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/* Copyright (C) 1995, 2000 Aladdin Enterprises, 2004 Artifex Software Inc. All rights reserved.
This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
For more information about licensing, please refer to For information on
commercial licensing, go to or
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San Rafael, CA 94903, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861.
/* $Id: gdevtsep.c,v 1.9 2005/08/30 06:38:44 igor Exp $ */
/* tiffgray device: 8-bit Gray uncompressed TIFF device */
/* tiff32nc device: 32-bit CMYK uncompressed TIFF device */
/* tiffsep device: Generate individual TIFF gray files for each separation. */
#include "gdevprn.h"
#include "gdevtifs.h"
#include "gdevdevn.h"
#include "gsequivc.h"
* Some of the code in this module is based upon the gdevtfnx.c module.
* gdevtfnx.c has the following message:
* Thanks to Alan Barclay <> for donating the original
* version of this code to Ghostscript.
/* ------ The device descriptors ------ */
/* Default X and Y resolution */
#define X_DPI 72
#define Y_DPI 72
/* ------ The tiffgray device ------ */
typedef struct gx_device_tiff_s {
gdev_tiff_state tiff;
} gx_device_tiff;
private dev_proc_print_page(tiffgray_print_page);
private const gx_device_procs tiffgray_procs =
prn_color_procs(gdev_prn_open, gdev_prn_output_page, gdev_prn_close,
gx_default_gray_map_rgb_color, gx_default_gray_map_color_rgb);
const gx_device_printer gs_tiffgray_device = {
prn_device_body(gx_device_tiff, tiffgray_procs, "tiffgray",
0, 0, 0, 0, /* Margins */
1, 8, 255, 0, 256, 0, tiffgray_print_page)
/* ------ Private definitions ------ */
/* Define our TIFF directory - sorted by tag number */
typedef struct tiff_gray_directory_s {
TIFF_dir_entry BitsPerSample;
TIFF_dir_entry Compression;
TIFF_dir_entry Photometric;
TIFF_dir_entry FillOrder;
TIFF_dir_entry SamplesPerPixel;
} tiff_gray_directory;
private const tiff_gray_directory dir_gray_template =
{TIFFTAG_BitsPerSample, TIFF_SHORT, 1, 8},
{TIFFTAG_Compression, TIFF_SHORT, 1, Compression_none},
{TIFFTAG_Photometric, TIFF_SHORT, 1, Photometric_min_is_black},
{TIFFTAG_FillOrder, TIFF_SHORT, 1, FillOrder_MSB2LSB},
{TIFFTAG_SamplesPerPixel, TIFF_SHORT, 1, 1},
typedef struct tiff_gray_values_s {
TIFF_ushort bps[1];
} tiff_gray_values;
private const tiff_gray_values val_gray_template = {
/* ------ Private functions ------ */
private int
tiffgray_print_page(gx_device_printer * pdev, FILE * file)
gx_device_tiff *const tfdev = (gx_device_tiff *)pdev;
int code;
/* Write the page directory. */
code = gdev_tiff_begin_page(pdev, &tfdev->tiff, file,
(const TIFF_dir_entry *)&dir_gray_template,
sizeof(dir_gray_template) / sizeof(TIFF_dir_entry),
(const byte *)&val_gray_template,
sizeof(val_gray_template), 0);
if (code < 0)
return code;
/* Write the page data. */
int y;
int raster = gdev_prn_raster(pdev);
byte *line = gs_alloc_bytes(pdev->memory, raster, "tiffgray_print_page");
byte *row;
if (line == 0)
for (y = 0; y < pdev->height; ++y) {
code = gdev_prn_get_bits(pdev, y, line, &row);
if (code < 0)
fwrite((char *)row, raster, 1, file);
gdev_tiff_end_strip(&tfdev->tiff, file);
gdev_tiff_end_page(&tfdev->tiff, file);
gs_free_object(pdev->memory, line, "tiffgray_print_page");
return code;
/* ------ The tiff32nc device ------ */
private dev_proc_print_page(tiff32nc_print_page);
#define cmyk_procs(p_map_color_rgb, p_map_cmyk_color)\
gdev_prn_open, NULL, NULL, gdev_prn_output_page, gdev_prn_close,\
NULL, p_map_color_rgb, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,\
gdev_prn_get_params, gdev_prn_put_params,\
p_map_cmyk_color, NULL, NULL, NULL, gx_page_device_get_page_device
/* 8-bit-per-plane separated CMYK color. */
private const gx_device_procs tiff32nc_procs = {
cmyk_procs(cmyk_8bit_map_color_cmyk, cmyk_8bit_map_cmyk_color)
const gx_device_printer gs_tiff32nc_device = {
prn_device_body(gx_device_tiff, tiff32nc_procs, "tiff32nc",
0, 0, 0, 0, /* Margins */
4, 32, 255, 255, 256, 256, tiff32nc_print_page)
/* ------ Private definitions ------ */
/* Define our TIFF directory - sorted by tag number */
typedef struct tiff_cmyk_directory_s {
TIFF_dir_entry BitsPerSample;
TIFF_dir_entry Compression;
TIFF_dir_entry Photometric;
TIFF_dir_entry FillOrder;
TIFF_dir_entry SamplesPerPixel;
} tiff_cmyk_directory;
typedef struct tiff_cmyk_values_s {
TIFF_ushort bps[4];
} tiff_cmyk_values;
private const tiff_cmyk_values val_cmyk_template = {
{8, 8, 8 ,8}
private const tiff_cmyk_directory dir_cmyk_template =
/* C's ridiculous rules about & and arrays require bps[0] here: */
{TIFFTAG_BitsPerSample, TIFF_SHORT | TIFF_INDIRECT, 4, offset_of(tiff_cmyk_values, bps[0])},
{TIFFTAG_Compression, TIFF_SHORT, 1, Compression_none},
{TIFFTAG_Photometric, TIFF_SHORT, 1, Photometric_separated},
{TIFFTAG_FillOrder, TIFF_SHORT, 1, FillOrder_MSB2LSB},
{TIFFTAG_SamplesPerPixel, TIFF_SHORT, 1, 4},
/* ------ Private functions ------ */
private int
tiff32nc_print_page(gx_device_printer * pdev, FILE * file)
gx_device_tiff *const tfdev = (gx_device_tiff *)pdev;
int code;
/* Write the page directory. */
code = gdev_tiff_begin_page(pdev, &tfdev->tiff, file,
(const TIFF_dir_entry *)&dir_cmyk_template,
sizeof(dir_cmyk_template) / sizeof(TIFF_dir_entry),
(const byte *)&val_cmyk_template,
sizeof(val_cmyk_template), 0);
if (code < 0)
return code;
/* Write the page data. */
int y;
int raster = gdev_prn_raster(pdev);
byte *line = gs_alloc_bytes(pdev->memory, raster, "tiff32nc_print_page");
byte *row;
if (line == 0)
for (y = 0; y < pdev->height; ++y) {
code = gdev_prn_get_bits(pdev, y, line, &row);
if (code < 0)
fwrite((char *)row, raster, 1, file);
gdev_tiff_end_strip(&tfdev->tiff, file);
gdev_tiff_end_page(&tfdev->tiff, file);
gs_free_object(pdev->memory, line, "tiff32nc_print_page");
return code;
/* ---------- The tiffsep device ------------ */
#define MAX_FILE_NAME_SIZE gp_file_name_sizeof
#define MAX_COLOR_VALUE 255 /* We are using 8 bits per colorant */
/* The device descriptor */
private dev_proc_open_device(tiffsep_prn_open);
private dev_proc_close_device(tiffsep_prn_close);
private dev_proc_get_params(tiffsep_get_params);
private dev_proc_put_params(tiffsep_put_params);
private dev_proc_print_page(tiffsep_print_page);
private dev_proc_get_color_mapping_procs(tiffsep_get_color_mapping_procs);
private dev_proc_get_color_comp_index(tiffsep_get_color_comp_index);
private dev_proc_encode_color(tiffsep_encode_color);
private dev_proc_decode_color(tiffsep_decode_color);
private dev_proc_update_spot_equivalent_colors(tiffsep_update_spot_equivalent_colors);
* A structure definition for a DeviceN type device
typedef struct tiffsep_device_s {
/* ... device-specific parameters ... */
gdev_tiff_state tiff_comp; /* tiff state for comp file */
/* tiff state for separation files */
gdev_tiff_state tiff[GX_DEVICE_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS];
gs_devn_params devn_params; /* DeviceN generated parameters */
equivalent_cmyk_color_params equiv_cmyk_colors;
} tiffsep_device;
/* GC procedures */
ENUM_PTRS_WITH(tiffsep_device_enum_ptrs, tiffsep_device *pdev)
if (index < pdev->devn_params.separations.num_separations)
private RELOC_PTRS_WITH(tiffsep_device_reloc_ptrs, tiffsep_device *pdev)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < pdev->devn_params.separations.num_separations; ++i) {
RELOC_PTR(tiffsep_device, devn_params.separations.names[i].data);
/* Even though tiffsep_device_finalize is the same as gx_device_finalize, */
/* we need to implement it separately because st_composite_final */
/* declares all 3 procedures as private. */
private void
tiffsep_device_finalize(void *vpdev)
gs_private_st_composite_final(st_tiffsep_device, tiffsep_device,
"tiffsep_device", tiffsep_device_enum_ptrs, tiffsep_device_reloc_ptrs,
* Macro definition for tiffsep device procedures
#define device_procs \
{ tiffsep_prn_open,\
NULL, /* sync_output */\
gdev_prn_output_page, /* output_page */\
tiffsep_prn_close, /* close */\
NULL, /* map_rgb_color - not used */\
tiffsep_decode_color, /* map_color_rgb */\
NULL, /* fill_rectangle */\
NULL, /* tile_rectangle */\
NULL, /* copy_mono */\
NULL, /* copy_color */\
NULL, /* draw_line */\
NULL, /* get_bits */\
tiffsep_get_params, /* get_params */\
tiffsep_put_params, /* put_params */\
NULL, /* map_cmyk_color - not used */\
NULL, /* get_xfont_procs */\
NULL, /* get_xfont_device */\
NULL, /* map_rgb_alpha_color */\
gx_page_device_get_page_device, /* get_page_device */\
NULL, /* get_alpha_bits */\
NULL, /* copy_alpha */\
NULL, /* get_band */\
NULL, /* copy_rop */\
NULL, /* fill_path */\
NULL, /* stroke_path */\
NULL, /* fill_mask */\
NULL, /* fill_trapezoid */\
NULL, /* fill_parallelogram */\
NULL, /* fill_triangle */\
NULL, /* draw_thin_line */\
NULL, /* begin_image */\
NULL, /* image_data */\
NULL, /* end_image */\
NULL, /* strip_tile_rectangle */\
NULL, /* strip_copy_rop */\
NULL, /* get_clipping_box */\
NULL, /* begin_typed_image */\
NULL, /* get_bits_rectangle */\
NULL, /* map_color_rgb_alpha */\
NULL, /* create_compositor */\
NULL, /* get_hardware_params */\
NULL, /* text_begin */\
NULL, /* finish_copydevice */\
NULL, /* begin_transparency_group */\
NULL, /* end_transparency_group */\
NULL, /* begin_transparency_mask */\
NULL, /* end_transparency_mask */\
NULL, /* discard_transparency_layer */\
tiffsep_get_color_mapping_procs,/* get_color_mapping_procs */\
tiffsep_get_color_comp_index, /* get_color_comp_index */\
tiffsep_encode_color, /* encode_color */\
tiffsep_decode_color, /* decode_color */\
NULL, /* pattern_manage */\
NULL, /* fill_rectangle_hl_color */\
NULL, /* include_color_space */\
NULL, /* fill_linear_color_scanline */\
NULL, /* fill_linear_color_trapezoid */\
NULL, /* fill_linear_color_triangle */\
tiffsep_update_spot_equivalent_colors /* update_spot_equivalent_colors */\
#define tiffsep_device_body(procs, dname, ncomp, pol, depth, mg, mc, cn)\
std_device_full_body_type_extended(tiffsep_device, &procs, dname,\
(int)((long)(DEFAULT_WIDTH_10THS) * (X_DPI) / 10),\
(int)((long)(DEFAULT_HEIGHT_10THS) * (Y_DPI) / 10),\
ncomp, /* NumComp */\
pol, /* Polarity */\
depth, 0, /* Depth, GrayIndex */\
mg, mc, /* MaxGray, MaxColor */\
mg + 1, mc + 1, /* DitherGray, DitherColor */\
GX_CINFO_SEP_LIN, /* Linear & Separable */\
cn, /* Process color model name */\
0, 0, /* offsets */\
0, 0, 0, 0 /* margins */\
{ 0 }, /* tiff state for comp file */\
{{ 0 }}, /* tiff state for separation files */\
{ 0 } /* separation files */
* Select the default number of components based upon the number of bits
* that we have in a gx_color_index
#define NC ((arch_sizeof_color_index <= 8) ? arch_sizeof_color_index : 8)
* TIFF device with CMYK process color model and spot color support.
private const gx_device_procs spot_cmyk_procs = device_procs;
const tiffsep_device gs_tiffsep_device =
tiffsep_device_body(spot_cmyk_procs, "tiffsep", NC, GX_CINFO_POLARITY_SUBTRACTIVE, NC * 8, MAX_COLOR_VALUE, MAX_COLOR_VALUE, "DeviceCMYK"),
/* devn_params specific parameters */
{ 8, /* Bits per color - must match ncomp, depth, etc. above */
DeviceCMYKComponents, /* Names of color model colorants */
4, /* Number colorants for CMYK */
NC, /* MaxSeparations: our current limit is 8 bytes */
{0}, /* SeparationNames */
0, /* SeparationOrder names */
{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } /* Initial component SeparationOrder */
{ true }, /* equivalent CMYK colors for spot colors */
#undef NC
* The following procedures are used to map the standard color spaces into
* the color components for the tiffsep device.
private void
tiffsep_gray_cs_to_cm(gx_device * dev, frac gray, frac out[])
int * map = ((tiffsep_device *) dev)->devn_params.separation_order_map;
gray_cs_to_devn_cm(dev, map, gray, out);
private void
tiffsep_rgb_cs_to_cm(gx_device * dev, const gs_imager_state *pis,
frac r, frac g, frac b, frac out[])
int * map = ((tiffsep_device *) dev)->devn_params.separation_order_map;
rgb_cs_to_devn_cm(dev, map, pis, r, g, b, out);
private void
tiffsep_cmyk_cs_to_cm(gx_device * dev,
frac c, frac m, frac y, frac k, frac out[])
int * map = ((tiffsep_device *) dev)->devn_params.separation_order_map;
cmyk_cs_to_devn_cm(dev, map, c, m, y, k, out);
private const gx_cm_color_map_procs tiffsep_cm_procs = {
* These are the handlers for returning the list of color space
* to color model conversion routines.
private const gx_cm_color_map_procs *
tiffsep_get_color_mapping_procs(const gx_device * dev)
return &tiffsep_cm_procs;
* Encode a list of colorant values into a gx_color_index_value.
private gx_color_index
tiffsep_encode_color(gx_device *dev, const gx_color_value colors[])
int bpc = ((tiffsep_device *)dev)->devn_params.bitspercomponent;
int drop = sizeof(gx_color_value) * 8 - bpc;
gx_color_index color = 0;
int i = 0;
int ncomp = dev->color_info.num_components;
for (; i < ncomp; i++) {
color <<= bpc;
color |= (colors[i] >> drop);
return (color == gx_no_color_index ? color ^ 1 : color);
* Decode a gx_color_index value back to a list of colorant values.
private int
tiffsep_decode_color(gx_device * dev, gx_color_index color, gx_color_value * out)
int bpc = ((tiffsep_device *)dev)->devn_params.bitspercomponent;
int drop = sizeof(gx_color_value) * 8 - bpc;
int mask = (1 << bpc) - 1;
int i = 0;
int ncomp = dev->color_info.num_components;
for (; i < ncomp; i++) {
out[ncomp - i - 1] = (gx_color_value) ((color & mask) << drop);
color >>= bpc;
return 0;
* Device proc for updating the equivalent CMYK color for spot colors.
private int
tiffsep_update_spot_equivalent_colors(gx_device * dev, const gs_state * pgs)
tiffsep_device * pdev = (tiffsep_device *)dev;
update_spot_equivalent_cmyk_colors(dev, pgs,
&pdev->devn_params, &pdev->equiv_cmyk_colors);
return 0;
/* Get parameters. We provide a default CRD. */
private int
tiffsep_get_params(gx_device * pdev, gs_param_list * plist)
int code = gdev_prn_get_params(pdev, plist);
if (code < 0)
return code;
return devn_get_params(pdev, plist,
&(((tiffsep_device *)pdev)->devn_params),
&(((tiffsep_device *)pdev)->equiv_cmyk_colors));
/* Set parameters. We allow setting the number of bits per component. */
private int
tiffsep_put_params(gx_device * pdev, gs_param_list * plist)
tiffsep_device * const pdevn = (tiffsep_device *) pdev;
return devn_printer_put_params(pdev, plist,
&(pdevn->devn_params), &(pdevn->equiv_cmyk_colors));
* This routine will check to see if the color component name match those
* that are available amoung the current device's color components.
* Parameters:
* dev - pointer to device data structure.
* pname - pointer to name (zero termination not required)
* nlength - length of the name
* This routine returns a positive value (0 to n) which is the device colorant
* number if the name is found. It returns GX_DEVICE_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS if
* the colorant is not being used due to a SeparationOrder device parameter.
* It returns a negative value if not found.
private int
tiffsep_get_color_comp_index(gx_device * dev, const char * pname,
int name_size, int component_type)
tiffsep_device * pdev = (tiffsep_device *) dev;
* We allow more spot colors than we can image. This allows the user
* to obtain separations for more than our max of 8 by doing multiple
* passes.
return devn_get_color_comp_index(dev,
&(pdev->devn_params), &(pdev->equiv_cmyk_colors),
pname, name_size, component_type, ALLOW_EXTRA_SPOT_COLORS);
* There can be a conflict if a separation name is used as part of the file
* name for a separation output file. PostScript and PDF do not restrict
* the characters inside separation names. However most operating systems
* have some sort of restrictions. For instance: /, \, and : have special
* meaning under Windows. This implies that there should be some sort of
* escape sequence for special characters. This routine exists as a place
* to put the handling of that escaping. However it is not actually
* implemented.
private void
copy_separation_name(tiffsep_device * pdev,
char * buffer, int max_size, int sep_num)
int sep_size = pdev->devn_params.separations.names[sep_num].size;
/* If name is too long then clip it. */
if (sep_size > max_size - 1)
sep_size = max_size - 1;
memcpy(buffer, pdev->devn_params.separations.names[sep_num].data,
buffer[sep_size] = 0; /* Terminate string */
* Create a name for a separation file.
private int
create_separation_file_name(tiffsep_device * pdev, char * buffer,
uint max_size, int sep_num)
uint base_filename_length = strlen(pdev->fname);
* In most cases it is more convenient if we append '.tif' to the end
* of the file name.
memcpy(buffer, pdev->fname, base_filename_length);
buffer[base_filename_length] = '.';
if (sep_num < pdev->devn_params.num_std_colorant_names) {
if (max_size < strlen(pdev->devn_params.std_colorant_names[sep_num]))
strcpy(buffer + base_filename_length,
else {
sep_num -= pdev->devn_params.num_std_colorant_names;
#define USE_SEPARATION_NAME 0 /* See comments before copy_separation_name */
copy_separation_name(pdev, buffer + base_filename_length,
max_size - SUFFIX_SIZE, sep_num);
/* Max of 10 chars in %d format */
if (max_size < base_filename_length + 11)
sprintf(buffer + base_filename_length, "s%d", sep_num);
if (max_size < strlen(buffer) + SUFFIX_SIZE)
strcat(buffer, ".tif");
return 0;
* Determine the number of output separations for the tiffsep device.
* There are several factors which affect the number of output separations
* for the tiffsep device.
* Due to limitations on the size of a gx_color_index, we are limited to a
* maximum of 8 colors per pass. Thus the tiffsep device is set to 8
* components. However this is not usually the number of actual separation
* files to be created.
* If the SeparationOrder parameter has been specified, then we use it to
* select the number and which separation files are created.
* If the SeparationOrder parameter has not been specified, then we use the
* nuber of process colors (CMYK) and the number of spot colors unless we
* exceed the 8 component maximum for the device.
* Note: Unlike most other devices, the tiffsep device will accept more than
* four spot colors. However the extra spot colors will not be imaged
* unless they are selected by the SeparationOrder parameter. (This does
* allow the user to create more than 8 separations by a making multiple
* passes and using the SeparationOrder parameter.)
private int
number_output_separations(int num_dev_comp, int num_std_colorants,
int num_order, int num_spot)
int num_comp = num_std_colorants + num_spot;
if (num_comp > num_dev_comp)
num_comp = num_dev_comp;
if (num_order)
num_comp = num_order;
return num_comp;
* This routine creates a list to map the component number to a separation number.
* Values less than 4 refer to the CMYK colorants. Higher values refer to a
* separation number.
* This is the inverse of the separation_order_map.
private void
build_comp_to_sep_map(tiffsep_device * pdev, short * map_comp_to_sep)
int num_sep = pdev->devn_params.separations.num_separations;
int num_std_colorants = pdev->devn_params.num_std_colorant_names;
int sep_num;
for (sep_num = 0; sep_num < num_std_colorants + num_sep; sep_num++) {
int comp_num = pdev->devn_params.separation_order_map[sep_num];
if (comp_num >= 0 && comp_num < GX_DEVICE_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS)
map_comp_to_sep[comp_num] = sep_num;
/* Open the tiffsep device */
tiffsep_prn_open(gx_device * pdev)
int code = gdev_prn_open(pdev);
pdev->color_info.separable_and_linear = GX_CINFO_SEP_LIN;
return code;
/* Close the tiffsep device */
tiffsep_prn_close(gx_device * pdev)
tiffsep_device * const pdevn = (tiffsep_device *) pdev;
int num_dev_comp = pdevn->color_info.num_components;
int num_std_colorants = pdevn->devn_params.num_std_colorant_names;
int num_order = pdevn->devn_params.num_separation_order_names;
int num_spot = pdevn->devn_params.separations.num_separations;
char name[MAX_FILE_NAME_SIZE];
int code = gdev_prn_close(pdev);
short map_comp_to_sep[GX_DEVICE_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS];
int comp_num;
int num_comp = number_output_separations(num_dev_comp, num_std_colorants,
num_order, num_spot);
if (code < 0)
return code;
build_comp_to_sep_map(pdevn, map_comp_to_sep);
/* Close the separation files */
for (comp_num = 0; comp_num < num_comp; comp_num++ ) {
if (pdevn->sep_file[comp_num] != NULL) {
int sep_num = map_comp_to_sep[comp_num];
code = create_separation_file_name(pdevn, name,
if (code < 0)
return code;
code = gx_device_close_output_file(pdev, name,
if (code < 0)
return code;
pdevn->sep_file[comp_num] = NULL;
return 0;
* Element for a map to convert colorants to a CMYK color.
typedef struct cmyk_composite_map_s {
frac c, m, y, k;
} cmyk_composite_map;
* Build the map to be used to create a CMYK equivalent to the current
* device components.
private void
build_cmyk_map(tiffsep_device * pdev, int num_comp,
short *map_comp_to_sep, cmyk_composite_map * cmyk_map)
int comp_num;
for (comp_num = 0; comp_num < num_comp; comp_num++ ) {
int sep_num = map_comp_to_sep[comp_num];
cmyk_map[comp_num].c = cmyk_map[comp_num].m =
cmyk_map[comp_num].y = cmyk_map[comp_num].k = frac_0;
/* The tiffsep device has 4 standard colors: CMYK */
if (sep_num < pdev->devn_params.num_std_colorant_names) {
switch (sep_num) {
case 0: cmyk_map[comp_num].c = frac_1; break;
case 1: cmyk_map[comp_num].m = frac_1; break;
case 2: cmyk_map[comp_num].y = frac_1; break;
case 3: cmyk_map[comp_num].k = frac_1; break;
else {
sep_num -= pdev->devn_params.num_std_colorant_names;
if (pdev->equiv_cmyk_colors.color[sep_num].color_info_valid) {
cmyk_map[comp_num].c = pdev->equiv_cmyk_colors.color[sep_num].c;
cmyk_map[comp_num].m = pdev->equiv_cmyk_colors.color[sep_num].m;
cmyk_map[comp_num].y = pdev->equiv_cmyk_colors.color[sep_num].y;
cmyk_map[comp_num].k = pdev->equiv_cmyk_colors.color[sep_num].k;
* Build a CMYK equivalent to a raster line.
private void
build_cmyk_raster_line(byte * src, byte * dest, int width,
int num_comp, int pixel_size, cmyk_composite_map * cmyk_map)
int pixel, comp_num;
uint temp, cyan, magenta, yellow, black;
cmyk_composite_map * cmyk_map_entry;
for (pixel = 0; pixel < width; pixel++) {
cmyk_map_entry = cmyk_map;
temp = *src++;
cyan = cmyk_map_entry->c * temp;
magenta = cmyk_map_entry->m * temp;
yellow = cmyk_map_entry->y * temp;
black = cmyk_map_entry->k * temp;
for (comp_num = 1; comp_num < num_comp; comp_num++) {
temp = *src++;
cyan += cmyk_map_entry->c * temp;
magenta += cmyk_map_entry->m * temp;
yellow += cmyk_map_entry->y * temp;
black += cmyk_map_entry->k * temp;
src += pixel_size - num_comp;
cyan /= frac_1;
magenta /= frac_1;
yellow /= frac_1;
black /= frac_1;
if (cyan > MAX_COLOR_VALUE)
if (magenta > MAX_COLOR_VALUE)
magenta = MAX_COLOR_VALUE;
if (yellow > MAX_COLOR_VALUE)
if (black > MAX_COLOR_VALUE)
*dest++ = cyan;
*dest++ = magenta;
*dest++ = yellow;
*dest++ = black;
* Output the image data for the tiff separation (tiffsep) device. The data
* for the tiffsep device is written in separate planes to separate files.
* The DeviceN parameters (SeparationOrder, SeparationColorNames, and
* MaxSeparations) are applied to the tiffsep device.
private int
tiffsep_print_page(gx_device_printer * pdev, FILE * file)
tiffsep_device * const tfdev = (tiffsep_device *)pdev;
int num_std_colorants = tfdev->devn_params.num_std_colorant_names;
int num_order = tfdev->devn_params.num_separation_order_names;
int num_spot = tfdev->devn_params.separations.num_separations;
int num_comp, comp_num, sep_num, code = 0;
short map_comp_to_sep[GX_DEVICE_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS];
cmyk_composite_map cmyk_map[GX_DEVICE_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS];
char name[MAX_FILE_NAME_SIZE];
int base_filename_length = strlen(pdev->fname);
int save_depth = pdev->color_info.depth;
const char *fmt;
gs_parsed_file_name_t parsed;
build_comp_to_sep_map(tfdev, map_comp_to_sep);
/* Print the names of the spot colors */
for (sep_num = 0; sep_num < num_spot; sep_num++) {
copy_separation_name(tfdev, name,
MAX_FILE_NAME_SIZE - base_filename_length - SUFFIX_SIZE, sep_num);
dlprintf1("%%%%SeparationName: %s\n", name);
* Check if the file name has a numeric format. If so then we want to
* create individual separation files for each page of the input.
code = gx_parse_output_file_name(&parsed, &fmt,
tfdev->fname, strlen(tfdev->fname));
/* Write the page directory for the CMYK equivalent file. */
pdev->color_info.depth = 32; /* Create directory for 32 bit cmyk */
code = gdev_tiff_begin_page(pdev, &tfdev->tiff_comp, file,
(const TIFF_dir_entry *)&dir_cmyk_template,
sizeof(dir_cmyk_template) / sizeof(TIFF_dir_entry),
(const byte *)&val_cmyk_template,
sizeof(val_cmyk_template), 0);
pdev->color_info.depth = save_depth;
if (code < 0)
return code;
/* Set up the separation output files */
num_comp = number_output_separations( tfdev->color_info.num_components,
num_std_colorants, num_order, num_spot);
for (comp_num = 0; comp_num < num_comp; comp_num++ ) {
int sep_num = map_comp_to_sep[comp_num];
code = create_separation_file_name(tfdev, name,
if (code < 0)
return code;
* Close the old separation file if we are creating individual files
* for each page.
if (tfdev->sep_file[comp_num] != NULL && fmt != NULL) {
code = gx_device_close_output_file((const gx_device *)tfdev, name,
if (code < 0)
return code;
tfdev->sep_file[comp_num] = NULL;
/* Open the separation file, if not already open */
if (tfdev->sep_file[comp_num] == NULL) {
code = gx_device_open_output_file((gx_device *)pdev, name,
true, false, &(tfdev->sep_file[comp_num]));
if (code < 0)
return code;
/* Write the page directory. */
pdev->color_info.depth = 8; /* Create files for 8 bit gray */
code = gdev_tiff_begin_page(pdev, &(tfdev->tiff[comp_num]),
(const TIFF_dir_entry *)&dir_gray_template,
sizeof(dir_gray_template) / sizeof(TIFF_dir_entry),
(const byte *)&val_gray_template,
sizeof(val_gray_template), 0);
pdev->color_info.depth = save_depth;
if (code < 0)
return code;
build_cmyk_map(tfdev, num_comp, map_comp_to_sep, cmyk_map);
int raster = gdev_prn_raster(pdev);
int width = tfdev->width;
int cmyk_raster = width * NUM_CMYK_COMPONENTS;
int bytes_pp = tfdev->color_info.num_components;
int pixel, y;
byte * line = gs_alloc_bytes(pdev->memory, raster, "tiffsep_print_page");
byte * sep_line;
byte * row;
if (line == NULL)
sep_line =
gs_alloc_bytes(pdev->memory, cmyk_raster, "tiffsep_print_page");
if (sep_line == NULL) {
gs_free_object(pdev->memory, line, "tiffsep_print_page");
/* Write the page data. */
for (y = 0; y < pdev->height; ++y) {
code = gdev_prn_get_bits(pdev, y, line, &row);
if (code < 0)
/* Write separation data (tiffgray format) */
for (comp_num = 0; comp_num < num_comp; comp_num++ ) {
byte * src = row + comp_num;
byte * dest = sep_line;
for (pixel = 0; pixel < width; pixel++, dest++, src += bytes_pp)
*dest = MAX_COLOR_VALUE - *src; /* Gray is additive */
fwrite((char *)sep_line, width, 1, tfdev->sep_file[comp_num]);
/* Write CMYK equivalent data (tiff32nc format) */
build_cmyk_raster_line(row, sep_line, width,
num_comp, bytes_pp, cmyk_map);
fwrite((char *)sep_line, cmyk_raster, 1, file);
/* Update the strip data */
gdev_tiff_end_strip(&(tfdev->tiff_comp), file);
gdev_tiff_end_page(&(tfdev->tiff_comp), file);
for (comp_num = 0; comp_num < num_comp; comp_num++ ) {
gs_free_object(pdev->memory, line, "tiffsep_print_page");
gs_free_object(pdev->memory, sep_line, "tiffsep_print_page");
return code;