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#!/boot/rc -m /boot/rcmain
# boot script for file servers, including standalone ones
path=(/boot /$cputype/bin /rc/bin .)
fn diskparts {
# set up any /dev/sd partitions
for(disk in /dev/sd*) {
if(test -f $disk/data && test -f $disk/ctl)
fdisk -p $disk/data >$disk/ctl >[2]/dev/null
if(test -f $disk/plan9)
if not
for(part in $parts)
if(test -f $part)
prep -p $part >$disk/ctl >[2]/dev/null
cd /boot
echo -n boot...
if (! test -e /env/vmpc)
vmpc=23 # % of free memory for venti
cp '#r/rtc' '#c/time'
bind -a '#I0' /net
bind -a '#l0' /net
bind -a '#¤' /dev
bind -a '#S' /dev
bind -a '#k' /dev
bind -a '#æ' /dev
bind -a '#u' /dev
bind '#p' /proc
bind '#d' /fd
bind -c '#s' /srv
# bind -a /boot /
# start usb for keyboard, disks, etc.
if (test -e /dev/usb/ctl) {
echo -n usb...
echo -n disks...
if(! ~ $dmaon no)
for (ctl in /dev/sd[C-H]?/ctl)
if (test -e $ctl)
echo 'dma on' >$ctl
# set up any fs(3) partitions (HACK)
# don't match AoE disks, as those may be shared.
if (test ! -e /env/fscfg)
fscfg=`{ls -d /dev/sd[~e-h]?/fscfg >[2]/dev/null | sed 1q}
if (~ $#fscfg 1 && test -r $fscfg)
zerotrunc <$fscfg | read -m >/dev/fs/ctl
# figure out which arenas and fossil partitions to use.
# don't match AoE disks, as those may be shared.
if(! test -e /env/arena0){
if (test -e /dev/fs/arena0)
arena0= /dev/fs/arena0
if not if (test -e /dev/sd[~e-h]?/arena0)
arena0= /dev/sd[~e-h]?/arena0
if not
if (test -e /dev/fs/fossil)
fossil= /dev/fs/fossil
if not if (test -e /dev/sd[~e-h]?/fossil)
fossil= /dev/sd[~e-h]?/fossil
if not
# the local disks are now sorted out.
# set up the network, auth, venti and fossil.
echo -n ip...
if (~ $#ip 1 && ! ~ $ip '') {
# need to supply ip, ipmask and ipgw in plan9.ini to use this
ipconfig -g $ipgw ether /net/ether0 $ip $ipmask
echo 'add 0 0 '^$ipgw >>/net/iproute
if not
# if outside, add explicit vfw routing to the inside
switch (`{sed '/\.(0|255)[ ]/d' /net/ipselftab}) {
case 135.104.24.* # new outside
echo 'add' >>/net/iproute
ipconfig loopback /dev/null 127.1
# local hackery: add extra sr luns of shelf 1
if (test -e /dev/aoe/1.1 && ! test -e /dev/sdf0)
echo config switch on spec f type aoe//dev/aoe/1.1 >/dev/sdctl
if (test -e /dev/aoe/1.2 && ! test -e /dev/sdg0)
echo config switch on spec g type aoe//dev/aoe/1.2 >/dev/sdctl
# so far we're using the default key from $nvram, usually
# for on outside machines,
# and have mounted our root over the net, if running diskless.
# factotum always mounts itself (on /mnt by default).
echo -n factotum...
if(~ $#auth 1){
echo start factotum on $auth
factotum -sfactotum -S -a $auth
if not
factotum -sfactotum -S
mount -b /srv/factotum /mnt
# if a keys partition exists, add its contents to factotum's
keys=`{ls -d /dev/sd*/keys >[2]/dev/null | sed 1q}
if (~ $#keys 1 && test -r $keys) {
echo -n add keys...
zerotrunc <$keys | aescbc -n -d | read -m >/mnt/factotum/ctl
# get root from network if fsaddr set in plan9.ini, and bail out here
if (test -e /env/fs) {
echo -n fs root...
if(! srv tcp!$fs!564 boot)
exec ./rc -m/boot/rcmain -i
if(! mount -c /srv/boot /root)
exec ./rc -m/boot/rcmain -i
# start venti store
if (! ~ $arena0 /dev/null && test -r $arena0) {
echo -n start venti on $arena0...
vcfg=`{ls -d /dev/sd*/venticfg >[2]/dev/null | sed 1q}
if (~ $#vcfg 1 && test -r $vcfg)
venti -m $vmpc -c $vcfg
if not
venti -m $vmpc -c $arena0
sleep 10
if not if (! test -e /env/venti)
venti=tcp!!17034 # local default
# start root fossil, may serve /srv/boot
if (! ~ $fossil /dev/null && test -r $fossil) {
echo -n root fossil on $fossil...
fossil -m 2 -f $fossil
sleep 3
# normal start up on local fossil root
# factotum is now mounted in /mnt; keep it visible.
# newns() needs it, among others.
# mount new root
if (test -e /srv/boot)
if not if (test -e /srv/fossil)
if not if (test -e /srv/fsmain)
if not {
echo cannot find a root in /srv:
ls -l /srv
echo -n mount -cC /srv/$srv $rootdir...
mount -cC /srv/$srv $rootdir
bind -a $rootdir /
if (test -d $rootdir/mnt)
bind -ac $rootdir/mnt /mnt
mount -b /srv/factotum /mnt
# standard bin
if (! test -d /$cputype) {
echo /$cputype missing!
exec ./rc -m/boot/rcmain -i
bind /$cputype/bin /bin
bind -a /rc/bin /bin
# run cpurc
echo cpurc...
path=(/bin . /boot)
/$cputype/init -c
exec ./rc -m/boot/rcmain -i