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* Memory and machine-specific definitions. Used in C and assembler.
#define KiB 1024u /* Kibi 0x0000000000000400 */
#define MiB 1048576u /* Mebi 0x0000000000100000 */
#define GiB 1073741824u /* Gibi 000000000040000000 */
* Not sure where these macros should go.
* This probably isn't right but will do for now.
* The macro names are problematic too.
* In BITN(o), 'o' is the bit offset in the register.
* For multi-bit fields use F(v, o, w) where 'v' is the value
* of the bit-field of width 'w' with LSb at bit offset 'o'.
#define BITN(o) (1<<(o))
#define F(v, o, w) (((v) & ((1<<(w))-1))<<(o))
* Sizes
#define BY2PG (4*KiB) /* bytes per page */
#define PGSHIFT 12 /* log(BY2PG) */
#define MAXMACH 1 /* max # cpus system can run */
#define KSTKSIZE (16*KiB) /* was 8K */
#define STACKALIGN(sp) ((sp) & ~3) /* bug: assure with alloc */
* Address spaces.
* KTZERO is used by kprof and dumpstack (if any).
* KZERO (0xc0000000) is mapped to physical 0x80000000 (start of dram).
* u-boot claims to occupy the first 3 MB of dram, but we're willing to
* step on it once we're loaded. Expect plan9.ini in the first 64K past 3MB.
* L2 PTEs are stored in 1K before Mach (11K to 12K above KZERO).
* cpu0's Mach struct is at L1 - MACHSIZE(4K) to L1 (12K to 16K above KZERO).
* L1 PTEs are stored from L1 to L1+32K (16K to 48K above KZERO).
* KTZERO may be anywhere after that (but probably shouldn't collide with
* u-boot).
* This should leave over 8K from KZERO to L2 PTEs.
#define KSEG0 0xC0000000 /* kernel segment */
/* mask to check segment; good for 512MB dram */
#define KSEGM 0xE0000000
#define KZERO KSEG0 /* kernel address space */
#define L1 (KZERO+16*KiB) /* tt ptes: 16KiB aligned */
#define CONFADDR (KZERO+0x300000) /* unparsed plan9.ini */
/* KTZERO must match loadaddr in mkfile */
#define KTZERO (KZERO+0x310000) /* kernel text start */
#define UZERO 0 /* user segment */
#define UTZERO (UZERO+BY2PG) /* user text start */
#define UTROUND(t) ROUNDUP((t), BY2PG)
/* moved USTKTOP down to 512MB to keep MMIO space out of user space. */
#define USTKTOP 0x20000000 /* user segment end +1 */
#define USTKSIZE (8*1024*1024) /* user stack size */
#define TSTKTOP (USTKTOP-USTKSIZE) /* sysexec temporary stack */
#define TSTKSIZ 256
/* address at which to copy and execute rebootcode */
#define REBOOTADDR KADDR(0x100)
* Legacy...
#define BLOCKALIGN 32 /* only used in allocb.c */
* Sizes
#define BI2BY 8 /* bits per byte */
#define BY2SE 4
#define BY2WD 4
#define BY2V 8 /* only used in xalloc.c */
#define CACHELINESZ 64 /* bytes per cache line */
#define PTEMAPMEM (1024*1024)
#define SEGMAPSIZE 1984 /* magic 16*124 */
#define SSEGMAPSIZE 16 /* magic */
#define PPN(x) ((x)&~(BY2PG-1)) /* pure page number? */
* With a little work these move to port.
#define PTEVALID (1<<0)
#define PTERONLY 0
#define PTEWRITE (1<<1)
#define PTEUNCACHED (1<<2)
#define PTEKERNEL (1<<3)
* Physical machine information from here on.
/* gpmc-controlled address space 0—1G */
#define PHYSNAND 1 /* cs0 is onenand flash */
#define PHYSETHER 0x2c000000
#define PHYSIO 0x48000000 /* L4 ctl */
#define PHYSSCM 0x48002000 /* system control module */
/* core control pad cfg 0x48002030—0x480021e4, */
/* core control d2d pad cfg 0x480021e4—0x48002264 */
#define PHYSSCMPCONF 0x48002270 /* general device config */
#define PHYSOMAPSTS 0x4800244c /* standalone short: has l2 size */
/* core control pad cfg (2) 0x480025d8—0x480025fc */
#define PHYSSWBOOTCFG 0x48002910 /* sw booting config */
/* wakeup control pad cfg 0x48002a00—0x48002a54 */
#define PHYSSCMMPU 0x48004900 /* actually CPU */
#define PHYSSCMCORE 0x48004a00
#define PHYSSCMWKUP 0x48004c00
#define PHYSSCMPLL 0x48004d00 /* clock ctl for dpll[3-5] */
#define PHYSSCMDSS 0x48004e00
#define PHYSSCMPER 0x48005000
#define PHYSSCMUSB 0x48005400
#define PHYSL4CORE 0x48040100 /* l4 ap */
#define PHYSDSS 0x48050000 /* start of dss registers */
#define PHYSDISPC 0x48050400
#define PHYSGFX 0x48050480 /* part of dispc */
#define PHYSSDMA 0x48056000 /* system dma */
#define PHYSDMA 0x48060000
#define PHYSUSBTLL 0x48062000 /* usb: transceiver-less link */
#define PHYSUHH 0x48064000 /* usb: `high-speed usb host' ctlr or subsys */
#define PHYSOHCI 0x48064400 /* usb 1.0: slow */
#define PHYSEHCI 0x48064800 /* usb 2.0: medium */
#define PHYSUART0 0x4806a000
#define PHYSUART1 0x4806c000
#define PHYSMMCHS1 0x4809c000 /* mmc/sdio */
#define PHYSUSBOTG 0x480ab000 /* on-the-go usb */
#define PHYSMMCHS3 0x480ad000
#define PHYSMMCHS2 0x480b4000
#define PHYSINTC 0x48200000 /* interrupt controller */
#define PHYSPRMIVA2 0x48206000 /* prm iva2 regs */
/* 48306d40 sys_clkin_sel */
#define PHYSPRMGLBL 0x48307200 /* prm global regs */
#define PHYSPRMWKUSB 0x48307400
#define PHYSCNTRL 0x4830a200 /* SoC id, etc. */
#define PHYSWDT1 0x4830c000 /* wdt1, not on GP omaps */
#define PHYSGPIO1 0x48310000 /* contains dss gpio */
#define PHYSWDOG 0x48314000 /* watchdog timer, wdt2 */
#define PHYSWDT2 0x48314000 /* watchdog timer, wdt2 */
#define PHYSTIMER1 0x48318000
#define PHYSL4WKUP 0x48328100 /* l4 wkup */
#define PHYSL4PER 0x49000100 /* l4 per */
#define PHYSCONS 0x49020000 /* uart console (third one) */
#define PHYSWDT3 0x49030000 /* wdt3 */
#define PHYSTIMER2 0x49032000
#define PHYSTIMER3 0x49034000
#define PHYSGPIO5 0x49056000
#define PHYSGPIO6 0x49058000 /* contains igep ether gpio */
#define PHYSIOEND 0x49100000 /* end of PHYSIO identity map */
#define PHYSL4EMU 0x54006100 /* l4 emu */
#define PHYSL4PROT 0x54728000 /* l4 protection regs */
#define PHYSL3 0x68000000 /* l3 interconnect control */
#define PHYSL3GPMCCFG 0x68002000 /* l3 gpmc target port agent cfg */
#define PHYSL3USB 0x68004000 /* l3 regs for usb */
#define PHYSL3USBOTG 0x68004400 /* l3 regs for usb otg */
/* (target port) protection registers */
#define PHYSL3PMRT 0x68010000 /* l3 PM register target prot. */
#define PHYSL3GPMCPM 0x68012400 /* l3 gpmc target port protection */
#define PHYSL3OCTRAM 0x68012800 /* l3 ocm ram */
#define PHYSL3OCTROM 0x68012c00 /* l3 ocm rom */
#define PHYSL3MAD2D 0x68013000 /* l3 die-to-die */
#define PHYSL3IVA 0x68014000 /* l3 die-to-die */
#define PHYSSMS 0x6c000000 /* cfg regs: sms addr space 2 */
#define PHYSDRC 0x6d000000 /* sdram ctlr, addr space 3 */
#define PHYSGPMC 0x6e000000 /* flash, non-dram memory ctlr */
#define PHYSDRAM 0x80000000
#define VIRTNAND 0x20000000 /* fixed by u-boot */