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* omap3530 SoC (e.g. beagleboard) architecture-specific stuff
* errata: usb port 3 cannot operate in ulpi mode, only serial or
* utmi tll mode
#include "u.h"
#include "../port/lib.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"
#include "../port/error.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "arm.h"
#include "../port/netif.h"
#include "etherif.h"
#include "../port/flashif.h"
#include "../port/usb.h"
#include "../port/portusbehci.h"
#include "usbehci.h"
#define FREQSEL(x) ((x) << 4)
typedef struct Cm Cm;
typedef struct Cntrl Cntrl;
typedef struct Gen Gen;
typedef struct Gpio Gpio;
typedef struct L3agent L3agent;
typedef struct L3protreg L3protreg;
typedef struct L3regs L3regs;
typedef struct Prm Prm;
typedef struct Usbotg Usbotg;
typedef struct Usbtll Usbtll;
/* omap3 non-standard usb stuff */
struct Usbotg {
uchar faddr;
uchar power;
ushort intrtx;
ushort intrrx;
ushort intrtxe;
ushort intrrxe;
uchar intrusb;
uchar intrusbe;
ushort frame;
uchar index;
uchar testmode;
/* indexed registers follow; ignore for now */
uchar _pad0[0x400 - 0x10];
ulong otgrev;
ulong otgsyscfg;
ulong otgsyssts;
ulong otgifcsel; /* interface selection */
uchar _pad1[0x414 - 0x410];
ulong otgforcestdby;
enum {
/* power bits */
Hsen = 1<<5, /* high-speed enable */
/* testmode bits */
Forcehost = 1<<7, /* force host (vs peripheral) mode */
Forcehs = 1<<4, /* force high-speed at reset */
/* otgsyscfg bits */
Midle = 1<<12, /* no standby mode */
Sidle = 1<<3, /* no idle mode */
// Softreset = 1<<1,
/* otgsyssts bits, per sysstatus */
struct Usbtll {
ulong revision; /* ro */
uchar _pad0[0x10-0x4];
ulong sysconfig;
ulong sysstatus; /* ro */
ulong irqstatus;
ulong irqenable;
enum {
/* sysconfig bits */
Softreset = 1<<1,
/* sysstatus bits */
Resetdone = 1<<0,
/* only in uhh->sysstatus */
Ehci_resetdone = 1<<2,
Ohci_resetdone = 1<<1,
* an array of these structs is preceded by error_log at 0x20, control,
* error_clear_single, error_clear_multi. first struct is at offset 0x48.
struct L3protreg { /* hw: an L3 protection region */
uvlong req_info_perm;
uvlong read_perm;
uvlong write_perm;
uvlong addr_match; /* ro? write this one last, then flush */
// TODO: set these permission bits (e.g., for usb)?
enum {
Permusbhost = 1<<9,
Permusbotg = 1<<4,
Permsysdma = 1<<3,
Permmpu = 1<<1,
struct L3agent { /* hw registers */
uchar _pad0[0x20];
uvlong ctl;
uvlong sts;
uchar _pad1[0x58 - 0x30];
uvlong errlog;
uvlong errlogaddr;
struct L3regs {
L3protreg *base; /* base of array */
int upper; /* index maximum */
char *name;
L3regs l3regs[] = {
(L3protreg *)(PHYSL3GPMCPM+0x48), 7, "gpmc", /* known to be first */
(L3protreg *)(PHYSL3PMRT+0x48), 1, "rt", /* l3 config */
(L3protreg *)(PHYSL3OCTRAM+0x48), 7, "ocm ram",
(L3protreg *)(PHYSL3OCTROM+0x48), 1, "ocm rom",
(L3protreg *)(PHYSL3MAD2D+0x48), 7, "mad2d", /* die-to-die */
(L3protreg *)(PHYSL3IVA+0x48), 3, "iva2.2", /* a/v */
* PRM_CLKSEL (0x48306d40) low 3 bits are system clock speed, assuming
* units of MHz: 0 = 12, 1 = 13, 2 = 19.2, 3 = 26, 4 = 38.4, 5 = 16.8
struct Cm { /* clock management */
ulong fclken; /* ``functional'' clock enable */
ulong fclken2;
ulong fclken3;
uchar _pad0[0x10 - 0xc];
ulong iclken; /* ``interface'' clock enable */
ulong iclken2;
ulong iclken3;
uchar _pad1[0x20 - 0x1c];
ulong idlest; /* idle status */
ulong idlest2;
ulong idlest3;
uchar _pad2[0x30 - 0x2c];
ulong autoidle;
ulong autoidle2;
ulong autoidle3;
uchar _pad3[0x40 - 0x3c];
union {
ulong clksel[5];
struct unused {
ulong sleepdep;
ulong clkstctrl;
ulong clkstst;
uchar _pad4[0x70 - 0x40];
ulong clkoutctrl;
struct Prm { /* power & reset management */
uchar _pad[0x50];
ulong rstctrl;
struct Gpio {
ulong _pad0[4];
ulong sysconfig;
ulong sysstatus;
ulong irqsts1; /* for mpu */
ulong irqen1;
ulong wkupen;
ulong _pad1;
ulong irqsts2; /* for iva */
ulong irqen2;
ulong ctrl;
ulong oe;
ulong datain;
ulong dataout;
ulong lvldet0;
ulong lvldet1;
ulong risingdet;
ulong fallingdet;
/* rest are uninteresting */
ulong deben; /* debouncing enable */
ulong debtime;
ulong _pad2[2];
ulong clrirqen1;
ulong setirqen1;
ulong _pad3[2];
ulong clrirqen2;
ulong setirqen2;
ulong _pad4[2];
ulong clrwkupen;
ulong setwkupen;
ulong _pad5[2];
ulong clrdataout;
ulong setdataout;
enum {
/* clock enable & idle status bits */
Wkusimocp = 1 << 9, /* SIM card: uses 120MHz clock */
Wkwdt2 = 1 << 5, /* wdt2 clock enable bit for wakeup */
Wkgpio1 = 1 << 3, /* gpio1 " */
Wkgpt1 = 1 << 0, /* gpt1 " */
Dssl3l4 = 1 << 0, /* dss l3, l4 i clks */
Dsstv = 1 << 2, /* dss tv f clock */
Dss2 = 1 << 1, /* dss clock 2 */
Dss1 = 1 << 0, /* dss clock 1 */
Pergpio6 = 1 << 17,
Pergpio5 = 1 << 16,
Pergpio4 = 1 << 15,
Pergpio3 = 1 << 14,
Pergpio2 = 1 << 13,
Perwdt3 = 1 << 12, /* wdt3 clock enable bit for periphs */
Peruart3 = 1 << 11, /* console uart */
Pergpt9 = 1 << 10,
Pergpt8 = 1 << 9,
Pergpt7 = 1 << 8,
Pergpt6 = 1 << 7,
Pergpt5 = 1 << 6,
Pergpt4 = 1 << 5,
Pergpt3 = 1 << 4,
Pergpt2 = 1 << 3, /* gpt2 clock enable bit for periphs */
Perenable = Pergpio6 | Pergpio5 | Perwdt3 | Pergpt2 | Peruart3,
Usbhost2 = 1 << 1, /* 120MHz clock enable */
Usbhost1 = 1 << 0, /* 48MHz clock enable */
Usbhost = Usbhost1, /* iclock enable */
Usbhostidle = 1 << 1,
Usbhoststdby = 1 << 0,
Coreusbhsotg = 1 << 4, /* usb hs otg enable bit */
Core3usbtll = 1 << 2, /* usb tll enable bit */
/* core->idlest bits */
Coreusbhsotgidle = 1 << 5,
Coreusbhsotgstdby= 1 << 4,
Dplllock = 7,
/* mpu->idlest2 bits */
Dplllocked = 1,
Dpllbypassed = 0,
/* wkup->idlest bits */
Gpio1idle = 1 << 3,
/* dss->idlest bits */
Dssidle = 1 << 1,
Gpio1vidmagic = 1<<24 | 1<<8 | 1<<5, /* gpio 1 pins for video */
enum {
Rstgs = 1 << 1, /* global sw. reset */
/* fp control regs. most are read-only */
Fpsid = 0,
Fpscr, /* rw */
Mvfr1 = 6,
Fpexc, /* rw */
/* see ether9221.c for explanation */
enum {
Ethergpio = 176,
Etherchanbit = 1 << (Ethergpio % 32),
* these shift values are for the Cortex-A8 L1 cache (A=2, L=6) and
* the Cortex-A8 L2 cache (A=3, L=6).
* A = log2(# of ways), L = log2(bytes per cache line).
* see armv7 arch ref p. 1403.
* #define L1WAYSH 30
* #define L1SETSH 6
* #define L2WAYSH 29
* #define L2SETSH 6
enum {
* cache capabilities. write-back vs write-through is controlled
* by the Buffered bit in PTEs.
Cawt = 1 << 31,
Cawb = 1 << 30,
Cara = 1 << 29,
Cawa = 1 << 28,
struct Gen {
ulong padconf_off;
ulong devconf0;
uchar _pad0[0x68 - 8];
ulong devconf1;
struct Cntrl {
ulong _pad0;
ulong id;
ulong _pad1;
ulong skuid;
static char *
return "ARM Cortex-A8";
ispow2(uvlong ul)
/* see Hacker's Delight if this isn't obvious */
return (ul & (ul - 1)) == 0;
* return exponent of smallest power of 2 ≥ n
log2(ulong n)
int i;
i = 31 - clz(n);
if (n == 0 || !ispow2(n))
return i;
char *p;
ulong mhz;
assert(m != nil);
m->cpuhz = 500 * Mhz; /* beagle speed */
p = getconf("*cpumhz");
if (p) {
mhz = atoi(p) * Mhz;
if (mhz >= 100*Mhz && mhz <= 3000UL*Mhz)
m->cpuhz = mhz;
m->delayloop = m->cpuhz/2000; /* initial estimate */
static void
prperm(uvlong perm)
if (perm == MASK(16))
print("%#llux", perm);
static void
prl3region(L3protreg *pr, int r)
int level, size, addrspace;
uvlong am, base;
if (r == 0)
am = 0;
am = pr->addr_match;
size = (am >> 3) & MASK(5);
if (r > 0 && size == 0) /* disabled? */
print(" %d: perms req ", r);
if (pr->read_perm == pr->write_perm && pr->read_perm == MASK(16))
print(" rw all");
else {
print(" read ");
print(" write ");
if (r == 0)
print(", all addrs level 0");
else {
size = 1 << size; /* 2^size */
level = (am >> 9) & 1;
if (r == 1)
level = 3;
addrspace = am & 7;
base = am & ~MASK(10);
print(", base %#llux size %dKB level %d addrspace %d",
base, size, level, addrspace);
* dump the l3 interconnect firewall settings by protection region.
* mpu, sys dma and both usbs (0x21a) should be set in all read & write
* permission registers.
static void
int r;
L3regs *reg;
L3protreg *pr;
for (reg = l3regs; reg < l3regs + nelem(l3regs); reg++) {
print("%#p (%s) enabled l3 regions:\n", reg->base, reg->name);
for (r = 0; r <= reg->upper; r++)
prl3region(reg->base + r, r);
if (0) { // TODO
/* touch up gpmc perms */
reg = l3regs; /* first entry is gpmc */
for (r = 0; r <= reg->upper; r++) {
pr = reg->base + r;
print("%#p (%s) modified l3 regions:\n", reg->base, reg->name);
for (r = 0; r <= reg->upper; r++)
prl3region(reg->base + r, r);
static void
p16(uchar *p, ulong v)
*p++ = v>>8;
*p = v;
static void
p32(uchar *p, ulong v)
*p++ = v>>24;
*p++ = v>>16;
*p++ = v>>8;
*p = v;
archether(unsigned ctlrno, Ether *ether)
switch(ctlrno) {
case 0:
/* there's no built-in ether on the beagle but igepv2 has 1 */
ether->type = "9221";
ether->ctlrno = ctlrno;
ether->irq = 34;
ether->nopt = 0;
ether->mbps = 100;
return 1;
return -1;
* turn on all the necessary clocks on the SoC.
* a ``functional'' clock drives a device; an ``interface'' clock drives
* its communication with the rest of the system. so the interface
* clock must be enabled to reach the device's registers.
* dplls: 1 mpu, 2 iva2, 3 core, 4 per, 5 per2.
static void
ulong clk, mhz, nmhz, maxmhz;
Cm *mpu = (Cm *)PHYSSCMMPU;
Cntrl *id = (Cntrl *)PHYSCNTRL;
if ((id->skuid & MASK(4)) == 8)
maxmhz = 720;
maxmhz = 600;
iprint("cpu capable of %ldMHz operation", maxmhz);
clk = mpu->clksel[0];
mhz = (clk >> 8) & MASK(11); /* configured speed */
// iprint("\tfclk src %ld; dpll1 mult %ld (MHz) div %ld",
// (clk >> 19) & MASK(3), mhz, clk & MASK(7));
iprint("; at %ldMHz", mhz);
nmhz = m->cpuhz / Mhz; /* nominal speed */
if (mhz == nmhz) {
mhz = nmhz;
if (mhz > maxmhz) {
mhz = maxmhz;
iprint("; limiting operation to %ldMHz", mhz);
/* disable dpll1 lock mode; put into low-power bypass mode */
mpu->fclken2 = mpu->fclken2 & ~MASK(3) | 5;
while (mpu->idlest2 != Dpllbypassed)
* there's a dance to change processor speed,
* prescribed in spruf98d §
/* just change multiplier; leave divider alone at 12 (meaning 13?) */
mpu->clksel[0] = clk & ~(MASK(11) << 8) | mhz << 8;
/* set output divider (M2) in clksel[1]: leave at 1 */
* u-boot calls us with just freqsel 3 (~1MHz) & dpll1 lock mode.
/* set FREQSEL */
mpu->fclken2 = mpu->fclken2 & ~FREQSEL(MASK(4)) | FREQSEL(3);
/* set ramp-up delay to `fast' */
mpu->fclken2 = mpu->fclken2 & ~(MASK(2) << 8) | 3 << 8;
/* set auto-recalibration (off) */
mpu->fclken2 &= ~(1 << 3);
/* disable auto-idle: ? */
/* unmask clock intr: later */
/* enable dpll lock mode */
mpu->fclken2 |= Dplllock;
while (mpu->idlest2 != Dplllocked)
delay(200); /* allow time for speed to ramp up */
if (((mpu->clksel[0] >> 8) & MASK(11)) != mhz)
panic("mpu clock speed change didn't stick");
iprint("; now at %ldMHz\n", mhz);
static void
int i;
Cm *pll = (Cm *)PHYSSCMPLL;
pll->clkoutctrl |= 1 << 7; /* enable sys_clkout2 */
* u-boot calls us with just freqsel 3 (~1MHz) & lock mode
* for both dplls (3 & 4). ensure that.
if ((pll->idlest & 3) != 3) {
/* put dpll[34] into low-power bypass mode */
pll->fclken = pll->fclken & ~(MASK(3) << 16 | MASK(3)) |
1 << 16 | 5;
while (pll->idlest & 3) /* wait for both to bypass or stop */
pll->fclken = (FREQSEL(3) | Dplllock) << 16 |
FREQSEL(3) | Dplllock;
while ((pll->idlest & 3) != 3) /* wait for both to lock */
* u-boot calls us with just freqsel 1 (default but undefined)
* & stop mode for dpll5. try to lock it at 120MHz.
if (!(pll->idlest2 & Dplllocked)) {
/* force dpll5 into low-power bypass mode */
pll->fclken2 = 3 << 8 | FREQSEL(1) | 1;
for (i = 0; pll->idlest2 & Dplllocked && i < 20; i++)
if (i >= 20)
iprint(" [dpll5 failed to stop]");
* CORE_CLK is 26MHz.
pll->clksel[4-1] = 120 << 8 | 12; /* M=120, N=12+1 */
/* M2 divisor: 120MHz clock is exactly the DPLL5 clock */
pll->clksel[5-1] = 1;
pll->fclken2 = 3 << 8 | FREQSEL(1) | Dplllock; /* def. freq */
for (i = 0; !(pll->idlest2 & Dplllocked) && i < 20; i++)
if (i >= 20)
iprint(" [dpll5 failed to lock]");
if (!(pll->idlest2 & (1<<1)))
iprint(" [no 120MHz clock]");
if (!(pll->idlest2 & (1<<3)))
iprint(" [no dpll5 120MHz clock output]");
static void
Cm *per = (Cm *)PHYSSCMPER;
per->clksel[0] &= ~MASK(8); /* select 32kHz clock for GPTIMER2-9 */
per->iclken |= Perenable;
per->fclken |= Perenable;
while (per->idlest & Perenable)
per->autoidle = 0;
static void
Cm *wkup = (Cm *)PHYSSCMWKUP;
/* select 32kHz clock (not system clock) for GPTIMER1 */
wkup->clksel[0] &= ~1;
wkup->iclken |= Wkusimocp | Wkwdt2 | Wkgpt1;
wkup->fclken |= Wkusimocp | Wkwdt2 | Wkgpt1;
while (wkup->idlest & (Wkusimocp | Wkwdt2 | Wkgpt1))
static void
int i;
Cm *usb = (Cm *)PHYSSCMUSB;
* make the usb registers accessible without address faults,
* notably uhh, ochi & ehci. tll seems to be separate & otg is okay.
usb->iclken |= Usbhost;
usb->fclken |= Usbhost1 | Usbhost2; /* includes 120MHz clock */
for (i = 0; usb->idlest & Usbhostidle && i < 20; i++)
if (i >= 20)
iprint(" [usb inaccessible]");
static void
Cm *core = (Cm *)PHYSSCMCORE;
* make the usb tll registers accessible.
core->iclken |= Coreusbhsotg;
core->iclken3 |= Core3usbtll;
core->fclken3 |= Core3usbtll;
while (core->idlest & Coreusbhsotgidle)
if (core->idlest3 & Core3usbtll)
iprint(" [no usb tll]");
static void
int s;
Gen *gen = (Gen *)PHYSSCMPCONF;
s = splhi();
configmpu(); /* sets cpu clock rate, turns on dplls 1 & 2 */
* the main goal is to get enough clocks running, in the right order,
* so that usb has all the necessary clock signals.
iprint(" usb");
configusb(); /* starts usb clocks & 120MHz clock */
iprint(", pll");
configpll(); /* starts dplls 3, 4 & 5 & 120MHz clock */
iprint(", wakeup");
configwkup(); /* starts timer clocks and usim clock */
iprint(", per");
configper(); /* starts timer & gpio (ether) clocks */
iprint(", core");
configcore(); /* starts usb tll */
gen->devconf0 |= 1 << 1 | 1 << 0; /* dmareq[01] edge sensitive */
/* make dmareq[2-6] edge sensitive */
gen->devconf1 |= 1 << 23 | 1 << 22 | 1 << 21 | 1 << 8 | 1 << 7;
static void
resetwait(ulong *reg)
long bound;
for (bound = 400*Mhz; !(*reg & Resetdone) && bound > 0; bound--)
if (bound <= 0)
iprint("archomap: Resetdone didn't come ready\n");
* gpio irq 1 goes to the mpu intr ctlr; irq 2 goes to the iva's.
* this stuff is magic and without it, we won't get irq 34 interrupts
* from the 9221 ethernet controller.
static void
Gpio *gpio = (Gpio *)PHYSGPIO6;
gpio->sysconfig = Softreset;
gpio->ctrl = 1<<1 | 0; /* enable this gpio module, gating ratio 1 */
gpio->oe |= Etherchanbit; /* cfg ether pin as input */
gpio->irqen1 = Etherchanbit; /* channel # == pin # */
gpio->irqen2 = 0;
gpio->lvldet0 = Etherchanbit; /* enable irq ass'n on low det'n */
gpio->lvldet1 = 0; /* disable irq ass'n on high det'n */
gpio->risingdet = 0; /* enable irq rising edge det'n */
gpio->fallingdet = 0; /* disable irq falling edge det'n */
gpio->wkupen = 0;
gpio->deben = 0; /* no de-bouncing */
gpio->debtime = 0;
gpio->irqsts1 = ~0; /* dismiss all outstanding intrs */
gpio->irqsts2 = ~0;
Cm *wkup = (Cm *)PHYSSCMWKUP;
Gpio *gpio = (Gpio *)PHYSGPIO1;
/* no clocksel needed */
wkup->iclken |= Wkgpio1;
wkup->fclken |= Wkgpio1; /* turn gpio clock on */
// wkup->autoidle |= Wkgpio1; /* set gpio clock on auto */
wkup->autoidle = 0;
while (wkup->idlest & Gpio1idle)
* 0 bits in oe are output signals.
* enable output for gpio 1 (first gpio) video magic pins.
gpio->oe &= ~Gpio1vidmagic;
gpio->dataout |= Gpio1vidmagic; /* set output pins to 1 */
Cm *dss = (Cm *)PHYSSCMDSS;
dss->iclken |= Dssl3l4;
dss->fclken = Dsstv | Dss2 | Dss1;
/* tv fclk is dpll4 clk; dpll4 m4 divide factor for dss1 fclk is 2 */
dss->clksel[0] = 1<<12 | 2;
while (dss->idlest & Dssidle)
Gpio *gpio = (Gpio *)PHYSGPIO6;
gpio->irqsts1 = gpio->irqsts1;
static char *
l1iptype(uint type)
static char *types[] = {
"asid-tagged VIVT",
if (type >= nelem(types) || types[type] == nil)
return "GOK";
return types[type];
cacheinfo(int level, Memcache *cp)
ulong setsways;
/* select cache level */
cpwrsc(CpIDcssel, CpID, CpIDid, 0, (level - 1) << 1);
setsways = cprdsc(CpIDcsize, CpID, CpIDid, 0);
cp->l1ip = cprdsc(0, CpID, CpIDidct, CpIDct);
cp->level = level;
cp->nways = ((setsways >> 3) & MASK(10)) + 1;
cp->nsets = ((setsways >> 13) & MASK(15)) + 1;
cp->log2linelen = (setsways & MASK(2)) + 2 + 2;
cp->linelen = 1 << cp->log2linelen;
cp->setsways = setsways;
cp->setsh = cp->log2linelen;
cp->waysh = 32 - log2(cp->nways);
static void
int cache;
Memcache mc;
for (cache = 1; cache <= 2; cache++) {
cacheinfo(cache, &mc);
iprint("l%d: %d ways %d sets %d bytes/line",
mc.level, mc.nways, mc.nsets, mc.linelen);
if (mc.linelen != CACHELINESZ)
iprint(" *should* be %d", CACHELINESZ);
if (mc.setsways & Cawt)
iprint("; can WT");
if (mc.setsways & Cawb)
iprint("; can WB");
#ifdef COMPULSIVE /* both caches can do this */
if (mc.setsways & Cara)
iprint("; can read-allocate");
if (mc.setsways & Cawa)
iprint("; can write-allocate");
if (cache == 1)
iprint("; l1 I policy %s",
l1iptype((mc.l1ip >> 14) & MASK(2)));
static char *
subarch(int impl, uint sa)
static char *armarchs[] = {
"VFPv1 (pre-armv7)",
"VFPv2 (pre-armv7)",
"VFPv3+ with common VFP subarch v2",
"VFPv3+ with null subarch",
"VFPv3+ with common VFP subarch v3",
if (impl != 'A' || sa >= nelem(armarchs))
return "GOK";
return armarchs[sa];
* padconf bits in a short, 2 per long register
* 15 wakeupevent
* 14 wakeupenable
* 13 offpulltypeselect
* 12 offpulludenable
* 11 offoutvalue
* 10 offoutenable
* 9 offenable
* 8 inputenable
* 4 pulltypeselect
* 3 pulludenable
* 2-0 muxmode
* see table 7-5 in § of spruf98d
enum {
/* pad config register bits */
Inena = 1 << 8, /* input enable */
Indis = 0 << 8, /* input disable */
Ptup = 1 << 4, /* pull type up */
Ptdown = 0 << 4, /* pull type down */
Ptena = 1 << 3, /* pull type selection is active */
Ptdis = 0 << 3, /* pull type selection is inactive */
Muxmode = MASK(3),
/* pad config registers relevant to flash */
GpmcA1 = 0x4800207A,
GpmcA2 = 0x4800207C,
GpmcA3 = 0x4800207E,
GpmcA4 = 0x48002080,
GpmcA5 = 0x48002082,
GpmcA6 = 0x48002084,
GpmcA7 = 0x48002086,
GpmcA8 = 0x48002088,
GpmcA9 = 0x4800208A,
GpmcA10 = 0x4800208C,
GpmcD0 = 0x4800208E,
GpmcD1 = 0x48002090,
GpmcD2 = 0x48002092,
GpmcD3 = 0x48002094,
GpmcD4 = 0x48002096,
GpmcD5 = 0x48002098,
GpmcD6 = 0x4800209A,
GpmcD7 = 0x4800209C,
GpmcD8 = 0x4800209E,
GpmcD9 = 0x480020A0,
GpmcD10 = 0x480020A2,
GpmcD11 = 0x480020A4,
GpmcD12 = 0x480020A6,
GpmcD13 = 0x480020A8,
GpmcD14 = 0x480020AA,
GpmcD15 = 0x480020AC,
GpmcNCS0 = 0x480020AE,
GpmcNCS1 = 0x480020B0,
GpmcNCS2 = 0x480020B2,
GpmcNCS3 = 0x480020B4,
GpmcNCS4 = 0x480020B6,
GpmcNCS5 = 0x480020B8,
GpmcNCS6 = 0x480020BA,
GpmcNCS7 = 0x480020BC,
GpmcCLK = 0x480020BE,
GpmcNADV_ALE = 0x480020C0,
GpmcNOE = 0x480020C2,
GpmcNWE = 0x480020C4,
GpmcNBE0_CLE = 0x480020C6,
GpmcNBE1 = 0x480020C8,
GpmcNWP = 0x480020CA,
GpmcWAIT0 = 0x480020CC,
GpmcWAIT1 = 0x480020CE,
GpmcWAIT2 = 0x480020D0,
GpmcWAIT3 = 0x480020D2,
/* set SCM pad config mux mode */
setmuxmode(ulong addr, int shorts, int mode)
int omode;
ushort *ptr;
mode &= Muxmode;
for (ptr = (ushort *)addr; shorts-- > 0; ptr++) {
omode = *ptr & Muxmode;
if (omode != mode)
*ptr = *ptr & ~Muxmode | mode;
static void
int off;
/* set scm pad modes for usb; hasn't made any difference yet */
setmuxmode(0x48002166, 7, 5); /* hsusb3_tll* in mode 5; is mode 4 */
setmuxmode(0x48002180, 1, 5); /* hsusb3_tll_clk; is mode 4 */
setmuxmode(0x48002184, 4, 5); /* hsusb3_tll_data?; is mode 1 */
setmuxmode(0x480021a2, 12, 0); /* hsusb0 (console) in mode 0 */
setmuxmode(0x480021d4, 6, 2); /* hsusb2_tll* (ehci port 2) in mode 2 */
/* mode 3 is hsusb2_data* */
setmuxmode(0x480025d8, 18, 6); /* hsusb[12]_tll*; mode 3 is */
/* hsusb1_data*, hsusb2* */
setmuxmode(0x480020e4, 2, 5); /* uart3_rx_* in mode 5 */
setmuxmode(0x4800219a, 4, 0); /* uart3_* in mode 0 */
/* uart3_* in mode 2; TODO: conflicts with hsusb0 */
setmuxmode(0x480021aa, 4, 2);
setmuxmode(0x48002240, 2, 3); /* uart3_* in mode 3 */
* igep/gumstix only: mode 4 of 21d2 is gpio_176 (smsc9221 ether irq).
* see ether9221.c for more.
*(ushort *)0x480021d2 = Inena | Ptup | Ptena | 4;
/* magic from u-boot for flash */
*(ushort *)GpmcA1 = Indis | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcA2 = Indis | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcA3 = Indis | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcA4 = Indis | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcA5 = Indis | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcA6 = Indis | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcA7 = Indis | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcA8 = Indis | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcA9 = Indis | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcA10 = Indis | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcD0 = Inena | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcD1 = Inena | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcD2 = Inena | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcD3 = Inena | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcD4 = Inena | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcD5 = Inena | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcD6 = Inena | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcD7 = Inena | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcD8 = Inena | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcD9 = Inena | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcD10 = Inena | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcD11 = Inena | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcD12 = Inena | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcD13 = Inena | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcD14 = Inena | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcD15 = Inena | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcNCS0 = Indis | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcNCS1 = Indis | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcNCS2 = Indis | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcNCS3 = Indis | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcNCS4 = Indis | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcNCS5 = Indis | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcNCS6 = Indis | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcNOE = Indis | Ptdown | Ptdis | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcNWE = Indis | Ptdown | Ptdis | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcWAIT2 = Inena | Ptup | Ptena | 4; /* GPIO_64 -ETH_NRESET */
*(ushort *)GpmcNCS7 = Inena | Ptup | Ptena | 1; /* SYS_nDMA_REQ3 */
*(ushort *)GpmcCLK = Indis | Ptdown | Ptdis | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcNBE1 = Inena | Ptdown | Ptdis | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcNADV_ALE = Indis | Ptdown | Ptdis | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcNBE0_CLE = Indis | Ptdown | Ptdis | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcNWP = Inena | Ptdown | Ptdis | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcWAIT0 = Inena | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcWAIT1 = Inena | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
*(ushort *)GpmcWAIT3 = Inena | Ptup | Ptena | 0;
* magic from u-boot: set 0xe00 bits in gpmc_(nwe|noe|nadv_ale)
* to enable `off' mode for each.
for (off = 0xc0; off <= 0xc4; off += sizeof(short))
*((ushort *)(PHYSSCM + off)) |= 0xe00;
static char *
implement(uchar impl)
if (impl == 'A')
return "arm";
return "unknown";
static void
int gotfp, impl;
ulong acc, scr;
gotfp = 1 << CpFP | 1 << CpDFP;
cpwrsc(0, CpCONTROL, 0, CpCPaccess, MASK(28));
acc = cprdsc(0, CpCONTROL, 0, CpCPaccess);
if ((acc & (MASK(2) << (2*CpFP))) == 0) {
gotfp &= ~(1 << CpFP);
print("fpon: no single FP coprocessor\n");
if ((acc & (MASK(2) << (2*CpDFP))) == 0) {
gotfp &= ~(1 << CpDFP);
print("fpon: no double FP coprocessor\n");
if (!gotfp) {
print("fpon: no FP coprocessors\n");
/* enable fp. must be first operation on the FPUs. */
fpwr(Fpexc, fprd(Fpexc) | 1 << 30);
scr = fprd(Fpsid);
impl = scr >> 24;
print("fp: %s arch %s", implement(impl),
subarch(impl, (scr >> 16) & MASK(7)));
scr = fprd(Fpscr);
// TODO configure Fpscr further
scr |= 1 << 9; /* div-by-0 exception */
scr &= ~(MASK(2) << 20 | MASK(3) << 16); /* all ops are scalar */
fpwr(Fpscr, scr);
/* we should now be able to execute VFP-style FP instr'ns natively */
static void
int bound;
Uhh *uhh;
Usbotg *otg;
Usbtll *tll;
iprint("resetting usb: otg...");
otg = (Usbotg *)PHYSUSBOTG;
otg->otgsyscfg = Softreset; /* see omap35x errata */
otg->otgsyscfg |= Sidle | Midle;
uhh = (Uhh *)PHYSUHH;
uhh->sysconfig |= Softreset;
for (bound = 400*Mhz; !(uhh->sysstatus & Resetdone) && bound > 0;
uhh->sysconfig |= Sidle | Midle;
* using the TLL seems to be an optimisation when talking
* to another identical SoC, thus not very useful, so
* force PHY (ULPI) mode.
/* this bit is normally off when we get here */
uhh->hostconfig &= ~P1ulpi_bypass;
if (uhh->hostconfig & P1ulpi_bypass)
iprint("utmi (tll) mode..."); /* via tll */
/* external transceiver (phy), no tll */
iprint("ulpi (phy) mode...");
tll = (Usbtll *)PHYSUSBTLL;
if (probeaddr(PHYSUSBTLL) >= 0) {
tll->sysconfig |= Softreset;
tll->sysconfig |= Sidle;
} else
iprint("no tll...");
* there are secure sdrc registers at 0x48002460
* sdrc regs at PHYSSDRC; see spruf98c §
* set or dump l4 prot regs at PHYSL4?
static int beenhere;
if (beenhere)
beenhere = 1;
/* conservative temporary values until archconfinit runs */
m->cpuhz = 500 * Mhz; /* beagle speed */
m->delayloop = m->cpuhz/2000; /* initial estimate */
// dumpl3pr();
/* fight omap35x errata */
memset((void *)PHYSSWBOOTCFG, 0, 240);
configclks(); /* may change cpu speed */
Prm *prm = (Prm *)PHYSPRMGLBL;
iprint("archreboot: reset!\n");
prm->rstctrl |= Rstgs;
/* shouldn't get here */
iprint("awaiting reset");
for(;;) {
lastresortprint(char *buf, long bp)
iprint("%.*s", (int)bp, buf); /* nothing else seems to work */
static void
scmdump(ulong addr, int shorts)
ushort reg;
ushort *ptr;
ptr = (ushort *)addr;
print("scm regs:\n");
while (shorts-- > 0) {
reg = *ptr++;
print("%#p: %#ux\tinputenable %d pulltypeselect %d "
"pulludenable %d muxmode %d\n",
ptr, reg, (reg>>8) & 1, (reg>>4) & 1, (reg>>3) & 1,
reg & 7);
char *cputype2name(char *buf, int size);
char name[64];
cputype2name(name, sizeof name);
delay(250); /* let uart catch up */
iprint("cpu%d: %lldMHz ARM %s\n", m->machno, m->cpuhz / Mhz, name);
static void
missing(ulong addr, char *name)
static int firstmiss = 1;
if (probeaddr(addr) >= 0)
if (firstmiss) {
firstmiss = 0;
} else
iprint(" %s at %#lux", name, addr);
/* verify that all the necessary device registers are accessible */
missing(PHYSSCM, "scm");
missing(KZERO, "dram");
missing(PHYSL3, "l3 config");
missing(PHYSINTC, "intr ctlr");
missing(PHYSTIMER1, "timer1");
missing(PHYSCONS, "console uart2");
missing(PHYSUART0, "uart0");
missing(PHYSUART1, "uart1");
missing(PHYSETHER, "smc9221"); /* not on beagle */
missing(PHYSUSBOTG, "usb otg");
missing(PHYSUHH, "usb uhh");
missing(PHYSOHCI, "usb ohci");
missing(PHYSEHCI, "usb ehci");
missing(PHYSSDMA, "dma");
missing(PHYSWDOG, "watchdog timer");
missing(PHYSUSBTLL, "usb tll");
archflashwp(Flash*, int)
* for ../port/devflash.c:/^flashreset
* retrieve flash type, virtual base and length and return 0;
* return -1 on error (no flash)
archflashreset(int bank, Flash *f)
if(bank != 0)
return -1;
* this is set up for the igepv2 board.
* if the beagleboard ever works, we'll have to sort this out.
f->type = "onenand";
f->addr = (void*)PHYSNAND; /* mapped here by archreset */
f->size = 0; /* done by probe */
f->width = 1;
f->interleave = 0;
return 0;