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typedef struct Altc Altc;
typedef struct Conf Conf;
typedef struct DConf DConf;
typedef struct DDesc DDesc;
typedef struct DDev DDev;
typedef struct DEp DEp;
typedef struct DIface DIface;
typedef struct Desc Desc;
typedef struct Dev Dev;
typedef struct Ep Ep;
typedef struct Iface Iface;
typedef struct Usbdev Usbdev;
enum {
/* fundamental constants */
Nep = 16, /* max. endpoints per usb device & per interface */
/* tunable parameters */
Nconf = 16, /* max. configurations per usb device */
Nddesc = 8*Nep, /* max. device-specific descriptors per usb device */
Niface = 16, /* max. interfaces per configuration */
Naltc = 16, /* max. alt configurations per interface */
Uctries = 4, /* no. of tries for usbcmd */
Ucdelay = 50, /* delay before retrying */
/* request type */
Rh2d = 0<<7, /* host to device */
Rd2h = 1<<7, /* device to host */
Rstd = 0<<5, /* types */
Rclass = 1<<5,
Rvendor = 2<<5,
Rdev = 0, /* recipients */
Riface = 1,
Rep = 2, /* endpoint */
Rother = 3,
/* standard requests */
Rgetstatus = 0,
Rclearfeature = 1,
Rsetfeature = 3,
Rsetaddress = 5,
Rgetdesc = 6,
Rsetdesc = 7,
Rgetconf = 8,
Rsetconf = 9,
Rgetiface = 10,
Rsetiface = 11,
Rsynchframe = 12,
Rgetcur = 0x81,
Rgetmin = 0x82,
Rgetmax = 0x83,
Rgetres = 0x84,
Rsetcur = 0x01,
Rsetmin = 0x02,
Rsetmax = 0x03,
Rsetres = 0x04,
/* dev classes */
Clnone = 0, /* not in usb */
Claudio = 1,
Clcomms = 2,
Clhid = 3,
Clprinter = 7,
Clstorage = 8,
Clhub = 9,
Cldata = 10,
/* standard descriptor sizes */
Ddevlen = 18,
Dconflen = 9,
Difacelen = 9,
Deplen = 7,
/* descriptor types */
Ddev = 1,
Dconf = 2,
Dstr = 3,
Diface = 4,
Dep = 5,
Dreport = 0x22,
Dfunction = 0x24,
Dphysical = 0x23,
/* feature selectors */
Fdevremotewakeup = 1,
Fhalt = 0,
/* device state */
Detached = 0,
/* endpoint direction */
Ein = 0,
/* endpoint type */
Econtrol = 0,
Eiso = 1,
Ebulk = 2,
Eintr = 3,
/* endpoint isotype */
Eunknown = 0,
Easync = 1,
Eadapt = 2,
Esync = 3,
/* config attrib */
Cbuspowered = 1<<7,
Cselfpowered = 1<<6,
Cremotewakeup = 1<<5,
/* report types */
Tmtype = 3<<2,
Tmitem = 0xF0,
Tmain = 0<<2,
Tinput = 0x80,
Toutput = 0x90,
Tfeature = 0xB0,
Tcoll = 0xA0,
Tecoll = 0xC0,
Tglobal = 1<<2,
Tusagepage = 0x00,
Tlmin = 0x10,
Tlmax = 0x20,
Tpmin = 0x30,
Tpmax = 0x40,
Tunitexp = 0x50,
Tunit = 0x60,
Trepsize = 0x70,
TrepID = 0x80,
Trepcount = 0x90,
Tpush = 0xA0,
Tpop = 0xB0,
Tlocal = 2<<2,
Tusage = 0x00,
Tumin = 0x10,
Tumax = 0x20,
Tdindex = 0x30,
Tdmin = 0x40,
Tdmax = 0x50,
Tsindex = 0x70,
Tsmin = 0x80,
Tsmax = 0x90,
Tsetdelim = 0xA0,
Treserved = 3<<2,
Tlong = 0xFE,
* Usb device (when used for ep0s) or endpoint.
* RC: One ref because of existing, another one per ogoing I/O.
* per-driver resources (including FS if any) are released by aux
* once the last ref is gone. This may include other Devs using
* to access endpoints for actual I/O.
struct Dev
char* dir; /* path for the endpoint dir */
int id; /* usb id for device or ep. number */
int dfd; /* descriptor for the data file */
int cfd; /* descriptor for the control file */
int maxpkt; /* cached from usb description */
Ref nerrs; /* number of errors in requests */
Usbdev* usb; /* USB description */
void* aux; /* for the device driver */
void (*free)(void*); /* idem. to release aux */
* device description as reported by USB (unpacked).
struct Usbdev
ulong csp; /* USB class/subclass/proto */
int vid; /* vendor id */
int did; /* product (device) id */
int dno; /* device release number */
char* vendor;
char* product;
char* serial;
int vsid;
int psid;
int ssid;
int class; /* from descriptor */
int nconf; /* from descriptor */
Conf* conf[Nconf]; /* configurations */
Ep* ep[Nep]; /* all endpoints in device */
Desc* ddesc[Nddesc]; /* (raw) device specific descriptors */
struct Ep
uchar addr; /* endpt address, 0-15 (|0x80 if Ein) */
uchar dir; /* direction, Ein/Eout */
uchar type; /* Econtrol, Eiso, Ebulk, Eintr */
uchar isotype; /* Eunknown, Easync, Eadapt, Esync */
int id;
int maxpkt; /* max. packet size */
int ntds; /* nb. of Tds per µframe */
Conf* conf; /* the endpoint belongs to */
Iface* iface; /* the endpoint belongs to */
struct Altc
int attrib;
int interval;
void* aux; /* for the driver program */
struct Iface
int id; /* interface number */
ulong csp; /* USB class/subclass/proto */
Altc* altc[Naltc];
Ep* ep[Nep];
void* aux; /* for the driver program */
struct Conf
int cval; /* value for set configuration */
int attrib;
int milliamps; /* maximum power in this config. */
Iface* iface[Niface];
* Device-specific descriptors.
* They show up mixed with other descriptors
* within a configuration.
* These are unknown to the library but handed to the driver.
struct DDesc
uchar bLength;
uchar bDescriptorType;
uchar bbytes[1];
/* extra bytes allocated here to keep the rest of it */
struct Desc
Conf* conf; /* where this descriptor was read */
Iface* iface; /* last iface before desc in conf. */
Ep* ep; /* last endpt before desc in conf. */
Altc* altc; /* last alt.c. before desc in conf. */
DDesc data; /* unparsed standard USB descriptor */
* layout of standard descriptor types
struct DDev
uchar bLength;
uchar bDescriptorType;
uchar bcdUSB[2];
uchar bDevClass;
uchar bDevSubClass;
uchar bDevProtocol;
uchar bMaxPacketSize0;
uchar idVendor[2];
uchar idProduct[2];
uchar bcdDev[2];
uchar iManufacturer;
uchar iProduct;
uchar iSerialNumber;
uchar bNumConfigurations;
struct DConf
uchar bLength;
uchar bDescriptorType;
uchar wTotalLength[2];
uchar bNumInterfaces;
uchar bConfigurationValue;
uchar iConfiguration;
uchar bmAttributes;
uchar MaxPower;
struct DIface
uchar bLength;
uchar bDescriptorType;
uchar bInterfaceNumber;
uchar bAlternateSetting;
uchar bNumEndpoints;
uchar bInterfaceClass;
uchar bInterfaceSubClass;
uchar bInterfaceProtocol;
uchar iInterface;
struct DEp
uchar bLength;
uchar bDescriptorType;
uchar bEndpointAddress;
uchar bmAttributes;
uchar wMaxPacketSize[2];
uchar bInterval;
#define Class(csp) ((csp) & 0xff)
#define Subclass(csp) (((csp)>>8) & 0xff)
#define Proto(csp) (((csp)>>16) & 0xff)
#define CSP(c, s, p) ((c) | (s)<<8 | (p)<<16)
#define GET2(p) (((p)[1] & 0xFF)<<8 | ((p)[0] & 0xFF))
#define PUT2(p,v) {(p)[0] = (v); (p)[1] = (v)>>8;}
#define GET4(p) (((p)[3]&0xFF)<<24 | ((p)[2]&0xFF)<<16 | \
((p)[1]&0xFF)<<8 | ((p)[0]&0xFF))
#define PUT4(p,v) {(p)[0] = (v); (p)[1] = (v)>>8; \
(p)[2] = (v)>>16; (p)[3] = (v)>>24;}
#define dprint if(usbdebug)fprint
#define ddprint if(usbdebug > 1)fprint
#pragma varargck type "U" Dev*
#pragma varargck argpos devctl 2
int Ufmt(Fmt *f);
char* classname(int c);
void closedev(Dev *d);
int configdev(Dev *d);
int devctl(Dev *dev, char *fmt, ...);
void* emallocz(ulong size, int zero);
char* estrdup(char *s);
int matchdevcsp(char *info, void *a);
int finddevs(int (*matchf)(char*,void*), void *farg, char** dirs, int ndirs);
char* hexstr(void *a, int n);
int loaddevconf(Dev *d, int n);
int loaddevdesc(Dev *d);
char* loaddevstr(Dev *d, int sid);
Dev* opendev(char *fn);
int opendevdata(Dev *d, int mode);
Dev* openep(Dev *d, int id);
int parseconf(Usbdev *d, Conf *c, uchar *b, int n);
int parsedesc(Usbdev *d, Conf *c, uchar *b, int n);
int parsedev(Dev *xd, uchar *b, int n);
void startdevs(char *args, char *argv[], int argc, int (*mf)(char*,void*), void*ma, int (*df)(Dev*,int,char**));
int unstall(Dev *dev, Dev *ep, int dir);
int usbcmd(Dev *d, int type, int req, int value, int index, uchar *data, int count);
extern int usbdebug; /* more messages for bigger values */