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AAA pc,nopref
AAAS pc,nopref
aardvark n
Aaron n
AARP pc,nopref
AAU pc,nopref
AAUP pc,nopref
AAUW pc,nopref
ABA pc,nopref
Ababa pc
aback d
abacus n
abaft d
abalone n
abandon v,er,va
abase v,er,va
abash v,er,va
abate v,er,va
abattoir n
abbe n
abbess n
abbey n
abbot n
Abbott n
abbreviate v,ion
abc n
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz d
abdicate v,ion,va
abdomen n
abdominal a
abduct v,ion
Abe pc
abeam d
abed d
Abel pc
Abelian pc
Abelson n
Aberdeen pc
Abernathy n
aberrant n,a
aberrate v,ion
abet v,er,va,ms
abettor n
abeyant a
abhor v,er,ms
abhorrent a
abide v,er
Abidjan pc
Abigail pc
abject a,ion
abjuration n
abjure v,er
ablate v,ion
ablaut n
ablaze d
able v,a,comp,va
abloom d
ablution n
ABM n,nopref
abnegate v,ion
Abner pc
abnormal n,a
aboard d
abode n
abolish v,er,va
abolition n,na
abolitionary n
abomasum n
abominable a
abominate v,ion
aboriginal n,a
aborigine n
aborning d
abort v,er,ion
abortifacient n
abound v
about d,nopref
above d,nopref
aboveboard d
aboveground d
abovementioned d
abracadabra n
abrade v,er,va
Abraham n
Abram n
Abramson n
abrasion n,na
abreact v,ion
abreast d
abridge v,er,va
abridgment n
abroad d
abrogate v,ion
abrupt a,ion
Absalom pc,nopref
abscess n,v
abscissa n
abscissae d
abscission n
abscond v,er
absent v,a
absentee n
absenteeism n
absentia n
absentminded a
absinthe n
absolute n,a,ion,na
absolve v,er
absorb v,er,va
absorbent a
absorption n,na
abstain v,er
abstemious a
abstention n
abstinent a
abstract n,v,a,er,ion
abstruse a
absurd a,na
absurdum d
abuilding d
abundant a
abuse n,v,er,va
abusive a
abut v,er,va,ms
abysmal a
abyss n
abyssal a
Abyssinia pc
AC d,nopref
acacia n
Acad. d,nopref
academe pc,na
academia pc
academic n,na
academician n
academy n
Acadia pc
acanthus n
Acapulco pc
accede v
accelerando d
accelerant n
accelerate v,ion
accelerometer n
accent n,v,na
accentual a
accentuate v,ion
accept v,er,va
acceptant a
acceptor n
access n,v
accessible a,in
accession n,v,na
accessory n,na
accident n,a
accidental n,a
accipiter n
acclaim n,v,er
acclamation n
acclimate n,v,ion
acclimatize v,er,ion
accolade n
accommodate v,ion
accompaniment n
accompanist n
accompany v,na
accompli d
accomplice n
accomplish v,er,va
accord n,v
accordant a
accordion n,na
accost v
account n,v,va
accountant n,a,na
Accra pc
accredit v,va
accreditation n
accrete v
accretion n,na
accretionary n
accrual n
accrue v,va
acculturate v,ion
accumulate v,ion
accuracy n,in
accurate a,in
accursed a
accusation n,na
accusatory d
accuse v,er
accustom v
ace n,v,nopref
acentric d
acerb a
acerbic a
acetaldehyde n
acetate n
acetic d
acetify v,er,ion
acetone n
acetyl n,na
acetylene n
ache n,v,er
achieve v,er,va
Achilles pc
aching a
achondrite n,na
achromatic a
acid n,a
acidic d
acidify v,er,ion
acidimeter n,na
acidulous a
Ackley n
acknowledge v,va
acknowledgeable d
ACLU pc,nopref
ACM pc,nopref
acme pc
acne n
acolyte n
acorn n
acoustic n,a
acoustician n
acoustoelectric a,na
acoustooptic n,a,na
acquaint v
acquaintance n,na
acquiesce v
acquiescent a
acquire v,va
acquisition n,na
acquit v,er,ms
acquittal n
acre n
acreage pc
acrid a
acrimonious a
acrimony n
acrobat n
acrobatic n,na
acrolein n
acronym n
acrophobe n
acropolis n
across d
acrostic n
acrylate n
acrylic n
ACS pc,nopref
act n,v,ion,va
Actaeon pc
actinic na
actinide n
actinium n
actinometer n,na
activate v,ion,in
activism pc
Acton n
actress n
actual a,na
actuarial a
actuary n
actuate v,ion
acuity n
acumen n
acupuncture n,na
Acura n
acute a
acyclic a
acyl n
A.D. d,nopref
ad n,man
Ada pc
adage n
adagio n
Adair pc
Adam pc
adamant a
adamantine a
Adams n
Adamson n
adapt v,er,ion,va
adaptation n,na
adaptive a
adaptor n
add v,er,va
addend n
addenda pc
addendum pc
addict n,v,ion
Addis pc
Addison n
addition n,na
addle v
address n,v,er,na,va
addressee n
Addressograph pc
adduce v,er,va
Adelaide pc
Adele pc
Adelia pc
Adelphi pc
Aden pc
adenine n
adenoid n,na
adenoma n
adenosine n
adept n,a
adequacy n,in
adequate a,in
adhere v
adherent n,a
adhesion n,na
adiabatic n
Adidas pc
adieu n
adipose a
Adirondack n
adjacent a
adjectival a
adjective n,a
adjoin v
adjoint n
adjourn v,va
adjudge v
adjudicate v,ion
adjunct n,a,ion
adjuration n
adjure v
adjust v,er,va
adjutant n,a
Adkins n
Adler n
administer v
administrable d
administrate v,ion
administratrix d
admiral n
admiralty n
admiration n
admire v,er,va
admissible a,in
admission n,na
admit v,er,ms
admittance n
admix v
admixture n
admonish v,er,va
admonition n
admonitory a
ado d,nopref
adobe n,er
adolescent n,a
Adolf pc
Adolph pc
Adolphus pc
Adonis pc
adopt v,er,ion,va
adoration n
adore v,er,va
adorn v,er,va
adrenal n,a
adrenalin n
adrenaline n
Adrian pc
Adriatic pc
Adrienne pc
adrift d
adroit a,comp
adsorb v,va
adsorbate n
adsorbent n
adsorption n,na
adulate v,ion
adult n,a
adulterant n
adulterate v,ion
adulterer n
adulteress n
adulterous a
adultery n
adumbrate v,ion
advance v,er,va
advantage n,v
advantageous a
advection n,na
advent n,na
adventitial a
adventitious a
adventure n,v,er,na
adventuresome a
adventuress n
adventurous a
adverb n
adverbial a
adversarial a
adversary n,a
adverse a
advert n,v
advertent a,in
advertise v,er,va
advice pc
advise v,er,va
advisee n
advisor n,y
advisory n
advocacy n
advocate n,v,ion
adz n
adze n
Aegean pc
aegis n
Aeneas pc
Aeneid pc
aeolian d
Aeolus pc
aerate v,a,ion,va
aerial n,a,na
aerie n
Aerobacter pc
aerobatic n
aerobic n,na
aerodynamic n,na
aeronautic n,na
aerosol n,na
aerospace n
Aeschylus pc
Aesop pc,nopref
aesthete n
aesthetic a
afar d
affable a,va
affair n
affect n,v,ion,va
affectation n
affectionate a
afferent a
affiance n,v
affidavit n
affiliate n,v,ion
affine n,ed,a
affinity n
affirm v,va
affirmation n,na
affix v,va
affixation n
afflatus n
afflict v,er,ion
affluent n,a
afford v,va
afforest v
afforestation n
affray n,v
affright n,v
affront n,v
afghan n
Afghanistan pc
aficionado n
afield d
afire d
AFL pc,nopref
aflame d
afloat d
aflutter d
afoot d
aforementioned d
aforesaid d
aforethought d
afoul d
afraid d
afresh d
Africa pc
Afrikaans pc
Afrikaner pc
afro n
aft er
afterbirth n
afterburner n
aftercare pc
afterdeck n
aftereffect n
afterglow n
afterimage n
afterlife n
aftermarket n
aftermath n
aftermost d
afternoon n
aftershock n
aftertaste n
afterthought n
afterward n
afterworld n
again d,nopref
against d,nopref
Agamemnon pc
agamic a
agape d
agar n,nopref
agaric n
agate n,nopref
Agatha pc
agave n
age n,v
Agee n
agelong d
agenda pc,na
agendum pc
agent n,a
agglomerate v,ion
agglutinate v,ion
agglutinin n
aggrade v
aggravate v,ion
aggregate n,v,a,ion
aggression n,na
aggressor n
aggrieve v
aghast d
agile a
agitate v,ion
agitprop pc
agleam d
agley d
aglitter d
aglow d
Agnes pc
Agnew n
agnomen n
agnostic n,na
ago d,nopref
agog d
agon n
agone na
agony n
agora n
agoraphobe n
agouti n
agrarian n,na
agree v,va
agreeable a
agribusiness n
Agricola pc
agricultural a,na
agriculture n,na
agrimony n
agronomist n
agronomy n,na
aground d
ague n
Aguilar n
Agway pc
ah n,nopref
aha n
Ahab pc
ahead d
ahem d
Ahmadabad pc
ahoy d
aid n,v,er,nopref
Aida pc
aide n,nopref
Aiken pc
ail n,v,nopref
ailanthus pc
Aileen pc
aileron n
ailment n
aim n,v
ain't d
Ainu n
air n,v,man,y
airbag n
airborne d
airbrush n,v
Airbus n
aircraft n
airdrop n,v,va
Airedale n,nopref
Aires pc
airfare n
airfield n
airflow n
airfoil n
airframe n
airhead n
airlift n,v
airline n,er
airlock n
airmail n,v
airmass n
airpark n
airport n
airscrew n
airsick a
airspace n
airspeed n
airstream n
airstrip n
airtight a
airwave n
airway n
airworthy a
aisle n
Aitken pc
ajar d
Ajax pc
AK pc,nopref
AK47 n
Akers n
akido pc
akimbo d
akin d,nopref
Akkadian n
Akron pc
akvavit n
Al n,nopref
Alabama pc
Alabamian n
alabaster n
alack d
alacrity n
Aladdin pc
Alameda pc
Alamo pc
Alan pc
alar n,nopref
alarm n,v,na
alas d
Alaska pc
alb n
albacore n
Albania pc
Albanian n
Albany pc
albatross n
albedo n
albeit d
Alberich pc
Albert n
Alberta pc
Alberto pc
albinism n
albino n
Albion pc
Albrecht pc
Albright n
album n
albumen n
albumin n
Albuquerque pc
Alcestis pc
alchemical a
alchemist n,na
alchemy n
Alcmena pc
Alcoa pc
alcohol n,na
alcoholic n,na
Alcott pc
alcove n
Aldebaran pc
aldehyde n
Alden n
alder n,man
Aldrich n
aldrin n
ale n
Alec pc
Aleck pc
alehouse n
alembic n
aleph n
alert n,v,a
Aleut pc
Aleutian n
alewife pc
Alex pc
Alexander n
Alexandra pc
Alexandria pc
alexandrine n
Alexis pc
alfalfa n
Alfonso pc
Alfred pc
Alfredo pc
alfresco d
alga pc,nopref
algae pc
algal d
algebra n
algebraic n
Algenib pc
Alger n
Algeria pc
Algerian n
Algiers pc
Algol pc
Algonquin n
algorithm n
algorithmic n,a,na
Alhambra pc
Ali pc
alia d
alias n,v
alibi n
Alice pc
Alicia pc
alidade n
alien n,a,va
alienate v,ion
alienee n
alienor n
alight v
align v,er,va
alike a
aliment n,v,na
alimentary d
alimentation n
alimony n
aliphatic d
aliquot n
Alison pc
Alistair pc
alive a
alizarin n
alkali n
alkaline a,na
alkaloid n
alkane n
alkene n
alkyd n
alkyl n
all d
Allah pc
allay v
allegation n
allege v
Alleghenies d
Allegheny pc
allegiant a
allegoric n
allegorist n
allegory n
Allegra pc
allegretto n
allegro n
allele n,na
alleluia d
allemand n
Allen pc
Allentown pc
allergen n
allergenic d
allergic d
allergist n
allergy n
alleviate v,ion
alley n
alleyway n
alliance n
alligator n
Allis pc
Allison pc
alliterate v,ion
allocable d
allocate v,ion,va
allophone n
allophonic d
allot v,va,ms
allotrope n
allotropic n
allow v,va
allowance n,v
alloy n,v
allspice n
Allstate pc
allude v
allure n,v,va
allusion n,na
alluvial n
alluvium n
ally n,v
allyl n
Allyn n
alma d
Almaden pc
almagest n
almanac n
almighty n,a
almond n
almost d
alms d
almshouse n
alnico n
aloe n
aloft d
aloha d
alone a
along d
alongside d
Alonzo n,nopref
aloof a
aloud d
alp n,nopref
alpaca n
alpenstock n
Alpert n
alpha n
alphabet n,na
alphabetic n,na
alphameric n
alphanumeric n
Alpheratz pc
Alphonse pc
alphorn n
alpine n,na
already d
Alsace pc
Alsatian n
also d
Alsop n
Altair pc
altar n
altarpiece n
altazimuth n
alter n,v,er,va
alteration n,na,nopref
altercate v,ion
altern n
alternate v,a,ion
althea n
although d
altimeter n
altiplano n
altitude n
alto n,nopref
altocumulus n
altogether d
Alton pc
altostratus d
altricial d
altruism n
altruist n,na
alum n
alumina n
aluminate n
alumna pc
alumnae pc
alumni d
alumnus pc
alundum pc
Alva pc
Alvarez n
alveolar a
alveoli d
alveolus pc
Alvin pc
always d
alyssum n
Alzheimer pc
a.m. d,nopref
am d,nopref
A&M pc,nopref
AMA pc,nopref
Amadeus pc
amalgam n
amalgamate v,a,ion,va
Amanda n
amanita d
amanuensis pc
amaranth n
Amarillo pc
amaryllis n
amass v,er,va
amateur n,na
amateurish a,na
amatory a
amaze v,va
amazon n
Amazonia pc
Amazonian a,nopref
ambassador n
ambassadorial a
ambassadress n
amber n
ambergris pc
ambiance d
ambidextrous a
ambient a
ambiguity n
ambiguous a
ambit n
ambition n
ambitious a
ambivalent a
amble n,v,er
ambrosia pc
ambrosial a
ambulant a
ambulate v,ion
ambuscade n,er
ambush v,va
ameer n
Amelia pc
ameliorate v,ion,va
amen n,a,va
amend v,er,va
amendatory a
Amerada pc
America n
American n,na
Americana pc
americium n
Amerindian n
Ames n
Ameslan pc
amethyst n
amethystine a
Amherst pc
amiable a
amicable a
amicus d
amid d
amide n
amidships d
amidst d
amigo n
amine n
amino n
Amish pc
amiss d
amity n
Amman pc
Ammerman n
ammeter n,na
ammo pc
ammonia n,na
ammonium n
ammunition n
amnesia n,na
amnesty n
amniocentesis n
amniotic a
Amoco pc
amoeba n,nopref
amoebae pc
amoebic a,nopref
amok d
among d
amongst d
amoral a,na
amorous a
amorphous a
amort a,na
Amos pc
amount n,v
amour n
amperage n
ampere n
ampersand n
Ampex pc
amphetamine n
amphibia pc
amphibian n
amphibious a
amphibole n,na
amphibology n
amphora n
ample a,comp,nopref
amplify v,er,ion
amplitude n
amply d
ampoule n
amputate v,ion
amputee n
Amsterdam pc
Amtrak pc
amulet n
amuse n,v,er,na,va
Amy pc
amygdaloid a
amyl n
amyloid n,a
an d,nopref
ana n,nopref
Anabaptist pc
anabasis pc
Anabel pc
anabolic a
anachronism n
anachronistic a,na
anachronous a
anaconda n
anaerobic a
anaglyph n,na
anagram n,v,ms
anagrammatic a
Anaheim pc
anal a
analemma n
analeptic a
analgesia n
analgesic n,a
analogous a
analogue n
analogy n,na
analysand n
analyses d
analysis pc
analyst n
analytic n,a,na
anamorphic a
anapestic n
anarch na
anarchic a
anarchs d
anarchy n
anastigmat n
anastigmatic d
anastomosis pc
anastomotic a
anathema n
Anatole pc
Anatolia pc
Anatolian n
anatomic a
anatomist n
anatomy n
ancestor n
ancestral a
ancestress n
ancestry n
anchor n,v,man
anchorage n
anchorite n,na
anchovy n
ancient n,a
ancillary n
and v,nopref
andante n
andantino n
Andean n
Andersen n
Anderson n
Andes pc
andesine n
andesite n
andiron n
Andorra pc
Andover pc
Andre pc
Andrea pc
Andrei pc
Andrew pc
Andrews n
Androcles pc
androgen n
androgenic a
androgynous a
androgyny n
android n
Andromache pc
Andromeda pc
Andy pc
anecdotal a
anecdote n,na
anechoic a
anemometer n,na
anemone n
anent d,nopref
aneroid n
aneurism n
aneurysm n
anew d
angel n
Angela pc
Angeles pc
angelfish n
angelic a
Angelica pc
Angelina pc
Angeline pc
Angelo pc
anger n,v,na,nopref
Angie pc
angina n
angiogram n
angioplasty n
angiosperm n
angle n,v,er,nopref
angleworm n
Anglican n,na
anglicism n
Anglo pc
anglophile n,na
anglophobe n,na
anglophobic a
anglophone n
Angola pc
angora n
angry a,comp
angst d
angstrom n
anguish n,v
angular a
angulate a,ed,v,ion
Angus pc
anharmonic a
Anheuser pc
anhydride n
anhydrite n
anhydrous a
ani n
aniline n
animadversion n
animadvert v
animal n,a,na
animate v,a,ion,in
animism n
animist n,na
animosity n
animus n,nopref
anion n
anionic a
anise n
anisette n
anisotropic a
anisotropy n,na
Anita pc
Ankara pc
ankle n
anklebone n
anklet n
Ann n,nopref
Anna pc
Annale pc
Annalen pc
annalist n
annals pc,na
Annapolis pc
Anne pc
anneal v
Annette pc
annex n,v
annexation n,na
Annie pc
annihilate v,ion
anniversary n
annotate v,a,ion,va
announce v,er,va
annoy v,er
annoyance n
annual n,a
annuitant n
annuity n
annul v,er,va,ms
annular a
annuli d
annulus n
annum pc
annunciate v,ion
anode n,na
anodic a
anodyne n
anoint v,er,va
anomalous a
anomaly n
anomie n
anon d
anonymity n
anonymous a
anopheles pc
anorak n
anorexia pc
anorexic n,a
anorthic a
anorthosite n
another pc
anoxia pc
anoxic a
Anselm pc
Anselmo n
ANSI pc,nopref
answer n,v,er,va
ant n,nopref
antacid n
Antaeus pc
antagonism n
antagonist n
antagonistic a
antarctic pc
Antarctica pc
Antares pc
ante n,v,nopref
anteater n
antebellum d
antecede v
antecedent n,a
antechamber n
antedate n,v
antediluvian n
anteing a
antelope n
antenna n
antennae pc
antepenultimate n,a
anterior a
anteroom n
anthem n,ion
anther n
anthill n
anthology n,na
Anthony n
anthracite n,na
anthracnose n
anthrax pc
anthropic a
anthropocentric a
anthropogenic a
anthropoid n
anthropology n,na
anthropometric a
anthropomorphic a
anthropomorphism n
anti n,nopref
antic n,a,nopref
antichrist n
anticipant n
anticipate v,ion,va
anticline n
antidotal a
Antietam pc
antigen n
antigenic a
Antigone pc
Antigua pc
antihistamine n
Antilles pc
antimony n
antinomy n
Antioch pc
antipasto n
antipathy n
antiperspirant n
antiphonal a
antipodal a
antipodean n
antipodes pc
antiquarian n,na
antiquary n
antiquate v,ion
antiquated a
antique n,v,a
antiquity n
antisemite n
antisemitic a
antisemitism n
antithetic a
antler n,v
Antoine pc
Antoinette pc
Anton pc
Antonia n
Antonio pc
Antony pc
antonym n
antonymous a
antonymy n
Antwerp pc
anus n
anvil n
anxiety n
anxious a
any d,nopref
anybody pc
anybody'd d
anyhow d
anymore d
anyone pc
anyplace pc
anything pc
anyway n
anywhere d
aorta n
aortic a
A&P pc,nopref
AP pc,nopref
apace d
apache n
apart a,va
apartheid n
apathetic a
apathy n
ape n,v,er,na
apercu n
aperiodic a
aperitif d
aperture n
apex n
aphasia n
aphasic a
aphelion pc
aphid n
aphis pc
aphorism n
aphorist n,na
aphrodisiac n
Aphrodite pc
apiarist n
apiary n
apices d
apiculture n,na
apiece d
apish a
aplomb d
apnea n
apocalypse n
apocalyptic a,na
apocope n
apocrypha pc
apocryphal a
apodictic a
apogee n
apolitical a
Apollo pc
Apollonian n
apologetic n,a
apologia n
apology n,na
apoplectic n,a
apoplexy n
apostasy n
apostate n,na
apostle n,na
apostolic a
apostrophe n
apothecary n
apothegm n
apotheosis pc
Appalachia pc
appall v
appanage n
apparatchik pc
apparatus n
apparent a
apparition n,na
appeal n,v,er,va
appear v
appearance n
appease v,er,va
appellant n,a
appellate n,ion
append v
appendage n,v
appendectomy n
appendices d
appendicitis n
appendix n
apperceive v
apperception n,na
appertain v
appetite n
Appian pc
applaud v,er,va
applause n
apple n
Appleby n
applejack n
Appleton pc
appliance n
applicable a,in
applicant n
application n,na
applicator n
applique n,v,er
apply v,er
appoint v,va
appointee n
appointive a
apportion v,va
apposite a,in
apposition n,na
appraisal n
appraise v,er,va
appreciable a,in
appreciate v,ion
apprehend v
apprehensible a
apprehension n,na
apprentice n,v
apprise v
approach v,va
approbation n
approbatory n
appropriable a
appropriate v,a,ion,in
approval n
approve v,er,va
approximable a
approximant a
approximate v,a,ion,va
appurtenant n,a
Apr. d,nopref
Apr pc,nopref
apricot n
April pc
apron n,na
apropos d
apse n,nopref
apsidal a
apsides d
apt d
aptitude n,in
aptly d
aptness d
aqua n
aquaculture n,na
aqualung n,er
aquamarine n
aquaplane n,er
aquarist n
aquarium n
Aquarius pc
aquatic n,a
aqueduct n
aqueous a
aquifer n
Aquila pc
aquiline a
Aquinas pc
aquiver d
AR pc,nopref
Arab n,na
arabesque n
Arabia pc
Arabic pc
arable a
Araby pc
Arachne pc
arachnid n
Aramaic pc
Arapaho n
Arawak pc
arbiter n
arbitrable a
arbitrage n,v,er
arbitrageur n
arbitrary a
arbitrate v,ion
arboreal a
arborescent a
arboretum n
arbutus n
arc n,v
arcade n,v
Arcadia pc
arcana d
arcane a
arccos d
arccosine n
arch n,v,a,er
archaic a
archaism n
archangel n
archbishop n
archbishopric n
archdeacon n
archdiocese n
archduchess n
archduke n
archenemy n
Archer pc
archery n
archetypal a
archetype n
archetypical a
archfool n
Archibald n
Archie pc
Archimedean pc
Archimedes pc
archipelago n
architect n
architectonic n,a
architectural a
architecture n
architrave n
archival a
archive n,v,na
archrival n
archway n
arcing d
arcsin d
arcsine n
arctan d
arctangent n
arctic n,a
Arcturus pc
Arden pc
ardent a
arduous a
are d
area n
areal a
areaway n
areawide d
arena n
arenaceous a
aren't d
Arequipa pc
Ares pc
argent n
Argentina pc
argentine n
Argentinian n
argillaceous a
Argive pc
argon n
argonaut n
Argonne pc
argosy n
argot n
argue v,er,va
argument n
argumentation n,na
argumentive a
Argus pc
argyll n
Ariadne pc
Arianism pc
arid a
Ariel pc
Aries pc
arise vi
arisen d
aristocracy n
aristocrat n
aristocratic a
Aristophanes pc
Aristotelean n
Aristotelian n,na
Aristotle pc
arithmetic n,na
arithmetician n
Arizona pc
ark n,nopref
Arkansan n
Arkansas pc
Arlen pc
Arlene pc
Arlington pc
Arlo n
arm n,v,na
armada n
armadillo n
Armageddon pc
armament n
armamentaria d
armamentarium pc
Armando n
Armata pc
armature n
armchair n
Armco pc
Armenia pc
Armenian n
armhole n
armillaria n
armistice n
armlet n
armload n
armoire n
armorial a
Armour pc
armpit n
armrest n
Armstrong n
army n
Arnold n
aroma n
aromatic n,a,na
arose d
around d,nopref
arousal d
arouse v
ARPA pc,nopref
arpeggio n
arrack n
Arragon pc
arraign v,va
arrange v,er,va
arrangeable a
arrant a,nopref
array n,v,er
arrear n
arrest n,v,er,va
Arrhenius pc
arrhythmia n
arrival n
arrive v,er
arrogant a
arrogate v,ion
arrow n
arrowhead n
arrowroot n
arroyo n
arsenal n
arsenate n
arsenic n,na
arsenide n
arsine n
arson na
art n,na,nopref,y
Artemis pc
artemisia pc
arterial a,na
arteriole n
arteriosclerosis pc
arteriosclerotic n,a
artery n
artesian a
arthritic n,a
arthritis pc
arthropod n
arthroscope n,na
Arthur n
Arthurian n
artichoke n
article n,v
articulate v,a,ion,in
Artie pc
artifice n,er
artificial a
artillery n
artisan n,nopref
artistry n,na
Arturo pc
artwork n
Aruba pc
arugula n
arum n
Aryan n
aryl n
a's d
as d,nopref
ASA pc,nopref
ASAP d,nopref
asbestos n
ascend v,er,va
ascendant a
ascendent a
ascension n,na
ascent n,nopref
ascertain v,va
ascetic n,a
asceticism n
ascorbic a
ascot n
ascribe v,va
ascription n,na
asepsis pc
aseptic a
asexual a
ash n,y
ashamed a
Ashanti pc
ashcan n
ashen a
Asher pc
Asheville pc
Ashland pc
ashlar n
Ashley pc
Ashmolean pc
ashore d
ashram n
ashtray n
Asia pc
Asiatic n
aside n
Asilomar pc
Asimov pc
asinine a
ask v,er
askance d
askew a
aslant d
asleep d
asocial a
asp n
asparagus n
aspect n
aspen n
asperity n
aspersion n
asphalt n
aspheric a
asphyxia n
asphyxiate v,ion
aspic n
aspidistra n
aspirant n
aspirate n,v,ion
aspire v,er
aspirin n
ass n,na,nopref
assai d
assail v,va
assailant n
Assam pc
assassin n
assassinate v,ion
assault v,er,ion
assay n,v,er
assemblage n,na
assemble v,a,er
assembly n,man
assent n,v,er
assert v,ion
assess v,va
assessor n
asset n
asseverate v,ion
assiduity n
assiduous a
assign v,er,va
assignation n,na
assignee n
assimilable a
assimilate v,ion
assist v
assistant n,a,na
associable a
associate n,v,na,ion
assonant a
assort v,er,va
Asst. d,nopref
assuage v,va
assume v,va
assumption n,na
assurance n
assure v,er,va
assured n
Assyria pc
Assyriology n,na
Astarte pc
astatine n
aster n,na
asteria n
asterisk n
astern d
asteroid n
asthma n
asthmatic n,a
astigmat n
astigmatic n,a
astigmatism n
ASTM pc,nopref
astonish v,va
Astor n
Astoria pc
astound v
astraddle d
astral a
astray d
astride d
astringent n,a
astrodome n
astrolabe n
astrologer n
astrology n,na
astronaut n
astronautic n,a
astronomer n
astronomy n
astrophysical a
astrophysicist n
astrophysics pc
Astroturf pc
astute a
Asuncion pc
asunder d
asylum n
asymmetry n,na
asymptomatic a
asymptote n
asymptotic n,a
asynchronism n
asynchronous a
asynchrony n
at d,nopref
Atalanta pc
atavism n
atavistic a
Atchison n
ate d
atelier n
Athabascan n
atheism n
atheist n,na
Athena pc
Athene pc
Athenian n
Athens pc
athirst d
athlete n
athletic n,a,na
athwart na
Atkins n
Atkinson n
Atlanta pc
Atlantic pc
Atlantica pc
Atlantis pc
atlas n
ATM n,nopref
atmosphere n
atmospheric n,a
atoll n
atom n,na
atomic n,a
atonal a,na
atone v,va
atop d
atremble d
Atreus pc
atrium n
atrocious a
atrocity n
atrophic a
atrophy v
Atropos pc
AT&T pc,nopref
attach v,er,va
attache n
attack n,v,er,va
attain v,va
attainder n
attar n
attempt n,v,va
attend v
attendant n,a
attendee n
attention n,na,in
attenuate v,ion
attest v,er
attestation n
attic n
Attica pc
attire n,v
attitude n
attitudinal a
Attn d,nopref
Attn. d,nopref
attorney n
attract v,ion,va
attribute n,v,er,ion,va
attrition n,na
attune v,va
Atwater n
Atwood n
atypic a
Auberge pc
Aubrey pc
auburn n
Auckland pc,nopref
auction n,v
auctioneer n,vi
audacious a
audacity n
audible a,in
audience n
audio n
audiology n,na
audiometer n,na
audiophile n
audiotape n
audiovisual a
audit n,v,va
audition n,v,va
auditor n,y
auditorium n
Audrey pc
Audubon pc
Auerbach pc
Aug. d,nopref
Augean pc
augend n
auger n
aught n,nopref
augment v,er,va
augmentation n,na
augur n,v
augury n
august a
Augusta pc
Augustan n
Augustine pc
Augustus pc
auk n
aunt n,na,nopref
auntie n
aura n
aural a
aureomycin n
auric a
auricle n
auricular a
Auriga pc
aurora n
auroral a
Auschwitz pc
auspices d
auspicious a,in
Aussie n,nopref
austenite n,na
austere a
Austin n
austral a
Australasia pc
Australia pc
Australis pc
Australopithecus pc
Austria pc
autarchy n
autarky n
authentic a
authenticate v,ion
author n,v,a,na
authorial a
authoritarian n,na
authoritative a
autism n
autistic n,a
auto n
autobahn n
autochthonous a
autoclave n,v
autocracy n
autocrat n
autocratic a
autodidact n,na
autogen n
autogenic a
autogenous a
autogiro n
automata n
automate v,a,ion,va
automatic a
automaton n
automorph n,na
automorphic a
autonomous a
autonomy n
autopsy n,v
autumn n
autumnal a
auxiliary n
auxin n
avail n,v,va
avalanche n,v
avalanching d
avarice n
avaricious a
avast d
avatar n
Ave. d,nopref
avenge v,er
avenue n
aver v,ms
average n,v,a
averse a
aversion n,na
avert v
avertive a
Avery n
avian na
aviarist n
aviary n
aviate v,ion
aviatrix pc
aviculture n,na
avid a
avifauna pc
avionic n,a
Avis pc
Aviv pc
avocado n
avocation n,na
avocet n
Avogadro pc
avoid v,er,va
avoidance n
avoirdupois n
Avon pc
avow v,er,va
avowal n
avuncular a
await v
awake v
awaken v,er
award n,v,er,va
awardee n
aware n,a
awash d
away a,nopref
awe n,v
aweigh d
awesome a
awestricken d
awestruck d
awful a,nopref
awhile d
awkward a
awl n
awn n,v
awoke d
awoken d
awry d,nopref
ax n,v,nopref
axe n,v,nopref
axial a
axil n,nopref
axillary n,a,nopref
axiology n,na
axiom n
axiomatic a
axis pc,nopref
axle n
axon n
ayatollah n
aye n
Ayers n
Aylesbury pc
AZ pc,nopref
azalea n
Azerbaijan pc
azimuth n
azimuthal a
Azores pc
Aztec pc
Aztecan pc
azure n
azurite n
babbitt n,v
babble v,er
Babcock n
babe n
Babel pc
baboon n
babushka n
baby n,v,na
babyhood n
babyish a
Babylon pc
Babylonian n
babysat d
babysit vi,er,ms
baccalaureate n
baccarat n
bacchanal d
bacchanalia pc
bacchanalian n
Bacchus pc
Bach n
bachelor n
bacilli d
bacillus pc
back n,v,er
backache n
backbencher n
backbite v,er
backboard n
backbone n
backcross n,v
backdate v,er
backdrop n
backfield n
backfill n,v
backfire n,v
backgammon d
background n,v
backhand n,v
backhoe n,v
backlash n,er
backlog n,v,ms
backorder n,v
backpack n,v,er
backplane n,v
backplate n,v
backrest n
backsaw n
backscatter n,v
backside n
backslap v,er,ms
backslid d
backslide vi,er
backspace n,v
backspin n,v
backstage d
backstay n
backstitch n,v
backstop n,v
backstretch n
backstroke n,v,er
backswept d
backtrack v
backup n
backward n,a
backwash n
backwater n
backwoods pc,man
backyard n
bacon pc
bacteria pc
bacterial a
bacteriologic a,na
bacteriology pc,na
bacteriophage n
bacterium pc
bad a,nopref
bade d,nopref
Baden pc
badge n,v,er
badinage n
badland n
badminton d
Baedeker n
Baffin pc
baffle n,v,er,va
bag n,v,er,na,va,man,ms
bagatelle n
bagel n
baggage pc
baggy n,a,comp
Baghdad pc
Bagley n
bagpipe n,er
baguette n
bah d,nopref
Bahai n
Bahaism n
Bahama n,nopref
Bahrein pc
bail n,v,er,va
Bailey n
bailiff n
bailiwick n
bailout n
Baird n
bait n,v,er
baize n
Baja pc
bake v,er
Bakelite pc
Bakersfield pc
bakery n
Bakhtiari pc
baklava n
baksheesh n
Baku pc
balalaika n
balance n,v,er
Balboa pc
balcony n,v
bald v,a,comp
balderdash d
baldpate n
Baldwin n
baldy n
bale n,v,er
baleen n
baleful a
Balfour n
Bali pc
Balinese pc
balk n,v,er,y
Balkan n
ball n,v,er,na
ballad n,na
balladeer n
Ballard n
ballast n,v
ballerina n
ballet n
balletic d
balletomane n
ballfield n
balloon n,v,na
ballot n,v,er
ballpark n
ballroom n
ballyhoo n
balm n,nopref,y
baloney n
balsa n
balsam n,na
balsamic a
Baltic pc
Baltimore pc
Baltimorean pc
baluster n
balustrade n
Balzac pc
bam d
Bamako pc
Bamberger pc
Bambi pc
bambino n
bamboo n
bamboozle v,er,va
ban n,v,a,er,ms
banal a
banana n
Banbury pc
band n,v,er,va
bandage n,v,er
bandanna n
bandgap n
bandicoot n
bandit n
banditry n
bandolier n
bandstand n
bandwagon n
bandwidth n
bandy n,v
bane n,na,nopref
bang n,v,er
bangkok n
Bangladesh pc
bangle n
Bangor pc
Bangui pc
banish v,er,va
banister n
banjo n,na
bank n,v,er,va
bankroll n,v,er
bankrupt n,v
bankruptcy n
banns d
banquet n,v,er
banquette n
banshee n
bantam n
banter n,v,er
Bantu pc
Bantus pc
banyan n
banzai n
baobab n
baptism n
baptismal a
baptist n
Baptiste pc
baptistery n
baptistry n
bar n,v,er,va,man,ms
barb n,v
Barbados pc
Barbara pc
barbarian n,na
barbaric a,na
barbarism n
barbarity n
barbarous a
barbecue n,v,er
barbell n
barber n,v
barberry n
Barbie n
barbital n
barbiturate n
Barbour n
Barcelona pc
Barclay n
bard n,nopref
bare v,a,comp
bareback v
barefaced a
barefoot v
bareheaded a
barfly n
bargain n,v,er
barge n,v,er,man
barhop v,ms
baritone n
barium n
bark n,v,er,nopref
barkentine n
barley pc
Barlow n
barmaid n
barn n
Barnabas pc
barnacle n,v
Barnard n
Barnes n
Barnet n
Barnett n
Barney pc
Barnhard n
barnstorm v,er
barnyard n
barograph n
barometer n,na
baron n
baroness n
baronet n
baronetage n
baronial a
barony n
baroque n,a
barque n
Barr n
barrack n,v,er
barracuda n
barrage n,v
barre n
barren n,a
Barrett n
barrette n
barricade n,v
barrier n
Barrington n
barrio n
barrister n
Barron n
barroom n
barrow n
Barry pc
Barrymore n
Barstow n
Bart pc
bartend v
bartender n
barter n,v,er
Barth pc
Bartholomew n
Bartlett n
Bartok pc
Barton n
baryon n,na
basal a
basalt n
base n,v,a,comp,man
baseball n
baseboard n
Basel pc
baseline n
basement n,va
baseplate n
baserun vi,er,ms
bash n,v,er,na,nopref
bashaw n
basic n,a
basil pc
basilar d
basilica n
basilisk n
basin n,v
basis pc
bask v,er
basket n,na
basketball n
basketry pc
basketwork n
basophilic d
Basque pc
bass n,na
basset n
Bassett n
bassi d
bassinet n
basso n
bassoon n,na
basswood n
bastard n,a,ion
bastardy n
baste v,er
bastille n
basting n
bastion n,v
bat n,v,man,nopref,ms
Batavia pc
batch n,v
Batchelder n
bate v,er
bateau pc
Bateman n
bath n,v,er
bathe v,er
bathetic a
bathhouse n
bathos d
bathrobe n
bathroom n
bathtub n
Bathurst pc
bathymetry n
batik n
Batman pc
baton n
Bator pc
batt n,v,er,nopref
battalion n
Battelle pc
batten v
batterer n
battery n
battle n,v,er,va
battlefield n
battlefront n
battleground n
batwing n
bauble n
baud pc
Baudelaire pc
Bauer n
Bauhaus pc
Bausch pc
bauxite n,na
Bavaria pc
bawd n,y
bawl n,v,er
Baxter n
bay n,v,nopref
bayberry n
Bayda pc
Baylor pc
bayonet n,v
Bayonne pc
bayou n
Bayport pc
Bayreuth pc
bazaar n
bazooka n
BBC pc,nopref
B.C. d,nopref
BC pc,nopref
be d
beach n,v,er
beachcomb vi,er
beachhead n
beacon n,v
bead n,v,y
beadle n
beadwork n
beagle n
beak n,ed,er
beam n,v,er,nopref,y
bean n,v
beanbag n
beanie n
bear n,vi,er,va
beard n,v,er
Beardsley n
bearish a
bearskin n
Beasley pc
beast n,vi,a
Beastie n
beat n,vi,er,va
beaten d
beatific n,a
beatify v,ion
beatitude n
beatnik n
Beatrice pc
beau n
Beaujolais pc
Beaumont pc
Beauregard pc
beauteous a
beautician n
beautify v,er,ion
beauty n,na
beaux pc
beaver n,nopref
bebop n,v,er,ms
becalm v
became d
because d
Bechtel pc
beck n,v
becket n
Beckman pc
beckon n,v
Becky pc
becloud v
become vi
bed n,v,er,ms
bedaub v
bedazzle v,va
bedbug n
bedclothes n
bedeck v
bedfast a
bedfellow n
Bedford pc
bedim v,ms
bedizen v,va
bedlam n,a
bedouin n
bedpan n
bedpost n
bedraggle v
bedridden a
bedrock n
bedroll n
bedroom n
bedside n
bedspread n
bedspring n
bedstead n
bedstraw n
bedtime n
bee n,er,nopref
Beebe n
beebread n
beech n
Beecham pc
Beechcraft n
beechwood n
beef n,v,y
beefeater n
beefsteak n
beehive n,a
Beelzebub pc
been d
beep n,v,er
beer n,y
beeswax n
beet n
Beethoven pc
beetle n,v,a
befall vi
befallen d
befell d
befit v,ms
befog v,ms
before d,nopref
beforehand ed
beforetime d
befoul v
befriend v
befuddle v,va
beg v,ms
began d
begat d
beget vi,er,ms
beggar n,v,a
beggary n
begin vi,er,ms
begone v
begonia n
begot d
begotten d
begrime v
begrudge v
beguile v,er,va
Begum n,nopref
begun d
behalf n
behave v,er
behead v
beheld d
behemoth n
behest n
behind n,nopref
behindhand d
behold vi,er
beholden a
beige n,a
Beijing pc
being n
Beirut pc
bel n
Bela pc
belated a
belay n,v
belch n,v,er
beleaguer v
Belfast pc
belfry n
Belgian n,a
Belgium pc
Belgrade pc
belie n,v,er,nopref
belief n
belies d
believe v,er,va
believeth d
belike d
Belinda n
belittle v,er,va
Belize pc,nopref
bell n,v,man
Bella pc
belladonna n
Bellamy n
Bellatrix pc
bellboy n
belle n
bellflower n
bellhop n
bellicose a
belligerent n,a,na
Bellingham pc
Bellini pc
bellow n,v
bellum pc
bellwether n
belly n,v
bellyache n,v
Belmont n
belong v
Belorussia pc
beloved n,a
below d,nopref
Belshazzar pc
belt n,v,er
Beltsville pc
Beltway pc
beluga n
belvedere n
belying d
bemadden v
bemoan v
bemuse v
Ben pc
bench n,v,er
benchmark n,v
bend n,v,er
benday v,a
Bendix pc
beneath d
Benedict n
Benedictine n,a
benediction n
benedictory a
benefaction n
benefactor n
benefactress n
benefice n,v
beneficent a
beneficial a
beneficiary n,a
benefit n,v
Benelux pc
benevolent a
Bengal pc
Bengali n,a
benight ed
benign a
benignant a,na
benison n
Benjamin pc
Bennett n
Bennie n
Bennington pc
Benny pc
Benson n
bent n,a
Bentham pc,na
benthic a
Bentley n
Benton n
benumb v
Benz pc
Benzedrine pc
benzene n
benzoate n
benzoin n
benzyl n
Beowulf pc
beplaster v,a
bequeath v
bequest n
berate v,er
Berea pc
bereave v,va
bereft v
Berenices pc
beret n
berg n
bergamot n
Bergen n
Berger n
Bergland n
Berglund n
Bergman n
Bergson n
Bergstrom n
beribbon n
beriberi n
Bering pc,nopref
Berkeley pc
berkelium n
Berkowitz n
Berkshire n
Berlin pc
Berliner n
Berlioz pc
Berlitz pc
Berman n
Bermuda pc
Bern pc
Bernadette pc
Bernadine pc
Bernard n
Bernardino pc
Bernardo pc
berne n
Bernet pc
Bernhard n
Bernice pc
Bernie pc
Berniece pc
Bernini pc
Bernoulli n
Bernstein n
berry n,v,na,nopref
berserk n,a,er
Bert pc
berth n,v
Bertha pc
Bertie pc
Bertram pc
Bertrand pc
Berwick pc
beryl n
beryllium n
beseech v
beseem v
beset vi,er,va,ms
beside n,nopref
besiege v,er
besmirch v
besot v,ms
besought d
bespatter v
bespeak v
bespeckle v
bespectacled d
bespoke a
Bess pc
Bessel pc
Bessemer pc
Bessie pc
best n,v,nopref
bestial a,na
bestiary n
bestir v,ms
bestow v,er
bestowal n
bestsell vi,er,ms
bestubble v
bet n,v,er,ms
beta n,a
betake d
betaken d
betatron n
betel n
Betelgeuse pc
Beth pc
bethel n
Bethesda pc
bethink vi
Bethlehem pc
bethought d
betide v
betimes d
betoken v
betony n
betook d
betray v
betrayal n
betrayer n
betroth v
betrothal n
Betsey pc
Betsy pc
Bette pc
betterment n
bettor n
Betty pc
between d
betwixt d
Beulah n
beverage n
Beverly pc
bevy n
bewail v
beware v
bewhisker v
bewilder v,va
bewitch v,va
bey n,nopref
beyond d,nopref
bezel n
Bhutan pc
biannual a
bias n,v,a
biathlon n
biaxial a
bib n,v,ms
bibb n,v,er
bible n
biblical a
bibliography n,er
bibliomania n
bibliophile n,na
bibulous a
bicameral a,na
bicarbonate n
bicentennial n,a
bicentric a
biceps n
bichromate n,ed
bicker n,v,er
biconcave a
biconnected a
biconvex a
bicuspid n
bicycle n,v,er,na
bid n,vi,er,ms
biddable a,va
bidden d
biddy n
bide n,v,er,nopref
bidiagonal a
bidirectional a
biennial n,a
biennium n
bier n
bifacial a
bifocal n,a
bifold a
bifurcate v,a,ion
big n,a,comp,ms,y
bigamist n
bigamous a
bigamy n
Bigelow n
biggie n
biggish a
Biggs n
bighead n,ed
bighearted a
bighorn a
bight n,v
bigot n,ed
bigotry n
bigwig n
biharmonic a
bijouterie n
bike n,v,er
bikini n
bilateral a,na
bilayer v
bile n,nopref
bilge n,v
bilharzia pc
bilharziasis pc
bilinear a
bilingual n,a,na
bilious a
bilk n,v,er
bill n,v,er,va
billabong n
billet n,v
billfold n
billiard n
Billie pc
Billiken pc
billingsgate n
billion n,a
billionaire n
billionth n,a
billow n,v,y
billy n
Biltmore pc
bimetal n
bimetallic n,a
bimetallism n
Bimini pc
bimodal a
bimolecular a
bimonthly n,a
bin n,v,nopref,ms
binary n,a
binaural a
bind n,vi,er,va
bindery n
bindle n
binge n
Bingham pc
Binghamton pc
bingo n
binnacle n
binocular n,a
binomial n,a
binuclear a
biocide n
biography n,er
biology n,na
Biometrika pc
biometry pc
biopsy n
biota n
biotic a
bipartisan pc,a
bipartite a
biped n,a
bipedal n
biphenyl n
biplane n
bipolar a
biquadratic n,a
biracial a,na
birch n,v,a
birchbark n
bird n,v,er,na,man,nopref
birdbath n
birdbrain n
birdhouse n
birdie n,v,na
birdseed n
birdshot n
birdwatch v
birefringent a
Birgit pc
Birmingham pc
birth n,v
birthday n
birthmark n,v
birthplace n
birthright n
birthstone n
biscuit n
bisect v,ion
bisexual n,a
bishop n
bishopric n
Bismarck pc
Bismark pc
bismuth n
bison n
bisque n
Bissau pc
bistable va
bistate n
bistro n
bit n,v,er,ms
bitch n,v,er
bite n,vi,er
bitt n,v,er,y
bitten d
bittern n
bitterroot n
bittersweet n,a
bitumen n
bituminous a
bitwise d
bivalent n,a,na
bivalve n,ed,a
bivariate a
bivouac n,v
bivouacked d
bivouacking d
biweekly n,a
biz n
bizarre n,a
Bizet pc
blab n,v,er,ms
blabbermouth n,vi
black n,v,a,comp
blackamoor n
blackball n,v
blackberry n
blackbird n
blackboard n
blackbody n
Blackburn n
blacken v,er
blackface n
Blackfeet pc
blackfly n
blackguard n,v,a,na
blackhead n
blackish a
blackjack n,v
blacklist n,v
blackmail n,v,er
Blackman n
blackout n
blacksmith n,vi
blacksnake n
Blackstone pc
blacktop n,v,ms
Blackwell pc
bladder n,na
bladdernut n
blade n,ed
blah n
Blaine n
Blair n
Blake n
blame n,v,er,na,va
blameworthy a
blanc d
blanch v,er
Blanchard n
Blanche pc
bland a,comp
blandish v,er,va
blank n,v,a,comp
Blankenship n
blanket n,v,a
blare n,v
blarney n,v
blaspheme v,er
blasphemous a
blasphemy n
blast n,v,er,va
blat n,v,ms
blatant a,na
blather n,v,er
blatherskite n
Blatz n
blaze n,v,er,nopref
blazon n,v,er
bleach n,v,er
bleak n,a,comp
bleary a,comp
bleat n,v,er
bled d
bleed n,vi,er
Bleeker pc
blemish n,v
blench v
blend n,v,er
Blenheim pc
bless v,er
blest d
Blevins n
blew d
blight n,v,er
blimp n
blimpish a
blind n,v,a,comp
blindfold n,v,a
blindside v
blink n,v,er
Blinn n
blintz n
blip n
bliss n,na
blister n,v,y
blithe a,comp
blitz n,v
blitzkrieg n,v
blizzard n
bloat n,v,a,er
blob n,v,ms
bloc n
Bloch pc
block n,v,er,y
blockade n,v,er
blockage n
blockbust er
blockhead n
blockhouse n
bloke n
Blomberg n
Blomquist n
blond n,a,comp
blonde n
blood n,v,nopref
bloodbath n
bloodhound n
bloodletting n
bloodroot n
bloodshed n
bloodshot a
bloodstain n,ed
bloodstone n
bloodstream n
bloodsuck vi,er
bloodthirsty a
bloody v,a,comp
bloom n,v,er,y
Bloomfield pc
Bloomington pc
bloop er
blossom n,v,y
blot n,v,er,ms
blotch n,v
blotchy n,v,y
blouse n
blow n,vi,er,y
blowback n
blowfish n
blowgun n
blowhard n
blowhole n
blown a
blowout n
blowpipe n
blowsy a,comp
blowtorch n
blowup n
blowzy a
blubber n,v,a
blubbery a,comp
bludgeon n,v
blue n,v,a,comp
blueback n
bluebeard n
bluebell n
blueberry n
bluebill n
bluebird n
bluebonnet n
bluebook n
bluebush n
bluefin n
bluefish n
bluegill n
bluegrass n
bluejacket n
bluepoint n
blueprint n,v
bluestocking n
bluet n
bluff n,v,a,er
bluish a
Blum n
Blumenthal n
blunder n,v,er
blunderbuss n
blunt v,a,comp
blur n,v,ms,y
blurb n
blurt n,v
blush n,v,er,na
bluster n,v,er
blustery a
blutwurst n
Blvd. d,nopref
Blythe pc
BMW n,nopref
boa n,nopref
boar n,nopref
board n,v,er,na
boardinghouse n
boardroom n
boardwalk n
boast n,v,er,na
boat n,v,er,man
boathouse n
boatload n
boatswain n
boatyard n
bob n,v,er,ms
Bobbie pc
bobbin n
bobble n,v
bobby n
bobcat n
bobolink n
bobsled n,v
bobtail n,ed,a
bobwhite n
Boca pc
bocce n
boccie pc
bock n
boddhisattva n
bode v
bodega n
bodhisattva n
bodice n
Bodleian pc
body n,v,a
bodybuild vi
bodyguard n
Boeing n
Boeotian n
bog n,v,ms,y
bogey n,v,man
boggle n,v
Bogota pc
bogus a
bogy n
Bohemia pc
bohemian n,na
Bohr pc
boil n,v,er
Bois pc
Boise pc
boisterous a
bola n
bold a,comp
boldface n
bole n,na
bolero n
boletus n
bolivar n
Bolivia pc
boll n,nopref
bollard n
bollix v
bolo n
Bologna pc
bolometer n
Bolshevik n,a
Bolshevism pc
Bolshevist n,a
Bolshoi pc
bolster n,v,er
bolt n,v,er
Bolton n
Boltzmann pc
bomb n,v,er
bombard n,v,va
bombardier n
bombast n,a,er
bombastic a
Bombay pc
bombproof a
bombshell n
bombsight n
bon d,nopref
bona d
bonanza n
Bonaparte pc
Bonaventure pc
bonbon n
bond n,v,er,va,man
bondage n
bondholder n
bonds man
bone n,v,er,nopref,y
bonefish n
bonehead n,v
bonfire n
bong n,v
bongo n
Boniface pc
bonito n
bonkers d
Bonn pc
Bonner n
bonnet n,v
Bonneville pc
Bonnie pc
bonny a
bonsai n
bonus n
bonze n
boo n,v,er,nopref
boob n,y
boodle n
boogie n,v
book n,v,a,er,man
bookbind vi,er
bookcase n
bookend n
bookie n
bookish a
booklet n
bookmark n
bookmobile n
bookplate n
booksell vi,er
bookshelf n
bookshelves d
bookstore n
bookworm n
boolean n,a
boom n,v,er,nopref
boomerang n,v
boon n,a
boondock n
boondoggle n,v,er
Boone n
boor n
boorish a
boost n,v,er
boot n,v,er,y
bootblack n
Bootes pc
booth n
bootie n
bootleg v,er,ms
bootlick n,v,er
bootstrap n,v,er,ms
booze n,v,er,y
bop n,v,er,ms
borage n
borane n
borate n,ed
borax n
Bordeaux pc
bordello n
Borden n
border n,v,er
borderland n
borderline a
bore n,v,er,nopref
boreal a
borealis d
Boreas pc
boredom n
Borg n
boric a
Boris pc
born a
borne d,nopref
Borneo pc
boron n
borosilicate n
borough n
Borroughs n
borrow v,er
borzoi n
Bosch pc
Bose pc
bosh n
Bosnia pc
bosom n,v,a,y
boson n
boss n,v,na,y
Boston pc
bosun n
Boswell n
botanic n
botanist n
botany n
botch n,v,er,y
botfly n
both a,er
botheration n
bothersome a
Botswana pc
bottle n,v,er,na
bottleneck n,v,a
bottom n,v,er
bottommost a
botulin n
botulism n
Boucher pc
boudoir n
bouffant a
bough n,ed
bought d
bouillabaisse n
bouillon n
boulder n,v
bouldery a
boule n
boulevard n
boulevardier n
bounce n,v,er
bouncy a,comp
bound n,v,a,er
boundary n
bounden a
bounteous a
bounty n,ed,na
bouquet n
bourbon n,na
bourdon n
bourgeois n,a
bourgeoise n
bourgeoisie n
bourn n
bourse n
boustrophedon a
bout n
boutique n
boutonniere n
bovine n,a
bow n,v,er,man
Bowditch pc
Bowdoin pc
bowel n,nopref
Bowen pc
bowery n,a
bowfin n
bowhead n
bowie n
bowl n,v,er
bowleg n,ed,ms
bowline n
bowsprit n
bowstring n
box n,v,er,na,y
boxcar n
boxwood n
boy n,nopref
boyar n
Boyce n
boycott n,v,er
Boyd n
Boyer n
boyfriend n
boyhood n
boyish a
Boyle n
Boylston pc
boysenberry n
BP pc,nopref
bra n,nopref
brace n,v,er
bracelet n
brachycephalic a
bracken n
bracket n,v
brackish a
bract n,ed
brad n,v,nopref,ms
Bradbury n
Bradford n
Bradley n
Bradshaw n
Brady n
brae n,nopref
brag n,v,a,comp,ms,y
Bragg n
braggart n,a
brahma n
Brahman n,na
Brahmaputra pc
Brahmin n,na
Brahms pc
Brahmsian pc
braid n,v,er
braille n,v
brain n,v,y
Brainard n
brainchild pc
brainchildren pc
brainstorm n,v
brainwash n,v
braise v
brake n,v,man,y
bramble n,a
bran n,nopref,ms
branch n,v,y
brand n,v,er
Brandeis pc
Brandenburg pc
brandish n,v
Brandon n
Brandt n
brandy n,v
brandywine n
Braniff pc
brant n
brash n,a,comp
Brasilia pc
brass n,y
brassiere n
brat n,ms,y
brattish a
bratwurst n
Braun n
bravado n
brave n,v,a,comp
bravery n
bravo n,v
bravura n
brawl n,v,er,y
brawn n,y
bray n,v,er
braze v,er
brazen v,a
brazier n
Brazil pc
Brazilian n
Brazzaville pc
breach n,v,er
bread n,v
breadbasket n
breadboard n
breadfruit n
breadroot n
breadth n
breadwin vi,er,ms
break n,vi,er,va
breakage n
breakaway n,a
breakdown n
breakfast n,v
breakneck a
breakout n
breakpoint n
breakthrough n
breakup n
breakwater n
bream n,v
breast n,v,nopref
breastplate n
breastwork n
breath n,v,na,va,y
breathalyzer n
breathe v,er
breathtaking a
breccia n
bred d
breech n,vi
breechclout n
breeches d
breed n,vi,er
breeze n,v,y
breezeway n
Bremen pc
bremsstrahlung n
Brenda pc
Brendan pc
Brennan n
Brenner n
Brent n
Brest pc
brethren pc
Breton n,a
Brett pc
breve n
brevet n,v
breviary n
brevity n
brew n,v,er
brewery n
Brewster n
Brian pc
briar n
bribe n,v,er,va
bribery n
Brice n
brick n,v,er
brickbat n
bricklay vi,er
brickwork n
brickyard n
bridal n,a
bride n,nopref
bridegroom n
bridesmaid n
bridge n,v
bridgeable a
bridgehead n
Bridgeport pc
Bridget pc
Bridgetown pc
bridgework n
bridle n,v
Brie pc
brief n,v,a,comp
briefcase n
brier n,nopref
briery a,comp
brig n
brigade n,v
brigadier n
brigand n,na
brigantine n
Briggs n
Brigham n
bright a,comp
brighten v
Brighton pc
brightwork n
Brigitte pc
brilliant n,a,na
Brillouin pc
brim n,v,er,na,ms
brimstone n
Brindisi pc
brindle n,ed
brine n,er,y
bring vi,er
brink n
brinkmanship n
brioche n
briquette n
Brisbane pc
brisk v,a,comp
brisket n
bristle n,v,na
bristly a,comp
bristol n
Britain pc
Britannic a
Britannica pc
britches n
Briticism n
British n,a,er
Britisher n
Briton n
Britt n
Brittany pc
Britten pc
brittle n,a,nopref
broach n,v,er
broad n,a,comp
broadcast n,v,a,er
broadcloth n
broaden v
broadloom n,a
broadsheet n
broadside n,a
Broadway pc
brocade n,v
broccoli d
brochette n
brochure n
Brock n
Broglie pc
brogue n
broil n,v,er
broke er
broken a
brokerage n
bromate n,v
bromeliad n
Bromfield n
bromide n
bromine n
Bromley n
bronchi d
bronchial a
bronchitis n
bronchus pc
bronco n
brontosaurus pc
Bronx pc
bronze n,v,y
brooch n
brood n,v,er,y
brook n,v
Brooke pc
Brookhaven pc
Brookline pc
Brooklyn pc
brookside n
broom n,v
broomcorn n
broomstick n
broth n
brothel n
brother n,a,na
brougham n
brought d
brouhaha n
brow n
browbeat n,vi,er
browbeaten d
brown n,v,a,comp
Browne n
Brownell n
Brownian pc
brownie n
brownish a
brownout n
brownstone n
browse n,v,er
Bruce pc
brucellosis pc
Bruckner pc
Bruegel pc
bruise n,v,er
bruit n,v
Brumidi pc
brunch n
brunette n
Brunhilde pc
Bruno n
Brunswick pc
brunt n
brush n,v,er,na,y
brushfire n
brushwork n
brusque a
Brussels pc
brutal a,na
brute n,a
brutish a
Bryan n
Bryant n
Bryce n
Bryn pc
bryophyte n
b's d,nopref
BSA pc,nopref
BTU n,nopref
bubble n,v,a,er
bubonic a
buccaneer n,v
Buchanan n
Bucharest pc
Buchenwald pc
Buchwald pc
buck n,v,a,er
buckaroo n
buckboard n
bucket n,v,nopref
buckeye n
buckhorn n
Buckingham n
buckle n,v,er
Buckley n
Bucknell pc
buckram n,v,a
buckshot n
buckskin n
buckthorn n
bucktooth n,ed
buckwheat n
bucolic n,a
bud n,v,er,ms
Budapest pc
Budd n
Buddha n
Buddhism pc
Buddhist n,a,na
buddy n
budge n,v,er,a,va
budget n,v,er
budgetary a
budgeteer n
budgie n
budgiregar n
Budweiser pc
Buena pc
Buenos pc
buff n,v,er
buffalo n,v
buffet n,v
bufflehead n
buffoon n
buffoonery n
buffoonish a
bug n,v,er,nopref,ms
bugaboo n
bugbear n
bugeyed a
buggery pc
buggy n,a,comp
bughouse n,a
bugle n,v,a,er
Buick n
build n,v,er,va
buildup n
built d
builtin n
Bujumbura pc
bulb n,ed
bulblet n
bulbous a
Bulgaria pc
bulge n,v,y
bulimia pc
bulimic a
bulk n,v,y
bulkhead n
bull n,v,a
bulldog n,v,a
bulldoze v,er
bullet n
bulletin n,v
bulletproof a
bullfight n,vi,er
bullfinch n
bullfrog n
bullhead n,ed
bullhide n
bullhorn n
bullion n
bullish a
bullock n,y
bullpen n
bullseye n
bullshit n,v,er,ms
bullwhack v
bullwhip n,v,ms
bully n,v,a
bullyboy n
bullyrag v,er,ms
bulrush n
bulwark n,v
bum n,v,a,er,ms
bumble v,er
bumblebee n
bump n,v,er,y
bumpkin n
bumptious a
bun n
bunch n,v,y
buncombe n
Bundestag pc
bundle n,v,er
bung n,v
bungalow n
bungee n
bunghole n
bungle v,er
bunion n
bunk n,v,er
bunkhouse n
bunkmate n
bunkum pc
bunny n
Bunsen pc
bunt n,v,er
Bunyan pc
buoy n,v
buoyant a,na
burble n,v,a,er
Burch n
burden n,v,va
burdensome a
burdock n
bureau n
bureaucracy n
bureaucrat n
bureaucratic n,a
buret n
burette n
burg n,er
burgee n
burgeon v
burgess n
burgher n
burglar n,na
burglarproof v
burglary n
burgle v
burgomaster n
Burgundian n
Burgundy n
burial n
buried d
burin n
Burke n
Burkina d,nopref
burl n,v,er
burlap n
burlesque n,v,a,er
burley n
Burlington pc
burly a,comp
Burma pc
Burmese pc,a
burn n,v,er,va
Burnett n
Burnham n
burnish n,v,er
burnoose n
burnout n
Burnside n
burnt d
burp n,v,er
burr n,v,er,y
burrito n
burro n
Burroughs n
burrow n,v,er
bursar n
bursitis n
burst n,v,er,y
Burt pc
Burton n
Burtt n
Burundi pc
bury v,er
bus n,man
busboy n
Busch pc
buses d
bush n,v,man,y
bushmaster n
Bushnell n
bushwhack v,er
business n,na,man
busload n
buss n,v,nopref
bust n,v,er,nopref,y
bustard n
bustle n,v,er
busy v,a,comp
busybody n
busyness d
but n
butadiene n
butane n
butch d
butcher n,v,a,er
butchery n
butene n
buteo n
butler n
butt n,v,va
butte n,er
butterball n
buttercup n
butterfat n
Butterfield n
butterfinger ed
butterfly n
buttermilk n
butternut n
butterscotch n
buttery n,a
buttock n
button n,v,er,y
buttonhole n,v,er
buttonhook n
buttonwood n
buttress n,v
Buttrick n
butyl n
butylene n
butyrate n
butyric a
buxom a
Buxtehude pc
Buxton n
buy n,vi
buyback n
buyer n
buyout n
buzz n,v,y
buzzard n
buzzer n
buzzing a
buzzsaw n,v
buzzword n
BWI pc,nopref
by d,nopref
bye n
Byers pc
bygone n,a
bylaw n
byline n
bypass n,v
bypath n
byplay n
byproduct n
Byrd n
Byrne n
byroad n
Byron pc,na
Byronic a
bystander n
byte n
byway n
byword n
Byzantine n,a
Byzantium pc
CA pc,nopref
cab n,man
cabal n,na
cabala n
cabana n
cabaret n
cabbage n,v
cabby n
cabdriver n
cabin n,v
cabinet n,a
cabinetry pc
cabinetwork n
cable n,v,er
cablegram n
caboodle n
caboose n
Cabot n
cabriole n
cabriolet n
cacao n
cacciatore d,nopref
cachalot n
cache n,v
cachet n
caching d
cacique n,na
cackle n,v,er
CACM pc,nopref
cacophonist n
cacophonous a
cacophony n
cacti d
cactus n
cad n,nopref
cadastral a
cadaver n
cadaverous a
caddie n,v
caddish a
caddy n
cadent a
cadenza n
cadet n
cadge v,er
Cadillac n
cadmium n
cadre n
caduceus n
Cady n
Caesar n,na
caesura n
cafe n
cafeteria n
caffeinate v,va
caffeine n
caftan n
cage n,v,er,y
cagey a
Cahill pc
cahoot n
caiman n
Cain pc
Caine pc
cairn n,ed
Cairo pc
caisson n
cajole v,er,va
cajolery n
Cajun n
cake n,v
cakewalk n,v,er
Cal pc
calabash n
Calais pc
calamine n
calamitous a
calamity n
calcareous a
calcify v,ion
calcine v
calcite n,na
calcium n
calculable a,va,in
calculate v,ion
calculi d
calculus pc
Calcutta pc
Calder n
caldera n
Caldwell n
Caleb pc
calendar n,v
calendric a
calends n
calendula n
calf n,nopref
calfskin n
Calgary pc
Calhoun n
calibrate v,ion
calico n,a
California pc
californium n
caliper n,v
caliph n
caliphate n
calisthenic n,a
calk n,ed
Calkins n
call n,v,er,va
calla n
Callaghan n
Callahan n
calligraph n,er,na
calligraphy n,na
calliope n
Callisto pc
callous v,a
callow a
callus n,v
calm n,v,a,comp
caloric n,a,na
calorie n
calorimeter n,na
Calumet pc
calumniate v,ion
calumny n
calvados n
calvary n
calve n,v,nopref
Calvert n
Calvin n,na
Calvinist n,a,na
calypso n
calyx n
cam n,nopref
camaraderie n
camber n,v
cambium n
Cambodia pc
Cambrian a
cambric n
Cambridge pc
camcorder n
Camden pc
came n
camel n
camelback n
cameleer n
camellia n
camelopard n
Camelot pc
Camembert n
cameo n
camera n,man
Cameron n
Cameroun pc
Camilla pc
Camille pc
Camino pc
camisole n
camouflage n,v
camp n,v,er
campaign n,v,er
campanile n
campanology n
Campbell n
campfire n
campground n
camphor n
campion n
camporee n
campsite n
campus n
camshaft n
can n,v,er,nopref,ms,y
Canaan pc
Canada pc
Canadian n
canal n,v,er,ms
canape n
canard n
canary n
canasta n
Canaveral pc
Canberra pc
cancan n
cancellate a,ion
cancer n
cancerous a
Candace pc
candela n
candelabra n
candid a
candidacy n
candidate n
Candide pc
candle n,v,er
candlelight n,er
candlelit d
candlepower n
candlestick n
candy n,v
cane n,v,er
Canfield n
canine n,a
Canis pc
canister n
canker n,v
cankerworm n
canna n
cannabis n
cannel n
cannery n
cannibal n,a,na
cannister n
cannon n,v
cannonade n
cannonball n,v
cannoneer n
cannot d
canoe n,v
canoeing pc
canoeist n
Canoga pc
canon n,na
canonic a
canopy n,v
canst d
can't d
cant n,v,er,y
cantabile d
Cantabrigian n,a
cantaloupe n
cantankerous a
cantata n
canteen n
Canterbury pc
canticle n
cantilever n
cantle n
canto n
canton n,v,va
Cantonese a
cantor n
Cantrell n
canvas n
canvasback n
canvass n,v,er
canyon n
cap n,v,er,ms
capacious a
capacitance n
capacitate v,ion,in
capacitive a
capacitor n
capacity n,in
caparison n,v
cape n,va
capella d
caper n,v
Capetown pc
capillarity n
capillary n,a
Capistrano pc
capita d
capital n,a,na
capitate a,ion
capitol n
Capitoline a
capitulate v,ion
capo d
capon n,na
cappucino n
caprice n
capricious a
Capricorn n
capsicum pc
capsize v
capstan n
capstone n
capsule n,a
captain n,v
captaincy n
caption n,v,na,va
captious a
captivate v,ion
captor n
capture n,v
capuchin n
Caputo n
capybara n
car n,nopref
carabiner n
Caracas pc
caracul n
carafe n
carageen n
caramel n,na
carapace n
carat n
caravan n
caravansary n
caravel n
caraway n
carbide n
carbine n
carbohydrate n
Carboloy pc
carbon n,na
carbonaceous a
carbonate n,v,ion
Carbondale pc
Carbone n
carbonic a
carboniferous n,a
carbonyl n
carborundum n
carboxy a
carboxyl n
carboxylate n,v,ion
carboy n
carbuncle n,ed
carburet v
carburetion n
carburetor n
carcass n
carcinogen n
carcinogenic a
carcinoma n
card n,v,er
cardamom n
cardboard n,a
cardiac n,a
cardigan n
cardinal n,a
cardiograph n,er
cardiography n,na
cardioid n
cardiology n,na
cardiovascular a
care n,v,er,na
careen n,v
career n,v,na
carefree a
caress n,v,er
caret n
caretaker n
careworn a
Carey n
carfare n
Cargill n
cargo n
cargoes d
carhop n
Carib n
Caribbean a
caribou n
caricature n,v,na
caries n
carillon n
carioca n
Carl pc,na
Carla pc
Carleton n
Carlin n
Carlisle n
Carlo n
carload n
Carlson n
Carlton n
Carlyle n
Carmela pc
Carmen pc
Carmichael n
carmine n
carnage n
carnal a
carnation n
carne pc
Carnegie pc
carnelian n
carney n
carnival n
carnivore n
carnivorous a
carny n
carob n
Carole n
Carolina n
Caroline pc
Carolingian n,a
Carolinian n,a
Carolyn pc
carom n,v
carotene n
carotid n,a
carousal n
carouse n,v,er
carousel n
carp n,v,er
carpal n
Carpathia pc
carpel n
carpenter n,v
carpentry n
carpet n,v
carpetbag n,v,a,er,ms
carport n
Carr n
carrageen n
Carrara pc
carrel n
carriage n
Carrie pc
carrion n
Carroll n
carrot n
Carruthers n
carry n,v,er
carryall n
carryover v
carsick a
Carson n
cart n,v,er,nopref
cartage n
carte d,nopref
cartel n
Cartesian n,a,na
Carthage pc
Carthaginian n
cartilage n
cartogram n
cartography n,er
carton n
cartoon n,v,na
cartouche n
cartridge n
cartwheel n,v
Caruso pc
carve v,er
carven d
caryatid n
casaba n
Casanova pc
casbah n
cascade n,v
cascara n
case n,v,va
casebook n
casein n
casework n,er
Casey n
cash n,v,er,va
cashew n
cashier n,v
cashmere n
casino n
cask n
casket n,v
Caspian pc
Cassandra n
cassava n
casserole n
cassette n
Cassidy pc
Cassiopeia pc
Cassius pc
cassock n
cassowary n
cast n,vi
castanet n
castaway n,a
caste n,ed,er
casteth d
castigate v,ion
Castilian n,a
Castillo pc
castle n,v
castoff n
castor n
castrate n,v,ion
Castro n
casual n,a
casualty n
casuist n,na
casuistry n
cat n,v,na,nopref,ms
catabolic a,na
cataclysm n
cataclysmic a
catacomb n
catafalque n
Catalan n,a
catalepsy n
cataleptic n,a
Catalina pc
catalogue n,v,er
catalpa n
catalysis pc
catalyst n
catalytic a,na
catamaran n
catamount n
catapult n,v
cataract n
catarrh n
catastrophe n
catastrophic a,na
catatonia n
catatonic n,a
catbird n
catcall n,v
catch n,vi,er,va,y
catchall a
catchup n
catchword n
catechism n
catechist n,na
categoric a,na
category n
catena n
catenary n,a
catenate v,ion
cater v,er
caterpillar n
caterwaul v
catfish n
catgut n
catharsis pc
cathartic n,a
cathedra n
cathedral n,a
Catherine pc
Catherwood n
catheter n,na
cathode n
cathodic a,na
catholic n,a,na
Catholicism pc
Cathy pc
cation n,nopref
cationic a,na
catkin n
catnap n,v,ms
catnip n
Catskill pc
catsup n
cattail n
cattle n,man
catty n,a,comp
CATV pc,nopref
catwalk n
Caucasia pc
Caucasus pc
Cauchy pc
caucus n,v
caudal a
caudillo n
caught d
cauldron n
cauliflower n
caulk v,er
causa d
causal a
causation n,na,va
cause n,v,er
causeway n,v
caustic n,a,na
caution n,v,in
cautionary a,nopref
cautious a,in
cavalcade n
cavalier n,a
cavalry n,man
cave n,v,a,comp,man,y
caveat n
Cavendish n
cavern n,v
cavernous a
caviar n
Caviness n
cavitate v,ion
cavort v
caw n,v
cay n
cayenne n
Cayley pc
cayman n
Cayuga n
CB pc,nopref
CBC pc,nopref
CBS pc,nopref
CCC pc,nopref
CCNY pc,nopref
CD n,nopref
CDC pc,nopref
cease n,v
Cecil pc
Cecilia pc
Cecily pc
Cecropia pc
cedar n
cede v,er
cedilla n
Cedric pc
ceil v
celandine n
Celanese pc
Celebes pc
celebrant n
celebrate v,ion
celebrity n
celeriac n
celerity n
celery n
celesta n
Celeste pc
celestial n,a
Celia pc
celibacy n
celibate n,a
cell n,ed,na
cellar n,er,nopref
cello n
cellophane n
cellular a
celluloid n,a
cellulose n
Celsius a
Celt n
Celtic n,a,na
cement n,v,er
cemetery n
cenotaph n
cenote n
censer n
censor n,v
censorial a
censorious a
censure n,v,er,va
census n,v
cent n
centaur n
Centauri pc
centenarian n,a
centenary n,a
centennial n,a
centerfold n
centerline n
centerpiece n
centesimal n,a
centigrade a
centigram n
centime n
centipede n
central n,a,na
centrex n
centric a,na
centrifugal n,a
centrifugate ion
centrifuge n,v
centripetal a
centrist n
centroid n
centum a
centurion n
century n
CEO n,nopref
cephalic a,na
cephalopod n,a
Cepheid n
Cepheus pc
CEQ pc,nopref
ceramic n,a,na
ceramist n
Cerberus pc
cereal n,a
cerebellum n
cerebral a
cerebrate v,ion
cerebrum n
ceremonial n,a,na
ceremonious a
ceremony n
Ceres pc
cereus n
cerise n
cerium n
CERN pc,nopref
certain a
certainty n
certificate n,v
certificatory a
certified d
certify v,er,ion,va
certiorari d
certitude n
cerulean a
Cervantes pc
cervical a
cervix n
cesarean n
cessation n,na
cession n,na
Cessna n
cesspool n
cetacean n,a
cetera d
ceteris d,nopref
Cetus pc
Ceylon pc
Cezanne pc
Chablis pc
Chad pc
chador n
Chadwick n
chafe n,v,er
chaff n,v,y
chaffer n,v,er
chaffinch n
chagrin n,v
chain n,v,va
chainsaw n
chair n,v,man
chairlady n
chaise n
chalcedony n
chalet n
chalice n
chalk n,v,er,y
chalkboard n
chalkline n
challenge n,v,er
Chalmers n
chamber n,v,a,er
chamberlain n
chambermaid n
chameleon n
chamfer n,v
chamois n
chamomile n
champ n,v
champagne n
champaign n,a
champion n,v
Champlain pc
Chan n
chance n,v,a,na
chancel n
chancellery n
chancellor n
chancery n
chancy a,comp
chandelier n
chandler n
chandlery n
Chaney pc
Chang n
change n,v,er,na
changeable a,va
changeling n,a
changeover n
chanson n
chant n,v,er,va
chantey n
chanticleer n
Chantilly pc
chantry n
Chao n
chaos n
chaotic a,na
chap n,v,ms,man
chaparral n
chapel n
chaperon n,v
chaperone n
chaplain n
chaplaincy n
Chaplin n
chapter n
char n,v,man,ms
character n,v,na
characteristic n,a,na
charade n
charcoal n
chard n
charge n,v,er
chargeable a
charily d
chariot n,v
charioteer n
charisma n
charismatic n,a
charitable a
charity n
charlatan n,na
Charlene n
Charles n
Charleston n
Charley pc
Charlie pc
Charlotte pc
Charlottesville pc
charm n,v,er
charnel a
Charon pc
chart n,v,na
Charta pc
charter n,v,er
Chartres pc
chartreuse n
chartroom n
chary a,comp
Charybdis pc
chase n,v,er
chasm n
chassis pc
chaste a
chasten v,er
chastise v,er,va
chastity n
chasuble n
chat n,v,nopref,ms,y
chateau pc
chateaux pc
Chatham pc
Chattanooga pc
chattel n
chatter n,v,er
Chaucer pc
chauffer n,v
chauffeur n,v
Chauncey pc
Chautauqua pc
chauvinism n
chauvinist n,na
Chavez n
chaw n,v
cheap n,a,comp
cheapen v
cheapskate n
cheat n,v,er
check n,v,er,va
checkbook n
checkerboard n
checklist n
checkmate n,v
checkout d
checkpoint n,v
checkroom n
checksum n,v,ms
checkup n
cheddar n
cheek n,v,y
cheekbone n
cheer n,v,er,na
cheerlead vi,er
cheery a,comp
cheese n,y
cheeseburger n
cheesecake n
cheesecloth n
cheetah n
chef n,nopref
chelate v,a,ion
Chelsea pc
chemic a,na
chemise n
chemisorb v
chemisorption n
chemist n
chemistry n
chemoreception n,na,va
chemoreceptor n
chemotherapeutic n,a,na
chemotherapy n
chemurgy n
Chen n
Cheney pc
chenille n
cherish v
Cherokee n
cheroot n
cherry n
chert n,y
cherub n
cherubic a
cherubim d
chervil n
Cheryl pc
Chesapeake pc
Cheshire pc
chess n,man
chessboard n
chest n,ed
Chester n
chesterfield n
Chesterton n
chestnut n,a
chevalier n
Chevrolet n
chevron n
Chevy n
chew n,v,er,va,y
Cheyenne n
chi n
Chiang n
chianti n
chiaroscuro n
chiasma d
chic n,a,comp
Chicago pc
Chicagoan n
chicanery n
Chicano n
chick n
chickadee n
chicken n,v,a
chicle n
chicory n
chide v,er
chief n,a
chiefdom n
chieftain n
chiffon n,a
chigger n
chignon n
Chihuahua n
chilblain n
child pc,a,na,adv
childbear vi
childbirth n
Childers n
childish a
children pc
Chile pc
Chilean a
chill n,v,a,er
chilly a,comp
chime n,v,er
chimera n
chimeric a,na
Chimique pc
chimney n
chimp n
chimpanzee n
chin n,v,nopref,ms
china n
Chinaman pc
Chinamen pc
Chinatown n
chinch n
chinchilla n
chine n,ed
Chinese a
Ching n
chink n,v,er
chino n
chinoiserie n
Chinook n
chintz n
chintzy a,comp
chip n,v,er,ms
chipboard n
chipmunk n
Chippendale a
Chippewa n
chiropodist n
chiropractic n
chiropractor n
chirp n,v
Chisholm n
chit n,er,ms
chitchat n,v
chitin n
chitinous a
chiton n
chivalric a
chivalrous a
chivalry n
chive n
chlorate n,nopref
chlordane n
chloric a
chloride n
chlorinate v,ion
chlorine n
chloroform n,v
chlorophyl n
chlorophyll n
chock n,v
chocolate n,a
Choctaw n
choice n,a,comp
choir n,v,a
choirboy n
choirmaster n
choke n,v,er,y
choler n
cholera n
choleric a
cholesterol n
cholinesterase n
chomp v,er
chondrite n,na
chondrule n
choose vi,er,va,y
chop n,v,er,ms,y
chophouse n
Chopin pc
chopstick n
choral a
chorale n
chord n,v
chordal a
chordate n,a
chore n,na
choreograph v,er
choreography n,er
chorine n
chortle n,v,er
chorus n,v
chose n
chosen a
Chou pc
chow n
chowder n
Chris pc
Christ n,a
christen v
Christendom pc
Christensen n
Christenson n
Christian n,a,na
Christiana pc
Christianson n
Christie n
Christina pc
Christine pc
Christlike a
Christmas n
Christoffel pc
Christophe n
Christopher n
Christy pc
chromate n,na
chromatic n,a,na
chromatograph n,v
chromatography n,na
chrome n,v,na
chromic a
chromium n
chromosomal a
chromosome n
chromosphere n
chronic n,a,na
chronicle n,v,er
chronograph n
chronography n,na
chronology n,na
chronometer n,na
chrysalis n
chrysanthemum n
Chrysler n
chub n,ms,y
chuck n,v
chuckle n,v,er
chuff n,v,er,y
chug n,v,ms
chukker n
chum n,v,ms,y
chump n
Chungking pc
chunk n,y
church n,ed,a,man,y
churchgo vi,er
Churchill n
Churchillian pc
churchyard n
churl n
churlish a
churn n,v,er
chute n,v,va
chutney n
CIA pc,nopref
cicada n
Cicero pc
Ciceronian a
cider n
cigar n
cigarette n
cilantro n
cilia pc
ciliate n,ed,a
cinch n,v,er
Cincinnati pc
cinder n,nopref,y
Cinderella n
Cindy pc
cinema n
cinematic a,na
cinematography n,er,na
Cinerama pc
cinnabar n
cinnamon n
CIO pc,nopref
cipher n,v,er
circa d
circadian a
Circe pc
circle n,v,er
circlet n
circuit n,v
circuitous a
circuitry pc
circulant n,a
circular n,a,na
circulate v,ion
circumambient a
circumambulate v,ion
circumcircle v
circumcise v
circumcision n
circumference n
circumferential a
circumflex n,a
circumfluent a
circumlocution n
circumlocutory a
circumnavigate v,ion
circumpolar a
circumradius pc
circumscribe v
circumscription n
circumspect a,ion,in
circumsphere v
circumstance n,ed
circumstantial a
circumvallate v,a,ion
circumvent v,ion
circus n
cirque n
cirrhosis pc
cirrostratus n
cirrus n
CIS pc,nopref
cistern n
cit. d,nopref
citadel n
citation n,va,in
cite v,er,va,in
Citicorp pc
citify v
citizen n,a
citizeness n
citizenry pc
citrate n
citric a
Citroen pc
citron n
citrus n
city n,ed
cityscape n
citywide d
civet n
civic n,a,na
civil a,na
civilian n,a
clack v,er
clad vi,ms
claim n,v,er,va
claimant n
Claire pc
clairvoyant n,a
clam n,v,nopref,ms,y
clambake n
clamber v,er
clamorous a
clamp n,v
clamshell n
clan n,nopref
clandestine a
clang n,v
clangorous a
clank n,v
clannish a
clans man
clap n,v,er,nopref,ms
clapboard n,v
Clapeyron pc
claptrap n
claque n
Clara pc
Clare pc
Claremont pc
Clarence n
Clarendon pc
claret n,a
clarify v,er,ion
clarinet n,na
clarion n,a
clarity n
Clark n
Clarke n
clash n,v,er
clasp n,v,er
class n,v,na,man,y
classic n,a,na
classification n
classificatory a
classify v,er,va
classmate n
classroom n
clatter n,v,er
clattery a
Claude pc
Claudia pc
Claudio pc
Claus pc
clausal a
clause n
Clausen n
Clausius pc
claustral a
claustrophobe n,na
clavichord n,na
clavicle n
clavier n,na
claw n,v
clay n
clayey a,comp
claymore n
Clayton n
clean v,a,comp,va
cleanse v,er
cleanup n
clear v,a,comp,va
clearance n
clearheaded a
clearinghouse n
Clearwater pc
cleat n,v
cleavage n
cleave v,er,va
clef n
cleft n,a
Clem pc
clematis n
clement n,a,na,in
Clemson pc
clench n,v
Cleo n
Cleopatra pc
clepsydra n
clerestory n
clergy n,man
cleric n,a,na
clerisy n
clerk n,v,a
Cleveland n
clever a,comp
cliche n
click n,v,er
client n
clientele n
cliff n
cliffhang vi,er
Clifford n
Clifton pc
climactic a,na
climate n
climatic a,na
climatology n,na
climax n,v
climb n,v,er,va
clime n
clinch n,v,er
cline n
cling vi,er
clinic n,a,na
clinician n
clink n,v,er
Clint pc
Clinton n
Clio pc
clip n,v,er,ms
clipboard n
clique n,y
clitoral a
clitoris n
Clive pc
cloaca n
cloak n,v
cloakroom n
clobber v
clock n,v,er
clockwatcher n
clockwise a
clockwork n
clod n,nopref,ms,y
cloddish a
clodhop v,er,ms
clog n,v,ms
cloisonne d
cloister n,v
clomp v
clonal a
clone n,v,er
clonic a
clop n,v,ms
close n,v,a,comp
closemouthed a
closet n,v,a
closeup d
closure n
clot n,v,ms
cloth n,vi
clothbound d
clothe v
clothes man
clotheshorse n
clothesline n
clothespin n
clothier n
Clotho pc
cloud n,v,na,y
cloudburst n
clout n,v,nopref
clove n,er
cloven a
cloverleaf n
clown n,v
clownish a
cloy v
club n,v,va,ms,y
clubfoot n,ed
clubhouse n
clubroom n
cluck n,v
clue n,v,nopref
clump n,v,y
clumsy a,comp
clung d
clunk v,er,y
cluster n,v,y
clutch n,v
clutter n,v
Clyde pc
Clytemnestra pc
CNN pc,nopref
Co. d,nopref
coach n,v,er,man
coachwork n
coact v,va
coadjutor n,a
coagulable a,va
coagulant n
coagulate v,a,ion
coal n,v,er
coalesce v
coalescent a
coalition n,na
coaming n
coanchor n,v
coarse a,comp
coarsen v
coarticulate v,ion
coast n,v,er
coastal a
coastline n
coastwise a
coat n,v,er
Coates n
coati n
coattail n
coauthor n,v,na
coax v,er
coaxial a
cob n,er,ms
cobalt n
Cobb n
cobble n,v,er
cobblestone n
Cobol pc
cobra n
cobweb n,ed,ms,y
coca n
cocaine n,na
cocci d
coccidiosis pc
coccus n
cochair n,v,man
cochineal n
cochlea n
cochlear a
Cochran n
Cochrane n
cock n,v,er,y
cockade n,ed
cockamamie d
cockatiel n
cockatoo n
cockcrow n
cockerel n
cockeye n,ed
cockfight n,vi
cockle n,v
cocklebur n
cockleshell n
cockney n,a,na
cockpit n
cockroach n
cocksure a
cocktail n,a
coco n,a
cocoa n
cocoanut n
coconut n
cocoon n
cod n,nopref
coda n
Coddington n
coddle v,er
code n,v,er
codebreak v
codefendant n
codeine n
codeposit v
codetermine v
codeword n
codex n
codfish n
codger n
codices d
codicil n
codify v,er,ion
codpiece n
Cody n
coed n,nopref
coeditor n
coeducation n,na
coefficient n
coelacanth n,a
coequal a
coerce v
coercible a,in
coercion n,na,va
coeval n,a
coexist v
coexistent a
coextensive a
cofactor n,v
coffee n
coffeecup n
coffeehouse n
coffeepot n
coffer n
cofferdam n
Coffey n
coffin n,v
Coffman n
cofound v,er
cog n,v,ms
cogent a
cogitate v,ion
cognac n
cognate n,a
cognition n,na,va
cognizable a
cognizant a,in
cognoscenti pc
cohabit v
cohabitation n
Cohen n
cohere v,er
coherent a,in
cohesion n,na,va
Cohn n
cohort n
cohosh n
cohost n,v
coif n,v,ms
coiffeur n
coiffure n,v
coil n,v,er
coin n,v,er
coinage n
coincide v
coincident a
coincidental a
coinsurance n
coinsure v,er
coinvent v,ion
coinventor n
coital a
coitus n
coke n,v
col n,a,nopref
cola n
colander n
colatitude n
Colby n
cold n,a,comp
cole n
Coleman n
coleoptera n
Coleridge pc
coleslaw n
Colette pc
coleus n
Colgate pc
colic n,a
colicky a
coliform n,a
Colin pc
coliseum n
colitis n
collaborate v,ion
collage n
collagen n
collagenic a
collapse n,v
collapsible a,va
collar n,v,na
collarbone n
collard n
collate v,ion
collateral n,a
colleague n
collect n,v,ion,va
collectible a
colleen n
college n
collegial a
collegian n
collegiate a
collet n,nopref
collide v,er
collie n,er
colliery n
collimate v,ion
collinear a
Collins n
collision n
collocate v,ion
collodion d
colloid n
colloquia pc
colloquial n,a,na
colloquium n
colloquy n
collude v
collusion n,na,va
cologne n
Colombia pc
Colombo pc
colon n,na
colonel n
colonial n,a,na
colonic a
colonist n
colonnade n,ed
colony n
colophon n
Colorado pc
colorate ion
coloratura n
colorcast n,v
colorfast a
colorimeter n,na
colossal a
Colosseum pc
colossi d
Colossian n
Colossians pc
colossus n
colostomy n
colostrum n
colt n,er
coltish a
coltsfoot n
Columbia pc
columbine n
Columbus pc
column n,ed,na
columnar a
colza n
coma n,nopref
Comanche n
comatose a
comb n,v,er
combat n,v,ms
combatant n,a
combative a
combination n,na,va
combinator n,y
combinatorial a
combinatoric n,a
combine n,v,er,va
combust v,ion
combustible n,a,va,in
come n,vi,a,er
comeback n
comedian n
comedic a
comedienne n
comedown n
comedy n
comestible n,a
comet n
cometary a
cometh d
comeuppance n
comfort n,v,er,va
comfrey d
comfy a,comp
comic n,a,nopref
Cominform pc
comma n
command n,v,a,er,va
commandant n
commandeer v
commando n
commemorate v,ion
commend v,er,va
commendation n
commendatory a
commensurable n,a,va,in
commensurate a,ion,in
comment n,v,a
commentary n
commentator n
commerce n,v
commercial n,a,na
commie n
commingle v
comminute v,va
commiserate v,ion
commissar n
commissariat n
commissary n
commission n,v,er
commit n,v,er,va,ms
committable a
committal n,a
committee n,man
commode n,in
commodious a,in
commodity n
commodore n
common n,a,er
commonality n
commonplace n,a
commonweal n
commonwealth n
commotion n
communal a,na
commune n,v,a,na
communicable a,va,in
communicant n,a
communicate v,ion
communion n
communique n
communitarian n
commutate v,ion
commute v,er,va
compact n,v,a,ion
Compagnie pc
companion n,v,va
companionway n
company n,v
comparative n,a
comparator n
compare n,v,va
comparison n
compartment n,ed,na
compass n,v,a
compassion n
compassionate v,a
compatible n,a,va,in
compatriot n
compeer n,v
compel v,er,ms
compellable a
compendia pc
compendious a
compendium n
compensable a
compensate v,ion
compete v
competent a
competition n,na,va
competitor n
compilation n
compile v,er,va
complacent a
complain v,er
complainant n
complaint n
complaisant a
compleat a
complement n,v,na
complementarity n
complementary n,a
complementation n
complete v,a,va,in
completion n,na,va
complex n,a
complexion n,ed,na
compliant a,in
complicate v,ion
complicity n
compliment n,v
complimentary a
compline n
comply v,er
component n,a
comport n,v,va
compose v,er
composit v
composite n,a
composition n,na
compositor n
compost n,v,va
composure n
compote n
compound n,v,a,er,va
comprehend v
comprehensible a,va,in
comprehension n,na,va
compress n,v
compressible a,va,in
compression n,na,va
compressor n
comprise v
compromise n,v,er
Compton n
comptroller n
compulsion n,na,va
compulsory a
compunction n
computation n,na
compute n,v,er,va
comrade n
Comstock pc
con n,v,nopref,ms
Conakry pc
Conant n
concatenate v,a,ion
concave n,a
conceal v,va
concede v,er
conceit n,v
conceive v,er,va
concentrate n,v,ion
concentric a,na
concept n,ion
conceptual a,na
concern n,v,va
concert n,v
concertgo vi,er
concerti pc
concertina n
concertino n
concertmaster n
concertmeister n
concerto n
concession n,er,na,va
concessionaire n
conch pc
conchoidal a
conchology n,na
conchs d
concierge n
conciliate v,ion
concise a
concision n
conclave n
conclude v,er
conclusion n,na,va
concoct v,er,ion
concomitant n,a
concord n
concordant a
concordat n
Concorde pc
concourse n
concrete n,v,a
concretion n
concubinage pc
concubine n
concupiscent a
concur v,ms
concurrent n,a
concussion n,na,va
condemn v,er,va
condemnate ion
condensate n,ion
condense v,er,va
condescend v
condescension n
condiment n
condition n,v,er,na
condo n
condole v
condolence n
condom n
condominium n
condone v,er
condor n
conduce n,v,nopref
conducive a,nopref
conduct n,v,ion
conductance n
conduit n
cone n,v,nopref
coneflower n
conelrad n
Conestoga n
coney n,nopref
confab v,ms
confabulate v,ion
confect n,v,ion
confectionary n,a
confectionery n
confederacy n
confederate n,v,a,ion
confer v,er,va,ms
conferee n
conference n,v
conferential a
conferral n
confess v
confession n,na
confessor n
confetti pc
confidant n
confidante n
confide v,er
confident a
confidential a
configuration n,na,va
configure v,va
confine n,v,er,va
confirm v,va
confirmation n
confirmatory a
confiscable a
confiscate v,a,ion,va
conflagration n
conflate v,ion
conflation n
conflict n,v,ion
confluent n,a
confocal a
conform n,v,a,er,va
conformal a
conformant n,a,na
conformation n,na
confound v,er
confraternity n
confrere n
confront v
confrontation n,na
Confucian n,a
Confucianism pc
Confucius pc
confuse v,va
confusion n,na
confutation n,na,va
confute v,er,va
conga n
congeal v,va
congelation n
congener n
congeneric a
congenial a
congenital a
congeries d
congest v
congestion n,na,va
conglomerate n,v,a,ion
Congo pc
Congolese pc
congratulate v,ion
congregate v,ion
congress n,man
congressional a
congruent a,in
congruential a
congruity n,in
congruous a,in
conic n,a
conifer n
coniferous a
conjectural a
conjecture n,v,er
conjoin v
conjoint a
conjugal a
conjugate n,v,a,ion
conjunct n,a,ion
conjunctivitis n
conjuncture n
conjure v,er
conk v
Conklin n
Conley n
conn n,v
connect v,ion
Connecticut pc
Conner n
Connie pc
conniption n
connivance n
connive v,er
connoisseur n
Connolly pc
Connor n
Connors n
connotation n,na,va
connote v
connubial a
conoid n,a
conquer v,va
conqueror n
conquest n
conquistador n
Conrad n
Conrail pc
consanguine a
consanguineous a
conscience n
conscientious a
conscionable a
conscious n,a
conscript n,v,a,ion
consecrate v,a,ion
consecutive a
consensual a
consensus n
consent n,v,er
consequent n,a,in
consequential a,in
conservancy n
conservation n,na,va
conservatism n
conservator n,y
conserve n,v,er
consider v,va
considerate a,ion,in
consign v,va
consignee n
consignor n
consist v
consistent a,in
consistory n
consolation n
console n,v
consolidate v,ion
consomme n
consonant n,a
consonantal a
consort n,v
consortia pc
consortium n
conspecific a
conspicuous a,in
conspiracy n
conspirator n
conspiratorial a
conspire v
constable n
constabulary n,a
Constance pc
constant n,a,in
Constantine pc
Constantinople pc
constellate v,ion
consternate v,ion
constipate v,ion
constituent n,a
constitute v,ion
constrain v
constraint n
constrict v,ion
construct n,v,ion
constructible a
construe v,va
consul n
consular a
consulate n
consult n,v,er,na,va
consultant n,a
consultation n,na,va
consultive a
consume v,er,va,in
consummate v,a,ion
consumption n,na,va
contact n,v,nopref
contagion n
contagious a
contain v,er,va
contaminant n
contaminate v,ion
contemplate v,ion
contemporaneity n
contemporaneous a
contemporary n,a
contempt n
contemptible a
contemptuous a
contend v,er
content n,v,a,ion,va
contentious a
conterminous a
contest n,v,er,va
contestant n
context n
contextual a
contiguity n
contiguous a
continent n,a,in
continental n,a
contingent n,a
continua v,er
continual a
continuant n,a
continuation n,na,va
continue v,er
continuity n
continuo d
continuous a
continuum n
contort v,ion
contour n,v,a
contraband n,a,na
contrabass n,na
contrabassoon n
contraception n,na,va
contract n,v,a,ion
contractual a
contradict v,ion,va
contradictor n,y
contradistinction n,na,va
contradistinguish v
contrail n
contraindicate v,ion
contralateral a
contralto n
contraposition n
contrapositive n,a
contraption n
contrapuntal a
contrariety n
contrariwise d
contrary n,a
contrast n,v,va,y
contravariant a
contravene v,er
contravention n
contretemps n
contribute v,ion
contributor n,y
contrite a,comp
contrition n
contrivance n
contrive v,er
control n,v,er,va,ms
controversial a,na
controversy n
controvert v,er
controvertible a,in
contumacious a
contumacy n
contumelious a
contumely n
contusion n
conundrum n
conurbation n
Convair pc
convalesce v
convalescent n,a
convect v,ion
convene v,er
convenient a,in
convent n,ion
conventioneer n
converge v
convergent a
conversant a
conversation n,na
converse n,v,a,er,va
conversion n,na
convert n,v,er
convertible n,a,va,in
convex a
convey v,er
conveyance n,vi,er
conveyor n
convict n,v,a,ion,va
convince v,er
convivial a
convocation n,na
convoke v
convolute v,a,ion
convolve v
convoy n,v
convulse v
convulsion n,na,va
Conway n
cony n
coo n,v,nopref
cook n,v,er
cookbook n
Cooke n
cookery n
cookie n
cookout n
cookware pc
cool n,v,a,comp
coolant n
Cooley n
coolheaded a
Coolidge n
coolie n
coolish a
coon n,nopref
coonskin n,a
coop n,v,er
cooperage n
cooperate v,ion
coordinate n,v,a,ion
Coors pc
coot n,nopref
cootie n
cop n,v,er,nopref,ms
cope n,v,er,nopref
Copeland n
Copenhagen pc
copepod n,a
Copernican n,a
Copernicus pc
copilot n
copious a
coplanar a
copolymer n,na
copperas n
Copperfield pc
copperhead n
coppery a
copra n
coprolite n,na
copse n
copter n
Coptic pc,a
copula n
copulate v,ion
copy n,v,er,na,va
copybook n
copycat n
copyreader n
copyright n,v,a,va
copywriter n
coquetry n
coquette n,ed
coquettish a
Cora n
coracle n
coral n
coralline n,a
Corbett n
Corcoran n
cord n,v,er,na
cordage n
cordial n,a
cordiform a
cordillera n
cordite n
cordon n,v
corduroy n,v
cordwood n
core n,v,er
coreligionist n
Corey pc
coriander n
Corinne n
Corinth pc
Corinthian n,a
Coriolanus pc
Coriolis pc
cork n,v,er,y
corkscrew n,v
cormorant n
corn n,v,er,nopref,y
cornbread n
cornea n
corneal a
Cornelia pc
Cornelius n
Cornell n
cornerstone n
cornet n,na
cornfield n
cornflower n
cornice n
corniche n
Cornish a
cornmeal n
cornstalk n
cornstarch n
cornucopia n
Cornwall pc
corolla n
corollary n,a
corona n
Coronado pc
coronary n,a
coronate v,ion
coroner n
coronet n
coroutine n
Corp. d,nopref
corpora d
corporal n,a
corporate a,ion
corporeal a,in
corps n,man
corpse n
corpulent a
corpus pc
corpuscle n
corpuscular a
corral n,v,ms
correct v,a,ion,va
correlate n,v,a,ion
correspond v
correspondent n,a
corridor n
corrigenda pc
corrigendum pc
corrigible a,va
corroborate v,ion
corroboree n
corrode v
corrodible a
corrosion n,na,va
corrugate v,ion
corrupt n,v,a,comp,ion,va
corruptible a,in
corsage n
corsair n
corset n,v
Corsica n
cortege n
cortex n
cortical a
cortisone n
Cortland pc
corundum n
coruscate v,ion
corvette n
Corvus pc
cos d,nopref
cosec d
cosecant n
coset n
Cosgrove pc
cosh n
cosign v
cosignatory n
cosine n
cosmetic n,a
cosmetician n
cosmetology n,na
cosmic a,na
cosmogeny n
cosmography n,er,na
cosmology n,na
cosmonaut n
cosmopolitan n,a,na
cosmopolite n,na
cosmos n
cosponsor n,v
cossack n
cosset v
cost n,vi,a,er
Costa d
costar n,v,ms
Costello n
costume n,v,a,er
cosy n,a
cot n,er,ms
cotangent n
coterie n
cotillion n
cotoneaster n
cotta n
cottage n,er
cotton n,v,nopref,y
cottonmouth n
cottonseed n
cottontail n
cottonwood n
Cottrell n
couch n,v
couchant a
cougar n
cough n,v,er
could d
couldn't d
couloir n
coulomb n
Coulter n
council n,man
councillor n
counselor n
count n,v,er,va
countdown n
countenance n,v,er
counterfeit n,v,a,er
countermand n,v
countervail v
countess n
countinghouse n
countrify ed
country n,na,man
countryside pc
countrywide d
county n
countywide d
coup n,v,va
coupe n,va
couple n,v,a,er,va
couplet n
coupon n
courage n,v,er,va
courageous a
courier n
course n,v,er
court n,v,a,er
courteous a
courtesan n
courtesy n
courthouse n
courtier n
Courtney n
courtroom n
courtyard n
couscous n
cousin n
couture n
couturier n
covalent a
covariant a
covary n
cove n,v
coven n
covenant n,v,er
cover n,v,er,va
coverage n
coverall n
coverlet n
covert n,a,nopref
coverup n
covet v,er,va
covetous a
cow n,v,er,man
Cowan n
coward n,a
cowardice n
cowbell n
cowbird n
cowboy n
cowcatcher n
cowgirl n
cowhand n
cowherd n
cowhide n,v
cowl n,v
cowlick n
coworker n
cowpea n
cowpoke n
cowpony n
cowpox n
cowpunch er
cowrie n
cowry n
cowslip n
cox n,v
coxcomb n
coxswain n
coy a,comp,nopref
coyote n
coypu n
cozen v,er
cozy n,a,comp
CPA n,nopref
CPI n,nopref
CPR pc,nopref
crab n,v,er,ms,y
crabapple n
crabgrass n
crabmeat n
crack n,v,a,er,va
crackbrain n,ed
crackdown n
crackerjack n,a
crackle n,v,er
crackly d
crackpot n,a
crackup n
cradle n,v
craft n,v,y
crafts man
craftspeople pc
crag n,ed,ms,y
Craig n
cram n,v,er,ms
Cramer n
cramp n,v,a
crampon n
cranberry n
Crandall n
crane n,v
cranelike d
Cranford pc
crania pc
cranial a
cranium n
crank n,v,y
crankcase n
crankshaft n
cranny n
Cranston n
crap n,v,er,ms,y
crape n
crash n,v,a,er,va
crass a,comp
crate v,er
cravat n
crave v,er
craven n,a
craw n,a
crawdad n
crawfish n,v
Crawford n
crawl n,v,er
crawlspace n
crayfish n
crayon n,v,na
craze n,v,y
creak n,v,y
cream n,v,er,y
creamery n
crease n,v,er,va,in
create v,ion
creature n,a
creche n
credal d
credent a
credential n,a
credenza n
credible a,va,in
credit n,v,va
creditor n
credo n
credulity n,in
credulous a,in
creed n
creedal a
creek n
creekside d
creel n
creep n,vi,er,y
creepage n
cremate v,ion
crematorium n
crematory n,a
crenelate v,ion
crenellate v,ion
creole n
Creon pc
creosote n,v
crepe n,a
crepitate v,er,ion
crept d
crepuscular a
crescendo n
crescent n,a,in
cress n
Cressida n
crest n,v
crestfallen a
Crestview pc
Cretaceous pc
Cretan pc
Crete pc
cretin n,na,nopref
cretinous a
crevasse n
crevice n
crew n,v,man
crewcut n
crewel n
crib n,v,er,ms
cribbage n
crick n,v
cricket n,v,er
cried d
crime n
Crimea pc
criminal n,a
criminology n,na
crimp n,v,er,y
crimson n,v,a
cringe n,v,er
cringle n
crinkle n,v
crinkly a,comp
crinoid n,a
crinoline n
cripple n,v,a,er
crises d
crisis pc
crisp n,v,a,comp,y
Crispin pc
criss d
crisscross n,v
criteria pc
criterion n
critic n,a,na
critique n,v
critter n
croak n,v,er,y
Croatia pc
crochet n,v,er
crock n,v
crockery n
Crockett n
crocodile n
crocodilian n,a
crocus n
croft n,er
croissant n
Croix pc
Cromwell n
crone n,y
crook n,v
crookneck n
croon n,v,er
crop n,v,er,ms
cropland n
croquet n,v
croquette n
Crosby n
crosier n
cross n,v,a,comp,ion,va
crossarm n,v
crossbar n
crossbill n
crossbones pc
crossbow n,man
crossbred n,a
crossbreed n,vi
crosscurrent n
crosscut n,v,a
crosshatch n,v
crosslink n,v
crossover n
crosspatch n
crosspoint n
crossroad n
crossruff n,v
crosstalk n
crosstown d
crosstree n
crosswalk n
crossway n
crosswind n
crosswise a
crossword n
crotch n,ed
crotchet n,y
crouch n,v
croup n,y
crouton n
crow n,v,nopref
crowbar n
crowd n,v
Crowe n
crowfoot n
Crowley n
crown n,v,er
crozier n
CRT pc,nopref
crucial a
crucible n
crucifix n
crucifixion n
cruciform n,a
crucify v
crud n,v,ms,y
crude n,a,comp
cruel a,comp
cruelty n
cruet n
Cruickshank n
cruise n,v,er
cruller n
crumb n,v,y
crumble n,v,a
crummy a,comp
crump n,v,er,a
crumpet n
crumple n,v,er
crumply d
crunch n,v,er,y
crupper n
crusade n,v,er
crush n,v,er
Crusoe pc
crust n,v,y
crustacean n,a
crustal a
crutch n,v
crux n
Cruz n
cry n,v,er
cryogen n
cryogenic n,a
cryostat n
crypt n
cryptanalysis pc
cryptanalyst n
cryptanalytic a
cryptanalyze v
cryptic a,na
crypto d
cryptograph n
cryptography n,er,na
cryptology n,na
crystal n,na,ms
crystalline a
crystallite n,na
crystallography n,er,na
c's d,nopref
CSPAN pc,nopref
CT pc,nopref
cub n,ms,y
Cuba pc
cubbyhole n
cube n,v,a,er,na
cubic n,a
cubicle n
cubicly d
cubit n
cuboctahedron n
cuboid a
cuckold n,v
cuckoldry pc
cuckoo n,v,a
cucumber n
cud n,ms,y
cuddle n,v,er
cuddlesome a
cuddly a,comp
cue n,v,er
cuesta n
cuff n,v
cufflink n
cuirass n,v
cuisine n
Culbertson n
culex n
culinary a
cull n,v,er,y
cullet n
culm n
culminate v,ion
culotte n
culpa n
culpable a,in
culprit n
cult n,na
cultivable a,va
cultivar n
cultivate v,ion,va
cultural a
culture n,v
Culver n
culvert n
cumber v
Cumberland pc
cumbersome a
cumin n
cummerbund n
Cummings n
Cummins n
cumquat n
cumulate v,a,ion
cumulostratus n
cumulus n
Cunard pc
cuneiform n,a
cunnilingus n
cunning n,a
Cunningham n
CUNY pc,nopref
cup n,v,er,na,ms,y
cupboard n
cupcake n
Cupid n
cupidity n
cupola n
cupric a
cuprous a
cur n,a,nopref
curacy n
curare n,na
curate n,v,ion
curatorial a
curb n,v
curbside d
curbstone n
curd n,y
curdle v
cure n,v,er,va,in
curettage n
curette n,v,er
curfew n
curia n
curie n
curio n
curiosa pc
curiosity n,in
curious a,in
curium n
curl n,v,er
curlew n
curlicue n,v
curmudgeon n,a
Curran n
currant n
current n,a,in
curricula pc
curricular a
curriculum n
curry n,v,er
curse n,v,er,nopref
cursive n,a
cursor n,y
curt a,comp
curtail v,er,va
curtain n,v
Curtis n
curtsey v
curtsy n,v
curvaceous a
curvacious a
curvature n,v,in
curve n,v,va,in,y
curvilinear a
Cushing n
cushion n,v,y
Cushman n
cushy a,comp
cusp n
cuspidor n
cuss n,v,er,nopref
custard n
Custer pc
custodial a
custodian n
custody n
custom n,er,na,va
customary a
customhouse n
cut n,vi,er,ms
cutaneous a
cutaway n,a
cutback n
cute n,a,comp
cutesy comp
cuticle n
cutlass n
cutler n
cutlery n
cutlet n
cutoff n,a
cutout n,a
cutpurse n
cutthroat n,a
cuttlebone n
cuttlefish n
cutup n
cutworm n
cyan d
Cyanamid pc
cyanate n
cyanic a
cyanide n,v
cybernetic a
cybernetics n
cyberpunk n
cycad n
Cyclades pc
cyclamen n
cycle n,v,er,va
cyclic a,na
cyclist n
cycloid n,a
cyclone n
cyclopean a
cyclops n
cyclorama n
cyclotron n
cygnet n
Cygnus pc
cylinder n,ed
cylindric a,na
cymbal n
cynic n,a,na
Cynthia pc
cypress n
Cyprian pc
Cypriot n
Cyprus pc
Cyril pc
Cyrillic a
Cyrus pc
cyst n
cystic a
cytochemistry n
cytochrome n
cytogenetic n,a,na
cytology n,na
cytolysis pc
cytoplasm n
cytoplasmic a,na
cytoplast n
cytosine n
czar n
czarina n
czarism n
czarist n,a
Czech n,a
Czechoslovakia pc
Czechs pc
dab n,v,er,ms
dabble v,er
Dacca pc
dacha n
dachshund n
Dacron pc
dactyl n
dactylic n,a
dad n
dada n,na
Dadaism pc
Dadaist pc
daddy n
Dade pc
dado n,v
dadoes d
Daedalus pc
d'affaires d
daffodil n
daffy a,comp
daft a,comp,nopref
dageurreotype n,er,na,y
dagger n
daguerreotype n,y
Daguerrotype n
Dahl pc
dahlia n
Dahomey pc
Dailey n
daily n,a
Daimler pc
dainty n,a,comp
daiquiri n
dairy n,v,man
Dairylea pc
dairymaid n
dais n
daisy n
Dakar pc
Dakota n
dale n
Daley n
Dallas pc
dalliance n
dally v,er
dalmatian n
Dalton n
Daly n
Dalzell n
dam n,v,er,ms
damage n,v
Damascus pc
damask n,a
dame n
damn n,v,va
damnation n
Damocles pc
Damon pc
damp n,v,a,comp
dampen v,er
dampish a
damsel n
Dan pc
Dana n
Danbury pc
dance n,v,er,va
dandelion n
dander n
dandify v
dandle v
dandruff n,y
dandy n,a,na
Dane n
dang d
danger n
dangerous a
dangle n,v,er
Daniel n,nopref
Danielson n
Danish n,a
dank a,comp
Danny pc
danseuse n
Dante pc
Danube pc
Danubian a
Danzig pc
Daphne pc
dapper a,nopref
dapple n,v
Dar pc
dare n,v,er,na
daredevil n,a
Darius pc
Darjeeling pc
dark n,a,comp,y
darken v,er
darkish a
darkle v
darkroom n
Darlene pc
darling n,a
darn n,ed,er
Darrell pc
Darren n
Darryl n
d'art n
dart n,v,er
Dartmouth pc
Darwin n,na
Darwinian n,a
Daryl pc
dash n,v,er,nopref
dashboard n
dastard n,a
data pc
database n
date n,v,a,er,ion,va
dateline n,v
Datsun n
datum n
daub n,v,er
Daugherty n
daughter n,a
daunt n,v
dauphin n
dauphine n
Dave pc
davenport n
David n
Davidson n
Davies n
Davis n
Davison n
davit n
Davy pc
dawdle v,er
dawn n,v
Dawson n
day n
daybed n
daybreak n
daydream n,v,er
daylight n,v
daytime n
Dayton pc
Daytona pc
daze n,v
dazzle n,v,er
DC pc,nopref
DDT pc,nopref
de d
deacon n
deaconess n
deactivate v,ion
dead n,a,nopref
deadbeat n,a
deaden v
deadeye n
deadfall n
deadhead n,v
deadline n
deadlock n,v
deadpan v
deadweight n
deadwood n
deaf a,comp
deafen v
deal n,vi,er,va
deallocate v,ion
dealt d
dean n
Deane pc
deanery n
Deanna pc
dear n,a,comp
Dearborn pc
dearie n
dearth n
deasil d
death n,a
deathbed n
deathward d
deathwatch n
debacle n
debar v,va,ms
debark v
debarkation n
debase v,er,va
debate n,v,er,va
debauch n,v,er
debauchery n
Debbie pc
Debby pc
debenture n
debilitate v,ion
debility n
debit n,v
deblur v,ms
debonair a
Deborah pc
Debra pc
debrief v
debris n
debt n,nopref
debtor n
debug v,er,ms
debunk v,er
Debussy pc
debut n
debutant n
debutante n
Dec. d,nopref
decade n
decadent n,a
decaffeinate v,ion
decagon n
decagonal a
decal n
decalcify v,ion
decalogue n
decamp v,va
decant v,er
decapitate v,ion
decapod n,a
decarbonate v,ion
decathlon n
Decatur pc
decay n,v
Decca pc
decease n,v
decedent n
deceit n,na
deceive v,er,va
decelerate v,ion
December n
decennial n,a
decennium n
decent a,comp
deception n,na,va
decertify v,ion
decibel n
decide v,er,va
deciduous a
decile n,a
deciliter n
decimal n,a,na
decimate v,ion
decimeter n
decipher v,er,va
decision n,na,va,in
decisional a
deck n,v,er
Decker pc
deckhand n
deckhouse n
declaim v,er
declamation n
declamatory a
declaration n,na,va
declarator n,y
declare v,er,va
declassify v,ion
declaw v
declension n,na
declinable a
declinate v,a,ion
decline n,v,er,va
declivity n
decoct v,ion
decode v,er
decollate v,ion
decolletage n
decollimate v,ion
decolorize v,er
decommission v
decommit v,va,ms
decompile v
decompose v,va
decomposition n
decompress v
decompression n
decompressor n
decongestant a
deconstruct v,ion
decontaminate v,ion
decontrol v,er,ms
deconvolution n
deconvolve v
decor n
decorate v,ion
decorous a,in
decorticate v,ion
decorum n,in
decouple v,er
decoy n,v
decrease n,v
decree n,v,er
decrement n,v,na
decrepit a
decrepitude n
decrescendo n
decry v,er
decrypt v,ion
dedicate v,a,ion
dedifferentiate ion
deduce v
deducible a
deduct v,ion
deductible a,va
Dee pc
deed n,v,er
deem v,er,va
deep n,a,comp
deepen v
deer n,nopref
Deere pc
deerfly n
deerhound n
deerskin n
deerstalker n
deface v,er,va
defalcate v,ion
defamation n
defamatory a
defame v,er
defang v
default n,v,er
defeat n,v,na,va
defecate v,ion
defect n,v,ion
defend v,er
defendant n
defenestrate ion
defensible a,va,in
defensive n,a
defer v,er,va,ms
deferent a
deferential a
deferral n
defiant a
deficient n,a
deficit n
defile n,v,er,va
define v,er,va
definiendum d
definiens d
definite a,in
definition n,na,va
deflate v,ion
deflationary a
deflect v,ion
deflower v
defocus v
defog v,er,ms
defoliant n
defoliate v,a,ion
deforest v,er
deforestation n
deform v,a
deformation n
defraud v,er
defray v,va
defrayal n
defrock v
defrost v,er
deft a,comp
defunct a
defuse v
defy n,v,er,va
degas v
degauss v
degeneracy n
degenerate n,v,a,ion
degradation n
degrade v,er,va
degrease v,er
degree n
degum v,ms
dehiscent a,in
dehumidify v,er,ion
dehydrate v,ion
dehydrogenate v,ion
deice v,er
deify v,ion
deign n,v,nopref
deinstitute v,ion
Deirdre pc
deism n,nopref
deist n,nopref
deistic a,nopref
deity n
deja d
deject v,a,ion
Del pc
delaminate v,ion
Delaney pc
Delano n
Delaware n
delay n,v,er
Delbert n
Delco n
delectable a,va
delectate ion
delegable a
delegacy n
delegate n,v,ion
delete v,va
deleterious a
deletion n
delft n
Delgado n
Delhi pc
deli n
Delia pc
deliberate v,a,ion
delicacy n,in
delicate n,a,nopref
delicatessen n
delicious a
delicti d
delight n,v,er,na
delightsome a
Delilah pc
delimit v,er
delimitation n,na,va
delineament n
delineate v,ion
delinquent n,a
deliquesce v
deliquescent a
delirious a
delirium n
delist v
deliver v,er,va
deliverance n
delivery n
dell n,nopref
Della pc
Delmarva pc
Delores n
delouse v
Delphi pc
Delphic pc
delphinium n
Delphinus pc
delta n,a
deltoid n,a
delude v,er
deluge n,v
delusion n,na,va
delusory a
deluxe a
delve n,v,er,nopref
demagnify v,ion,va
demagogic a
demagogue n
demagoguery n
demagogy n
demand n,v,er,va
demarcate v,ion
demark v
demarkation n
deme n,na
demean n,v
demented a
dementia n
demerit n
demigod n
demijohn n
demimonde n
demiscible a
demise n,v
demission n
demit v,ms
demitasse n
demiurge n
demo n,v
democracy n
democrat n,na
democratic a,na
demodulate v,ion
demography n,er,na
demolish v,er,va
demolition n,na
demon n,na
demoniac n,a
demoniacal a
demonic a,na
demonology n,na
demonstrable a,va
demonstrate v,ion
demote v
demotion n
demount n,v,er,va
demountable a
Dempsey n
demultiplex v
demur v,er,ms
demure a,comp
demurral n
demystify v,ion
den n,v,ms
denaturalize v,ion
denature v
dendrite n,na
dendrochronology n,na
dendrology n,na
Deneb pc
Denebola pc
deniable a
denial n
denigrate v,ion
denim n
Denise pc
denitrify v,ion
denizen n
Denmark pc
Dennis n
Denny pc
denominate v,ion
denotation n,na,va
denote v,va
denouement n
denounce v,er,va
dense a,comp
densitometer n,na
dent n,v,er,na,va,nopref
dental n,a
dentate ed,a,ion
dentistry n
dentition n
Denton n
dentrifice n
denture n,nopref
denudation n,na
denude v,er
denumerable a
denunciation n,na,va
denunciatory a
Denver pc
deny v,er
deodorant n,a
deoxidize v,ion
deoxyribonucleic a
depart v
department n,na
departure n
depend v,va
dependent n,a,in
depict v,ion
depilate v,ion
depilatory n
deplane v
deplete v,va
depletion n,na,va
deplore v,er,va
deploy v,er,va
depopulate v,ion
deport v,va
deportation n
deportee n
depose v,va
deposit n,v
depositary n
deposition n,na
depositor n,y
depot n
deprave v,er,va
depravity n
deprecate v,ion
depreciable a
depreciate v,ion
depredate v,ion
depress v
depressant n,a
depressible a
depression n,na,va
depressor n
deprivation n
deprive v,va
Dept. d,nopref
depth n
deputation n
depute v,na
deputy n
deracinate v,ion
derail v,va
derange v,va
derate v,er
derby n
Derbyshire pc
dereference n,v
deregulate v,ion
Derek pc
derelict n,a,ion
deride v,er
derision n,na,va
derisory a
derivate n,ion
derive v,er,va
dermatitis n
dermatology n,na
derogate v,ion
derrick n
derriere n
dervish n
Des pc
desalinate v,ion
desalt v,er
descant n,v
Descartes pc
descend v,er
descendant n,a
descendent n,a
descent n
describe v,er,va
description n,na,va
descriptor n
descry n,v
Desdemona n
desecrate v,er,ion
desegregate v,ion
desert n,v,a,comp,ion,va
desertify v,ion
deserve v,er
desex v,er
deshabille n
desiccant n
desiccate v,ion
desiderata pc
desideratum n
design n,v,er,va
designate v,a,ion
designee n
desire n,v,va
desirous a
desist v
desk n,man
desktop n
Desmond n
desolate v,a,er,ion
desorption n
despair n,v
despatch d
desperado pc
desperadoes d
desperate a,comp,ion
despicable a
despise v,er,va
despite n,v,na
despoil v,er,va
despoliation n,na
despond n,v
despondent a
despot n,na
despotic a,na
dessert n
destinate ion
destine v
destiny n
destitute a,ion
destroy v,er
destruct v,ion
destructible a,in
desuetude n
desultory a
detach v,va
detail n,v,er
detain v,er,va
detainee n
d'etat n
detect v,ion,va
detent n,ion
detente n
deter v,va,ms
detergent n,a
deteriorate v,ion
determinacy n,in
determinant n
determinate a,ion,in
determine n,v,er,na,va
deterrent n,a
detest v,er,va
detestation n
dethrone v,er,va
detonable a
detonate v,ion,va
detour n,v
detoxify v,ion
detract v,ion
d'etre d
detriment n,na
detrital a
detritus n
Detroit pc
detune v
deuce n,v
deus d
deuterate v
deuterium n
deuteron n
Deuteronomy pc,nopref
devaluate v,ion
devalue v
devastate v,ion
develop v,er,va
deviant n,a
deviate n,v,a,ion
device n
devilish a,comp
devilry n
deviltry n
devious a
devise n,v,er,va
devisee n
devitrify v
devoid a
devolution n,na
devolve v
Devon pc
Devonshire pc
devote v,ion,va
devotee n
devotion n,na
devour v,er
devout a,comp
dew n,v,nopref,y
dewar n
dewdrop n
Dewey n
Dewitt pc
dewlap n
dexter a
dexterity n
dextral a
dextro a
dextrorotation n
dextrorotatory a
dextrose n
dextrous a
dey n,nopref
Dhabi pc
dharma n
dhow n
diabase n
diabetes n
diabetic n,a
diabolic a,na
diabolism n
diabolist n
diachronic a,na
diacritical n,a
diadem n
diagnose v,va
diagnosis pc
diagnostic n,a,na
diagnostician n
diagonal n,a
diagram n,v
diagrammatic a,na
dial n,v,er
dialect n
dialectic n,a,na
dialectician n
dialog n
dialogue n,v
dialyses d
dialysis pc
dialytic a
diamagnetic a
diamagnetism n
diamegnetism n
diameter n,na
diametral a
diamine n
diamond n,v
diamondback n,ed,a
Diana pc
Diane pc
diapason n
diaper n,v
diaphanous a
diaphoresis pc
diaphragm n
diarist n
diary n
diaspora n
diastolic a
diathermic a
diathermy n
diatom n
diatomaceous a
diatomic a
diatonic a,na
diatribe n
Diaz n
diazo a
dib v,er
dibasic a
dibble n,v
dibs n
dice n,v,er,nopref
dichloride n
dichotomous a
dichotomy n
dick n,er
dickcissel n
dickens n
Dickensian a
Dickerson n
dickey n
Dickinson n
Dickson n
dicky n
dicot n
dicotyledon n
dicta pc
dictate n,v,ion
dictatorial a
diction n,na
dictionary n
dictum n
did d
didactic n,a,na
diddle v,er
diddly d
didn't d
Dido pc
didst d
die n,ed
Diebold n
Diego pc
diehard n
dieldrin n
dielectric n,a
diem d
diesel n,na
diet n,v,er,nopref
dietary n,a
dietetic n,a,na
diethylstilbestrol n
dietician n
dietitian n
Dietrich n
Dietz pc
differ v
different a,in
differentiable a,va
differential n,a
differentiate v,ion
difficult a
difficulty n
diffident a
diffract v,ion
diffractometer n
diffuse v,a,er
diffusible a
diffusion n,na,va
difluoride n
dig n,vi,er,ms
digest n,v,er
digestible a,va
digestion n,na,va,in
digit n,na
digital a,na
digitalis n
digitate a,ion
dignify v
dignitary n,a
dignity n,in
digram n
digraph n
digress v
digression n,na,va
dihedral n,a
dike n,v,er
dilapidate v,ion
dilatant a
dilatation n,na
dilate v,ion,va
dilemma n
dilettante n,a
dilettantish a
dilettantism n
diligent a
dill n
Dillon pc
dilly n
dilogarithm n
diluent n,a
dilute v,a,er,ion
dim n,v,a,comp,ms
dime n,a,er
dimension n,v,na
dimeric a
dimethyl n
diminish v,va
diminuendo n
diminution n,na,va
dimple n,v
dimply a
dimwit n,ed,ms
din n,v,er,nopref,ms
Dinah pc
dinar n
dine n,v,er
dinette n
ding v,y
dingbat n
dingdong n,v,a
dinghy n
dingo pc
dingoes d
dinky a
dinnertime n
dinnerware n
dinosaur n
dinosaurian d
dint n,v
diocesan n,a
diocese n
diode n
Dionysiac a
Dionysian a
Dionysus pc
Diophantine pc
diorama n
dioxide n
dioxin n
dip n,v,er,ms,y
diphenyl n
diphtheria n
diphthong n,na
diploid n,a
diploidy n
diploma n
diplomacy n
diplomat n,na
diplomatic a,na
dipole n
dipsomania n,na
dipstick n
diptych n
Dirac pc
dire a,comp,na
direct v,a,ion,va
directorate n
directorial a
directory n,a
directrices d
directrix pc
dirge n
Dirichlet pc
dirigible n,a
dirk n,v
dirt n
dirty v,a,comp
Dis pc
disambiguate v,ion
disastrous a
disburse v,er,va
disc n,na
discern v,er,va
discernible a,in
disciple n
disciplinarian n,a
disciplinary a
discipline n,v,er,va
disco n,v
discography n,er
discoid a
discombobulate v
discomfit n,v
discomfiture n
discommode v
disconsolate a
discordant a
discotheque n,er
discovery n
discreet a,in
discrepant a
discrete a
discretion n,in
discretionary a
discriminable a
discriminant n
discriminate v,a,ion,in
discus n
discuss v,er,va
discussant n
discussion n
disdain n,v,na
disgruntle v,va
dish n,v,nopref
dishcloth n
dishes d
dishrag n
dishwasher n
dishwater n
disinfectant n
disjunct n,a
disk n,v,na
dismal a,comp
dismay v
dismissal n
Disney pc
Disneyland pc
disparage v,er,va
disparate a
disparity n
dispel v,va,ms
dispensary n
dispensate ion
dispense v,er,va
dispersal n
dispersant n
disperse v,er
dispersible a
dispersion n,na,va
dispirit v
disposal n
disputant n
disputation n
disputatious a
dispute n,v,er,va
disquietude n
disquisition n
disrupt v,er,ion
dissemble v,er
disseminate v,ion
dissension n
dissertation n
dissident n,a
dissipate v,er,ion
dissociable a,va
dissociate v,ion
dissonant a
dissuade v,er,va
dissuasion n,na,va
distaff n,a
distal a
distant a
distensible a
distention n
distillate n,ion
distillery n
distinct a,comp,ion
distinguish v,va
distort v
distortion n,na
distraught a
distribution n,na,va
distributor n
district n,v
disturb v,er,va
disturbance n
disulfide n
disyllabic a
disyllable n
ditch n,v,er
dither n,v,y
ditto n,v
ditty n
Ditzel pc
diuretic n,a,na
diurnal n,a
diva n
divalent a
divan n
dive n,v,er
diverge v
divergent a
diverse a
diversify v,ion
diversion n,na
diversionary a
divert v
diverticulitis d
diverticulosis pc
divertimento n
divertissement n
divest v
divestiture n
divide n,v,er,va
dividend n
divination n
divine n,v,a,er,va
divisible a,va,in
division n,na,va
divisional a
divisor n
divorce n,v,va
divorcee n
divot n
divulge v
divulgence n
divvy v
Dixie n
Dixieland pc
Dixon n
dizzy v,a,comp
DJ pc,nopref
Djakarta pc
djinn n
djinni n
Dmitry pc
DNA pc,nopref
Dnieper pc
do n,vi
DOA d,nopref
doable a
dobbin n
Dobbs n
dobson n
Doc pc
docile a,in
dock n,v,er
docket n,v
dockhand n
dockside d
dockyard n
doctor n,v
doctoral a
doctorate n
doctrinaire n,a,na
doctrinal a
doctrine n
document n,v,er,na,va
documentary n,a
documentation n
DOD pc,nopref
Dodd n
dodder n,v,er,y
dodecahedra n
dodecahedral a
dodecahedron n
dodge n,v,er,y
dodo pc
dodoes d
Dodson n
doe n,er
doesn't d
doeth d
d'oeuvre n
doff v
dog n,v,na,ms,y
dogcart n
dogcatcher n
doge n,nopref
dogface n
dogfight n,vi,er
dogfish n
doggerel n,a
doggone n,v
doghouse n
dogleg n,a
dogma n
dogmatic n,a,na
dogmatism n
dogmatist n
dogtooth n
dogtrot n,v
dogwood n
Doherty n
doily n
Dolan n
dolce d
doldrums n
dole n,v,na
dolichocephalic a
doll n,nopref
dollar n
dollop n
dolly n,v
dolomite n,na
dolor n
Dolores pc
dolorous a
dolphin n
dolt n
doltish a
domain n
dome n,v
Domenico pc
Domesday pc
domestic n,a,na
domesticate v,ion
domicile n,v
domiciliary a
dominant n,a
dominate v,ion
domineer v
Domingo pc
Dominic pc
dominical a
Dominican n,a
Dominick pc
dominion n
Dominique pc
domino pc
dominoes d
don n,v,ms
Donahue n
Donald pc
Donaldson n
donate v,a,ion,va
done a
Doneck n
donkey n
Donna pc
Donnelly n
Donner pc
Donnie n
donnish a
donnybrook n
donor n
Donovan n
don't n
doodad n
doodle n,v,er
Dooley n
Doolittle n
doom n,v
doomsday n
door n,man
doorbell n
doorknob n
doormat n
doorstep n
doorway n
dooryard n
dopant n
dope n,v,er
dopester n
dopey a,comp
dopier d
dopiest d
Doppler pc
Dora pc
Dorado pc
Dorcas n
Dorchester pc
Doreen pc
Doria pc
Doric n
Doris pc
dorm n,er,y
dormant a
dormitory n
Dorothea pc
Dorothy pc
dorsal n,a
Dorset pc
Dorsey pc
dory n
dosage n
dose n,v
dosimeter n,na
dossier n
Dostoevsky pc
dot n,v,er,ms,y
dotage n
dotard n
dote v,er
doth d
Dottie pc
double n,v,a,er
Doubleday n
doubleheader n
doublet n
doubleton n
doubloon n
doubt n,v,er,na,va
douce a
douche n,v
Doug pc
dough n,y
doughboy n
Dougherty n
doughnut n
doughty a
Douglas n
Douglass n
dour a,comp
douse n,v,er
dove n,er
dovecote n
dovekie n
dovetail n,v
dovish a
Dow pc
dowager n
dowdy n,a,comp
dower n,v
dowitcher n
Dowling n
down n,v,er,y,nopref
downbeat n,a
downcast a
downdraft n
Downey n
downfall n
downfallen a
downgrade n,v
downhaul n
downhearted a
downhill n,a
Downing pc
downplay v
downpour n
downrange d
downright a
downriver d
downside d
downsize v
downslope d
downspout n
downstage n
downstairs n,a
downstate er
downstream d
downstroke n
downswing n
downtime n
downtown n,a
downtrend n
downtrodden a
downturn n
downward n,a
downwind d
dowry n
dowse v,er
doxology n
doxy n
doyenne n
Doyle n
doze n,v,er
dozen n
dozenth a
drab n,v,a,comp,ms
drably d,nopref
drachma n
Draco pc
draconian a
draft n,v,er,in,y
draftee n
drag n,v,er,ms,y
draggle v
draggly d
dragline n
dragnet n
dragon n,nopref
dragonfly n
dragonhead n
dragoon n,v
drain n,v,er
drainage n
drainpipe n
drake n
dram n
drama n
dramatic n,a,na
dramatist n
dramaturgic a,na
dramaturgy n
drank d
drape n,v,er
drapery n
drastic a,na
draw n,vi,er
drawback n
drawbar n
drawbridge n
drawknife n
drawl n,v,er
drawn d
drawstring n
dray n,v,man
dread n,v,a,na
dreadnought n
dream n,v,er,na,y
dreamboat n
dreamland n
dreamlike a
dreamt d
dreamworld n
drear d
dreary a,comp
dredge n,v,er
dreg n
drench n,v,er
dress n,v,er,y
dressage n
drew d
Drexel pc
Dreyfuss n
drib n,nopref
dribble n,v,er
driblet n
dried d
drier n
drift n,v,er,y
driftwood n
drill n,v,er
drillmaster n
drink n,vi,er,va
drip n,v,er,ms,y
Driscoll n
drive n,vi,er,va
driven d
driveway n
drizzle n,v,er
drizzly a,comp
drogue n
droll n,v,a,comp
drollery n
drolly d
dromedary n
drone n,v,er
drool n,v,er
droop n,v,er,y
drop n,v,er,nopref,ms
drophead n
dropkick n,er
droplet n
dropout n
dropsy n
drosophila n
dross n
drought n
drove n,er
drown v,er,va
drowse n,v,y
drub v,er,ms
drudge n,v,er
drudgery n
drug n,v,ms
druggist n
drugstore n
druid n,na
druidic a,na
drum n,v,er,ms
drumbeat n,vi
drumhead n
drumlin n
Drummond n
drumstick n
drunk n,a,comp
drunkard n
drunken a
drunkometer n
Drury pc
dry n,v,a,comp
dryad n
Dryden n
drypoint n
drywall n
d's d,nopref
dual n,a,na
dualism n
Duane pc
dub n,v,er,ms
Dubhe pc
dubiety n
dubious a
dubitable a,in
Dublin pc
Dubliner n
ducal a
ducat n
duce n
duchess n
duchy n
duck n,v,er,y
duckbill n
duckling n
duckpin n
duckweed n
duct n,v,ion,in
ductile a,in
ductwork n
dud n,a,nopref
dude n
dudgeon n
Dudley n
due n
duel n,v,er,na
dueness n
duenna n
duet n,v,ms
duff n,er
duffel n
duffle n
Duffy n
dug n
Dugan n
dugong n
dugout n
duke n
dukedom n
dulcet n,a
dulcimer n
dull v,a,comp
dullard n
dullish a
dully d,nopref
dulse n
Duluth pc
duly d
Duma pc
dumb v,a,comp
dumbbell n
dumbfound v,va
dumbly d
dumbstruck a
dumbwaiter n
dumdum n
dumfound er
dummy n,a
dump n,v,er,y
dumpish a
dumpling n
dumpster n
Dumpty pc
dun n,v,a,ms
Dunbar pc
Duncan n
dunce n
dunderhead n,ed
dune n
Dunedin pc
dung n,v,y
dungaree n
dungeon n
dunghill n
Dunham n
dunk v,er
Dunkirk pc
Dunlap n
Dunlop n
Dunn n
dunnage n
duo n
duodecimal n,a
duodenal a
duodenum n
duopolist n
duopoly n
dupe n,v,er
duple a
duplex n,a
duplicable a
duplicate n,v,a,ion,in
duplicity n
DuPont n
durable n,a,va
Durango pc
duration n,na,in
Durer pc
duress n
Durham pc
during a
Durkee pc
Durkin n
Durrell n
Durward n
Dusenberg pc
Dusenbury n
dusk n,v,y
Dusseldorf pc
dust n,v,er,na,man,y
dustbin n
dustpan n
dustup n
Dutch na,man
dutiable a
Dutton n
duty n,na
Dvorak pc
dwarf n,v,a
dwarfish a
dwarves d
Dwayne n
dwell n,v,er,in
dwelt d
Dwight n
dwindle v
Dwyer n
dyad n
dyadic a
dye n,v
dyeing d
dyer n
dyestuff n
dying d
Dyke n
Dylan n
dynamic n,a,na
dynamism n
dynamite n,v,er,na
dynamo n
dynamometer n,na
dynast n
dynastic a,na
dynasty n
dyne n
Dynel pc
dysentery n
dysfunction n,na
dysgenic a
dyslexia n
dyslexic n,a
dyspepsia n
dyspeptic n,a,na
dysplasia n
dysprosium n
dystrophy n
each a,nopref
Eagan n
eager a
eagle n
eaglet n
ear n,v,na,nopref
earache n
eardrum n
earl n,nopref
earlobe n
early a,comp
earmark n,v
earmuff n
earn v,er
earnest n,a
earphone n
earring n
earshot n
earth n,v,a,y
earthbound a
earthen a
earthenware n
earthling n
earthmen pc
earthmove n
earthquake n
earthshaking a
earthshine n
earthwork n
earthworm n
earwig n,v,ms
ease n,v,na,va,y
easel n
east n,vi,er
eastbound a
eastern a,er
easternmost d
Eastland n
Eastman n
eastmost d
eastward n
Eastwood n
easygoing a
eat n,vi,er,va
eaten d
eatery n
Eaton n
eave n,nopref
eavesdrop v,er,ms
ebb n,v
Eben pc
ebony n,a
ebullient a
ebullition n
EC pc,nopref
eccentric n,a,na
Eccles n
Ecclesiastes pc,nopref
ecclesiastic n,a,na
ecdysiast n
ecdysis d
echelon n,v
echidna n
echinoderm n
echo n,v
echoes d
eclair n
eclat d
eclectic n,a,na
eclipse n,v
ecliptic n,a
eclogue n
Ecole pc
ecology n,na
econometric n,a
Econometrica pc
economics d
economist n
economy n,na
ecosystem n
ecstasy n
ecstatic a,na
ectomorph n,na
ectomorphic a
ectoplasm n
ectothermic a
ecu n
Ecuador pc
ecumenic a
ecumenist n
eczema n
Ed pc,nopref
Eddie pc
eddy n,v,nopref
edelweiss n
edematous a
Eden n
edentate n,a
Edgar pc
edge n,v,er,y
Edgerton n
edgeways d
edgewise d
edging n
edible n,a,in
edict n,nopref
edifice n
edify v,ion
Edinburgh pc
Edison n
edit v,va
Edith pc
edition n
editor n
editorial n,a,na
Edmonds n
Edmondson n
Edmonton pc
Edmund pc
Edna pc
EDT pc,nopref
educable a
educate v,ion,va
educe n,v,nopref
educible a
Edward n
Edwardian n,a
Edwards n
Edwin n
Edwina pc
EEG n,nopref
eel n,na,nopref
eelgrass n
EEOC pc,nopref
e'er d
eerie a,comp
eerily d
eeriness n
efface v,er,va
effaceable a,in
effect n,v,er,ion
effectual a,in
effectuate v,ion
effeminacy n
effeminate a
effendi n
efferent n,a
effervesce v
effervescent a
effete a
efficacious a,in
efficacity n
efficacy n,in
efficient a,in
Effie pc
effigy n
effloresce v
efflorescent a
effluent n,a
effluvia pc
effluvium n
efflux n
effort n
effrontery n
effulgent a
effuse v
effusion n,na,va
eft n,nopref
EFTA pc,nopref
e.g. d,nopref
egad n
egalitarian n,a,na
Egan n
egg n,v,er
egghead n
eggnog n
eggplant n
eggshell n,a
ego n,na
egocentric n,a
egomania n,na
egotism n
egotist n,na
egregious a
egress n,v,nopref
egret n,nopref
Egypt pc
Egyptian n,a
Egyptology n,na
eh d
Ehrlich n
eider n
eiderdown n
eidetic a,na
Eiffel pc,nopref
eigenfunction n
eigenstate n
eigenvalue n
eigenvector n,v
eight n,nopref
eighteen n
eighteenth n,a
eightfold n
eighth n
eightieth n,a
eighty n
Eileen pc
Einstein n
Einsteinian a
einsteinium n
Eire pc
Eisenhower n
Eisner n
either a
ejaculate n,v,ion
eject v,ion,va
ejecta n
eke v
Ekstrom n
Ektachrome pc
elaborate v,a,ion
Elaine pc
elan pc
elapse n,v,nopref
elastic n,a,na
elastomer n
elastomeric a
elate v,er,ion
Elba pc
Elbert n
elbow n,v
elder n,a
elderberry n
eldest a
Eldon pc
Eleanor pc
Eleazar pc
elect n,v,a,ion,va
electioneer v,er
electoral a
electorate n
Electra n
electress n
electret n
electric n,a,na
electrician n
electrify v,ion
electro n,nopref
electrocute v,ion
electrode n
electrography n
electrolysis pc
electrolyte n
electrolytic a,na
electrolyze v
electron n
electronic n,a
electrophoresis pc
electrophorus n
electrum n
eleemosynary a
elegant a,in
elegiac n,a
elegy n
element n,na
elementary a
Elena pc
elephant n
elephantiasis pc
elephantine a
elevate v,a,ion
eleven n
eleventh n
elf pc
elfin a
elfish a,nopref
Elgin n
Eli n
Elias n
elicit v
elide v
eligible n,a,va,in
Elijah pc
eliminate v,ion
Elinor pc
Eliot n
Elisabeth pc
Elisha pc
elision n
elite n,a,comp,na
elixir n
Elizabeth pc
Elizabethan n,a
elk n
Elkhart pc
elkhound n
Ella pc
Ellen pc
Elliott n
ellipse n
ellipsis pc
ellipsoid n,a
ellipsometer n
elliptic a,na
Ellis n
Ellison n
Ellsworth n
Ellwood pc
elm n
Elmer pc
Elmhurst pc
Elmira pc
Elmsford pc
elocution n,na
elocutionary a
Eloise pc
elongate v,a,ion
elope v,er,va
eloquent a,in
Elsa pc
else pc
Elsevier pc
elsewhere d
Elsie pc
Elsinore pc
Elton n
eluate v
elucidate v,ion
elude n,v,nopref
elusive a,nopref
elute v,ion
elver n
elves d
Elvis n
elvish a
Ely pc
Elysee pc
elysian a
em n,er,nopref,ms
emaciate v,ion
emanate v,ion
emancipate v,ion
Emanuel n
emasculate v,a,ion
embalm v,er,va
embank v,va
embarcadero pc
embargo n,v
embargoes d
embark v,va
embarkation n
embarrass v,va
embassy n
embattle v,va
embayment n
embed v,er,va,ms
embellish v,va
ember n,nopref
embezzle v,er,va
embitter v,va
emblazon v,er,va
emblem n,v,na
emblematic a,na
embodiment n
embody v,er
embolden v
embolism n
emboss v,er,va
embouchure n
embrace n,v,er,va
embraceable a
embrasure n
embrittle v,va
embrocate v,ion
embroider v,er
embroidery n
embroil v,va
embryo n
embryology n,na
embryonic a,na
emcee n,v
emend v
emendable a
emendation n
emerald n,a
emerge v
emergent n,a
emeritus n,a
emersed a
emersion n
Emerson n
emery n
emetic n,a,na
emigrant n,a
emigrate v,ion
emigre n
Emil pc
Emile pc
Emilio pc
Emily pc
eminent a
emir n
emirate n
emissary n
emission n,na,va
emissivity n
emit v,er,nopref,ms
emittance n,nopref
Emma pc
Emmanuel pc
Emmett pc
emollient n
emolument n
Emory n
emote n,v,nopref
emotion n,va
emotional a,na
empathetic a
empathic a
empathy n
emperor n
emphases d
emphasis pc
emphatic a,na
emphysema n
emphysematous a
empire n
empiric n,a,na
emplace v,va
emplane v
employ n,va
employed d
employee n
employer n
employing d
emporia pc
emporium n
empower v,va
empress n
emptor d
empty n,v,a,comp
emu n
emulate v,a,ion
emulsify v,er,ion,va
emulsion n,na,va
en n,nopref
enable v,a,comp,va
enact v,ion,va
enamel n,v
enamelware n
enantiomorph n,na
enantiomorphic a
encage v
encamp v,va
encapsulate v,ion
encase v,va
encaustic a,na
encephalic a,na
encephalitis n
encephalograph n
encephalography n,na
enchain v,va
enchant v,er,va
enchantress n
enchilada n
encipher v,er,va
encircle v,er,va
enclave n
enclose v,a,comp
enclosure n
encode v,er
encomia pc
encomium n
encompass v,a,va
encore n
encounter v,er
encourage v,er,va
encroach v,va
encrust v
encrypt v,ion
encumber v,va
encumbrance n,er
encyclical n
encyst v,va
end n,v,er,nopref
endanger v,va
endear v,va
endearment n
endemic n,a,na
endemism n
endgame n
Endicott n
endive n
endmost a
endocrine n,a
endogamous a
endogamy n
endogenous a
endomorph n,na
endomorphic a
endoplasm n
endorse v,er,va
endorsee n
endoskeleton n
endosperm n
endothelial a
endothermal a
endothermic a
endow v,va
endpaper n
endpoint n
endue v
endurance n
endure v,va
endways d
endwise d
ENE d,nopref
enema n
enemy n
energetic n,a
energy n
enervate v,a,ion
enfant n
enfeeble v,va
Enfield pc
enfilade n,v
enfold v
enforce v,er,va
enforceable a,va
enfranchise v,er,va
Eng. d,nopref
engage v,va
Engel n
engender v
engine n,v
engineer n,v
engirdle v,er
England pc
Englander n
Engle pc
Englewood pc
English n,v,er,man
engorge v,er,va
engram n
engrave v,er
engross v,va
engulf v,va
enhance v,er,va
enharmonic a
Enid pc
enigma n
enigmatic a,na
enjoin v,er,va
enjoinder n
enjoy v,va
enlarge v,va
enlargeable a
enlighten v,er,va
enlist v,er,va
enlistee n
enliven v
enmesh v
enmity n
ennoble v,va,er
ennui n
Enoch pc
enormity n
enormous a
Enos pc
enough d
enounce v
enplane v
enquire v
Enquirer pc
enquiry n
enrage v
enrapt a
enrapture v,va
enrich v,er,va
Enrico pc
enrobe v
enroll v,er,va
enrollee n
ensconce v
ensemble n
enshrine v,va
enshroud v
ensign n
ensilage n
enslave v,er,va
ensnare v,er
ensoul ed
ensue v
ensuite d
ensure v,er
entablature n
entail v,er,va
entangle v,er,va
entendre d
entente n
enter v,va
enteric a
enterprise n,vi,er
entertain v,er,va
enthalpy n
enthrall v,va
enthrone v,er,va
enthuse v
enthusiasm n
enthusiast n
enthusiastic a,na
entice v,va
entire a
entirety n
entitle v,va
entity n
entomb v,va
entomology n,na
entourage n
entrails d
entrain v,er,va
entrance n,v,va
entranceway n
entrant n
entrap v,er,va,ms
entreat v,er
entreaty n
entree n
entrench v,er,va
entrepreneur n
entrepreneurial a
entropy n
entrust v,er,va
entry n
entryway n
entwine v,er
entwist v,er
enumerable a
enumerate v,ion
enunciable a
enunciate v,ion
envelop v,va
envelope n
enviable a
envious a
environ v,va
envisage v,er,va
envision v,va
envoi n
envoy n
envy n,v,er,va
enzymatic a,na
enzyme n
enzymology n,na
Eocene pc
eohippus n
eosine n
EPA pc,nopref
epaulet n
epaulette n
ephemera n
ephemeral n,a
ephemerides d
ephemeris n
Ephesian n
Ephesus pc
Ephraim pc
epic n,a,na
epicene n,a,na
epicure n,na
epicurean a,na
epicycle n
epicyclic a
epicycloid n
epidemic n,a,na
epidemiology n,na
epidermal a
epidermic n,a
epidermis n
epigenetic a
epiglottal a
epiglottis n
epigram n
epigrammatic a,na
epigraph n,er,na
epigraphy n,na
epilepsy n
epileptic n,a,na
epilogue n
epinephrine n
epiphany n
epiphenomenal a,na
epiphenomenon pc
epiphyseal a
epiphysis pc
epiphyte n
epiphytic a,na
episcopacy n
episcopal a
Episcopalian n,a,na
episcopate n
episode n
episodic a,na
epistemic a
epistemology n,na
epistle n,er
epistolary a
epitaph n
epitaxial a
epitaxy n
epithelial a,na
epithelium n
epithet n
epitome n,na
epizootic n,a,na
epoch n
epochal a
epochs d
eponym n
eponymic a
eponymous a
eponymy n
epoxy n,a
epsilon n
Epsom pc
Epstein n
equable a,va
equal n,v,a,na
equalitarian n
equanimity n
equate v,ion
equatorial n,a
equerry n
equestrian n,a
equiangular a
equidistant a
equidistribute v,ion
equilateral a
equilibrate v,ion
equilibria pc
equilibrium n
equine n,a
equinoctial n,a
equinox n
equip n,v,va,ms
equipage n
equipoise n,v
equipotent a
equipotential n,a
equiprobable a
equitable a,in
equitation n
equity n,in
equivalent n,a
equivocal a
equivocate v,ion
era n,nopref
eradicable a,in
eradicate v,ion
erase v,er,va
Erasmus pc
Erastus pc
erasure n
Erato pc
Eratosthenes pc
erbium n
ERDA pc,nopref
ere d
erect v,a,ion
erectile a
eremite n,na
erg n
ergo d,nopref
ergodic a
ergonomic n,a
ergot n,na
Eric pc
Erica pc
Erich pc
Erickson n
Ericsson n
Erie pc
Erlenmeyer pc
Erma n
ermine n,ed
Ernest pc
Ernestine pc
Ernie pc
Ernst pc,nopref
erode v
erodible a
Eros pc
erosible a
erosion n,na,va
erotic n,a,na
erotica n
err v
errancy n
errand n
errant a,in
errantry n
errata n
erratic n,a,na
erratum n
Errol pc
erroneous a
error n
ersatz n,a
Erskine n
erstwhile a
erudite a
erudition n
erupt v,ion
Ervin n
Erwin n
e's d
escadrille n
escalate v,ion
escapade n
escape n,v,a,er,na,va
escapee n
escargot n
escarole n
escarpment n
eschatology n,na
escheat n,v,va
eschew v
escort n,v
escritoire n
escrow n,v
escudo n
escutcheon n
ESE d,nopref
esker n
Eskimo n
Esmark pc
esophageal a
esophagi d
esoteric a,na
esoterica n
ESP pc,nopref
espalier n,v
especial a
Esperanto pc
espial n
espionage n
esplanade n
ESPN pc,nopref
Esposito pc
espousal n
espouse v,er
espresso n
esprit n
espy v
Esq. d,nopref
esquire n
essay n,v,er,na
Essen pc
essence n
Essene n
essential n,a,na
Essex pc
EST pc,nopref
establish v,er,va
estate n,v,nopref
esteem n,v
Estella pc
Estelle pc
ester n
esterase n
Estes pc
Esther pc
estimable a,in
estimate n,v,ion
estival n
estivate v
Estonia pc
estop v
estoppal a
estrange v,er,va
estrogenic a,na
estuarine a
estuary n
et d,nopref
eta n
etc d
etcetera n
etch n,v,er
eternal n,a
eternity n
Ethan pc
ethane n
ethanol n
Ethel pc
ethereal a,na
ethic n,a,na
Ethiopia pc
ethnic a,na
ethnocentric a
ethnography n,er,na
ethnology n,na
ethology n,na
ethos n
ethyl n
ethylene n
etiquette n
Etruscan n,a
ETS pc,nopref
etude n
etymology n,na
eucalypt n
eucalyptus n
Eucharist pc
eucharistic a
Euclid pc
euclidean d
Eugene pc
Eugenia pc
eugenic n,a,na
eukaryote n
Euler pc
Eulerian pc
eulogy n,na
Eumenides pc
Eunice pc
eunuch n,na
eunuchs d
euphemism n
euphemist na
euphonic a,na
euphonious a
euphonium n
euphony n
euphoria n
euphoric a
Euphrates pc
Eurasia pc
eureka d
Euridyce pc
Euripides pc
Europa pc
Europe pc
European n,a
europium n
Eurydice pc
eustatic a
eutectic n,a
Euterpe pc
euthanasia n
eutrophic a
eutrophy n
Eva pc
evacuate v,ion
evacuee n
evade v,er,va
evaluable a
evaluate v,ion
evanescent a
evangel n,na
evangelic n,a
Evans n
Evanston pc
Evansville pc
evaporate v,ion
evasion n,na,va
eve n,nopref
Evelyn pc
even n,v,a,er
evenhanded a
evensong n
event n,na
eventide n
eventual a
eventuate v
ever d,nopref
Eveready pc
Everest pc
Everett n
Everglades pc
evergreen n,a
Everhart n
everlasting n,a
evermore d
evert v
every d,nopref
everybody pc
everyday a
everyman pc
everyone pc
everything pc
everywhere d
evict v,ion
evictor n
evident a
evidential a
evidentiary d
evil n,a,comp
evildoer n
evildoing n
evince v
eviscerate v,ion
evocable a,nopref
evocation n,na,va
evoke n,v,nopref
evolute n,ion,nopref
evolutionary a
evolve v,va
evzone n
ewe n,er,nopref
Ewing n
ex n,nopref
exacerbate v,ion
exact v,a,ion,va
exactitude n,in
exactor n
exaggerate v,ion
exalt v,er
exaltation n
exam n
examination n,na
examine v,er,va
examinee n
example n,v
exarch n,y
exasperate v,a,er,ion
excavate v,ion
exceed v
excel v,ms
excellent a
excelsior n
except v,ion
excerpt n,v,ion
excess n,a
excessive a
exchange n,v,er
exchangeable a
exchequer n
excise n,v,va
excision n
excitation n,na,va
excitatory a
excite v,er,va
exciton n
exclaim v,er
exclamation n
exclamatory a
exclude v,er,va
excludible a
exclusion n,na,va
exclusionary a
excommunicate n,v,a,ion
excoriate v,ion
excrement n,na
excrescent a
excreta n
excretal a
excrete v,er
excretion n
excretory a
excruciate v,ion
exculpate v,ion
excursion n,na,va
excursus n
excuse n,v,er,va
exec n
execrable a
execrate v,ion
execute v,er,ion,va
executor n
executrix n
exegesis pc
exegete n,na
exegetic a,na
exemplar n,y
exemplify v,ion
exempt n,v,a,ion
exercise n,v,er,va
exert v,ion
Exeter pc
exeunt a
exfoliate v,ion
exhalation n
exhale v
exhaust n,v,er
exhaustible a,va,in
exhaustion n,na,va
exhibit n,v,er
exhibition n,er,na,va
exhibitor n
exhilarate v,ion
exhort v,er
exhortation n,na,va
exhortatory a
exhumation n
exhume v,er
exigent a
exiguous a
exile n,v
exist v
existent n,a,in
existential a,na
exit n,v,nopref
exodus n
exogamous a
exogamy n
exogenous a
exon n
exonerate v,ion
exorable a,va,in
exorbitant a
exorcise v,er
exorcism n
exorcist n
exoskeletal a
exoskeleton n
exothermic a
exotic n,a,na
exotica d
expand v,er,va
expanse n
expansible a
expansion n,na,va
expansionary a
expatiate v,ion
expatriate n,v,a,ion
expect v,er,va
expectant n,a
expectation n,na,va
expectorant n,a
expectorate v,ion
expedient n,a,in
expedite v,er
expedition n
expeditionary a
expeditious a
expeditor n
expel v,er,va,ms
expend v,er,va
expenditure n
expense n
expensive a,in
experience n,v
experiential a
experiment n,v,er,na
experimentation n
expert n,v,a,na
expertise n
expiable a,in
expiate v,ion
expiration n
expire v
expiry n
explain v,er,va
explanation n,na,va
explanatory a
expletive n,a
explicable a,in
explicate v,ion
explicit a,in
explode v,er
exploit n,v,er,va
exploitation n,na,va
exploration n,na,va
exploratory a
explore v,er,va
explosion n,na,va
exponent n
exponential n,a
exponentiate v,ion
export n,v,a,er,va
exportation n
expose v,er,va
exposit v
exposition n,na,va
expositor n,y
expostulate v,ion
exposure n
expound v,er
express n,v,a,er
expressible a
expression n,na,va,in
expressway n
expropriate v,ion
expulsion n,na,va
expunge v,er
expurgate v,ion
exquisite n,a
exsert v,ion
extant a
extemporaneous a
extempore a,na
extend v,er
extendible a
extensible a,va,in
extensile a
extension n,na,va
extensometer n
extensor n
extent n
extenuate v,ion
exterior n,a,na
exterminate v,ion
external n,a,na
extinct v,a,ion
extinguish v,er,va
extirpate v,ion
extol n,va
extoll n,v,er
extort v,er,ion
extortionate a
extra n,a
extracellular a
extract n,v,ion,va
extracurricular a
extraditable a
extradite v,va
extradition n
extralegal a
extralinguistic a
extramarital a
extramural a
extraneous a
extraordinary a
extrapolate v,ion
extrasensory a
extraterrestrial a
extraterritorial a
extravagant a
extravaganza n
extrema d
extremal a
extreme n,a,na
extremis d
extremum d
extricable a,in
extricate v,ion
extrinsic a,na
extroversion n,na,va
extrovert n,ed,a
extrude v,er
extrusion n,na,va
exuberant a
exuberate v
exudation n,na,va
exude v
exult v
exultant a
exultation n
exurb n
exurbanite n
exurbia n
Exxon pc
eye n,v,na,nopref
eyeball n,v
eyebolt n
eyebright n
eyebrow n
eyedrop n,er,ms
eyeglass n
eyeing d
eyelash n
eyelet n
eyelid n
eyepiece n
eyeshade n
eyeshot n
eyesight n
eyesore n
eyestrain n
eyewash n
eyewitness n
eyrie n
Ezekiel pc
Ezra pc
FAA pc,nopref
Faber pc
Fabian n,a,na
fable n,v,er
fabric n
fabricate v,ion
fabulist n
fabulous a
facade n
face n,v,er
facedown a
faceplate n
facet n,ed
facetious a
facial n,a
facies n
facile a
facilitate v,ion
facsimile n
fact n,ion
factious a
factitious a
facto d,nopref
factoid n
factor n,v,na,va
factorial n,a,nopref
factory n,nopref
factotum n
factual a,na
facula n
facultative a
faculty n
fad n,na,ms
faddish a
fade n,v,va
fadeaway n
fadeout n
faery a
Fafnir pc
fag n,v,ms
faggot vi
Fahey n
Fahrenheit a
faience n
fail n,v
failsafe a
failsoft a
failure n
fain d,nopref
faint n,v,a,comp
fainthearted a
fair n,v,a,comp
Fairchild n
Fairfax n
Fairfield pc
fairgoer n
fairground n
fairish a
fairlead n,er
Fairport pc
fairway n
fairy n,a,na
fairyland n
faith n,v,na
fajita n
fake n,v,a,comp
fakery n
fakir n
falcon n,er
falconry n
fall n,vi,a,er
fallacious a
fallacy n
fallback n
fallen d
fallible a,va,in
falloff n
fallout n
fallow n,v,a
Falmouth pc
false a,comp
falsehood n
falsetto n
falsie n
falsify v,er,ion
Falstaff pc
falter n,v,er
fame n,ed
familial a
familiar n,a,na
familiarly d
family n,a
famine n
famish v,va
famous a,in
fan n,v,er,na,ms
fanatic n,a,na
fancy n,v,a,comp,na
fandango n
fanfare n
fanfold v
fang n,ed
fangled d
fanlight n
Fannie n
Fanny pc
fanout n
fantail n
fantasia pc
fantasist n
fantasm n
fantastic n,a,na
fantasy n,v
fantod n
far d,nopref
farad n,na
faraday n
faraway a
Farber n
farce n,v,y
farceur n
farcical a
fare n,v,er
farewell n,a
farfetched a
Fargo pc
farina n
farinaceous a
Farkas n
Farley n
farm n,v,er
farmhand n
farmhouse n
Farmington pc
farmland n
farmstead n,vi
farmyard n
Farnsworth n
faro n
farrago n
Farrell pc
farrier n
Farris n
farrow n,v,a
Farsi pc
farsighted a
farther a
farthermost a
farthest a
farthing n
fascia n
fascicle n,ed
fasciculate ed,a,ion
fascinate v,ion
fascism n
fascist n,a,na
fashion n,v,er,va
Faso pc,nopref
fast n,v,a,comp
fasten v,er
fastidious a
fat n,v,a,comp,ms,y
fatal a,na
fate n,v,na
father n,v,a,na
fatherland n
fathom n,v,va
fatigue n,v
Fatima pc
fatten v,er
fattish a
fatuity n
fatuous a
faucet n
Faulkner n
fault n,v,y
faultfind vi,er
faun n,na
fauna n
faunal a
Faust pc
Faustian a
Faustus pc
fawn n,v,er
fax n,v
fay n,ed,a
Faye n
Fayette n
Fayetteville pc
faze v
FBI pc,nopref
FCC pc,nopref
FDA pc,nopref
Fe pc
fealty n
fear n,v,er,na
fearsome a
feasible a,va,in
feast n,v,er,na
feat n,a
feather n,v,na,y
featherbed n,v,a,ms
featherbrain n,ed
featherhead n,ed
featherweight n
feathery a
feature n,v,na,va
Feb. d,nopref
febrile a
February n
feckless a
fecund a
fed d
Fedders pc
federal a,na
federate v,a,ion
fedora n
fee n,nopref
feeble a,comp
feebleminded a
feed n,vi,er
feedback n
feedstock n
feel n,vi,er
Feeney n
feet pc
feign v,er
feint n,v
feisty a,comp
Feldman n
feldspar n
feldspathic a
Felice pc
Felicia pc
felicitate v,a,ion
felicitous a,in
felicity n,in
feline n,a
Felix pc
fell n,v,a,er,va,y
fellah n
fellatio n
fellow n,a
felon n,a
felonious a
felony n
felt n,v
felucca n
female n,a
feminine n,a
feminism n
feminist n,a,na
femur n
fen n,ms,y
fence n,v,er
fencepost n
fend n,v,er
fenestrate ed,a,ion
fennel n
Fenton n
fenugreek n
feral a,nopref
Ferber n
Ferdinand pc
Ferguson n
Fermat pc
fermata n
ferment n,v,er,va
fermentation n,na,va
Fermi pc
fermion n
fermium n
fern n,na,y
Fernando pc
fernery n
ferocious a
ferocity n
Ferrell n
Ferrer pc
ferret n,v,er
ferric a
ferris d
ferrite n,na
ferroelectric n
ferromagnet n
ferromagnetic n,a
ferromagnetism n
ferrous a
ferruginous a
ferrule n,v
ferry n,v,man
ferryboat n
fertile a,na,in
fervent a
fervid a,na
fescue n
fest n,er
festal a
festival n,a
festive a
festoon n,v
festschrift n
feta n
fetch n,v,er
fete n,v
fetid a
fetish n,na
fetlock n
fetter n,v
fettle n,v
feud n,v,er,na
feudal a,na
feudatory n,a
fever n,v
feverish a
few a,comp
fey a,comp
fez n,ms
fiance n,nopref
fiancee n
fiasco n
fiat n
fib n,v,er,ms
fiberboard n
Fiberglas pc
Fibonacci pc
fibrillar a
fibrillation n
fibrin n
fibrosis pc
fibrous a
fibula n
FICA d,nopref
fiche n
fickle a
fiction n,na,va
fictioneer n,vi
fictitious a
fid n,a
fiddle n,v,er
fiddlehead n
fiddlestick n
fide d
fidelity n
fidget n,v,y
fiducial a
fiduciary n,a
fie d
fief n
fiefdom n
field n,v,a,er
fieldstone n
fieldwork n
fiend n,nopref
fiendish a
fierce n,a,comp
fiery a,comp,nopref
fiesta n
fife n
FIFO n,nopref
fifteen n
fifteenth n,a
fifth n,a
fiftieth n,a
fifty n
fiftyish a
fig n,va
fight n,vi,er
figural a
figurate ion
figure n,v,er,va
figurehead n
figurine n
Fiji n
filament n
filamentary a
filamentous a
filar a,nopref
filbert n
filch v,er
file n,v,er,va
filet n
filial a
filibuster n,v,er
filigree n,v
Filipino n,a
fill n,v,er,na,va
fillet n,v
fillip n,v
filly n
film n,v,er,y
filmdom n
filmic a,na
filmstrip n
filter n,v,va
filth n,y
filtrate n,v,ion,in
fin n,v,na,nopref,ms,y
finagle v,er
final n,a
finale n,a,na
finance n,v
financial a
financier n,v
finch n
find n,vi,er,va
fine n,v,a,comp
finery n
finesse n,v
finessing a
finger n,v
fingerboard n
fingerling n
fingernail n
fingerprint n,v
fingertip n
finial n
finicky a
finis n,nopref
finish n,v,er
finitary n
finite n,a,in
finitude pc
fink n
Finland pc
Finley pc
Finn n
Finnegan n
Finnish a
fir n,nopref,ms,y
fire n,v,er,man
firearm n
fireball n
firebird n
fireboat n
firebox n
firebrand n
firebreak n
firebrick n
firebug n
fireclay n
firecracker n
firefight vi,er
firefly n
fireguard n
firehouse n
firelight n
fireplace n
fireplug n
firepower n
fireproof v,a
fireside n
Firestone n
firetrap n
firewall n
firewood n
firework n
firm n,v,a,comp,in
firmament n,na
first n,a
firstborn n,a
firsthand a
fiscal n,a
Fischbein n
Fischer n
fish n,v,na,va,y
fisher n,man
fishery n
fishhook n
fishmonger n
fishpond n
fishtail v
fishwife n
Fisk n
Fiske n
fissile a
fission n,v,na,va
fissure n,v
fist n,v
fisticuffs n
fit n,v,a,comp,ms
Fitch n
Fitchburg pc
fitful a
fitment n
Fitzgerald n
Fitzpatrick n
Fitzroy n
five n,er,nopref
fivefold d
fix n,v,a,er,va
fixate v,ion
fixture n
Fizeau pc
fizz n,v,y
fizzle n,v
fjord n
FL pc,nopref
flabbergast v
flabby a,comp
flaccid a
flack n
flag n,v,er,man,ms
flagella pc
flagellant n,a,na
flagellar a
flagellate n,v,a,ion
flagellum n
flageolet n
flagitious a
Flagler n
flagon n
flagpole n
flagrant a
flagstaff n
flagstone n
flail n,v
flair n
flak n,nopref
flake n,v,er,y
flam n,v,ms
flambe v
flamboyant n,a
flame n,v,er
flamenco n
flameout n
flameproof a
flamethrower n
flamingo n
flammable n,a,in
Flanagan n
Flanders pc
flange n,v,er
flank n,v,er
flannel n,a
flap n,v,er,va,ms,y
flapjack n
flare n,v
flareup n
flash n,v,er,y
flashback n
flashbulb n
flashgun n
flashlight n
flashover n
flask n
flat n,v,a,comp,ms
flatbed n,a
flatcar n
flatfeet pc
flatfish n
flatfoot n
flathead n
flatiron n
flatland n
flatten v,er
flatter n,v,er
flattery n
flattish a
flatulent a
flatus n
flatware n
flatways d
flatwise d
flatwork n
flatworm n
flaunt n,v,y
flautist n
flavorsome a
flaw n,v
flax n,y
flaxen a
flaxseed n
flay v
flea n
fleabane n
fleck n,v
fled d
fledge v
fledgling n
flee vi,er
fleece n,v,y
fleet n,v,a,comp
Fleming n
Flemish a
flense v
flesh n,v,a,va
fleshpot n
fleshy a,comp
fletch v,er
Fletcher n,na
flew n
flex n,v,a
flexible a,va,in
flexural a
flexure n
flibbertigibbet n,y
flick n,v,er
flicker n,v,er,y
flier n
flight n,v,y
flimflam n,v,er,ms
flimsy n,a,comp
flinch n,v,er
fling n,vi,er
flint n,v,na,nopref,y
flintlock n
flip n,v,a,er,ms
flipflop n,v,ms
flippant a
flirt n,v,er,y
flirtation n
flirtatious a
flit n,v,er,ms
flitch n
flivver n
Flo pc
float n,v,er,y
floc n,v,ms
floccing d
flocculate n,v,a,ion
flocculi d
flock n,v
floe n
flog v,er,ms
flood n,v,er
floodgate n
floodlight n,v
floodlit d
floodplain n
floodwater n
floodway n
flooey d
floor n,v,er
floorboard n
floorwalker n
floozy n
flop n,v,er,ms
flophouse n
floppy n,a,comp
flora n
floral a
Florence pc
Florentine pc
Flores n
floret n
floriculture n,na
florid a
Florida pc
Floridian n
florin n
florist n,na
floss n,y
flotation n
flotilla n
flotsam n
flounce n,v
flouncy a,comp
flounder n,v
flour n,v,y
flourish n,v,er
flout n,v,er
flow n,v,in
flowchart n,v
flower n,v,er,na
flowerpot n
flowery a,comp
flown a
flowstone n
Floyd n
flu n,nopref
flub n,v,ms
fluctuant a
fluctuate v,ion
flue n
fluency n
fluent a,in
fluff n,v,y
fluid n,a,na
fluke n,y
flume n
flummery n
flummox v
flung d
flunk n,v,er,y
fluoresce v
fluorescein n
fluorescent a
fluoridate v,ion
fluoride n
fluorimeter n
fluorinate v,ion
fluorine n
fluorite n
fluorocarbon n
fluorography n
fluoroscope n,v,na
fluoroscopic a,na
fluoroscopy n
fluorspar n
flurry n,v
flush n,v,er,a,va
fluster n,v
flute n,v,er,na,y
flutter n,v,er
fluttery a,comp
fluvial a
flux n,v
fly n,v,va
flyby n
flycatcher n
flyer n
flyleaf n
Flynn n
flyover n
flypaper n
flyspeck n,v
flyway n
flyweight n
flywheel n
FM pc,nopref
FMC pc,nopref
foal n,v
foam n,v,y
fob n,v,ms
focal a,na
foci d
focus n,v
fodder n,v
foe n,man
fog n,v,ms,y
fogbound a
fogey n
foghorn n
foible n
foil n,ed
foist v
fold n,v,er
foldaway a
folderol n
foldout n
Foley n
foliage n,ed
foliate v,a,ion
folio n,v
folk n,a,na
folkish a
folklore n,na
folkloric a
folksong n
folksy a,comp
folkway n
follicle n
follicular a
follow n,v,er
followeth d
folly n
Fomalhaut pc
foment v,er
fond n,a,comp
fondle v,er
fondue n
font n,nopref
Fontaine n
Fontainebleau pc
food n,nopref
foodstuff n
foofaraw n
fool n,v,er,va
foolery n
foolhardy a
foolish a
foolproof a
foolscap n
foot n,v,er,na,man,y
footage n
football n
footboard n
footbridge n
footcandle n
Foote n
footfall n
footgear n
foothill n
foothold n
footlight n
footling a
footlocker n
footloose a
footnote n,v
footpad n
footpath n
footprint n
footrest n
footrope n
footsie ed
footsore a
footstep n
footstool n
footway n
footwear n
footwork n
fop n,v,ms
foppery n
foppish a
for d,nopref
forage n,v,er
foray n,v,er
forbade d
forbear vi,er
forbearance n
Forbes n
forbid n,v,a,er,ms
forbidden d
forbode v
forbore d
forborne d
force n,v,er,na
forceps n,na
forcible a
ford n,v,va
Fordham pc
fore man,nopref
forearm v
forebears d
forebode v,er
forebrain n
forecast v,er
forecastle n
foreclose v,er
foreclosure n
foredeck n
foredoom v
foreface n
forefather n
forefeet d
forefinger n
forefoot d
forefront d
foregoing d
foregone d
foreground n
forehand n,ed,a
forehead n
foreign a,er
forejudge v
foreknow vi
foreknowledge d
foreknown d
forelady n
foreleg n
forelimb n
forelock n
foremast n
foremost d
foremother n
forename n,ed
forenoon n
forensic n,a,na
foreordain v
foreordination n
forepart n
forepaw n
forepeak n
foreplay n
forequarter n
forerunner n,na
foresail n
foresaw d
foresee vi
foreseeable a
foreseen d
foreseer n
foreshadow v,er
foreshore n
foreshorten v
foresight n,ed
foreskin n
forest n,ed,er
forestall v,er,va
forestation n
forestay n
forestry n
foreswear vi,er
foresworn d
foretaste n
foretell vi,er
forethought n,na
foretoken v
foretold d
foretop n,man
forever a
forevermore d
forewarn v
foreword n
forfeit n,v,a,er,va
forfeiture n
forfend v
forgather v
forgave d
forge n,v,er,va
forgeable a
forgery n
forget vi,er,na,va,ms
forgive v,a,er,va
forgiven d
forgo er
forgoes d
forgoing d
forgot d
forgotten d
fork n,v,er,na,y
forklift n
forlorn a
form n,v,er,na,va
formal n,a,na,in
formaldehyde n
formant n,in
format n,v,er,va,ms
formate n,ion
formfitting a
formic a
Formica pc
formidable a,va
Formosa pc
formula n
formulae pc
formulaic a,na
formulary n,a
formulate v,ion
fornicate v,a,ion
Forrest pc
forsake vi
forsaken d
forsook d
forsooth d
forswear vi
forsworn a
Forsythe n
forsythia n
fort n
forte n
Fortescue n
forth d
forthcome vi
forthright n,a
forthwith d
fortieth n,a
fortify v,er,ion
fortiori d
fortissimo n
fortitude n
fortnight n,a
Fortran n
fortress n,v
fortuitous a
fortuity n
fortunate a
fortune n,v
forty n
fortyish a
forum n
forward n,v,a,er
forwent d
Foss n
fossil n,a,na
fossiliferous a
foster v,a,er
Foucault pc
fought d
foul n,v,a,comp
foulard n
foulmouth ed
found n,v,er
foundation n,na
foundling n
foundry n
fount n
fountain n
fountainhead n
four n,nopref
fourfold a
Fourier pc,na
fourscore a
foursome n
foursquare a
fourteen n,er
fourteenth n,a
fourth n,a
fovea n
foveal a
fowl n,v,er
fox n,v,y
foxglove n
Foxhall pc
foxhole n
foxhound n
foxtail n
foyer n
FPC pc,nopref
fracas n
fractal n,a
fraction n,na
fractionate v,ion
fractious a
fracture n,v
fragile a
fragment n,v,na
fragmentary a
fragmentation n
fragrant a
frail n,a,comp
frailty n
frambesia n
frame n,v,a,er
framework n,v
Fran pc
franc n
franca n
France pc
Frances pc
Francesca pc
franchise n,v,er
Francine n
Francis n
Franciscan n,a
Francisco pc
francium n
Franco pc
Francois pc,nopref
frangible a,va,in
frangipani n
frank n,v,a,comp
Frankenstein pc
Frankfort pc
Frankfurt pc
frankfurter n
Frankie n
franklin n
frantic a,na
Franz pc
frappe ed
Fraser n
fraternal a,na
fraternity n
fratricidal a
fratricide n
Frau n
fraud n
fraudulent a
fraught n,v,a
fray n,v,er
Frazier n
frazzle n,v
freak n,v,a
freakish a
freckle n,v
Fred pc
Freda n
Freddie pc
Freddy pc
Frederic pc
Frederick n
Fredericks n
Fredericksburg pc
Fredericton pc
Fredholm pc
Fredrickson n
free n,v,a,comp,man
freebase v,er
freebie n
freeboard n
freeboot er
freed pc,man
freedom n
freehand ed,a
freehearted a
freehold n,er
freeload v,er
Freemason n
freemasonry n
Freeport pc
freestanding a
freestone n
freethink vi,er
Freetown pc
freeway n
freewheel n,v
freewill a
freeze n,vi,er
freight n,v,er
French n,v,er,man
frenetic a,na
frenzy n,v
freon n
frequent v,a,er
fresco n,v
frescoes d
fresh v,a,comp,va,man
freshen v,er
freshet n
freshwater a
Fresnel pc
Fresno pc
fret n,v,na,ms
fretwork n
Freud n
Freudian n,a,na
Frey pc
Fri. d,nopref
friable a,va
friar n,a,y
fricassee n,v
fricative n,a
Frick n
friction n
frictional a
Friday n
fridge n
fried d
Friedman n
Friedrich pc
friend n,v,a
friendlily d
frieze n
frigate n
Frigga pc
fright n,v,na
frighten v
frigid a
Frigidaire n
frijoles d
frill n,v
frilly a,comp
fringe n,v,er,va,in
fringy a,comp
frippery n
frisbee n
frisk n,v,er,y
fritillary n
fritter n,v,er
Fritz pc
frivolity n
frivolous a
frizz n,a,y
frizzle n,v
frock n,v
frog n,v,man,ms
frolic n,v,a
frolicked d
frolicking d
frolicsome a
from d,nopref
frond n,ed
front n,v,a
frontage n
frontal n,a
frontier n,a
frontiers man
frontispiece n
frontlet n
frosh d
frost n,v,er,y
frostbite n,v
frostbitten d
froth n,v,y
froward a
frown n,v,er
frowsy a,comp
frowzy a,comp
froze d
frozen a
FRS d,nopref
fructify v,ion
fructose n
Fruehauf pc
frugal a
fruit n,v,na
fruitcake n
fruiterer n
fruition n
fruity a,comp
frumpish a
frumpy a,comp
frustrate v,a,er,ion
frustum n
fry n,v,er
Frye pc
f's d,nopref
FTC pc,nopref
Fuchs n
fuchsia n
fuddle v
fudge n,v,er
fuel n,v
fugacity n
fugal a
fugitive n,a
fugue n,v,na
Fuji pc
Fujitsu pc
fulcrum n
fulfill v,er,va
fulgent a
full n,a,comp
fullback n
Fullbright n
Fullerton n
fully d,nopref
fulminate n,v,ion
fulsome a
Fulton n
fumarole n
fumble n,v,er
fume n,v,er,nopref,y
fumigant n
fumigate v,ion
fun n,v,nopref,ms
function n,v,na
functionary n
functor n
fund n,v,er
fundable a
fundamental n,a,na
fundraise vi,er
funeral n
funerary a
funereal a
fungal a
fungi d
fungible n,a,va
fungicidal a
fungicide n
fungiform a
fungo pc
fungoes d
fungoid n,a
fungus n
funicular n,a
funk n,v,y
funny n,a,comp
fur n,v,ms,y
furbelow n
furbish v,er,va
furious a
furl v
furlong n
furlough n,v
Furman n
furnace n
furnish v,er,va
furniture n
furore n
furrier n,y
furrow n,v
further v,a,er
furtherance n
furthermore d
furthermost a
furthest d
furtive a
fury n
furze n,y
fuse n,v,er,in
fuselage n
fusible a,va,in
fusiform a
fusil n
fusileer n
fusillade n,v
fusion n,na,in
fuss n,v,er,y
fussbudget n
fustian n,a
fusty a,comp
futile a
future n,a,na
fuzz n,v,y
FY d,nopref
FYI d,nopref
GA pc,nopref
gab n,v,er,ms,y
gabardine n
gabble n,v,er
gabbro n
gaberdine n
Gaberones pc
gabfest n
gabion n
gable n,ed
Gabon pc
Gabriel pc
Gabrielle pc
gad n,v,er,nopref,ms
gadabout n,a
gadfly n
gadget n,y
gadgeteer n
gadgetry pc
gadolinium n
gadwall n
Gaelic n,a
gaff n,v
gaffe n,er
gag n,v,er,man,ms
gage n,v
gaggle n
gagster n
gagwriter n
gaiety n
Gail pc
gaillardia n
gaily d
gain n,v,a,er,na
Gaines n
Gainesville pc
gainsaid d
gainsay vi,er
gait n,v,er
Gaithersburg pc
gal n,a,ms
gala n,a
galactic a
Galapagos pc
Galatea pc
Galatia pc
galaxy n
Galbreath n
gale n,va
Galen pc,na
galena n
Galilean n,a
Galilee pc
Galileo pc
gall n,v,nopref
Gallagher n
gallant n,v,a
gallantry n
galleon n
gallery n,ed
galley n
Gallic a
gallinule n
gallium n
gallivant v
gallon n
gallonage n
gallop n,v,er
Galloway pc
gallows n,a
gallstone n
Gallup n
gallus n,ed
Galois pc
galoot n
galore a
galosh n,ed
Galt n
galumph v
galvanic n,a
galvanism n
galvanometer n
Galveston pc
Galway n
gam n,v,er,nopref,ms
gamba d
Gambia pc
gambit n
gamble n,v,er
gambrel n
game n,v,a,comp,y
gamecock n
gamelan n
games man
gamete n
gamey a
gamin n
gamma n,a
gamut n
gander n,v
gang n,v,a,er
Ganges pc
gangland n
ganglia pc
gangling a
ganglion n
gangplank n
gangrene n,v
gangrenous a
gangster n,na
gangway n
gannet n
Gannett n
gantlet n,v
gantry n
Ganymede pc
GAO pc,nopref
gap n,v,ms,y
gape n,v,er
gar n,va
garage n,v,man
garb n,v,er
garbage n
garble n,v,er
Garcia n
garden n,v,a,er
gardenia n
Gardner n
Garfield n
Gargantua pc
gargantuan a
gargle n,v
gargoyle n
Garibaldi pc
garish a
garland n,v
garlic n
garlicky comp
garner n,v
garnet n
garnish n,v,va
garnishee n,v
garniture n
garotte n
garret n
Garrett n
garrison n,v
Garrisonian n
garrulity n
garrulous a
Garry pc
garter n,v
Garth n
Garvey n
Gary pc
Garza n
gas n,v,er,ms,y
gasbag n
Gascony pc
gaseous a
gases d
gash n,v,er,a
gasholder n
gashouse n
gasify v,ion
gasket n
gaslight n,a
gaslit a
gasohol n
gasoline n
gasp n,v,er
Gaspee pc
Gaston pc
gastric a
gastritis n
gastrointestinal a
gastronome n,na
gastronomy n
gastropod n
gasworks n
gat n
gate n,v,ion,man
gatefold n
gatehouse n
gatepost n
gateway n
gather n,v,er,in
Gatlinburg pc
gator n
Gatwick pc
gauche a
gaucherie n
gaucho n
gaud n,y
gauge n,v,er
gaugeable a
Gauguin pc
Gaul n
Gaulle pc,na
gaunt a,comp
gauntlet n,ed
gaur n
gauss n
Gaussian n
gauze n,na,y
gave d,nopref
Gavin n
gavotte n,v
gawk n,v,er,y
gawkish a
gay n,a,comp,nopref
gayety pc
Gayle n
Gaylord pc
gaze n,v,er,nopref
gazebo n
gazelle n
gazette n,v
gazetteer n
GDP n,nopref
GE pc,nopref
gear n,v
gearbox n
gearshift n
gecko n
gedanken d
gee n,v
geese pc
geest n
geezer n
gefilte d
Gegenschein pc
Geiger n
Geigy pc
geisha n
gel n,v,ms
gelable a
gelatin n
gelatine na
gelatinous a
geld n,v
gelid a
gem n,v,ms,y
Gemini n
Gemma pc
gemology n,na
gemstone n
gendarme n
gender n,v
gene n
genealogy n,na
genera pc,nopref
generable a
general n,a,na
generalissimo n
generate v,a,ion
generatrices d
generatrix pc
generic n,a
generosity n
generous a
Genesco pc
geneses d
genesis pc
genetic n,a,na
Geneva pc
Genevieve pc
genial a,nopref
genie n
genii d
genital n,a
genitalia n
genitive a
genius n
Genoa pc
genocidal a
genocide n
genome n,na
genomic a
genotype n
genotypical a
genre n
gent n,a
genteel a
gentian n
gentile n,a
gentility n
gentle n,v,a,comp,man
gentlefolk n
gentleman n,a,na
gentrify v,ion
gentry n
genuflect v,ion
genuine a
genus pc
geochronometry pc
geode n
geodesic n,a
geodesy n
geodetic n,a
Geoffrey pc
geography n,er
geoid n
geology n,na
geometrician n
geometrize v,ion
geomorphology n
geophysicist n
George n
Georgetown pc
Georgia pc
geoscience n
geosynclinal a
geosyncline n
Gerald pc
Geraldine pc
geranium n
Gerard pc
Gerber n
gerbil n
Gerhard pc
Gerhardt n
geriatric n,a
germ n
German n,a,na
germane a,na
Germanic n,a
germanium n
Germantown pc
Germany pc
germicidal a
germicide n
germinal a
germinate v,ion
gerontocracy n
gerontology n,na
Gerry pc
gerrymander n,v
Gershwin n
Gertrude pc
gerund n
gerundive n
gestalt n,na
gestapo n
gestation n,na
gesticulate v,ion
gestural a
gesture n,v
gesundheit d
get n,vi,er,va,ms
getaway n
Gethsemane pc
Getty pc
Gettysburg pc
getup n
gewgaw n
geyser n
Ghana pc
ghastly a,comp
Ghent pc
gherkin n
ghetto n,v,na
ghost n,v,a,y
ghostwrite vi,er
ghostwritten a
ghoul n
ghoulish a
GI n,nopref
Giacomo pc
giant n,a,na
giantess n
gibber n,v
gibberish n
gibbet n,v
gibbon n
gibbous a
Gibbs n
gibe n,v,er
giblet n
Gibraltar pc
Gibson n
giddap d
giddy v,a,comp
Gideon n
Gifford n
gift n,v
gig n,v,ms
gigantesque a
gigantic n,a
gigantism n
giggle n,v,er
giggly a,comp
gigolo n
Gil pc
gila n
gilbert n
Gilbertson n
Gilchrist n
gild v,er
Gilead pc
Giles pc
gill n,v,er,y
Gillespie n
Gillette n
Gilligan n
Gilmore n
gilt n,a
gimbal n
Gimbel n
gimcrack n,a
gimcrackery n
gimlet n,v,a
gimmick n,v,y
gimmickry n
gimpy a,comp
gin n,v,er,nopref,ms,y
Gina pc
ginger n,v,a
gingerbread n,a
gingery a
gingham n
gingivitis n
gingko n
ginkgo n
ginmill n
Ginn pc
Ginny pc
Gino pc
Ginsberg pc
Ginsburg pc
ginseng n
Giovanni pc
Gipsy pc
giraffe n
gird n,v,er
girdle n,v,er
girl n,na
girlfriend n
girlie a
girlish a
girly d
girth n,v
Gisela pc
gist n,er
Giuliano pc
Giuseppe pc
give n,vi,er
giveaway n
given n,a
giveth d
gizmo n
gizzard n
glace d
glacial a,na
glaciate v,ion
glacier n
glaciology n,na
glacis n
glad n,v,a,comp,ms,y
gladden v
glade n,y
gladiator n
gladiatorial a
gladiolus n
gladsome a
Gladstone n
Gladys pc
glamorous a
glance n,v
gland n,er,nopref
glandular a
glare n,v,er,nopref,y
Glasgow pc
glasnost pc
glass n,v,na,nopref,y
glassblow vi,er
glassine n
glassware n
glasswork n,er
Glaswegian n
glaucoma n
glaucous a
glaze n,v,er
glazier n
gleam n,v,er,y
glean v,er,va
Gleason n
glee n,ed,na
glen n
Glenda pc
Glendale pc
Glenn n
glib a,comp,ms
glibly d
Glidden n
glide n,v,er
glimmer n,v
glimpse n,v,er
glint n,v
glissade n,v,er
glissando n
glisten n,v
glister n,v
glitch n
glitter n,v
glittery a,comp
glitz v,y,nopref
gloaming n
gloat n,v,er
glob n
global a
globe n,v
globular a
globule n
globulin n
glockenspiel n
glom v,ms
glomerular a
gloom n,v,y
Gloria n
Gloriana pc
glorify v,er,ion
glorious a,in
glory n,v
gloss n,v,y
glossary n
glossolalia pc
glottal a
glottis n,nopref
Gloucester pc
glove n,v,er
glow n,v,er
glowworm n
glucose n
glue n,v
gluey a,comp
gluier d
glum a,comp,ms
glut n,v,ms
glutamic d
gluten n
glutinous a
glutton n
gluttonous a
gluttony n
glyceride n
glycerin n
glycerinate v,ion
glycerine n
glycerol n
glycol n
glycoprotein n
glyph n
GM pc,nopref
GMT pc,nopref
gnarl n,v
gnarly a,comp
gnash n,v,er
gnat n,nopref,ms,y
gnaw v,er
gneiss n
gnome n
gnomic a
gnomish a
gnomon n
gnomonic a
gnosis n
GNP n,nopref
gnu n,nopref
go er
Goa pc
goad n,v,er
goal n,v,nopref
goalie n
goalpost n
goaltend er
goat n,na
goatee n
goatherd n
goatskin n
gob n
gobble n,v,er
gobbledegook n
gobbledygook n
goblet n
goblin n
god n,a,na
Goddard n
goddess n
godfather n,v
Godfrey n
godhead n
godmother n
godparent n
godsend n
godson n
Godwin n
godwit n
goer n
goes d
Goethe pc
Goff n
goggle v,er,y
Gogh pc
gogo n
going n
goiter n
gold n
Goldberg n
golden a
goldeneye n
goldenrod n
goldenseal n
goldfield n
goldfinch n
goldfish n
Goldman n
goldsmith n
Goldstein n
Goldstine n
Goldwater n
Goleta pc
golf n,v,er
Goliath n
golly d
Gomez n,nopref
gonad n
gondola n
gondolier n
gone er
gong n,v,nopref
goniometer n
gonorrhea n
Gonzales n
Gonzalez n
goo n,nopref
goober n
good n,a,nopref
Goode n
Goodman n
Goodrich n
goodwill n
Goodwin n
goody n
Goodyear n
gooey a
goof n,v,y
googol n
googolplex n
gooier d
gooiest d
goon n,nopref
goose n,v,er
gooseberry n
gooseflesh n
gooseneck n,ed
GOP pc,nopref
gopher n
Gordian pc
Gordon n
gore n,v,er,nopref,y
Goren n
gorge n,v,er
gorgeous a
gorgon n,na
Gorham pc
gorilla n
Gorky pc
Gorman n
gorse n,y
Gorton n
gosh d
goshawk n
gosling n
gospel n,a,er
gossamer n,a
gossip n,v,er,y
got d
Gotham pc
Gothic n,a,na
gotta d
gotten d
Gottfried n
gouache n
gouge n,v,er
goulash n
Gould n
gourd n
gourmand n,na
gourmet n
gout n,y
govern v,va
governance n
governess n
governor n
gown n,v
goy n
goyim d
GPO pc,nopref
GPS pc,nopref
grab n,v,a,er,ms,y
grace n,v,er,na
gracile a
gracious a
grackle n
grad n
gradate v,ion
grade n,v,er
gradient n
gradual n,a,na
graduate n,v,a,ion
Grady n
Graff n
graffiti pc
graft n,v,er
graham n
grail n,ed
grain n,v,er,in,y
grammar n
grammarian n
grammatic n
grampus n
granary n
grand n,a,comp
grandam n
grandchild pc
grandchildren pc
granddaughter n
grandee n
grandeur n
grandfather n,ed,a
grandiloquent a
grandiose a
grandma n
grandmother n,a
grandnephew n
grandniece n
grandpa n
grandparent n
grandsire n
grandson n
grandstand n,v,er
granduncle n
grange n,er
granite n,na
grannie n
granny n
granola n
grant n,v,er,va
grantee n
grantor n
grantsman n
granular a
granulate v,ion
granule n
Granville n
grape n,y
grapefruit n
grapeshot n
grapevine n
graph n,v,er,na
grapheme n
graphic n,a
graphite n,na
graphology n,na
grapnel n
grapple n,v,er
grasp n,v,er,va
grass n,v,er,na,y
grasshopper n
grassland n
grata d
grate n,v,er,na
graticule n
gratify v,ion
gratin n
gratis d
gratitude n,in
gratuitous a
gratuity n
grave n,v,a,comp
graven d
gravestone n
graveyard n
gravid a
gravimeter n
gravitate v,ion
graviton n
gravure n
gravy n
gray n,v,a,comp
graybeard n
grayish a
Grayson n
graywacke n
graze n,v,er
grease n,v,er,y
great n,a,comp
greatcoat n
greathearted a
grebe n
Grecian a
Greece pc
greed n,y
Greek n,a
green n,v,a,comp,y
greenback n,er,na
greenbelt n
Greenberg n
Greenblatt n
Greenbriar pc
greenbrier n
Greene n
greenery n
Greenfield pc
greengrocer n
greengrocery n
greenhorn n
greenhouse n
greenie n
greenish a
Greenland pc
greenmail n,v,er
greensand n
Greensboro pc
greensward n
greenware n
Greenwich pc
greenwood n
Greer n
greet v,er
Greg pc
gregarious a
Gregg n
Gregorian a
Gregory n
gremlin n
grenade n
grenadier n
grenadine n
Grendel pc
Grenoble pc
Gresham pc
Greta pc
Gretchen pc
grew d
grey n,v,a,comp
greyhound n
greyish a
greylag n
grid n,ed,er
griddle n
gridiron n
gridlock n,ed
grief n
grievance n
grieve v,er
grievous a
griffin n
Griffith n
grill n,v
grille n,er
grillwork n
grim a,comp,ms
grimace n,v,er
Grimaldi n
grime n,v,y
Grimm pc
grin n,v,er,nopref,ms
grind n,vi,er
grindstone n
gringo n
grip n,v,ms
gripe n,v,er
grippe n,ed,er
grisly a,comp
grist n,a
gristle n
gristmill n
Griswold n
grit n,v,nopref,ms,y
grizzle n,v
grizzly a,comp
groan n,v,er
groat n
grocer n,nopref
grocery n,nopref
grog n,ms,y
grogshop n
groin n,v
grommet n
groom n,v,er
groove n,v,er
groovy a
grope n,v,er
grosbeak n
gross v,a,comp
Grosset pc
Grosvenor n
grotesque n,a
Groton pc
grotto n
grouch n,v,y
ground n,v,er
groundhog n
groundnut n
groundsel n
groundsheet n
groundskeeper n
groundskeeping n
groundwater n
groundwork n
group n,v,er,va
groupie n
grouse n,v,er
grout n,v,er
grove n,nopref
Grover pc
grow vi,er,va,in
growl n,v,er
grown a,in
grownup n
growth n,in
grub n,v,er,ms,y
grubstake n,v,er
grudge n,v,er
gruesome a
gruff a,comp
grumble n,v,a,er
Grumman pc
grumpy a,comp
grunge n,y
grunion n
grunt n,v,er,nopref
gryphon n
g's d,nopref
GSA pc,nopref
GTE pc,nopref
Guadalupe n
Guam pc
guanaco n
guanidine n
guanine n
guano n
guarantee n,v
guarantor n
guaranty n
guard n,v,er
guardhouse n
Guardia pc
guardian n
guardroom n
guards man
Guatemala pc
guava n
gubernatorial a
gudgeon n
Guenther pc
guerdon n,v
guerilla n
guernsey n
guerrilla n
guess n,v,er,va
guesstimate n,v
guesswork n
guest n,v
guff n
guffaw n,v
Guggenheim n
Guiana pc
guidance n
guide n,v,er,va
guidebook n
guideline n
guidepost n
guignol n
guild n,er
guildhall n
guile n,na
Guilford pc
guillemot n
guillotine n,v
guilt n,y
guinea n
Guinness pc
guise n,v,er,va
guitar n,na
gulag n
gulch n
gulf n,v
gull n,v
Gullah n
gullet n
gullible a,va
Gulliver pc
gully n,v
gulp n,v,er
gum n,v,er,nopref,ms,y
gumbo n,a
gumdrop n
gumption n
gumshoe n,v
gun n,v,er,man,ms
gunboat n
guncotton n
Gunderson n
gunfight n,er
gunfire n
gunflint n
gunk n,y
gunmetal n
gunnery n
gunny n
gunnysack n
gunplay n
gunpoint d
gunpowder n
gunrun vi,er,ms
gunshot n
gunsling vi,er
gunsmith n
Gunther pc
gunwale n
guppy n
gurdy n,nopref
gurgle n,v
Gurkha n
gurney n
guru n
Gus pc
gush n,v,er,y
gusset n
gussy v
gust n,v,na,va,y
Gustafson n
gustatorial a
gustatory a
Gustav pc
Gustave pc
Gustavus pc
gusto n
gut n,v,er,na,ms,y
Gutenberg pc
Guthrie n
Gutierrez n
gutsy a,comp
guttersnipe n
guttural n,a,na
guy n,v
Guyana pc
Guzman n
guzzle v,er
Gwen pc
Gwendolyn n
Gwyn pc
gybe n,v
gym n
gymnasium n
gymnast n
gymnastic n,a
gymnosperm n
gyp n,v,ms
gypsum n
gypsy n
gyrate v,a,ion
gyrfalcon n
gyro n
gyrocompass n
gyromagnetic a
gyroscope n
gyroscopic n,a
ha n,nopref
Haag pc
Haas n
Habakkuk pc,nopref
habeas d
haberdasher n
haberdashery n
Haberman n
Habib n
habiliment n
habit n,v,va
habitant n,a,in
habitat n
habitation n,in
habitual a
habituate v,ion
habitue n
hachure n,v
hacienda n
hack n,v,a,er
Hackett n
hackle n,v,er,nopref
hackmatack n
hackney n,v,a
hackneyed a
hacksaw n
hackwork n
had d,nopref
Hadamard pc
Hadassah pc,nopref
Haddad n
haddock n
Hades pc
Hadley n
hadn't d
Hadrian pc
hadron n
hafnium n
haft n,v,nopref
hag n,nopref
Hagen n
Hager n
Haggai pc,nopref
haggard n,a
haggis n
haggle n,v,er
hagiography n,er
Hagstrom n
Hague n
Hahn n
Haifa pc
haiku n
hail n,v,er
hailstone n
hailstorm n
Haines n
hair n,ed,na,y
hairbreadth n,a
hairbrush n
haircut n,vi,er,ms
hairdo n
hairdress vi,er
hairline n,a
hairpin n,a
hairsplit vi,er,ms
hairspring n
Haiti pc
Haitian n
hajj d
hajji n
Hal pc
halation n,in
halberd n
halcyon n,a
hale n,v,er,in
Haley n
half n,a
halfback n
halfhearted a
halfpenny n,a
halftone n,v
halfway a
halibut n
halide n
Halifax pc
halite n
halitosis pc
hall n
hallelujah n
Halley pc
hallmark n,v
hallow v
Halloween n
hallucinate v,ion
hallucinogen n
hallucinogenic a
hallway n
halo n,v
halocarbon n
halogen n
halogenate v,ion
Halsey n
Halstead n
halt n,v,a,er
haltere vi
halvah n
halve v,er
Halverson n
halyard n
ham n,v,a,ms,y
Hamburg pc
hamburger n
Hamilton n
hamlet n
Hamlin n
hammer n,v,er,na
hammerhead n
hammerlock n
hammock n
Hammond n
hamper n,v
Hampshire pc
Hampshirite pc
Hampton n
hamster n
hamstring n,vi
hamstrung d
Han pc
Hancock n
hand n,v,er,na
handbag n
handball n
handbill n
handbook n
handcar n
handcart n
handclasp n
handcraft n,v
handcuff n,v
Handel pc
handgrip n
handgun n
handhold n
handicap n,v,er,ms
handicraft n,er
handicrafts man
handiwork n
handkerchief n
handle n,v,er,na
handleable a
handlebar n
handline n
handmade a
handmaiden n
handoff n
handout n
handpick v
handrail n
handsbreadth n
handset n
handshake n,vi
handsome a,comp
handspike n
handspring n
handstand n
handwork n
handwoven a
handwrite vi
handwritten d
handy n,v,a,comp,man
Haney n
Hanford n
hang n,v,er,man
hangable a
hangar n,v
hangdog n,a
hangnail n
hangout n
hangover n
hank n,nopref
Hankel pc
hanker v,er
hanky n
Hanley n
Hanlon n
Hanna pc
Hannah pc
Hannibal pc
Hanoi pc
Hanover pc
Hanoverian n,a
Hans pc
Hansard n
Hansel pc
Hansen n
hansom n
Hanson n
Hanukkah n
hap n,v,a,ms,y
haphazard n,a
haploid n,a,y
happen v
happenstance n
happing d
Hapsburg n,nopref
harangue n,v,er
harass v,er,va
Harbin pc
harbinger n,v
Harcourt pc
hard a,comp,na
hardball n
hardboard n
hardboiled a
hardcover a
harden v,er
hardhat n
hardhead n,ed
hardhearted a
Hardin n
Harding n
hardline vi,er
hardpan n
hardscrabble a
hardship n
hardtack n
hardtop n
hardware n
hardwood n,a
hardworking d
hardy a,comp,adv
hare n,v,nopref
harebrained a
harelip n
harem n
haricot n
hark v
Harlan n
Harlem pc
harlequin n
Harley n
harlot n
harlotry pc
harm n,v,er,na
Harmon n
harmonic n,a
harmonica n
harmonious a,in
harmonist n,na
harmonium n
harmony n,in
harness n,v
Harold n
harp n,v,er,na
harpoon n,v,er
harpsichord n
harpy n
Harrell n
Harriet pc
Harriman n
Harrington n
Harris n
Harrisburg pc
Harrison n
harrow n,v,er
harry n,v,er
harsh a,comp
harshen v
hart n
Hartford n
Hartley n
Hartman n
harum d
haruspex pc
Harvard pc
harvest n,v,er,va,man
Harvey n
hash n,v
Hashemite n,na
hashish n
hasn't d
hasp n,v
hassle n,v
hassock n
hast d
haste n,vi,y
hasten v,er
Hastings n
hasty a,comp
hat n,er,ms
hatbox n
hatch n,v,er,va
hatchery n
hatchet n
hatchling n
hatchway n
hate n,v,er,na,va
Hatfield n
hath d
Hathaway n
hatred n
Hatteras pc
Hattie pc
haughty a,comp
haul n,v,er,in
haulage n
haunch n
haunt n,v,er
hauteur n
Havana pc
have n,vi
haven n,v
haven't d
Havilland pc
havoc n,v
haw n,v
Hawaii pc
Hawaiian n,a
hawk n,v,er
Hawkins n
hawkish a
Hawley n
hawsehole n
hawser n
hawthorn n
Hawthorne n
hay n,v,er
haycock n
Hayden n
Haydn pc
Hayes n
hayfield n
hayloft n
haymarket n
haymow n
Haynes n
hayrack n
hayride n,v,er
hayseed n
haystack n
Hayward n
haywire a
hazard n,v
hazardous a
haze n,v,er,y
hazel n,a
hazelnut n
HDTV d,nopref
he n,nopref
head n,v,er,man,y
headache n
headband n
headboard n
headcount n
headdress n
headfirst a
headgear n
headhunt n,v,er
headland n
headlight n
headline n,v,er
headlock n
headlong a
headmaster n
headmistress n
headmost a
headphone n
headpiece n
headquartered d
headquarters n
headrest n
headroom d
heads man
headsail n
headset n
headstand n
headstone n
headstrong a
headwaiter n
headwall n
headwater n
headway n
headwind n
headwork n
heal v,er
Healey n
health n,na,y
Healy n
heap n,v,er
hear vi,er
heard d
hearken v
hearsay n
hearse n,v,er
Hearst n
heart n,v,nopref,y
heartache n
heartbeat n
heartbreak n,vi
heartbroken a
heartburn n,vi
hearten v,va
heartfelt a
hearth n
hearthstone n
heartland n
heartrending a
heartsick a
heartsore a
heartstring n
heartthrob n
heat n,v,er
heath n,er,na,y
heathen n,a,na
heathenish a
heather n,v,na,y
Heathkit pc
Heathrow pc
heatstroke n
heave n,v,er
heaven n,a
heavenward n
heavy n,a,comp
heavyhearted a
heavyset a
heavyweight n
Hebe pc
hebephrenic a
Hebert n
hebetude n
Hebraic n,a
Hebraism n
Hebraist n,na
Hebrew n,a
Hecate pc
hecatomb n
heck d,nopref
heckle v,er
Heckman n
hectare n
hectic n,a
hectograph n,v
hector n,v
Hecuba pc
he'd d
hedge n,v,a,er
hedgehog n
hedgehop v,er,ms
hedgerow n
hedonism n
hedonist n,na
heebie n
heed n,v,er,na
heel n,v,er,nopref
heelpiece n
heft n,v,y
Hegelian n,a,na
hegemonic a
hegemony n
hegira n
Heidelberg pc
Heidi n
heifer n
heigh d
height n
heighten v
Heine n
heinous a
Heinrich n
Heinz n
heir n,v
heiress n
heirloom n
Heisenberg pc
heist n,v,nopref
held d
Helen n
Helena pc
Helene pc
Helga pc
heliacal a
helical a
helices d
helicoid n,a
helicopter n,v
heliocentric a
heliograph n,v,er,y
heliostat n
heliotrope n,na
heliotropic n,a
heliport n
helium n
helix pc
he'll d
hell n,er
hellbender n
hellcat n
hellebore n
Hellene n
Hellenic a
Hellenism pc
Hellenist n,na
hellfire n
hellgrammite n
hellion n
hellish a
hello n
helm n,v,nopref
helmet n,ed,na
Helmholtz n
helms man
Helmut pc
helot n,na
helotry n
help n,v,er,na
helpmate n
helpmeet n
Helsinki pc
helter a
helve n
hem n,v,er,ms
hematite n
hematology n
hematoma n
heme n
hemicycle n
Hemingway n
hemiola n
hemiplegic n,a
hemisphere n
hemispheric n,a
hemline n
hemlock n
hemoglobin n
hemolysis pc
hemolytic a
hemophilia n,na
hemophilic a
hemorrhage n,v
hemorrhagic a
hemorrhoid n
hemosiderin n
hemp n
Hempstead pc
hen n,nopref,ms
henbane n
hence d
henceforth d
henceforward d
henchman n
henchmen pc
Henderson n
Hendrick pc
Hendricks n
Hendrickson n
Hendrix n
henequen n
Henley n
henna n,v
hennery n
henpeck v
Henri pc
Henrietta pc
henry n
Hensley pc
Henson n
hep a
hepatic a
hepatica n
hepatitis n
Hepburn n
heptagon n
heptagonal a
heptameter n
heptane n
her vi,ms
Hera pc
Heraclitus pc
herald n,v
heraldic n,a
heraldry n
herb n,na,y
herbaceous a
herbal n,a,na
herbarium n
Herbert n
herbicidal a
herbicide n
herbivore n
herbivorous a
Herculean a
Hercules pc
herd n,v,er,nopref
herds man
here pc,nopref
hereabout n
hereafter n,a
hereby d
hereditary a
heredity n
Hereford n
herein d
hereinabove d
hereinafter d
hereinbefore d
hereinbelow d
hereof d
hereon d
heresy n
heretic n
hereto d
heretofore d
hereunder d
hereunto d
hereupon d
herewith d
heritable a,va
heritage n
Herkimer pc
Herman n
hermaphrodite n,a,na
hermeneutic n,a
Hermes pc
hermetic n,a
hermit n
hermitage n
Hermite pc
hermitian n
Hermosa pc
Hernandez n
hernia n
hero pc,na
Herodotus pc
heroes d
heroic n,a
heroin n
heroine n,na
heroism n
heron n,nopref
heronry n
herpes n
herpetology n,na
Herr d
Herrera n
herringbone n,v
Herschel n
herself d
Hershel n
Hershey n
hertz n
Hertzog pc
hesitant a,na
hesitate v,er,ion
Hesperus pc
Hess n
Hessian n
Hester n
heterocyclic n,a
heterodox a,y
heterodyne v,a
heterogamous a
heterogeneity n
heterogeneous a
heterologous a
heterology n,na
heteromorph n,na
heteromorphic a
heterosexual n,a
heterostructure n,v
heterotrophic a
heterozygous a
Hetman n
Hettie pc
Hetty pc
Heublein pc
heuristic n,a
Heusen pc
Heuser n
hew v,er
Hewett n
Hewitt n
Hewlett pc
hewn d
hex n,v,er
hexad n
hexadecimal a
hexagon n
hexagonal a
hexagram n
hexameter n
hexane n
hey d
heyday n
hi d,nopref
Hiatt pc
hiatus n
Hiawatha n
hibachi n
Hibbard n
hibernate v,ion
Hibernia pc
hibiscus n
hick n,v
Hickey n
Hickman n
hickory n
hid a
hidalgo n
hidden d
hide n,v,er
hideaway n
hidebound a
hideous a
hideout n
hie v
hierarch n
hierarchal a
hierarchic n
hierarchs d
hierarchy n
hieratic n,a
hieroglyph n
hieroglyphic n,a
Hieronymus pc
hierophant n
hifalutin d
Higgins n
higgle v,er
higgledy d
high n,a,comp
highball n,v
highboy n
highbrow n,ed
highfalutin a
highhanded a
highland n,a,er
highlight n,v
highroad n
hightail v
highway n,man
hijack v,er
hijinks d
hike n,v,er
hilarious a
hilarity n
Hilbert pc
Hilda pc
Hildebrand n
Hildegard pc
hill n,v,er,man
Hillary pc
hillbilly n
Hillcrest pc
Hillel pc
hillock n,y
hillside n
hilltop n
hilly a,comp
hilt n
Hilton n
hilum n
him d
Himalaya n
himself d
Hinayana pc
hind n
hinder v,er
Hindi a
hindmost a
hindquarter n
hindrance n
hindsight n
Hindu n,a
Hinduism pc
Hindustani n
Hines n
hinge n,v
Hinman n
hint n,v,er
hinterland n
Hinton n
hip n,v,nopref,ms
hippie n
hippo n
hippocampus pc
Hippocratic a
hippodrome n
hippopotamus n
hippy n
hipster n
Hiram pc
hire n,v,er
hireling n
Hiroshi pc
Hiroshima pc
Hirsch n
hirsute a
his d
Hispanic n,a,na
hiss n,v,er
histamine n
histidine n
histochemistry n
histogram n
histology n,na
historian n
historic n,a,na
historiography n,er
history n
histrionic n,a
hit n,vi,er,ms
Hitachi pc
hitch n,v,er
Hitchcock n
hitchhike v,er
hither a
hithermost a
hitherto d
hitherward d
Hitler pc,na
Hitlerian a
Hittite n,a
HIV pc,nopref
hive n,v
HMO pc,nopref
ho d,nopref
hoagie n
Hoagland n
hoagy n
hoar n,y
hoard n,v,er
hoarfrost n
hoarse a,comp
hoarsen v
hoax n,v,er
hob n,v,na,ms
Hobart pc
Hobbes n
Hobbesian d
hobble n,v,er
hobbledehoy n
Hobbs n
hobby n,na
hobbyhorse n
hobgoblin n
hobnail n
hobnob v,er,ms
hobo n,v,na
hoboes d
Hoboken pc
hoc d
hock n,ed,er
hockey n
hocus v
hod n,nopref
Hodge n
hodgepodge n
Hodgkin n
hoe n,v,er,nopref
hoecake n
hoedown n
Hoff pc,man
hog n,v,ms
hogan n
hogback n
hoggish a
hogshead n
hogwash n
hoist v,er
Hokkaido pc
hokum n
Holbrook n
Holcomb n
hold n,vi,er
holden d
holdfast n
holdout n
holdover n
holdup n
hole n,v,er,na
holeable a
holey a
holiday n,v,er
Holland n
hollandaise n
holler n,v
Hollerith pc
Hollingsworth n
Hollister n
hollow n,v,a,comp
Holloway n
hollowware n
holly n,nopref
hollyhock n
Hollywood pc
Holm n
Holman n
Holmdel pc
Holmes n
holmium n
holocaust n
Holocene pc,a
holograph n,a
holography n,er
holotype n
Holst n
Holstein pc
holster n
Holt n
holy n,a,comp
Holyoke pc
holystone n,v
homage n,er
hombre n
homburg n
home n,v,a,er,na
homebody n
homebound d
homebred a
homebuild vi,er
homecome vi
homegrown a
homeland n
homemade a
homeomorph n,na
homeomorphic a
homeopath n
homeopathic n,a
homeostasis pc
homeostatic a
homeotypic n,a
homeown v,er
Homeric a
homeroom n
homesick a
homespun n,a
homestead n,v,er
homestretch n
hometown n
homeward a
homework n
homey a
homicidal a
homicide n
homier d
homiest d
homiletic n,a
homily n
hominess d
hominid n,a,nopref
hominoid n,a
hominy n
homo n
homoerotic n,a,na
homogenate n
homogeneity n
homogeneous a
homograph n
homolog n
homologous a
homologue n
homology n
homomorph n,na
homomorphic a
homonym n
homonymic a
homonymous a
homonymy n
homophobe n,na
homophone n
homophonic a
homosexual n,a
homotopy n
homozygous a
homunculi pc
homunculus pc
honcho n,v
Honda pc
Honduran pc
Honduras pc
hone n,v,er,nopref
honest a,y
honey n,v,a
honeybee n
honeycomb n,v
honeydew n
honeymoon n,v,er
honeysuckle n
Honeywell pc
Hong d,nopref
honied d
honk n,v,er
honky n,v,er,y
Honolulu pc
honoraria pc
honorarium n
honorary n,a
honoree n
honorific n,a
honoris d
Honshu pc
hooch n
hood n,v,na
hoodlum n
hoodoo n,v,na
hoodwink v,er
hooey pc
hoof n,v,er
hoofmark n
hook n,v,er,y
hookah n
hookup n
hookworm n
hooligan n,na
hoop n,v,er
hoopla n
hooray n
hoosegow n
Hoosier n,a
hoot n,v,er,nopref
hootenanny n
Hoover n
hooves d
hop n,v,er,va,nopref,ms,y
hope n,v,er,na
Hopi n
Hopkins n
Hopkinsian n
hopscotch n,v
Horace pc
Horatio pc
horde n
horehound n
horizon n
horizontal n,a
hormonal a
hormone n
horn n,ed,na,y
hornbeam n
hornblende n
Hornblower pc
hornbook n
Horne n
Horner pc
hornet n
hornpipe n
hornswoggle v
horntail n
hornworm n
horology n,na
horoscope n
Horowitz n
horrendous a
horrible n,a
horrid a
horrific a
horrify v
horror n
hors d,nopref
horse n,v,man
horseback n
horsecar n
horsedom d
horseflesh n
horsefly n
horsehair n
horsehide n
horselaugh n
horseplay n
horsepower n
horseradish n
horseshoe n,v,er
horsetail n
horsewhip v
hortatory a
horticultural a
horticulture n,na
Horton n
Horus pc
hosanna n
hose n,v,nopref
Hosea pc,nopref
hosiery n
hospice n
hospitable a,in
hospital n,a,comp,na,in
host n,v
hostage n
hostel n,er
hostelry n
hostess n
hostile n,a
hostler n
hot a,comp,ms
hotbed n
hotblood n
hotbox n
hotel n,man
hotelier n
hotfoot n,v
hothead n,ed
hothouse n,a
hotline n
hotrod n
hotshot n
Houdaille pc
Houdini pc
hough d
Houghton n
hound n,v,er
hour n,a
hourglass n,a
house n,v,na
houseboat n
housebreak v,er
housebroken a
houseclean v,er
housecoat n
housefly n
household n,a,er
houselights n
housemaid n
housemother n
housetop n
houseware n
housewarming n
housewife pc,a,na
housewives d
housework n
Houston pc
Houyhnhnm n
hove d
hovel n
hover v,er
hovercraft n
how n,nopref
Howard n
howbeit d
how'd d
howdy n
Howe n
Howell n
however d
Howie n,nopref
howitzer n
howl n,v,er
how're d
howsoever d
howsomever d
hoy n,nopref
hoyden n
hoydenish a
hoyle n
Hoyt n
Hrothgar n
h's d,nopref
hub n
Hubbard n
Hubbell n
hubbub n
hubby n
hubcap n
Huber n
Hubert pc
hubris n
huckleberry n
huckster n,v
huddle n,v,er
Hudson n
hue n
hued a
huff n,v,er,y
Huffman pc
hug n,v,er,va,nopref,ms,y
huge a,comp
Huggins n
Hugh pc
Hughes n
Hugo n
Huguenot n
huh d
hula n
hulk n,v
hull n,v,er
hullabaloo n
hum n,v,er,ms
human n,a
humane a,na,in
humanitarian n,a,na
humankind n
humanoid n,a
humble v,a,comp
Humboldt pc
humbug n,v
humbuggery n
humdinger n
humdrum n,a
humerus n
humic a
humid a
humidify v,er,ion
humidistat n
humidor n
humiliate v,ion
humility n
Hummel n
hummingbird n
hummock n,y
humongous a
humoresque n
humorous a
hump n,v,y
humpback n,ed
humph d
Humphrey n
humus n
Hun n
hunch n,v
hunchback n,ed
hundred n,a
hundredfold n
hundredth n,a
hundredweight n
hung er
Hungarian n,a
Hungary pc
hungry a,comp
hunk n,er,y
hunt n,v,er
Huntington n
Huntley n
huntress n
hunts man
Huntsville pc
Hurd n
hurdle n,v,er
hurdy d,nopref
hurl n,v,er
Hurley pc
hurly d
Huron n
hurrah n
hurray n
hurricane n
hurry n,v,er
Hurst n
hurt n,vi,er
hurtful a
hurtle v
Hurwitz n
husband n,v,er,man
husbandry n
hush n,v,er,a,va
husk n,v,er,y
hussar n
hussy n
hustings n
hustle n,v,er
Huston n
hut n,v,va,ms
hutch n
Hutchins n
Hutchinson n
Hutchison n
Hutton n
Huxley n
Huxtable n
huzza n,a
huzzah d
hyacinth n
Hyades pc
hyaline n,a
Hyannis pc
Hyatt n
hybrid n,a,na
Hyde n
hydra n
hydrangea n
hydrant n
hydrate n,v,ion
hydraulic n,a
hydrazine n
hydride n
hydro n
hydrocarbon n
hydrocarbonate n,v,ion
hydrocephalic n,a
hydrochemistry n
hydrochloric a
hydrochloride n
hydrodynamic n,a
hydroelectric a
hydrofluoric a
hydrofoil n
hydroform vi
hydrogen n
hydrogenate v,ion
hydrography n,er
hydrology n,na
hydrolysis pc
hydrometer n
hydrophilic a
hydrophobe n,na
hydrophone n
hydroplane n,v
hydroponic n,a,na
hydropower n
hydroscope n
hydrosphere n
hydrostatic n,a
hydrotherapy n
hydrothermal a
hydrous a
hydroxide n
hydroxy a
hydroxyl n
hydroxylate v,ion
hyena n
hygiene n,na
hygienic n,a
hygrometer n
hygroscopic n,a
hying d
Hyman pc
hymen n
hymeneal a
hymenoptera n
hymn n,v
hymnal n
hymnbook n
hype n,v,er
hyperbola n
hyperbolic n,a
hyperboloid n
hyperborean a
hypergolic a
hyperopia n
hyperopic a
hyphen n,v,na
hyphenate v,ion
hypnosis pc
hypnotic n,a
hypnotism n
hypnotist n
hypoactive a
hypocaust n
hypocenter n
hypochondria n,na
hypocrisy n
hypocrite n,a,na
hypocritical a
hypocycloid n
hypodermic n,a
hypophyseal a
hypotenuse n
hypothalamic a
hypothalamus n
hypothermia n
hypothermic a
hypotheses d
hypothesis pc
hypothetic n
hypothyroid a,na
hypoxia n
hypsometer n
hysterectomy n
hysteresis pc
hysteria n
hysteric n,a
Hyundai n
IA pc,nopref
iambic n,a
Ian pc
iatrogenic a
Iberia pc
ibex n
ibid. d,nopref
ibis n
IBM n,nopref
Ibn pc,nopref
Icarus n
ICBM pc,nopref
ICC pc,nopref
ice n,v,man,y
iceberg n
iceboat n
icebox n
icebreaker n
icefall n
icehouse n
Iceland pc
Icelandic n,a
ichneumon n
ichthyology n,na
ichthyosaur n
icicle n
icky a
icon n,nopref
iconic n,a
iconoclasm n
iconoclast n
iconoclastic a
iconography n,er
iconology n,na
iconoscope n
icosahedra n
icosahedral a
icosahedron n
I'd d,nopref
ID pc,nopref
Ida pc
Idaho pc
idea n
ideal n,a,na
ideate v,ion
idempotent n,a
identical a
identify v,er,ion
identity n
ideograph n
ideography n
ideologue n
ideology n,na
ides d,nopref
idiocy n
idiom n
idiomatic n,a
idiosyncrasy n
idiosyncratic n,a
idiot n,a,na
idiotic n,a
idle v,a,comp
idly d
idol n,na
idolater n
idolatrous a
idolatry n
idyll n,na
idyllic n,a
i.e. d,nopref
IEEE pc,nopref
if n,nopref,ms,y
Ifni pc
igloo n
igneous a
ignite v,er,va
ignition n
ignoble a
ignominious a
ignominy n
ignoramus n
ignorant a
ignore v,er
iguana n
ii pc,nopref
iii pc,nopref
Ike pc
IL pc,nopref
ileitis n
ileum n
iliac a
Iliad pc
ilk d,nopref
I'll d,nopref
ill n,nopref
illegal a
illegible a,va
illegitimacy n
illegitimate a
illiberal a
illicit a
illimitable a,va
Illinois pc
illiquid a
illiteracy n
illiterate n,a
illness n
illogic n
illume v
illuminant n,a
illuminate v,a,ion
illuminati pc
illumine n,v,na,va
illusion n,v,na,va
illusionary a
illusory a
illustrate v,ion
illustrious a
Ilona pc
Ilyushin pc
I'm d,nopref
image n,v,na
imagery n
imaginary n,a
imaginate ion
imagine v,er,va
imbalance n
imbecile n,a
imbecilic a
imbibe v,er
Imbrium pc
imbroglio n
imbrue v
imbue v
imitable a,in
imitate v,ion
immanent a,na
immediacy n
immense a
immerse v
immersion n,na
imminent a,na
immolate v,ion
immovable n,a
immune n,a,na
immunization n
immunology n,na
immure v,va
imp n,vi
impact n,v,ion
impair v,er,va
impartation n
impassable a
impasse n
impasto n
impatient a
impeach n,v,va
impecunious a
impedance n
impede v,er
impedimenta n
impel v,er,ms
impend v
imperative n,a
imperial n,a,na
imperious a
imperium n
impersonate v,ion
impetigo n
impetuosity n
impetuous a
impetus n
impinge v,va
impish a
implement n,v,er,na,va
implementation n,na
implicant n,a
implicate v,ion
implicit a
implode v
implore v
important a,na
importation n
importunate a
importune v,a,er
impost n,er
impoverish v,er,va
imprecate v,ion
impregnable a,va
impregnate v,a,ion
impresario n
impressible a,va
impression n,na,va
imprimatur n
imprint n,v,er,va
impromptu n,a
improvisation n,na
improvisatorial a
improvisatory a
improvise v,er
impudent a
impugn v,er
impulsion n
impulsive a
impunity n
imputation n,na,va
impute v,va
in n,nopref
inability n
inaction n,na,va
inadvisable a,va
inalienable a,va
inalterable a,va
inamorata n
inane n,a
inappeasable a
inapproachable a
inapt a
inarguable a
inartistic n,a
inasmuch d
inaugural n,a
inaugurate v,ion
inboard a
inborn a
inbound a
inbred d
inbreed v
Inc. d,nopref
Inca n
incandescent a
incant v
incantation n,na
incapable a,va
incarcerate v,ion
incarnate v,a,ion
incendiary n,a
incense n,v
incentive n,a
inception n,na,va
inceptor n
incessant a
incest n
incestuous a
inch n,v
inchoate a,ion
inchworm n
incident n,a
incidental n,a
incinerate v,ion
incipient a,na
incise v
incision n
incisive a
incisor n
incivil a
inclination n,na
incline n,v,er,va
inclose v
include v,va
inclusion n,na,va
incognito n
income n,vi
incommunicado d
incommutable a
incomparable a,va
incompetent n,a,na
incomplete a
incompletion n
incomprehension n
incomputable a
inconceivable a,va
inconclusive a
incondensable a
inconsiderable a
inconsolable a
incontestable a,va
incontrollable a
incorporable a
incorporate v,a,ion
incorrect a
incorrigible n,a,va
increment n,v,na
incriminate v,ion
incross n
incrustation n
incubate v,ion
incubi d
incubus n
inculcate v,ion
incumbent n,a,na
incunabula pc
incur v,er,va,ms
incursion n,na,va
indebted a
indecent a,na
indecipherable a
indecomposable a
indeed d
indefatigable a,va
indefeasible a,va
indefinable n,a,va
indelible a,va
indelicate a
indemnify v,er,ion
indemnity n
indent n,v,er
indentation n
indenture n,v
indescribable a
indeterminable a
indeterminism n
index n,v,er
India pc,man
Indian n,a
Indiana pc
Indianapolis pc
indicant n
indicate v,ion
indices d
indicia pc
indict v,er,ion,va
Indies pc
indigene n
indigenous a
indigent a
indigestible a,va
indignant a
indignation n
indigo n
indirect a,ion
indiscoverable a
indispensable n,a,va
indispose v
indisposition n
indisputable a
indissoluble a,va
indistinct a,ion
indistinguishable a
indium n
individual n,a,na
individualism n
individuate v,ion
Indochina pc
Indochinese pc
indoctrinate v,ion
indole n
indolent a
indomitable a,va
Indonesia pc
indoor n
indrawn d
induce v,er,va
inducible a
inductance n
inductee n
indulge v,er
indulgent a
industrial n,a,na
industrialism n
industrious a
industry n
inebriate n,v,a,ion
inebriety n
ineducable a
ineffable a,va
ineffective a
inelastic a
ineluctable a,va
inept a
ineptitude n
inequality n
inequivalent a
inerrant a
inert n,a
inertance n
inertia n
inertial a
inescapable a
inessential a,na
inevitable a,va
inexact a
inexcusable a
inexperience n,ed
inexpert n,a
inexplainable a
inexpressible a
inextinguishable a
Inez n
infamy n
infancy n
infant n,a
infanta n
infanticide n
infantile a,na
infantry n,man
infarct n,ion
infatuate v,a,ion
infect v,ion
infectible a
infectious a
infer v,er,ms
inferable a
inference n
inferential a
inferior n,a
infernal a
inferno n
infest v,er
infestation n
infidel n,a
infield n,er
infight vi,er
infima pc
infimum pc
infinitesimal n,a
infinitive n,a
infinitude n
infinitum pc
infinity n
infirmary n
infix n,v
inflame v,er
inflammation n
inflammatory a
inflate v,er,ion,va
inflationary a
inflict v,er,ion
inflorescent a
influential a
influenza n
influx n
info pc
inform v,er
informatics d
information n,na,va
infra d
infract v,ion
infrared n,a
infrasonic a
infrastructure n
infrequent a,na
infuriate v,a,ion
ingenious a
ingenue n
ingenuity n
ingenuous a
Ingersoll n
ingest v
ingestible a
ingestion n,na,va
ingot n
Ingram n
ingrate n,a
ingratiate v,ion
ingredient n,a
ingress n
Ingrid n,nopref
ingroup n
inhabit v,er,va
inhalant n,a
inhere v
inherent a
inherit v,va
inheritance n
inheritor n
inhibit v,er
inhibition n,na,va
inhibitor n,y
inholding d
inhomogeneity n
inhomogeneous a
inhuman a
inhume v
inimical a
iniquitous a
iniquity n
initial n,v,a
initiate n,v,a,ion
inject v,ion,va
Injun pc
injure v,er
injurious a
injury n
ink n,v,y
inkblot n
inker n
inkling n
inkwell n
inland n,a,er
inlay n,vi,er
inlet n
Inman n
inmate n
inmost d
inn n,nopref
innards n
innate a
inner n,a
innermost n,a
innersole n
innervate v,ion
inning n
innocent n,a,na
innocuous a
innovate v,ion
innuendo n,v
inoculant n
inoculate v,ion
inoperative a
inordinate a
inpatient n
input n
inquiry n
inquisition n,na,va
inquisitor n
inquisitorial a
inroad n
inrush n
inscription n,na,va
inseam n
insect n,a
insecticidal a
insecticide n
insectivore n
insecure a
inseminate v,ion
insert v,er,ion
inset n,v
inshore a
inside n,a,er
insidious a
insight n,na,nopref
insignia n
insincere a
insinuate v,ion
insipid a
insist v
insistent a,na
insofar d
insolate v,ion
insole n
insolent n,a
insolvable a
insomnia n,na
insomuch d
insouciant a
inspect v,ion
inspiration n,na
inspirit v
instable a,va
installation n
instalment n
instant n,a,comp,na
instantaneous a
instantiate v,ion
instar n
instate v,va
instead d
instep n
instigate v,ion
instinct n,a,ion
instinctual a
institute n,v,er,ion
instruct v,ion
instructible a
instrument n,v,er,na
instrumentation n
insubordinate n,a,ion
insufferable a
insulant n
insular a,nopref
insulate v,ion
insulin n,na
insult n,v,er
insuperable a
insupportable a
insurance n
insure v,er,va
insurgent n,a,na
insurmountable a
insurrection n,na
intact a
intake n
integer n
integrable a
integral n,a
integrand n
integrate v,ion
integrity n
intellect n,ion
intellectual n,a,na
intelligent a
intelligentsia n
intelligible a,va
intend v,er
intendant n,a
intense a
intensify v,er,ion
intensive n,a
intent n,a,nopref
intention n,ed,na
inter v,va
intercalary a
intercalate v,ion
intercept v,er,ion
intercessor n
intercom n
interdict n,v,ion
interest n,v
interfere v,er
interference n
interferometer n
interim n,a
interior n,a
interject v,ion
interlude n
intermediacy n
intermediary n,a
intermit v
intermittent a
intermitting a
intern n,v,na,va
internal n,a,na
internecine a
Interpol pc
interpolant n
interpolate v,ion
interpret v,er,va
interpretation n,na,va
interpretive a
interpupillary a
interregnum n
interrogate v,ion
interrogatory n,a
interrupt v,er,ion
interruptible a
intersperse v
interspersion n
interstice n
interstitial a
interval n
intervale n
intervene v,er
intervenor n
intervention n,na
interviewee n
intestacy n
intestate n,a
intestinal a
intestine n,a
intimacy n
intimal a
intimate n,v,a,er,ion
intimidate v,ion
into d
intonate v,ion
intoxicant n,a
intoxicate v,a,ion
intractable a,va
intramolecular a
intransigent n,a
intransitive a
intrepid a
intricacy n
intricate a
intrigue n,v,er
intrinsic n,a
introduce v,er
introduction n
introductory a
introit n
introject v,ion
intromission n
intromit v,ms
intron n
introspect v,ion
introversion n,na,va
introvert n,v
intrude v,er
intrusion n,na,va
intuit v
intuitable a
Inuit n,nopref
inundate v,ion
inure v,va
invade v,er
invalid n,v,a,na
invasion n,na,va
invective n,a
inveigh v,er
inveigle v,er,va
invent v,ion
inventor n
inventory n,v
Inverness pc
inverse n,a
invert n,v,a,er
invertible a
invest v,va
investigate v,ion
investiture n
investor n
inveterate a
inviable a,va
invidious a
invigorate v,ion
inviolable a,va
inviolate a
invitation n,na
invite n,v,er
invitee n
invoice n,v,na
invoke v,er
involutionary a
involutory n
involve v,er,va
inward n,a
Io pc
iodate n,v,ion
iodic a
iodide n
iodine n
iodoform n
iodous a
ion n
ionic a
ionosphere n
ionospheric a
iota n
IOU n,nopref
Iowa pc
ipecac n
ipsilateral a
ipso d
IQ pc,nopref
IR pc,nopref
Ira pc
Iran pc
Iranian n,a
Iraq pc
Iraqi n,nopref
irascible a,va
irate a,nopref
ire n,na,nopref
Ireland pc
Irene pc
irenic n,a
irides d
iridescent a
iridium n
iris n
Irish na,man
irk v
irksome a
Irma pc
iron n,v,a,er,na
ironbound a
ironclad n,a
ironic n,a
ironmaster n
ironmonger n
ironmongery n
ironside n
ironstone n
ironware n
ironwood n
ironwork n,er
irony n
Iroquois pc
irrational n,a
Irrawaddy pc
irreclaimable a
irrecoverable a
irredeemable a
irredentism n
irredentist n,a
irrefragable a
irremovable a,va
irreplaceable a
irreproducible a
irresolute a,ion
irresolvable a
irrevocable a,va
irrigate v,ion
irritable a,va
irritant n,a
irritate v,ion
irrupt v,ion
IRS pc,nopref
Irvin pc
Irvine n
Irving n
Irwin pc
i's d
is d,nopref
Isaac pc
Isaacson n
Isabel pc
Isabella pc
Isaiah pc
ISBN d,nopref
isentropic a
Isfahan pc
Ising pc
isinglass n
Isis pc
Islam pc,na
Islamabad pc
Islamic n,a
island n,v,er
isle n,v
islet n
ism n
isn't d
isochronal a
isochronism n
isochronous a
isoclinal n,a
isocline n
isogonic n,a
isolate v,ion
Isolde pc
isomer n
isomeric n,a
isomorph n,na
isomorphic a
isopleth n
isosceles d
isostasy n
isotherm n
isothermal a
isotope n
isotopic n,a
isotopy n
isotropic a
isotropy n
Israel pc,a
Israeli n,a
Israelite n,a
ISSN d,nopref
issuant a
issue n,v,er,va
Istanbul pc
isthmian n,a
isthmus n
it n,nopref
Italian n,a,na
italianate v
italic n,a,na
Italy pc
itch n,v,nopref,y
it'd d
item n,v,na
iterate v,ion
Ithaca pc
itinerant n,a,na
itinerary n,a
it'll d
Ito pc
itself d
IT&T pc,nopref
ITT pc,nopref
IUD n,nopref
iv d,nopref
Ivan n
Ivanhoe pc
I've d
Iverson n
ivory n
ivy n,ed,a
ix d,nopref
Izvestia pc
jab n,v,ms
jabber v,er
jabberwocky n
Jablonsky n
jacaranda n
jack n,v,er
jackal n
jackanapes n
jackass n
jackboot n
jackdaw n
jacket n,v
jackhammer n
Jackie pc
jackknife v
jacklight n
Jackman n
jackpot n
jackrabbit n
Jackson n
Jacksonville pc
jackstraw n
Jacky pc
JACM pc,nopref
Jacob pc
Jacobean n,a
Jacobi pc
Jacobian n
Jacobin n,na
Jacobs n
Jacobsen n
Jacobson n
Jacobus pc
jacquard n
Jacqueline pc
Jacques pc
jacuzzi n
jade n,v
jaeger n
jag n,v,er,ms,y
jaguar n
jail n,v,er
jailbird n
jailbreak n
jailhouse n
Jaime n
Jakarta pc
Jake pc
jalapeno n
jalopy n
jalousie n
jam n,v,er,ms
Jamaica pc
jamb n,va
jambalaya n
jamboree n
James n
Jamestown pc
Jamie n
Jan pc
Jane pc
Janeiro pc
Janet pc
jangle n,v,er
Janice pc
Janie n
Janis n
janissary n
janitor n
janitorial a
janizary n
Janos pc
Jansenist n,na
January n
Janus pc,na
Japan pc
Japanese a
japanned d
jape n,v,er
japery n
jar n,v,na,ms
jargon n,v,na
Jarvin n
Jarvis n
jasmine n
Jason pc
jasper n
jaundice n,v
jaunt n,v,a,y
Java pc
Javanese a
javelin n
jaw n,v
jawbone n,v,er
jawbreak er
jay n
jaybird n
Jaycee n
jaywalk v,er
jazz n,v,man,y
jealous a
jealousy n
jean n
Jeanette pc
Jeanne pc
Jeannie pc
Jed pc
jeebies d
jeep n
jeer n,v,er
Jeff pc
Jefferson n
Jeffrey n
Jehovah pc
jejune a
jejunum n
jelly n,v,na
jellyfish n
Jenkins n
Jennie pc
Jennifer pc
Jennings n
jenny n
Jensen n
jeopard v,na
jeopardy n
jerboa n
jeremiad n
Jeremiah n
Jeremy pc
Jeres pc
Jericho pc
jerk n,v,er,y
jerkin n
jerkwater a
jeroboam n
Jerome n
jerry n
jersey n
Jerseyite n
Jerusalem pc
jess n,ed
Jesse pc
Jessica pc
Jessie pc
jest n,v,er,nopref
Jesuit n
jesuitic n,a
jesuitism n
Jesus pc
jet n,v,ms
jetliner n
jetport n
jetsam n
jettison n,v,va
jetty n,v,a
jetway n
Jew n
Jewell n
Jewess n
Jewett n
Jewish a
Jewry pc
jezebel n
JFK pc,nopref
jib n,v,er,ms
jibe v
Jiddah pc,nopref
jiffy n
jig n,v,er,ms
jiggle n,v,er
jiggly a,comp
jigsaw n,v
jihad n
Jill pc
jilt n,v
Jim pc
Jimenez pc
Jimmie pc
jimmy n,v
jingle n,v,er
jingly a,comp
jingo n
jingoism n
jingoist n,na
jinks d
jinx n,v
jitney n
jitter v
jitterbug v,er,ms
jittery a,comp
jive n,v,er
J&J pc,nopref
Jo pc
Joan pc
Joann n
Joanna pc
Joanne pc
Joaquin pc
job n,v,a,er,ms
jobholder n
Jocelyn pc
jock n
jockey n,v
jockstrap n
jocose a
jocular a
jocund a
jodhpur n
Jodi n
Jody pc,nopref
Joe pc
Joel pc
joey n
jog n,v,er,ms
joggle n,v,er
Johann pc
Johannes pc
Johannesburg pc
Johansen n
Johanson n
john n,ms,y
Johnny pc
johnnycake n
Johnson n
Johnston n
Johnstown pc
join n,v,er,va
joinery n
joint n,v,a,er
joist n
joke n,v,er
Joliet pc
Jolla pc
jollity n
jolly v,a,comp
jolt n,v,er,y
Jon pc
Jonah pc,nopref
Jonas pc
Jonathan pc
Jones n
jonquil n
Jordan n
Jordanian n
Jorge pc
Jorgensen n
Jorgenson n
Jose pc
Josef pc
Joseph n
Josephine pc
Josephson n
Josephus pc
josh n,v,er
Joshua pc
Josiah pc
joss n
jostle n,v,er
jot n,v,ms
joule n
jounce n,v
jouncy a
journal n,na
journalese n
journey n,v,er,man
joust n,v,er
Jovanovich pc
Jove pc
jovial a
Jovian a
jowl n,y
jowly a,comp
joy n,v,na
Joyce n
joyous a
joyride n,vi,er
joystick n
Jr. d,nopref
j's d,nopref
Juan pc
Juanita pc
jubilant a
jubilate v,ion
jubilee n
Judah pc
Judaic a
Judaism n
Judaist n,na
Judas n
Judd n
Jude pc
judge n,v,er,va
judicable a
judicatory n
judicature n
judicial a
judiciary n,a
judicious a,in
Judith pc
judo n
Judson n
Judy pc
jug n,v,na,ms
jugate v,a,ion
juggernaut n
juggle n,v,er
jugular a
juice n,v,er,nopref,y
Juilliard pc
jujitsu d
juju n
jujube n
juke d
jukebox n
Jukes n
Jul. d,nopref
julep n
Jules pc
Julia pc
Julie pc
julienne n,v
Juliet pc
Julio pc
Julius pc
Julliard pc
July pc
jumble n,v
jumbo n
jump n,v,er,y
Jun. d,nopref
junco n
junction n,na,in
juncture n
June n
Juneau pc
jungle n
jungly a,comp
junior n,a
juniper n
junk n,v,er,man,y
junkerdom n
junket n,v,er
junketeer n,v
junkie n
Juno pc
junta n
Jupiter pc
Jura pc
Jurassic a
jure d,nopref
juridic n
Juris pc
jurisdiction n,na
jurisprudent n,a
jurisprudential a
jurist n,na
juror n
jury n,ed,man
just a
justice n,in
justiciable a
justify v,er,ion
Justine pc
Justinian pc
jut n,v,nopref,ms,y
jute n
juvenal a
juvenile n,a
juxtapose v
juxtaposition n,na
Kaaba pc
kabob n
Kabuki pc
Kabul pc
Kaddish pc
kafir n
Kafka pc
Kafkaesque pc
Kahn n
kaiser n,na
Kajar pc
Kalamazoo pc
kale n
kaleidescope n
kaleidoscope n
kaleidoscopic n,a
kalends d
Kalmuk pc
Kamchatka pc
kamikaze n
Kampala pc
kampong n
Kampuchea pc
Kane n
kangaroo n
Kanji pc
Kankakee pc
Kansan n
Kansas pc
Kant n
Kantian n,a,na
kaolin n
Kaplan n
kapok n
kappa n
kaput a
Karachi pc
karakul n
Karamazov n
karate n
Karen n
Karl pc
Karla n
karma n
Karol pc
Karp n
karyotype n
Kashmir n
Kashmiri n
Kaskaskia pc
Kate pc
Katharine pc
Katherine pc
Kathleen pc
Kathryn n
Kathy pc
Katie pc
Katmandu pc
Katowice pc
katydid n
Katz n
Kauffman n
Kaufman n
kava n
Kay pc
kayak n,v,er
kayo n,v
Kazakhstan pc
kazoo n
Keaton n
Keats n
kedge n,v
keel n,v
keelboat n
keelhaul v
keelson n
keen n,v,a,comp
Keenan n
keep n,v,er
keepsake n
keg n
kegler n
keiretsu pc
Keith n
Keller n
Kelley n
Kellogg n
Kelly n
kelp n
Kelsey n
kelvin n
Kemp n
ken n,v,ms
Kendall n
Kennan n
Kennecott pc
Kennedy n
Kenneth pc
Kenney n
Kenny pc
keno n
Kensington pc
Kent n
Kenton n
Kentuckian n
Kentucky pc
Kenya pc
Kenyon n
kepi n
Kepler pc
kept d
kerchief n
kerfuffle n
Kermit pc
kern n,v
kernel n
kerosene n
Kerr n
kerry n
kerygma n
Kessler n
kestrel n
ketch n
ketchup n
ketone n
ketosis pc
Kettering n
kettle n
kettledrum n
Kevin pc
key n,v,a
keyboard n,v,er
keyed a
Keyes n
keyhole n,a
Keynes n
Keynesian n,a,na
keynote n,v,er
keypunch n,v,er
keystone n
keyway n
keyword n
khaki n
khan n
Khartoum pc
khedive n
Khmer n
Khrushchev pc
kibbutz d
kibbutzim n
kibitz v,er
kibitzing d
kibosh n,v
kick n,v,er
kickback n
kickoff n
kickshaw n
kid n,v,er,nopref,ms
Kidd n
Kidde pc
kiddie n
kidnap v,er,ms
kidney n
Kieffer n
kielbasa n
Kiev pc
Kiewit n
Kigali pc
Kikuyu pc
Kilgore n
kill n,v,er
killdeer n
killjoy n
kiln n,v
kilo n
kilohm n
kilt n,v,a,er
Kim pc
Kimball n
Kimberly pc
kimono n
kin n
kind n,a,comp
kindergarten n,er
kindergartner n
kindhearted a
kindle v,er
kindred n,a
kine pc
kinematic n,a
kinescope n,v
kinesic a
kinesthesis pc
kinetic n,a
kinfolk n
king n,a,na
kingbird n
kingdom n
kingfish n
kingfisher n
kinglet n
kingpin n
Kingsbury n
Kingsley n
Kingston pc
kink n,v,y
kinkajou n
Kinney n
kins man
Kinshasa pc,nopref
Kinshasha pc
kinship d
kiosk n
Kiowa pc
Kipling pc
kipper n,v
Kirby n
Kirchner n
Kirchoff pc
Kirghiz n
Kirgizstan pc
kirk n
Kirkland n
Kirkpatrick n
Kirov pc
kirsch n
Kirsten pc
kiss n,v,er,va
kissing d
kit n,nopref
Kitakyushu pc
kitchen n
kitchenette n
kitchenware n
kite n,v,er
kith n
kitsch n
kitten n,v
kittenish a
kittiwake n
kittle v,a
kitty n
kiva n
Kiwanian n
Kiwanis pc
kiwi n
Klan n
Klans man
klatch n
klatsch n
Klaus pc
klaxon n
kleenex n
Klein n
kleptomania n,na
Kline n
klutz n,y
Klux pc
klystron n
km d,nopref
knack n,er
knap v,er,ms
Knapp n
knapsack n
Knauer n
knave n
knavery n
knavish a
knead v,er
knee n,v
kneecap n
kneehole n
kneel v,er
knell n,v
knelt d
knew d
knick er
knickerbocker n
knickknack n
knife v,er
knifelike a
knight n,v,a
Knightsbridge pc
knit v,er,ms
knitwear n
knives d
knob n,ed,ms,y
knock n,v,er
knockdown n,a
knockout n,a
knoll n,v
knot n,v,er,ms,y
knothole n
Knott n
knout n,v
know n,vi,er,va
knoweth d
knowhow d
knowledge n
knowledgeable a
Knowles n
Knowlton n
known n
Knox n
Knoxville pc
knuckle n,v,er
knuckleball n,v
knucklebone n
Knudsen n
Knudson n
knurl n,ed
Knutsen n
Knutson n
koala n
Koch n
Kochab pc
Kodachrome pc
Kodak pc
Kodiak pc
Koenig n
Koenigsberg pc
kohl n
kohlrabi pc
kohlrabies pc
kola n
kolkhoz n
Kong pc
kook n,y
kooky a
kopeck n
Koppers pc
Koran n
Korea pc
kosher v,a
Kowalewski n
Kowalski n
kowtow n,v
kraal n,v
kraft n
Krakatoa pc
Krakow pc
Kramer n
krater n
Krause n
kraut n
Kremlin pc
Kresge n
Krieger n
krill n
Kris n
Krishna pc
Kristin pc
Kristine n
krona pc
Kronecker pc
kroner d
Krueger n
Kruger n
Kruse n
krypton n
k's d,nopref
KS pc,nopref
Ku pc
kudos n
kudzu n
Kuhn n
kulak n
kumquat n
Kurd n
Kurdish a
Kurt pc
kurtosis d
kuru n
Kuwait n
Kuwaiti n
kvass n
kwashiorkor n
KY pc,nopref
Kyle pc
Kyoto pc
kyrie n
Kyushu pc
la n,nopref
lab n
Laban pc
labia pc
labial n,a,na
labile a
lability n
laboratory n
laborious a
Labrador pc
labyrinth n
labyrinthine a
lac n,nopref,ms
laccolith n
lace n,v,er,na,y
lacerate v,a,ion
Lacerta pc
lacewing n
Lachesis pc
lachrymal a
lachrymate v,ion
lachrymose a
lack n,v
lackadaisic n
lackaday d
lackey n,v
lackluster n,a
laconic n,a
lacquer n,v,er
lacrosse n
lactase n
lactate n,v,ion
lactic a
lactose n
lacuna n
lacunae pc
lacustrine a
lad n,er,nopref,ms
laddie n
laden v,a
ladle n,v
lady n,na
ladybird n
ladybug n
ladyfern n
ladyfinger n
Lafayette n
lag n,v,er,ms
lager n,nopref
laggard n,a
lagniappe n
lagoon n
Lagos pc
Lagrange pc
Lagrangian n
Laguerre pc
Lahore pc
laic a,va
laid d,in
Laidlaw pc
lain d
lair n,v
laird n,a
laissez d
laity n,nopref
lake n,v,er,y
lakefront a
Lakehurst pc
lakeside n
Lally pc
lam n,v,nopref,ms
lama n,na
Lamar pc
Lamarck pc,na
Lamarckian a
lamasery n
lamb n,v,er
lambaste v
lambasting n
lambda n
lambert n
lame v,a,comp
lamella n
lamellae pc
lamellar a
lament n,v,va
lamentation n
lamina n
laminar a
laminate n,v,a,ion
lamp n,nopref
lampblack n
lamplight er
lampoon n,v,er
lampoonery n
lamprey n
Lana pc
Lancashire pc
Lancaster n
lance n,v,er,nopref
lanceolate ed,a
lancet n
land n,v,er
landau n
landfall n
landfill n
landform n
landhold vi,er
Landis n
landlady n
landlocked a
landlord n,na
landlubber n,a
landmark n
landmass n
landowner n
Landry pc
lands man
Landsat n
landscape n,v,er
landslide n
landward a
lane n,nopref
Lang n
Lange n
Langley n
Langmuir n
language n
languid a
languish v,er,va
languor n
languorous a
lank a,comp,nopref,y
Lanka pc
lanolin n
Lansing pc
lantern n
lanthanide n
lanthanum n
lanyard n
Lao n,a
Laocoon pc
Laos pc
Laotian n
lap n,v,er,na,ms
lapboard n
LAPD pc,nopref
lapdog n
lapel n,ed,ms
lapidary n,a
Laplace pc
Laplacian n
lappet n
lapse n,v,er
lapstrake n,a
lapwing n
Laramie pc
larboard n,a
larcenist n,na
larcenous a
larceny n
larch n
lard n,v,er,y
Laredo pc
lares n
large a,comp
largemouth n,ed
largess n
largesse d
larghetto n
largish a
largo n
lariat n
lark n,v,er
Larkin n
larkspur n
Larry pc
Lars pc
Larsen n
Larson n
larva n
larvae pc
larval a
larvicide n
laryngeal n,a
larynges d
laryngitis n
laryngology n,na
laryngoscope n
laryngoscopic n,a
laryngoscopy n
larynx n
lasagna n
lascar n
lascivious a
lase er
lash n,v,er
lass n,nopref
lassie n
lassitude n
lasso n,v,er
last n,v,a,er
Laszlo n
latch n,v
latchkey n
latchstring n
late n,v,a,comp,ion,va
latecome vi,er
lateen n,a,er
latent n,a,na
lateral n,a
Lateran pc
laterite n
latex n
lath n,v,nopref
lathe n,v
lather n,v,er,y
Lathrop n
latifundium n
Latin n
Latinate a
latinize v,va,ion
latish a
latitude n
latitudinal a
latitudinarian n,a,na
latitudinary n
latrine n
Latrobe n
latter n,a,nopref
lattice n,v
latticework n
latus d
Latvia pc
laud n,v,va
laudanum n
laudatory a
Lauderdale pc
Laue pc
laugh n,v,er,va
laughingstock n
Laughlin n
laughter n
launch n,v,er
launder n,v,er
launderette n
laundress n
laundry n
Laura pc
laureate n,v,ion,man
Lauren pc
Laurence n
Laurent pc
Laurentian n
Laurie pc
Lausanne pc
lava n
lavabo n
lavatory n,a
lave v,er
lavender n,v
Laverne n
lavish v,a
Lavoisier pc
law n,na,man
lawbreak er
lawgive er
lawn n,a,y
Lawrence n
lawrencium n
Lawson n
lawsuit n
lawyer n
lax v,a,comp
laxative n,a
lay n,v,er,man
layette n
layoff n,a
layout n
layover n
Layton n
layup n
Lazarus pc
laze n,v,nopref,y
lazybones n
lea n,nopref
leach n,v,er,va
leachate v
lead n,v,a,er,y
leaden a
leadeth d
leadoff n
leads man
leaf n,v,na,y
leaflet n
league n,v,er
Leah n
leak n,v,er,y
leakage n
lean n,v,er,a
Leander pc
Leanne n
leap n,v,er
leapfrog n,v,er,ms
leapt d
Lear pc
learn v,er,va
lease n,v,er,va
leasehold n,er
leash n,v
least n,a
leastwise d
leather n,v
leatherback n
leatherneck n
leatherwork n
leathery a
leave n,v,er
leaven n,v
Leavenworth pc
Lebanese pc
Lebanon pc
lebensraum n
Lebesgue pc
lecher n
lecherous a
lechery n
lecithin n
lectern n
lectionary n
lector n,nopref
lecture n,v,er
led d
lederhosen n
ledge n,er
lee n,a
leeboard n
leech n,v
leek n
leer n,v,er,nopref
leery a
leeward n,a
leeway n
left n,a,na
leftmost a
leftover n,a
leftward n
lefty n
leg n,v,man,ms,y
legacy n
legal n,a,na
legalese n
legate n,v,ion,man
legatee n,nopref
legato d
legend n
legendary a
Legendre pc
legerdemain n
leghorn n
legible a,va
legion n
legionary n,a
legionnaire n
legislate v,ion
legislature n
legit d
legitimacy n
legitimate v,a,ion
Lego n
legume n
leguminous a
Lehigh pc
Lehman n
Leigh n
Leighton n
Leila pc
leisure n,a
leitmotif n
leitmotiv n
Leland pc
lemma n
lemming n
lemon n,y
lemonade n
Lemuel pc
lemur n
Len pc
Lena pc
lend vi
lender n
length n,y
lengthen v,er
lengthways d
lengthwise a
lenient a,na
Lenin pc,na
Leningrad pc
Leninism pc
Leninist n,a
lenity n
Lennox pc
Lenny pc
lens n,v
lensing n
lent pc
Lenten a
lenticular a
lentil n
lento d
Leo n
Leon pc
Leona pc
Leonard n
Leonardo pc
Leone pc
Leonid n
leonine a
leopard n
Leopold n
leotard n
leper n
lepidoptera pc
leprechaun n
leprosy n
leprous a
lepton n
Leroy n
lesbian n,a,na
lesion n
Lesley pc
Leslie pc
Lesotho pc
less n,a,er
lessee n
lessen v
lesson n,v
lessor n
lest d,nopref
Lester n
let n,vi,er,ms
letdown n
lethal n,a
lethargic n,a
lethargy n
Lethe pc
Letitia pc
letter n,v,er,man
letterhead n
letterpress n
Lettish a
lettuce n
letup n
leukemic a
leukocyte n
levee n,v
levelheaded a
lever n,v,nopref
leverage n,v
Levi n
leviathan n
Levin n
Levine n
Levinson n
levitate v,ion
Levite n
Leviticus pc
Levitt n
levity n
levo a,nopref
levorotary n
levorotation n
levorotatory a
levy n,v,er,va
Lew pc
lewd a,comp
lewis n
lexeme n
lexical a
lexicography n,er
lexicon n
Lexington pc
Leyden pc
liable a,va
liaison n
liana n
liar n
lib v,er,nopref,ms
libation n
Libby pc
liberal n,a,na
liberate v,ion
Liberia pc
libertarian n,a,na
libertine n,a,na
liberty n
libidinal a
libidinous a
libido n
librarian n
library n
librate ion
librettist n
libretto n
Libreville pc
Libya pc
lice pc,nopref
licensee n
licensor n
licentious a
lichee n
lichen n,v
licit a
lick n,v,er
lid n,v,nopref,ms
lido n
lie n,nopref
Liechtenstein pc
lied er
lief a
lien n,nopref
lieu d
lieutenant n,a,na
life n,er,na,man
lifeblood n
lifeboat n
lifeguard n
lifeline n
lifelong a
lifer n
lifesaver n
lifesaving n,a
lifespan n
lifestyle n
lifetime n
LIFO pc,nopref
lift n,v,er,man
liftoff n
ligament n
ligamentary a
ligand n
ligate v,ion
ligature n
Ligget n
Liggett n
light n,v,a,comp
lighten v,er
lighterage n
lightface n,ed
lightfast a
lighthearted a
lighthouse n
lightish a
lightning n,v,a
lightproof a
lightsome a
lightweight n,a
lignin n
lignite n,na
lignum d
like n,v,a,er,va
liken v
likewise d
Lila pc
lilac n
Lilian pc
Lilith pc
Lillian pc
Lillie n
lilliputian a
Lilly pc
lilt n,v
lily n,ed,a
Lima pc
limb n,v,er
limbic a
limbo n
Limburger n
lime n,v,a
limelight n,v,er
limerick n
limestone n
limey n,nopref
limit n,v,er,va
limitation n,na,va
limn v,er
limnology n,na
limo n
limousine n
limp n,v,a,comp
limpet n
limpid a
limpkin n
Lin pc
linchpin n
Lincoln n
Lincolnesque a
Lind n
Linda pc
lindane n
Lindberg n
Lindbergh n
linden n
Lindholm n
Lindquist n
Lindsay n
Lindsey pc
Lindstrom n
line n,v,man
lineage n
lineal a
lineament n,na
linear a,na
lineation n
linebacker n
linen n,a
liner n
lineup n
linger v,er
lingerie n,a
lingo n
lingua n,nopref
lingual a
linguist n,na
liniment n
link n,v,er
linkage n
linkup n
Linnaean a
Linnean a
linoleum n
Linotype pc
linseed n
lint n,y
lintel n
Linus pc
lion n,na
Lionel pc
lioness n
lionhearted a
lip n,v,ms,y
lipid n
lipoma n
Lippincott pc
lipread vi
Lipschitz pc
Lipscomb n
lipstick n
Lipton n
liquefaction n
liquefy v,er
liqueur n
liquid n,a,na
liquidate v,ion
liquidus pc
liquor n,v
lira n
Lisa pc
Lisbon pc
Lise pc
lisle n
lisp n,v,er
Lissajous pc
lissome a
list n,v,er
listen n,v,er,va,nopref
lit d
litany n
literacy n
literal n,a,na
literary a
literate n,a,ion
literati d
literature n
lithe a
lithic n,a
lithium n
lithograph n,v,er
lithography n,na
lithology n
lithosphere n
lithospheric a
Lithuania pc
litigant n,a
litigate v,ion
litigious a
litmus n
litter n,c
litterbug n
little n,a,comp
littleneck n
Littleton n
Litton n
littoral n,a
liturgic n
liturgy n
live v,a,er,va
livelong a
liven v
Livermore pc
Liverpool pc
liverwort n
liverwurst n
livery n,v,man
livestock n
liveth d
livid a
Livingston n
livre d
Liz pc
lizard n
Lizzie pc
llama n
Lloyd n
lo d,nopref
load n,v,er,va
loaf n,v,er
loam n,y
loan n,v,er
loath v,a
loathe v,er
loathsome a
loaves d
lob n,v,ms
lobar a
lobate ed,a,ion
lobby n,v,er,na
lobe n,ed
loblolly n
lobo n
lobotomy n
lobscouse n
lobster n,man
lobular a
lobule n
local n,a
locale n,a,na
locate v,er,ion,va
loci d
lock n,v,er,va
Locke n
locket n
Lockhart n
Lockheed pc
Lockian pc
lockjaw n
locknut n
lockout n
locksmith n
lockstep n
lockstitch n,v
lockup n
Lockwood n
loco n,v,a,na
locomotion n,na,va
locomotor a,y
locus n
locust n
locution n
locutor n,y
lode n,nopref
lodestone n
lodge n,v,er,va
lodgepole n
Lodowick pc
Loeb n
l'oeil d
loess n
loft n,v,y
log n,v,er,ms,y
Logan n
logarithm n
logarithmic a
logbook n
loge n,na
loggerhead n
loggia n
logic n
logician n
logistic n,a
logjam n
logo n,nopref
logotype n
logroll v,er
logy a
Lohengrin n
loin n
loincloth n
Loire pc
Lois pc
loiter v,er
Loki pc
Lola pc
loll n,v
lollipop n
lolly n
lollygag v,ms
lollypop n
Lomb pc
London pc
Londoner n
lone a
lonely a,comp
lonesome n,a
long n,v,a,comp
longboat n
longbow n
longevity n
Longfellow pc
longhair n
longhand n
longhorn n
longhouse n
longish a
longitude n
longitudinal a
longleg n
longshoreman pc
longshoremen pc
longspur n
longstanding d
longtime d
longueur n
Lonnie n
look n,v,er
lookout n
lookup n
loom n,v
Loomis n
loon n,y
loop n,v,er,nopref
loophole n,v
loopy n,v,er,y,nopref
loose v,a,comp
looseleaf d
loosen v
loosestrife n
loot n,v,er
lop n,v,er,nopref,ms,y
lope n,v,er
Lopez n
lopsided a
loquacious a
loquacity n
loquat n
loran n
lord n,v,a
lordling n
lordosis d
lore n
Lorelei pc
Loren pc
Lorene n
Loretta pc
lorgnette n
Lorinda pc
loris n
Lorraine pc
lorry n
Los pc
lose vi,er,va
loss n,nopref,y
lost a
lot n,v,nopref,ms
lothario n
lotion n
Lotte pc
lottery n
Lottie pc
lotto n
lotus n
Lou pc
loud a,comp
loudmouth ed
loudspeak er
Louis n
Louisa pc
Louise pc
Louisiana pc
Louisville pc
lounge n,v,er
Lounsbury n
loupe n
Lourdes pc
louse n,v,y
lout n,v
loutish a
Louvre pc
love n,v,er,va
lovebird n
Lovelace n
Loveland n
lovelorn a
lovely a,comp
lovemaking n
lovesick a
loveth d
low n,v,a,comp
lowborn a
lowboy n
lowbrow n,ed
lowdown n
Lowe n
Lowell n
lower n,v
lowerclass man
lowermost a
Lowery pc
lowland n,a,er
Lowry n
lox n
loxodrome n
loyal a,na
loyalty n
lozenge n
LP n,nopref
LPG pc,nopref
l's d,nopref
LSI pc,nopref
Ltd. d,nopref
LTV pc,nopref
luau n
lubber n,a
Lubbock pc
lube n
Lubell n
lubricant n,a
lubricate v,ion
lubricious a
lubricity n
Lucas n
lucent a,na
Lucerne pc
Lucia pc
Lucian pc
lucid a
Lucifer pc
Lucille pc
Lucinda n,nopref
Lucite pc
Lucius pc
luck n,nopref,y
lucrative a
lucre n
Lucretia pc
Lucretius pc
lucubrate v,ion
Lucy pc
Luddite n
ludicrous a
Ludlow n
Ludwig n
luff n,v
Lufthansa pc
Luftwaffe pc
lug n,v,er,ms
luge n
luggage n
lugsail n
lugubrious a
Luis pc
Luke pc
lukewarm a
Lula n
lull n,v
lullaby n
lulu n
lumbago n
lumbar a
lumber n,v,a,comp,man
lumberjack n
lumberyard n
lumen n
luminaire n
luminal a
luminance n
luminary n,a
luminesce v
luminescent a
luminiferous a
luminosity n
luminous a
lummox n
lump n,v,er,y
lumpen d
lumpish a
Lumpur pc
luna n,nopref
lunacy n
lunar a,y
lunate a,ion
lunatic n,a
lunch n,v,er
luncheon n
luncheonette n
lunchroom n
lunchtime d
Lund n
Lundberg n
Lundquist n
lune n
lunette n
lung n,nopref
lunge n,v,er
lungfish n
lunker n
lunkhead n,ed
lupine n,a
Lura pc
lurch n,v,er
lure n,v,er
lurid a
lurk v,er
Lusaka pc
luscious a
lush n,ed,a
lust n,v,na,nopref,y
lustrous a
lutanist n
lute n,v,na
luteal a
lutetium n
Luther n
Lutheran n,a,na
Lutz n
lux n,nopref
luxe n
Luxembourg pc
luxuriant a,na
luxuriate v
luxurious a
luxury n,a
Luzon pc
lyceum n
lycopodium n
Lydia pc
lye n,nopref
lying a
Lykes n
Lyle pc
Lyman n
Lyme pc
lymph n
lymphatic a
lymphocyte n
lymphocytic a
lymphoma n
lynch v,er
Lynchburg pc
Lynda n
Lynn n
Lynne n
lynx n
Lyon pc
lyonnaise a
Lyons n
Lyra n
lyre n,na
lyrebird n
lyric n,a,na
lyricism n
lyse n,v,er,na
Lysenkoism pc
lysergic a
lyses d
lysine n
lysis pc
ma pc,nopref
ma'am n
Mabel pc
Mac pc
macabre a
macadam n,na
macadamia n
macaque n
macaroni pc
macaroon n
MacArthur n
Macassar pc
macaw n
Macbeth n
MacDonald n
mace n,v,nopref
Macedon pc
Macedonia pc
macerate v,er,ion
MacGregor n
Mach pc
machete n
Machiavelli pc
Machiavellian n,a,na
machicolate v,ion
machination n
machine n,v,na,va
machinery n
machismo d
macho d
macintosh n
Mack n
MacKenzie n
mackerel n
Mackey n
Mackinac pc
mackinaw n
mackintosh n
MacMillan n
Macon pc
macrame n
macro n
macrocosm n
macroeconomic n,a
macromolecular a
macromolecule n
macron n
macrophage n
macroprocessor n
macroscopic n,a
macrostructure n
maculate a,in
Macy pc
mad n,v,a,comp,man,ms
Madagascar pc
madam n
Madame pc
madcap n,a
madden v
maddish a
Maddox n
made a
Madeira n
Madeleine pc
Madeline pc
mademoiselle n
madhouse n
Madison n
Madonna n
madras n
Madrid pc
madrigal n,na
Madsen n
Mae pc
maelstrom n
maestoso a
maestro n
Mafia pc
magazine n,na
magdalen n
Magdalene pc
Magellan n,na,nopref
magenta n
Maggie pc
maggot n,y
magi d
magic n,a
magician n
magisterial a
magistracy n
magistrate n
magma n
magmatic a
magna d
magnanimity n
magnanimous a
magnate n
magnesia n
magnesite n
magnesium n
magnet n,na
magnetic n,a
magnetite n,na
magneto n
magneton n
magnetron n
magnificat n
magnificent a
magnify v,er,ion
magniloquent a
magnitude n
magnolia n
magnum n
Magnuson n
Magog pc
magpie n
Magruder n
maguey n
Magyar n
maharaja n
maharajah n
maharani n
mahatma n
Mahayana n
Mahayanist pc
mahogany n
Mahoney n
mahout n
maid n,nopref
maiden n,a
maidenhair n
maidenhead n
maidservant n
Maier n
mail n,v,er,va,man
mailbag n
mailbox n
maim n,v,er
main n,v,a
Maine pc
mainland n,er
mainline n,v
mainmast n
mainsail n
mainsheet n
mainspring n
mainstay n
mainstream n,v
maintain v,er,va
maintenance n
maintop n
maitre d
maize n
majestic n,a
majesty n
major n,v,a
majorette n
majuscule n,a
make n,v,er,va
makeshift n,a
makeup n
Malabar pc
Malachi pc,nopref
malachite n
maladapt ed
maladaptation n
maladaptive a
maladjust v,er,va
maladjustive a
maladminister v
maladministration n
maladroit a
malady n
Malagasy n,a
malaise n
malaprop a,na
malaria n
malarial a
malarkey pc
malathion n
Malawi pc
Malay n
Malaya pc
Malaysia pc
Malcolm n
malconduct n
malcontent n,a
Malden pc
maldistribute v,ion
Maldive pc
male n,a
maledict v,a,ion
maledictory a
malefaction n
malefactor n
maleficent a
malemute n
malevolent a
malfeasant n,a
malformation n
malformed a
malfunction n,v
malgre d
Mali pc
malice n
malicious a
malign v,a
malignant n,a,na
malinger n,v,er
mall n,nopref
mallard n
malleable a,va
mallet n
Mallory n
mallow n
malnourished a
malnutrition n
malocclusion n
malodorous a
Malone n
Maloney n
malposed a
malpractice n
Malraux pc
malt n,v,y
Malta pc
Maltese a
Malthusian n,a,na
Malton pc
maltose n
maltreat v,va
mama n
mamba n
mambo n,v
Mamie pc
mamma n
mammal n
mammalian n,a
mammalogy n
mammary d
mammograph n
mammography n
mammon n,na
mammoth n,a
mammy n
man pc,v,a,er,na,adv,ms
mana n,nopref
manacle n,v
manage n,v,er,va
manageable a,va
managerial a
Managua pc
Manama pc
manatee n
Manchester n
Manchu n,a
mandala n
mandamus n
mandarin n,a,na
mandate n,v,ion
mandible n
mandolin n,na
mandrake n
mandrel n
mandrill n
Mandy pc
mane n,ed
Manfred pc
manganese n
mange n,er,y
mangle n,v,er
mango n
mangrove n
manhandle v
Manhattan pc
manhole n
manhunt n
mania n,na
maniacal a
manic d,nopref
manicotti pc
manicure n,v,na
manifest n,v,a,er
manifestation n,na,va
manifesto n,v
manifold n,v,a
manikin n
manila n,a
manioc n
maniple n
manipulable a,va
manipulate v,ion,va
Manitoba pc
mankind n
Manley n
Mann n
manna n
mannequin n
mannerism n
mannikin n
mannish a
manometer n
manor n
manorial a,na
manpower pc
manque n
manrope n
Mans pc
mansard n
manse n
manservant n
Mansfield n
mansion n
manslaughter n
mantel n,nopref
mantic a
mantilla n
mantis n
mantissa n
mantle n,v,va
mantlepiece n
mantra n
mantrap n
manual n,a
Manuel pc
manufactory n,a
manufacture n,v,er,va
manumission n
manumit v,ms
manure n,v,er
manuscript n,a
Manville n
Manx a
many d,nopref
manzanita n
Mao pc,na
Maori n
map n,v,er,ms
maple n
mar n,v,nopref,ms
marathon n,er
maraud v,er
maravedi n
marble n,v,a
Marc pc
Marceau pc
Marcel pc
Marcella n
Marcello pc
march n,v,er
marchioness n
Marcia pc
Marco pc
Marconi a
Marcus pc
Marcy n
Mardi pc
mare n,na
Margaret pc
margarine n
margay n
marge n
Margery pc
Margie n
margin n,v
marginal a
marginalia n
Margo pc
Margot n
Marguerite pc
maria n
mariachi n
Marian n
Marianne n
Marie pc
Marietta pc
marigold n
marijuana n
Marilyn pc
marimba n
Marin pc
marina n
marinade n,v
marinate v
marine n,a,er
Marino pc
Mario pc
Marion n
marionette n
marital a
maritime a
marjoram n
Marjorie pc
Marjory pc
mark n,v,er,va
markdown n
market n,v,er,va
marketeer n
marketplace n
Markham n
Markov pc
Markovian pc
marks man
markup n
marl n,ed
Marlboro pc
Marlborough pc
Marlene pc
marlin n
marline n
marlinspike n
Marlowe n
marly a
marmalade n
marmoset n
marmot n
maroon n,v
marque d
marquee n
marquess n
marquetry pc
Marquette pc
marquis n
marquise n
marriage n
marriageable a
married n,a
Marrietta pc
Marriott pc
marrow n
marrowbone n
marry v
Marseilles pc
marsh n,y
Marsha pc
Marshall n
marshland n
marshmallow n
marsupial n,a
mart n,v,nopref
marten n
martensite n,na
Martha pc
martial v,a
Martian n,a
martin n
martinet n
Martinez pc
martingale n
martini n
Martinique pc
Martinson n
Marty pc
martyr n,v,na
martyrdom n
Marva n
Marvin n
Marx n,na
Marxian a
Mary n
Maryann n
Maryland pc
marzipan n
mascara n
mascot n
masculine n,a,na
maser n,nopref
Maseru pc
mash n,v,er,nopref
mashie n
mask n,v,er
masochism n
masochist n,na
mason n,v
Masonic a
Masonite pc
masonry n
masque n,er
masquerade n,v,er
mass n,v,a,y
Massachusetts pc
massacre n,v,er
massacring d
massage n,v,er
masseur n
Massey n
massif n
massive a
mast n,v,er
mastectomy n
mastermind n,v
masterpiece n
masterwork n
mastery n
masthead n
mastic n
masticate v,ion
mastiff n
mastitis n
mastodon n
mastoid n,a
mastoidectomy n
masturbate v,ion
mat n,v,ms
matador n
match n,v,er,va
matchbook n
matchbox n
matchlock n
matchstick a
mate n,v
Mateo pc
mater n,nopref
material n,a,na,in
materiel n
maternal a
maternity n
matey a,comp
math n
mathematic n
mathematician n
Mathematik pc
Mathews n
Mathewson n
Mathias n
Mathieu n
Mathis n
Matilda pc
matinal a
matinee n
matins n
Matisse pc
matriarch pc
matriarchal a
matriarchs d
matriarchy n
matrices d
matricide n
matriculate v,ion
matrilineal a
matrimonial a
matrimony n
matrix n
matron n,a,na
Matson n
Matt pc
matte n,ed,er
Matthew pc
Matthews n
Mattie n
mattock n
mattress n
Mattson n
maturate v,ion
mature n,v,a,comp,in
maudlin a
maul n,v,er
maunder v,er
Maureen pc
Maurice pc
Maurine pc
Mauritania pc
Mauritius pc
mausoleum n
mauve n
maverick n
Mavis pc
maw n
mawkish a
Mawr pc
Max pc,nopref
maxilla n
maxim n,na
maxima d
maximal a,na
Maximilian pc
maximum n,a
Maxine pc
maxwell n
Maxwellian pc
may pc
Maya n
mayapple n
maybe d
Mayer n
mayest d
Mayfair pc
mayflower n
mayfly n
mayhap d
mayhem n
Maynard n
mayn't d
Mayo pc
mayonnaise n
mayor n
mayoral a
mayoralty n
Mays n
mayst d
Mazda pc
maze n,v,er,y
mazurka n
MBA n,nopref
Mbabane pc
MC n,nopref
McAdams n
McAllister n
McBride n
McCabe n
McCall n
McCann n
McCarthy n,na
McCarty n
McCauley n
McClain n
McClellan n
McClure n
McCluskey n
McConnel n
McConnell n
McCormick n
McCoy n
McCracken n
McCullough n
McDaniel n
McDermott n
McDonald n
McDonnell n
McDougall n
McDowell n
McElroy n
McFadden n
McFarland n
McGee n
McGill n
McGinnis n
McGovern n
McGowan n
McGrath n
McGraw n
McGregor n
McGuire n
McHugh n
McIntosh n
McIntyre n
McKay n
McKee n
McKenna n
McKenzie n
McKeon n
McKesson n
McKinley n
McKinney n
McKnight n
McLaughlin n
McLean n
McLeod n
McMahon n
McMillan n
McMullen n
McNally n
McNamara n
McNaughton n
McNeil n
McPherson n
M.D. d,nopref
MD pc,nopref
me d
mead n
Meade n
meadow n
meadowland n
meadowlark n
meadowsweet n
meal n,nopref
mealtime n
mealy a,comp
mealybug n
mean n,a,comp,y
meander n,v
meaning n,na
meant d
meantime n
meanwhile n
measle n,ed
measly a,comp
measure n,v,er,va,in
meat n,man,nopref,y
mecca n
mechanic n,a
mechanician n
mechanism n
mechanist n,na
mecum d
medal n,na,nopref
medallion n
meddle v,er
meddlesome a
Medea pc
media pc,nopref
medial n,a
median n,a
mediate v,a,ion,in
mediatrix n
medic n
medicable a,in
Medicaid pc
medicament n
Medicare pc,nopref
medicate v,ion
Medici pc
medicinal n,a
medicine n,v,va
medico n
mediocre a
mediocrity n
meditate v,ion
Mediterranean a
medium n,a,na
medley n,a
medusa n
meek a,comp
meet n,vi,a,er
meetinghouse n
Meg pc
megalith n
megalithic a
megalomania n,na
megalomanic n,a
megalopolis n
megalopolitan n,a,na
megohm n
Meier n
meiosis pc
meiotic n,a
Meistersinger pc
Mekong pc
Mel pc
melamine n
melancholia n
melancholic n,a
melancholy n,a
Melanesia pc
melange pc
melanic a
Melanie pc
melanin n
melanism n
melanist n,na
melanoma n
Melbourne pc
Melcher pc
meld n,v
melee n
Melinda pc
meliorate v,ion
meliorism n
meliorist n,a,na
Melissa pc
mellifluent a
mellifluous a
Mellon n
mellow v,a,er
melodeon n
melodic n,a
melodious a
melodrama n
melodramatic n,a
melody n
melon n
Melpomene pc
melt n,v,er,va
meltdown n
meltwater n
Melville n
Melvin pc
member n,v,er,na,va
membrane n,ed
membranous a
memento n
memo n
memoir n
memorabilia n
memorable a
memoranda pc
memorandum n
memorial n,a,na,in
memorium n
memory n
Memphis pc
men pc,nopref
menace n,v
menage pc
menagerie n
menarche pc
mend n,v,er
mendacious a
mendacity n
mendelevium n
Mendelian n,a,na
Mendelssohn pc
mendicant n,a,na
Menelaus pc
menfolk pc
menhaden n
menhir n
menial n,a
meningitis n
meniscus n
Menlo pc
Mennonite n
menopause n
menorah n
Menshevik n
menstrual a
menstruate v,ion
mensurable a,va
mensuration n
mental a
menthol n
mention n,v,er,va
mentor n,v
menu n
Menzies pc
meow v
Mephistopheles pc
mercantile a,na
mercaptan n
Mercator pc
Mercedes pc
mercenary n,a
mercer n,na
merchandise n,v,er
merchant n,v,a,va,man
mercilessly d
Merck n
mercurate v,ion
mercurial n,a
mercuric a
mercurous a
mercury n
mercy n,na
mere n,a,comp,na
Meredith n
meretricious a
merganser n
merge v,er
meridian n,a
meridional n,a
meringue n
merino n,a
merit n,v
meritorious a
Merle pc
merlin n
mermaid n
merman n
Merriam pc
Merrill n
Merrimack pc
merriment n
Merritt n
merry a,comp,nopref
merrymaker n
merrymaking n
Mervin pc
mesa n
mescal n
mescaline n
mesdames d
mesenteric a
mesh n,v
mesmeric n,a
mesmerism n
mesomorph n,na
mesomorphic a
meson n
Mesopotamia pc
mesosphere n
Mesozoic a
mesquite n
mess n,v,y
message n,v
messenger n
messiah n
messianic a
messieurs d
mestiza n
mestizo n
met d,nopref
metabolic n,a
metabolism n
metabolite n
metacarpal n
metallic n,a
metalliferous a
metallography n,er
metalloid n,a
metallurgic n
metallurgist n
metallurgy n
metalware n
metalwork n,vi,er
metamorphic a
metamorphism n
metamorphose v
metamorphosis pc
metaphor n
metaphoric n
metatarsal n
Metcalf n
mete n,v
meteor n
meteoric n,a
meteorite n,na
meteoroid n
meteorology n,na
meter n,v,na
methacrylate n
methadone n
methane n
methanol n
methinks d
method n,na
methodic n,a
Methodism pc
Methodist pc
methodology n,na
methought d
Methuen pc
Methuselah pc
methyl n
methylate n,v,ion
methylene n
meticulous a
metier d
metonymy n
metope n
metric n,a
metro n
metrology n,na
metronome n
metropolis n
metropolitan n,a
mettle n,ed
mettlesome a
Metzler n
mew n,v,er
Mexican n,a
Mexico pc
Meyer n
Meyers n
mezzanine n
mezzo n
MGM pc,nopref
mho n
mi d,nopref
Miami pc
miasma n
miasmal a
miasmic a
mica n
Micah pc,nopref
mice pc
Michael pc
Michel n
Michelangelo pc
Michele n
Michelin pc
Michelle pc
Michelson n
Michigan pc
Mickelson n
mickey pc
micro n
microbial a
microbic a
microcosm n
microfiche n
micrography n
micron n,na
Micronesia pc
microscopy n
mid nopref,ms,y
Midas n
middle n,v,er,man
middlebrow n,a
Middlebury pc
Middlesex pc
Middleton n
Middletown pc
middleweight n
midge n
midriff n
midst n
midterm n,a
midwifery n
mien n,nopref
miff n,v
Mifflin pc
might n,y
mightn't d
mignon d
migraine n
migrant n,a,in
migrate v,ion,in
Miguel pc
mikado n
mike n
mil n,nopref
milady n
Milan pc
milch a
mild a,comp
mildew n,v
Mildred pc
mile n,er
mileage n
milepost n
milestone n
milieu n
militant n,a,na
militarism n
militarist n,na
military n,a
militate v
militia pc,man
milk n,v,er,na,man,y
milkmaid n
milkshake n
milksop n
milkweed n
mill n,v
Millard pc
millenarian n,a,na
millenary n,a
millennia pc
millennial a,na
millennium n
miller n
millet n
Millie pc
Millikan n
milliner n,y
millinery n
million n
millionaire n
millions d
millionth n,a
millipede n
millpond n
millrace n
millstone n
millstream n
millwork n
millwright n
milo n
milord n
milt n,er,y
Milton n
Miltonic a
Milwaukee pc
mime n,v,er
mimeo n,v
mimeograph n,v
mimesis pc
mimetic n,a
Mimi pc
mimic n,a
mimicked d
mimicking d
mimicry n
mimosa n
mina n,nopref
minaret n
minatory a
mince n,v,er
mincemeat n
mind n,v,er,na
Mindanao pc
mindset n
mine n,v,er,va
minefield n
minelayer n
mineral n,a,na
mineralogy n,na
Minerva pc
minestrone n
minesweep vi
minesweeper n
Ming pc
mingle v,er
mini n
miniature n,a,na
minim n,a,na
minima d
minimal a,na
minimax n
minimum n,a
minion n
minister n,v
ministerial a
ministration n
ministry n
miniver n
mink n
Minneapolis pc
Minnesota pc
Minnie pc
minnow n
Minoan a
minor n,v,a
Minos pc
Minotaur pc
Minsky pc
minstrel n
minstrelsy n
mint n,v,a,er
minuend n
minuet n
minus n,a
minuscule n,a
minute n,v,a,comp,man
minutia d
minutiae pc
minx n
Miocene a
Mira pc
miracle n
miraculous a
mirage n
Miranda pc
mire n,v,nopref,y
Mirfak pc
Miriam pc
mirror n,v
mirth n,na
MIRV n,v,nopref
miry a
misanthrope n,na,y
miscegenation n
miscellanea pc
miscellaneous a
miscellany n
mischievous a
miscible a,va,in
miscreant n,a
miser n,a
miserable a
misericord n
misery n
mishmash n
misnomer n
misogamy n
misogynic a
misogynist n
misogynous a
misogyny n
misprision n
mispronunciation n
miss n,v,a,y
missal n
misshapen a
missile n,nopref,man
missileer n
missilery n
mission n,v,a,er,na,va
missionary n,a
Mississippi pc
Mississippian a
Missoula pc
Missouri pc
Missy pc
mist n,v,er,nopref,y
mistletoe n
mistral n
MIT pc,nopref
Mitchell n
mite n,nopref
MITI pc,nopref
miticide n
mitigate v,ion
mitochondria pc
mitosis pc
mitral a
Mitsubishi n,nopref
mitt n,nopref
mitten n,nopref
mitzvah n
mix n,v,er,va
mixture n
mixup n
Mizar pc
mizzen n,a
mizzenmast n
MN pc,nopref
mnemonic n,a
MO pc,nopref
moa n,nopref
moan n,v,er
moat n,v
mob n,v,ms
Mobil pc
mobile n,a,na,in
mobility n,in
mobocracy n
mobster n
moccasin n
mocha n
mock n,v,er
mockery n
mockingbird n
mockup n
modal a
mode n,ed
modem n
moderacy n,in
moderate n,v,a,ion,in
moderato d
modern n,a,na
modest a,in
Modesto pc
modesty n,in
modicum n
modify v,er,ion
modish a
modular a
modulate v,ion
module n,va
moduli d
modulo d
modulus pc
modus d
Moe pc
Moen pc
Mogadiscio pc
mogul n
mohair n
Mohammed pc,nopref
Mohammedan n
Mohawk n
Mohican n
Mohr pc
moiety n
Moines pc
Moira pc
moire d
Moiseyev pc
moist a,comp
moisten v,er
moisture n,a
Mojave pc,nopref
mola n,nopref
molal a
molar n,a
molasses n
Moldova pc
mole n
molecular a
molecule n
molehill n
moleskin n
molest v,er
molestation n
Moliere pc
Moline pc
moll n
mollify v,ion
mollusc n
molluscan d
mollusk n
Molly pc
mollycoddle n,v,er
Moloch pc
molten a
molto d
Moluccas pc
molybdate n
molybdenite n
molybdenum n
mom n
moment n,a
momenta d
momentary a
momentous a
momentum n
mommy n
Mon. d,nopref
Mona pc
Monaco pc
monad n,na
monadic a
monadnock n
monarch pc,na
monarchial a
monarchic n
monarchs d
monarchy n
monasterial a
monastery n
monastic n,a,na
monatomic a
monaural a
Monday n
monel n
monetarism n
monetarist n
monetary a
money n,ed,er
moneybags n
moneylender n
monger n,v
Mongol n,a
Mongolia pc
mongolism n
Mongoloid d
mongoose n
mongrel n,a,na
Monica pc
monicker n
monied d
monies d
moniker n
monism n
monist n,na
monitor n,v,y
monk n,na
monkey n,v
monkeyflower n
monkeyshine n
monkish a
Monmouth pc
Monoceros pc
monochromatic n,a
monochromator n
monocle n,ed
monocotyledon n
monocular a
monogamous a
monogamy n
monogynous a
monogyny n
monolith n
monologist n
monologue n,na
monomer n
monomeric a
monomial n,a
Monongahela pc
mononucleosis pc
monophony n
monopoly n
monotheism n
monotheist n,na
monotonous a
monoxide n
Monroe n
Monrovia pc
Mons d
Monsanto pc
monsieur n
monsignor n
monsoon n
monster n
monstrosity n
monstrous a
Mont pc
montage n,v
Montague n
Montana pc
Montclair pc
monte n
Montenegrin pc
Monterey pc
Monteverdi pc
Montevideo pc
Montgomery n
month n,a
Monticello pc
Montmartre pc
Montpelier pc
Montrachet pc
Montreal pc
Monty pc
monument n,na
moo n,v,nopref
mooch v,er
mood n,nopref,y
moon n,v,er,y
moonbeam n
Mooney pc
moonlet n
moonlight n,v,er
moonlit a
moonrise n
moonscape n
moonset n
moonshine n,er
moonstone n
moonstruck a
moor n,v
moorage n
Moore pc
Moorish a
moose n
moot n,v,a
mop n,v,er,ms
mope n,v,er
moppet n
moraine n
moral n,a,in
morale n,a,na
Moran n
morass n,y
moratorium n
Moravia pc
morbid a,comp
mordant n,a
more n,nopref
morel n
Moreland n
moreover d
Moresby pc
Morgan n
morganatic n,a
morgue n
Moriarty n
moribund a
Morley n
Mormon n,na
morn n,vi
Moroccan pc
morocco n
moron n,a,na
moronic n,a
morose a
morph n
morpheme n
morphemic n,a
morphine n,na
morphogenesis d
morphogenetic a
morphology n,na
morphophonemic n,a
Morrill n
morris n
Morrison n
Morrissey n
Morristown pc
morrow n
Morse n
mort n
mortal n,a,in
mortar n,v
mortarboard n
mortem n
mortgage n,v,er
mortgagee n
mortgagor n
mortician n
mortify v,ion
Mortimer n,nopref
mortise n,v
Morton pc
mortuary n,a
mosaic n,v,a,na
Moscow pc
Moser n
Moses n
Moslem pc
mosque n
mosquito pc
mosquitoes d
moss n,v,na,y
mossback n
most a
mot n,nopref
mote n
motel n,nopref
motet n
moth n
mothball n,v
mother n,v,a,na
motherland n
motif n
motile n,a,in
motion n,v,na,va
motivate v,ion
motley n,nopref
motoneuron n
motor n,v,na,ion,man
motorboat n
motorcade n
motorcar n
motorcycle n,v,na
Motorola pc
mottle n,v,er
motto pc
mottoes d
Moulton n
mound n,v
mount n,v,er,va
mountain n,y
mountaineer n,v
mountainous a
mountainside n
mountaintop n
mountebank n,v
Mountie n
mourn n,v,er,na,va
mouse n,v,er,y
mousse n,nopref
moustache n
mouth n,v,er,na,y
mouthpiece n
mouthwash n
Mouton pc
move n,v,er,va
movie n
mow n,v,er
mown d
moxie n
Moyer n
Mozambique pc,nopref
Mozart pc
mozzarella pc
MPH pc,nopref
m's d,nopref
mu n,nopref
much a
mucilage n
mucilaginous a
muck n,v,er,y
muckrake v,er
mucosa n
mucous a
mucus n
mud n,v,nopref,ms
Mudd n
muddle n,v,er
muddlehead ed
muddy v,a,comp
mudguard n
mudslide n
mudsling vi,er
Mueller n
Muenster pc
muezzin n
muff n,v,er
muffin n
muffle n,v,er
mufti n
mug n,v,er,ms,y
mugwump n
Muir n
Mukden pc
mukluk n
mulatto n
mulattoes d
mulberry n
mulch n,v,er
mulct n,v
mule n
mulish a
mull n,v,er
mullah n,na
mullein n
mullen n
mullet n
mulligan n
mulligatawny n
mullion n,v
multi d
multifarious a
multiformity n
multimedia a
multinomial a
multiphasic a
multiple n,a
multiplet n
multiplex v,a,er
multiplexor n
multipliable a
multiplicable a
multiplicand n
multiplication n,na,va
multiplicity n
multiply v,er
multitude n
multitudinous a
mum n,v,a,er,ms
mumble n,v,er
mumbo d
Mumford n
mummify v,ion
mummy n,v
mumps n
munch v,er
Muncie pc
mundane a
mung n
Munich pc
municipal n,a,na
munificent a
munition n,v
Munson n
muon n
Muong pc
mural n,a,na
murder n,v,er
murderess n
murderous a
muriatic a
Muriel pc
murine n,a
murk n,y
murmur n,v,er
murmurous a
Murphy n
Murray n
murre n
muscat n
muscatel n
muscle n,v
muscovite n,a
Muscovy pc
muscular a
musculature n
muse n,v,er,nopref
musette n
museum n
mush n,v,er,y
mushroom n,v
music n
musicale n,a
musician n,a
musicology n,na
musk n,y
Muskegon pc
muskellunge n
musket n
musketeer n
musketry pc
muskmelon n
muskoxen pc
muskrat n
Muslim n,a
muslin n
muss n,v,y
mussel n
must n,v,er,y
mustachio n,ed
mustang n
mustard n
mustn't d
mutagen n
mutagenic n,a
mutandis d
mutant n,a
mutate v,ion
mutatis d
mute n,v,a,comp,va,in
mutilate v,ion
mutineer n
mutinous a
mutiny n,v
mutt n
mutter n,v,er
mutton n,y
mutual a,na
mutuel n
Muzak pc
muzhik n
Muzo pc
muzzle n,v,er
muzzy n,a
my d,nopref
Myanmar pc,nopref
mycelium n
Mycenae pc
Mycenaean a
mycology n,na
mycophagous a
myeline n
myeloid a
Myers n
mylar a
mynah n
Mynheer pc
myocardial a
myocardium n
myoglobin n
myopia n
myopic n,a
myosin n
Myra pc
myriad n,a
myrmidon n
Myrna n
Myron n
myrrh n
myrtle n
myself d
mysterious a
mystery n
mystic n,a,na
mystify v,ion
mystique n
myth n
mythic n,na
mythology n,na
mythopoeic d
myxomatosis d
NAACP pc,nopref
nab v,ms
Nabisco pc
nabla d
nabob n,a
nacelle n
nacho n
nacreous a
Nadia pc
Nadine pc
nadir n
nag n,v,er,ms
Nagasaki pc
Nagoya pc
Nagy n
Nahum pc,nopref
naiad n
nail n,v,er
Nair n
Nairobi pc
naive a,comp
naivete d
naked a,comp
Nam pc,nopref
name n,v,a,er,va
nameable a
nameplate n
namesake n
Namibia pc,nopref
Nan pc
Nancy pc
Nanette pc
Nanking pc
nanny n
Nantucket pc
Naomi pc
nap n,v,er,nopref,ms,y
napalm n
nape n
naphtha n
naphthalene n
napkin n
Naples pc
napoleon n
Napoleonic a
Narbonne pc
narcissism n
narcissist n,a,na
narcissus n
narcolepsy n
narcoleptic a
narcosis pc
narcotic n,a
nares d
Narragansett pc
narrate v,ion
narrow n,v,a,comp
narrowish a
narthex n
narwhal n
nary a,nopref
NASA pc,nopref
nasal n,a,na
nascent a,na
Nash n
Nashua pc
Nashville pc
Nassau pc
nasturtium n
nasty a,comp
Nat pc
natal a
Natalie pc
natation n
natatorium n
natatory n
Natchez pc
Nathan n
Nathaniel pc
nation n,na,va
nationwide a
NATO pc,nopref
natter v,er
natty a,comp
natural n,a,na
nature n,ed
naturopath n
naturopathy n
naughty a,comp
nausea n
nauseate v
nauseous a
nauseum pc
nautical a
nautilus n
Navajo n
naval a
nave n
navel n
navigable a,va
navigate v,ion
navvy n
navy n
nay n,nopref
naysay vi,er
Nazarene n
Nazareth pc
nazi n
nazify v,va
Naziism n
Nazism pc
N.B. d,nopref
NBA pc,nopref
NBC pc,nopref
NBS pc,nopref
NC d,nopref
NCAA pc,nopref
NCAR pc,nopref
NCR pc,nopref
ND d,nopref
Ndjamena d
NE pc,nopref
Neal pc
Neanderthal n,a
neap a
Neapolitan pc
near v,a,comp
nearby d
nearsighted a
neat n,a,comp
neath d
Nebraska pc
Nebuchadnezzar n
nebula n
nebulae pc
nebular a
nebulosity n
nebulous a
necessary n,a
necessitate v,ion
necessity n
neck n,v
neckerchief n
neckerchieves d
necklace n,v
neckline n
necktie n
necrology n,na
necromancer n
necromancy n
necromantic n,a
necrophagous a
necrophilia n,na
necropolis n
necropsy n
necrosis pc
necrotic a
nectar n,y
nectarine n
Ned pc
nee d
need n,v,na,y
Needham n
needle n,v,er,na,man
needlecraft n
needlepoint n,a
needlework n,er
needn't d
ne'er d
nefarious a
Neff n
negate n,v,er,ion
neglect n,v,er,na
negligee n
negligent a
negligible a,va
negotiable a,va
negotiant n
negotiate v,ion
Negress n
Negro pc,a
Negroes pc
negroid n,a
negrophile n,na
negrophobe n
Nehemiah pc,nopref
Nehru n
neigh n,v
Neil pc
neither a
Nell pc
Nellie pc
Nelsen n
nelson n
nematode n
nemeses d
nemesis pc
Neocene pc
neoclassic n,a,na
neoconservative n
neodymium n
neoliberal n
neolithic a
neologism n
neology n,na
neomycin n
neon n
neonatal a
neonate n
neonatology n,na
neoorthodox a
neoorthodoxy n
neophyte n
neoprene n
neotenic a
neoteny n
Nepal pc
Nepali n,a
nepenthe n
nephew n
nepotism n
Neptune pc
Neptunian n
neptunium n
nerd n,y
nereid n
Nero pc
nerve n,v,y
nervous a
Ness pc
nest n,v,er
nestle v,er
Nestor pc
Nestorian n,a,na
net n,v,er,na,ms,y
nether a
Netherlands pc
netherworld n
nettle n,v
nettlesome a
network n,v
Neumann n
neural d
neuralgia n
neuralgic a
neurally d
neurasthenia n
neurasthenic n,a
neuritis n
neurology n,na
neuron n
neuronal a
neuroses d
neurosis pc
neurotic n,a
neuter n,v,a
neutral n,a,na
neutrino n
neutron n
Neva pc
Nevada pc
never d
nevermore d
nevertheless d
Nevins n
new v,a,comp,va
Newark pc
Newbold pc
newborn a
Newbury n
Newcastle pc
newcomer n
newel n
Newell n
newfangled a
newfound a
Newfoundland pc
newish a
newlywed n
Newman n
Newport pc
news man
newsboy n
newsbreak n
newscast n,er
newsletter n
newsmonger n
newspaper n,v,man
newsprint n
newsreel n
newsroom n
newsstand n
Newsweek pc
newsworthy a
newsy n,a,comp
newt n
newton n
Newtonian a
next a
nexus n
NFL pc,nopref
Nguyen pc
NH pc,nopref
NHL pc,nopref
niacin n
Niagara n
Niamey pc
nib n
nibble n,v,er
Nibelung pc
niblick n
nibs n
Nicaragua pc
nice a,comp
Nicene a
nicety n
niche n,v
Nicholas n
Nicholls n
Nichols n
Nicholson n
nichrome n
nick n,v,er
nickelodeon n
nickname n,v,er
Nicodemus pc
Nicole pc
Nicosia pc
nicotine n
niece n
niello n,v
Nielsen n
Nielson n
Nietzsche pc
nifty n,a,comp
Niger pc
Nigeria pc
niggard n,v,a
niggardly a
nigger n
niggle v,er
nigh d,nopref
night n,a,er
nightcap n
nightclothes n
nightclub n
nightdress n
nightfall n
nightgown n
nighthawk n
nightingale n
nightjar n
nightlong a
nightmare n
nightmarish a
nightshade n
nightshirt n
nightstick n
nighttime n
nightwalker n
NIH pc,nopref
nihilism n
nihilist n,a,na
Nike pc
Nikkei pc
Nikko pc
Nikolai pc
Nikon n
nil n,a,nopref
Nile n
nilpotent a
nim v,ms
nimble a,comp
nimbostratus n
nimbus n
NIMH pc,nopref
Nimrod pc
Nina pc
nincompoop n
nine n,nopref
ninefold d
ninepence n
ninepin n
nineteen n,a
nineteenth n,a
ninetieth n,a
ninety n,a
Nineveh pc
ninny n
ninth n,a
Niobe pc
niobium n
nip n,v,er,ms,y
nipple n
Nippon pc
Nipponese a
nirvana n
nisei n
Nissan n,nopref
NIST pc,nopref
nit n,nopref,ms
nitpick v
nitrate n,v,ion
nitric a
nitride n
nitrify v,ion
nitrite n
nitrobenzene n
nitrocellulose n
nitrogen n,na
nitrogenous a
nitroglycerine n
nitrosamine n
nitrous a
nitty d
nitwit n
nix n,v
Nixon n
nizam n
NJ pc,nopref
NM pc,nopref
NNE d,nopref
NNW d,nopref
no n,nopref
NOAA pc,nopref
Noah pc
nob n
Nobel pc
nobelium n
noble a,comp,man
noblesse n
nobody n
nobody'd d
nocturnal a
nocturne n
nod n,v,er,nopref,ms,y
nodal a
node n
nodular a
nodule n
Noel pc
noetic a
nog n
noggin n
noise n,v,y
noisomely d
Nolan n
Noll n
nolo n
nomad n,a,na
nomadic a
nomenclature n
nomenklatura n
nominal a,na
nominate v,ion,in
nominee n
nomograph n
nomography n
non d,nopref
nonagenarian n,a
nonagon n
nonce n,a,nopref
nonchalant a
noncom n
nondescript n,a
none n,a,nopref
nonesuch n,a
nonetheless d
nonfeasance n
nonpareil n,a
nonplus v
nonsensical a
noodle n
nook n
noon n,vi
noonday n
noontide n
noontime n
noose n,v
nor d,nopref
Nora pc
Norbert pc
Nordhoff n
Nordic n,a
Nordstrom n
Noreen pc
norepinephrine n
Norfolk pc
noria n
norm n,v
Norma pc
normal n,a,na
normalcy n
Norman n,a
Normandy pc
normative a
Norris n
Norse na,man
north n,vi,a,er
Northampton pc
northbound a
northeast n,a,er
northeastern a,er
northeastward n
northerly n
northern n,a,er
northernmost d
northland n
northmost d
Northrop n
Northrup n
Northumberland pc
northward n
northwest n,a,er
northwestern a,er
northwestward n
Norton n
Norwalk pc
Norway pc
Norwegian n,a
Norwich pc
nose n,v,y
nosebag n
nosebleed n
nosedive v
nosegay n
nosepiece n
nosh n
nostalgia n
nostalgic n,a
Nostradamus pc
Nostrand pc
nostril n
nostrum n
not d
notarial a
notary n
notate v,ion
notch n,v
note n,v,er,va
notebook n
noteworthy a
nothing n,a
notice n,v
noticeable a
notify v,er,ion
notion n,na
notoriety n
notorious a
Nottingham pc
notwithstanding d
Nouakchott pc
nougat n
noun n
nourish v,er,va
nouveau d
Nov. d,nopref
nova n
Novak pc
novel n,a,na
novelette n
novella n
novelty n
November n
novena n
novice n
novitiate n
novo d
Novosibirsk pc
now pc,nopref
nowadays d
nowhere n
nowise d
noxious a
nozzle n
NRA pc,nopref
NRC pc,nopref
n's d,nopref
NSA pc,nopref
NSF pc,nopref
NTIS pc,nopref
nu n,nopref
nuance n
nub n
nubbin n
nubble n
nubbly a,comp
Nubia pc
nubile a
nubility n
nucleant n
nuclear a
nucleate v,a,ion
nuclei d
nucleic a
nucleoli d
nucleolus n
nucleon n
nucleonic n,a
nucleoplasm n
nucleoprotein n
nucleoside n
nucleotide n
nucleus pc
nuclide n
nude n,a,na
nudge n,v,er
nugatory a
nugget n
nuisance n
nuisancy a
nuke v
null n,v,a
nullify v,er,ion
numb v,a,comp
number n,v,er,va
numbly d
numbskull n
numerable a,in
numeral n,a
numerate v,ion
numeric n
Numerische pc
numerology n,na
numerous a
numinous a
numismatic n,a
numismatist n
nun n
nuncio n
nunnery n
nuptial n,a
nurse n,v,er
nursemaid n
nursery n,man
nurserymaid n
nursling n
nurture n,v,er
nut n,v,na,nopref,ms,y
nutant a
nutate ion
nutcrack er
nuthatch n
nutmeg n
nutpick n
nutria n
nutrient n,a
nutriment n
nutrition n,na
nutritious a
nutshell n
nuzzle v
NV pc,nopref
NW d,nopref
NWT pc,nopref
NY pc,nopref
N.Y.C. d,nopref
NYC pc,nopref
nylon n
nymph n
nymphomania n,na
NYPD pc,nopref
Nyquist n
NYSE pc,nopref
NYU pc,nopref
NZ d,nopref
oaf n
oafish a
Oahu pc
oak n
oaken a
Oakland pc
Oakley n
oakum n
oakwood n
oar n,v,nopref
oarlock n
oars man
oases d
oasis pc
oat n,nopref
oath n
oatmeal n
Obadiah pc,nopref
obbligato n,a
obduracy n
obdurate a
obedient a
obeisant a
obelisk n
Oberlin pc
Oberon pc
obese a
obey v,er
obfuscate v,ion
obi n
obit n
obituary n,a
object n,v,ion
objectify v,ion
objectivity n
objet n
oblate n,a,ion
obligate v,a,ion
oblige v,er
obligee n,nopref
obligor n
oblique n,a
obliterate v,ion
oblivion n
oblivious a
oblong n,a
obloquy n
obnoxious a
oboe n
oboist n
O'Brien pc
obscene a,comp
obscurant n,a,na
obscuration n,na
obscure n,v,a
obsequious a
obsequy n
observant n,a,in
observation n,a,na
observatory n
observe v,er,va
obsess v
obsession n,na,va
obsidian n
obsolesce v
obsolescent a
obsolete v,a
obstacle n
obstetric n,a
obstetrician n
obstinacy n
obstinate a
obstreperous a
obstruct v,ion
obtain v,er,va
obtrude v,er
obtrusion n,na,va
obtuse a
obverse n,a
obviate v,ion
obvious a
ocarina n
occasion n,v,na
occident n
occidental a,na
occipital n,a
occiput n
occlude v
occlusion n,na,va
occult n,v,a,er,na
occultation n
occupant n,a,na
occupation n,na
occupy v,er
occur v,ms
occurrent n,a
ocean n
oceanarium n
oceangoing a
Oceania pc
oceanic a
oceanography n,er
oceanside n
ocelli d
ocelot n
o'clock d
O'Connell pc
O'Connor pc
Oct. d,nopref
octagon n
octagonal a
octahedra n
octahedral a
octahedron n
octal a
octameter n
octane n
octant n
octave n
Octavia pc
octavo n
octennial a
octet n
octile n
octillion n
October n
octogenarian n,a
octopod n,a
octopus n
octoroon n
ocular n,a
oculist n
odd n,a,comp
oddball n,a
oddment n
ode n,nopref
O'Dell pc
Odessa pc
odeum n
Odin pc
odious a
odium n,nopref
Odom n
odometer n
O'Donnell pc
odorant n
odoriferous a
odorous a
O'Dwyer pc
Odysseus pc
odyssey n
Oedipal pc
Oedipus pc
oenology n,na
o'er d
oersted n
oestrous d
oeuvre n
of d,nopref
off n,vi,nopref
offal n
offbeat n,a
Offenbach pc
offend v,er
offensive n,a,in
offer n,v
offertory n
offhand ed
office n,er
officeholder n
officemate n
official n,a,na
officialdom n
officiate v,ion
officio d
officious a
offload v
offprint n,v
offset vi,er,va,ms
offshoot n
offshore a
offspring n
offstage d
oft d,nopref
often d
oftentimes d
ofttimes d
Ogden n
ogee n
ogle n,v,er
ogre n
ogress n
oh n,nopref
O'Hare pc
Ohio pc
ohm n
ohmic a
ohmmeter n
oil n,v,er,man
oilcloth n
oilseed n
oilskin n
oilstone n
oily a,comp
oink v
ointment n
OK n,v,nopref
okapi n
Okay pc
OK'd d
Okinawa pc
Oklahoma pc
okra n
Olaf pc
old n,a,comp
olden d
Oldenburg n
oldie n
oldish a
Oldsmobile n
oldster n
oldy n
oleaginous a
oleander n
O'Leary pc
olefin n
olefinic a
oleo n
oleomargarine n
olfaction n
olfactory a
Olga pc
oligarch pc
oligarchic n,a
oligarchs d
oligarchy n
Oligocene a
oligoclase n
oligopoly n
Olin pc
olive n,a
Oliver n
Olivetti pc
Olivia pc
olivine n
Ollie n
Olsen n
Olson n
Olympia pc
olympiad n
Olympic n,a
Olympus pc
Omaha n
Oman pc
omasum n
ombuds man
omega n
omelet n
omelette n
omen n,ed,nopref
omicron n
ominous a
omission n,na,va
omit v,va,ms
omnibus n,a
omnidirectional a
omnipotent n,a
omnipresent a
omnirange n
omniscient a
omnivore n
omnivorous a
on d,nopref
once n,a,nopref
oncology n,na
oncoming a
one n,nopref
Oneida n
O'Neil n
oneness d
onerous a
oneself d
onetime a
oneupmanship pc
ongoing n,a
onion n
onionskin n
onlook vi,er
only d
onomatopoeia n
onomatopoeic n,a
onomatopoetic n
Onondaga n
onrush n
onrushing a
onset n
onshore a
onslaught n
Ont. d,nopref
Ontario pc
onto d
ontogenetic n,a
ontogeny n
ontology n,na
onus n,nopref
onward n,a
onyx n
oodles n
oolong n
oomph n
oops d
ooze n,v,y
op. d,nopref
opacity n
opal n
opalescent a
opaline a
opaque n,a
OPEC pc,nopref
Opel n
open n,v,a,comp,va
openhanded a
openhearted a
openmouthed a
openwork n
opera n
operable a,in
operago vi,er
operand n
operant n,v,a,ion
operate v,ion
operatic n,a
operculum n
operetta n
Ophelia pc
Ophiucus pc
ophthalmic a
ophthalmology n,na
opiate n,a
opine v
opinion n
opinionated a
opium n
opossum n
Oppenheimer n
opponent n,a
opportune a,na,in
oppose n,v,er,va
opposite n,a
opposition n,na
oppress v
oppression n,na,va
oppressor n
opprobrious a
opprobrium n
opt v,ion
optative n,a
optic n,a
optician n
optima pc
optimal a
optimism n
optimist n,a
optimistic n,a
optimum n,a
optoacoustic n,a
optoelectronic n,a
optoisolate v
optometrist n
optometry pc
opulent a
opus n,nopref
opuscule n
or n,nopref
oracle n
oracular a
oral n,a,nopref
orange n,a
orangeade n
orangeroot n
orangery n
orangish a
orangutan n
orate v,ion
oratorical a
oratorio n
oratory n
orb n,v,nopref
orbicular a
orbit n,v,er
orbital a
orchard n,na
orchestra n
orchestral a
orchestrate v,ion
orchid n
orchis n
ordain v,er,va
ordeal n
order n,v,er
orderly n,a
ordinal n,a
ordinance n
ordinary n,a
ordinate n,v,a,ion
ordnance n
Ordovician a
ordure n
ore n,nopref
oregano n
Oregon pc
Oresteia pc
Orestes pc
organ n,na
organdy n
organic n,a,na,in
organismic n,a
organometallic n,a
orgasm n
orgiastic n,a
orgy n
orient n,v,va
oriental n,a,na
orienteer n,vi
orifice n
origami n
origin n
original n,a
originate v,ion
Orin pc
Orinoco pc
oriole n
Orion pc
Orionid n
orison n
Orkney pc
Orlando pc
Orleans pc
Orlon pc
ormolu n
ornament n,v,na
ornamentation n
ornate a,ion
ornately d
ornery a,comp
ornithology n,na
orogenesis pc
orogenic a
orogeny n
orography n
Orono pc
orotund a
orphan n,v,a
orphanage n
Orpheus pc
Orphic pc
Orr n,nopref
orrery n
Ortega n
orthant n,a
orthicon n
ortho a
orthoclase n
orthodontic n,a
orthodontist n
orthodox n,a
orthodoxy n
orthogonal n,a
orthography n,er
orthonormal a
orthophosphate n
orthorhombic a
orthotropic n,a
Ortiz n
Orville pc
Orwell n
Orwellian a
oryx n
o's d
Osaka pc
Osborn n
Osborne n
Oscar n
oscillate v,ion
oscillograph n
oscillography n
oscilloscope n
osculate v,ion,in
Osgood n
OSHA pc,nopref
O'Shea pc
Oshkosh pc
osier n
Osiris pc
Oslo pc
osmium n
osmosis pc,nopref
osmotic n,a,nopref
osprey n
osseous a
ossify v,ion
ossuary n
ostensible a
ostensive a
ostentation n
ostentatious a
osteology n,na
osteomyelitis n
osteopath n,y
osteopathic n,a
osteoporosis d
ostracism n
ostracod n
Ostrander n
ostrich n
O'Sullivan pc
Oswald n
Othello pc
other n,nopref
otherness n
otherwise a
otherworld n
otherworldly a
otic d,nopref
otiose a
Otis n
Ott n,nopref
Ottawa n
otter n
Otto n,man
Ouagadougou pc
ouch n,nopref
ought d,nopref
oughtn't d,nopref
Ouija pc
ounce n
our d,nopref
ours d,nopref
ourselves d
oust v,er
out n,vi,er
outermost a
outlandish a
outlaw n,v
outlawry n
outlier n
outpace v
outrageous a
outrance n
outshine v
ouzel n
ouzo n
ova pc,nopref
oval n,a,nopref
ovarian a
ovary n
ovate a,ion
oven n,nopref
ovenbird n
over n,v,a
overhang n,vi
overt a
overture n,v
Ovid pc
oviduct n
oviform n
ovine n,a
oviparous a
ovipositor n
ovoid n,a
ovular a,nopref
ovulate v,ion
ovum n
owe v
Owen pc
Owens n
owing d
owl n,y
owlet n
owlish a
own v,a,er,va
ox pc,nopref
oxalate n
oxalic n,a
oxbow n,a
Oxbridge pc
oxcart n
oxen pc
oxeye n
oxford n
oxidant n
oxidase n
oxidate ion
oxide n,na
Oxnard pc
oxtail n
oxygen n
oxygenate v,ion
oxygenic a
oxymoron n
oxymoronic a
oyez n
oyster n,man
Ozark n,nopref
ozone n,na
pa n,a,nopref
Pablo pc
Pabst pc
PAC pc,nopref
paca n
pace n,v,er,nopref
paceset v,ms
pachyderm n
pachysandra n
pacific n,a,na
pacifism n
pacifist n,a,na
pacify v,er,ion
pack n,v,a,er,va,man
package n,v,er
Packard n
packet n,na
packsack n
packsaddle n
pact n,nopref
pad n,v,ms
paddle n,v,er
paddock n
paddy n
padlock n,v
padre n
paean n
pagan n,a,na
page n,v,er
pageant n
pageantry n
pageboy n
paginate v,ion
pagoda n
paid d
pail n,na
pain n,v,na
Paine n
painstaking n,a
paint n,v,er,va
paintbrush n
pair n,v,er,va
pairwise a
paisley n,a
Pakistan pc
Pakistani n
pal n,v,a,ms
palace n
paladin n
palanquin n
palatal n,a,na
palate n,va
palatial a
palatine n
palaver n,v
palazzi d
palazzo pc
pale n,v,a,comp,in
paleface n
Palermo pc
Palestine pc
Palestinian n
palette n
palfrey n
palimpsest n
palindrome n
palindromic n,a
palisade n,v
pall n,v
palladia pc
Palladian a,na
palladium n
Pallas pc
pallbearer n
pallet n,na
palliate v,ion
pallid a
palm n,v,er,na,y
palmate ed,a,ion
palmetto n
palmistry n
Palmolive pc
Palmyra pc
Palo pc
Palomar pc
palomino n
palp n
palpable a,in
palpate v,ion
palpitant a
palpitate v,ion
palsy n,v
paltry a
Pam pc
Pamela pc
pampa n
pamper v,er
pamphlet n
pamphleteer n,v
pan n,v,nopref,ms
panacea n
panache n
panama n
Panamanian n
panatela n
pancake n,v
Pancho pc
panchromatic a
pancreas n
pancreatic a
panda n
Pandanus pc
pandemic n,a
pandemonium n
pander n,v,er
Pandora pc
pane n
panegyric n
panegyrist n
pang n,v,nopref
panhandle n,v,er
panic n,v,a
panicked d
panicking a
panicky a,comp
panicle n,ed
panjandrum n
panky d
pannier n
panoply n,ed
panorama n
panoramic a
pansy n
pant n,v,er
pantaloon n
pantheism n
pantheist n,na
pantheon n
panther n
pantograph n
pantomime n,v,na
pantomimic a
pantry n
panty n
pantywaist n,a
panzer n,a
Paoli pc
pap n
papa n
papacy n
papal a
papaw n
papaya n
paper n,v,er,na
paperback n,a
paperboard n,a
paperbound d
paperhang vi,er
paperweight n
paperwork n
papery a,comp
papillary a
papist n
papistry n
papoose n
Pappas n
pappy n
paprika n
Papua pc
papyri d
papyrus n
par n,v,nopref,ms
para n,a,va,nopref
parabola n
parabolic a
paraboloid n
parachute n,na
parade n,v,er
paradigm n
paradigmatic a
paradise n
paradisiac a
paradox n
paradoxic n
paraffin n,v
paragon n,v
Paraguay pc
parakeet n
paralinguistic n,a
parallax n
parallelepiped n
parallelism n,na
parallelogram n
paralytic n,a
Paramaribo pc,nopref
paramecium n
paramour n
Paramus pc
paranoia n,na
paranoid n,a
parapet n,ed
paraphernalia n
paraplegia n
paraplegic n,a
parasite n,na
parasitology n,na
parasol n
parathion n
paraxial a
parboil v
parch v,va
pardner n
pardon n,v,er,va
pare v,er,va
paregoric n
parent n,v,na
parentage n
parental a
parentheses d
parenthesis pc
parenthetic n,a
Pareto pc
parfait n
pariah n
paribus d,nopref
parietal n,a
parimutuel a
Paris pc
parish n
parishioner n
Parisian n
parity n
park n,v,er
parka n
Parke n
Parkinson n
parkinsonism n
parkland n
parkway n
parlance n
parlay n,v
parley n,v
parliament n
parliamentarian n
parliamentary a
parlous a
Parmesan pc
parochial a,na
parodist n
parody n,v
parole n,v,a
parolee n
paroxysm n
parquet n,v
Parr n
parricide n
Parrish n
parrot n,v,a
parry n,v,nopref
parse n,v,er,va,nopref
parsec n
Parsifal pc
parsimonious a
parsimony n
parsley n
parsnip n
parson n
parsonage n
part n,v,a,er,va,in
partake vi,er
parterre n
Parthenon pc
partial n,a,in
participant n,a
participate v,ion
participial a
participle n
particle n
particular n,a,na
particulate n,a
partisan n,a
partita n
partition n,v,er,na,va
partner n,v
partook d
partridge n
parturition n
party n,v,er
partygo v,er
parvenu n,a
Pasadena pc
Pascal pc
paseo n
pasha n
Paso pc
pass n,v,er,va
passage n,v
passageway n
Passaic pc
passbook n
passe d
passel n
passenger n
passerby n
passerine n,a
passeth d
passion n,v,na,va,in
passionate a,in
passivate v,ion
passkey n
Passover n
passport n
password n
past n,v,y
pasta n
paste n,v,er
pasteboard n,a
pastel n,a,na
pasteup n
Pasteur pc
pastiche n
pastime n
pastor n,na
pastoral n,a
pastorale n,na
pastorate n
pastrami n
pastry n
pasturage n
pasture n,v,er
pat n,v,nopref,ms
Patagonia pc
patch n,v,er,va,y
patchwork n
pate n,ed,er
Patel n
patent n,v,a,va
patentee n
paterfamilias n
paternal a,na
paternity n
paternoster n
Paterson n
path n
pathetic n,a
pathfind er
pathogen n
pathogenesis pc
pathogenic n,a
pathology n,na
pathos n
pathway n
patient n,a
patina n
patio n
patois n
patriarch pc
patriarchal a
patriarchate n
patriarchs d
patriarchy n
Patrice pc
Patricia pc
patrician n,a
patricidal a
patricide n
Patrick n
patrilineal a
patrimonial a
patrimony n
patriot n,na
patriotic n,a
patristic n,a
patrol n,v,er,man,ms
patron n,na
patronage n
patroness n
patronymic n,a
patsy n
patter n,v,er
pattern n,v
Patterson n
Patti pc
Patton n
patty n
paucity n
Paul pc,na
Paula pc
Paulette pc
Pauli pc
Pauline a
Paulo pc
Paulsen n
Paulson n
Paulus pc
paunch n,y
pauper n,na
pause n,v
pavane n
pave v,er,va
pavilion n,v
Pavlov pc
Pavlovian a
paw n,v
pawl n
pawn n,v,er
pawnbroker n
pawnshop n
pawpaw n
Pawtucket pc
pax pc
pay n,v,a,er,va
payback n
paycheck n
payday n
payee n
payload n
paymaster n
Payne n
payoff n,a
payola n
payout n
payroll n
Paz pc
PBS pc,nopref
PDQ d,nopref
pea n,na
Peabody pc
peace n,v,na
peaceable a
peacetime n
peach n,v,va,in,y
Peachtree pc
peacock n,v
peafowl n
peahen n
peak n,v,a,y
peal n,v,er,va
Peale n
peanut n,a
pear n,a
Pearce n
pearl n,v,er,na
Pearson n
peasant n,na
peasantry n
Pease n
peashooter n
peat n,v,va,y
peavy n
pebble n,v,a
pecan n
peccable a,va,in
peccadillo n
peccadilloes d
peccary n
peck n,v,er,nopref,y
Pecos pc
pectin n
pectoral n,a
peculate v,ion
peculiar n,a
pecuniary a
pedagogic n,a
pedagogue n
pedagogy n
pedant n
pedantic a
pedantry n
peddle v,er
pederast n,y
pedestrian n,a,na
pedicab n
pedicure n
pedigree n,ed
pediment n,na,in
pedlar n
pedometer n
Pedro pc
pee n,nopref
peed d,nopref
peek n,v,er
peekaboo n
peel n,v,er,nopref
peen n,v
peep n,v,er,y
peephole n
peer n,v
peerage n
peeress n
peeve n,v
peevish a
peewee n
peg n,v,a,ms
Pegasus pc
pegboard n
Peggy pc
pegmatite n,na
PEI pc,nopref
pejorative a
Peking pc
Pekingese n
pekoe n
pelagic a
Pelham pc
pelican n
pellagra n
pellet n,v,nopref
pellucid a
pelt n,v,er,nopref
peltry n
pelvic n,a
pelvis n
Pembroke pc
pemmican n
pen n,v,er,man,ms
Pena n
penal a,na
penalty n,a
penance n,v,nopref
penates n
pence n,nopref
penchant n
pendant n
pending d
pendulous a
pendulum n
Penelope pc
peneplain n
peneplane n
penetrable a,in
penetrant n,a
penetrate v,ion
penguin n
Penh pc
penholder n
penicillin n
peninsula n
peninsular a
penis n
penitent n,a,in
penitential a
penitentiary n,a
penknife n
Penn n
penna n
pennant n
Pennington n
pennon n
Pennsylvania pc
penny n,nopref
pennyroyal n
pennyweight n
penology n,na
Penrose n
Pensacola pc
pension n,v,er,va
penstock n
pent v,a,er
pentad n
pentagon n
pentagonal a
pentagram n
pentamer n
pentameter n
pentane n,nopref
Pentateuch pc
pentathlon n
Pentecost pc
pentecostal na
penthouse n
penult n
penultimate a
penumbra n
penumbral a
penurious a
penury n
peon n
peonage n
peony n
people n,v
Peoria pc
pep n,v,ms,y
pepper n,v,er
peppercorn n
peppergrass n
peppermint n
pepperoni pc
peppery a,comp
Pepsi pc
PepsiCo pc
peptic a
peptide n
per d,nopref
peradventure n
perambulate v,ion
percale n
perceivable d,in
perceive v,er
percent n,a
percentage n
percentile n
percept n,ion,in
perceptible a,in
perceptual a
perch n,v
perchance d
perchlorate n
Percival pc
percolate v,ion
percussion n,na,va
Percy pc
perdition n
perdurable a,va
peregrinate v,ion
peregrine n,a
peremptory a
perennial n,a
perestroika n
Perez n
perfect n,v,a,er,ion,in
perfecta n
perfectible a,va
perfervid a
perfidious a
perfidy n
perforate v,a,ion,in
perforce d
perform v,er,va
performance n
perfume n,v,er
perfumery n
perfunctory a
perfuse v
perfusion n,na,va
Pergamon pc
pergola n
perhaps n
Periclean a
Pericles pc
perigee n
perihelion n
Perilla pc
perilous a
perimeter n
period n,a,na
periodic n,a
periodontic n
periodontist n
peripatetic n,a,na
peripheral n,a
periphery n
periphrastic n,a
periscope n
perish v,va,in
peristyle n
peritectic n,a
peritoneal a
periwig n,ed,ms
periwinkle n
perjure v,er
perjury n
perk v,y
Perkins n
Perle pc
perlite n,na
permafrost n
permalloy n
permanent n,a,na,in
permeable a,in
permeance n
permeate v,ion
Permian a
permissible a,in
permission n,na,va
permit n,v,ms
permittivity n
permutation n,na
permute v,er,va
pernicious a
pernickety a
Pernod pc
perorate v,ion
peroxide n,v
perpendicular n,a
perpetrate v,ion
perpetual a
perpetuate v,ion
perpetuity n
perplex v,a
perquisite n
Perry n
persecute v,ion
persecutor n,y
Perseid n
Persephone pc
Perseus pc
perseverance n
persevere v
Pershing pc
Persia pc
Persian n,a
persiflage n
persimmon n
persist v,er
persistent a,na
persnickety a
person n,va
persona n,nopref
personae pc
personage n
personal n,a,na,in
personify v,er,ion
personnel n
perspective n,a
perspicacious a
perspicacity n
perspicuity n
perspicuous a
perspiration n
perspire v
persuade v,er,va
persuasion n,na,va
pert a,comp
pertain v
Perth pc
pertinacious a
pertinacity n
pertinent a,in
perturb v,va,in
perturbation n,na
Peru pc
perusal n
peruse v,er
Peruvian n
pervade v
pervasion n,na,va
perverse a
perversion n,na,va
pervert n,v,er
pervious a,in
peseta n
pesky a,comp
peso n
pessimal a
pessimism n
pessimist n,na
pessimum n
pest n,er
pesticide n
pestiferous a
pestilent a
pestilential a
pestle n,v
pet n,v,er,nopref,ms,y
petal n,ed,na
petard n
Pete pc,er
peter v
Petersburg pc
Petersen n
Peterson n
petiole n,ed
petit d
petite a
petition n,v,er,na,va
petrel n
petri d
petrifaction n,na,va
petrify v,ion
petrochemical n
petroglyph n
petrography n,er
petrol n
petrolatum n
petroleum n
petrology n,na
petticoat n,a
pettifog v,er,ms
pettifoggery n
pettish a
petulant a,na
petunia n
Peugeot pc
pew n
pewter n,a,er
peyote n
pfennig n
Pfizer pc
phaeton n
phage n
phagocyte n,na
phalange n,er
phalanx n
phalarope n
phallic a,na
phallus n
phantasm n
phantasy n
phantom n,a
pharaoh n
pharaonic a
pharisaic n,a
pharisee n
pharmaceutic n,a
pharmacist n
pharmacology n,na
pharmacopoeia n
pharmacy n
pharyngeal a
pharynx n
phase n,v,er
phasor n
PhD pc,nopref
pheasant n
Phelps n
phenobarbital n
phenol n
phenolic n,a
phenomena pc
phenomenal a,na
phenomenology n,na
phenomenon pc
phenotype n
phenotypic n,a
phenyl n
pheromone n
phi n
phial n
Phil pc
Philadelphia pc
philander v,er
philanthropic n,a
philanthropist n
philanthropy n
philatelic n,a
philatelist n
philately n
Philemon pc,nopref
philharmonic n,a
Philip pc
Philippian n
philippic n
Philippine pc
philistine n,na
Phillip n
Phillips n
philodendron n
philology n,na
Philomena pc
philosopher n
philosophic n,a
philosophy n
Phipps n
phlebitis n
phlebotomist n
phlebotomy n
phlegm n
phlegmatic n,a
phloem n
phlogiston n
phlox n
phobia n
phobic a
phoebe n
Phoebus pc
Phoenicia pc
phoenix n
phon n,y,nopref
phone n,v,er
phoneme n
phonemic n,a
phonetic n,a
phonetician n
phonic n,a
phonograph n
phonology n,na
phonon n
phosgene n
phosphate n,na
phosphene n
phosphide n
phosphine n
phosphor n,na
phosphoresce v
phosphorescent a
phosphoric a
phosphorus n
phosphorylate n,ion
photo n,v,a
photogenic n,a
photogrammetry pc
photography n,er
photolysis pc
photolytic a
photon n
photonic n,a
photostat v
phrasal a
phrase n,v,er
phraseology n,na
phrenology n,na
phthalate n
phthisis n
phyla pc
phyletic n,a,na
Phyllis pc
phyllotaxis pc
phylogenetic n,a
phylogeny n
phylum n
physic n,v,na
physician n
Physik pc
physiochemical n,a
physiognomy n
physiography n,er
physiology n,na
physiotherapist n
physiotherapy n
physique n,ed
phytology n
phytoplankton n
phytotoxic a
phytotoxin n
pi n,v,nopref
pianissimo n
pianist n
piano n
pianoforte n
piaster n
piazza n
pica n,nopref
picador n
picalilli n
picaresque a
Picasso pc
picayune n,a
Piccadilly pc
piccolo n,a,na
pick n,v,er,y
pickaninny n
pickax n,v
pickaxe n
pickerel n
Pickering n
picket n,v,er
Pickett n
Pickford n
pickle n,v,er
Pickman n
pickoff d
pickpocket n
pickup n
picnic n,v
picnicked d
picnicker n
picnicking d
Pict n
pictograph n
pictographic a
pictorial n,a
picture n,v
picturesque a
piddle v,er
piddly d
pidgin n
pie n,ed
piebald n,a
piece n,v,er
piecemeal a
piecewise d
piecework n,er
piedmont n,a
pier n
pierce n,v,er
Pierre pc
Pierrot n
Pierson n
pieta n
pietism n
pietist n,na
pietistic n,a
piety n,in
piezoelectric n,a
piffle n,v
pig n,v,ms,y
pigeon n
pigeonfoot ed
pigeonhole n,v
piggish a
piggledy d
piggyback v
pigheaded a
piglet n
pigment n,v
pigmentary a
pigmentation n
pigmy n
pigpen n
pigroot n
pigskin n
pigstick v,er
pigsty n
pigtail n
pike n,v,er,man
pilaf n
pilaster n
Pilate pc
pile n,v
pileate ed,a
pileup n
pilfer v,er
pilferage n
pilgrim n
pilgrimage n,v
pill n,v
pillage n,v,er
pillar n,v
pillory n,v
pillow n,v
pillowcase n
Pillsbury pc
pilot n,v,a
pimento n
pimiento n
pimp n,v,a
pimple n,ed
pin v,er,ms
pinafore n
pinata n
pinball n
pincer n,na
pinch n,v,er
pincushion n
pine n,v,er,y
pineal a
pineapple n
Pinehurst pc
pinetum n
pinewood n
pinfeather n,ed
ping n,v,nopref
pinhead n,ed
pinhole n
pinion n,v
pink n,v,a,comp,y
pinkeye n
pinkie n
pinkish a
pinko n
pinnace n
pinnacle n,v
pinnate a,ion
pinochle n
pinpoint v,a
pinprick n,v
pinsetter n
Pinsky n
pinspotter n
pinstripe n
pint n,nopref
pintail n
pintle n
pinto n,a
pinup n,a
pinwheel n
pion n,nopref
pioneer n,v,a
pious a,in
pip n,v,ms
pipe n,v,er,na
pipeline n,v
pipette n
pipsissewa n
piquant a,na
pique v
piracy n
Piraeus pc
piranha n
pirate n,v,nopref
piratic n
pirogue n
pirouette n,v
pirouetted d
pirouetting n
Piscataway pc
piscatory a
Pisces pc
pisciculture n
piscine a
piss n,v,er,nopref
pissoir n
pistachio n
pistil n
pistole n,v
pistoleer n
piston n
pit n,v,man,ms
pita n
pitch n,v,er,man,y
pitchblende n
pitchfork n,v
pitchstone n
piteous a
pitfall n
pith n,v,y
pithead n
pithecanthropus n
pitiable a
pitilessly d
Pitney n
piton n,nopref
Pitt pc
pittance n
Pittman n
Pitts n
Pittsburgh pc
Pittsburgher n
Pittsfield pc
Pittston pc
pituitary a
pity n,v,er,na
Pius pc
pivot n,v,a
pivotal a
pixel n
pixie n,a
pixilate v,ion
pixy a,comp
pizza n
pizzazz d
pizzeria n
pizzicato d
placable a,va,in
placard n,v
placate v,er,ion
place n,v,er,va
placeable a
placebo n
placehold vi,er
placenta n
placental n,a
placid a
placket n
plagiarism n
plagiarist n,na
plagioclase n
plague n,vi,er,y
plagued d
plaguey a
plaguily d
plaice n
plaid n,ed
plain n,v,a,comp
plainclothesman pc
Plainfield pc
plains man
plainsong n
plainspoken a
plaint n,na
plaintiff n
plaintive a
plait n,v,er
plan n,v,er,ms
planar a
planarian n
Planck pc
plane n,v,a,er
planeload n
planet n
planetaria pc
planetarium n
planetary a
planetesimal n
planetoid n
plangent a,na
planimeter n
plank n,v
plankton n
planktonic a
planoconcave a
planoconvex a
plant n,v,er,na,va,in
plantain n
plantation n,in
plaque n
plasm n
plasma n
plasmon n
plaster n,v,er,y
plasterboard n
plasterwork n
plastic n,a,na
plastomer n
plastron n
plat n,v,er,ms
plate n,v,er,na,y
plateau v
platelet n
platen n
platform n
platinic a
platinum n
platitude n
platitudinous a
Plato pc
platonic n,a
Platonism pc
Platonist n,na
platoon n
Platte pc
platypus n
plaudit n
plausible a,in
play n,v,er,na,va
playa n
playact v
playback n
playbill n
playboy n
playgo vi,er
playground n
playhouse n
playland n
playlet n
playmate n
playoff n
playpen n
playroom n
playsuit n
plaything n
playtime n
playwright n
playwriting d
plaza n
plea n,nopref
plead v,er,va
pleasant a,comp
pleasantry n
please v,er
pleasure n,v,na,va
pleat n,v,er
plebe n
plebeian n,a,na
plebiscite n
plectrum n
pled d
pledge n,v,er
Pleiades pc
Pleistocene a
plenary a
plenipotentiary n,a
plenish v,er,va
plenitude n
plenteous a
plenty n,a,na
plenum n
plesiosaur n
plethora n
pleura n
pleural a
pleurisy n
Plexiglas pc
plexus n
pliable a,va
pliancy n
pliant a
pliers n
plight n,v,er
plimsoll n
plink n,v,er
plinth n
Pliny pc
Pliocene a
plod n,v,er,nopref,ms
plop n,v,ms
plosion n,na,va,in
plot n,v,er,ms
plover n
plowboy n
plowshare n
ploy n,nopref
pluck n,v,er,nopref,y
plug n,v,er,ms
plugboard n
pluggable a
plum n,na,ms
plumage n
plumb n,v,a,er,na
plumbago n
plumbate v
plumbic a
plume n,v,y
plummet n,v
plumose a
plump n,v,a,comp
plumpish a
plunder n,v,er,va
plunge n,v,er
plunk n,v,er
pluperfect n,a
plural n,a,na
plus n,v,nopref
plush n,a,y
Plutarch pc
Pluto pc
plutocracy n
plutocrat n
plutocratic n,a
plutonian a
plutonic a
plutonium n
pluvial a
ply n,v,er,in
Plymouth n
plyscore n
plywood n
p.m. d,nopref
PM pc,nopref
pneuma n
pneumatic n,a
pneumococcus n
pneumonia n
pneumonic a
Po pc
poach n,v,er,nopref
pock n,v,y
pocket n,v,a,na
pocketbook n
pockmark n,v
Pocono pc
pocus d
pod n,v,ms
podia pc
podiatrist n
podiatry n
podium n
Podunk n
podzol n,na
Poe pc
poem n
poesy n
poet n,na
poetaster n
poetess n
poetic n,a,na
poetress n
poetry n
pogo d
pogrom n,v,na
poi pc,nopref
poignant a,na
Poincare pc
poinsettia n
point n,v,er,y
pointillism n
pointillist n,na
pointwise a
poise n,v
poison n,v,a,er
poisonous a
Poisson pc
poke n,v,er,y
pokerface n
pokey n
pol a,nopref
Poland pc
polar n,a,na
polarimeter n
Polaris n
polariscope n
polariscopic a
polariton n
polarograph n,v
polarography n
Polaroid pc
polaron n
polder n
pole n,v,er,na
polecat n
polemic n,a,na
police n,v,man
policy n
policyholder n
polio n
poliomyelitis n
polis n,nopref
polish n,v,er
politburo n
polite a,comp,na,in
politesse n
politic n,na
politician n
politicker n
politicking d
politico n
politics d
polity n
Polk n
polka n,v
poll n,v,er,nopref
pollack n
Pollard n
pollen n,na
pollinate v,ion
polliwog n
pollock n
pollster n
pollutant n
pollute v,er,ion
Pollux pc
Pollyanna n
polo n,na
polonaise n
polonium n
polopony n
poltergeist n
poltroon n,a
poly d
polyandry n
polyethylene n
polygamist n
polygamous a
polygamy n
polyglot n,a,na
polygon n
polygonal a
polygynous a
polyhedra n
polyhedral a
polyhedron n
Polyhymnia pc
polymathic n,a
polymer n,y
polymerase n
polymeric n,a
polymorph n,na
polymorphic n,a
polymorphous a
Polynesia pc
Polynices pc
polynomial n,a
polyp n
Polyphemus pc
polyphonous a
polyphony n
polyploid n,a
polypropylene n
polytechnic n,a
polytheism n
polytheist n,a,na
polytope n
polytypy n
pomade n,v
pomegranate n
pomology n,na
Pomona pc
pomp n
pompadour n
pompano n
Pompeii pc
pompon n
pomposity n
pompous a
Ponce pc
Ponchartrain pc
poncho n
pond n,nopref
ponder v,er,va,in
ponderous a
pong d
poniard n,v
Pontiac n
pontifex n
pontiff n
pontific n
pontificate n,v,ion
pontoon n
pony n,nopref
ponytail n
Ponzi n
pooch n
poodle n
pooh v,er
pool n,v,er,nopref
Poole n
poolroom n
poop n,v,er
poor a,comp
poorhouse n
poorish a
pop n,v,er,nopref,ms
popcorn n
pope n
popery n
popeye ed
popgun n
popinjay n
popish a
poplar n,nopref
poplin n
popover n
poppet n
poppy n,ed
poppycock n
popsicle n
populace n
popular a,na
populate v,ion
populism n
populist na
populous a
porcelain n,na
porch n
porcine a
porcupine n
pore n,v,nopref
porgy n
pork n,er
porn d
porno d
pornography n,er
porosity n
porous a,nopref
porphyry n
porpoise n
porridge n
porringer n
Porsche n
port n,v,a,er,ion,va,in
portage n
portal n,a
portamenti pc
portamento pc
portation n,na
portcullis n
Porte n
portend v
portent n
portentous a
porter n
porterage n
porterhouse n
portfolio n
porthole n
Portia pc
portico n
portiere n
Portland pc
portmanteau n,a
Porto pc
portrait n,na
portraiture n
portray v,er
portrayal n
Portsmouth pc
Portugal pc
Portuguese a
portulaca n
posada n
pose n,v,er,na,va,in
Poseidon pc
poseur n
posh a,comp
posit v
position n,v,er,na,va,in
positron n
posse n,man
possess v
possession n,na,va
possessor n,y
possible a,va,in
possum n
post n,v,er,man
postage n
postal a
postbellum a
postcard n
postclassic a
postcondition n
postdate v
postdoc n
postdoctoral a
posterior n,a
posteriori d
posterity n
postern n,a
postfix v
postglacial a
postgraduate n,a
posthaste d
posthumous a
posthypnotic a
postilion n
postimpression n,na
postlude n
postmark n,v
postmaster n
postmillenarian n,na
postmistress n
postmodern n,na
postmortem n,a
postmultiply v
postnasal a
postnuptial a
postoperative a
postorder n,v
postpaid a
postpartum a
postpone v,er,va
postprandial a
postprocess v
postprocessor n
postscript n,ion
postulant n,a,na
postulate n,v,ion
postural a
posture n,v,er,in
postwar a
posy n
pot n,v,er,na,ms,y
potable n,a,va
potash n
potassium n
potation n
potato pc
potatoes d
potbelly n,ed
potboil v,er
potent a,na,in
potentate n
potential n,a
potentiate v,ion
potentiometer n
pothole n
pothook n
pothunter n
potion n
potlatch n,v
potluck n
Potomac pc
potpourri n
potsherd n
potshot n,v
pottage n
potter n,v,er,y
pottery n
Potts n
pouch n,v,y
Poughkeepsie pc
poultice n,v
poultry n,man
pounce n,v
pound n,v,er,va,in
poundage n
poundal n
pour n,v,er,va,in
pout n,v,er,y
poverty n
pow n
powder n,v,er
powderpuff n
powdery a,comp
Powell n
power n,v,na
powerhouse n
powwow n,v
pox n,v
Poynting pc
ppm d,nopref
PR d,nopref
practicable a,in
practical a,in
practice n,v,er
practitioner n
Prado pc
pragmatic n,a,na
pragmatism n
pragmatist n,a,na
Prague pc
prairie n
praise n,v,er
praiseworthy a
praline n
pram n
prance n,v,er
prank n,v
prankish a
prankster n
praseodymium n
prate n,v,er
pratfall n
Pratt pc
prattle n,v,er
Pravda pc
prawn n,v,er
praxes pc
praxis pc
pray n,v,nopref
prayer n,na
preach v,er,va
preachy a,comp
preamble n
Precambrian a
precarious a
precaution n
precautionary a
precede v
precedent n,ed,a
precept n,ion
preceptive a
precess v
precession n,na
precinct n
precious a
precipice n
precipitable a
precipitate n,v,a,ion
precipitous a
precis d
precise a,in
precision n,a,na,in
preclude v
preclusion n,na,va
precocial a
precocious a
precocity n
precursor n
predaceous a
predacious a
predecessor n
predicament n
predicate n,v,a,ion
predict v,ion,va
predilect ion
predispose v
predisposition n
predominant a,na
predominate v,a,ion
preemie n
preeminent a
preempt v,ion
preen n,v,er,nopref
prefab n
prefabricate v,ion
preface n,v,er
prefatory a
prefect n,nopref
prefecture n
prefer n,v,er,va,ms
preferable a
preference n
preferential a
prefix n,v
pregnant a,na
prehensile a,nopref
prehension n,na,va
prehistoric n,a
prehominid n,a
prejudice n,v
prejudicial a
prelim n,a
preliminary n,a
prelude n,v,er
premature n,a
premed n
premeditate v,ion
premier n,a
premiere n,v,a
premise n,v
premium n,a
premonition n
Prentice n
preoccupy v
prep n,v,ms
preparation n,na,va
preparator n,y
prepare v,er
preponderant a,na
preponderate v,ion
preposition n,na,va
preposterous a
preppy n,a,comp
prerequisite n,a
prerogative n,ed
presage n,v,er,na
presbyter n
presbyterial n,a
Presbyterian n,a,na
presbytery n
prescient a
Prescott n
prescribe v,er
prescript n,ion
present n,v,a,er,va
presentation n,na,va
preservation n,na,va
preserve n,v,er,va
preside v,er
president n,a,na
presidential a
press n,v,er,va,man,in
pressboard n
pressroom n
pressure n,v,na
prestidigitate ion
prestige n
prestigious a
presto n
Preston n
presume n,v,er,va
presumed d
presuming a
presumption n,na,va
presumptuous a
presuppose v
presupposition n
pretend v,er
pretension n
pretentious a
preterite n
preternatural a
pretext n
Pretoria pc
prettify v,ion
pretty v,a,comp
pretzel n
prevail v
prevalent n,a
prevaricate v,ion
prevent v,er,ion,va
preview n,v,er
previous a
prexy n
prey n,v,er
Priam pc
price n,v,er
prick n,v,a,er
prickle n,v
pride n,v,na
priest n,a
priestess n
Priestley n
prig n
priggish a
prim v,a,comp,ms
prima d
primacy n
primal a
primary n,a
primate n
prime n,v,a,er
primeval a
primitive n,a,na
primitivism n
primo n
primogeniture n
primordial a
primp v,er
primrose n
primus n
prince n,a
princedom n
princeling n
princess n,a
Princeton pc
principal n,a
principia pc
principle n,ed
print n,v,er,va
printery n
printout n
prion n
prior n,a,na
prioress n
priori d
priory n
Priscilla pc
prism n
prismatic n,a
prismoid n
prison n,v,er,va,in
prissy a,comp
pristine a
Pritchard n
prithee d
privacy n
private n,a,ion
privateer n,v
privet n
privilege n,v
privity n
privy n,a
prix d
prize n,v,a,er
prizefight n,vi,er
prizewin vi,er,ms
pro n
proactive a
probabilist n,a,na
probate n,v,ion
probationary a
probe n,v,er,va,in
probity n
problem n
problematic n,a
proboscis n
procaine n
procedural a
procedure n
proceed v
process n,v,a
procession n,v,na
processor n
proclaim v,er
proclamation n
proclivity n
proconsul n
procrastinate v,ion
procreate v,ion
procrustean a
Procrustes pc
Procter n
proctology n,na
proctor n,v
procurator n
procure v,er,va
procuress n
Procyon pc
prod n,v,er,ms
prodigal n,a
prodigious a
prodigy n
produce n,v,er
producible a,va
product n,ion
productivity n
prof n,nopref
profanation n
profane v,a,er
profess v
profession n
professional n,a,na
professor n
professorial a
proffer n,v
proficient n,a,na
profile n,v,er
profit n,v,va
profiteer n,v
profligacy n
profligate n,a
profound a,comp
profundity n
profuse a
profusion n
progenitor n
progeny n
progesterone n
prognosis pc
prognosticate v,ion
program n,v,er,va,ms
programmatic n,a
progress n,v,na
progression n,na,va
prohibit v
prohibition n,na,va
prohibitory a
project n,v,ion,va
projectile n,a
prokaryote n
Prokofieff pc
prolate a
prolegomena pc
proletarian n,a,na
proletariat n
proliferate v,a,ion
prolific n,a
prolix a
prologue n,na
prolong v,er
prolongate v,ion
prolusion n
prom n
promenade n,v,er
Promethean a
Prometheus pc
promethium n
prominent a
promiscuity n
promiscuous a
promise n,v,er
promissory a
promontory n
promote v,er,ion,va
promotion n,na,va
prompt n,v,a,er
promptitude n
promulgate v,ion
pronate v,ion
prone a
prong n,v
pronghorn n
pronominal a
pronoun n
pronounce v,er,va
pronounceable a
pronto d
pronunciamento n
pronunciation n,na
proof n,v,a,er
proofread v,er
prop n,v,man,ms
propagable a,va
propaganda n
propagandist n,a,na
propagate v,ion
propane n
propel v,er,ms
propellant n
propensity n
proper n,a,in
property n,ed
propertyless a
prophecy n
prophesy v,er
prophet n
prophetess n
prophetic n,a
prophylactic n,a
prophylaxis n
propinquity n
propionate n
propitiable a
propitiate v,ion
propitious a
proponent n
proportion n,v,na,va
proportionate v,a
propos d
proposal n
propose v,er
proposition n,v,na
propound v,er
proprietary n,a
proprietor n
proprietress n
propriety n,in
proprioception n,na,va
propulsion n,na,va
propyl n
propylene n
prorate v,er,ion
prorogue v
prosaic n,a
proscenium n
prosciutto pc
proscribe v,er
proscription n,na,va
prose n,er,y
prosecute v,ion,va
prosecutor n
prosecutorial a
proselyte n,v,na
Proserpine pc
prosodic n,a
prosodist n
prosody n
prosopopoeia n
prospect n,v,ion
prospectus n
prosper v,a
prosperous a
prostate a,na
prostheses d
prosthesis pc
prosthetic n,a
prostitute n,v,a,ion
prostrate v,a,ion
protactinium n
protagonist n
protean a
protease n
protect v,ion
protectorate n
protectress n
protege n
protegee n
protein n
proteolysis pc
proteolytic a
protest n,v,er
protestant n,a,na
protestation n
prothonotary n
protocol n
protolanguage n
proton n
protoplasm n
protoplasmic a
protoplast n
protoplastic a
prototype n,v
prototypic a
protozoa pc
protozoan n,a
protozooic a
protozoon n
protract v,ion
protractor n
protrude v
protrusion n,na,va
protuberant a
proud a,comp,na
Proust pc
prove v,er,va,in
proven a
provenance n
Provencal pc
provender n
proverb n,v
proverbial a
provide v,er
provident a,in
providential a
province n
provincial n,a,na
provision n,v,er
provisional n,a
proviso n
provisory a
provocateur n
provocation n,na,va
provoke v
provolone n
provost n
prow n,a
prowess n
prowl n,v,er
proximal a
proximate a
proximity n
proxy n,a
prude n,na
prudent a,in
prudential a
prudery n
prudish a
Pruitt n
prune n,v,er
prurient a,na
Prussia pc
pry n,v,er,nopref
p's d,nopref
P.S. d,nopref
psalm n,na
psalter n,y
psaltery n
pseudo a
pseudonym n
pseudonymous a
pshaw d
psi n
psoriasis pc
psych v
psyche n
psychedelic a
psychiatric n,a
psychiatrist n
psychiatry n
psychic n,a
psycho n,a
psychogenic a
psychokinesis pc
psychology n,na
psychometry pc
psychopath n,y
psychopathic n,a
psychoses d
psychosis pc
psychotic a
PTA n,nopref
ptarmigan n
pterodactyl n
Ptolemaic a
Ptolemy pc
ptomaine n
pub n
puberty n
pubescent a
pubic d,nopref
public n,a,na
publican n
publication n
publicly d
publish v,er,va
PUC pc,nopref
Puccini pc
puce n
puck n,er
puckish a
pudding n
puddle n,v,er
pudenda pc
pudendum pc
pudgy a,comp
pueblo n
puerile a,na
Puerto pc
puff n,v,er,y
puffball n
puffery n
puffin n
pug n,v,nopref,ms
Pugh n
pugilism n
pugilist n,na
pugnacious a
pugnacity n
puissant a
puke n,v
pukka a
Pulaski pc
pulchritude n
pule v,er
Pulitzer n
pull n,v,er
pullback n
pullet n
pulley n
Pullman n
pullout n
pullover n,a
pulmonary a
pulmonic a
pulp n,v,er,y
pulpit n
pulpwood n
pulsar n
pulsate v,ion
pulsatile a
pulse n,v,er,in
pulverable a
puma n
pumice n,v
pump n,v,er
pumpernickel n
pumpkin n
pumpkinseed n
pun n,v,nopref,ms
punch n,v,er,y
punchboard n
puncheon n
punctate a,ion
punctilio n
punctilious a
punctual a
punctuate v,ion
puncture n,v
pundit n
punditry n
pungent a,na
Punic a
punish v,er,va
punitive a
punk n,a,y
punkah n
punster n
punt n,v,er
puny a,comp
pup n,v,ms
pupa n
pupae pc
pupal a
pupate v,ion
pupil n
pupillary a
puppet n
puppeteer n
puppetry pc
puppy n
puppyish a
purblind a
Purcell pc
purchase n,v,er,va
purdah n
Purdue pc
pure n,a,comp,na,in
purebred n,a
puree n,v
purgation n,na,va
purgatory n
purge n,v,er
purify v,er,ion
Purina pc
purine n
puritan n,a,na
puritanic n
purl n,v
purlieu n
purloin v,er
purple n,v,a,comp
purplish a
purport n,v
purpose n,v,a,na
purposive a
purr n,v,er
purse n,v,er,y
purslane n
pursuant a
pursue v
pursuer n
pursuit n
pursuivant n
purulent a
purvey v
purveyance n
purveyor n
purview n
pus n,nopref
Pusan pc
Pusey n,na
push n,v,er,y
pushball n
pushbutton n
pushcart n
pushover n
pushpin n
pusillanimity n
pusillanimous a
puss n,nopref,y
pussycat n,v
pussyfoot n,v
pustulant n,a
pustular a
pustulate v,ion
pustule n
put n
putative a
Putnam n
putrefaction n,na,va
putrefy v
putrescent a
putrid a
putsch n,na
putt n,v,nopref
putter n,v,er,nopref
putty n,v,er
puzzle n,v,er,va
PVC pc,nopref
Pygmalion n
pygmy n,a,na
Pyhrric pc
Pyle n
pylon n
pyloric a
Pyongyang pc
pyramid n,v
pyramidal a
pyre n
pyrethrin n
pyrethrum n
Pyrex pc
pyridine n
pyrite n,na
pyroelectric a
pyrolysis pc
pyrolytic n,a
pyromania n,na
pyrometer n
pyrophosphate n
pyrotechnic n,a
pyroxene n
pyrrhic n,a
Pythagoras pc
Pythagorean n,a,na
Pythias pc
python n
Q&A n,nopref
Qatar pc
QED pc,nopref
q's d,nopref
qua d
quack n,v,er,a
quackery n
quad n,v,ms
quadrangle n
quadrangular a
quadrant n
quadratic n,a
quadrature n
quadrennial n,a
quadrennium n
quadric n,a
quadriceps n
quadrilateral n,a
quadrille n,a
quadrillion n,a
quadrillionth n,a
quadripartite a
quadriplegia d
quadriplegic a
quadrivium n
quadroon n
quadruped n,a
quadruple n,v,a
quadruplet n
quadruplicate n,v,a
quadrupole n
quaff n,v,er
quagmire n
quahog n
quail n,v
quaint a,comp
quake n,v,er
Quakeress pc
qualified a
qualify v,er,ion
qualitative a
quality n
qualm n,y
qualmish a
quandary n
quanta d
Quantico pc
quantify v,er,ion
quantile n
quantitate v,ion
quantitative a
quantity n
quantum n
quarantine n,v,va
quark n
quarrelsome a
quarry n,v,er,man
quart n,er
quarterback n,v
quarterdeck n
quarterfinal n,a
quarterfinalist n
quartermaster n
quarternion n
quartet n
quartette n
quartic n,a
quartile n
quarto n
quartz n
quasar n
quash v,er
quasi a
quaternary n,a
quatrain n
quaver n,v
quay n,nopref
quayside n
Que. d,nopref
queasy a,comp
queazy a,comp
Quebec pc
Quechua n
queen n,v,a,na
Queensland pc,nopref
queer n,v,a,comp
queerish a
quell n,v,er
quench n,v,er,va
Quentin pc
querulous a
query n,v
quest n,v,er,in
question n,v,er,va
questionnaire n
quetzal n
queue n,v,er
Quezon pc
quibble n,v,er
quiche n
quick n,v,a,comp
quicken v,er
quickie n
quicklime n
quicksand n
quicksilver n,a
quickstep n
quid n,a,ms
quiescent a
quiet n,v,a,comp,na
quietude pc,in
quietus n
quill n,v
quilt n,v,er
quince n
quinine n
Quinn pc
quinquennial n,a
quint n
quintal n
quintessence n
quintessential a
quintet n
quintette n
quintic n,a
quintile n
quintillion n,a
quintuple n,v,a
quintuplet n
quintuplicate n,v,a
quip n,v,er,ms
quire n
Quirinal pc
quirk n,v,y
quirt n,v
quisling n,na
quit n,v,er,nopref,ms
quite d,nopref
Quito pc
quiver n,v
Quixote pc
quixotic n,a
quiz n,v,er,ms
quizzical a
quo d
quod n
quoin n,v
quoit n,v
quondam a
quonset n
quorum n
quota n
quotation n
quote n,v,er,va
quoth v
quotidian a
quotient n
Rabat pc
rabbet n,v
rabbi n,a,comp
rabbinate n
rabbinic n,a
rabbit n,v,er
rabbity a,comp
rabble n,v,er,va
rabid a
rabies n
raccoon n
race n,v,er,na,y
racecourse n
racehorse n
racemic a
racetrack n
raceway n
Rachel pc
Rachmaninoff pc
racial a,na
rack n,v,er
racket n,v,y
racketeer n,v
raconteur n
racquet n
radar n,man
Radcliffe pc
radial n,a
radian n
radiant n,a,na,in
radiate v,a,ion,in
radical n,a,na
radices d
radii d
radio n,v,a,comp,man
radiograph n
radiography n
radiolarian n
radiology n,na
radiosity n
radiosonde n
radish n
radium n
radius n,v
radix n
radome n
radon n
Rae pc
Rafael pc
Rafferty n
raffia n
raffish a
raffle n,v
raft n,v,er,nopref
rafts man
rag n,v,man,nopref,ms
ragamuffin n
rage n,v
raggedy a,comp
raglan n
ragout n
ragtag a
ragtime n
ragweed n
raid n,v,er,nopref
rail n,v,er
railbird n
railhead n
raillery n
railroad n,v,er
railway n
raiment n
rain n,v,nopref,y
rainbow n
raincoat n
raindrop n
rainfall n
rainproof a
rainspout n
rainstorm n
rainwear n
raise n,v,er,nopref
raisin n
raison d
raj n
rajah n
Rajiv n
rake n,v,er
rakehell n,a
rakish a
Raleigh n
rally n,v,nopref
Ralph pc
Ralston n
ram n,v,er,nopref,ms
Ramada pc
Raman pc
ramble n,v,er
rambunctious a
ramify v,ion
Ramirez n
Ramo pc
Ramon pc
Ramona pc
Ramos n
ramp n,v
rampage n,v
rampant a,na
rampart n
ramrod n,a
Ramsey n
ramshackle a
ran d
ranch n,v,er,nopref
rancho n
rancid a
rancorous a
Rand n
Randall n
Randolph n
random n,a,na
randy n,a,comp
rang d
range n,v,er,y
rangeland n
Rangoon pc
Ranier pc
rank n,v,a,er
Rankin n
Rankine a
rankle v
ransack v,er
ransom n,v,er
rant n,v,er
Rao n
Raoul pc
rap n,v,er,nopref,ms
rapacious a
rapacity n
rape n,v,er,na
Raphael n
rapid n,a
rapier n
rapine n
rappel n,v,er,ms
rapport n
rapprochement n
rapscallion n
rapt a
raptor n
rapture n,v
rapturous a
rara d
rare n,v,a,comp
rarebit n
rarefaction n,na,va
rarefy v
Raritan pc
rasa d
rascal n,a
rash n,a,comp
Rasmussen n
rasp n,v,er,y
raspberry n
raster n,na
Rastus pc
rat n,v,er,na,ms,y
rata d,nopref
ratatouille n
ratchet n,v
rate n,v,er,ion,va
ratepayer n
rather d
rathskeller n
ratify v,ion
ratio n
ratiocinate v,ion
rationale n,a,na
rattail n
rattan n
rattle n,v,er
rattlesnake n
rattletrap n,ms,y
rattly a,comp
raucous a
Raul n
raunchy a,comp
ravage n,v,er
rave n,v,er,nopref
raven n,v,er
ravenous a
ravine n,ed
ravioli pc
ravish v,er,va
raw n,a,comp
rawboned a
rawhide n,v
Rawlinson n
ray n,ed
Rayleigh n
Raymond n
rayon n
Raytheon pc
raze v,er
razor n
razorback n
razz n,v,er
razzle ed
RBI n,nopref
RCA pc,nopref
R&D pc,nopref
re a,nopref
reach n,v,va
reactant n,a
reactionary n,a
read n,vi,er,va
readout n
ready n,v,a
Reagan n
real n,a
realism n
realist n,na
reality n
realm n
realtor n
realty n,nopref
ream n,v,er
reap v
rear n,v,a
rearmost a
rearward n,a
reason n,v,er,va
reave v
reb n
rebarbative a
Rebecca pc
rebel n,v,a,ms
rebellion n
rebellious a
rebuke n,v,er
rebut v,er,ms
rebuttal n
recalcitrant n,a,na
recantation n
recappable a
receipt n,v
receivable n,a
receive v,er
recension n
recent a
receptacle n
reception n,na,va
receptor n
recess n,v
recherche d
recidivism n
recidivist n,a
Recife pc
recipe n
recipient n,a
reciprocal n,a
reciprocate v,ion
reciprocity n
recital n,na
reck n,v
reckon v
reclamation n
recline v,er
recluse n,a
reclusive a
recombinant n
recompense n,v
reconcile v,va,in
recondite a
reconnaissance n
recovery n
recreant a
recriminate v,ion
recrudescent a
recruit n,v,er,va
rectal a
rectangle n
rectangular a
rectifier n
rectify v,ion
rectilinear a
rectitude n
recto n
rector n
rectory n
rectum n
recumbent a,na
recuperate v,ion
recur v,ms
recurrent a
recursion n
recusant n,a,na
recuse v,va,in
red n,v,a,comp,ms
redact v,ion
redbird n
redbud n
redcap n
redcoat n
redden v
reddish a
redemption n,er,na,va
redemptory a
redhead n
redivivus d
redleg n
Redmond pc
redneck n,ed
redolent a
redound v
redox d
redpoll n
redshank n
redskin n
redstart n
Redstone pc
redtop n
reduce v,er
reducible a,va,in
redundant a,na,in
redwing n
redwood n
Reebok n
reed n,v,nopref,y
reedbuck n
reef n,v,er
reek n,v,er,y
reel n,v,er,va
reemit v,ms
reenable v
Reese n
reeve n,v
ref n
refection n
refectory n
refer v,er,ms
referable a
referee n,v
referenda pc
referendum n
referent n,a
referential a
referral n
refinement n
refinery n
reflect v,ion
reflectance n
reflectible a
reflectometer n
reflexive n,a,in
reformatory n,a
refract v,ion
refractometer n
refractor n,y
refrain n,v,va
refrangible a,va,in
refrigerant n,a
refrigerate v,ion
refuge n,v
refugee n
refulgent a
refusal n
refusenik n
refutation n
refute v,er,va,in
regalia n
regality n
regard n,v,na
regatta n
regelation n
regeneracy n
reggae pc
regicide n
regime n
regimen n
regiment n,v
regimental n,a
regimentation n
Regina pc
Reginald pc
region n
regional n,a,na
Regis pc
registrable a
registrant n
registrar n
registration n
registry n
regolith n
regress n,v
regression n,na,va
regressor n
regret n,v,er,na,va,ms
regular n,a,na,in
regulate v,ion
Regulus pc
regurgitate v,ion
rehabilitate v,ion
rehearsal n
Reich pc
Reid n
reify v,ion
reign n,v
Reilly n
reimburse v,va
rein n,v
reindeer n
reinforce v,er,va
Reinhold n
reject n,v,er,ion,va
rejoice v,er
rejoinder n
rejuvenate v,ion
relatedly d
relaxant n,a
relaxation n,na
relayed d
relent n,v
relevant a,na,in
reliably a
reliant a
relic n
relict n,ion
relief n
relies d
relieve v,er,va
religion n,na,in
religiosity n
religious n,a,in
relinquish v,va
reliquary n
relish n,v,va
reluctant a,na
remainder n,v,a
remand n,v
remanent a
Rembrandt n
remediable a,in
remedy n,v
remembrance n,er
Remington n
reminisce v
reminiscent a
remit n,v,er,va,ms
remittal n
remittance n
remnant n,a
remonstrant n,a
remonstrate v,ion
remorse n,na
remote v,a,comp
removal n
remunerate v,ion
Remus pc
Rena pc
renaissance n
renal a
Renault n
rend v
render n,v,er,va
rendezvous n,v
rendition n
Rene n
Renee pc
renegade n,v,a
renege v,er
renewal n
rennet n
Renoir n
renounce n,v,er,va
renovate v,ion
renown n,v
Rensselaer pc
rent n,v,er,va
rental n,a
rentier n
renunciate ion
rep n
repair n,v,er,va,man
reparable a,in
reparation n,na,va
repartee n
repatriate n,v,ion
repeater n
repel v,er,ms
repellent n,a,na
repentant a
repertoire n
repertory n
repetitious a
replete a
replica n
replicable a
replicate n,v,a,ion
reportorial a
repository n,a
reprehensible a
repressible a,in
repression n,na,va
repressor n
reprieve n,v
reprimand n,v
reprisal n
reprise n,v
reproach n,v,er,na,va,in
reprography n,er
reptile n,a
reptilian n,a
republican n,a,na
repudiate v,ion
repugnant a,na
repulsion n,na,va
reputation n
repute n,v,va
requiem n
require v,va
requisite n,a,nopref
requisition n,v,er
requital n
requite n,v,er
reredos n
rerouted d
rerouting d
rescind v,er
rescission n
rescue n,v,er
resemblant a
resemble v
resent n,v,na,va
reserpine n
reservation n
reservoir n
resident n,a,na
residential a
residua pc
residual n,a
residuary a
residue n
residuum pc
resignation n
resilient a,na
resinate v
resinous a
resist n,v
resistant n,a
resistible a,va,in
resistive a
resistor n
resonant n,a
resonate v,ion
resorcinol n
respect n,v,er,na,va
respective a,in
respiration n,na
respirator n,y
resplendent a,na
respond n,v,er
respondent n,a
response n
responsible a,va,in
responsive a
rest n,v,er,na
restaurant n
restaurateur n
restitute v,ion
restive a
restoration n,na,va
restraint n
restroom n
result n,v,na
resultant n,a
resume v
resumption n
resurgent a
resurrect v,ion
resuscitate v,ion
ret v,ms
retain n,v,er,nopref
retaliate v,ion
retard n,v,er
retardant n,a
retardation n
retch n,v
retention n,na,va
reticent a,na
reticle n
reticular a
reticulate v,a,ion
reticule n
reticulum n
retina n
retinal a
retinue n
retiree n
retort n,v,ion
retractile a
retribution n,na,va
retrieval n
retrieve n,v,er,va,in
retroaction n
retroactive a
retrofit v,ms
retroflex ed,a
retrograde v,a
retrogress v
retrogression n,na,va
retrorocket n
retrospect n,v,a,ion
retrovirus n
retrovision n
Reub pc
Reuben n
Reuters pc
rev n,v,ms
revanche n,na
revanchist n,a
reveille n
revelation n
revelatory a
revelry n
revenge n,v,er
revenue n,er
reverberant a
reverberate v,a,ion
revere n,v
reverend n,a
reverent a,in
reverential a
reverie n
reversal n
reversible n,a,va,in
reversionary a
revert v,er
revertible a
revertive a
revile v,er
revilement n
revisal n
revise v,er,ion,va
revival n,na
revive v,er
revoke n,v,er,va
revolt n,v,er
revolution n,na
revolutionary n,a
revolve v,er,va
revulsion n,na,va
Rex pc
Reyes n
Reykjavik pc
Reynolds n
RFP n,nopref
rhapsodic n,a
rhapsody n
Rhea pc
Rhenish pc
rhenium n
rheology n
rheostat n
rhesus n
rhetoric n
rhetorician n
rheum n,y
rheumatic n,a
rheumatism n
Rhine pc
rhinestone n
rhino n
rhinoceros n
rhizome n
rho n
Rhoda pc
Rhode pc
Rhodes pc
Rhodesia pc
rhodium n
rhododendron n
rhomb n
rhombi d
rhombic a
rhombohedra d
rhombohedral a
rhombohedron pc
rhomboid n,a
rhombus n
Rhonda n
rhubarb n
rhumb n
rhyme n,v,er
rhymester n
rhythm n,na
rhythmic n,a
RI pc,nopref
rialto n
rib n,v,er,ms,y
ribald n,a
ribaldry n
ribbon n,v,na
riboflavin n
ribonucleic a
ribosome n
Rica pc
Ricardo n
Riccardo pc
rice n,er,nopref
rich a,comp
Richard pc
Richards n
Richardson n
Richfield n
Richmond n
Richter n
rick n,v,nopref
rickets n
rickettsia n
rickettsiae pc
rickety a,comp
rickrack n
ricksha n
rickshaw n
Rico pc
ricochet n,v
rid n,v,nopref,ms
riddance n
ridden d
riddle n,v,er
ride n,vi,er,va
ridge n,v,y
ridgepole n
Ridgway n
ridicule n,v,er
ridiculous a
Riemann pc
Riesling n
rife a
riffle n,v,er
riffraff n,a
rifle n,v,er,man
riflery n
rift n,v
rig n,v,er,ms
rigamarole n
Rigel pc
Riggs n
right n,v,a,er,na,y
righteous a
rightmost d
rightward a
rigid a,comp
rigidify v,ion
rigorous a
rile v
Riley n
rill n,ed
rilly a
rim n,v,nopref,ms
rime n,y
rimester n
rind n,ed
Rinehart n
ring n,v,er,na
ringbolt n
ringleader n
ringlet n
ringmaster n
ringneck n
ringside n
ringtail n
ringtoss n
ringworm n
rink n,nopref
rinse n,v,er
Rio pc
Riordan n
riot n,v,er
riotous a
rip n,v,er,ms
riparian a
ripe a,comp
ripen v,er
Ripley n
ripoff d
riposte n,v
ripple n,v,er
riprap n,v
ripsaw n
ripsnort vi,er
riptide n
rise n,vi,er
risen d
risible a,va
risk n,v,er,y
risque a
Rita pc
ritardando n
Ritchie n
rite n,nopref
Ritter n
ritual n,a,na
Ritz pc
ritzy a,comp
rivalry n
riven d
river n
Rivera n
riverbank n
riverbed n
riverboat n
riverfront n
riverine a
riverside n
rivet n,v,er
Riviera pc
rivulet n
Riyadh pc
RNA pc,nopref
roach n,v,nopref
road n,va,in
roadbed n
roadblock n
roadhouse n
roadrunner n
roadside n,a
roadstead n
roadster n
roadway n
roadwork n
roam n,v,er
roan n
roar n,v,er
roast n,v,a,er
rob v,er,ms
robbery n
Robbins n
robe n,v
Roberson n
Robert pc
Roberta pc
Roberto pc
Roberts n
Robertson n
robin n
Robinson n
robot n,na
robotic n,a
robust a
roc n
Rocco pc
Rochester n
rock n,v,er,nopref,y
rockabye d
rockbound a
Rockefeller n
rocket n,v
rocketeer n
rocketry pc
rockfish n
Rockford pc
Rockies pc
Rockland pc
rockslide n
Rockwell n
rococo n,a
rod n,na,man
Rodale pc
rode d
rodent n,a
rodeo n
Rodgers n
Rodney pc
rodomontade n,a
Rodriguez n
roe n,nopref
roebuck n
roentgen n,a,na
roentgenography n
Roger pc
Rogers n
Roget pc
rogue n,v,a
roguish a
roil v,er
roily a,comp
roister v,er
Roland n
role n,nopref
Rolf pc
roll n,v,er
rollback n
rollerblade n,v,er
rollick n,v
Rollins pc
rollout n
roly d
romaine n
roman n,a,na
romance n,v,er
Romanesque a
Romania pc
Romano pc
romantic n,a,na
Rome pc
Romeo n
Romero n
romp n,v,er
Romulus pc
Ron pc
Ronald pc
rondeau n
rondo n
Ronnie pc
rood n
roof n,v,er,na
rooftop n
rooftree n
rook n,v,y
rookery n
rookie n
room n,v,er,na,y
roomette n
roommate n
Roosevelt n
Rooseveltian n
roost n,v,er
root n,v,er,na,y
rootlet n
rootstock n
rope n,v,er,nopref,y
ropewalk n,er
Rorschach n
Rosa pc
Rosalie pc
rosary n
Roscoe pc
rose n,na,nopref,y
roseate a
rosebud n
rosebush n
Roseland pc
Rosemarie n
rosemary n
Rosen n
Rosenberg n
Rosenblum n
Rosenthal n
Rosenzweig n
roseola n
Rosetta pc
rosette n
rosewater a
rosewood n
Rosicrucian n,a,na
Rosie n
rosin n,v
Ross n
roster n
rostrum n
rot n,v,er,nopref,ms
Rotarian n
rotary n,a
rotate v,a,ion,va
ROTC pc,nopref
rote n
Roth n
rotifer n
rotisserie n
rotogravure n
rotor n
rototill v,er
rotten a,comp
rottweiler n
rotund a
rotunda n
rouge n,v
rough n,v,a,comp
roughage n
roughcast n,v
roughen v
roughhewn a
roughhouse n,v,a
roughish a
roughneck n
roughrider n
roughshod a
roulade n
roulette n,v
round n,v,a,comp
roundabout n,a
roundhead n,ed
roundhouse n
roundoff n
roundtable n
roundup n
roundworm n
rouse n,v,er
Rousseau pc
roust v,er
roustabout n
rout n,v,nopref
route n,v,er,man
routine n,a,na
rove n,v,er,nopref
row n,v,er,nopref
rowboat n
rowdy n,a,comp,na
Rowe n
Rowena pc
Rowland n
Rowley n
Roxanne n
Roy pc
royal n,a,na
royalty n
Royce n
royster n
RPM n,nopref
RR d,nopref
r's d,nopref
RSVP n,nopref
Ruanda pc
rub n,v,er,ms
rubato n
rubberneck n,v
rubbery a,comp
rubbish n,y
rubble n,a
rubdown n
rube n
rubella n
Ruben pc
Rubicon n
rubicund a
rubidium n
rubric n,a
ruby n
rucksack n
ruckus n
ruction n
rudder n
ruddy a,comp
rude a,comp
rudiment n,na
rudimentary a
Rudolf pc
Rudolph n
Rudy pc
Rudyard pc
rue n,v,na,nopref
ruff n,v,a
ruffian n,a,na
ruffle n,v,er
rufous a
Rufus pc
rug n,v,er,na,ms
rugby pc
ruggedize v,ion
ruin n,v,er
ruination n
ruinous a
Ruiz n
rule n,v,er,y
rum n,a,comp,ms,y
rumble n,v,a,er
rumen n
Rumford pc
ruminant n,a
ruminate v,ion
rummage n,v,er
rummy n,a,comp
rumormonger n
rump n,a,nopref
rumple n,v
rumpus n
rumrun vi,er,ms
run n,vi,er,va,ms,y
runabout n
runaround n
runaway n,a
rundown n
rune n,nopref
rung n
Runge pc
runic a
runneth d
Runnymede pc
runoff n
runt n,y
runway n
Runyon n
rupee n
rupture n,v
rural a,na
ruse n
rush n,v,a,er,y
Rushmore pc
rusk n
Russ n
Russell n
russet n,vi,a
Russia pc
Russo n
rust n,v,nopref,y
rustic n,a
rusticate v,ion
rustle n,v,er
rustproof a
rut n,v,nopref,ms,y
rutabaga n
Rutgers pc
Ruth pc
ruthenium n
Rutherford n
ruthless a
rutile n
Rutland pc
Rutledge n
RV n,nopref
Rwanda pc
Ryan n
Rydberg pc
Ryder n
rye n
Saab n,nopref
sabbath n
sabbatic n
Sabena pc
Sabina pc
Sabine n,a
sable n,nopref
sabotage n,v
saboteur n
sabra n
sac n,na
saccade n
saccadic a
saccharine a
sacerdotal a,na
sachem n
sachet n
sack n,v,er,na
sackcloth n
sacral a
sacrament n,na
Sacramento pc
sacred a
sacrifice n,v,er
sacrificial a
sacrilege n
sacrilegious a
sacristan n
sacristy n
sacroiliac n,a
sacrosanct a
sacrum n
sad a,comp,nopref,ms
sadden v
saddle n,v,er
saddlebag n
saddlery n
sadhu n
Sadie pc
sadism n
sadist n,a,na
Sadler n
sadomasochism n
sadomasochist n,na
safari n,v
safe n,a,comp
safecrack er
safeguard n,v
safelight n
safety n,v
safflower n
saffron n
sag n,v,er,ms
saga n
sagacious a
sagacity n
sage n,a,nopref
sagebrush n
Saginaw pc
sagittal a
Sagittarius pc
sago n
saguaro n
Sahara pc
sahib n
said d
Saigon pc
sail n,v,er
sailboard n,v,er
sailboat n
sailcloth n
sailfish n
sailor n
sailplane n
saint n,v,a
saith d
sake n,er,nopref
saki n
Sal pc
salaam n,v
salacious a
salad n
salamander n
salami pc
salaried a
salary n,man
Salazar n
sale n,va
Salem pc
Salerno pc
sales man
salesclerk n
salesgirl n
Salesian n
saleslady n
salespeople d
salesroom n
salient n,a,na
Salina pc
saline n,a
Salisbury pc
Salish pc
saliva n
salivary a
salivate v,ion,in
Salk n
Salle pc
sallow n,a,nopref
sally n,v
salmon n
salmonella n
salon n
saloon n
salsify n
salt n,v,a,er,y
saltate v,ion
saltbox n
saltbush n
saltcellar n
saltine n
saltshaker n
saltwater a
saltworks n
salubrious a,in
salubrity n,in
salutary a
salutation n,na
salutatorian n
salutatory n,a
salute n,v,er
Salvador pc
salvage n,v,er
salvageable a
salvation n,na
Salvatore pc
salve n,v,er,va
salvo n
Sam pc
Samantha n
Samaritan n,a
samarium n
samba n,v
same a
samizdat d
Sammy pc
Samoa pc
samovar n
sampan n
sample n,v,er
Sampson n
Samson n
Samuel n
Samuelson n
samurai n
San pc
Sana pc
sanatarium n
sanatoria pc
sanatorium n
Sanborn n
Sanchez n
Sancho pc
sanctify v,er,ion
sanctimonious a
sanctimony n
sanction n,v
sanctity n
sanctuary n
sanctum n
sand n,v,er,man,y
sandal n
sandalwood n
sandbag n,v,er,ms
sandbank n
sandbar n
sandblast n,v,er
sandbox n
Sandburg n
sanderling n
Sanderson n
sandglass n
sandhill n
Sandia pc
sandlot n,a
sandpaper n,v
sandpile n
sandpiper n
Sandra pc
sandstone n
sandstorm n
Sandusky pc
sandwich n,v
sane a,comp,in
Sanford n
sang d
sangaree n
sangfroid pc
sanguinary a
sanguine n,a
sanguineous a
Sanhedrin n
sanitarian n
sanitarium n
sanitary a
sanitate v,ion
sank d,nopref
sans d
Sanskrit a,na
Santa pc
Santayana pc
Santiago pc
Santo n
Sao pc
sap n,v,er,ms,y
sapiens a
sapient a
sapling n
saponify v,er,ion
sapphire n,a
saprophyte n
saprophytic a
sapsucker n
sapwood n
Sara pc
Saracen n,a
Sarah pc
Saran pc
Sarasota pc
Saratoga pc
sarcasm n
sarcastic n,a
sarcoma n
sarcophagi n
sarcophagus n
sardine n
Sardinia pc
sardonic n,a
sargasso n
sargassum n
sarge pc
Sargent n
sari n
sarong n
sarsaparilla n
sartorial a
sash n
sashay n,v
Saskatchewan pc
sass v,er,y
sassafras n
sassy a,comp
sat d,nopref
satan n,na
satanic a
satchel n
sate n,v,nopref
satellite n,a
satiable a,in
satiate v,a,ion,in
satiety n
satin n,a,y
satire n,na
satiric n,a
satisfaction n
satisfactory a
satisfy v
satrap n
satrapy n
saturable a
saturate v,a,ion
Saturday n
Saturn pc
saturnalia n
saturnalian a
saturnian n
saturnine a
satyr n,na
sauce n,v,er,y
saucepan n
Saud pc
Saudi pc
sauerbraten n
sauerkraut n
Saul pc
Sault pc
sauna n
Saunders n
saunter n,v,er
sauropod n
sausage n
saute v
sautee v
sauterne n
savage n,v,a,na
savagery n
savanna n
Savannah pc
savant n
save n,v,er,va
Saviour pc
Savonarola pc
savoy n
Savoyard n
savvy n,v,a,comp
saw n,v,er
sawbuck n
sawdust n
sawfish n
sawfly n
sawhorse n
sawmill n
sawtimber n
sawtooth a
sawyer n
sax n
saxifrage n
Saxon n,a
Saxony pc
saxophone n,na
say n,vi,er,va
SC pc,nopref
scab n,v,ms,y
scabbard n,v
scabious n,a
scabrous a
scads d
scaffold n,vi
Scala pc
scalar n,a
scalawag n
scald n,v,a
scale n,v,a,er,na,va
scalene a
scallion n
scallop n,v,er
scalp n,v,er
scalpel n
scaly a,comp
scam n
scamp n,v,er
scan n,v,er,ms
scandal n,v,na
scandalous a
Scandinavia pc
scandium n
scansion n
scant a,comp,nopref,y
scapegoat n
scapegrace n
scapula n
scapular n,a
scar n,v,ms,y
scarab n
Scarborough n
scarce a,comp,va
scare n,v,er,y
scarecrow n
scaremonger n
scarf n,v
scarface n
scarify v,er,ion
scarless a
scarlet n,a
scarp n,v,er
Scarsdale pc
scarum d
scarves d
scat n,v,ms
scathe n,v
scathing a
scatology n
scatter n,v,er
scatterbrain n,ed
scattergun n
scaup n
scavenge v,er
scenario n
scene n
scenery n
scenic n,a
scent n,v,nopref
scentless a
Schaefer n
Schafer n
Schantz n
schedule n,v,er
schema n
schemata d
schematic n,a
scheme n,v,er
Schenectady pc
scherzo n
Schiller pc
schism n
schismatic n,a
schist n
schistosomiasis pc
schizoid n,a
schizophrenia n
schizophrenic n,a
schlemiel n
schlep v,ms
Schlesinger n
schlieren n
Schlitz pc
schlock y
Schloss pc
schmaltz n,v,y
schmaltzy a,comp
schmalz d
Schmidt n
Schmitt n
schmooze v,er
Schnabel n
schnapps n
schnauzer n
Schneider n
Schoenberg n
Schofield n
scholar n,a
scholastic n,a,na
scholium n
school n,v,er,man
schoolbag n
schoolbook n
schoolboy n
schoolchild pc
schoolchildren pc
schoolgirl n
schoolgirlish na
schoolhouse n
schoolmarm n
schoolmaster n
schoolmate n
schoolmistress n
schoolroom n
schoolteacher n
schoolwork n
schooner n
Schottky pc
Schroeder n
Schroedinger pc
Schubert n
Schultz n
Schulz n
Schumacher n
Schumann n
schuss n,v,er
Schuster pc
Schuyler pc
Schuylkill pc
schwa n
Schwab n
Schwartz n
Schweitzer n
sciatic a
sciatica n
science n
scientific n,a
scientist n,na
scimitar n
scintilla n
scintillate v,ion
scion n,nopref
scission n
scissor n,v
sclerosis pc
sclerotic n,a
SCM pc,nopref
scoff n,v,er
scofflaw n
scold n,v,er
scoliosis pc
sconce n
scone n
scoop n,v,er,na
scoot n,v,er
scope n,v
scorch n,v,er
score n,v,er,va
scoreboard n
scorecard n
scoria n
scorn n,v,er,na
Scorpio n
scorpion n
scot n
scotch n,v
Scotia pc
Scotland pc
Scots pc,man
Scott n
Scottish a
Scottsdale pc
Scotty pc
scoundrel n,a
scour n,v,er
scourge n,v,er
scout n,v,er
scoutmaster n
scow n
scowl n,v,er
scrabble n,v,a,er
scraggly a,comp
scraggy a,comp
scram v,ms
scramble n,v,er
Scranton n
scrap n,v,er,ms,y
scrapbook n
scrape n,v,er
scrapple n
scratch n,v,er,y
scrawl n,v,er,y
scrawly a,comp
scrawny a,comp
scream n,v,er
scree n
screech n,v,er,y
screed n
screen n,v,er,va
screenplay n
screenwriter n
screw n,v,er,na,y
screwball n,a
screwdriver n
screwworm n
scribble n,v,er
scribe n,v,er,in
Scribner n
scrim n
scrimmage n,v,er
scrimp v,er,y
scrimshaw n,v
scrip n,nopref
Scripps pc
script n,v,ion
scriptorium n
scriptural a
scripture n
scriptwriter n
scriven er
scrod n
scrofula n
scrofulous a
scrog v,ms
scroll n,v
scrooge n
scrotum n
scrounge v,er
scrub n,v,er,man,ms,y
scruff n,y
scrum n
scrumptious a
scrunch v,er,y
scruple n,v
scrupulosity n
scrupulous a
scrutable a,in
scrutiny n
scuba n
scud n,v,ms
scuff n,v,er
scuffle n,v,er
scull n,v,er
scullery n
scullion n
sculpin n
sculpt v
sculptor n
sculptress n
sculptural a
sculpture n,v
scum n,v,ms,y
scurrility n
scurrilous a
scurry n,v
scurvy n,a,comp
scuttle n,v
scuttlebutt n
scutum n
Scylla pc
scythe n,v
Scythia pc
SD pc,nopref
SE d,nopref
sea n,na,man
seabag n
seabed n
seabird n
seaboard n,a
seaborne a
seacoast n
seafare vi,er
seafood n
seafowl n
seafront n
seagoer n
seagoing a
Seagram pc
seagull n
seahorse n
seal n,v,er,va
sealant n
sealskin n,a
seam n,v,er,na,y
seaman pc,a,na
seamount n
seamstress n
Sean n
seance n
seaplane n
seaport n
seaquake n
sear n,v,nopref
search n,v,er,na,va
searchlight n
seascape n
seashell n
seashore n
seasick a
seaside n,er
season n,v,er,va
seasonal a
seat n,v,er
seatmate n
Seattle pc
seawall n
seaward n
seaway n
seaweed n
seaworthy a,comp
Sebastian n
sec n,a,nopref
secant n
secede v,er
secession n,na
seclude v
seclusion n,na,va
second n,v,a,er
secondary n,a
secondhand a
secondo n
secrecy n
secret n,a
secretarial a
secretariat n
secretary n,na
secrete v
secretion n,na,va
secretory a
sect n,v,ion,va
sectarian n,a,na
sectary n
sector n,v
sectoral a
secular n,a,na
secure v,a,er,va
sedan n
sedate v,a,ion
sedentary a
seder n
sedge n,y
sediment n,v
sedimentary a
sedimentation n
sedition n
seditious a
seduce v,er,va
seduction n,na,va
sedulous a
see n,vi,a,er
seeable a
seed n,v,er,na,y
seedbed n
seedcake n
seedeat vi,er
seedling n,a
seedpod n
seedsman pc
seek vi,er
seem v,a
seen d
seep n,v,nopref,y
seepage n
seer n
seersucker n
seesaw n,v,a
seethe n,v
seethed d
seething a
segment n,v,er,na
segmentary a
segmentation n
Segovia pc
segregant n
segregate n,v,ion
segue n,v
Segundo pc
Seidel pc
seigneur n
seigneurial a
seine n,v,er
seism n,na
seismic n,a
seismograph n,er
seismography n
seismology n,na
seismometer n,na
seize v,er
seizure n
seldom a
select v,a,ion,va,man
Selectric pc
Selena pc
selenate n
selenite n
selenium n
selenography n,er
selenology n,na
self n,v,a
selfish a
Selfridge n
selfsame a
Selkirk n
sell n,vi,er,va
sellout n
Selma pc
selsyn n
seltzer n
selvage n,ed
selves d
Selwyn n
semantic n,a,na
semaphore n,v
semblance n
semen n
semester n
semi n
seminal a
seminar n
seminarian n
seminary n
Seminole n
semiotic n,a
Semite n,na
semolina n
semper d
sempiternal a
senate n,ion
senatorial a
send n,vi
sender n
Seneca n
Senegal pc
senescent a
senile a
senior n,a
senor n
senora n
senorita n
sensate a,ion,in
sense n,v,na
sensible n,a,va,in
sensitive a,in
sensor n,y
sensorial a
sensorimotor a
sensual a,na
sensuous a
sent v,er
sentence n,v
sentential a
sententious a
sentient a,in
sentiment n,na
sentry n
Seoul pc
sepal n,ed
separable a,va,in
separate n,v,a,ion
sepia n,a
Sepoy pc
sepsis pc
sept n
septa pc
septate a
September n
septennial a
septet n
septic a
septillion n
septuagenarian n,a
septum n
septuplet n
sepulchral a
sequel n
sequelae d
sequent n,a
sequential a
sequester n,v
sequestration n
sequin n,ed
sequitur n
sequoia n
sera d
seraglio n
serape n
seraph n
seraphic n,a
seraphim n
Serb n,a
Serbia pc
serenade n,v,er
serendipitous a
serendipity n
serene n,a,comp
serf n
serfdom n
serge n
sergeant n,a,na,y
Sergei pc
serial n,a,na
seriate v,a
seriatim a
series n
serif n
serigraph n,er
seriocomic n,a
serious a
sermon n,na
serology n,na
Serpens pc
serpent n
serpentine n,a
serrate v,a,ion
serried a
serum n
servant n,nopref
serve n,v,er,na
service n,v,a,comp,man
serviceable a,va
serviette n
servile a
servitor n
servitude n
servo n
servomechanism n
servomotor n
sesame n
sesquicentennial n,a
sesquipedalian a
sessile a
session n,na,va
set n,vi,er,va,ms
setback n
Seth pc
Seton pc
setscrew n
settee n
settle n,v,er,va
setup n
seven n,nopref
sevenfold n
seventeen n
seventeenth n
seventh n
seventieth n
seventy n
sever v,va
severable a
several a,nopref
severalfold n
severalty n
severance n,nopref
severe v,a,comp,va
Severn pc
Seville pc
sew v,er
sewage n
Seward n
sewerage n
sewn d
sex n,v,na,y
sexagesimal n,a
sexology n,na
Sextans pc
sextant n
sextet n
sextillion n
sexton n
sextuple n,v,a
sextuplet n
sexual a
Seychelles pc
Seymour n
sforzando n,a
shabby a,comp
shack n,v
shackle n,v,er
shad n
shadbush n
shade n,v,er,y
shadow n,v,er,na,va,y
shadowbox v
Shafer n
Shaffer n
shaft n,v
shag n,v,a,ms,y
shagbark n
shah n
shake n,vi,er,va
shakeable a
shakedown n,a
shaken d
Shakespeare pc
Shakespearean n
Shakespearian n
shako n
shaky a,comp
shale n
shall vi
shallot n
shallow n,v,a,comp
shalom d
shalt d
sham n,v,a,er,ms
shaman n,na
shamateur n,na
shamble n,v,er
shame n,v,er,na
shamefaced a
shampoo n,v,er
shamrock n
shamus n
Shane n
shanghai n
shanghaied d
shanghaier n
shanghaiing d
shank n,nopref
Shannon n
shan't d
Shantung pc
shanty n,man
shantytown n
shape n,v,a,er,va
Shapiro n
shard n
share n,v,er,va
sharecrop v,er,ms
sharehold vi,er
shareholder n
shareown v,er
Shari pc
shark n,v
sharkskin n
Sharon pc
sharp n,v,a,comp,y
Sharpe n
sharpen v,er
sharpshoot vi,er
Shasta pc
shatter n,v
shatterproof a
Shattuck pc
shave n,v,er
shaven d
shaw n
shawl n,v
Shawn n
Shawnee n
shay n
she pc,nopref
Shea pc
sheaf n,na
shear n,v,er
Shearson n
sheath n,vi
sheathe v,er
sheave n,v
shebang n
she'd d
shed n,v,er,ms
Shedir pc
Sheehan n
sheen n,v,a
sheep n
sheepfold n
sheepherding n
sheepish a
sheepshank n
sheepshead n
sheepshear vi,er
sheepskin n
sheer n,v,a,comp
sheet n,v,a,na
Sheffield n
sheik n
sheikdom n
sheikh n
Sheila pc
shekel n
Shelby n
Sheldon n
shelf n,na
she'll d
shell n,v,er,a
shellac n,v
shellacked d
shellacking n
shellback n
Shelley n
shellfire n
shellfish n
shellproof a
Shelly pc
shelter n,v,er
Shelton n
shelty n
shelve v,er,y
Shenandoah pc
shenanigan n
Shepard n
shepherd n,v
Sheppard n
Sheraton a
sherbet n
Sheri n
Sheridan n
sheriff n
sherlock n
Sherman n
Sherri n
Sherrill pc
sherry n
Sherwin n
Sherwood n
Sheryl n
Shetland n
Shia n
shibboleth n
shied d
shield n,v,er
shift n,v,er,va,y
shill n,v
shillelagh n
Shiloh pc
shim n,v,er,ms
shimmery a
shimmy n,v
shin n,v,ms
shinbone n
shindig n
shine n,v,er,nopref,y
shingle n,v,er,y
shinny n,v
Shinto n,a,na
ship n,v,er,va,man,ms
shipboard n
shipbuild vi
shiplap n
Shipley n
shipmaster n
shipmate n
shipshape a
shipway n
shipworm n
shipwreck n,v
shipwright n
shipyard n
shire n
shirk v,er
Shirley pc
shirr v
shirt n,vi
shirttail n
shirtwaist n
shish d
shit n,v
shiv n
Shiva pc
shivaree n,v
shiver n,v
shivery a
shoal n,v,a,comp
shock n,v,a,er
Shockley n
shod a
shoddy n,a,comp
shoe n,v,er
shoehorn n,v
shoelace n
shoestring n
shofar n
shogun n
shoji n
shone d
shoo v,er
shoofly n
shook n
shoot n,vi,er
shootout n
shop n,v,er,ms
shoplift vi,er
shopown vi,er
shoptalk n
shopworn a
shore n,v
shorebird n
shoreline n
shorn d
short n,v,a,comp,y
shortage n
shortbread n
shortcake n
shortchange v,er
shortcoming n
shortcut n
shorten v,er
shortfall n
shorthand n,ed,a
shortish a
shortsighted a
shortstop n
shot n
shotgun n,a
should comp
shoulder n,v
shouldn't d
shouldst d
shout n,v,er
shove n,v,er
show n,v,er,man,y
showboat n
showcase n,v
showdown n
showery a
shown d
showpiece n
showplace n
showroom n
shrank d
shrapnel n
shred n,v,er,ms
Shreveport pc
shrew n,v
shrewd a,comp
shrewish a
shriek n,v,er
shrieve v,er
shrift n
shrike n
shrill n,v,a,comp
shrilly a
shrimp n,v,er
shrine n
shrink n,vi,er,va
shrinkage n
shrive v
shroud n,v
shrove d
shrub n,ms,y
shrubbery n
shrug n,v,ms
shrunk d
shrunken d
shtick n
Shu pc
shuck n,v,er
shudder n,v
shuddery a
shuffle n,v,er
shuffleboard n
Shulman n
shun v,er,ms
shunpike n
shunt n,v,er
shush v,er
shut n,vi,er,ms
shutdown n
shutoff n
shutout n
shutterbug n
shuttle n,v
shuttlecock n,v
shy n,v,a,comp
Shylock n
shyly d
shyster n
sial n,nopref
SIAM pc,nopref
Siamese a
Sian pc
sib n,a,ms
Siberia pc
sibilant n,a
sibilate v,ion
Sibley n
sibling n
sibyl n,nopref
sibylline a
sic v,ms
Sicilian n
Sicily pc
sick v,a,comp
sickbed n
sicken v,er
sickish a
sickle n,a
sickroom n
side n,v,er,na,man
sidearm n
sideband n
sidebar n
sideboard n
sideburns n
sidecar n
sidehill n,a
sidekick n
sidelight n
sideline n,v,er
sidelobe n
sidelong a
sidereal a
sidesaddle n
sideshow n
sideslip n,v
sidesplitting a
sidestep v,ms
sidestroke n
sideswipe n,v
sidetrack n,v
sidewalk n
sidewall n
sideway n
sidewinder n
sidewise d
sidle n,v
Sidney n
siege n,v
Siegel pc
Siegfried pc
Sieglinda pc
Siegmund pc
Siemens pc
sienna n
sierra n
siesta n
sieve n,v
sift v,er
sigh n,v,er,nopref
sight n,v,a
sightsee vi
sightseer n
sigma n
sigmoid a
Sigmund pc
sign n,v,er
signatory n,a
signature n
signboard n
signet n,v
significant a,na,in
signify v,er,ion
Signor pc
Signora pc
signpost n
Sikh n
Sikorsky n
silage n
silane n
Silas pc
silent a,nopref
silhouette n,v
silhouetting d
silica n
silicate n
siliceous a
silicic a
silicide n
silicious a
silicon n
silicone n
silicosis pc
silk n,v,y
silken a
silkworm n
sill n
silly a,comp
silo n
silt n,v,y
siltation n
Silurian a
Silva n
silver n,v,a,er
silverfish n
Silverman n
silversmith n
silverware n
silvery a,comp
silvicultural a
silviculture n,na
simian n,a
similar a
simile n
similitude n
simmer v
Simmons n
Simon n
Simons n
Simonson n
simony n
simpatico d
simper n,v,er
simple n,a,comp,na
simplectic n,a
simpleminded a
simpleton n
simplex n,a
simplicial a
simplicity n
simplify v,er,ion
simplistic n,a
simply d
Simpson n
Sims n
simulacra d
simulacrum n
simulate v,ion
simulcast n,v
simultaneity n
simultaneous a
sin n,v,er,na,ms
Sinai pc
since d
sincere a,comp
Sinclair n
sine n
sinecure n
sinew n,v,y
sinfonia n
sing n,vi,a,va
singable a
Singapore pc
singe n,v,er,nopref
singeing d
Singh n
single n,v,a
singlehanded a
singlet n
singleton n
singletree n
singsong n,a
singular n,a,na
sinh n
sinister a
sinistral a
sink n,vi,er,va
sinkhole n
sinter n,v,nopref
sinuous a
sinus n
sinusitis n
sinusoid n
Siobhan pc
Sioux pc
sip n,v,er,nopref,ms
sir n
sire n,v,nopref
siren n,a
Sirius pc
sirloin n
sirocco n
Sis pc
sisal n
siskin n
sissified a
sissy n,a,comp
sister n,a,na
Sistine a
Sisyphean a
Sisyphian a
Sisyphus pc
sit vi,er,ms
sitcom n
site n,v,nopref
situ d
situate v,a,ion
situs n
six n,nopref
sixfold n
sixgun n
sixpence n
sixteen n
sixteenth n,a
sixth n,a
sixtieth n,a
sixty n
sixtyish a
size n,v,a,er,va
sizzle n,v,er
skat n
skate n,v,er
skateboard n,v,er
skedaddle v
skeet n,er
skein n,v
skeletal a
skeleton n,a,na
skelter v
sketch n,v,er,y
sketchbook n
sketchpad n
skew n,v,a,er
ski n,v,nopref
skid n,v,er,ms
skied d
skiff n
skiing n
skill n,v
skillet n
skim n,v,a,er,ms
skimp v,y
skin n,v,er,na,ms,y
skindive vi
skinflint n
skinhead n
skink n,v,er
skip n,v,er,ms
skipjack n
Skippy pc
skirl n,v
skirmish n,v,er
skirt n,v,er
skit n,er,nopref,ms
skittish a
skittle n
skivvy n
skoal n
skua n
skulduggery n
skulk n,v,er
skull n,ed
skullcap n
skullduggery d
skunk n,v
sky n,v,er
skycap n
skydive vi
Skye pc
skyhook n
skyjack v
skylark n,v,er
skylight n
skyline n
skyrocket n,v
skysail n
skyscrape er
skyward d
skywave n
skyway n
skywrite v,er
S&L n,nopref
slab n,v,a,er,ms
slack n,v,a,er
slacken v
slag n
slain d
slake v
slalom n
slam n,v,er,ms
slander n,v,er
slanderous a
slang n,v,y
slant n,v,a,y
slantwise d
slap n,v,ms
slapdash d
slaphappy a,comp
slapstick n,a
slash n,v,er
slat n,v,nopref,ms
slate n,v,er,na,y
slather n,v
slattern n,v,a
slaughter n,v,er
slaughterhouse n
Slav n
slave n,v,er,na
slavehold vi,er
slavery n
Slavic n,a,na
slavish a
slaw n
slay vi,er
sleaze n,y
sled n,v,er,ms
sledge n,v
sledgehammer n,v,a
sleek v,a,er
sleep n,vi,er,y
sleeplike d
sleepwalk v,er
sleepyhead n
sleet n,v,y
sleeve n,ed
sleigh n,v
sleight n
slender a,comp,na
slept d
sleuth n,v
slew n
slice n,v,er
slick n,v,a,comp
slid d
slide n,vi,er
slight n,v,a,comp
slim v,a,comp,ms
slime n,v,y
sling n,vi,er
slingshot n
slink n,vi,y
slip n,v,a,er,ms,y
slipcase n
slipcover n
slipknot n
slippage n
slippery a
slipshod a
slipstream n
slipup n
slit n,vi,a,er,va,ms
slither v
slithery a
sliver n,v
slivery d
slivovitz n
Sloan n
Sloane n
slob n
slobber n,v,er,y
Slocum n
sloe pc,nopref
slog n,v,er,ms
slogan n,na
sloganeer n,v
sloop n
slop n,v,ms,y
slope n,v,a,er
slosh n,v,er
slot n,v,ms
sloth n,na
slouch n,v,er,y
slough n,v,y
sloven n,a
slow v,a,comp
slowdown n
slowish a
slowpoke n
sludge n,y
slug n,v,er,nopref,ms
slugfest n
sluggard n,a
sluggish a
sluice n,v,y
sluiceway n
slum n,v,er,ms
slumber n,v,er,y
slump n,v
slung d
slunk d
slur n,v,ms
slurp n,v,er
slurry n
slush n,y
slushy a,comp
slut n,nopref
sluttish a
sly a,comp
smack n,v,er
small n,a,comp
Smalley n
smallish a
smallpox n
smalltime n
smarmy a
smart n,v,a,comp,y
smarten v
smash n,v,a,er
smashup n
smatter n,v,er
smear n,v,er,y
smell n,v,er
smelly a,comp
smelt n,v,er
smidgen n
smile n,v,er
smirch n,v
smirk n,v,er,y
smite vi,er
smith n
smithereens n
Smithfield pc
Smithson n
Smithsonian pc
smithy n
smitten d
smock n,v
smog n,ms,y
smoke n,v,er,na,va,y
smokehouse n
smokeproof a
smokescreen n
smokestack n
smooch n,v,er,y
smooth n,v,a,comp,y
smoothbore n,a
smorgasbord n
smote d
smother v,er,y
Smucker pc
smudge n,v,er,y
smug a,comp,ms
smuggle v,er
smut n,v,ms,y
Smyrna pc
Smythe n
snack n,v,er
snaffle n,v
snafu n,v,a
snag n,v,ms,y
snail n,na
snake n,v,na,y
snakebird n
snakebite n
snakeroot n
snap n,v,a,er,ms,y
snapback n
snapdragon n
snappish a
snapshot n
snare n,v,er
snark n
snarl n,v,er,y
snarly a,comp
snatch n,v,er
snazzy a,comp
sneak n,v,er,y
sneer n,v,er
sneeze n,v,er,y
snell n,a
snick n,v,er
snide a,comp
sniff n,v,er,y
sniffle n,v,er
snifter n
snigger vi
sniggle v
sniggly a,comp
snip n,v,er,ms,y
snipe n,v,er
sniperscope n
snippet n,y
snit n
snitch v,er
snob n,na,ms,y
snobbery n
snobbish a
snook n,er
snoop n,v,er,y
snoot n,y
snooze n,v,er
snore n,v,er
snort n,v,er
snotty a,comp
snout n,ed,y
snow n,v,man,y
snowball n,v
snowbird n
snowbound a
snowcapped a
snowdrift n
snowdrop n
snowfall n
snowfield n
snowflake n
snowmobile n,vi,er
snowplow n,v
snowshed n
snowshoe n,v
snowslide n
snowstorm n
snowsuit n
snub n,v,a,er,ms,y
snuff n,v,er,y
snuffbox n
snuffle n,v,er
snug n,v,a,comp,ms
snuggle n,v,er
snuggly a,comp
Snyder n
so n,nopref
soak n,v,er
soap n,v,y
soapbox n,a
soapstone n
soapsud n
soar n,v,er,nopref
sob n,v,nopref,ms
sober v,a,comp
soberside n,ed
sobriety n,in
sobriquet n
Soc. d,nopref
soccer n
sociable n,a,va
social n,a,na
socialite n
societal a
Societe pc
society n,a
socioeconomic a
sociology n,na
sociometry pc
sociopath n
sock n,v,nopref
socket n,v
sockeye n
Socrates pc
Socratic n,a
sod n,v,ms,y
soda n
sodden v,a
sodium n
Sodom n
sodomite n
sodomize v,er
sodomy n
sofa n
soffit n
Sofia pc
soft n,a,comp,y
softball n
soften v,er
softhead n,ed
softhearted a
software pc
softwood n,a
soggy a,comp
soignee n
soil n,v,er
soilage n
soiree n
sojourn n,v,er
Sol pc
solace n,v,er,va
solar a,na
solarium n
sold d
solder n,v,er
soldier n,v,a,na
soldiery n
sole n,v,a
solecism n
solemn a,na
solemnity n
solenoid n
solicit v
solicitation n
solicitor n
solicitous a
solicitude n
solid n,a
solidarity n
solidify v,ion
solidus n
soliloquist n
soliloquy n
solipsism n
solipsist n,na
solitaire n
solitary n,a
soliton n
solitude n
solo n,v,na
Solomon n
Solomonic a
Solon n
solstice n
soluble a,va,in
solute n,a,ion
solvate n,v,ion
solve v,er,va
solvent n,a,na,in
Somali n
Somalia pc,nopref
somatic n,a
sombrero n
some n
somebody n
somebody'd d
someday d
somehow d
someone pc
someplace d
Somers n
somersault n,v
Somerset pc
Somerville pc
something pc
sometime n,a
somewhat d
somewhere n
sommelier n
Sommerfeld n
somnambulate v,ion
somnambulist n,na
somnolent a,na
son n,a
sonar n
sonata n
sonatina n
song n,na
songbag n
songbird n
songbook n
songfest n
songwrite vi,er
Sonia pc
sonic n,a
sonnet n,na
sonneteer n
sonny n
sonogram n
Sonoma pc
Sonora pc
sonority n
sonorous a
Sony pc
Sonya n
soon comp
soot n,v,nopref,y
sooth n,vi,a
soothe v,er
soothsay v,er
sop n,v,nopref,ms,y
Sophia pc
Sophie pc
sophism n
sophist n,na
sophisticate n,v,ion
sophistry n
Sophoclean a
Sophocles pc
sophomore n
sophomoric a
soporific n,a
soprano n,a
sora n,nopref
sorb n,v
Sorbonne pc
sorcerer n
sorceress n
sorcery n
sordid a
sore n,a,comp
sorehead n,ed,a
Sorensen n
Sorenson n
sorghum n
sorority n
sorption n,na
sorrel n
sorrow n,v,er,na
sorry a,comp
sort n,v,er,va
sortie n,v
sostenuto n
sot n,ed,ms
Soto n
sottish a
sou n,nopref
souffle n
sought d
soul n,ed,na
sound n,v,a,comp,va
soundboard n
soundproof v,a
soup n,v,y
sour n,v,a,comp
source n,na
sourdough n
sourpuss n
sourwood n
Sousa pc
souse n,v
soutane n
south n,vi,a,er
Southampton pc
southbound a
southeast n,a,er
southeastern a,er
southeasternmost a
southeastward n
southern a,er
southernmost d
Southey pc
southland n
southmost d
southpaw n,a
southward n
southwest n,a,er
southwestern a,er
southwesternmost a
southwestward n
souvenir n
sou'wester n
sovereign n,a
sovereignty n
soviet n,a,na
sovkhoz n
sow n,v,er
sowbelly n
sown d
sox pc
soy n
soya n
soybean n
S&P n,nopref
spa n
space n,v,er,ion,man
spacecraft n
spacesuit n
spacious a
spackle v,er
spade n,v,er,na
spadework n
spaghetti pc
Spain pc
spake d
spall n,v
spallation n
span n,v,er,ms
spandrel n
spangle n,v
Spaniard n
spaniel n
Spanish a
spank n,v,er
spar n,v,nopref,ms
spare n,v,a,comp,ion,va
spareribs n
sparge n,v,er
spark n,v,er,y
sparkle n,v,er
Sparkman n
sparkplug v
sparling n
sparrow n
sparse a,comp
Sparta pc
Spartan n,a,na
spasm n
spasmodic n,a
spastic n,a
spat n,v,er,ms
spate n,nopref
spatial a
spatiotemporal a
spatterdock n
spatula n
Spaulding n
spavin n,ed
spawn n,v,er
spay v
spayed d
speak n,vi,er,va
speakeasy n
spear n,v,a,er
spearhead n,v
spearmint n
spec n,nopref,ms
special n,a,na
speciation n,na
specie n
species n,a
specific n,a
specify v,er,ion
specimen n
specious a
speck n,v
speckle n,v,nopref
spectacle n,ed
spectacular n,a
spectator n,a
spectra pc
spectral a
spectrograph n
spectrography n
spectroheliograph n
spectrometer n
spectrophotometer n
spectroscope n,na
spectroscopy n
spectrum n
specular a
speculate v,ion
speculum n
sped d,nopref
speech n
speechify v
speed n,v,er,y
speedboat n,vi
speedometer n
speedster n
speedup n
speedway n
speedwell n
spell n,v,er
spellbind v,er
spellbound a
spelunker n
spelunking n
Spence n
Spencer n
Spencerian a,na
spend n,vi,er,va
spendthrift n,a
spent d
speramtozoon n
sperm n
spermatophyte n
spermatozoa pc
spermicide n
Sperry pc
spew n,v,er
sphagnum n
sphere n,v
spheric n,a
spheroid n
spherule n
sphincter n
sphinx n
sphygmometer n
Spica pc
spice n,v,y
spicebush n
spicule n
spider n
spidery a,comp
Spiegel n
spiel n,v,er
spiffy a,comp
spigot n
spike n,v,er,na,y
spikenard n
spill n,v,er,va
spillage n
spillway n
spilt d
spin n,vi,er,ms
spinach n
spinal n,a
spindle n,v
spindly a,comp
spine n,nopref,y
spinet n
spinnaker n
spinneret n
spinodal a
spinoff n
spinor n
spinster n
spire n,v,er,va,in,y
spirit n,v,na,va
spiritual n,a,na
Spiro pc
spit n,v,er,ms
spitball n
spite n,v,na
spitfire n
spittle n
spittoon n
spitz n
splash n,v,er,y
splat n,v,er,ms
splay n,v,a
splayed d
splayfoot n,ed,a
spleen n,na,y
splendid a
splendiferous a
splenetic n,a
splice n,v,er
spline n
splint n,v,er
splintery a
split n,vi,a,er,va,ms
splotch n,v,y
splurge n,v,er
splutter n,v,er,y
spoil n,v,er,va
spoilage n
spoilsman n
spoilsport pc
Spokane pc
spoke n,v,nopref
spoken a
spokes man
spokeshave n
spoliate ion
spondaic n,a
sponge n,v,er,y
sponson n,nopref
sponsor n,v
spontaneity n,v,a,ion
spontaneous a
spoof n,v,er,va
spook n,v,y
spool n,v,er
spoon n,v,er,na,y
spoonbill n
spoor n,vi
sporadic n,a
spore n,ed
sporran n
sport n,v,na,y
sportive a
sports man
sportscast n,er
sportsman n,a
sportswear n
sportswrite er
sportswriting n
spot n,v,er,va,ms,y
spotlight n,v
spouse n,v
spout n,v,er
Sprague n
sprain n,v
sprang d
sprawl n,v
spray n,v,er
spread n,vi,er
spree n
sprig n,v,ms
sprightly a,comp
spring n,vi,y
springboard n
springe n,vi,er
Springfield pc
springhouse n
springtail n
springtime n
sprinkle n,v,er
sprint n,v,er,nopref
sprite n
sprocket n
Sproul n
sprout n,v
spruce n,v,a,y
sprue n
sprung d
spry a,comp,nopref
spud n,v,ms
spume n,v,y
spumoni pc
spun d
spunk n,v,y
spur n,v,ms,y
spurge n
spurious a
spurn n,v,er
spurt n,v,er
sputnik n
sputter n,v,er
sputum n
spy n,v,er,nopref
spyglass n
squab n,a
squabble n,v,er
squad n,v,ms
squadron n
squalid a
squall n,v,er
squally a
squalor n
squamous a
squander n,v,er
square n,v,a,er
squarish a
squash n,v,er,y
squat n,v,a,comp,ms,y
squaw n
squawk n,v,er
squawroot n
squeak n,v,er,y
squeal n,v,er
squeamish a
squeegee n,v
squeeze n,v,er
squelch n,v,er
squib n,v,ms
Squibb pc
squid n,v,ms
squiggle n,v,y
squiggly a,comp
squill n
squint n,v,a,er,y
squire n,v,na
squirm n,v,er,y
squirt n,v,er
squish n,v,y
Sri pc
s's d,nopref
SSE d,nopref
SST n,nopref
SSW d,nopref
stab n,v,er,ms
stabile n,a,na
stable n,v,a,comp,man
staccato n,a
Stacey pc
stack n,v,er
Stacy pc
stadia n,nopref
stadium n
staff n,v,a,er
Stafford n
stag n,v,nopref,ms,y
stage n,v,er,y
stagecoach n
stagecraft n
stagehand n
stagestruck a
stagger n,v,er
stagnant a,na
stagnate v,ion
Stahl n
staid a,comp
stain n,v,er,va
stair n
staircase n
stairway n
stairwell n
stake n,v,er
stakehold vi,er
stalactite n,na
stalag n
stalagmite n,na
stale n,v,a,comp
stalemate n,v
Staley n
Stalin pc,na
stalk n,v,er,y
stall n,v,er,va,in
stallion n
stalwart n,a
stamen n
Stamford pc
stamina n
staminate a
stammer n,v,er
stamp n,v,er
stampede n,v
Stan pc
stance n,nopref
stanch v,er
stanchion n,v
stand n,vi,er,va
standard n,a,na
standby pc,nopref
standbys d,nopref
standee n
standeth d
Standish n
standoff n
standoffish a
standout n
standpipe n
standpoint n
standstill n
standup d
Stanford pc
Stanhope pc
stank n
Stanley n
stannic a
stannous a
Stanton pc
stanza n
staph n
staphylococcus n
staple n,v,a,er
Stapleton n
star n,v,na,nopref,ms,y
starboard n,v,a
starch n,v,y
stardom n
stardust n
stare n,v,er
starfish n
stargaze v,er
stark a,comp
Starkey n
starlet n
starlight n,a,comp
starling n
starlit a
Starr pc
start n,v,er,va
startle n,v
startup n
starvation n
starve v
starveling n
stash n,v
stasis pc
state n,v,a,er,na,ion,va
statecraft n
statehouse n
Staten pc
stater n
stateroom n
states man
stateside a
statewide d
static n,a
stationarity n
stationary a
stationery n
stationmaster n
statistician n
Statler pc
stator n
statuary n,a
statue n
statuesque a
statuette n
stature n
status n
statute n,va
statutory a
Stauffer n
staunch a,comp
Staunton pc
stave n,v
stay n,vi,er
stayed d
staysail n
stead n,v,nopref
steadfast a
steady n,v,a,comp
steak n
steal n,vi,er
stealth n,y
steam n,v,er,y
steamboat n
steamroll v,er
stearate n
stearic d
Stearns n
steed n
steel n,v,nopref
Steele n
steelhead n
steelwork n,er
steely a,comp
steelyard n
Steen n
steep n,v,a,comp
steepen v
steeple n
steeplebush n
steeplechase n,er
steeplejack n
steer n,v,er,va
steerage n
steersman pc
steeve n,v
Stefan pc
stegosaurus n
stein n
Steinberg n
steinbok n
Steiner n
stela n
stele n
Stella pc
stellar a
stellate v,a,ion
stem n,v,er,ms,y
stemware n
stench n,na,y
steno n
stenography n,er
stenotype n,v,na
stentorian a
step n,v,na,ms
stepbrother n
stepchild pc
stepchildren pc
stepdaughter n
stepfather n
Stephanie pc
Stephen pc
Stephens n
Stephenson n
stepladder n
stepmother n
steppe n,ed,er
stepsister n
stepson n
stepwise a
steradian n
stere n
stereo n,a
stereography n
stereopsis pc
stereopticon n
stereoscopy n
steric n,a
sterile a,na
sterling n,a
stern n,a,comp
sternal a
sternmost a
Sterno pc
sternpost n
sternum n
steroid n,a
stet v,ms
stethoscope n
Stetson pc
Steuben pc
Steve pc
stevedore n,v
Steven pc
Stevens n
Stevenson n
stew n,v,nopref
steward n,v
stewardess n
Stewart n
stick n,v,er,na,va,man
stickle v,er
stickpin n
sticktight n
stickup n
stickwork n
sticky a,comp
stiff n,v,a,comp
stiffen v,er
stifle n,v,er
stigma n
stigmata pc
stigmatic n,a
stile n
stiletto n
still n,v,a,comp,man,in
stillbirth n
stillborn n,a
stillwater n
stilt n,v
stimulant n,a
stimulate v,ion
stimuli d
stimulus pc
sting n,vi,er,y
stink n,vi,er,y
stinkbug n
stinkpot n
stint n,v,er
stipend n
stipple n,v,er
stipulate v,a,ion
stir n,v,er,ms
Stirling n
stirrup n
stitch n,v,er
stoat n
stochastic a
stock n,v,er,man,y
stockade n,v
stockbroker n
stockholder n
Stockholm pc
stockpile n,v
stockpot n
stockroom n
Stockton pc
stockyard n
stodgy a,comp
stogy n
stoic n,a,na
stoichiometry pc
stoke v,er
stole n,ed
stolen d
stolid a
stolon n
stoma n
stomach n,v,er,y
stomachs d
stomp n,v,er
stone n,v,er,nopref,y
stonecrop n
stonecut vi,er,ms
Stonehenge pc
stonemason n
stonewall v,er
stoneware n
stonework n
stood d
stooge n,v
stool n,v
stoolie n
stoop n,v,er
stop n,v,a,er,va,ms
stopcock n
stopgap n
stoplight n
stopover n
stoppage n
stopwatch n
storage n
store n,v,a,er,va
storehouse n
storeown vi,er
storeroom n
storewide a
Storey pc
stork n
storm n,v,y
stormbound a
story n,v
storyboard n
storybook n
storytell vi,er
stout n,a,comp
stouthearted a
stove n,er
stovepipe n
stow v
stowage n
stowaway n
strabismic a
strabismus n
straddle n,v,er
strafe n,v,er
straggle n,v,er
straggly a
straight n,v,a,comp
straightaway n,a
straightedge n
straighten v,er
straightforward n,a
straightway a
strain n,v,er,va
strait n,a,nopref
straiten v
straitjacket n,v
straitlaced a
strake n
strand n,v,er
strange a,comp
strangle v,er
stranglehold n
strangulate v,ion
strap n,v,er,ms
straphanger n
strata pc
stratagem n
strategic n,a
strategist n
strategy n
Stratford pc
stratify v,ion
stratigraphy n,er
stratocumulus n
stratosphere n
stratospheric a
Stratton n
stratum n
stratus n
Strauss n
straw n,y
strawberry n
strawflower n
stray n,v,a,er
streak n,v,er,y
stream n,v,er
streamlet n
streamline n,v,er
streamside n
street n
streetcar n
streetwalk vi,er
strength n
strengthen v,er
strenuous a
strep d
streptococcus n
streptomycin n
stress n,v,na
stretch n,v,a,er,va
stretchy a,comp
strew v,er,va
strewn d
striate v,a,ion
stricken d
Strickland pc
strict n,v,a,comp,ion,va
stricter d
stricture n
stride n,vi,er
strident a,na
strife n
strike n,vi,er
strikebound a
strikebreak vi,er
strikeout n
string n,v,er,na,y
stringent a,na
strip n,v,er,va,ms
stripe n,v,er,y
stripling n
striptease n,er
strive v,er
striven d
strobe n,v
stroboscope n
strode d
stroganoff a
stroke n,v,er
stroll n,v,er
Strom pc
Stromberg n
strong a,comp
strongbox n
stronghold n
strongish a
strongroom n
strontium n
strop n,v,ms
strophe n
strove d
struck d
structural a,na
structure n,v
strudel n
struggle n,v,er
strum n,v,er,ms
strumpet n
strung d
strut n,v,er,ms
strychnine n,na
Stu pc
Stuart n,a
stub n,v,ms,y
stubble n,a
stubborn a
stucco n,v
stuck d
stud n,v,nopref,ms
Studebaker n
student n
studio n
studious a
study n,v
stuff n,v,er,y
stultify v,ion
stumble n,v,er
stumblebum n
stump n,v,er,y
stumpage n
stun n,v,er,ms
stung d,nopref
stunk d
stunt n,v
stupefaction n
stupefy v,er
stupendous a
stupid n,a,comp
stupor n
Sturbridge pc
sturdy a,comp
sturgeon n
Sturm n
stutter n,v,er
Stuttgart pc
Stuyvesant n
sty n,v,nopref
stye n
Stygian a
style n,v,er,na
styli d
stylish a
stylites a
stylus n,nopref
stymie n,v
styptic n,a
styrene n
Styrofoam pc
Styx pc
suasion n,na,va
suave a,comp
sub n,v,a,ms
Subaru n
subdeb n
subdue v,er,va
subito d
subject n,v,a,ion
subjectivity n
sublimate n,v,ion
sublimer n
subliminal a
submersible n,a
submersion n
submit v,er,ms
submittal n
suborn v,er
subpoena n,v
subpoenaed d
subrogation n
subservient a,na
subsidence n
subsidiary n,a
subsidy n
subsist v
subsistent a
substance n
substantial n,a,in
substantiate v,ion
substantive n,a,na
substituent n,a
substitute n,v,a,va,ion
substitutionary a
substrate n
subsume v
subsumed d
subsuming d
subsumption n
subterfuge n
subterranean a
subtext n
subtle a,comp
subtlety n
subtly a
subtracter n
subtrahend n
suburb n
suburbia n
subvent v,ion
subvert v,er
succeed v,er
success n,na
succession n,na,va
successor n
succinct a
succotash n
succubus n
succulent a
succumb v
such na
suck n,v,er
suckle v
suckling n
sucrose n
suction n
Sudan pc
Sudanese pc
sudden n,a
suds n,v
sudsy a,comp
sue v,er,va
suede n
suet n
suey n
Suez pc
suffer v,er,va
sufferance n
suffice v,er
sufficient a,na,in
suffix n,v
suffocate v,ion
Suffolk pc
suffragan n,a
suffrage n,na
suffragette n
suffuse v
suffusion n,na,va
sugar n,v,y
sugarcane n
sugarhouse n
sugarloaf n
sugarplum n
suggest v,er
suggestible a,va
suggestion n,na,va
suicidal a
suicide n,v
suit n,v,va
suitcase n
suite n
suitor n
sukiyaki n
sulfanilamide n
sulfite n,na
sulfonamide n
sulfuric a
sulfurous a
sulk n,v,er,y
sulky n,a,comp
sullen a,comp
Sullivan n
sully n,v
sultan n,nopref
sultanate n
sultry a,comp
sum n,v,va,ms
sumac n
Sumatra pc
Sumerian n,a
summa n
summand n
summarily d
summary n,a
summation n,na
summer n,y
summersault n
summertime n
summit n
summitry n
summon v,er
summons n
Sumner n
sump n
sumptuous a,nopref
Sumter pc
sun n,v,na,nopref,ms,y
sunbaked d
sunbath n
sunbathe v,er
sunbathing d
sunbeam n
sunbonnet n
sunbow n
sunburn n,v
sunburnt d
sunburst n
sundae n
Sunday n,v,a
sunder v
sundew n
sundial n
sundown n,er
sundry n
sunfish n
sunflower n
sung d
sunglasses d
sunk d
sunken a
sunlamp n
sunlight n
sunlit a
Sunni n
Sunnyvale pc
sunrise n
sunscreen n
sunset n
sunshade n
sunshine n,y
sunspot n
sunstroke n
sunstruck a
sunsuit n
suntan n,v,ms
sunup n
SUNY pc,nopref
sup n,v,er,ms
super n,v
superannuate v,ion
superb a
superbly d
supercilious a
superficial a
superfluity n
superfluous a
superintendent n,a,na
superior n,a
superlunary a
supernatant n,a
supernovae pc
supernumerary n,a
supersede v
superstar n
superstition n
superstitious a
supervene v
supervention n
supervise v,ion
supervisory a
supine n,a
supplant v,er
supple v,a,comp,va
supplely d
supplementary a
supplementation n
suppliant n,a
supplicant n,a
supplicate v,ion
supply n,v,er,va
support v,er,ion,va
supposal n
suppose n,v,va,nopref
supposition n,na,va
suppositious a
suppository n
suppress v
suppressant n
suppressible a,in
suppression n,na,va
suppressor n
suppurate v,ion
supra d
supramolecular a
supranational a
suprema d
supremacist n
supremacy n
supreme a
supremum pc
surcease n,v
surcharge n,v
surcoat n
surd n,a
sure a,comp
surefire a,comp
surefooted a
surety n,na
surf n,v,er
surface n,v,a,er
surfactant n
surfboard n,v,er
surfboat n
surfeit n,v,er
surge n,v
surgeon n
surgery n
surgical a
surly a,comp
surmise n,v
surmount v,va
surname n,v
surpass v,va
surplice n
surplus n,a
surprint n,v
surprise n,v,er
surreal na
surrender n,v
surreptitious a
surrey n
surrogate n,v
surround n,v
surtax n
surtout n
surveillant n,a
survey n,v,va
surveyor n
survival n,na
survive v,va
survivor n
Sus pc
Susan pc
Susanna pc
Susanne pc
susceptance n
susceptible a,va,in
sushi n
Susie pc
suspect n,v,a
suspend v,er
suspense n,na
suspension n,na,va
suspensor n,y
suspicion n,v
suspicious a
Sussex pc
sustain v,er,va
sustenance n
Sutherland n
sutra n
Sutton n
suture n,v
Suzanne pc
suzerain n
suzerainty n
Suzuki pc
svelte a,comp
Sven n
SW d,nopref
swab n,v,er,ms,y
swaddle v
swag n,v,man,ms
swage n,v
swagger n,v,er
Swahili n
swain n
swale n
swallow n,v,er
swallowtail n
swam d
swami n
swamp n,v,er,y
swampland n
swan n,v,na,ms
swank n,v,a,comp,y
swansdown n
Swanson n
swap n,v,er,ms
sward n
swarm n,v,er
swart a
Swarthmore pc
Swarthout n
swarthy a,comp
swash n,v,a,er
swashbuckle v,er
swastika n
swat n,v,er,ms
swatch n
swath n
swathe n,v,er
sway n,v,er
swayback n,ed
Swaziland pc
swear vi,er
swearword n
sweat n,v,er,y
sweatband n
sweatshirt n
sweatshop n
Swede n
Sweden pc
Swedish a
Sweeney n
sweep n,vi,er,y
sweepstake n
sweet n,v,a,comp
sweetbread n
sweeten v,er
sweetheart n
sweetie n
sweetish a
sweetmeat n
sweetshop n
swell n,v,a
swelter n,v
Swenson n
swept a
swerve n,v
swift n,a,comp
swig n,v,er,ms
swill n,v,er
swim n,vi,er,va,ms,y
swimsuit n
swimwear pc
swindle n,v,er
swine n
swineherd n
swing n,v,a,er,y
swingable a
swinish a
swipe n,er,v
swirl n,v
swirly a,comp
swish n,v,a,er,y
swiss n,v
switch n,v,er,man
switchback n
switchblade n
switchboard n
switchgear n
switchyard n
Switzer pc
Switzerland pc
swizzle n,v,er
swollen d
swoon n,v,er
swoop n,v,er
swoosh n,v
sword n,na,man
swordfish n
swordplay n,er
swords man
swordtail n
swore d
sworn d,nopref
swum d
swung d
sybarite na
Sybil pc
sycamore n
sycophant n,a,na
sycophantic n,a
Sydney pc
Sykes pc
syllabary n
syllabic n,a
syllabify v,ion
syllable n,v
syllabus n
syllogism n
syllogistic n,a
sylph n,na
sylvan n,a
Sylvania pc
Sylvester n
Sylvia pc
sylviculture n
symbiont n
symbiosis pc
symbiotic n,a
symbolic n,a
symbology n
symmetry n
sympathetic n,a
sympathy n
sympatric a
symphonic n,a
symphony n
symposia pc
symposium n
symptom n,na
symptomatic n,a
synagogue n
synapse n,v
synaptic a
sync n,v,a
synch v
synchromesh n,a
synchronic n,a
synchronism n
synchronous a
synchrony n
synchrotron n
syncline n
syncopate v,ion
syndic n
syndicate n,v,ion
syndrome n
synecdoche n
synergetic n,a
synergism n
synergist n
synergistic n,a
synergy n
synod n
synodic n
synonym n,a,na
synonymous a
synonymy n
synopses d
synopsis pc
synoptic n,a
syntactic n,a
syntax n
syntheses d
synthesis pc
synthetic n,a
syphilis n
syphilitic n,a
Syracuse pc
Syria pc
syringa n
syringe n,v
syrinx n
syrup n,y
system n,na
systematic n,a
systemic n,a
systemization n
systemwide a
systole n
systolic a
syzygy n
tab n,v,ms
tabby n
tabernacle n,v
tablature n
table n,v,er
tableau n
tableaux pc
tablecloth n
tableland n
tablespoon n,na
tablet n
tabletop n
tableware n
tabloid n
taboo n,v
tabu n
tabula pc
tabular a
tabulate v,ion
tachinid n
tachistoscope n
tachometer n
tacit a,comp
taciturn a
Tacitus pc
tack n,v,er,y
tackle n,v,er
taco n
Tacoma pc
tact pc,na
tactic n,a
tactician n
tactile a,nopref
taction n
tactual a
tad n,nopref
tadpole n
taffeta n
taffrail n
taffy n
Taft n
tag n,v,ms
Tagalog n
tagalong n
Tahiti pc
Tahitian n
Tahoe pc
tail n,v,er,na
tailback n
tailcoat n
tailgate n,v,er
taillight n
tailor n,v
tailpiece n
tailpipe n
tailrace n
tailspin n
tailstock n
tailwind n
taint n,v,nopref
Taipei pc
Taiwan pc
Taiwanese pc
Tajikistan pc
take n,vi,er,va
takedown n,a
taken a
takeoff n
takeout n
takeover n
taketh d
talc n
talcum n
tale n,er,nopref
talebear vi,er
talent n,ed
talisman n
talismanic n,a
talk n,v,er,y
talkative a
talkie n
tall a,comp,nopref
Tallahassee pc
tallish a
tallow n,v,y
tally n,v,man
tallyho n
Talmud pc,na
talmudic n,a
talon n,ed
talus n
tam n
tamale n
Tamara n
tamarack n
tamarind n
tamarisk n
tambour n,v,er
tambourine n
tame v,a,comp,va
Tamil n
Tammany a,na
Tammy pc
tamp n,v
Tampa pc
tamper v,er
tampon n
tan n,v,er,nopref,ms
tanager n
Tanaka pc
Tananarive pc
tanbark n
tandem n
tang n,ed,a
tangelo n
tangent n,a,na
tangential a
tangerine n
tangible n,a,va,in
tangle n,v,er
tango n,v
tangy a,comp
tanh d
tank n,v,er
tankard n
tannery n
tannest d
tannin n
tansy n
tantalum n
Tantalus pc
tantamount a
tantrum n
Tanya pc
Tanzania pc
tao na
Taoist n,a,na
Taos pc
tap n,v,er,ms
tapa n
tape n,v
taper n,v,er
tapestry n,ed
tapeworm n
tapioca n
tapir n
tapis n
tappet n
taproom n
taproot n
tapster n
tar n,v,ms
tarantara n
tarantella n
tarantula n
Tarbell pc
tardy a,comp
target n,v,va
Tarheel n
tariff n,v
tarmac pc
tarn n
tarnish n,v,va
tarp n
tarpaper n
tarpaulin n
tarpon n
tarragon n
tarry n,v
Tarrytown pc
tart n,a,comp
tartan n
tartar n
Tartary pc
tartrate n,ed
Tarzan pc
task n,v
taskmaster n
taskmistress n
Tasmania pc
Tass pc
taste n,v,er,na
tasting n
tasty a,comp
tat n,v,er,nopref,ms,y
Tate n
tater n
tattle n,v
tattler n
tattletale n
tattoo n,v,er
tau n
taught d
taunt n,v,er
Taurus pc
taut a,comp
tauten v
tautologous a
tautology n
tautonym n
tavern n,er
taverna n
tawdry n,a,comp
tawny n,a,comp
tax n,v,er,va
taxa d
taxation n
taxi n,v,man
taxicab n
taxidermic a
taxidermist n
taxidermy n
taxied d
taxiing d
taximeter n
taxiway n
taxon n
taxonomist n
taxonomy n,na
taxpay vi,er
Taylor n
TB pc,nopref
tea n
teacart n
teach n,vi,er,va
teacup n,na
teahouse n
teak n
teakettle n
teakwood n
teal n,nopref
team n,v,a
teammate n
teamster n
teamwork n
teapot n
tear n,v,er,na,y
teardrop n
tearjerk er
tearoom n
tease n,v,er
teaspoon n,na
teat n,ed
teatime n
tech ed
technetium n
technic n,a
technician n
technicolor n,ed
technique n
technocracy n
technocrat n
technocratic n,a
technology n,na
tectonic n,a
tecum n
ted n,v,er,nopref,ms
teddy n
tedious a
tedium n
tee n,v
teem v
teen n,y
teenage n,ed,er
teensy a,comp
teepee n
teeter n,v
teeterboard n
teeth n,v,er
teethe v
Teflon pc
Tegucigalpa pc
tegument n,na,in
Teheran pc
Tehran pc
tektite n
Tektronix pc
telecom n
Teledyne pc
Telefunken pc
telegenic a
telegraphy n,er,na
telekinesis pc
teleology n,na
telepathic n,a
telepathy n
telephone n,v,er,na,y
telephony d
telethon n
Telex pc
tell vi,er,va,y
telltale n
tellurium n
temblor n
temerity n
temper n,v,er,va
tempera n,va
temperance n,in
temperate a,in
temperature n
tempest n,v
tempestuous a
template n
temple n,ed
Templeton pc
tempo n
temporal a,na
temporary n,a
tempt v,er,va
temptation n
temptress n
tempura d
ten n,er,nopref,ms
tenable a,va
tenacious a
tenacity n
tenant n,v,na
tenantry n
tend v,er
tendency n
tendentious a
tender v,a,er,va
tenderfeet pc
tenderfoot n
tenderhearted a
tenderloin n
tendinitis n
tendon n
tendril n,ed,a
tenebrous a
tenement n
tenet n,nopref
tenfold a
Tenneco pc
Tennessee pc
Tenney n
tennis n
Tennyson pc
tenon n,v
tenor n
tense n,v,a,comp
tensile a
tension n,v,na,va
tensional a
tensor n
tenspot n
tent n,v,er,na,y
tentacle n,ed
tentage n
tentative n,a
tenterhook n
tenth n,a
tenuous a
tenure n,ed
tepee n
tepid a
tequila n
teratogen n
teratogenic a
teratology n
terbium n
tercel n
tercentenary n,a
teredo n
Terence pc
Teresa pc
tergiversate v,ion
teriyaki n
term n,v,er,nopref
termagant n,a
terminable a
terminal n,a
terminate v,a,ion
termini d
terminology n
terminus n
termite n,nopref
tern n,nopref
ternary a
terpene n
Terpsichore pc
terpsichorean a
Terra pc
terrace n,v,er
terrain n
terramycin n
terrapin n
terrarium n
terrazzo n
Terre pc
Terrell n
Terrence n
terrestrial n,a
Terri n
terrible a
terrier n
terrific n,a
terrify v
territorial n,a,na
territory n
terror n,na
terry n
terse a,comp
tertiary n,a
Tess pc
tessellate v,ion
tessera n
tesserae pc
tessitura n
test n,v,er,va,y
testament n,na
testamentary a
testate a,ion
testbed n
testes d
testicle n
testicular a
testify v,er
testimonial n,a
testimony n
testosterone n
tetanus n
tetched a
tetchy a
tete n,nopref
tether n,v
tetherball n
Teton n,nopref
tetrachloride n
tetracycline n
tetrad n
tetraethyl a
tetrafluoride n
tetrafluouride n
tetragonal a
tetragrammaton n
tetrahedra n
tetrahedral a
tetrahedron n
tetralogy n
tetramer n
tetraploid n,a
tetravalent a
tetrode n
Teutonic n,a
Texaco pc
Texan pc
Texas pc
text n,nopref
textbook n
textile n
Textron pc
textual a
textural a
texture n,v
TGV n,nopref
Thadeus n
Thai n
Thailand pc
thalamus n
Thalia pc
thallium n
thallophyte n
Thames pc
than d,nopref
thane n,nopref
thank n,v,er,na
thanksgiving n
that pc,nopref
thatch n,v,er
that'll d
thaumaturgic a
thaumaturgy n
thaw n,v
Thayer n
the d,nopref
Thea pc
theatric n
Thebes pc
thee d,nopref
theft n
their d,nopref
theirs d,nopref
theism n
theist n,a,na
Thelma pc
them d,nopref
thematic n,a
theme n
themselves d
then d,nopref
thence d
thenceforth d
Theo pc
theocracy n
theocratic n,a
theodolite n,na
Theodore pc
theogony n
theologian n
theology n
theorem n
theoretic n
theoretician n
theorist n
theory n
theosophy n
therapeutic n,a
therapist n
therapy n
there pc,nopref
thereabouts d
thereafter d
thereat d
thereby d
there'd d
therefore d
therefrom d
therein d
there'll d
thereof d
thereon d
Theresa pc
Therese n
thereto d
theretofore d
thereunder d
thereunto d
thereupon d
therewith d
therm n
thermal n,a
thermionic n,a
thermistor n
thermo n
Thermofax pc
thermography n,er
thermophile n
thermophilic a
thermostat n,v
thesaurus n
these n
Theseus pc
thesis pc
thespian n,a
Thessalonian n
theta n
Thetis pc
they d
they'd d
they'll d
they're d
they've d
thiamin n
thiamine n
thick n,a,comp
thicken v,er
thicket n,ed,y
thickheaded a
thickish a
thickset a
thief pc
thieve v
thievery n
thievish a
thigh n
thimble n,na
Thimbu pc
thin v,a,comp,ms
thine d
thing n,a
thingamajig n
think n,vi,er,va
thinnish a
thiocyanate n
thiouracil n
third n,a
thirst n,v,er,y
thirteen n
thirteenth n
thirtieth n
thirty n
thirtyish a
this d
this'll d
thistle n
thistledown n
thither a
Thomas n
Thomistic a
Thompson n
Thomson n
thong n
Thor pc
thorax n
Thoreau pc
thorium n
thorn n,ed,na,y
Thornton n
thorough a
thoroughbred n,a
thoroughfare n
thoroughgoing a
Thorpe n
Thorstein pc
those d
thou n,v
though d,nopref
thought n,na
thousand n
thousandfold n
thousandth n
thraldom n
thrall n
thrash n,v,er
thread n,v,er,na,y
threadbare a
threat n,v
threaten v,er
three n,nopref
threefold n
threesome n
threnody n
thresh v,er
threshold n,v
threw d
thrice d
thrift n,y
thrill n,v,er
thrips n
thrive v,er
throat n,v,y
throb n,v,er,ms
throes d
thrombosis pc
thrombus n
throne n,ed
throng n,v
throttle n,v,er
through d
throughout d
throughput d
throughway n
throve d
throw n,vi,er
throwaway n
throwback n
thrown d
thrum n,v,nopref,ms
thrush n
thrust n,vi,er
Thruway pc
Thu. d,nopref
Thuban pc
thud n,v,ms
thug n
thuggee n
thuggery pc
thuggish a
Thule pc
thulium n
thumb n,v,nopref
thumbnail n
thumbprint n
thumbscrew n
thumbtack n
thump n,v,er
thunder n,v,er
thunderbird n
thunderbolt n
thunderclap n
thundercloud n
thunderhead n
thunderous a
thundershower n
thunderstorm n
Thurman pc
Thursday n
Thurston pc
thus d
thwack n,v
thwart n,v,a,er
thy d
thyme n
thymine n
thyratron n
thyroid n
thyroidectomy n
thyroxine n
thyself d
ti n,nopref
tiara n
Tiber pc
Tibet pc
Tibetan n,a
tibia n
Tibor pc
tic n
tick n,v,er,nopref
ticket n,v
tickle n,v,er
ticklish a
tidal a
tidbit n
tide n,v,nopref
tideland n
tidewater n
tidy n,v,a,comp
tie n,ed,er
tieback n
tiedown n
Tientsin pc
tiff n,v
tiffany n
tiger n,na
tigerish a
tight n,a,comp
tighten v,er
tightfisted a
tightrope n
tightwad n
tightwire n
tigress n
Tigris pc
til d
tilde n
tile n,v,a,comp,na
till n,v,er,va
tillage n
tilt n,v,er,nopref
tilth n
Tim pc
timber n,v,man
timberland n
timberline n
timbre n
time n,v,a,er
timeout n
timepiece n
timesave vi
timeserve vi,er
timeshare n,v
timetable n
timeworn a
Timex pc
timid a,comp
Timon pc
timorous a
timothy n
timpani d
timpanist n
tin n,v,er,man,ms,y
Tina pc
tincture n,v
tinder n,y
tinderbox n
tine n,ed,y
tinfoil n
tinge n,v
tingle n,v,er
tingly d
tinhorn n
tinker n,v,er
Tinkertoy n
tinkle n,v,er
tinkly d
tinplate n
tinsmith n
tint n,v,er
tintinnabulate v,ion
tintype n
tinware n
Tioga pc
tip n,v,er,ms,y
tipoff n
Tipperary pc
tipple n,v,er
tipster n
tipsy a,comp
tiptoe n,v
tirade n
Tirana pc
tire n,v,va,man
tiresome a
tissue n
tit n,er,nopref,ms
titan n,na
titanate n
titanic a
titanium n
titer n,nopref
tithe n,v,er
tithing n
titian a
titillate v,ion
title n,v,na
titmouse n
titrate v,ion,va
tittle n,nopref
titular n,a
Titus n
TLC d,nopref
TN pc,nopref
TNT pc,nopref
to d,nopref
toad n
toadstool n
toady n,v,na
toast n,v,er,y
toastmaster n
toastmistress n
tobacco n
tobacconist n
Tobago pc
Tobias n,nopref
toboggan n,v,er,na
Toby pc
toccata n
tocsin n
today n
Todd pc
toddle n,v,er
toddy n
toe n,ed
toehold n
toeing d
toenail n,v
toffee n
tofu d
tog v,ms
together a
toggery n
toggle n,v
Togo pc
togs n
toil n,v,er,na
toilet n
toiletry n
toilette n
toilsome a
toilworn a
tokamak n
token n,v,a
Tokyo pc
told d
Toledo pc
tolerable a,va,in
tolerant a,in
tolerate v,ion
toll n,v,er,man
tollbooth n
tollgate n
tollhouse n
Tolstoy pc
toluene n
Tom pc
tomahawk n
tomato d
tomatoes d
tomb n,na
tomboy n
tomboyish a
tombstone n
tomcat n
tome n
tomfoolery n
Tomlinson pc
Tommie pc
tommy n,nopref
tommyrot n
tomograph n
tomography n
tomorrow n
Tompkins n
ton n,er,ms
tonal a
tone n,v,er,in,y
tong n,v,er
tongue n,v,na
Toni pc
tonic n,a
tonight n
tonnage n
tonne n
tonneau n
tonsil n
tonsillectomy n
tonsillitis n
tonsorial a
tonsure n,v
Tonya n
too d,nopref
toodle v
took d
tool n,v
toolbox n
toolholder n
toolkit n
toolroom n
toolshed n
toolsmith n
toot n,v,er
tooth n,ed,na,y
toothache n
toothbrush n
toothpaste n
toothpick n
toothsome a
tootle n,v,er
top n,v,er,na,ms
topaz n
topcoat n
Topeka pc
toper n
topflight a
topgallant n,a
topiary n,a
topic n,nopref
topkick n
topknot n
topmast n
topmost a
topnotch n,er
topo n
topocentric a
topography n,er
topology n,na
topple v
topsail n
topside n
topsoil n
topsy d
toque n
Torah n
torch n,v
torchbearer n
torchlight n
tore d,nopref
toreador n
tori d
torment n,v,er
torn d
tornado n
tornadoes d
toroid n
Toronto pc
torpedo n,v
torpedoes d
torpid a
torpor n
torque n
torr n,nopref
Torrance pc
torrent n,a
torrential a
Torres n
torrid a
torsion n,na,in
torso n
tort n
torte n,er
tortellini pc
tortilla n
tortious a
tortoise n
tortoiseshell n
tortoni pc
tortuous a
torture n,v,er
torus n
Tory n,na
Toshiba n
toss n,v,er
tot n,v,er,nopref,ms
total n,a,na
totalitarian n,a,na
tote n,v,er
totem n,na
totemic a
toucan n
touch n,v,va,y
touchback n
touchdown n
touche v,er
touchhole n
touchstone n
tough n,v,a,comp,y
toughen v
toughie n
toupee n
tour n,v,na
touristy a
tourmaline n
tournament n
tourney n
tourniquet n
tousle n,v
tout n,v,er
tow n,v,er
toward n,a
towboat n
towhead n,ed
towhee n
towline n
town n,y
townhouse n
towns man
Townsend n
townsfolk n
townspeople n
towpath n
towrope n
toxic a
toxicology n,na
toxin n
toy n,v,er,na
Toyota n
trace n,v,er
traceable a
tracery n
Tracey pc
trachea n
tracheal a
tracheotomy n
track n,v,er,va
trackage n
trackwalker n
tract n,v,ion,va
Tracy n
trade n,v,er
trademark n,v
tradeoff n
trades man
tradespeople n
tradition n,na
traduce v,er,va
traffic n
trafficked d
trafficker n
trafficking d
tragedian n
tragedienne n
tragedy n
tragic n,a
tragicomedy n
tragicomic n,a
trail n,v,er
trailblaze vi,er
trailside n
train n,v,er,va,man
trainee n,na
trainload n
traipse n,v
trait n
traitor n
traitorous a
trajectory n
tram n,v,ms
tramcar n
tramp n,v,er
trample n,v,er
trampoline n,er,na
tramway n
Tran n
trance n,v
tranquil a,comp,na
tranquillity n
transact v,ion
transalpine n,a
transatlantic a
transceiver n
transcend v
transcendent a,na
transcendental a,na
transconductance n
transcontinental a
transcribe v,er
transcript n,ion
transducer n
transduction n
transect v,ion
transept n
transfer n,v,er,ms
transferable a
transferal n
transferee n
transference n
transferor n
transfiguration n
transfigure v
transfinite a
transfix v
transform n,v,er,va
transformation n,na,va
transfuse v
transfusion n
transgenic n,a
transgress v
transgression n,na,va
transgressor n
transient n,a,na
transistor n,na
transit n,v,va
Transite pc
transition n,na,va
transitory a
translate v,ion,va
transliterate v,ion
translocate v,ion
translucent a,na
transmigrate v,ion
transmissible a,va
transmission n,na,va
transmit v,er,ms
transmittable a
transmittal n
transmittance n
transmogrify v,ion
transmutation n,na,va
transmute v,va
transoceanic a
transom n
transpacific a
transparent a,na
transpiration n
transpire v
transplant n,v,er,va
transplantation n
transpolar a
transpond v,er
transport n,v,er,va
transportation n,na
transpose v,va
transposition n,na
transship n,v,er,va,ms
transubstantiate v,ion
transuranium a
transversal n,a
transverse n,a
transvestite n,a
trap n,v,er,na,ms
trapdoor n
trapeze n,na
trapezium n
trapezoid n
traprock n
trapshoot vi,er
trash n,v,y
Trastevere pc
trauma n
traumatic n,a
travail n,v
travelogue n
traversal n
traverse n,v,a,er,va
travertine n
travesty n,v
Travis n
travois n
trawl n,v,er
tray n
treacherous a
treachery n
treacle n
tread n,v,er
treadle n,v
treadmill n
treason n,va
treasonous a
treasure n,v,er,va
treasury n
treat n,v,er,va
treatise n
treaty n
treble n,v,a
tree n,v,na
treehopper n
treetop n
trefoil n
trek n,v,er,ms
trellis n,v
tremble n,v,a,er
tremendous a
tremolo n
tremor n
tremulous a
trench n,v,er
trenchant a,na
trencherman pc
trenchermen pc
trend n,v,y
Trenton pc
trepan v,ms
trepidation n
trespass n,v,er
tress n,v,na
trestle n
Trevelyan n
Trevor pc
triable a
triac n
triad n
triage n
trial n
triangle n
triangular a
triangulate v,a,ion
Triangulum pc
Trianon pc
Triassic a
triathlon n
triatomic a
triaxial n,v,a,er
tribal a,na
tribe n
tribes man
tribulate v,ion
tribunal n
tribune n,na
tributary n,a
tribute n,v,va
trice n,v,nopref
Trichinella pc
trichloride n
trichloroethane n
trick n,v,er,y
trickery n
trickle n,v
trickster n
tricorn a
tricornered a
tricot n
tricycle n
trident n
tridiagonal a
tried d
triennial n,a
triennium n
trifecta n
trifle n,v,er
trifluouride n
trifocal n,a
trifurcate v,a,ion
trig n,v,nopref,ms
trigger n,v,man
trigonal a
trigonometric a
trigonometry pc
trigram n
trigraph n
trihedral n,a
trilateral a
trilingual a
trill n,v,er
trillion n,a
trillionth n,a
trilobite n,na
trilogy n
trim n,v,a,comp,ms
trimer n
trimester n
trimotor n
Trinidad pc
trinitarian a,na
trinity n
trinket n,v,er
trinomial a,n
trio n
triode n
trioxide n
trip n,v,a,er,ms
tripartite a
tripe n
triplane n
triple n,v,a
triplet n
Triplett n
triplex n
triplicate n,v,a,ion
triploid a
tripod n
tripoli n
triptych n
trireme n
trisect v,ion
trisodium n
Tristan pc
tristate n
trisyllable n
trite a,comp,nopref
tritiate v,ion
tritium n
triton n
tritone n
triumph n,v
triumphal a
triumphant a
triumvir n
triumvirate n
triune n,a
trivalent a,na
trivia pc
trivial a,na
trivium pc
trochaic n,a
trochee n
trod a
trodden d
troglodyte n
troglodytic a
trogon n
troika n
Trojan n,a
troll n,v,er
trolley n,v
trolleybus n
trollop n
trombone n,na
trompe n
troop n,v,er
trope n
trophic n,a
trophy n,v
tropic n,a
tropism n
tropopause n
troposphere n
tropospheric a
trot n,v,er,nopref,ms
troth n,v
troubadour n
trouble n,v,er
troubleshoot v,er
troublesome a
trough n
trounce v
troupe n,v,er
trouser n
trousseau n
trout n,y
Troutman n
trove n,er
troy pc,nopref
truancy n
truant n,v,a
truantry n
truce n,ed
truck n,v,er,man
truckle n,v,er
truckload n
truculent a,na
trudge n,v,er
Trudy pc
true n,v,a,comp,na
truffle n,ed
truism n
truly d
Truman n
Trumbull n
trump n,v
trumpery n,a
trumpet n,v,er,na
truncate v,a,ion
truncheon n,v
trundle n,v,er
trunk n,v
trunnion n
truss n,v,er
trust n,v,er,na
trustbust vi,er
trustee n,v
trustworthy a,comp
trusty n,a,comp
truth n,na
TRW pc,nopref
try n,v,er
tryout n
trypsin n
tsar n
tsarina n
tsetse n
tsunami n
TTL pc,nopref
TTY pc,nopref
tub n,v,er,va,ms
tuba n
tubby n,a,comp
tube n,v,er,na
tubercle n,ed
tubercular n,a
tuberculin n
tuberculosis pc
tuberculous a
tuberous a
tubular a
tubule n
tuck n,v,er
Tucson pc
Tudor n,nopref
Tue. d,nopref
Tuesday n
tufa n
tuff n,nopref
tuffet n
tuft n,v,er,y
tug n,v,er,ms
tugboat n
tuition n,na,in
Tulane pc
tulip n
tulle n
Tulsa pc
tum n,nopref
tumble n,v,er
tumbledown a
tumbleweed n
tumbrel n
tumbril n
tumescent a,in
tumid a,comp
tummy n
tumpline n
tumuli d
tumult n
tumultuous a
tumulus n
tun n,nopref,ms,y
tuna n
tundra n
tune n,v,er,na,va
tung n
tungstate n
tungsten n
tunic n
Tunis pc
Tunisia pc
tuppence n
turban n,ed
turbid a,comp
turbinate ed,a
turbine n
turbo n
turbocharge v,er
turbofan n
turbojet n
turboprop n
turbot n
turbulent a,na
tureen n
turf n,v
turgid a,comp
Turin pc
Turing n
turk na
turkey n
Turkish a
Turkmenistan pc
turmeric n
turmoil n
turn n,v,er,va
turnabout n
turnaround n
turnbuckle n
turncoat n
turndown n
turnery n
turnip n
turnkey n
turnoff n
turnout n
turnover n
turnpike n
turnstile n
turnstone n
turntable n
turnup n
turpentine n,v
turpitude n
turquoise n
turret n,ed
turtle n,v
turtleback n,a
turtledove n
turtleneck n
turvy a,comp
Tuscaloosa pc
Tuscan n,a
Tuscany pc
Tuscarora n
tusk n,v,er,na
Tuskegee pc
tussle n,v
tussock n
tut d
tutelage n
tutelary n,a
tutor n,v
tutorial n,a
tutti n
Tuttle n
tutu n
tux n
tuxedo n
tuyere n
TV pc,nopref
TVA pc,nopref
TWA pc,nopref
twaddle n,v,er
twain n
twang n,v,y
tweak n,v,er
tweed n,ed,y
tween d
tweet n,v,er
tweeze v,er
twelfth n
twelve n
twentieth n
twenty n
twentyish a
twerp n
twice d
twiddle n,v,er
twig n,v,ms,y
twilight n
twill n,v
twin n,v,ms
twine n,v,er,y
twinge n,v
twinkle n,v,er
twinkly a
twirl n,v,er
twirly a
twist n,v,er,y
twit n,v,nopref,ms
twitch n,v,er,y
twitter n,v,er
twixt d
two n,nopref
twofold a
Twombly n
twopenny n
twosome n
TWX pc,nopref
TX pc,nopref
Tyburn pc
tycoon n
tying d
Tyler n
tympanist n
tympanum n
Tyndall n
type n,v,er,na,va,y
typecast v
typeface n
typescript n
typeset vi,er,va,ms
typewrite v,er
typewritten d
typhoid n
Typhon pc
typhoon n
typhus n
typic n,a
typify v,ion
typo n
typography n,er
typology n,na
tyrannic n
tyrannicide n
tyrannosaurus n
tyrannous a
tyranny n
tyrant n
tyro n
tyrosine n
Tyson n
UAL pc,nopref
ubiquitous a
ubiquity n
UCLA pc,nopref
udder n
Uganda pc
ugh d,nopref
uglify v,ion
ugly a,comp
UHF pc,nopref
UJA pc,nopref
U.K. d,nopref
UK pc,nopref
ukase n
Ukraine pc
Ukrainian n,a
ukulele n
Ulan pc
ulcer n,v
ulcerate v,ion
ulcerous a
Ullman n
ulna n
ulster n
ulterior a
ultimacy n
ultimate n,a,nopref
ultimatum n
ultra n,a
ululate v,ion
Ulysses pc
umber n,v,nopref
umbilical a
umbilici d
umbilicus n
umbra n,nopref
umbrage n
umbrageous a
umbrella n,v,a
umiak n
umlaut n,v
umpire n,v
umpteen n
umpteenth a
U.N. d,nopref
UN pc,nopref
unaided d
unanimity n
unanimous a
unarticulated a
unary n,nopref
unbeknown d
unbeknownst d
unbidden n
unborn a
uncanny a,comp
unchristian a
uncial n,a,nopref
uncle n
uncompleted d
uncouth a
unction n,na,nopref
unctuous a
under d,nopref
underclassman pc,na
underclassmen pc
underlie v
underling n
underlying a
undulant a
undulate v,a,ion
unending a
UNESCO pc,nopref
uniaxial a
unicameral a
unicellular a
unicorn n
unicycle n,na
unidimensional a
unidirectional a
uniform n,v,a
uniformitarian n,a,na
unify v,er,ion
unilateral a
unimodal a
unimodular a
uninominal a
union n,v,na
uniplex v
unipolar a
uniprocessor n
unique a
Uniroyal pc
unisex d
unisexual a
unison n
unit n
unitarian n,a,na
unitary a
unite n,v,er,na
unity n
Univac pc
univalent n,a
univariate v
universal n,a,na
universe n,a
univocal a
Unix pc
unkempt a
unlucky a,comp
unmediated a
unmet d
unmoderated d
unperturbed a
unpolitical a
unportable a
unprovable a,va
unproved a
unruly a,comp
unscented d
untainted a
until d
untilled a
unto d
untouchable n,a
unused d
unvented a
unwary a,comp
unwieldy a,comp
up n,v,er,nopref,ms
upbeat n,a
upbraid v,er
upbring vi
upchuck v
upcome vi
update v
updraft n
upend v
upgrade n,v,va
upheaval n
upheave v,er
upheld d
uphill n
uphold vi,er
upholster v,er
upholstery n
UPI pc,nopref
upkeep n
upland n
uplift n,v,er
upload v,er
upmost d
upon d
upperclass n,man
uppercut n,v
uppermost a
uppity a
upraise v
uprear v
upright n,a
uprise n,v,er
uprisen d
upriver d
uproar n
uproarious a
uproot v,er
uprose d
upscale d
upset vi,er,va,ms
upshot n
upside n
upsilon n
upslope d
upstage v
upstairs n
upstand vi
upstart n,v,a
upstate n,a
upstater n
upstream n,a
upstroke n
upsurge n
upsweep n,v
upswept a
upswing n
uptake n
upthrust n
uptilt v
uptime n
Upton n
uptown a
uptrend n
upturn n,v
upward n,a
upwell v
upwind d
uranium n
Uranus pc
uranyl n
urban d
Urbana pc
urbane a,na
urbanite n
urchin n
urea n
urethane n
urethra n
urge n,v,er
urgency n
urgent a,nopref
uric a,nopref
urinal n
urinalysis pc
urinary a
urinate v,ion
urine n
Uris pc
urn n,in
urology n,na
Ursa pc
ursine a
Ursula pc
Ursuline n,a
Uruguay pc
u's d
U.S. d,nopref
us d,nopref
U.S.A. d,nopref
USA pc,nopref
USAF pc,nopref
usage n
USC pc,nopref
USC&GS pc,nopref
USDA pc,nopref
use n,v,er,va
useful a
USGS pc,nopref
usher n,v
usherette n
USIA pc,nopref
USMA pc,nopref
USMC pc,nopref
USN pc,nopref
USNA pc,nopref
USNR pc,nopref
USPS pc,nopref
USSR pc,nopref
usual a
usurer n
usurious a
usurp v,er
usurpation n
usury n
UT pc,nopref
Utah pc
utensil n
uterine a
utero d
uterus n
Utica pc
utile a,na,in
utilitarian n,a,na
utmost n,a
utopia n
utopian n,a,na
utter v,a,er,va
utterance n
uttermost n,a
uvula n
uxorial a
uxorious a
Uzbekistan pc
Uzi n
VA pc,nopref
vacant a,na
vacate v,ion
vacationland n
vaccinate n,v,ion
vaccine n
vaccinia n
vacillate v,ion
vacua pc
vacuity n
vacuo d
vacuolate ed,a,ion
vacuole n
vacuous a
vacuum n,v,a,na
Vaduz pc
vagabond n,v,na
vagarious a
vagary n
vagina n
vaginal a
vagrant n,a,na
vague a,comp
Vail n
vain a,comp
vainglorious a
vainglory n
Valdez n
vale n,nopref
valediction n
valedictorian n
valedictory n,a
valent a
valentine n
Valerie pc
Valery pc
valet n,v,nopref
Valhalla pc
valiant n,a,na
valid a,comp
validate v,ion,in
valise n
Valkyrie n
Valletta pc
valley n
Valois a
valorous a
valuable n,a,in
valuate v,ion
value n,v,er
valve n,ed
vamoose v
vamp n,v,er
vampire n,na
van n
vanadium n
Vance n
Vancouver pc
vandal n,a,na
Vandenberg n
Vanderbilt n
Vanderpoel n
vane n,ed
Vanessa pc
vanguard n
vanilla n
vanish v,er
vanity n
vanload n
vanquish v,er,va
vantage n
vapid a
vaporous a
Vargas n
variable n,a,va,in
variac a
Varian pc
variant n,a,in
variate n,ion
varicose ed,a
variegate v,ion
varietal n,a
variety n
variorum n,a
various a
varistor n
Varitype pc
varlet n
varmint n
varnish n,v,er,y
varsity n
vary v,er
vascular a
vase n
vasectomy n
Vaseline n
vasoconstrict ion
vasodilate ion
vasomotor a
Vasquez n
vassal n,a
vassalage n
Vassar pc
vast n,a,comp
vasty d
vat n,v,ms
Vatican a
vaudeville n
vaudevillian n
Vaudois pc
Vaughan pc
Vaughn pc
vault n,v,er
vaunt n,v,er,na
VCR n,nopref
veal n,v,er,va,y
vector n,v,na
vectorial a
Veda pc
vee n,nopref
veep n
veer n,v,nopref
veery n,nopref
Vega n
vegetable n,a
vegetal a
vegetarian n,a,na
vegetate v,ion
veggie n
vehement a
vehicle n
vehicular a
veil n,v
vein n,v,er,nopref,y
velar n,a,na
Velasquez pc
Velcro d
veld n,nopref
veldt n
Vella pc
vellum n
Velma n
velocipede n
velocity n
velour n
velvet n,a,y
velveteen n
venal a
venation n,na
vend v,er,va
vendetta n
vendible n,a,va
vendor n
veneer n,v,er,nopref
venerable a,va
venerate v,ion
venereal a
venery n
Venetian n
Veneto pc
Venezuela pc
vengeance n
vengeful a
venial a
Venice pc
venin n
venire n,man
venison n
venom n
venomous a
venous a
vent n,v,er,nopref
ventilate v,ion
ventral n,a
ventricle n
ventricular a
ventriloquism n
ventriloquist n
ventriloquy n
venture n,v,er
venturesome a
venturi n
venturous a
venue n
Venus pc
Venusian n,a
Vera pc
veracious a
veracity n
veranda n
verandah n
verb n
verbal n,a,na
verbatim d
verbena n
verbiage n
verbose a
verbosity n
verdant a,na
Verde pc
Verdi pc
verdict n
verdure n,ed
verge n,v,er
veridic n
verify v,er,ion
verisimilitude n
veritable a
verity n
Verlag pc
vermeil n,a
vermicelli pc
vermicide n
vermiculite n
vermilion n
vermin n
verminous a
Vermont pc
vermouth n
Vern n
Verna pc
vernacular n,a,na
vernal a,na
Verne pc
vernier n,a
Vernon n
Verona pc
Veronica pc
versa d,nopref
Versailles pc
versant a
versatile a
verse n,v,er
versify v,er,ion
version n,na,va,in
verso n
verst n
versus d
vertebra n,nopref
vertebrae pc
vertebral n,a
vertebrate n,in
vertex n
vertical n,a
vertices d
vertiginous a
vertigo pc
vertigoes d
verve n
very a
vesicle n
vesicular a
vesper n
vessel n
vest n,v,na,va
vestal n,a
vestibular a
vestibule n,ed
vestige n
vestigial a
vestry n,man
vet n,v,va,ms
vetch n
veteran n
veterinarian n
veterinary n,a
veto n,v,er
vetoes d
vex v
vexation n
vexatious a
VHF pc,nopref
vi d
via d
viable a
viaduct n
vial n,nopref
viand n
vibrant a,na
vibraphone n,na
vibrate v,ion
vibrato n
viburnum n
Vic pc
vicar n
vicarage n
vicarious a
vice n,vi
viceregal a
viceroy n
Vichy pc
vichyssoise n
vicinal a
vicinity n
vicious a
vicissitude n
Vicki n
Vickie n
Vicksburg pc
Vicky pc
victim n,na
victor n
Victoria pc
Victorian n,a
victorious a
victory n
vicuna n
Vida pc
vide d,nopref
video n,a
videoconference n,v
videotape n,v
vidicon n
vie v,er
Vienna pc
Viennese pc
Vientiane pc
Viet pc
Vietnam pc
Vietnamese a
view n,v,er,na,va,y
viewpoint n
vigil n
vigilant a
vigilante n
vigilantism n
vigintillion n
vignette n,v,er
vignetting d
vigorous a
vii d,nopref
viii d,nopref
Viking n
vile a,comp
vilify v,er,ion
villa n
village n,er
villain n
villainous a
villainy n
villein n
vim n
Vincent n
vincible a,in
vinculum n
vindicate v,ion
vindictive a
vine n,v,y
vinegar n,y
vineyard n,na
viniculture n
vinous a
Vinson n
vintage n,a,er
vintner n
vinyl n
viol n,va
viola n
violate n,v,a,ion
violent a
violet n
violin n,na
violist n
VIP n,nopref
viper n
virago n
viral a
vireo n
Virgil pc
virgin n,a
virginal n,a
Virginia pc
Virginian n
Virgo n
virgule n
virile a,na
virology n,na
virtual a,na
virtue n
virtuosi d
virtuosity n
virtuoso n
virtuous a
virulent a,na
virus n
vis n
visa n,v,nopref
visage n,ed
viscera pc
visceral a
viscid a,in
viscoelastic a
viscometer n
viscosimeter n
viscosity n
viscount n
viscous a
Vishnu pc
visible a,va,in
Visigoth n
Visigothic a
vision n,v,na
visionary n,a
visit n,v,va
visitation n,na
visitor n
visor n,ed,na
vista n
visual n,a,na
vita n,nopref
vitae pc
vital n,a,na
vitamin n,na
vitiate v,ion
viticulture n,na
Vito pc
vitreous a
vitrify v,ion
vitriol n,v
vitriolic a
vitro d
vituperate v,ion
viva d,nopref
vivace d
vivacious a
vivacity n
Vivaldi pc
Vivian pc
vivid a
vivify v,er,ion
viviparous a
vivisect v,ion
vivo d
vixen n
viz. d,nopref
vizier n
Vladimir pc
Vladivostok pc
vocable n
vocabulary n
vocal n,a,na
vocalic n,a
vocate v,ion,in
vociferate v,ion
vociferous a
vocoder n
vodka n
Vogel n
vogue n
voguish a
voice n,v,na
voiceband n
void n,v,a,er,va
volatile n,a,na
volcanic n,a
volcanism n
volcano n
Volga pc
volition n,na,va
Volkswagen n
volley n,v,er
volleyball n
volocanology n
Volstead pc
volt n,va
Volta pc
voltage n
voltaic a
Voltaire pc
Volterra pc
voltmeter n
voluble a,va
volume n,v
volumetric n,a
voluminous a
voluntarism n
voluntary n,a,na,in
volunteer n,v,a
voluptuary n,a
voluptuous a
volute n,ed,a,ion,in
Volvo n
vomit n,v,er
von d
voodoo n,v,a,na
voracious a
voracity n
vortex n
vortices d
vorticity n
Voss n
votary n
vote n,v,er
votive a
vouch n,v,er
vouchsafe v,va
Vought n
vow n,v,er,nopref
vowel n,na
voyage n,v,er
voyageur n
voyeur n,na
V.P. d,nopref
VP n,nopref
Vreeland n
vs d
v's d,nopref
vs. d,nopref
VT pc,nopref
Vulcan pc
vulgar a,na
vulgarian n
vulgate n
vulnerable a,va,in
vulpine a
vulture n
vulva n
VW n,nopref
vying a
WA pc,nopref
Waals pc
Wabash pc
WAC pc,nopref
wacky a,comp
Waco pc
wad n,v,er,nopref,ms,y
waddle n,v,er
wade n,v,va
wader n
wadi n
Wadsworth pc
wafer n,v
waffle n,v,er
waft n,v,er
wag n,v,er,ms
wage n,v,nopref
wager n,v,er
waggish a
waggle n,v
Wagner n
Wagnerian n
wagoneer n
wagonload n
wah d
Wahl n
wahoo n
waif n
wail n,v,er,na
wainscot n,v
Wainwright n
waist n,er
waistband n
waistcoat n,ed
waistline n
wait n,v,er,nopref
Waite n
waitress n
waive v,er
wake n,v,er,na
Wakefield pc
waken v,er
wakeup d
Walcott n
Walden n
Waldo pc
Waldorf pc
Waldron n
wale n,v,er,nopref
Walgreen pc
walk n,v,er
walkie n
walkout n
walkover n
walkway n
wall n,v
wallaby n
Wallace n
wallboard n
Waller n
wallet n
walleye n,ed
Wallis n
wallop n,v,er
wallow n,v,er
wallpaper n,v
walnut n
Walpole n
walrus n
Walsh n
Walt pc
Walter pc
Walters n
Waltham pc
Walton n
waltz n,v,er
waltzing d
wampum n
wan v,a,comp,ms
wand n
Wanda pc
wander n,v,er
wanderlust n
wane n,v,y
Wang n
wangle v,er
want n,v
wanton n,v,a,er
wapiti n
Wappinger pc
war n,v,na,ms
warble n,v,er
ward n,v,a,er,va
warden n
wardrobe n
wardroom n
ware n,nopref,y
warehouse n,v,man
warfare n
warfarin n
warhead n
warhorse n
Waring n
warlock n
warlord n
warm v,a,comp
warmhearted a
warmish a
warmonger n,vi
warmth n
warmup n
warn v,er
warp n,v,er,nopref
warpath n
warplane n
warrant n,v,er,va
warranty n
warren n,er
warrior n
Warsaw pc
wart n,ed,y
warthog n
wartime n
Warwick n
was d,nopref
wash n,v,va,man,y
washbasin n
washboard n
washbowl n
Washburn n
washcloth n
washer n,man
Washington n
washout n
washrag n
washroom n
washstand n
washtub n
wasn't d
wasp n
waspish a
wassail n,v,er
Wasserman n
wast d,nopref
wastage n
waste n,v,a,er,na
wastebasket n
wasteland n
wastepaper n
wastewater n
wasting a
wastrel n
watch n,v,er,na,va,man,ms
watchband n
watchcase n
watchdog n,v
watchtower n
watchword n
water n,v,er,man
waterbed n
waterborne a
Waterbury pc
watercourse n
watercraft n
watercress n
waterfall n
waterfowl n
waterfront n
Watergate pc
Waterhouse pc
waterlily n
waterline n
waterlog v,ms
waterloo n
watermark n,v
watermelon n
waterproof n,v,a,er
watershed n
waterside n,a
waterspout n
watertight a
Watertown pc
waterway n
waterworks n
watery a,comp
Watkins n
Watson n
watt n,er
wattage n
wattle n,v
wattmeter n
wave n,v,na,y
waveform n
wavefront n
waveguide n
wavelength n
wavelet n
wavenumber n
waver n,v,er
wax n,v,er,na,y
waxen a
waxwing n
waxwork n
way n,na
waybill n
wayfare vi,er
waylaid d
waylay vi
Wayne n
wayside n,a
wayward n,a
we d,nopref
weak a,comp
weaken v,er
weakish a
weakling n,a
weal n
wealth n,y
wean v,er
weapon n,v
weaponry n
wear n,vi,er,va
wearied d
wearisome a
weary n,v,a,comp,na
weather n,v,a,va,man
weatherbeaten a
weathercock n
weatherglass n
weatherproof v,a
weatherstrip v,ms
weathertight a
weave n,v,er,in
web n,v,na,ms,y
Webb n
weber n
Webster n
WECo pc
we'd d
wed v,er,ms
wedge n,v
wedlock n
Wednesday n
wee d,nopref
weed n,v,er,na,y
week n,a
weekday n
weekend n,v,er
weeklong d
ween v,y
weep n,vi,er,y
weevil n,ed,a
Wehr n
Wei n
Weierstrass pc
weigh n,v,er,va
weight n,v,na,y
Weinberg n,er
Weinstein n
weir n
weird n,a,comp
Weiss n
Welch n
welcome n,v,a,er
weld n,v,er,va
Weldon pc
welfare n,a,na
welkin n
we'll d
well n,a
wellbeing d
wellborn d
Weller n
Welles n
Wellesley pc
wellhead n
Wellington n,nopref
wellingtons pc
wellspring n
welsh v,er
welt n,v,er
wen n
wench n,v,er
wend v
Wendell n
Wendy pc
went d
wept d
we're d
were d
weren't d
werewolf pc
werewolves d
Werner n
wert d
Werther pc
Wesley n
Wesleyan n,a
west n,vi,a,er
westbound d
Westchester pc
westerly n
western n,a,comp,na
westernmost d
Westfield pc
Westinghouse pc
Westminster pc
westmost d
Weston n
westward n
wet n,v,a,comp,va,ms
wetback n
wetland n
we've d
Weyerhauser pc
whack n,v,er,y
whale n,v,er
whaleboat n
whalebone n
Whalen n
wham n,v,ms
whammy n
wharf n,v
wharfinger n
Wharton n
wharves d
what pc
what'd d
whatever d
Whatley n
whatnot n
what're d
whatsoever d
wheat n
Wheaties n
Wheatstone pc
whee d,nopref
wheedle v,er
wheel n,v,er,man
wheelbarrow n,v
wheelbase n
wheelchair n
wheelhorse n
wheelhouse n
wheelwright n
wheeze n,v,er,y
Whelan n
whelk n
Wheller n
whelm v
whelp n,v
when d
whence d
whenever d
whensoever d
where n
whereabout n
whereas n
whereat d
whereby d
where'd d
wherefore n
wherefrom d
wherein d
whereof d
whereon d
where're d
wheresoever d
whereunto d
whereupon d
wherever d
wherewith d
wherewithal n
wherry n
whet n,v,er,ms
whether d
whetstone n
whey n
wheyey a
which d
whichever d
whiff n,v
whiffle v,er
whiffletree n
whig n
while n,v,nopref
whilom d
whim n
whimper n,v
whimsical a
whimsy n,v,a,comp
whine n,v,er,y
whinny n,v
whip n,v,er,na,ms
whipcord n
whiplash n
whippersnapper n
whippet n
Whipple n
whippoorwill n
whipsaw n,v
whir n,v,a,ms
whirl n,v,er
whirligig n
whirlpool n
whirlwind n
whirlybird n
whirr v
whish n,v
whisk n,v,er
whiskery a,comp
whisper n,v,er,y
whist n
whistle n,v,er
whistleable a
whistleblow vi,er
whit n
Whitaker n
Whitcomb n
white n,v,a,comp
whitecap n
whiteface n
whitefish n
Whitehall pc
whitehead n
Whitehorse pc
whiten v,er
whiteout n
whitetail n
whitewall n
whitewash n,v,er
whitey n
whither d
whitish a
Whitlock n
Whitman n
Whitney n
Whittaker n
Whittier n
whittle n,v,er
whiz n,v,er,ms,y
whizbang n
who pc
whoa d
who'd d
whodunit n
whoever d
whole n,a
wholehearted a
wholesale n,v,er
wholesome a,comp
who'll d
wholly d
whom d
whomever d
whomp n,v
whomsoever d
whoop n,v,er
whoopee n
whoosh n,v
whop n,v,er,ms
whore n,v
whorehouse n
whorl n,ed
whose d
whosoever d
who've d
whup v,ms
why d
WI pc,nopref
Wichita pc
wick n,v,er
wickerwork n
wicket n
wide a,comp
widen v,er
widespread d
widgeon n
widget n
widish a
widow n,v,er
width n
widthwise d
wield n,v,er,nopref,y
wiener n
Wier n
wife n,a
wig n,v,nopref,ms
Wiggins n
wiggle n,v,er
wiggly a,comp
wigwag n,v
wigwam n
Wilbert n
Wilbur n
Wilcox n
wild n,v,a,comp
wildcat n,v,er,ms
wildebeest n
wilderment d
wildfire n
wildfowl n,vi,er
wildlife n
wildwood n
wile n,nopref
Wiley n
Wilfred pc
Wilhelm pc
Wilhelmina pc
Wilkerson n
Wilkes n
Wilkins n
Wilkinson n
Willa pc
Willard n
William pc
Williams n
Williamsburg pc
Williamson n
Willie pc
Willis n
Willoughby n
willow n,v,er,na,y
willpower n
willy n
Wilma pc
Wilmington pc
Wilshire pc
Wilson n
wilt n,v
wily a,comp
wimp n,y
win n,vi,er,va,ms
wince n,v
winch n,v,er
Winchester pc
wind n,v,er,y
windage n
windbag n
windblown a
windbreak n,er
windburn n,ed
windfall n
windjammer n
windlass n,v
windmill n,v
window n,v
windowpane n
windowsill n
windpipe n
windproof a
windrow n,v
windscreen n
windshield n
Windsor n
windstorm n
windsurf n,v,er
windswept a
windup n,a
windward n,a
wine n,v,nopref,y
wineglass n
winegrower n
winemaster n
winepress n
winery n
wineshop n
wineskin n
Winfield n
wing n,v,er,na,ion,man,y
wingback n
winglet n
wingspan n
wingspread n
wingtip n
Winifred pc
wink n,v,er
winkle n,v
Winnetka pc
Winnie pc
Winnipeg pc
winnow n,v,er
wino n
Winslow n
winsome a
Winston n
winter n,v,a,er,na,y
wintergreen n
wintertime n
wintery a,comp
Winthrop n
wintry a,comp
winy n,v,nopref,y
wipe n,v,er
wirable a
wire n,v,er,na,man,y
wirehair n,ed
wiretap n,v,er,ms
Wisconsin pc
wisdom n
wise n,v,a,comp
wiseacre n
wisecrack n,v,er
wisenheimer n
wish n,v,er,na,y
wishbone n
wisp n,v,y
wisteria n
wistful a
wit n,v,ms,y
witch n,v,er
witchcraft n
with nopref,y
withal d
withdraw vi
withdrawal n
withdrawn a
withdrew d
withe n,er
withheld d
withhold v,er
within d,nopref
without n
withstand vi
withstood d
witness n,v
Witt n
witticism n
wive v
wizard n,a
wizardry n
wizen v
WNW d,nopref
woad n
wobble n,v,a,er
woe n,na
woebegone a
wok n,nopref
woke d
Wolcott n
wolf n,v,er,na
Wolfe n
Wolff n
Wolfgang pc
wolfhound n
wolfish a
wolverine n
wolves d
woman pc,a,na,adv
womanish a
womankind n
womb n,ed
wombat n
women pc
womenfolk n
won n,nopref
wonder n,v,er,na,va
wonderland n
wonderwork n
wondrous a
Wong n
wonk n,y
won't d
wont n,v
woo v,a,er
wood n,v,man,y
Woodard pc
woodbine n
Woodbury n
woodcarver n
woodchopper n
woodchuck n
woodcock n
woodcraft n
woodcut n,vi,er,ms
wooden a,comp
woodenhead n
woodgrain n
woodhen n
woodland n,a,er
Woodlawn pc
woodlot n
woodpecker n
woodpile n
Woodrow pc
woodruff n
woods man
woodshed n
woodside n
Woodstock n
woodsy a,comp
woodturner n
Woodward n
woodwind n,a
woodwork n,vi,er
woof n,er
wool n,v,a,er
woolgather vi,er
Woolworth pc
Wooster pc
woozy a,comp
Worcester pc
word n,v,y
wordmonger n
wordplay n
wordsmith n,vi
Wordsworth pc
wore d
work n,v,er,man
workable a
workaday a
workaholic n
workbag n
workbasket n
workbench n
workbook n
workday n,a
workforce n
workhorse n
workhouse n
working n,man
workload n
workman n,a,na
workout n
workpiece n
workplace n
workroom n
worksheet n
workshop n
workspace n
workstation n
worktable n
workweek n
world n,a
worldwide a
worm n,v,er,na,y
wormhole n
wormwood n
worn d
worrisome a
worry n,v,er
worse pc
worsen v
worst n,v
worth n,v,na
Worthington n
worthwhile a
worthy n,a,comp
Wotan pc
would comp
wouldn't d
wouldst d
wound n,v
wove d
woven d
wow n,v
WPA pc,nopref
wrack n,v,na
wraith n
wrangle n,v,er
wrap n,v,er,ms
wraparound n
wrapup d
wrasse n
wrath n,na,y
wreak v,er,na
wreath n,y
wreathe v
wreck n,v,er
wreckage n
wren n
wrench n,v
wrest n,v,er
wrestle n,v,er
wretch n,ed
wriggle n,v,er
wriggly a,comp
wright n
Wrigley n
wring n,vi,er
wrinkle n,v
wrinkly a,comp
wrist n
wristband n
wristlet n
wristwatch n
writ n
write n,vi,er,va
writeup n
writhe n,v
writhing d
written d
wrong n,v,a,er,na
wrongdoer n
wrongdoing n
wrongheaded a
Wronskian pc
wrote d
wrought d
wrung d
wry v,a,comp
w's d,nopref
WSW d,nopref
Wu n
Wuhan pc
wunderkind n,er
wurst n
WV pc,nopref
WWI pc,nopref
WWII pc,nopref
WY pc,nopref
Wyandotte pc
Wyatt n
Wyeth n
Wylie n
Wyman n
Wyner n
Wyoming pc
Xavier pc
x'd d,nopref
xebec n
xenolith n
xenon n
xenophobe n,na
xenophobic a
xeric a
xeriscape n,v
xerography n
Xerox n,v
Xerxes pc
xi n,nopref
Xiao n
x'ing d
Xmas n
Xosa n
x's d,nopref
xylem n
xylene n
xylophone n,na
yacht n,v,er
yachts man
yack v,er
yackety d
yagi n
yah d
yahoo n
Yahweh pc
yak n,v,er,ms
Yakima n
Yale pc
Yalta pc
yam n
Yamaha pc
yammer v,er
yang n
Yangtze pc
yank n,v
Yankee n
Yankton pc
Yaounde pc
yap n
yapping d
Yaqui pc
yard n,v,man
yardage n
yardarm n
yardbird n
yardmaster n
yardstick n
Yarmouth pc
yarmulke n
yarn n,v,er
yarrow n
Yates n
yaw n,v
yawl n
yawn n,v,er
yawp n,v,er
yclept d
ye d,nopref
yea n,nopref
Yeager n
yeah d
year n,a
yearbook n
yearling n
yearn v,er
yeast n,v,y
Yeats pc
yegg n
yell n,v,er
yellow n,v,a,comp
yellowish a
Yellowknife pc
yellowlegs n
Yellowstone pc
yelp n,v,er
Yemen pc
yen n
yeoman pc,a,na
yeomanry n
Yerkes pc
yes n,nopref
yeshiva n
yesterday n
yesteryear n
yet d,nopref
yeti n
yew n
Yiddish a
yield n,v,er
yin n
yip n
yippee d
yipping d
YMCA n,nopref
Yoder n
yoga n
yogi n
yogurt n
yoke n,v
yokel n
Yokohama pc
Yokuts pc
Yolanda n
yolk n,ed,y
yon d
yond er
Yonkers pc
yore n
York n,na
Yorker n
Yorktown pc
Yosemite pc
Yost n
you d
you'd d
you'll d
young n,a,comp
youngish a
youngster n
Youngstown pc
your d
you're d
yours d
yourself d
yourselves d
youth n,na
you've d
yowl n,v,er
Ypsilanti pc
y's d
ytterbium n
yttrium n
Yucatan pc
yucca n
Yugoslav pc
Yugoslavia pc
yuh d
Yuki pc
Yukon pc
yule n
yuletide n
yummy a,comp
yuppie n
Yves pc
Yvette pc
Yvonne pc
YWCA n,nopref
zabaglione n
Zachary pc
zag n,v,ms
zaibatsu pc
Zaire pc
Zambia pc
Zan pc
zany n,a,comp,na
Zanzibar pc
zap v,ms
zarzuela n
zeal n
Zealand pc
Zealander n
zealot n
zealotry n
zealous a
zebra n
zebu n
Zechariah pc,nopref
zed n
Zeiss pc
zeitgeist n
Zelda pc
Zellerbach pc
Zen pc
zenith n
Zeno pc
zeolite n,na
Zephaniah pc,nopref
zephyr n
zeppelin n
zero n,v
zeroth d
zest n,na,y
zeta n
Zeus pc
Ziegler n
zig n,v,ms
ziggurat n
zigzag n,v,er,ms
zilch d
zillion n
Zimbabwe pc
Zimmerman n
zinc n,v
zing n,v,er,y
zinnia n
Zion n,na
zip n,v,er,ms,y
zircon n
zirconium n
zither n,na
zloty pc
zlotys d
zodiac n
zodiacal a
Zoe pc
Zomba pc
zombie n,a
zonal a
zonate ed,a,ion
zone n,v,er
zonk v,er
zoo n
zoogeography n,na
zoology n,na
zoom n,v
zoomorph n,na
zoomorphic a
zoophyte n
Zoroaster pc
zounds d
z's d,nopref
zucchini n
Zulu n
Zurich pc
zwieback n
zygote n,na
zygotic a
zymurgy n