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/* Copyright (C) 2000 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
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/* $Id: gstrans.h,v 1.15 2005/08/30 17:08:55 igor Exp $ */
/* Transparency definitions and interface */
#ifndef gstrans_INCLUDED
# define gstrans_INCLUDED
#include "gstparam.h"
#include "gxcomp.h"
* Define the operations for the PDF 1.4 transparency compositor.
typedef enum {
} pdf14_compositor_operations;
#define PDF14_OPCODE_NAMES \
/* Bit definitions for serializing PDF 1.4 parameters */
#define PDF14_SET_BLEND_MODE (1 << 0)
#define PDF14_SET_TEXT_KNOCKOUT (1 << 1)
#define PDF14_SET_SHAPE_ALPHA (1 << 2)
#define PDF14_SET_OPACITY_ALPHA (1 << 3)
#ifndef gs_function_DEFINED
typedef struct gs_function_s gs_function_t;
# define gs_function_DEFINED
typedef struct gs_transparency_source_s {
float alpha; /* constant alpha */
gs_transparency_mask_t *mask;
} gs_transparency_source_t;
struct gs_pdf14trans_params_s {
/* The type of trasnparency operation */
pdf14_compositor_operations pdf14_op;
/* Changed parameters flag */
int changed;
/* Parameters from the gs_transparency_group_params_t structure */
bool Isolated;
bool Knockout;
gs_rect bbox;
/*The transparency channel selector */
gs_transparency_channel_selector_t csel;
/* Parameters from the gx_transparency_mask_params_t structure */
gs_transparency_mask_subtype_t subtype;
int Background_components;
bool function_is_identity;
float GrayBackground;
gs_function_t *transfer_function;
/* Individual transparency parameters */
gs_blend_mode_t blend_mode;
bool text_knockout;
gs_transparency_source_t opacity;
gs_transparency_source_t shape;
bool mask_is_image;
typedef struct gs_pdf14trans_params_s gs_pdf14trans_params_t;
* The PDF 1.4 transparency compositor structure. This is exactly analogous to
* other compositor structures, consisting of a the compositor common elements
* and the PDF 1.4 transparency specific parameters.
typedef struct gs_pdf14trans_s {
gs_pdf14trans_params_t params;
} gs_pdf14trans_t;
/* Access transparency-related graphics state elements. */
int gs_setblendmode(gs_state *, gs_blend_mode_t);
gs_blend_mode_t gs_currentblendmode(const gs_state *);
int gs_setopacityalpha(gs_state *, floatp);
float gs_currentopacityalpha(const gs_state *);
int gs_setshapealpha(gs_state *, floatp);
float gs_currentshapealpha(const gs_state *);
int gs_settextknockout(gs_state *, bool);
bool gs_currenttextknockout(const gs_state *);
* Manage transparency group and mask rendering. Eventually these will be
* driver procedures, taking dev + pis instead of pgs.
gs_current_transparency_type(const gs_state *pgs);
* We have to abbreviate the procedure name because procedure names are
* only unique to 23 characters on VMS.
int gs_push_pdf14trans_device(gs_state * pgs);
int gs_pop_pdf14trans_device(gs_state * pgs);
void gs_trans_group_params_init(gs_transparency_group_params_t *ptgp);
int gs_begin_transparency_group(gs_state * pgs,
const gs_transparency_group_params_t *ptgp,
const gs_rect *pbbox);
int gs_end_transparency_group(gs_state *pgs);
void gs_trans_mask_params_init(gs_transparency_mask_params_t *ptmp,
gs_transparency_mask_subtype_t subtype);
int gs_begin_transparency_mask(gs_state *pgs,
const gs_transparency_mask_params_t *ptmp,
const gs_rect *pbbox, bool mask_is_image);
int gs_end_transparency_mask(gs_state *pgs,
gs_transparency_channel_selector_t csel);
int gs_init_transparency_mask(gs_state *pgs,
gs_transparency_channel_selector_t csel);
int gs_discard_transparency_layer(gs_state *pgs);
* Imager level routines for the PDF 1.4 transparency operations.
int gx_begin_transparency_group(gs_imager_state * pis, gx_device * pdev,
const gs_pdf14trans_params_t * pparams);
int gx_end_transparency_group(gs_imager_state * pis, gx_device * pdev);
int gx_init_transparency_mask(gs_imager_state * pis,
const gs_pdf14trans_params_t * pparams);
int gx_begin_transparency_mask(gs_imager_state * pis, gx_device * pdev,
const gs_pdf14trans_params_t * pparams);
int gx_end_transparency_mask(gs_imager_state * pis, gx_device * pdev,
const gs_pdf14trans_params_t * pparams);
int gx_discard_transparency_layer(gs_imager_state *pis);
* Verify that a compositor data structure is for the PDF 1.4 compositor.
int gs_is_pdf14trans_compositor(const gs_composite_t * pct);
* Estimate the amount of space that will be required by the PDF 1.4
* transparency buffers for doing the blending operations. These buffers
* use 8 bits per component plus one or two 8 bit alpha component values.
* In theory there can be a large number of these buffers required. However
* we do not know the required number of buffers, the required numbe of
* alpha chanels, or the number of components for the blending operations.
* (This information is determined later as the data streams are parsed.)
* For now we are simply assuming that we will have three buffers with five
* eight bit values. This is a hack but not too unreasonable. However
* since it is a hack, we may exceed our desired buffer space while
* processing the file.
#define NUM_PDF14_BUFFERS 3
/* The estimated size of an individual PDF 1.4 buffer row (in bits) */
#define ESTIMATED_PDF14_ROW_SIZE(width) ((width) * BITS_PER_CHANNEL\
/* The estimated size of one row in all PDF 1.4 buffers (in bits) */
#define ESTIMATED_PDF14_ROW_SPACE(width) \
#endif /* gstrans_INCLUDED */