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typedef struct Conf     Conf;
typedef struct Confmem  Confmem;
typedef struct FPsave   FPsave;
typedef struct ISAConf  ISAConf;
typedef struct Label    Label;
typedef struct Lock     Lock;
typedef struct Memcache Memcache;
typedef struct MMMU     MMMU;
typedef struct Mach     Mach;
typedef struct Notsave  Notsave;
typedef struct Page     Page;
typedef struct Pcidev   Pcidev;
typedef struct PhysUart PhysUart;
typedef struct PMMU     PMMU;
typedef struct Proc     Proc;
typedef u32int          PTE;
typedef struct Soc      Soc;
typedef struct Uart     Uart;
typedef struct Ureg     Ureg;
typedef uvlong          Tval;

#pragma incomplete Pcidev
#pragma incomplete Ureg

#define MAXSYSARG       5       /* for mount(fd, mpt, flag, arg, srv) */

 *  parameters for sysproc.c
#define AOUT_MAGIC      (E_MAGIC)

struct Lock
        ulong   key;
        u32int  sr;
        uintptr pc;
        Proc*   p;
        Mach*   m;
        int     isilock;

struct Label
        uintptr sp;
        uintptr pc;

 * emulated floating point
struct FPsave
        ulong   status;
        ulong   control;
        ulong   regs[8][3];

        int     fpstate;

 * FPsave.status

        /* bit or'd with the state */
        FPillegal= 0x100,

struct Confmem
        uintptr base;
        usize   npage;
        uintptr limit;
        uintptr kbase;
        uintptr klimit;

struct Conf
        ulong   nmach;          /* processors */
        ulong   nproc;          /* processes */
        ulong   monitor;        /* has monitor? */
        Confmem mem[1];         /* physical memory */
        ulong   npage;          /* total physical pages of memory */
        usize   upages;         /* user page pool */
        ulong   copymode;       /* 0 is copy on write, 1 is copy on reference */
        ulong   ialloc;         /* max interrupt time allocation in bytes */
        ulong   pipeqsize;      /* size in bytes of pipe queues */
        ulong   nimage;         /* number of page cache image headers */
        ulong   nswap;          /* number of swap pages */
        int     nswppo;         /* max # of pageouts per segment pass */
//      ulong   hz;             /* processor cycle freq */
//      ulong   mhz;

 *  things saved in the Proc structure during a notify
struct Notsave {
        int     emptiness;

 *  MMU stuff in Mach.
struct MMMU
        PTE*    mmul1;          /* l1 for this processor */
        int     mmul1lo;
        int     mmul1hi;
        int     mmupid;

 *  MMU stuff in proc
#define NCOLOR  1               /* 1 level cache, don't worry about VCE's */
struct PMMU
        Page*   mmul2;
        Page*   mmul2cache;     /* free mmu pages */

#include "../port/portdat.h"

struct Mach
        int     machno;                 /* physical id of processor */
        uintptr splpc;                  /* pc of last caller to splhi */

        Proc*   proc;                   /* current process */

        int     flushmmu;               /* flush current proc mmu state */

        ulong   ticks;                  /* of the clock since boot time */
        Label   sched;                  /* scheduler wakeup */
        Lock    alarmlock;              /* access to alarm list */
        void*   alarm;                  /* alarms bound to this clock */
        int     inclockintr;

        Proc*   readied;                /* for runproc */
        ulong   schedticks;             /* next forced context switch */

        int     cputype;
        int     socrev;                 /* system-on-chip revision */
        ulong   delayloop;

        /* stats */
        int     tlbfault;
        int     tlbpurge;
        int     pfault;
        int     cs;
        int     syscall;
        int     load;
        int     intr;
        vlong   fastclock;              /* last sampled value */
        ulong   spuriousintr;
        int     lastintr;
        int     ilockdepth;
        Perf    perf;                   /* performance counters */

        uvlong  cpuhz;                  /* speed of cpu */
        uvlong  cyclefreq;              /* Frequency of user readable cycle counter */

        /* save areas for exceptions */
        u32int  sfiq[5];
        u32int  sirq[5];
        u32int  sund[5];
        u32int  sabt[5];
#define fiqstack sfiq
#define irqstack sirq
#define abtstack sabt
#define undstack sund

        int     stack[1];

 * Fake kmap.
typedef void            KMap;
#define VA(k)           ((uintptr)(k))
#define kmap(p)         (KMap*)((p)->pa|kseg0)
#define kunmap(k)

        int     machs;                  /* bitmap of active CPUs */
        int     exiting;                /* shutdown */
        int     ispanic;                /* shutdown in response to a panic */

enum {
        Frequency       = 1200*1000*1000,       /* the processor clock */

extern register Mach* m;                        /* R10 */
extern register Proc* up;                       /* R9 */

extern uintptr kseg0;
extern Mach* machaddr[MAXMACH];
extern ulong memsize;

enum {
        Nvec = 8,       /* # of vectors at start of lexception.s */

 * Layout of physical 0.
typedef struct Vectorpage {
        void    (*vectors[Nvec])(void);
        uint    vtable[Nvec];
} Vectorpage;

 *  a parsed plan9.ini line
#define NISAOPT         8

struct ISAConf {
        char            *type;
        ulong   port;
        int     irq;
        ulong   dma;
        ulong   mem;
        ulong   size;
        ulong   freq;

        int     nopt;
        char    *opt[NISAOPT];

#define MACHP(n)        (machaddr[n])

 * Horrid. But the alternative is 'defined'.
#ifdef _DBGC_
#define DBGFLG          (dbgflg[_DBGC_])
#define DBGFLG          (0)
#endif /* _DBGC_ */

int vflag;
extern char dbgflg[256];

#define dbgprint        print           /* for now */

 *  hardware info about a device
typedef struct {
        ulong   port;   
        int     size;
} Devport;

struct DevConf
        ulong   intnum;                 /* interrupt number */
        char    *type;                  /* card type, malloced */
        int     nports;                 /* Number of ports */
        Devport *ports;                 /* The ports themselves */

enum {

/* characteristics of a given cache level */
struct Memcache {
        uint    level;          /* 1 is nearest processor, 2 further away */
        uint    kind;           /* I, D or unified */

        uint    size;
        uint    nways;          /* associativity */
        uint    nsets;
        uint    linelen;        /* bytes per cache line */
        uint    setsways;

        uint    log2linelen;
        uint    waysh;          /* shifts for set/way register */
        uint    setsh;

struct Soc {                    /* addr's of SoC controllers */
        uintptr cpu;
        uintptr devid;
        uintptr l2cache;
        uintptr sdramc;

        uintptr iocfg;
        uintptr addrmap;
        uintptr intr;
        uintptr nand;
        uintptr cesa;           /* crypto accel. */
        uintptr ehci;
        uintptr spi;
        uintptr twsi;

        uintptr analog;
        uintptr pci;
        uintptr pcibase;

        uintptr rtc;            /* real-time clock */
        uintptr clock;

        uintptr ether[2];
        uintptr sata[3];
        uintptr uart[2];
        uintptr gpio[2];
} soc;
extern Soc soc;