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char *errmsg[] = {
[Enevermind] "never mind",
[Eformat] "unknown format",
[Eio] "I/O error",
[Enomem] "server out of memory",
[Enonexist] "file does not exist",
[Eexist] "file already exist",
[Eperm] "permission denied",
[Enofilsys] "no file system device specified",
[Eauth] "authentication failed",
[Enospace] "no space on device",
[Elink] "write is only allowed in regular files",
[Elongname] "name is too long",
[Eintern] "internal Ext2 error",
[Ecorrupt] "corrupt filesystem",
[Enotclean] "fs not clean ... running e2fsck is recommended"