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typedef struct HSPriv HSPriv;
HSTIMEOUT = 15 * 60 * 1000,
/* rewrite replacement field modifiers */
Modsilent = '@', /* don't tell the browser about the redirect. */
Modperm = '=', /* generate permanent redirection */
Modsubord = '*', /* map page & all subordinates to same URL */
Modonly = '>', /* match only this page, not subordinates */
Redirsilent = 1<<0,
Redirperm = 1<<1,
Redirsubord = 1<<2,
Redironly = 1<<3,
struct HSPriv
char *remotesys;
char *remoteserv;
extern int logall[3];
extern char* HTTPLOG;
extern char* webroot;
extern char* netdir;
#define STRLEN(s) (sizeof(s)-1)
/* emem.c */
char *estrdup(char*);
void* ezalloc(ulong);
/* sendfd.c */
int authcheck(HConnect *c);
int checkreq(HConnect *c, HContent *type, HContent *enc, long mtime, char *etag);
int etagmatch(int, HETag*, char*);
HRange *fixrange(HRange *h, long length);
int sendfd(HConnect *c, int fd, Dir *dir, HContent *type, HContent *enc);
/* content.c */
void contentinit(void);
HContents dataclass(HConnect *, char*, int);
int updateQid(int, Qid*);
HContents uriclass(HConnect *, char*);
/* anonymous.c */
void anonymous(HConnect*);
/* hint.c */
void hintprint(HConnect *hc, Hio*, char *, int, int);
void statsinit(void);
void urlcanon(char *url);
void urlinit(void);
/* init.c */
HConnect* init(int, char**);
vlong Bfilelen(void*);
/* redirect.c */
void redirectinit(void);
char* redirect(HConnect *hc, char*, uint *);
char* masquerade(char*);
char* authrealm(HConnect *hc, char *path);
char *undecorated(char *repl);
/* log.c */
void logit(HConnect*, char*, ...);
#pragma varargck argpos logit 2
void writelog(HConnect*, char*, ...);
#pragma varargck argpos writelog 2
/* authorize.c */
int authorize(HConnect*, char*);
char *webroot;