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 * Memory and machine-specific definitions.  Used in C and assembler.
#define KiB             1024u                   /* Kibi 0x0000000000000400 */
#define MiB             1048576u                /* Mebi 0x0000000000100000 */
#define GiB             1073741824u             /* Gibi 000000000040000000 */

 * Not sure where these macros should go.
 * This probably isn't right but will do for now.
 * The macro names are problematic too.
 * In BITN(o), 'o' is the bit offset in the register.
 * For multi-bit fields use F(v, o, w) where 'v' is the value
 * of the bit-field of width 'w' with LSb at bit offset 'o'.
#define BITN(o)         (1<<(o))
#define F(v, o, w)      (((v) & ((1<<(w))-1))<<(o))

 * Sizes
#define BY2PG           (4*KiB)                 /* bytes per page */
#define PGSHIFT         12                      /* log(BY2PG) */

#define MAXMACH         1                       /* max # cpus system can run */
#define MACHSIZE        BY2PG

#define KSTKSIZE        (8*KiB)
#define STACKALIGN(sp)  ((sp) & ~3)             /* bug: assure with alloc */

 * Address spaces.
 * KTZERO is used by kprof and dumpstack (if any).
 * KZERO is mapped to physical 0.
 * u-boot claims to take 0 - 8MB.
 * vectors are at 0, plan9.ini is at KZERO+4K and is limited to 16K by
 * devenv.  L2 PTEs for trap vectors & i/o regs are stored from KZERO+56K
 * to L1-MACHSIZE (KZERO+60K).  cpu0's Mach struct is at L1 - MACHSIZE(4K)
 * to L1 (KZERO+60K to KZERO+64K).  L1 PTEs are stored from L1 to L1+32K
 * (KZERO+64K to KZERO+96K).  KTZERO may be anywhere after KZERO+96K.

#define KSEG0           0x60000000              /* kernel segment */
/* mask to check segment; good for 512MB dram */
#define KSEGM           0xE0000000
#define KZERO           KSEG0                   /* kernel address space */
#define CONFADDR        (KZERO+4*KiB)           /* unparsed plan9.ini */
#define L1              (KZERO+64*KiB)          /* tt ptes: 16KiB aligned */
#define KTZERO          (KZERO+0x800000)        /* kernel text start */

#define UZERO           0                        /* user segment */
#define UTZERO          (UZERO+BY2PG)           /* user text start */
#define UTROUND(t)      ROUNDUP((t), BY2PG)
#define USTKTOP         KZERO                   /* user segment end +1 */
#define USTKSIZE        (8*1024*1024)           /* user stack size */
#define TSTKTOP         (USTKTOP-USTKSIZE)      /* sysexec temporary stack */
#define TSTKSIZ         256

/* address at which to copy and execute rebootcode */
#define REBOOTADDR      KADDR(0x100)

 * Time.
 * Does this need to be here? Used in assembler?
#define HZ              100                     /* clock frequency */
#define MS2HZ           (1000/HZ)               /* millisec per clock tick */
#define TK2SEC(t)       ((t)/HZ)                /* ticks to seconds */

 * More accurate time
#define CLOCKFREQ       (200*1000*1000)         /* TCLK on sheeva: 200MHz */
//#define MS2TMR(t)     ((ulong)(((uvlong)(t)*CLOCKFREQ)/1000))
//#define US2TMR(t)     ((ulong)(((uvlong)(t)*CLOCKFREQ)/1000000))

 * Legacy...
#define BLOCKALIGN      32                      /* only used in allocb.c */
#define KSTACK          KSTKSIZE

 * Sizes
#define BI2BY           8                       /* bits per byte */
#define BY2SE           4
#define BY2WD           4
#define BY2V            8                       /* only used in xalloc.c */

#define CACHELINESZ     32
#define PTEMAPMEM       (1024*1024)
#define SEGMAPSIZE      1984
#define SSEGMAPSIZE     16
#define PPN(x)          ((x)&~(BY2PG-1))

 * With a little work these move to port.
#define PTEVALID        (1<<0)
#define PTERONLY        0
#define PTEWRITE        (1<<1)
#define PTEUNCACHED     (1<<2)
#define PTEKERNEL       (1<<3)

 * Physical machine information from here on.
#define PHYSDRAM        0

/* from 0x80000000 up is uncached by L2 (see archkw.c) */
#define PHYSCESASRAM    0xc8010000
#define PHYSNAND2       0xd8000000              /* guru */
#define PHYSSPIFLASH    0xe8000000              /* optional spi flash (dream) */
/* this address is configured by u-boot, and is 0xd0000000 at reset */
#define PHYSIO          0xf1000000              /* internal registers */
#define PHYSCONS        (PHYSIO + 0x12000)      /* uart */
#define PHYSNAND1       0xf9000000              /* sheeva/openrd (remapped) */
#define PHYSBOOTROM     0xffff0000              /* boot rom */

#define VIRTIO          PHYSIO