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/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1995, 1996, 1998 Aladdin Enterprises.  All rights reserved.
  This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
  This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
  modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
  of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
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/* $Id: x_.h,v 1.5 2002/02/21 22:24:54 giles Exp $ */
/* Header for including X library calls in Ghostscript X11 driver */

#ifndef x__INCLUDED
#  define x__INCLUDED

/* Some versions of the X library use `private' as a member name, so: */
#undef private

/* Most X implementations have _Xdebug, but VMS DECWindows doesn't. */
#ifndef VMS
#  define have_Xdebug

#ifdef VMS

#  ifdef __GNUC__

/*   Names of external functions which contain upper case letters are
 *   modified by the VMS GNU C compiler to prevent confusion between
 *   names such as XOpen and xopen.  GNU C does this by translating a
 *   name like XOpen into xopen_aaaaaaaax with "aaaaaaaa" a hexadecimal
 *   string.  However, this causes problems when we link against the
 *   X library which doesn't contain a routine named xopen_aaaaaaaax.
 *   So, we use #define's to map all X routine names to lower case.
 *   (Note that routines like BlackPixelOfScreen, which are [for VMS]
 *   preprocessor macros, do not appear here.)

 * The names redefined here are those which the current Ghostscript X11
 * driver happens to use: this list may grow in the future.

#    define XAllocColor                 xalloccolor
#    define XAllocNamedColor            xallocnamedcolor
#    define XCloseDisplay               xclosedisplay
#    define XCopyArea                   xcopyarea
#    define XCreateGC                   xcreategc
#    define XCreatePixmap               xcreatepixmap
#    define XCreateWindow               xcreatewindow
#    define XDestroyImage               xdestroyimage
#    define XDisplayString              xdisplaystring
#    define XDrawLine                   xdrawline
#    define XDrawPoint                  xdrawpoint
#    define XDrawString                 xdrawstring
#    define XFillPolygon                xfillpolygon
#    define XFillRectangle              xfillrectangle
#    define XFillRectangles             xfillrectangles
#    define XFlush                      xflush
#    define XFree                       xfree
#    define XFreeColors                 xfreecolors
#    define XFreeFont                   xfreefont
#    define XFreeFontNames              xfreefontnames
#    define XFreeGC                     xfreegc
#    define XFreePixmap                 xfreepixmap
#    define XGetDefault                 xgetdefault
#    define XGetGCValues                xgetgcvalues
#    define XGetGeometry                xgetgeometry
#    define XGetImage                   xgetimage
#    define XGetRGBColormaps            xgetrgbcolormaps
#    define XGetVisualInfo              xgetvisualinfo
#    define XGetWindowAttributes        xgetwindowattributes
#    define XGetWindowProperty          xgetwindowproperty
#    define XInitImage                  xinitimage
#    define XInternAtom                 xinternatom
#    define XListFonts                  xlistfonts
#    define XLoadQueryFont              xloadqueryfont
#    define XMapWindow                  xmapwindow
#    define XNextEvent                  xnextevent
#    define XOpenDisplay                xopendisplay
#    define XPutImage                   xputimage
#    define XQueryColor                 xquerycolor
#    define XResizeWindow               xresizewindow
#    define XSendEvent                  xsendevent
#    define XSetBackground              xsetbackground
#    define XSetClipMask                xsetclipmask
#    define XSetClipOrigin              xsetcliporigin
#    define XSetErrorHandler            xseterrorhandler
#    define XSetFillStyle               xsetfillstyle
#    define XSetFont                    xsetfont
#    define XSetForeground              xsetforeground
#    define XSetFunction                xsetfunction
#    define XSetLineAttributes          xsetlineattributes
#    define XSetTile                    xsettile
#    define XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap  xsetwindowbackgroundpixmap
#    define XSetWMHints                 xsetwmhints
#    define XSetWMNormalHints           xsetwmnormalhints
#    define XStoreName                  xstorename
#    define XSync                       xsync
#    define XVisualIDFromVisual         xvisualidfromvisual
#    define XWMGeometry                 xwmgeometry
#    define XtAppCreateShell            xtappcreateshell
#    define XtCloseDisplay              xtclosedisplay
#    define XtCreateApplicationContext  xtcreateapplicationcontext
#    define XtDestroyApplicationContext xtdestroyapplicationcontext
#    define XtDestroyWidget             xtdestroywidget
#    define XtAppSetFallbackResources   xtappsetfallbackresources
#    define XtGetApplicationResources   xtgetapplicationresources
#    define XtOpenDisplay               xtopendisplay
#    define XtToolkitInitialize         xttoolkitinitialize

#    define CADDR_T             /* Without this DEFINE, VAX GNUC    */
                                        /* gets trashed reading Intrinsic.h */
#include <vms_x_fix.h>
#   endif                       /* ifdef __GNUC__ */

#  include <decw$include/Xlib.h>
#  include <decw$include/Xproto.h>
#  include <decw$include/Xatom.h>
#  include <decw$include/Xutil.h>
#  include <decw$include/Intrinsic.h>
#  include <decw$include/StringDefs.h>
#  include <decw$include/Shell.h>

#else /* !ifdef VMS */

#  include <X11/Xlib.h>
#  include <X11/Xproto.h>
#  include <X11/Xatom.h>
#  include <X11/Xutil.h>
#  include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#  include <X11/StringDefs.h>
#  include <X11/Shell.h>

#endif /* VMS */

/* X11R3 doesn't have XtOffsetOf, but it has XtOffset. */
#ifndef XtOffsetOf
#  ifdef offsetof
#    define XtOffsetOf(s_type,field) offsetof(s_type,field)
#  else
#    define XtOffsetOf(s_type,field) XtOffset(s_type*,field)
#  endif

/* Include standard colormap stuff only for X11R4 and later. */
#  if defined(XtSpecificationRelease) && (XtSpecificationRelease >= 4)
#    define HaveStdCMap 1
#  else
#    define HaveStdCMap 0
/* This function is not defined in R3. */
#    undef XVisualIDFromVisual
#    define XVisualIDFromVisual(vis) ((vis)->visualid)
#  endif

/* No-op XInitImage before X11R6. */
#  if !(defined(XtSpecificationRelease) && (XtSpecificationRelease >= 6))
#    undef XInitImage
#    define XInitImage(im) 1    /* non-zero = success */
#  endif

/* Restore the definition of `private'. */
#define private private_

#endif /* x__INCLUDED */