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 * armv6 reboot code
#include "arm.s"

 * Turn off MMU, then copy the new kernel to its correct location
 * in physical memory.  Then jump to the start of the kernel.

/* main(PADDR(entry), PADDR(code), size); */
TEXT    main(SB), 1, $-4
        MOVW    $setR12(SB), R12

        /* copy in arguments before stack gets unmapped */
        MOVW    R0, R8                  /* entry point */
        MOVW    p2+4(FP), R9            /* source */
        MOVW    n+8(FP), R10            /* byte count */

        /* SVC mode, interrupts disabled */
        MOVW    $(PsrDirq|PsrDfiq|PsrMsvc), R1
        MOVW    R1, CPSR

        /* prepare to turn off mmu  */
        BL      cachesoff(SB)

        /* turn off mmu */
        MRC     CpSC, 0, R1, C(CpCONTROL), C(0), CpMainctl
        BIC     $CpCmmu, R1
        MCR     CpSC, 0, R1, C(CpCONTROL), C(0), CpMainctl

        /* set up a tiny stack for local vars and memmove args */
        MOVW    R8, SP                  /* stack top just before kernel dest */
        SUB     $20, SP                 /* allocate stack frame */

        /* copy the kernel to final destination */
        MOVW    R8, 16(SP)              /* save dest (entry point) */
        MOVW    R8, R0                  /* first arg is dest */
        MOVW    R9, 8(SP)               /* push src */
        MOVW    R10, 12(SP)             /* push size */
        BL      memmove(SB)
        MOVW    16(SP), R8              /* restore entry point */

        /* jump to kernel physical entry point */
        B       (R8)
        B       0(PC)

 * turn the caches off, double map PHYSDRAM & KZERO, invalidate TLBs, revert
 * to tiny addresses.  upon return, it will be safe to turn off the mmu.
 * clobbers R0-R2, and returns with SP invalid.
TEXT cachesoff(SB), 1, $-4

        /* write back and invalidate caches */
        MOVW    $0, R0
        MCR     CpSC, 0, R0, C(CpCACHE), C(CpCACHEwbi), CpCACHEall
        MCR     CpSC, 0, R0, C(CpCACHE), C(CpCACHEinvi), CpCACHEall

        /* turn caches off */
        MRC     CpSC, 0, R1, C(CpCONTROL), C(0), CpMainctl
        BIC     $(CpCdcache|CpCicache|CpCpredict), R1
        MCR     CpSC, 0, R1, C(CpCONTROL), C(0), CpMainctl

        /* invalidate stale TLBs before changing them */
        MOVW    $KZERO, R0                      /* some valid virtual address */
        MCR     CpSC, 0, R0, C(CpTLB), C(CpTLBinvu), CpTLBinv

        /* from here on, R0 is base of physical memory */
        MOVW    $PHYSDRAM, R0

        /* redo double map of first MiB PHYSDRAM = KZERO */
        MOVW    $(L1+L1X(PHYSDRAM)), R2         /* address of PHYSDRAM's PTE */
        MOVW    $PTEDRAM, R1                    /* PTE bits */
        ORR     R0, R1                          /* dram base */
        MOVW    R1, (R2)

        /* invalidate stale TLBs again */
        MCR     CpSC, 0, R0, C(CpTLB), C(CpTLBinvu), CpTLBinv

        /* relocate SB and return address to PHYSDRAM addressing */
        MOVW    $KSEGM, R1              /* clear segment bits */
        BIC     R1, R12                 /* adjust SB */
        ORR     R0, R12
        BIC     R1, R14                 /* adjust return address */
        ORR     R0, R14


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