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* picpack - picture packing pre-processor
* A trivial troff pre-processor that copies files to stdout, expanding picture
* requests into an in-line format that's passed transparently through troff and
* handled by dpost. The program is an attempt to address requirements, expressed
* by several organizations, of being able to store a document as a single file
* (usually troff input) that can then be sent through dpost and ultimately to
* a PostScript printer.
* The program looks for strings listed in the keys[] array at the start of each
* line. When a picture request (as listed in keys[]) is found the second string
* on the line is taken to be a picture file pathname that's added (in transparent
* mode) to the output file. In addition each in-line picture file is preceeded by
* device control command (again passed through in transparent mode) that looks
* like,
* x X InlinePicture filename bytes
* where bytes is the size of the picture file (which begins on the next line)
* and filename is the pathname of the picture file. dpost uses both arguments to
* manage in-line pictures (in a big temp file). To handle pictures in diversions
* picpack reads each input file twice. The first pass looks for picture inclusion
* requests and copies each picture file transparently to the output file, while
* second pass just copies the input file to the output file. Things could still
* break, but the two pass method should handle most jobs.
* The recognized in-line picture requests are saved in keys[] and by default only
* expand .BP and .PI macro calls. The -k option changes the recognized strings,
* and may be needed if you've built your own picture inclusion macros on top of
* .BP or .PI or decided to list each picture file at the start of your input file
* using a dummy macro. For example you could require every in-line picture be
* named by a dummy macro (say .iP), then the command line,
* picpack -k.iP file > file.pack
* hits on lines that begin with .iP (rather than .BP or .PI), and the only files
* pulled in would be ones named as the second argument to the new .iP macro. The
* -k option accepts a space or comma separated list of up to 10 different key
* strings. picpack imposes no contraints on key strings, other than not allowing
* spaces or commas. A key string can begin with \" and in that case it would be
* troff comment.
* Although the program will help some users, there are obvious disadvantages.
* Perhaps the most important is that troff output files (with in-line pictures
* included) don't fit the device independent language accepted by important post
* processors like proof, and that means you won't be able to reliably preview a
* packed file on your 5620 or whatever. Another potential problem is that picture
* files can be large. Packing everything together in a single file at an early
* stage has a better chance of exceeding your system's ulimit.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "gen.h" /* general purpose definitions */
#include "ext.h" /* external variable definitions */
#include "path.h" /* just for TEMPDIR definition */
char *keys[11] = {".BP", ".PI", NULL};
int quiet = FALSE;
FILE *fp_in = stdin; /* input */
FILE *fp_out = stdout; /* and output files */
main(agc, agv)
int agc;
char *agv[];
* A picture packing pre-processor that copies input files to stdout, expanding
* picture requests (as listed in keys[]) to an in-line format that can be passed
* through troff (using transparent mode) and handled later by dpost.
argc = agc; /* global so everyone can use them */
argv = agv;
prog_name = argv[0]; /* just for error messages */
options(); /* command line options */
arguments(); /* translate all the input files */
done(); /* clean things up */
exit(x_stat); /* everything probably went OK */
} /* End of main */
int ch; /* name returned by getopt() */
extern char *optarg; /* option argument set by getopt() */
extern int optind;
* Handles the command line options.
while ( (ch = getopt(argc, argv, "k:qDI")) != EOF ) {
switch ( ch ) {
case 'k': /* new expansion key strings */
case 'q': /* disables "missing picture" messages */
quiet = TRUE;
case 'D': /* debug flag */
debug = ON;
case 'I': /* ignore FATAL errors */
ignore = ON;
case '?': /* don't know the option */
error(FATAL, "");
error(FATAL, "missing case for option %c", ch);
} /* End switch */
} /* End while */
argc -= optind; /* get ready for non-options args */
argv += optind;
} /* End of options */
char *list; /* comma or space separated key strings */
char *p; /* next key string from *list */
int i; /* goes in keys[i] */
int n; /* last key string slot in keys[] */
* Separates *list into space or comma separated strings and adds each to the
* keys[] array. The strings in keys[] are used to locate the picture inclusion
* requests that are translated to the in-line format. The keys array must end
* with a NULL pointer and by default only expands .BP and .PI macro calls.
n = (sizeof(keys) / sizeof(char *)) - 1;
for ( i = 0, p = strtok(list, " ,"); p != NULL; i++, p = strtok(NULL, " ,") )
if ( i >= n )
error(FATAL, "too many key strings");
else keys[i] = p;
keys[i] = NULL;
} /* End of newkeys */
FILE *copystdin();
* Makes sure all the non-option command line arguments are processed. If we get
* here and there aren't any arguments left, or if '-' is one of the input files
* we process stdin, after copying it to a temporary file.
if ( argc < 1 ) {
fp_in = copystdin();
} else
while ( argc > 0 ) {
if ( strcmp(*argv, "-") == 0 )
fp_in = copystdin();
else if ( (fp_in = fopen(*argv, "r")) == NULL )
error(FATAL, "can't open %s", *argv);
} /* End while */
} /* End of arguments */
FILE *copystdin()
char *tfile; /* temporary file name */
int fd_out; /* and its file descriptor */
FILE *fp; /* return value - the new input file */
* Copies stdin to a temp file, unlinks the file, and returns the file pointer
* for the new temporary file to the caller. Needed because we read each input
* file twice in an attempt to handle pictures in diversions.
if ( (tfile = tempnam(TEMPDIR, "post")) == NULL )
error(FATAL, "can't generate temp file name");
if ( (fd_out = creat(tfile, 0660)) == -1 )
error(FATAL, "can't create %s", tfile);
copyfile(fileno(stdin), fd_out);
if ( (fp = fopen(tfile, "r")) == NULL )
error(FATAL, "can't open %s", tfile);
} /* End of copystdin */
copyfile(fd_in, fd_out)
int fd_in; /* input */
int fd_out; /* and output files */
char buf[512]; /* internal buffer for reads and writes */
int count; /* number of bytes put in buf[] */
* Copies file fd_in to fd_out. Handles the second pass for each input file and
* also used to copy stdin to a temporary file.
while ( (count = read(fd_in, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0 )
if ( write(fd_out, buf, count) != count )
error(FATAL, "write error");
} /* End of copyfile */
* Finished with all the input files - unlink the temporary file that was used
* to record the in-line picture file pathnames.
if ( temp_file != NULL )
} /* End of done */
char line[512]; /* next input line */
char name[100]; /* picture file names - from BP or PI */
int i; /* for looking through keys[] */
* Handles the two passes over the next input file. First pass compares the start
* of each line in *fp_in with the key strings saved in the keys[] array. If a
* match is found inline() is called to copy the picture file (ie. the file named
* as the second string in line[]) to stdout, provided the file hasn't previously
* been copied. The second pass goes back to the start of fp_in and copies it all
* to the output file.
while ( fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp_in) != NULL ) {
for ( i = 0; keys[i] != NULL; i++ )
if ( strncmp(line, keys[i], strlen(keys[i])) == 0 ) {
if ( sscanf(line, "%*s %s", name) == 1 ) {
strtok(name, "(");
if ( gotpicfile(name) == FALSE )
} /* End if */
} /* End if */
} /* End while */
fflush(fp_out); /* second pass - copy fp_in to fp_out */
fseek(fp_in, 0L, 0);
copyfile(fileno(fp_in), fileno(fp_out));
} /* End of picpack */
char *name; /* name of the in-line picture file */
long size; /* size in bytes - from fstat */
FILE *fp; /* for reading *name */
int ch; /* next character from picture file */
int lastch = '\n'; /* so we know when to put out \! */
struct stat sbuf; /* for the picture file size */
* Copies the picture file *name to the output file in an in-line format that can
* be passed through troff and recovered later by dpost. Transparent mode is used
* so each line starts with \! and all \ characters must be escaped. The in-line
* picture sequence begins with an "x X InlinePicture" device control command that
* names the picture file and gives its size (in bytes).
if ( (fp = fopen(name, "r")) != NULL ) {
fstat(fileno(fp), &sbuf);
if ( (size = sbuf.st_size) > 0 ) {
fprintf(fp_out, "\\!x X InlinePicture %s %ld\n", name, size);
while ( (ch = getc(fp)) != EOF ) {
if ( lastch == '\n' )
fprintf(fp_out, "\\!");
if ( ch == '\\' )
putc('\\', fp_out);
putc(lastch = ch, fp_out);
} /* End while */
if ( lastch != '\n' )
putc('\n', fp_out);
} /* End if */
} else if ( quiet == FALSE )
error(NON_FATAL, "can't read picture file %s", name);
} /* End of inline */
char *name;
char buf[100];
FILE *fp_pic;
* Checks the list of previously added picture files in *temp_file and returns
* FALSE if it's a new file and TRUE otherwise. Probably should open the temp
* file once for update and leave it open, rather than opening and closing it
* every time.
if ( temp_file != NULL )
if ( (fp_pic = fopen(temp_file, "r")) != NULL ) {
while ( fscanf(fp_pic, "%s", buf) != EOF )
if ( strcmp(buf, name) == 0 ) {
} /* End if */
} /* End if */
} /* End of gotpicfile */
char *name;
FILE *fp_pic;
* Adds string *name to the list of in-line picture files that's maintained in
* *temp_file. Should undoubtedly open the file once for update and use fseek()
* to move around in the file!
if ( temp_file == NULL )
if ( (temp_file = tempnam(TEMPDIR, "picpac")) == NULL )
if ( (fp_pic = fopen(temp_file, "a")) != NULL ) {
fprintf(fp_pic, "%s\n", name);
} /* End if */
} /* End of addpicfile */