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raspberry pi

broadcom 2835 SoC (based on 2708)
arm1176jzf-s (v6 arch) 700MHz cpu, apparently dual-issue, with vfp2
videocore 4 gpu

l1 I & D VIPT caches
        16K each: 4-way, 128 sets, 32-byte lines
        l1 D is write-through, l1 I is write-back
unified l2 PIPT cache 128K: 4-way?, 1024? sets, 32-byte lines, mostly for gpu
(by default CPU doesn't see it)

we arrange that device register accesses are uncached and unbuffered
(strongly ordered, in armv6/v7 terminology).

256MB or 512MB of dram at physical address 0, shared with gpu
non-16550 uart for console
        uart serial voltages are TTL (3.3v, not rs232 which is nominally 12v);
        could use usb serial (ick).
there's no real ethernet controller, so we have to use usb ether,
and the usb controller is nastier than usual.

There's a serial port (115200b/s) on P1 connector pins (GND,TXD,RXD) =
(6,8,10).  These are 3v TTL signals: use a level-shifter to convert to
RS232, or a USB-to-TTL-serial adapter.  Add the line "console=0
b115200" to the /cfg/pxe file on the server, or the parameter
"console='0 b115200'" to cmdline.txt on the SD card.

9pi is a Plan 9 terminal, which can boot with local fossil root on the
sd card (/dev/sdM0), or with root from a Plan 9 file server via tcp.

9picpu is a Plan 9 cpu server, which could be used in a headless
configuration without screen, keyboard or mouse.

9pifat is a minimal configuration which boots a shell script boot.rc
with root in /plan9 on the dos partition, maybe useful for embedded
applications where a full Plan 9 system is not needed.

Network booting with u-boot:
start with a normal rpi u-boot sd (e.g. raspberry-pi-uboot-20120707).
update the start.elf with a version from a newer rpi distro (see below).
mk installall
add new system to ndb
see booting(8)

Booting from sd card:
- start with a normal rpi distro sd (e.g. 2012-08-16-wheezy-raspbian)
  [NB: versions of start.elf earlier than this may not be compatible]
- copy 9pi to sd's root directory
- add or change "kernel=" line in config.txt to "kernel=9pi"
- plan9.ini is built from the "kernel arguments" in cmdline.txt - each
  var=value entry becomes one plan9.ini line, so entries with spaces will
  need single quotes.

        physical mem map

hex addr size   what
0         256MB  sdram, cached (newer models have 512MB)
00000000 64     exception vectors
00000100 7936   boot ATAGs (inc. cmdline.txt)
00002000 4K     Mach
00003000 1K     L2 page table for exception vectors
00003400 1K     videocore mailbox buffer
00003800 2K     FIQ stack
00004000 16K    L1 page table for kernel
00008000 -      default kernel load address
01000000 16K    u-boot env
20000000 16M    peripherals
20003000        system timer(s)
20007000        dma
2000B000        arm control: intr, timers 0 & 1, semas, doorbells, mboxes
20100000        power, reset, watchdog
20200000        gpio
20201000        uart0
20202000        mmc
20215040        uart1 (mini uart)
20300000        eMMC
20600000        smi
20980000        otg usb

40000000        l2 cache only
7e00b000        arm control
7e2000c0        jtag
7e201000?       pl011 usrt
7e215000        aux: uart1, spi[12]


c0000000        bypass caches

        virtual mem map (from cpu address map & mmu mappings)

hex addr size   what
0         512MB  user process address space
7e000000 16M    i/o registers
80000000 <=224M kzero, kernel ram (reserve some for GPU)
ffff0000 4K     exception vectors

Linux params at *R2 (default 0x100) are a sequence of ATAGs
  struct atag {
        u32int size;            /* size of ATAG in words, including header */
        u32int tag;             /* ATAG_CORE is first, ATAG_NONE is last */
        u32int data[size-2];
00000000        ATAG_NONE
54410001        ATAG_CORE
54410002        ATAG_MEM
54410009        ATAG_CMDLINE

uart dmas       15, 14

intrs (96)
0        timer0
1       timer1
2       timer2
3       timer3
8       isp
9       usb
16      dma0
17      dma1
28      dma12
29      aux: uart1
30      arm
31      vpu dma

35      sdc
36      dsio
40      hdmi0
41      hdmi1
48      smi
56      sdio
57      uart1 aka "vc uart"

64      timer
65      mbox
66      doorbell0
67      doorbell1
75      usb
77      dma2
78      dma3
82      sdio
83      uart0