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/* Copyright (C) 2001 artofcode LLC All rights reserved.
This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
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/*$Id: gsiodisk.c,v 1.2 2002/06/14 04:04:39 ray Exp $ */
/* %disk*% IODevice implementation for Ghostscript */
* This file contains the sources for implmenting the 'flat' disk
* file structure specified by Adobe. This disk file structure is used
* to implement the I/O devices refered to as %disk0% to %disk9%.
* These 'disks' are implemented as a set of directories of the
* operating system. The location of the directories on the operating
* system disk structure is defined by the /Root I/O device key. Thus
* the following Postscript:
* mark /Root (/gs/disk0) (%disk0) .putdevparams
* would use the /gs/disk0 directory for storing the data for the disk0
* iodevice.
* Due to conflicts between file name formats (name lengths, restricted
* characters, etc.) a 'mapping file' (map.txt) is used to translate
* between a logical file name and a real file name on the system.
* This name translation also flattens the directory structure of the
* logical file names. (This may be changed in the future. But for
* now it makes the implementation easier.)
* A special thanks is given for Noriyuki Matsushima for his creation of
* the original version of the mapping file logic.
* Mapping file:
* The mapping file is used to create a 'flat disk' file structure. All file
* are stored in a single directory. To accomplish this, the logical file
* name, including the path, are stored in a 'mapping file'. For each file in
* flat disk, there is a single line entry in the mapping file. The mapping
* file entry also includes a file number value. This file number is used as
* the actual file name in the flat disk directory.
* The flat disk format and the mapping file are used to eliminate problems
* with trying to emulate a logical directory structure on different operating
* systems which have different rules about what is allowed and not allowed
* in a file name and path.
* Mapping file format:
* First line:
* FileVersion<tab>1<tab>This file is machine generated. No not edit.<newline>
* Remaining lines:
* <space>filenumber<tab>file_name<newline>
* The first line of the mapping file contains the text "FileVersion" followed
* by a tab character. Then the number 1 (ascii - 31 hex) followed by a tab
* and then a short message telling people to not edit the file. This is an
* attempt to keep the mapping file from being corrupted.
* The file version number must be a "1". This is the only version currently
* supported. This line exists in case it is necessary to modify the mapping
* file format at some future date. The presence of a version number allows
* for seamless upgrading of the file format.
* The format of the entry lines has been created so that the read entry
* routine would:
* 1. Grab the number (including the space if it has not already been read.)
* 2. Grab the tab
* 3. Grab everything up to a linefeed or carriage return as the file name.
* 4. Grab any remaining linefeeds/carriage returns. Note this step might
* grab the first character of the next line if there is only a single
* carriage return or linefeed. Since it is not desireable to have to worry
* about doing an 'unget character', an extra space has been put at the
* beginning of each line. The extra logic with the linefeed/carriage return
* is primarily there in case someone accidentally mangles the file by looking
* at it with a text editor.
* This basically allows for any file name except one that includes
* a zero, a carriage return, or a linefeed. The requirement for excluding
* zero is that there are too many C string routines that assume zero is
* a string terminator (including much of the current Ghostscript code and
* the current map handler). The carriage return/linefeed requirement is
* there simply because it is being used as a terminator for the file name.
* It could easily be eliminated by adding a zero as the name terminator.
* The only disadvantage is that the file is no longer totally printable ascii.
#include "errno_.h"
#include "string_.h"
#include "unistd_.h"
#include "gx.h"
#include "gserrors.h"
#include "gp.h"
#include "gscdefs.h"
#include "gsparam.h"
#include "gsstruct.h"
#include "gxiodev.h"
#include "gsutil.h"
/* Function prototypes */
private iodev_proc_init(iodev_diskn_init);
private iodev_proc_fopen(iodev_diskn_fopen);
private iodev_proc_delete_file(diskn_delete);
private iodev_proc_rename_file(diskn_rename);
private iodev_proc_file_status(diskn_status);
private iodev_proc_enumerate_files(diskn_enumerate_files);
private iodev_proc_enumerate_next(diskn_enumerate_next);
private iodev_proc_enumerate_close(diskn_enumerate_close);
private iodev_proc_get_params(diskn_get_params);
private iodev_proc_put_params(diskn_put_params);
/* Define a diskn (%diskn%) device macro */
#define diskn(varname,diskname) \
const gx_io_device varname = \
{ \
diskname, "FileSystem", \
{iodev_diskn_init, iodev_no_open_device, \
NULL /* no longer used */ , iodev_diskn_fopen, iodev_os_fclose, \
diskn_delete, diskn_rename, diskn_status, \
iodev_no_enumerate_files, /* Only until we have a root location */ \
diskn_enumerate_next, diskn_enumerate_close, \
diskn_get_params, diskn_put_params \
} \
* Define the disk0-6 (%diskn%) devices. These devices are
* used in the device list in gconf.c.
/* We could have more disks, but the DynaLab font installer */
/* has problems with more than 7 disks */
#undef diskn
typedef struct diskn_state_s {
int root_size; /* size of root buffer */
char * root; /* root path pointer */
gs_memory_t * memory; /* memory structure used */
} diskn_state;
gs_private_st_ptrs1(st_diskn_state, struct diskn_state_s, "diskn_state",
diskn_state_enum_ptrs, diskn_state_reloc_ptrs, root);
#define MAP_FILE_NAME "map.txt"
#define TEMP_FILE_NAME "Tmp.txt"
#define InitialNumber 0
#define BUFFER_LENGTH gp_file_name_sizeof
typedef struct map_file_enum_s {
FILE * stream; /* stream to map file */
char * pattern; /* pattern pointer */
char * root; /* root path pointer */
gs_memory_t * memory; /* memory structure used */
} map_file_enum;
gs_private_st_ptrs2(st_map_file_enum, struct map_file_enum_s, "map_file_enum",
map_file_enum_enum_ptrs, map_file_enum_reloc_ptrs, pattern, root);
private void * map_file_enum_init(gs_memory_t *, const char *, const char *);
private bool map_file_enum_next(void *, char *);
private void map_file_enum_close(void *);
private bool map_file_name_get(const char *, const char *, char *);
private void map_file_name_add(const char *, const char *);
private void map_file_name_ren(const char*, const char *, const char *);
private void map_file_name_del(const char *, const char *);
private int
iodev_diskn_init(gx_io_device * iodev, gs_memory_t * mem)
diskn_state * pstate = gs_alloc_struct(mem, diskn_state, &st_diskn_state,
if (!pstate)
return gs_error_VMerror;
pstate->root_size = 0;
pstate->root = NULL;
pstate->memory = mem;
iodev->state = pstate;
return 0;
private int
iodev_diskn_fopen(gx_io_device * iodev, const char *fname, const char *access,
FILE ** pfile, char *rfname, uint rnamelen)
char realname[gp_file_name_sizeof];
diskn_state * pstate = (diskn_state *)iodev->state;
/* Exit if we do not have a root location */
if (!pstate->root)
/* Remap filename (if it exists). */
if (!map_file_name_get((char *)pstate->root, fname, realname)) {
if (strchr(access, 'w')) {
map_file_name_add(pstate->root, fname);
map_file_name_get(pstate->root, fname, realname);
return iodev_os_fopen(iodev_default, realname, access, pfile, rfname, rnamelen);
private int
diskn_delete(gx_io_device * iodev, const char *fname)
char realname[gp_file_name_sizeof];
diskn_state * pstate = (diskn_state *)iodev->state;
/* Exit if we do not have a root location */
if (!pstate->root)
/* Map filename (if it exists). */
if (!map_file_name_get((char *)pstate->root, fname, realname))
map_file_name_del((char *)pstate->root, fname);
return (unlink(realname) == 0 ? 0 : gs_error_ioerror);
private int
diskn_rename(gx_io_device * iodev, const char *from, const char *to)
char toreal[gp_file_name_sizeof];
int code = 0;
diskn_state * pstate = (diskn_state *)iodev->state;
/* Exit if we do not have a root location */
if (!pstate->root)
/* if filenames are the same them we are done. */
if (strcmp(to, from) == 0)
return 0;
* If the destination file already exists, then we want to delete it.
if (map_file_name_get((char *)pstate->root, to, toreal)) {
map_file_name_del((char *)pstate->root, to);
code = unlink(toreal) == 0 ? 0 : gs_error_ioerror;
map_file_name_ren((char *)pstate->root, from, to);
return code;
private int
diskn_status(gx_io_device * iodev, const char *fname, struct stat *pstat)
char realname[gp_file_name_sizeof];
diskn_state * pstate = (diskn_state *)iodev->state;
/* Exit if we do not have a root location */
if (!pstate->root)
/* Map filename (if it exists). */
if (!map_file_name_get((char *)pstate->root, fname, realname))
return (stat((char *)realname, pstat) < 0 ? gs_error_undefinedfilename : 0);
private file_enum *
diskn_enumerate_files_init(gx_io_device * iodev, const char *pat, uint patlen,
gs_memory_t * mem)
char patstr[gp_file_name_sizeof];
diskn_state * pstate = (diskn_state *)iodev->state;
memcpy(patstr, pat, patlen); /* Copy string to buffer */
patstr[patlen]=0; /* Terminate string */
return (file_enum *)map_file_enum_init(mem, (char *)pstate->root, patstr);
private void
diskn_enumerate_close(file_enum *pfen)
map_file_enum_close((void *)pfen);
private uint
diskn_enumerate_next(file_enum *pfen, char *ptr, uint maxlen)
if (map_file_enum_next((void *)pfen, ptr))
return strlen(ptr);
/* If we did not find a file then clean up */
return ~(uint) 0;
private int
diskn_get_params(gx_io_device * iodev, gs_param_list * plist)
int code;
int i0 = 0, so = 1;
bool btrue = true, bfalse = false;
diskn_state * pstate = (diskn_state *)iodev->state;
bool bsearch = pstate->root != 0;
int BlockSize;
long Free, LogicalSize;
gs_param_string rootstring;
* Return fake values for BlockSize and Free, since we can't get the
* correct values in a platform-independent manner.
BlockSize = 1024;
LogicalSize = bsearch ? 2000000000 / BlockSize : 0; /* about 2 Gb */
Free = LogicalSize * 3 / 4; /* about 1.5 Gb */
if (
(code = param_write_bool(plist, "HasNames", &btrue)) < 0 ||
(code = param_write_int(plist, "BlockSize", &BlockSize)) < 0 ||
(code = param_write_long(plist, "Free", &Free)) < 0 ||
(code = param_write_int(plist, "InitializeAction", &i0)) < 0 ||
(code = param_write_bool(plist, "Mounted", &bsearch)) < 0 ||
(code = param_write_bool(plist, "Removable", &bfalse)) < 0 ||
(code = param_write_bool(plist, "Searchable", &bsearch)) < 0 ||
(code = param_write_int(plist, "SearchOrder", &so)) < 0 ||
(code = param_write_bool(plist, "Writeable", &bsearch)) < 0 ||
(code = param_write_long(plist, "LogicalSize", &LogicalSize)) < 0
return code;
if (pstate->root) { = (const byte *)pstate->root;
rootstring.size = strlen(pstate->root);
rootstring.persistent = false;
return param_write_string(plist, "Root", &rootstring);
else {
return param_write_null(plist, "Root");
private int
diskn_put_params(gx_io_device *iodev, gs_param_list *plist)
gs_param_string rootstr;
int code;
diskn_state * pstate = (diskn_state *)iodev->state;
switch (code = param_read_string(plist, "Root", &rootstr)) {
case 0:
param_signal_error(plist, "Root", code);
case 1: = 0;
/* Process the other device parameters */
code = iodev_no_put_params(iodev, plist);
if (code < 0)
return code;
/* Process parameter changes */
if ( {
/* Make sure that we have room for the root string */
if (!pstate->root || pstate->root_size <= rootstr.size) {
if (pstate->root) /* The current storge is too small */
gs_free_object(pstate->memory, pstate->root, "diskn(rootdir)");
pstate->root = (char *)gs_alloc_byte_array(pstate->memory,
gp_file_name_sizeof, sizeof(char), "diskn(rootdir)");
if (!pstate->root)
return gs_error_VMerror;
pstate->root_size = rootstr.size + 1;
/* Now allow enumeration of files on the disk */
iodev->procs.enumerate_files = diskn_enumerate_files_init;
memcpy(pstate->root,, rootstr.size);
pstate->root[rootstr.size] = 0;
return 0;
* Open the specified file with specified attributes.
* rootpath - Path to base disk location.
* filename - File name string
* attributes - File attributes string
* Returns - NULL if error, file structure pointer if no error
private FILE *
MapFileOpen(const char * rootpath, const char * filename, const char * attributes)
char fullname[BUFFER_LENGTH];
if (strlen(rootpath) + strlen(filename) >= BUFFER_LENGTH)
return NULL;
sprintf(fullname, "%s%s", rootpath, filename);
return gp_fopen(fullname, attributes);
* Read map file version (first line)
* mapfile - Mapping file structure pointer
* value - pointer to version number storage location
* Returns 1 if data read, else 0
private int
MapFileReadVersion(FILE * mapfile, int * value)
int code = fscanf(mapfile, "FileVersion\t%d\t", value) == 1 ? 1 : 0;
int c;
/* Skip comment on version line. */
do {
c = fgetc(mapfile);
} while (c != EOF && c != '\n' && c != '\r');
/* Clean up any trailing linefeeds or carriage returns */
while (c != EOF && (c == '\n' || c == '\r')) {
c = fgetc(mapfile);
return code;
* Write a map file version (first line) into the map file
* stream - File structure pointer
* value - version number
private void
MapFileWriteVersion(FILE * mapfile, int value)
"FileVersion\t%d\tThis file is machine generated. Do not edit.\n",
* Read an entry in the map file
* mapfile - Mapping file structure pointer
* namebuf - Buffer for the file name storage
* value - pointer to file number storage location
* Returns 1 if data read, else 0
private int
MapFileRead(FILE * mapfile, char * namebuf, int * value)
int count = 0;
int c;
/* Get the file number */
if (fscanf(mapfile, "%d\t", value) != 1)
return 0;
/* Get the file name */
do {
namebuf[count++] = c = fgetc(mapfile);
} while (count < BUFFER_LENGTH && c != EOF && c != '\n' && c != '\r');
namebuf[--count] = 0; /* Terminate file name */
/* Clean up any trailing linefeeds or carriage returns */
while (c != EOF && (c == '\n' || c == '\r')) {
c = fgetc(mapfile);
return count != 0 ? 1: 0;
* Write an entry in the map file
* stream - File structure pointer
* namebuf - Buffer for the file name storage
* value - file number
private void
MapFileWrite(FILE * mapfile, const char * namebuf, int value)
fprintf(mapfile, " %d\t%s\n", value, namebuf);
* Remove the specified file
* rootpath - Path to base disk location.
* filename - File name string
private void
MapFileUnlink(const char * rootpath, const char * filename)
char fullname[BUFFER_LENGTH];
if (strlen(rootpath) + strlen(filename) >= BUFFER_LENGTH)
sprintf(fullname, "%s%s", rootpath, filename);
* Rename the specified file to new specified name
* rootpath - Path to base disk location.
* oldfilename - Old file name string
* newfilename - New file name string
private void
MapFileRename(const char * rootpath, const char * newfilename, const char * oldfilename)
char oldfullname[BUFFER_LENGTH];
char newfullname[BUFFER_LENGTH];
if (strlen(rootpath) + strlen(oldfilename) >= BUFFER_LENGTH)
if (strlen(rootpath) + strlen(newfilename) >= BUFFER_LENGTH)
sprintf(oldfullname, "%s%s", rootpath, oldfilename);
sprintf(newfullname, "%s%s", rootpath, newfilename);
rename(oldfullname, newfullname);
* MapToFile
* Search for mapped number from map file with requied name. If same name exist,
* first (lowest number) will be returned.
* rootpath char* string of the base path where in disk0 reside (C:\PS\Disk0\)
* name char* string to search pattern for full match (font\Ryumin-Light)
* returns -1 if file not found, file number if found.
private int
MapToFile(const char* rootpath, const char* name)
FILE * mapfile;
int d = -1;
char filename[BUFFER_LENGTH];
int file_version;
mapfile = MapFileOpen(rootpath, MAP_FILE_NAME, "r");
if (mapfile == NULL)
return -1;
/* Verify the mapping file version number */
if (MapFileReadVersion(mapfile, &file_version)
&& file_version == MAP_FILE_VERSION) {
/* Scan the file looking for the given name */
while (MapFileRead(mapfile, filename, &d)) {
if (strcmp(filename, name) == 0)
d = -1;
return d;
* map_file_enum_init
* create enumiate structure for a mapped file and fill pattern for search
* root_name char* string of the base path where in disk0 reside (e.g. C:\PS\Disk0\)
* search_pattern char* string to search pattern (font\*) or full match
* (e.g. font\Ryumin-Light) or NULL
* NULL means all files
* Returns: NULL if error, else pointer to enumeration structure.
private void *
map_file_enum_init(gs_memory_t * mem, const char * root_name, const char * search_pattern)
int file_version;
map_file_enum * mapfileenum = gs_alloc_struct(mem, map_file_enum, &st_map_file_enum,
if (mapfileenum == NULL)
return NULL;
memset(mapfileenum, 0, sizeof(map_file_enum));
mapfileenum->memory = mem;
if (search_pattern) {
mapfileenum->pattern = (char *)gs_alloc_bytes(mem, strlen(search_pattern) + 1,
if (mapfileenum->pattern == NULL) {
map_file_enum_close((file_enum *) mapfileenum);
return NULL;
strcpy(mapfileenum->pattern, search_pattern);
mapfileenum->root = (char *)gs_alloc_bytes(mem, strlen(root_name) + 1,
if (mapfileenum->root == NULL) {
map_file_enum_close((file_enum *) mapfileenum);
return NULL;
if (strlen(root_name) >= BUFFER_LENGTH)
return NULL;
strcpy(mapfileenum->root, root_name);
mapfileenum->stream = MapFileOpen(root_name, MAP_FILE_NAME, "r");
/* Check the mapping file version number */
if (mapfileenum->stream != NULL
&& (!MapFileReadVersion(mapfileenum->stream, &file_version)
|| file_version != MAP_FILE_VERSION)) {
fclose(mapfileenum->stream); /* Invalid file version */
mapfileenum->stream = NULL;
return mapfileenum;
* map_file_enum_next
* enum_mem void* pointer for map file enum structure
* search_pattern char* string array for next target
private bool
map_file_enum_next(void * enum_mem, char* target)
int d = -1;
map_file_enum * mapfileenum;
if (enum_mem == NULL)
return false;
mapfileenum = (map_file_enum*)enum_mem;
if (mapfileenum->stream == NULL)
return false;
if (mapfileenum->pattern) {
/* Search for next entry that matches pattern */
while (MapFileRead(mapfileenum->stream, target, &d)) {
if (string_match((byte *)target, strlen(target),
(byte *)mapfileenum->pattern,
strlen(mapfileenum->pattern), 0))
return true;
else {
/* Just get next */
if (MapFileRead(mapfileenum->stream, target, &d))
return true;
return false;
* map_file_enum_close
* cleans up after an enumeration, this may only be called
* if map_file_enum_init did not fail
private void
map_file_enum_close(void * enum_mem)
map_file_enum * mapfileenum = (map_file_enum *) enum_mem;
gs_memory_t * mem = mapfileenum->memory;
if (mapfileenum->stream)
if (mapfileenum->root)
gs_free_object(mem, mapfileenum->root, "diskn_enum_init(root)");
if (mapfileenum->pattern)
gs_free_object(mem, mapfileenum->pattern, "diskn_enum_init(pattern)");
gs_free_object(mem, mapfileenum, "diskn_enum_init(mapfileenum)");
* map_file_name_get
* maps the psname(Fname) to the osname using concatening the root_name and id
* Id will be a lowest one if same psname exists more than one in map file. See MapToFile
* for detail.
* root_name char* string of the base path where in disk0 reside
* (e.g.C:\PS\Disk0\)
* Fname char* name of the entry to find in the map
* osname char* resulting os specific path to the file
private bool
map_file_name_get(const char * root_name, const char * Fname, char * osname)
int d = MapToFile(root_name, Fname);
if (d != -1) {
/* 20 characters are enough for even a 64 bit integer */
if ((strlen(root_name) + 20) < BUFFER_LENGTH) {
sprintf(osname, "%s%d", root_name, d);
return true;
*osname = 0;
return false;
* map_file_name_del
* Deletes Fname from the mapping table and does not delete the actual file
* If same Fname exists, all same Fname will be deleted
* root_name char* string of the base path where in disk0 reside (C:\PS\Disk0\)
* Fname char* name of the entry to add to the map
private void
map_file_name_del(const char * root_name, const char * Fname)
/* search for target entry */
int d = MapToFile(root_name, Fname);
int file_version;
if (d != -1) { /* if the file exists ... */
char name[BUFFER_LENGTH];
FILE* newMap;
FILE* oldMap;
/* Open current map file and a working file */
MapFileUnlink(root_name, TEMP_FILE_NAME );
newMap = MapFileOpen(root_name, TEMP_FILE_NAME, "w");
if (newMap == NULL)
oldMap = MapFileOpen(root_name, MAP_FILE_NAME, "r");
if (oldMap != NULL && (!MapFileReadVersion(oldMap, &file_version)
|| file_version != MAP_FILE_VERSION)) {
oldMap= NULL;
if (oldMap == NULL) {
MapFileUnlink(root_name, TEMP_FILE_NAME);
/* Copy every line of the map file except the one with given name */
MapFileWriteVersion(newMap, MAP_FILE_VERSION);
while (MapFileRead(oldMap, name, &d))
if (strcmp(name, Fname))
MapFileWrite(newMap, name, d);
MapFileUnlink(root_name, MAP_FILE_NAME);
MapFileRename(root_name, MAP_FILE_NAME, TEMP_FILE_NAME);
* map_file_add
* adds Fname to the mapping table and does not create an unique new empty file
* If same Fname exists, new Fname will not be added.
* root_name char* string of the base path where in disk0 reside (C:\PS\Disk0\)
* Fname char* name of the entry to add to the map
private void
map_file_name_add(const char * root_name, const char * Fname)
* add entry to map file
* entry number is one greater than biggest number
char name[BUFFER_LENGTH];
int d;
int dmax = -1;
int file_version;
FILE* newMap;
FILE* oldMap;
oldMap = MapFileOpen(root_name, MAP_FILE_NAME, "r");
if (oldMap != NULL && (!MapFileReadVersion(oldMap, &file_version)
|| file_version != MAP_FILE_VERSION)) {
oldMap = NULL;
if (oldMap == NULL) {
oldMap = MapFileOpen(root_name, MAP_FILE_NAME, "w");
if (!oldMap)
MapFileWriteVersion(oldMap, MAP_FILE_VERSION);
MapFileWrite(oldMap, Fname, InitialNumber);
else {
MapFileUnlink(root_name, TEMP_FILE_NAME);
newMap = MapFileOpen(root_name, TEMP_FILE_NAME, "w");
if (newMap != NULL) {
MapFileWriteVersion(newMap, MAP_FILE_VERSION);
while (MapFileRead(oldMap, name, &d)) {
MapFileWrite(newMap, name, d);
if (dmax < d)
dmax = d;
dmax += 1;
MapFileWrite(newMap, Fname, dmax);
MapFileUnlink(root_name, MAP_FILE_NAME);
MapFileRename(root_name, MAP_FILE_NAME, TEMP_FILE_NAME);
* map_file_name_ren
* renames the oldname into newname in the mapping table. newname must not exist and must be
* checked by the caller. If same name exist, all same name will be renamed.
* root_name char* string of the base path where in disk0 reside (C:\PS\Disk0\)
* oldname char* name currently existing in the map
* newname char* name to change the entry indicated by oldname into
private void
map_file_name_ren(const char* root_name, const char * oldname, const char * newname)
/* search for target entry */
int d = MapToFile(root_name, oldname);
int file_version;
if (d != -1) { /* if target exists ... */
char name[BUFFER_LENGTH];
FILE* newMap;
FILE* oldMap;
/* Open current map file and a working file */
MapFileUnlink(root_name, TEMP_FILE_NAME );
newMap = MapFileOpen(root_name, TEMP_FILE_NAME, "w");
if (newMap == NULL)
oldMap = MapFileOpen(root_name, MAP_FILE_NAME, "r");
if (oldMap != NULL && (!MapFileReadVersion(oldMap, &file_version)
|| file_version != MAP_FILE_VERSION)) {
oldMap= NULL;
if (oldMap == NULL) {
MapFileUnlink(root_name, TEMP_FILE_NAME);
/* Now copy data from old to new, change file name when found */
MapFileWriteVersion(newMap, MAP_FILE_VERSION); /* Copy the version number */
while (MapFileRead(oldMap, name, &d))
if (strcmp(name, oldname))
MapFileWrite(newMap, name, d);
MapFileWrite(newMap, newname, d);
MapFileUnlink(root_name, MAP_FILE_NAME);
MapFileRename(root_name, MAP_FILE_NAME, TEMP_FILE_NAME);