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#define DEBUG   if(1){}else print

#define SEEKEYS 0

// Lucent's Length-Type-Value records to talk to the wavelan.
// most operational parameters are read/set using this.
        WTyp_Stats      = 0xf100,
        WTyp_Scan       = 0xf101,
        WTyp_Link       = 0xf200,
        WTyp_Ptype      = 0xfc00,
        WTyp_Mac        = 0xfc01,
        WTyp_WantName   = 0xfc02,
        WTyp_Chan       = 0xfc03,
        WTyp_NetName    = 0xfc04,
        WTyp_ApDens     = 0xfc06,
        WTyp_MaxLen     = 0xfc07,
        WTyp_PM         = 0xfc09,
        WTyp_PMWait     = 0xfc0c,
        WTyp_NodeName   = 0xfc0e,
        WTyp_Crypt      = 0xfc20,
        WTyp_XClear     = 0xfc22,
        WTyp_CreateIBSS = 0xfc81,
        WTyp_RtsThres   = 0xfc83,
        WTyp_TxRate     = 0xfc84,
                WTx1Mbps        = 0x0,
                WTx2Mbps        = 0x1,
                WTxAuto         = 0x3,
        WTyp_Prom       = 0xfc85,
        WTyp_Keys       = 0xfcb0,
        WTyp_TxKey      = 0xfcb1,
        WTyp_StationID  = 0xfd20,
        WTyp_CurName    = 0xfd41,
        WTyp_BaseID     = 0xfd42,       // ID of the currently connected-to base station
        WTyp_CurTxRate  = 0xfd44,       // Current TX rate
        WTyp_HasCrypt   = 0xfd4f,
        WTyp_Tick       = 0xfce0,

// Controller
        WDfltIRQ        = 3,            // default irq
        WDfltIOB        = 0x180,        // default IO base

        WIOLen          = 0x40,         // Hermes IO length

        WTmOut          = 65536,        // Cmd time out

        WPTypeManaged   = 1,
        WPTypeWDS       = 2,
        WPTypeAdHoc     = 3,
        WDfltPType      = WPTypeManaged,

        WDfltApDens     = 1,
        WDfltRtsThres   = 2347,         // == disabled
        WDfltTxRate     = WTxAuto,      // 2Mbps

        WMaxLen         = 2304,
        WNameLen        = 32,

        WNKeys          = 4,
        WKeyLen         = 14,
        WMinKeyLen      = 5,
        WMaxKeyLen      = 13,

        // Wavelan hermes registers
        WR_Cmd          = 0x00,
                WCmdIni         = 0x0000,
                WCmdEna         = 0x0001,
                WCmdDis         = 0x0002,
                WCmdTx          = 0x000b,
                WCmdMalloc      = 0x000a,
                WCmdEnquire     = 0x0011,
                WCmdMsk         = 0x003f,
                WCmdAccRd       = 0x0021,
                WCmdReclaim     = 0x0100,
                WCmdAccWr       = 0x0121,
                WCmdBusy        = 0x8000,
        WR_Parm0        = 0x02,
        WR_Parm1        = 0x04,
        WR_Parm2        = 0x06,
        WR_Sts          = 0x08,
        WR_InfoId       = 0x10,
        WR_Sel0         = 0x18,
        WR_Sel1         = 0x1a,
        WR_Off0         = 0x1c,
        WR_Off1         = 0x1e,
                WBusyOff        = 0x8000,
                WErrOff         = 0x4000,
                WResSts         = 0x7f00,
        WR_RXId         = 0x20,
        WR_Alloc        = 0x22,
        WR_EvSts        = 0x30,
        WR_IntEna       = 0x32,
                WCmdEv          = 0x0010,
                WRXEv           = 0x0001,
                WTXEv           = 0x0002,
                WTxErrEv        = 0x0004,
                WAllocEv        = 0x0008,
                WInfoEv         = 0x0080,
                WIDropEv        = 0x2000,
                WTickEv         = 0x8000,
                WEvs            = WRXEv|WTXEv|WAllocEv|WInfoEv|WIDropEv,

        WR_EvAck        = 0x34,
        WR_Data0        = 0x36,
        WR_Data1        = 0x38,

        WR_PciCor       = 0x26,
        WR_PciHcr       = 0x2E,

        // Frame stuff

        WF_Err          = 0x0003,
        WF_1042         = 0x2000,
        WF_Tunnel       = 0x4000,
        WF_WMP          = 0x6000,

        WF_Data         = 0x0008,

        WSnapK1         = 0xaa,
        WSnapK2         = 0x00,
        WSnapCtlr       = 0x03,
        WSnap0          = (WSnapK1|(WSnapK1<<8)),
        WSnap1          = (WSnapK2|(WSnapCtlr<<8)),
        WSnapHdrLen     = 6,

        WF_802_11_Off   = 0x44,
        WF_802_3_Off    = 0x2e,


typedef struct Ctlr     Ctlr;
typedef struct Wltv     Wltv;
typedef struct WFrame   WFrame;
typedef struct Stats    Stats;
typedef struct WStats   WStats;
typedef struct WScan    WScan;
typedef struct WKey     WKey;

struct WStats
        ulong   ntxuframes;             // unicast frames
        ulong   ntxmframes;             // multicast frames
        ulong   ntxfrags;               // fragments
        ulong   ntxubytes;              // unicast bytes
        ulong   ntxmbytes;              // multicast bytes
        ulong   ntxdeferred;            // deferred transmits
        ulong   ntxsretries;            // single retries
        ulong   ntxmultiretries;        // multiple retries
        ulong   ntxretrylimit;
        ulong   ntxdiscards;
        ulong   nrxuframes;             // unicast frames
        ulong   nrxmframes;             // multicast frames
        ulong   nrxfrags;               // fragments
        ulong   nrxubytes;              // unicast bytes
        ulong   nrxmbytes;              // multicast bytes
        ulong   nrxfcserr;
        ulong   nrxdropnobuf;
        ulong   nrxdropnosa;
        ulong   nrxcantdecrypt;
        ulong   nrxmsgfrag;
        ulong   nrxmsgbadfrag;
        ulong   end;

struct WScan
        ushort  chan;                   /* dss channel */
        ushort  noise;                  /* average noise in the air */
        ushort  signal;                 /* signal strength */
        uchar   bssid[Eaddrlen];        /* MAC address of the ap */
        ushort  interval;               /* beacon transmit interval */
        ushort  capinfo;                /* capability bits (0-ess, 1-ibss, 4-privacy [wep]) */
        ushort  ssid_len;               /* ssid length */
        char    ssid[WNameLen];         /* ssid (ap name) */

struct WFrame
        ushort  sts;
        ushort  rsvd0;
        ushort  rsvd1;
        ushort  qinfo;
        ushort  rsvd2;
        ushort  rsvd3;
        ushort  txctl;
        ushort  framectl;
        ushort  id;
        uchar   addr1[Eaddrlen];
        uchar   addr2[Eaddrlen];
        uchar   addr3[Eaddrlen];
        ushort  seqctl;
        uchar   addr4[Eaddrlen];
        ushort  dlen;
        uchar   dstaddr[Eaddrlen];
        uchar   srcaddr[Eaddrlen];
        ushort  len;
        ushort  dat[3];
        ushort  type;

struct WKey
        ushort  len;
        char    dat[WKeyLen];

struct Wltv
        ushort  len;
        ushort  type;
                struct {
                        ushort  val;
                        ushort  pad;
                struct {
                        uchar   addr[8];
                struct {
                        ushort  slen;
                        char    s[WNameLen];
                struct {
                        char    name[WNameLen];
                struct {
                        WKey    keys[WNKeys];

// What the driver thinks. Not what the card thinks.
struct Stats
        ulong   nints;
        ulong   ndoubleint;
        ulong   nrx;
        ulong   ntx;
        ulong   ntxrq;
        ulong   nrxerr;
        ulong   ntxerr;
        ulong   nalloc;                 // allocation (reclaim) events
        ulong   ninfo;
        ulong   nidrop;
        ulong   nwatchdogs;             // transmit time outs, actually
        int     ticks;
        int     tickintr;
        int     signal;
        int     noise;

enum {
        Attached = 0x01,
        Power = 0x02,

struct Ctlr

        int     state;  // Attached | Power
        int     slot;
        int     iob;
        int     createibss;
        int     ptype;
        int     apdensity;
        int     rtsthres;
        int     txbusy;
        int     txrate;
        int     txdid;
        int     txmid;
        int     txtmout;
        int     maxlen;
        int     chan;
        int     pmena;
        int     pmwait;

        Proc    *timerproc;
        int     scanticks;

        char    netname[WNameLen];
        char    wantname[WNameLen];
        char    nodename[WNameLen];
        WFrame  txf;
        uchar   txbuf[1536];

        int     hascrypt;               // card has encryption
        int     crypt;                  // encryption off/on
        int     txkey;                  // transmit key
        Wltv    keys;                   // default keys
        int     xclear;                 // exclude clear packets off/on

        int     ctlrno;

        ushort  *mmb;
        /* for PCI-based devices */
        Ctlr    *next;
        int     active;
        Pcidev  *pcidev;


extern char* wavenames[];

void    csr_outs(Ctlr*, int, ushort);
ushort  csr_ins(Ctlr*, int);
void    w_intdis(Ctlr*);
int     w_cmd(Ctlr *, ushort, ushort);
void    ltv_outs(Ctlr*, int, ushort);
int     ltv_ins(Ctlr*, int);
int     w_option(Ctlr*, char*, long);
int     w_inltv(Ctlr*, Wltv*);
void    w_attach(Ether*);
void    w_interrupt(Ureg*,void*);
void    w_transmit(Ether*);
long    w_ifstat(Ether*, void*, long, ulong);
long    w_ctl(Ether*, void*, long);
void    w_promiscuous(void*, int);
void    w_multicast(void*, uchar*, int);
int     wavelanreset(Ether*, Ctlr*);