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/* Copyright (C) 1989, 2000 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
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/* $Id: gdevx.h,v 1.7 2002/06/16 07:25:26 lpd Exp $ */
/* Definitions for X Windows drivers */
/* Requires gxdevice.h and x_.h */
#ifndef gdevx_INCLUDED
# define gdevx_INCLUDED
/* Define the type of an X pixel. */
typedef unsigned long x_pixel;
#include "gdevbbox.h"
#include "gdevxcmp.h"
/* Declare the X resource tables compiled separately in gdevxres.c. */
extern XtResource gdev_x_resources[];
extern const int gdev_x_resource_count;
extern String gdev_x_fallback_resources[];
/* Define PostScript to X11 font name mapping */
* x11fontlist is only used within x11fontmap.
* The names array is managed by Xlib, so the structure is simple.
typedef struct x11fontlist_s {
char **names;
int count;
} x11fontlist;
typedef struct x11fontmap_s x11fontmap;
struct x11fontmap_s {
char *ps_name;
char *x11_name;
x11fontlist std, iso;
x11fontmap *next;
#define private_st_x11fontmap() /* in gdevxini.c */\
gs_private_st_ptrs3(st_x11fontmap, x11fontmap, "x11fontmap",\
x11fontmap_enum_ptrs, x11fontmap_reloc_ptrs, ps_name, x11_name, next)
/* Define the X Windows device */
typedef struct gx_device_X_s {
gx_device_bbox_common; /* if target != 0, is image buffer */
* Normally, an X device has an image buffer iff target != 0. However,
* the bbox device sometimes sets target to NULL temporarily, so we need
* a separate flag to record whether this device is buffered.
bool is_buffered;
bool IsPageDevice;
long MaxBitmap;
byte *buffer; /* full-window image */
long buffer_size;
/* An XImage object for writing bitmap images to the screen */
XImage image;
/* Global X state */
Display *dpy;
Screen *scr;
XVisualInfo *vinfo;
Colormap cmap;
Window win;
GC gc;
/* An optional Window ID supplied as a device parameter */
Window pwin;
/* A backing pixmap so X will handle exposure automatically */
Pixmap bpixmap; /* 0 if useBackingPixmap is false, */
/* or if it can't be allocated */
int ghostview; /* flag to tell if ghostview is in control */
Window mwin; /* window to receive ghostview messages */
gs_matrix initial_matrix; /* the initial transformation */
Atom NEXT, PAGE, DONE; /* Atoms used to talk to ghostview */
struct {
gs_int_rect box; /* region needing updating */
long area; /* total area of update */
long total; /* total of individual area updates */
int count; /* # of updates since flush */
} update;
Pixmap dest; /* bpixmap if non-0, else use win */
x_pixel colors_or; /* 'or' of all device colors used so far */
x_pixel colors_and; /* 'and' ditto */
/* An intermediate pixmap for the stencil case of copy_mono */
struct {
Pixmap pixmap;
GC gc;
int raster, height;
} cp;
/* Structure for dealing with the halftone tile. */
/* Later this might become a multi-element cache. */
struct {
Pixmap pixmap;
Pixmap no_pixmap; /* kludge to get around X bug */
gx_bitmap_id id;
int width, height, raster;
x_pixel fore_c, back_c;
} ht;
/* Cache the function and fill style from the GC */
int function;
int fill_style;
Font fid;
#define X_SET_FILL_STYLE(xdev, style)\
if (xdev->fill_style != (style))\
XSetFillStyle(xdev->dpy, xdev->gc, (xdev->fill_style = (style)));\
#define X_SET_FUNCTION(xdev, func)\
if (xdev->function != (func))\
XSetFunction(xdev->dpy, xdev->gc, (xdev->function = (func)));\
#define X_SET_FONT(xdev, font)\
if (xdev->fid != (font))\
XSetFont(xdev->dpy, xdev->gc, (xdev->fid = (font)));\
x_pixel back_color, fore_color;
Pixel background, foreground;
* The color management structure is defined in gdevxcmp.h and is
* managed by the code in gdevxcmp.c.
x11_cman_t cman;
#define NOTE_COLOR(xdev, pixel)\
(xdev->colors_or |= (pixel),\
xdev->colors_and &= (pixel))
#define X_SET_BACK_COLOR(xdev, pixel)\
if (xdev->back_color != (pixel)) {\
xdev->back_color = (pixel);\
NOTE_COLOR(xdev, pixel);\
XSetBackground(xdev->dpy, xdev->gc, (pixel));\
#define X_SET_FORE_COLOR(xdev, pixel)\
if (xdev->fore_color != (pixel)) {\
xdev->fore_color = (pixel);\
NOTE_COLOR(xdev, pixel);\
XSetForeground(xdev->dpy, xdev->gc, (pixel));\
/* Defaults set by resources */
Pixel borderColor;
Dimension borderWidth;
String geometry;
int maxGrayRamp, maxRGBRamp;
String palette;
String regularFonts;
String symbolFonts;
String dingbatFonts;
x11fontmap *regular_fonts;
x11fontmap *symbol_fonts;
x11fontmap *dingbat_fonts;
Boolean useXFonts, useFontExtensions, useScalableFonts, logXFonts;
float xResolution, yResolution;
/* Flags work around various X server problems. */
Boolean useBackingPixmap;
Boolean useXPutImage;
Boolean useXSetTile;
* Parameters for the screen update algorithms.
* Define whether to update after every write, for debugging.
* Note that one can obtain the same effect by setting any of
bool AlwaysUpdate;
* Define the maximum size of the temporary pixmap for copy_mono
* that we are willing to leave lying around in the server
* between uses.
int MaxTempPixmap;
* Define the maximum size of the temporary image created in memory
* for get_bits_rectangle.
int MaxTempImage;
* Define the maximum buffered updates before doing a screen write.
int MaxBufferedTotal; /* sum of individual areas */
int MaxBufferedArea; /* area of merged bounding box */
int MaxBufferedCount; /* number of writes */
* Buffered text awaiting display.
struct {
int item_count;
#define IN_TEXT(xdev) ((xdev)->text.item_count != 0)
int char_count;
gs_int_point origin;
int x; /* after last buffered char */
#define MAX_TEXT_ITEMS 12
XTextItem items[MAX_TEXT_ITEMS];
#define MAX_TEXT_CHARS 25
char chars[MAX_TEXT_CHARS];
} text;
* All the GC parameters are set correctly when we buffer the first
* character: we must call DRAW_TEXT before resetting any of them.
* DRAW_TEXT assumes xdev->text.{item,char}_count > 0.
#define DRAW_TEXT(xdev)\
XDrawText(xdev->dpy, xdev->dest, xdev->gc, xdev->text.origin.x,\
xdev->text.origin.y, xdev->text.items, xdev->text.item_count)
} gx_device_X;
#define private_st_device_X() /* in gdevx.c */\
gs_public_st_suffix_add4_final(st_device_X, gx_device_X,\
"gx_device_X", device_x_enum_ptrs, device_x_reloc_ptrs,\
gx_device_finalize, st_device_bbox, buffer, regular_fonts,\
symbol_fonts, dingbat_fonts)
/* Send an event to the Ghostview process */
void gdev_x_send_event(gx_device_X *xdev, Atom msg);
/* function to keep track of screen updates */
void x_update_add(gx_device_X *, int, int, int, int);
void gdev_x_clear_window(gx_device_X *);
int x_catch_free_colors(Display *, XErrorEvent *);
/* Number used to distinguish when resolution was set from the command line */
#define FAKE_RES (16*72)
/* ------ Inter-module procedures ------ */
/* Exported by gdevxcmp.c for gdevxini.c */
int gdev_x_setup_colors(gx_device_X *);
void gdev_x_free_colors(gx_device_X *);
void gdev_x_free_dynamic_colors(gx_device_X *);
/* Exported by gdevxini.c for gdevx.c */
int gdev_x_open(gx_device_X *);
int gdev_x_close(gx_device_X *);
/* Driver procedures exported for gdevx.c */
dev_proc_map_rgb_color(gdev_x_map_rgb_color); /* gdevxcmp.c */
dev_proc_map_color_rgb(gdev_x_map_color_rgb); /* gdevxcmp.c */
dev_proc_get_params(gdev_x_get_params); /* gdevxini.c */
dev_proc_put_params(gdev_x_put_params); /* gdevxini.c */
dev_proc_get_xfont_procs(gdev_x_get_xfont_procs); /* gdevxxf.c */
dev_proc_finish_copydevice(gdev_x_finish_copydevice); /* gdevxini.c */
#endif /* gdevx_INCLUDED */