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#include "mem.h"

 * Macro for calculating offset within the page directory base.
 * Note that this is assembler-specific hence the '<<2'.
#define PDO(a)          (((((a))>>22) & 0x03FF)<<2)

TEXT _warp64(SB), $0
        MOVL    entry+0(FP), BP                 /* entry */

        MOVL    CR3, CX                         /* load address of PDB */
        ADDL    $KZERO, CX
        MOVL    PDO(KZERO)(CX), DX              /* double-map KZERO at 0 */
        MOVL    DX, PDO(0)(CX)

        MOVL    CR3, CX
        MOVL    CX, CR3                         /* load and flush the mmu */

        MOVL    $_start32id<>-KZERO(SB), AX
        JMP*    AX                              /* jump to identity-map */

TEXT _start32id<>(SB), $0
        MOVL    CR0, DX                         /* turn off paging */
        ANDL    $~PG, DX

        MOVL    $_stop32pg<>-KZERO(SB), AX
        MOVL    DX, CR0
        JMP*    AX                              /* forward into the past */

TEXT _stop32pg<>(SB), $0
        MOVL multibootheader-KZERO(SB), BX
        MOVL $0x2badb002, AX

        JMP* BP