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#include "u.h"
#include "../port/lib.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "ureg.h"
#include "pool.h"
#include "../port/error.h"
#include "../port/netif.h"
#include "dosfs.h"
enum {
Dosfilemax = 8,
Dosextmax = 3,
* predeclared
static void bootdump(Dosboot*);
static void setname(Dosfile*, char*);
* debugging
#define chatty 0
#define chat if(chatty)print
* block io buffers
Nbio= 16,
typedef struct Clustbuf Clustbuf;
struct Clustbuf
int age;
long sector;
uchar *iobuf;
Dos *dos;
int size;
Clustbuf bio[Nbio];
* get an io block from an io buffer
getclust(Dos *dos, long sector)
Bootfs *fs;
Clustbuf *p, *oldest;
int size;
chat("getclust @ %ld\n", sector);
* if we have it, just return it
for(p = bio; p < &bio[Nbio]; p++){
if(sector == p->sector && dos == p->dos){
p->age = m->ticks;
chat("getclust %ld in cache\n", sector);
return p;
* otherwise, reuse the oldest entry
oldest = bio;
for(p = &bio[1]; p < &bio[Nbio]; p++){
if(p->age <= oldest->age)
oldest = p;
p = oldest;
* make sure the buffer is big enough
size = dos->clustsize*dos->sectsize;
if(p->iobuf==0 || p->size < size)
p->iobuf = smalloc(size);
p->size = size;
* read in the cluster
fs = (Bootfs*)dos; /* assume dos is embedded at start of an Bootfs */
chat("getclust addr %llud %p %s\n", ((sector+dos->start)*(vlong)dos->sectsize),
fs, fs->disk);
fs->devch->offset = (sector+dos->start) * (vlong)dos->sectsize;
if(myreadn(fs->devch, p->iobuf, size) != size){
chat("can't read block\n");
return 0;
p->age = m->ticks;
p->dos = dos;
p->sector = sector;
chat("getclust %ld read\n", sector);
return p;
* walk the fat one level ( n is a current cluster number ).
* return the new cluster number or -1 if no more.
static long
fatwalk(Dos *dos, int n)
ulong k, sect;
Clustbuf *p;
int o;
chat("fatwalk %d\n", n);
if(n < 2 || n >= dos->fatclusters)
return -1;
case 12:
k = (3*n)/2; break;
case 16:
k = 2*n; break;
case 32:
k = 4*n; break;
return -1;
if(k >= dos->fatsize*dos->sectsize)
if (dos->sectsize == 0 || dos->clustsize == 0)
panic("fatwalk: zero sector or cluster size");
sect = (k/(dos->sectsize*dos->clustsize))*dos->clustsize + dos->fataddr;
o = k%(dos->sectsize*dos->clustsize);
p = getclust(dos, sect);
k = p->iobuf[o++];
if(o >= dos->sectsize*dos->clustsize){
p = getclust(dos, sect+dos->clustsize);
o = 0;
k |= p->iobuf[o++]<<8;
if(dos->fatbits == 12){
k >>= 4;
k &= 0xfff;
if(k >= 0xff8)
k = -1;
else if (dos->fatbits == 32){
if(o >= dos->sectsize*dos->clustsize){
p = getclust(dos, sect+dos->clustsize);
o = 0;
k |= p->iobuf[o++]<<16;
k |= p->iobuf[o]<<24;
if (k >= 0xfffffff8)
k = -1;
k = k < 0xfff8 ? k : -1;
chat("fatwalk %d -> %lud\n", n, k);
return k;
* map a file's logical cluster address to a physical sector address
static long
fileaddr(Dosfile *fp, long ltarget)
Dos *dos = fp->dos;
long l;
long p;
chat("fileaddr %8.8s %ld\n", fp->name, ltarget);
* root directory is contiguous and easy (unless FAT32)
if(fp->pstart == 0 && dos->rootsize != 0) {
if(ltarget*dos->sectsize*dos->clustsize >= dos->rootsize*sizeof(Dosdir))
return -1;
l = dos->rootaddr + ltarget*dos->clustsize;
chat("fileaddr %ld -> %ld\n", ltarget, l);
return l;
* anything else requires a walk through the fat
if(ltarget >= fp->lcurrent && fp->pcurrent){
/* start at the currrent point */
l = fp->lcurrent;
p = fp->pcurrent;
} else {
/* go back to the beginning */
l = 0;
p = fp->pstart;
while(l != ltarget){
/* walk the fat */
p = fatwalk(dos, p);
if(p < 0)
return -1;
fp->lcurrent = l;
fp->pcurrent = p;
* clusters start at 2 instead of 0 (why? - presotto)
l = dos->dataaddr + (p-2)*dos->clustsize;
chat("fileaddr %ld -> %ld\n", ltarget, l);
return l;
* read from a dos file
dosread(Dosfile *fp, void *a, long n)
long addr;
long rv;
int i;
int off;
Clustbuf *p;
uchar *from, *to;
if((fp->attr & DOSDIR) == 0){
if(fp->offset >= fp->length)
return 0;
if(fp->offset+n > fp->length)
n = fp->length - fp->offset;
to = a;
for(rv = 0; rv < n; rv+=i){
* read the cluster
addr = fileaddr(fp, fp->offset/fp->dos->clustbytes);
if(addr < 0)
return -1;
p = getclust(fp->dos, addr);
if(p == 0)
return -1;
* copy the bytes we need
off = fp->offset % fp->dos->clustbytes;
from = &p->iobuf[off];
i = n - rv;
if(i > fp->dos->clustbytes - off)
i = fp->dos->clustbytes - off;
memmove(to, from, i);
to += i;
fp->offset += i;
return rv;
* walk a directory returns
* -1 if something went wrong
* 0 if not found
* 1 if found
doswalk(File *f, char *name)
Dosdir d;
long n;
Dosfile *file;
chat("doswalk %s\n", name);
file = &f->dos;
if((file->attr & DOSDIR) == 0){
chat("walking non-directory!\n");
return -1;
setname(file, name);
file->offset = 0; /* start at the beginning */
while((n = dosread(file, &d, sizeof(d))) == sizeof(d)){
chat("comparing to %8.8s.%3.3s\n", (char*), (char*)d.ext);
if(memcmp(file->name,, sizeof( != 0)
if(memcmp(file->ext, d.ext, sizeof(d.ext)) != 0)
if(d.attr & DOSVLABEL){
chat("%8.8s.%3.3s is a LABEL\n", (char*), (char*)d.ext);
file->attr = d.attr;
file->pstart = GSHORT(d.start);
if (file->dos->fatbits == 32)
file->pstart |= GSHORT(d.highstart) << 16;
file->length = GLONG(d.length);
file->pcurrent = 0;
file->lcurrent = 0;
file->offset = 0;
return 1;
return n >= 0 ? 0 : -1;
lowercase(char *s)
for (; *s != '\0'; s++)
if (*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'Z')
*s -= 'A' - 'a';
trim(char *s, int len)
while(len > 0 && s[len-1] == ' ')
s[--len] = '\0';
* read a directory and return the file names in a malloced
* array whose address is stored through nmarray.
* -1 if something went wrong
* else number of dir. entries
dosdirread(File *f, char ***nmarray)
int entries;
long i;
char buf[Dosfilemax+1+Dosextmax+1];
char **nms;
Dosdir d;
Dosfile *file;
file = &f->dos;
if((file->attr & DOSDIR) == 0){
chat("walking non-directory!\n");
return -1;
/* allocate the array of char*s */
file->offset = 0; /* start at the beginning */
for(entries = 0; dosread(file, &d, sizeof d) == sizeof d; entries++)
nms = smalloc(sizeof(char *) * (entries + 1));
/* populate the array */
file->offset = 0; /* rewind */
for(i = 0; i < entries && dosread(file, &d, sizeof d) == sizeof d; ){
trim((char *), Dosfilemax);
trim((char *)d.ext, Dosextmax);
if ([0] == '\0')
if (d.ext[0] == '\0')
kstrdup(&nms[i], (char *);
else {
snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "%.*s.%.*s",
Dosfilemax, (char *),
Dosextmax, (char *)d.ext);
kstrdup(&nms[i], buf);
*nmarray = nms;
return 0;
* instructions that boot blocks can start with
#define JMPSHORT 0xeb
#define JMPNEAR 0xe9
* read in a segment
dosreadseg(File *f, void *va, long len)
char *a;
long n, sofar;
Dosfile *fp;
fp = &f->dos;
a = va;
for(sofar = 0; sofar < len; sofar += n){
n = 8*1024;
if(len - sofar < n)
n = len - sofar;
n = dosread(fp, a + sofar, n);
if(n <= 0)
return sofar;
dosinit(Bootfs *fs, char *disk)
Clustbuf *p;
Dosboot *b;
int i;
Dos *dos;
Dosfile *root;
chat("dosinit0 %p %s\n", fs, fs->disk);
fs->disk = disk;
fs->devch = namecopen(disk, OREAD);
if (fs->devch == nil) {
print("dosinit: can't open %s\n", disk);
return -1;
dos = &fs->dos;
/* defaults till we know better */
dos->sectsize = 512;
dos->clustsize = 1;
/* get first sector */
p = getclust(dos, 0);
if(p == 0){
chat("can't read boot block\n");
return -1;
p->dos = 0; /* don't cache this block */
b = (Dosboot *)p->iobuf;
if(b->magic[0] != JMPNEAR && (b->magic[0] != JMPSHORT || b->magic[2] != 0x90)){
chat("no dos file system %x %x %x %x\n",
b->magic[0], b->magic[1], b->magic[2], b->magic[3]);
return -1;
if(b->clustsize == 0) {
print("unreasonable FAT BPB: ");
for(i=0; i<3+8+2+1; i++)
print(" %.2ux", p->iobuf[i]);
return -1;
* Determine the systems' wondrous properties.
* There are heuristics here, but there's no real way
* of knowing if this is a reasonable FAT.
dos->fatbits = 0;
dos->sectsize = GSHORT(b->sectsize);
if(dos->sectsize & 0xFF)
goto unreasonable;
dos->clustsize = b->clustsize;
dos->clustbytes = dos->sectsize*dos->clustsize;
dos->nresrv = GSHORT(b->nresrv);
dos->nfats = b->nfats;
dos->fatsize = GSHORT(b->fatsize);
dos->rootsize = GSHORT(b->rootsize);
dos->volsize = GSHORT(b->volsize);
if(dos->volsize == 0)
dos->volsize = GLONG(b->bigvolsize);
dos->mediadesc = b->mediadesc;
if(dos->fatsize == 0) {
dos->rootsize = 0;
dos->fatsize = GLONG(b->bigfatsize);
dos->fatbits = 32;
dos->fataddr = dos->nresrv;
if (dos->rootsize == 0) {
dos->rootaddr = 0;
dos->rootclust = GLONG(b->rootdirstartclust);
dos->dataaddr = dos->fataddr + dos->nfats*dos->fatsize;
} else {
dos->rootaddr = dos->fataddr + dos->nfats*dos->fatsize;
i = dos->rootsize*sizeof(Dosdir) + dos->sectsize - 1;
i = i/dos->sectsize;
dos->dataaddr = dos->rootaddr + i;
dos->fatclusters = 2+(dos->volsize - dos->dataaddr)/dos->clustsize;
if(dos->fatbits != 32) {
if(dos->fatclusters < 4087)
dos->fatbits = 12;
dos->fatbits = 16;
dos->freeptr = 2;
if(dos->clustbytes < 512 || dos->clustbytes > 64*1024)
goto unreasonable;
* set up the root
fs->root.fs = fs;
root = &fs->root.dos;
root->dos = dos;
root->pstart = dos->rootsize == 0 ? dos->rootclust : 0;
root->pcurrent = root->lcurrent = 0;
root->offset = 0;
root->attr = DOSDIR;
root->length = dos->rootsize*sizeof(Dosdir);
fs->read = dosreadseg;
fs->walk = doswalk;
return 0;
static void
bootdump(Dosboot *b)
if(chatty == 0)
print("magic: 0x%2.2x 0x%2.2x 0x%2.2x ",
b->magic[0], b->magic[1], b->magic[2]);
print("version: \"%8.8s\"\n", (char*)b->version);
print("sectsize: %d ", GSHORT(b->sectsize));
print("allocsize: %d ", b->clustsize);
print("nresrv: %d ", GSHORT(b->nresrv));
print("nfats: %d\n", b->nfats);
print("rootsize: %d ", GSHORT(b->rootsize));
print("volsize: %d ", GSHORT(b->volsize));
print("mediadesc: 0x%2.2x\n", b->mediadesc);
print("fatsize: %d ", GSHORT(b->fatsize));
print("trksize: %d ", GSHORT(b->trksize));
print("nheads: %d ", GSHORT(b->nheads));
print("nhidden: %d ", GLONG(b->nhidden));
print("bigvolsize: %d\n", GLONG(b->bigvolsize));
print("driveno: %d\n", b->driveno);
print("reserved0: 0x%2.2x\n", b->reserved0);
print("bootsig: 0x%2.2x\n", b->bootsig);
print("volid: 0x%8.8x\n", GLONG(b->volid));
print("label: \"%11.11s\"\n", b->label);
* set up a dos file name
static void
setname(Dosfile *fp, char *from)
char *to;
to = fp->name;
for(; *from && to-fp->name < 8; from++, to++){
if(*from == '.'){
if(*from >= 'a' && *from <= 'z')
*to = *from + 'A' - 'a';
*to = *from;
while(to - fp->name < 8)
*to++ = ' ';
/* from might be 12345678.123: don't save the '.' in ext */
if(*from == '.')
to = fp->ext;
for(; *from && to-fp->ext < 3; from++, to++){
if(*from >= 'a' && *from <= 'z')
*to = *from + 'A' - 'a';
*to = *from;
while(to-fp->ext < 3)
*to++ = ' ';
chat("name is %8.8s.%3.3s\n", fp->name, fp->ext);