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#include "stdinc.h"
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"

 * disk structure conversion routines
#define U8GET(p)        ((p)[0])
#define U16GET(p)       (((p)[0]<<8)|(p)[1])
#define U32GET(p)       ((u32int)(((p)[0]<<24)|((p)[1]<<16)|((p)[2]<<8)|(p)[3]))
#define U64GET(p)       (((u64int)U32GET(p)<<32)|(u64int)U32GET((p)+4))

#define U8PUT(p,v)      (p)[0]=(v)&0xFF
#define U16PUT(p,v)     (p)[0]=((v)>>8)&0xFF;(p)[1]=(v)&0xFF
#define U32PUT(p,v)     (p)[0]=((v)>>24)&0xFF;(p)[1]=((v)>>16)&0xFF;(p)[2]=((v)>>8)&0xFF;(p)[3]=(v)&0xFF
#define U64PUT(p,v,t32) t32=(v)>>32;U32PUT(p,t32);t32=(v);U32PUT((p)+4,t32)

int debugarena = -1;            /* hack to improve error reporting */

static struct {
        u32int m;
        char *s;
} magics[] = {
        ArenaPartMagic, "ArenaPartMagic",
        ArenaHeadMagic, "ArenaHeadMagic",
        ArenaMagic, "ArenaMagic",
        ISectMagic, "ISectMagic",
        BloomMagic, "BloomMagic",

static char*
fmtmagic(char *s, u32int m)
        int i;

        for(i=0; i<nelem(magics); i++)
                if(magics[i].m == m)
                        return magics[i].s;
        sprint(s, "%#08ux", m);
        return s;

unpackmagic(u8int *buf)
        return U32GET(buf);

packmagic(u32int magic, u8int *buf)
        U32PUT(buf, magic);

unpackarenapart(ArenaPart *ap, u8int *buf)
        u8int *p;
        u32int m;
        char fbuf[20];

        p = buf;

        m = U32GET(p);
        if(m != ArenaPartMagic){
                seterr(ECorrupt, "arena set has wrong magic number: %s expected ArenaPartMagic (%#lux)", fmtmagic(fbuf, m), ArenaPartMagic);
                return -1;
        p += U32Size;
        ap->version = U32GET(p);
        p += U32Size;
        ap->blocksize = U32GET(p);
        p += U32Size;
        ap->arenabase = U32GET(p);
        p += U32Size;

        if(buf + ArenaPartSize != p)
                sysfatal("unpackarenapart unpacked wrong amount");

        return 0;

packarenapart(ArenaPart *ap, u8int *buf)
        u8int *p;

        p = buf;

        U32PUT(p, ArenaPartMagic);
        p += U32Size;
        U32PUT(p, ap->version);
        p += U32Size;
        U32PUT(p, ap->blocksize);
        p += U32Size;
        U32PUT(p, ap->arenabase);
        p += U32Size;

        if(buf + ArenaPartSize != p)
                sysfatal("packarenapart packed wrong amount");

        return 0;

unpackarena(Arena *arena, u8int *buf)
        int sz;
        u8int *p;
        u32int m;
        char fbuf[20];

        p = buf;

        m = U32GET(p);
        if(m != ArenaMagic){
                seterr(ECorrupt, "arena %d has wrong magic number: %s "
                        "expected ArenaMagic (%#lux)", debugarena,
                        fmtmagic(fbuf, m), ArenaMagic);
                return -1;
        p += U32Size;
        arena->version = U32GET(p);
        p += U32Size;
        namecp(arena->name, (char*)p);
        p += ANameSize;
        arena->diskstats.clumps = U32GET(p);
        p += U32Size;
        arena->diskstats.cclumps = U32GET(p);
        p += U32Size;
        arena->ctime = U32GET(p);
        p += U32Size;
        arena->wtime = U32GET(p);
        p += U32Size;
        if(arena->version == ArenaVersion5){
                arena->clumpmagic = U32GET(p);
                p += U32Size;
        arena->diskstats.used = U64GET(p);
        p += U64Size;
        arena->diskstats.uncsize = U64GET(p);
        p += U64Size;
        arena->diskstats.sealed = U8GET(p);
        p += U8Size;
        case ArenaVersion4:
                sz = ArenaSize4;
                arena->clumpmagic = _ClumpMagic;
        case ArenaVersion5:
                sz = ArenaSize5;
                seterr(ECorrupt, "arena has bad version number %d", arena->version);
                return -1;
         * Additional fields for the memstats version of the stats.
         * Diskstats reflects what is committed to the index.
         * Memstats reflects what is in the arena.  Originally intended
         * this to be a version 5 extension, but might as well use for
         * all the existing version 4 arenas too.
         * To maintain backwards compatibility with existing venti
         * installations using the older format, we define that if 
         * memstats == diskstats, then the extension fields are not
         * included (see packarena below).  That is, only partially
         * indexed arenas have these fields.  Fully indexed arenas
         * (in particular, sealed arenas) do not.
        if(U8GET(p) == 1){
                sz += ArenaSize5a-ArenaSize5;
                p += U8Size;
                arena->memstats.clumps = U32GET(p);
                p += U32Size;
                arena->memstats.cclumps = U32GET(p);
                p += U32Size;
                arena->memstats.used = U64GET(p);
                p += U64Size;
                arena->memstats.uncsize = U64GET(p);
                p += U64Size;
                arena->memstats.sealed = U8GET(p);
                p += U8Size;
                 * 2008/4/2
                 * Packarena (below) used to have a bug in which it would
                 * not zero out any existing extension fields when writing
                 * the arena metadata.  This would manifest itself as arenas
                 * with arena->diskstats.sealed == 1 but arena->memstats.sealed == 0
                 * after a server restart.  Because arena->memstats.sealed wouldn't
                 * be set, the server might try to fit another block into the arena
                 * (and succeed), violating the append-only structure of the log
                 * and invalidating any already-computed seal on the arena.
                 * It might end up that other fields in arena->memstats end up
                 * behind arena->diskstats too, but that would be considerably
                 * more rare, and the bug is fixed now.  The case we need to
                 * handle is just the sealed mismatch.
                 * If we encounter such a bogus arena, fix the sealed field.
                        arena->memstats.sealed = 1;
                arena->memstats = arena->diskstats;
        if(buf + sz != p)
                sysfatal("unpackarena unpacked wrong amount");

        return 0;

packarena(Arena *arena, u8int *buf)
        return _packarena(arena, buf, 0);

_packarena(Arena *arena, u8int *buf, int forceext)
        int sz;
        u8int *p;
        u32int t32;

        case ArenaVersion4:
                sz = ArenaSize4;
                if(arena->clumpmagic != _ClumpMagic)
                        fprint(2, "warning: writing old arena tail loses clump magic 0x%lux != 0x%lux\n",
                                (ulong)arena->clumpmagic, (ulong)_ClumpMagic);
        case ArenaVersion5:
                sz = ArenaSize5;
                sysfatal("packarena unknown version %d", arena->version);
                return -1;

        p = buf;

        U32PUT(p, ArenaMagic);
        p += U32Size;
        U32PUT(p, arena->version);
        p += U32Size;
        namecp((char*)p, arena->name);
        p += ANameSize;
        U32PUT(p, arena->diskstats.clumps);
        p += U32Size;
        U32PUT(p, arena->diskstats.cclumps);
        p += U32Size;
        U32PUT(p, arena->ctime);
        p += U32Size;
        U32PUT(p, arena->wtime);
        p += U32Size;
        if(arena->version == ArenaVersion5){
                U32PUT(p, arena->clumpmagic);
                p += U32Size;
        U64PUT(p, arena->diskstats.used, t32);
        p += U64Size;
        U64PUT(p, arena->diskstats.uncsize, t32);
        p += U64Size;
        U8PUT(p, arena->diskstats.sealed);
        p += U8Size;
         * Extension fields; see above.
        || arena->memstats.clumps != arena->diskstats.clumps
        || arena->memstats.cclumps != arena->diskstats.cclumps
        || arena->memstats.used != arena->diskstats.used
        || arena->memstats.uncsize != arena->diskstats.uncsize
        || arena->memstats.sealed != arena->diskstats.sealed){
                sz += ArenaSize5a - ArenaSize5;
                U8PUT(p, 1);
                p += U8Size;
                U32PUT(p, arena->memstats.clumps);
                p += U32Size;
                U32PUT(p, arena->memstats.cclumps);
                p += U32Size;
                U64PUT(p, arena->memstats.used, t32);   
                p += U64Size;
                U64PUT(p, arena->memstats.uncsize, t32);
                p += U64Size;
                U8PUT(p, arena->memstats.sealed);
                p += U8Size;
                /* Clear any extension fields already on disk. */
                memset(p, 0, ArenaSize5a - ArenaSize5);
                p += ArenaSize5a - ArenaSize5;
                sz += ArenaSize5a - ArenaSize5;

        if(buf + sz != p)
                sysfatal("packarena packed wrong amount");

        return 0;

unpackarenahead(ArenaHead *head, u8int *buf)
        u8int *p;
        u32int m;
        int sz;
        char fbuf[20];

        p = buf;

        m = U32GET(p);
        if(m != ArenaHeadMagic){
                seterr(ECorrupt, "arena %d head has wrong magic number: %s "
                        "expected ArenaHeadMagic (%#lux)", debugarena,
                        fmtmagic(fbuf, m), ArenaHeadMagic);
                return -1;

        p += U32Size;
        head->version = U32GET(p);
        p += U32Size;
        namecp(head->name, (char*)p);
        p += ANameSize;
        head->blocksize = U32GET(p);
        p += U32Size;
        head->size = U64GET(p);
        p += U64Size;
        if(head->version == ArenaVersion5){
                head->clumpmagic = U32GET(p);
                p += U32Size;

        case ArenaVersion4:
                sz = ArenaHeadSize4;
                head->clumpmagic = _ClumpMagic;
        case ArenaVersion5:
                sz = ArenaHeadSize5;
                seterr(ECorrupt, "arena head has unexpected version %d", head->version);
                return -1;

        if(buf + sz != p)
                sysfatal("unpackarenahead unpacked wrong amount");

        return 0;

packarenahead(ArenaHead *head, u8int *buf)
        u8int *p;
        int sz;
        u32int t32;

        case ArenaVersion4:
                sz = ArenaHeadSize4;
                if(head->clumpmagic != _ClumpMagic)
                        fprint(2, "warning: writing old arena header loses clump magic 0x%lux != 0x%lux\n",
                                (ulong)head->clumpmagic, (ulong)_ClumpMagic);
        case ArenaVersion5:
                sz = ArenaHeadSize5;
                sysfatal("packarenahead unknown version %d", head->version);
                return -1;

        p = buf;

        U32PUT(p, ArenaHeadMagic);
        p += U32Size;
        U32PUT(p, head->version);
        p += U32Size;
        namecp((char*)p, head->name);
        p += ANameSize;
        U32PUT(p, head->blocksize);
        p += U32Size;
        U64PUT(p, head->size, t32);
        p += U64Size;
        if(head->version == ArenaVersion5){
                U32PUT(p, head->clumpmagic);
                p += U32Size;
        if(buf + sz != p)
                sysfatal("packarenahead packed wrong amount");

        return 0;

static int
checkclump(Clump *w)
        if(w->encoding == ClumpENone){
                if(w->info.size != w->info.uncsize){
                        seterr(ECorrupt, "uncompressed wad size mismatch");
                        return -1;
        }else if(w->encoding == ClumpECompress){
                if(w->info.size >= w->info.uncsize){
                        seterr(ECorrupt, "compressed lump has inconsistent block sizes %d %d", w->info.size, w->info.uncsize);
                        return -1;
                seterr(ECorrupt, "clump has illegal encoding");
                return -1;

        return 0;

unpackclump(Clump *c, u8int *buf, u32int cmagic)
        u8int *p;
        u32int magic;

        p = buf;
        magic = U32GET(p);
        if(magic != cmagic){
                seterr(ECorrupt, "clump has bad magic number=%#8.8ux != %#8.8ux", magic, cmagic);
                return -1;
        p += U32Size;

        c->info.type = vtfromdisktype(U8GET(p));
        p += U8Size;
        c->info.size = U16GET(p);
        p += U16Size;
        c->info.uncsize = U16GET(p);
        p += U16Size;
        scorecp(c->info.score, p);
        p += VtScoreSize;

        c->encoding = U8GET(p);
        p += U8Size;
        c->creator = U32GET(p);
        p += U32Size;
        c->time = U32GET(p);
        p += U32Size;

        if(buf + ClumpSize != p)
                sysfatal("unpackclump unpacked wrong amount");

        return checkclump(c);

packclump(Clump *c, u8int *buf, u32int magic)
        u8int *p;

        p = buf;
        U32PUT(p, magic);
        p += U32Size;

        U8PUT(p, vttodisktype(c->info.type));
        p += U8Size;
        U16PUT(p, c->info.size);
        p += U16Size;
        U16PUT(p, c->info.uncsize);
        p += U16Size;
        scorecp(p, c->info.score);
        p += VtScoreSize;

        U8PUT(p, c->encoding);
        p += U8Size;
        U32PUT(p, c->creator);
        p += U32Size;
        U32PUT(p, c->time);
        p += U32Size;

        if(buf + ClumpSize != p)
                sysfatal("packclump packed wrong amount");

        return checkclump(c);

unpackclumpinfo(ClumpInfo *ci, u8int *buf)
        u8int *p;

        p = buf;
        ci->type = vtfromdisktype(U8GET(p));
        p += U8Size;
        ci->size = U16GET(p);
        p += U16Size;
        ci->uncsize = U16GET(p);
        p += U16Size;
        scorecp(ci->score, p);
        p += VtScoreSize;

        if(buf + ClumpInfoSize != p)
                sysfatal("unpackclumpinfo unpacked wrong amount");

packclumpinfo(ClumpInfo *ci, u8int *buf)
        u8int *p;

        p = buf;
        U8PUT(p, vttodisktype(ci->type));
        p += U8Size;
        U16PUT(p, ci->size);
        p += U16Size;
        U16PUT(p, ci->uncsize);
        p += U16Size;
        scorecp(p, ci->score);
        p += VtScoreSize;

        if(buf + ClumpInfoSize != p)
                sysfatal("packclumpinfo packed wrong amount");

unpackisect(ISect *is, u8int *buf)
        u8int *p;
        u32int m;
        char fbuf[20];

        p = buf;

        m = U32GET(p);
        if(m != ISectMagic){
                seterr(ECorrupt, "index section has wrong magic number: %s expected ISectMagic (%#lux)",
                        fmtmagic(fbuf, m), ISectMagic);
                return -1;
        p += U32Size;
        is->version = U32GET(p);
        p += U32Size;
        namecp(is->name, (char*)p);
        p += ANameSize;
        namecp(is->index, (char*)p);
        p += ANameSize;
        is->blocksize = U32GET(p);
        p += U32Size;
        is->blockbase = U32GET(p);
        p += U32Size;
        is->blocks = U32GET(p);
        p += U32Size;
        is->start = U32GET(p);
        p += U32Size;
        is->stop = U32GET(p);
        p += U32Size;
        if(buf + ISectSize1 != p)
                sysfatal("unpackisect unpacked wrong amount");
        is->bucketmagic = 0;
        if(is->version == ISectVersion2){
                is->bucketmagic = U32GET(p);
                p += U32Size;
                if(buf + ISectSize2 != p)
                        sysfatal("unpackisect unpacked wrong amount");

        return 0;

packisect(ISect *is, u8int *buf)
        u8int *p;

        p = buf;

        U32PUT(p, ISectMagic);
        p += U32Size;
        U32PUT(p, is->version);
        p += U32Size;
        namecp((char*)p, is->name);
        p += ANameSize;
        namecp((char*)p, is->index);
        p += ANameSize;
        U32PUT(p, is->blocksize);
        p += U32Size;
        U32PUT(p, is->blockbase);
        p += U32Size;
        U32PUT(p, is->blocks);
        p += U32Size;
        U32PUT(p, is->start);
        p += U32Size;
        U32PUT(p, is->stop);
        p += U32Size;
        if(buf + ISectSize1 != p)
                sysfatal("packisect packed wrong amount");
        if(is->version == ISectVersion2){
                U32PUT(p, is->bucketmagic);
                p += U32Size;
                if(buf + ISectSize2 != p)
                        sysfatal("packisect packed wrong amount");

        return 0;

unpackientry(IEntry *ie, u8int *buf)
        u8int *p;

        p = buf;

        scorecp(ie->score, p);
        p += VtScoreSize;
        /* ie->wtime = U32GET(p); */
        p += U32Size;
        /* ie->train = U16GET(p); */
        p += U16Size;
        if(p - buf != IEntryAddrOff)
                sysfatal("unpackentry bad IEntryAddrOff amount");
        ie->ia.addr = U64GET(p);
if(ie->ia.addr>>56) print("%.8H => %llux\n", p, ie->ia.addr);
        p += U64Size;
        ie->ia.size = U16GET(p);
        p += U16Size;
        if(p - buf != IEntryTypeOff)
                sysfatal("unpackientry bad IEntryTypeOff amount");
        ie->ia.type = vtfromdisktype(U8GET(p));
        p += U8Size;
        ie->ia.blocks = U8GET(p);
        p += U8Size;

        if(p - buf != IEntrySize)
                sysfatal("unpackientry unpacked wrong amount");

packientry(IEntry *ie, u8int *buf)
        u32int t32;
        u8int *p;

        p = buf;

        scorecp(p, ie->score);
        p += VtScoreSize;
        U32PUT(p, 0); /* wtime */
        p += U32Size;
        U16PUT(p, 0); /* train */
        p += U16Size;
        U64PUT(p, ie->ia.addr, t32);
        p += U64Size;
        U16PUT(p, ie->ia.size);
        p += U16Size;
        U8PUT(p, vttodisktype(ie->ia.type));
        p += U8Size;
        U8PUT(p, ie->ia.blocks);
        p += U8Size;

        if(p - buf != IEntrySize)
                sysfatal("packientry packed wrong amount");

unpackibucket(IBucket *b, u8int *buf, u32int magic)
        b->n = U16GET(buf);
        b->data = buf + IBucketSize;
        if(magic && magic != U32GET(buf+U16Size))
                b->n = 0;

packibucket(IBucket *b, u8int *buf, u32int magic)
        U16PUT(buf, b->n);
        U32PUT(buf+U16Size, magic);

packbloomhead(Bloom *b, u8int *buf)
        u8int *p;

        p = buf;
        U32PUT(p, BloomMagic);
        U32PUT(p+4, BloomVersion);
        U32PUT(p+8, b->nhash);
        U32PUT(p+12, b->size);

unpackbloomhead(Bloom *b, u8int *buf)
        u8int *p;
        u32int m;
        char fbuf[20];

        p = buf;

        m = U32GET(p);
        if(m != BloomMagic){
                seterr(ECorrupt, "bloom filter has wrong magic number: %s expected BloomMagic (%#lux)", fmtmagic(fbuf, m), (ulong)BloomMagic);
                return -1;
        p += U32Size;
        m = U32GET(p);
        if(m != BloomVersion){
                seterr(ECorrupt, "bloom filter has wrong version %ud expected %ud", (uint)m, (uint)BloomVersion);
                return -1;
        p += U32Size;

        b->nhash = U32GET(p);
        p += U32Size;

        b->size = U32GET(p);
        p += U32Size;
        if(b->size < BloomHeadSize || b->size > MaxBloomSize || (b->size&(b->size-1))){
                seterr(ECorrupt, "bloom filter has invalid size %#lux", b->size);
                return -1;

        if(buf + BloomHeadSize != p)
                sysfatal("unpackarena unpacked wrong amount");

        return 0;