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/* Copyright (C) 1994-2003 artofcode LLC. All rights reserved.
This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript.
Aladdin Ghostscript is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. No author
or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it,
or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he
or she says so in writing. Refer to the Aladdin Ghostscript Free Public
License (the "License") for full details.
Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License,
normally in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you
the right to copy, modify and redistribute Aladdin Ghostscript, but only
under certain conditions described in the License. Among other things, the
License requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on
all copies.
/* $Id: gdevmac.c,v 1.8 2003/04/08 12:17:17 giles Exp $ */
/* MacOS bitmap output device. This code is superceeded by
the newer gsapi_* interface and the DISPLAY device. Please
use that instead. See doc/API.htm for more information */
#include "gdevmac.h"
#include "gsparam.h"
#include "gsdll.h"
/* The device descriptor */
gx_device_procs gs_mac_procs = {
mac_open, /* open_device */
mac_get_initial_matrix, /* get_initial_matrix */
mac_sync_output, /* sync_output */
mac_output_page, /* output_page */
mac_close, /* close_device */
gx_default_rgb_map_rgb_color, /* map_rgb_color */
gx_default_rgb_map_color_rgb, /* map_color_rgb */
mac_fill_rectangle, /* fill_rectangle */
NULL, /* tile_rectangle */
mac_copy_mono, /* copy_mono */
NULL,// mac_copy_color, /* copy_color */
mac_draw_line, /* draw_line */
NULL, /* get_bits */
mac_get_params, /* get_params */
mac_put_params, /* put_params */
NULL, /* map_cmyk_color */
mac_get_xfont_procs, /* get_xfont_procs */
NULL, /* get_xfont_device */
NULL, /* map_rgb_alpha_color */
gx_page_device_get_page_device, /* get_page_device */
gx_default_get_alpha_bits, /* get_alpha_bits */
mac_copy_alpha, /* copy_alpha */
NULL, /* get_band */
NULL, /* copy_rop */
NULL, /* fill_path */
NULL, /* stroke_path */
NULL, /* fill_mask */
NULL, /* fill_trapezoid */
NULL, /* fill_parallelogram */
NULL, /* fill_triangle */
NULL, /* draw_thin_line */
NULL, /* begin_image */
NULL, /* image_data */
NULL, /* end_image */
NULL //mac_strip_tile_rectangle /* strip_tile_rectangle */
/* The instance is public. */
gx_device_macos gs_macos_device = {
DEFAULT_DEV_WIDTH, /* x and y extent (nominal) */
DEFAULT_DEV_DPI, /* x and y density (nominal) */
/*dci_color(*/8, 255, 256/*)*/),
{ 0 }, /* std_procs */
"", /* Output Filename */
NULL, /* Output File */
NULL, /* PicHandle to "draw" into */
NULL, /* PicPtr */
false, /* outputPage */
false, /* use XFont interface (render with local TrueType fonts) */
-1, /* lastFontFace */
-1, /* lastFontSize */
-1, /* lastFontID */
0 /* numUsedFonts */
private int
mac_open(register gx_device *dev)
gx_device_macos * mdev = (gx_device_macos *)dev;
static short picHeader[42] = { 0x0000, // picture size
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0318, 0x0264, // bounding rect at 72dpi
0x0011, 0x02ff, 0x0c00, 0xfffe, 0x0000, // version/header opcodes
0x0048, 0x0000, // best x resolution
0x0048, 0x0000, // best y resolution
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0318, 0x0264, // optimal src rect at 72dpi
0x0000, // reserved
0x0000, 0x001e, // DefHilite
0x0008, 0x0048, // PenMode
0x001a, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, // RGBFgCol = Black
0x001b, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, // RGBBkCol = White
0x0001, 0x000A, // set clipping
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0318, 0x0264, // clipping rect
0x0032, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0318, 0x0264 // erase rect
mac_set_colordepth(dev, mdev->color_info.depth);
mdev->numUsedFonts = 0;
mdev->lastFontFace = -1;
mdev->lastFontSize = -1;
mdev->lastFontID = -1;
mdev->pic = (PicHandle) NewHandle(500000);
if (mdev->pic == 0) // error, not enough memory
return gs_error_VMerror;
HLockHi((Handle) mdev->pic); // move handle high and lock it
mdev->currPicPos = (short*) *mdev->pic;
memcpy(mdev->currPicPos, picHeader, 42*2);
mdev->currPicPos += 42;
// enter correct dimensions and resolutions
((short*)(*mdev->pic))[ 3] = mdev->MediaSize[1];
((short*)(*mdev->pic))[ 4] = mdev->MediaSize[0];
((short*)(*mdev->pic))[16] = ((short*)(*mdev->pic))[35] = ((short*)(*mdev->pic))[40] = mdev->height;
((short*)(*mdev->pic))[17] = ((short*)(*mdev->pic))[36] = ((short*)(*mdev->pic))[41] = mdev->width;
((short*)(*mdev->pic))[10] = (((long) X2Fix( mdev->x_pixels_per_inch )) & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16;
((short*)(*mdev->pic))[11] = ((long) X2Fix( mdev->x_pixels_per_inch )) & 0x0000FFFF;
((short*)(*mdev->pic))[12] = (((long) X2Fix( mdev->y_pixels_per_inch )) & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16;
((short*)(*mdev->pic))[13] = ((long) X2Fix( mdev->y_pixels_per_inch )) & 0x0000FFFF;
// finish picture, but dont increment pointer, we want to go on drawing
*mdev->currPicPos = 0x00ff;
// notify the caller that a new device was opened
if (pgsdll_callback)
(*pgsdll_callback) (GSDLL_DEVICE, (char *)mdev, 1);
return 0;
private void
mac_get_initial_matrix(register gx_device *dev, register gs_matrix *pmat)
pmat->xx = dev->x_pixels_per_inch / 72.0;
pmat->xy = 0;
pmat->yx = 0;
pmat->yy = dev->y_pixels_per_inch / -72.0;
pmat->tx = 0;
pmat->ty = dev->height;
/* Make the output appear on the screen. */
mac_sync_output(gx_device * dev)
gx_device_macos * mdev = (gx_device_macos *)dev;
// finish picture, but dont increment pointer, we want to go on drawing
*mdev->currPicPos = 0x00ff;
// tell the caller to sync
if (pgsdll_callback)
(*pgsdll_callback) (GSDLL_SYNC, (char *)mdev, 0);
return (0);
mac_output_page(gx_device * dev, int copies, int flush)
gx_device_macos * mdev = (gx_device_macos *)dev;
int code = 0;
mdev->outputPage = true;
if (strcmp(mdev->outputFileName, "")) {
// save file
code = mac_save_pict(dev);
// tell the caller that the page is done
if (pgsdll_callback)
(*pgsdll_callback) (GSDLL_PAGE, (char *)mdev, 0);
gx_finish_output_page(dev, copies, flush);
return code;
private int
mac_save_pict(gx_device * dev)
gx_device_macos * mdev = (gx_device_macos *)dev;
int code = 0;
int i;
if (mdev->outputFile == NULL) {
code = gx_device_open_output_file(dev, mdev->outputFileName, true, true, &(mdev->outputFile));
if (code < 0) return code;
for (i=0; i<512; i++) fputc(0, mdev->outputFile);
fwrite(*(mdev->pic), sizeof(char), ((long) mdev->currPicPos - (long) *mdev->pic + 2), mdev->outputFile);
gx_device_close_output_file(dev, mdev->outputFileName, mdev->outputFile);
mdev->outputFile = NULL;
return code;
/* Close the device. */
private int
mac_close(register gx_device *dev)
gx_device_macos * mdev = (gx_device_macos *)dev;
long len;
HUnlock((Handle) mdev->pic); // no more changes in the pict -> unlock handle
if (strcmp(mdev->outputFileName, "")) {
DisposeHandle((Handle) mdev->pic);
gx_device_close_output_file(dev, mdev->outputFileName, mdev->outputFile);
mdev->outputFile = 0;
} else {
len = (long)mdev->currPicPos - (long)*mdev->pic;
SetHandleSize((Handle) mdev->pic, len + 10); // +10 just for the case
// notify the caller that the device was closed
// it has to dispose the PICT handle when it is ready!
if (pgsdll_callback)
(*pgsdll_callback) (GSDLL_DEVICE, (char *)mdev, 0);
return 0;
/* Fill a rectangle with a color. */
private int
mac_fill_rectangle(register gx_device *dev,
int x, int y, int w, int h,
gx_color_index color)
gx_device_macos * mdev = (gx_device_macos *)dev;
/* ignore a fullpage rect directly after an output_page, this would clear the pict */
if (mdev->outputPage &&
(x == 0) && (y == 0) && (w == mdev->width) && (h == mdev->height)) {
return 0;
CheckMem(1024, 100*1024);
GSSetFgCol(dev, mdev->currPicPos, color);
PICT_fillRect(mdev->currPicPos, x, y, w, h);
return 0;
/* Draw a line */
private int
mac_draw_line (register gx_device *dev,
int x0, int y0,
int x1, int y1,
gx_color_index color)
gx_device_macos * mdev = (gx_device_macos *)dev;
CheckMem(1024, 100*1024);
GSSetFgCol(dev, mdev->currPicPos, color);
PICT_Line(mdev->currPicPos, x0, y0, x1, y1);
return 0;
/* Copy a monochrome bitmap. */
private int
mac_copy_mono (register gx_device *dev,
const unsigned char *base, int data_x, int raster, gx_bitmap_id id,
int x, int y, int w, int h,
gx_color_index color_0, gx_color_index color_1)
gx_device_macos * mdev = (gx_device_macos *)dev;
int byteCount = raster * h;
short copyMode;
// this case doesn't change the picture -> return without wasting time
if (color_0 == gx_no_color_index && color_1 == gx_no_color_index)
return 0;
fit_copy(dev, base, data_x, raster, id, x, y, w, h);
CheckMem(10*1024 + byteCount*10, 100*1024 + byteCount*10);
if (color_0 == gx_no_color_index)
copyMode = srcOr;
else if (color_1 == gx_no_color_index)
copyMode = notSrcBic; // this mode is untested ! (no file found which is using it)
copyMode = srcCopy;
copyMode += ditherCopy;
GSSetBkCol(dev, mdev->currPicPos, color_0);
GSSetFgCol(dev, mdev->currPicPos, color_1);
PICTWriteOpcode(mdev->currPicPos, 0x0098);
PICTWriteInt(mdev->currPicPos, raster);
PICTWriteRect(mdev->currPicPos, 0, 0, raster*8, h);
PICTWriteRect(mdev->currPicPos, data_x, 0, w, h);
PICTWriteRect(mdev->currPicPos, x, y, w, h);
PICTWriteInt(mdev->currPicPos, copyMode);
PICTWriteDataPackBits(mdev->currPicPos, base, raster, h);
return 0;
/* Fill a region with a color and apply a per-pixel alpha-value */
/* alpha value is simulated by changed the value to white. Full transparency means white color */
/* that's why this will only work on a fully white background!!!! */
private int
mac_copy_alpha(gx_device *dev, const unsigned char *base, int data_x,
int raster, gx_bitmap_id id, int x, int y, int w, int h,
gx_color_index color, int depth)
gx_device_macos * mdev = (gx_device_macos *)dev;
ColorSpec *colorTable;
short copyMode, shade, maxShade = (1 << depth) - 1, byteCount = raster * h;
gx_color_value rgb[3];
colorHSV colHSV;
colorRGB colRGB;
float saturation, value;
fit_copy(dev, base, data_x, raster, id, x, y, w, h);
CheckMem( byteCount*4 + 200*1024, byteCount*4 + 500*1024 );
colorTable = (ColorSpec*) malloc(sizeof(ColorSpec) * (maxShade+1));
if (colorTable == NULL)
return gs_error_VMerror;
(*dev_proc(dev, map_color_rgb))(dev, color, rgb);
colRGB.red = rgb[0];
colRGB.green = rgb[1];
colRGB.blue = rgb[2];
mac_convert_rgb_hsv(&colRGB, &colHSV);
saturation = colHSV.s;
value = colHSV.v;
for (shade=0; shade <= maxShade; shade++) {
colorTable[shade].value = maxShade - shade;
colHSV.s = saturation * (1.0 - (float)shade/(float)maxShade);
colHSV.v = value + ((1.0 - value) * (float)shade/(float)maxShade);
mac_convert_hsv_rgb(&colHSV, &colRGB);
colorTable[shade].rgb.red = colRGB.red;
colorTable[shade].rgb.green = colRGB.green;
colorTable[shade].rgb.blue = colRGB.blue;
copyMode = srcCopy + ditherCopy;
if (raster < 8) {
PICTWriteOpcode(mdev->currPicPos, 0x0090);
} else {
PICTWriteOpcode(mdev->currPicPos, 0x0098);
PICTWritePixMap(mdev->currPicPos, 0, 0, raster*8/depth, h, raster, 0, 0,
X2Fix(mdev->x_pixels_per_inch), X2Fix(mdev->y_pixels_per_inch), depth);
PICTWriteColorTable(mdev->currPicPos, 0, maxShade+1, colorTable);
PICTWriteRect(mdev->currPicPos, data_x, 0, w, h);
PICTWriteRect(mdev->currPicPos, x, y, w, h);
PICTWriteInt(mdev->currPicPos, copyMode);
PICTWriteDataPackBits(mdev->currPicPos, base, raster, h);
return 0;
mac_convert_rgb_hsv(colorRGB *inRGB, colorHSV *HSV)
#define NORMALIZE_RGB(col) ((float)col/(float)0xFFFF)
float min = 1.0, temp;
float r = NORMALIZE_RGB(inRGB->red),
g = NORMALIZE_RGB(inRGB->green),
b = NORMALIZE_RGB(inRGB->blue);
HSV->h = 0;
HSV->v = r;
if (g > HSV->v) HSV->v = g;
if (b > HSV->v) HSV->v = b;
min = r;
if (g < min) min = g;
if (b < min) min = b;
temp = HSV->v - min;
if (HSV->v > 0)
HSV->s = temp / HSV->v;
HSV->s = 0;
if (HSV->s > 0) {
float rd = (HSV->v - r) / temp,
gd = (HSV->v - g) / temp,
bd = (HSV->v - b) / temp;
if (HSV->v == r) {
if (min == g) HSV->h = 5 + bd;
else HSV->h = 1 - gd;
} else if (HSV->v == g) {
if (min == b) HSV->h = 1 + rd;
else HSV->h = 3 - bd;
} else {
if (min == r) HSV->h = 3 + gd;
else HSV->h = 5 - rd;
if (HSV->h < 6) HSV->h *= 60;
else HSV->h = 0;
mac_convert_hsv_rgb(colorHSV *inHSV, colorRGB *RGB)
if (inHSV->s == 0) {
RGB->red = RGB->green = RGB->blue = inHSV->v * 0xFFFF;
} else {
float h = inHSV->h / 60;
int i = trunc(h);
float fract = h - i;
unsigned short t1 = (inHSV->v * (1 - inHSV->s)) * 0xFFFF,
t2 = (inHSV->v * (1 - inHSV->s * fract)) * 0xFFFF,
t3 = (inHSV->v * (1 - inHSV->s * (1 - fract))) * 0xFFFF,
v = inHSV->v * 0xFFFF;
switch(i) {
case 0: RGB->red = v;
RGB->green = t3;
RGB->blue = t1;
case 1: RGB->red = t2;
RGB->green = v;
RGB->blue = t1;
case 2: RGB->red = t1;
RGB->green = v;
RGB->blue = t3;
case 3: RGB->red = t1;
RGB->green = t2;
RGB->blue = v;
case 4: RGB->red = t3;
RGB->green = t1;
RGB->blue = v;
case 5: RGB->red = v;
RGB->green = t1;
RGB->blue = t2;
// set color info and procedures according to pixeldepth
private int
mac_set_colordepth(gx_device *dev, int depth)
gx_device_macos * mdev = (gx_device_macos *)dev;
gx_device_color_info * ci = &mdev->color_info;
if (depth != 1 && depth != 4 && depth != 7 && depth != 8 && depth != 24)
return gs_error_rangecheck;
mdev->color_info.depth = depth;
switch (depth)
case 1: // Black/White
ci->num_components = 1;
ci->max_gray = 1; ci->max_color = 0;
ci->dither_grays = 2; ci->dither_colors = 0;
set_dev_proc(dev, map_rgb_color, gx_default_b_w_map_rgb_color);
set_dev_proc(dev, map_color_rgb, gx_default_b_w_map_color_rgb);
case 4: // 4Bit-Gray
ci->num_components = 1;
ci->max_gray = 15; ci->max_color = 0;
ci->dither_grays = 16; ci->dither_colors = 0;
set_dev_proc(dev, map_rgb_color, gx_default_gray_map_rgb_color);
set_dev_proc(dev, map_color_rgb, gx_default_gray_map_color_rgb);
case 7: // 8Bit-Gray
ci->depth = 7;
ci->num_components = 1;
ci->max_gray = 255; ci->max_color = 0;
ci->dither_grays = 256; ci->dither_colors = 0;
set_dev_proc(dev, map_rgb_color, gx_default_gray_map_rgb_color);
set_dev_proc(dev, map_color_rgb, gx_default_gray_map_color_rgb);
case 8: // 8Bit-Color
ci->num_components = 3;
ci->max_gray = 15; ci->max_color = 5;
ci->dither_grays = 16; ci->dither_colors = 6;
set_dev_proc(dev, map_rgb_color, gx_default_rgb_map_rgb_color);
set_dev_proc(dev, map_color_rgb, gx_default_rgb_map_color_rgb);
/* case 16: // 16Bit-Color
ci->num_components = 3;
ci->max_gray = 255; ci->max_color = 65535;
ci->dither_grays = 256; ci->dither_colors = 65536;
set_dev_proc(dev, map_rgb_color, gx_default_rgb_map_rgb_color);
set_dev_proc(dev, map_color_rgb, gx_default_rgb_map_color_rgb);
case 24: // 24Bit-Color
ci->num_components = 3;
ci->max_gray = 255; ci->max_color = 16777215;
ci->dither_grays = 256; ci->dither_colors = 16777216;
set_dev_proc(dev, map_rgb_color, gx_default_rgb_map_rgb_color);
set_dev_proc(dev, map_color_rgb, gx_default_rgb_map_color_rgb);
return 0;
private int
mac_put_params(gx_device *dev, gs_param_list *plist)
gx_device_macos *mdev = (gx_device_macos *)dev;
int isOpen = mdev->is_open;
int code;
bool useXFonts;
int depth;
gs_param_string outputFile;
// Get the UseExternalFonts Parameter
code = param_read_bool(plist, "UseExternalFonts", &useXFonts);
if (!code)
mdev->useXFonts = useXFonts;
// Get the BitsPerPixel Parameter
code = param_read_int(plist, "BitsPerPixel", &depth);
if (!code) {
code = mac_set_colordepth(dev, depth);
if (code)
param_return_error(plist, "BitsPerPixel", gs_error_rangecheck);
// Get OutputFile
code = param_read_string(plist, "OutputFile", &outputFile);
if (code < 0) {
param_signal_error(plist, "OutputFile", code);
return code;
} else if (code == 0) {
if (dev->LockSafetyParams &&
bytes_compare(outputFile.data, outputFile.size,
(const byte *)mdev->outputFileName, strlen(mdev->outputFileName))) {
param_signal_error(plist, "OutputFile", gs_error_invalidaccess);
return gs_error_invalidaccess;
if (outputFile.size > (gp_file_name_sizeof - 1)) {
param_signal_error(plist, "OutputFile", gs_error_limitcheck);
return gs_error_limitcheck;
/* If filename changed, close file. */
if (outputFile.data != 0 &&
bytes_compare(outputFile.data, outputFile.size,
(const byte *)mdev->outputFileName, strlen(mdev->outputFileName))) {
/* Close the file if it's open. */
if (mdev->outputFile != NULL) {
gx_device_close_output_file(dev, mdev->outputFileName, mdev->outputFile);
memcpy(mdev->outputFileName, outputFile.data, outputFile.size);
mdev->outputFileName[outputFile.size] = 0;
gx_device_open_output_file(dev, mdev->outputFileName, true, true, &(mdev->outputFile));
} else {
memcpy(mdev->outputFileName, outputFile.data, outputFile.size);
mdev->outputFileName[outputFile.size] = 0;
// Get the Default Parameters
mdev->is_open = 0;
code = gx_default_put_params( dev, plist );
mdev->is_open = isOpen;
return code;
private int
mac_get_params(gx_device *dev, gs_param_list *plist)
gx_device_macos *mdev = (gx_device_macos *)dev;
int code;
gs_param_string outputFile;
code = gx_default_get_params(dev, plist);
if (code < 0)
return code;
// UseExternalFonts
code = param_write_bool(plist, "UseExternalFonts", &(mdev->useXFonts));
// color depth
code = param_write_int(plist, "BitsPerPixel", &(mdev->color_info.depth));
// output file name
outputFile.data = (const byte *) mdev->outputFileName;
outputFile.size = strlen(mdev->outputFileName);
outputFile.persistent = false;
code = param_write_string(plist, "OutputFile", &outputFile);
return code;
/* let the caller get the device PictHandle, he has to draw it to screen */
gsdll_get_pict(unsigned char *dev, PicHandle *thePict)
gx_device_macos * mdev = (gx_device_macos *)dev;
*thePict = mdev->pic;
return 0;
/** Experimental functions! **/
#if 0
/* Copy a color bitmap. */
private int
mac_copy_color (register gx_device *dev,
const unsigned char *base, int data_x, int raster, gx_bitmap_id id,
int x, int y, int w, int h)
gx_device_macos * mdev = (gx_device_macos *)dev;
int byteCount = raster * h, color;
gx_color_value rgb[3];
fit_copy(dev, base, data_x, raster, id, x, y, w, h);
CheckMem(10*1024 + byteCount*4, 100*1024 + byteCount*4);
GSSetStdCol(mdev->currPicPos); // Sets FgCol to Black and BkCol to White
if (mdev->color_info.depth == 24) {
PICTWriteOpcode(mdev->currPicPos, 0x009A);
PICTWriteLong(mdev->currPicPos, 0x000000FF);
PICTWritePixMap(mdev->currPicPos, 0, 0, raster/4, h, raster, 2, 0,
X2Fix(mdev->x_pixels_per_inch), X2Fix(mdev->y_pixels_per_inch), 32);
PICTWriteRect(mdev->currPicPos, data_x, 0, w, h);
PICTWriteRect(mdev->currPicPos, x, y, w, h);
PICTWriteInt(mdev->currPicPos, srcCopy);
/* memcpy(mdev->currPicPos, base, byteCount);
(char*)(mdev->currPicPos) += byteCount;*/
short i;
byteCount = 0;
for (i=0; i<raster/4*h; i++) {
// PICTWriteByte(mdev->currPicPos, 0x00);
PICTWriteByte(mdev->currPicPos, 0x00);
PICTWriteByte(mdev->currPicPos, 0x00);
PICTWriteByte(mdev->currPicPos, 0x00);
byteCount += 3;
if (byteCount % 2)
} else if (mdev->color_info.depth <= 8) {
ColorSpec *colorTable;
colorTable = (ColorSpec*) malloc(sizeof(ColorSpec) * (1 << mdev->color_info.depth));
for (color=0; color < (1 << mdev->color_info.depth); color++) {
(*dev_proc(dev, map_color_rgb))(dev, color, rgb);
colorTable[color].value = color;
colorTable[color].rgb.red = rgb[0];
colorTable[color].rgb.green = rgb[1];
colorTable[color].rgb.blue = rgb[2];
PICTWriteOpcode(mdev->currPicPos, 0x0098);
PICTWritePixMap(mdev->currPicPos, 0, 0, raster*8/mdev->color_info.depth, h, raster, 1, 0,
X2Fix(mdev->x_pixels_per_inch), X2Fix(mdev->y_pixels_per_inch),
PICTWriteColorTable(mdev->currPicPos, 0, (1 << mdev->color_info.depth), colorTable);
PICTWriteRect(mdev->currPicPos, data_x, 0, w, h);
PICTWriteRect(mdev->currPicPos, x, y, w, h);
PICTWriteInt(mdev->currPicPos, srcCopy);
PICTWriteDataPackBits(mdev->currPicPos, base, raster, h);
} else {
gx_default_copy_color( dev, base, data_x, raster, id, x, y, w, h );
return 0;
#if 0
/* tile a rectangle with a bitmap or pixmap */
private int
mac_strip_tile_rectangle(register gx_device *dev, const gx_strip_bitmap *tile,
int x, int y, int w, int h,
gx_color_index color_0, gx_color_index color_1,
int phase_x, int phase_y)
gx_device_macos * mdev = (gx_device_macos *)dev;
int byteCount = tile->raster * tile->size.y;
// tile is a pixmap
if (color_0 == gx_no_color_index && color_1 == gx_no_color_index)
return 0;// gx_default_strip_tile_rectangle(dev, tile, x, y, w, h, color_0, color_1, phase_x, phase_y);
if (color_0 != gx_no_color_index && color_1 != gx_no_color_index) {
// monochrome tiles
if (phase_x != 0 ||Êphase_y != 0 || tile->shift != 0 ||
tile->strip_height != 0 ||Êtile->strip_shift != 0) {
return gx_default_strip_tile_rectangle(dev, tile, x, y, w, h, color_0, color_1, phase_x, phase_y);
} else {
return 0;//gx_default_strip_tile_rectangle(dev, tile, x, y, w, h, color_0, color_1, phase_x, phase_y);