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/* inputting files to be patched */

/* $Id: inp.c,v 1.18 1997/07/21 17:59:46 eggert Exp $ */

Copyright 1986, 1988 Larry Wall
Copyright 1991, 1992, 1993, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; see the file COPYING.
If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#define XTERN extern
#include <common.h>
#include <backupfile.h>
#include <pch.h>
#include <util.h>
#undef XTERN
#define XTERN
#include <inp.h>

/* Input-file-with-indexable-lines abstract type */

static char *i_buffer;                  /* plan A buffer */
static char const **i_ptr;              /* pointers to lines in plan A buffer */

static size_t tibufsize;                /* size of plan b buffers */
#define TIBUFSIZE_MINIMUM (8 * 1024)    /* minimum value for tibufsize */
static int tifd = -1;                   /* plan b virtual string array */
static char *tibuf[2];                  /* plan b buffers */
static LINENUM tiline[2] = {-1, -1};    /* 1st line in each buffer */
static LINENUM lines_per_buf;           /* how many lines per buffer */
static size_t tireclen;                 /* length of records in tmp file */
static size_t last_line_size;           /* size of last input line */

static bool plan_a PARAMS ((char const *));/* yield FALSE if memory runs out */
static void plan_b PARAMS ((char const *));
static void report_revision PARAMS ((int));
static void too_many_lines PARAMS ((char const *)) __attribute__((noreturn));

/* New patch--prepare to edit another file. */

    if (using_plan_a) {
        free (i_buffer);
        free (i_ptr);
    else {
        close (tifd);
        tifd = -1;
        tibuf[0] = 0;
        tiline[0] = tiline[1] = -1;
        tireclen = 0;

/* Construct the line index, somehow or other. */

char *filename;
    using_plan_a = ! (debug & 16) && plan_a (filename);
    if (!using_plan_a)
    switch (verbosity)
      case SILENT:

      case VERBOSE:
        say ("Patching file `%s' using Plan %s...\n",
             filename, using_plan_a ? "A" : "B");

        say ("patching file `%s'\n", filename);

/* Report whether a desired revision was found.  */

static void
report_revision (found_revision)
     int found_revision;
  if (found_revision)
      if (verbosity == VERBOSE)
        say ("Good.  This file appears to be the %s version.\n", revision);
  else if (force)
      if (verbosity != SILENT)
        say ("Warning: this file doesn't appear to be the %s version -- patching anyway.\n",
  else if (batch)
      fatal ("This file doesn't appear to be the %s version -- aborting.",
      ask ("This file doesn't appear to be the %s version -- patch anyway? [n] ",
      if (*buf != 'y')
        fatal ("aborted");

static void
too_many_lines (filename)
     char const *filename;
  fatal ("File `%s' has too many lines.", filename);

get_input_file (filename, outname)
     char const *filename;
     char const *outname;
    int elsewhere = strcmp (filename, outname);
    char const *cs;
    char *diffbuf;
    char *getbuf;

    if (inerrno == -1)
      inerrno = stat (inname, &instat) == 0 ? 0 : errno;

    /* Perhaps look for RCS or SCCS versions.  */
    if (patch_get
        && invc != 0
        && (inerrno
            || (! elsewhere
                && (/* No one can write to it.  */
                    (instat.st_mode & (S_IWUSR|S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH)) == 0
                    /* Only the owner (who's not me) can write to it.  */
                    || ((instat.st_mode & (S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH)) == 0
                        && instat.st_uid != geteuid ()))))
        && (invc = !! (cs = (version_controller
                             (filename, elsewhere,
                              inerrno ? (struct stat *) 0 : &instat,
                              &getbuf, &diffbuf))))) {

            if (!inerrno) {
                if (!elsewhere
                    && (instat.st_mode & (S_IWUSR|S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH)) != 0)
                    /* Somebody can write to it.  */
                    fatal ("file `%s' seems to be locked by somebody else under %s",
                           filename, cs);
                /* It might be checked out unlocked.  See if it's safe to
                   check out the default version locked.  */
                if (verbosity == VERBOSE)
                    say ("Comparing file `%s' to default %s version...\n",
                         filename, cs);
                if (systemic (diffbuf) != 0)
                    say ("warning: patching file `%s', which does not match default %s version\n",
                         filename, cs);
                    cs = 0;

            if (cs && version_get (filename, cs, ! inerrno, elsewhere, getbuf,
              inerrno = 0;

            free (getbuf);
            free (diffbuf);

    } else if (inerrno && !pch_says_nonexistent (reverse))
        errno = inerrno;
        pfatal ("can't find file `%s'", filename);

    if (inerrno)
        instat.st_mode = S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP|S_IROTH|S_IWOTH;
        instat.st_size = 0;
    else if (! S_ISREG (instat.st_mode))
      fatal ("`%s' is not a regular file -- can't patch", filename);

/* Try keeping everything in memory. */

static bool
     char const *filename;
  register char const *s;
  register char const *lim;
  register char const **ptr;
  register char *buffer;
  register LINENUM iline;
  size_t size = instat.st_size;

  /* Fail if the file size doesn't fit in a size_t,
     or if storage isn't available.  */
  if (! (size == instat.st_size
         && (buffer = malloc (size ? size : (size_t) 1))))
    return FALSE;

  /* Read the input file, but don't bother reading it if it's empty.
     When creating files, the files do not actually exist.  */
  if (size)
      int ifd = open (filename, O_RDONLY|binary_transput);
      size_t buffered = 0, n;
      if (ifd < 0)
        pfatal ("can't open file `%s'", filename);

      while (size - buffered != 0)
          n = read (ifd, buffer + buffered, size - buffered);
          if (n == 0)
              /* Some non-POSIX hosts exaggerate st_size in text mode;
                 or the file may have shrunk!  */
              size = buffered;
          if (n == (size_t) -1)
              /* Perhaps size is too large for this host.  */
              close (ifd);
              free (buffer);
              return FALSE;
          buffered += n;

      if (close (ifd) != 0)
        read_fatal ();

  /* Scan the buffer and build array of pointers to lines.  */
  lim = buffer + size;
  iline = 3; /* 1 unused, 1 for SOF, 1 for EOF if last line is incomplete */
  for (s = buffer;  (s = (char *) memchr (s, '\n', lim - s));  s++)
    if (++iline < 0)
      too_many_lines (filename);
  if (! (iline == (size_t) iline
         && (size_t) iline * sizeof *ptr / sizeof *ptr == (size_t) iline
         && (ptr = (char const **) malloc ((size_t) iline * sizeof *ptr))))
      free (buffer);
      return FALSE;
  iline = 0;
  for (s = buffer;  ;  s++)
      ptr[++iline] = s;
      if (! (s = (char *) memchr (s, '\n', lim - s)))
  if (size && lim[-1] != '\n')
    ptr[++iline] = lim;
  input_lines = iline - 1;

  if (revision)
      char const *rev = revision;
      int rev0 = rev[0];
      int found_revision = 0;
      size_t revlen = strlen (rev);

      if (revlen <= size)
          char const *limrev = lim - revlen;

          for (s = buffer;  (s = (char *) memchr (s, rev0, limrev - s));  s++)
            if (memcmp (s, rev, revlen) == 0
                && (s == buffer || ISSPACE ((unsigned char) s[-1]))
                && (s + 1 == limrev || ISSPACE ((unsigned char) s[revlen])))
                found_revision = 1;

      report_revision (found_revision);

  /* Plan A will work.  */
  i_buffer = buffer;
  i_ptr = ptr;
  return TRUE;

/* Keep (virtually) nothing in memory. */

static void
     char const *filename;
  register FILE *ifp;
  register int c;
  register size_t len;
  register size_t maxlen;
  register int found_revision;
  register size_t i;
  register char const *rev;
  register size_t revlen;
  register LINENUM line = 1;

  if (instat.st_size == 0)
    filename = NULL_DEVICE;
  if (! (ifp = fopen (filename, binary_transput ? "rb" : "r")))
    pfatal ("can't open file `%s'", filename);
  tifd = create_file (TMPINNAME, O_RDWR | O_BINARY, (mode_t) 0);
  i = 0;
  len = 0;
  maxlen = 1;
  rev = revision;
  found_revision = !rev;
  revlen = rev ? strlen (rev) : 0;

  while ((c = getc (ifp)) != EOF)

      if (c == '\n')
          if (++line < 0)
            too_many_lines (filename);
          if (maxlen < len)
              maxlen = len;
          len = 0;

      if (!found_revision)
          if (i == revlen)
              found_revision = ISSPACE ((unsigned char) c);
              i = (size_t) -1;
          else if (i != (size_t) -1)
            i = rev[i]==c ? i + 1 : (size_t) -1;

          if (i == (size_t) -1  &&  ISSPACE ((unsigned char) c))
            i = 0;

  if (revision)
    report_revision (found_revision);
  Fseek (ifp, (off_t) 0, SEEK_SET);             /* rewind file */
  for (tibufsize = TIBUFSIZE_MINIMUM;  tibufsize < maxlen;  tibufsize <<= 1)
  lines_per_buf = tibufsize / maxlen;
  tireclen = maxlen;
  tibuf[0] = xmalloc (2 * tibufsize);
  tibuf[1] = tibuf[0] + tibufsize;

  for (line = 1; ; line++)
      char *p = tibuf[0] + maxlen * (line % lines_per_buf);
      char const *p0 = p;
      if (! (line % lines_per_buf))     /* new block */
        if (write (tifd, tibuf[0], tibufsize) != tibufsize)
          write_fatal ();
      if ((c = getc (ifp)) == EOF)

      for (;;)
          *p++ = c;
          if (c == '\n')
              last_line_size = p - p0;

          if ((c = getc (ifp)) == EOF)
              last_line_size = p - p0;
              goto EOF_reached;
  if (ferror (ifp)  ||  fclose (ifp) != 0)
    read_fatal ();

  if (line % lines_per_buf  !=  0)
    if (write (tifd, tibuf[0], tibufsize) != tibufsize)
      write_fatal ();
  input_lines = line - 1;

/* Fetch a line from the input file. */

char const *
ifetch (line, whichbuf, psize)
register LINENUM line;
int whichbuf;                           /* ignored when file in memory */
size_t *psize;
    register char const *q;
    register char const *p;

    if (line < 1 || line > input_lines) {
        *psize = 0;
        return "";
    if (using_plan_a) {
        p = i_ptr[line];
        *psize = i_ptr[line + 1] - p;
        return p;
    } else {
        LINENUM offline = line % lines_per_buf;
        LINENUM baseline = line - offline;

        if (tiline[0] == baseline)
            whichbuf = 0;
        else if (tiline[1] == baseline)
            whichbuf = 1;
        else {
            tiline[whichbuf] = baseline;
            if (lseek (tifd, (off_t) (baseline/lines_per_buf * tibufsize),
                       SEEK_SET) == -1
                || read (tifd, tibuf[whichbuf], tibufsize) < 0)
              read_fatal ();
        p = tibuf[whichbuf] + (tireclen*offline);
        if (line == input_lines)
            *psize = last_line_size;
        else {
            for (q = p;  *q++ != '\n';  )
            *psize = q - p;
        return p;