cputn(cd, 0, 4);                                /* volume space size */
        Crepeat(cd, 0, 32);                             /* unused */
        Cputn(cd, 1, 2);                                /* volume set size */
        Cputn(cd, 1, 2);                                /* volume sequence number */
        Cputn(cd, Blocksize, 2);                        /* logical block size */
        Cputn(cd, 0, 4);                                /* path table size */
        Cputnl(cd, 0, 4);                               /* location of Lpath */
        Cputnl(cd, 0, 4);                               /* location of optional Lpath */
        Cputnm(cd, 0, 4);                               /* location of Mpath */
        Cputnm(cd, 0, 4);                               /* location of optional Mpath */
        Cputisodir(cd, nil, DTroot, 1, Cwoffset(cd));                   /* root directory */

        Cputs(cd, mkisostring(buf, 128, info.volumeset), 128);          /* volume set identifier */
        Cputs(cd, mkisostring(buf, 128, info.publisher), 128);                  /* publisher identifier */
        Cputs(cd, mkisostring(buf, 128, info.preparer), 128);                   /* data preparer identifier */
        Cputs(cd, mkisostring(buf, 128, info.application), 128);                /* application identifier */

        Cputs(cd, "", 37);                      /* copyright notice */
        Cputs(cd, "", 37);                      /* abstract */
        Cputs(cd, "", 37);                      /* bibliographic file */
        Cputdate1(cd, now);                             /* volume creation date */
        Cputdate1(cd, now);                             /* volume modification date */
        Cputdate1(cd, 0);                               /* volume expiration date */
        Cputdate1(cd, 0);                               /* volume effective date */
        Cputc(cd, 1);                           /* file structure version */