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 * National Semiconductor DP8390 and clone
 * Network Interface Controller.
#include "u.h"
#include "../port/lib.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "../port/error.h"
#include "../port/netif.h"

#include "etherif.h"
#include "ether8390.h"

enum {                                  /* NIC core registers */
        Cr              = 0x00,         /* command register, all pages */

                                        /* Page 0, read */
        Clda0           = 0x01,         /* current local DMA address 0 */
        Clda1           = 0x02,         /* current local DMA address 1 */
        Bnry            = 0x03,         /* boundary pointer (R/W) */
        Tsr             = 0x04,         /* transmit status register */
        Ncr             = 0x05,         /* number of collisions register */
        Fifo            = 0x06,         /* FIFO */
        Isr             = 0x07,         /* interrupt status register (R/W) */
        Crda0           = 0x08,         /* current remote DMA address 0 */
        Crda1           = 0x09,         /* current remote DMA address 1 */
        Rsr             = 0x0C,         /* receive status register */
        Ref0            = 0x0D,         /* frame alignment errors */
        Ref1            = 0x0E,         /* CRC errors */
        Ref2            = 0x0F,         /* missed packet errors */

                                        /* Page 0, write */
        Pstart          = 0x01,         /* page start register */
        Pstop           = 0x02,         /* page stop register */
        Tpsr            = 0x04,         /* transmit page start address */
        Tbcr0           = 0x05,         /* transmit byte count register 0 */
        Tbcr1           = 0x06,         /* transmit byte count register 1 */
        Rsar0           = 0x08,         /* remote start address register 0 */
        Rsar1           = 0x09,         /* remote start address register 1 */
        Rbcr0           = 0x0A,         /* remote byte count register 0 */
        Rbcr1           = 0x0B,         /* remote byte count register 1 */
        Rcr             = 0x0C,         /* receive configuration register */
        Tcr             = 0x0D,         /* transmit configuration register */
        Dcr             = 0x0E,         /* data configuration register */
        Imr             = 0x0F,         /* interrupt mask */

                                        /* Page 1, read/write */
        Par0            = 0x01,         /* physical address register 0 */
        Curr            = 0x07,         /* current page register */
        Mar0            = 0x08,         /* multicast address register 0 */

enum {                                  /* Cr */
        Stp             = 0x01,         /* stop */
        Sta             = 0x02,         /* start */
        Txp             = 0x04,         /* transmit packet */
        Rd0             = 0x08,         /* remote DMA command */
        Rd1             = 0x10, 
        Rd2             = 0x20,
        RdREAD          = Rd0,          /* remote read */
        RdWRITE         = Rd1,          /* remote write */
        RdSEND          = Rd1|Rd0,      /* send packet */
        RdABORT         = Rd2,          /* abort/complete remote DMA */
        Ps0             = 0x40,         /* page select */
        Ps1             = 0x80,
        Page0           = 0x00,
        Page1           = Ps0,
        Page2           = Ps1,

enum {                                  /* Isr/Imr */
        Prx             = 0x01,         /* packet received */
        Ptx             = 0x02,         /* packet transmitted */
        Rxe             = 0x04,         /* receive error */
        Txe             = 0x08,         /* transmit error */
        Ovw             = 0x10,         /* overwrite warning */
        Cnt             = 0x20,         /* counter overflow */
        Rdc             = 0x40,         /* remote DMA complete */
        Rst             = 0x80,         /* reset status */

enum {                                  /* Dcr */
        Wts             = 0x01,         /* word transfer select */
        Bos             = 0x02,         /* byte order select */
        Las             = 0x04,         /* long address select */
        Ls              = 0x08,         /* loopback select */
        Arm             = 0x10,         /* auto-initialise remote */
        Ft0             = 0x20,         /* FIFO threshold select */
        Ft1             = 0x40,
        Ft1WORD         = 0x00,
        Ft2WORD         = Ft0,
        Ft4WORD         = Ft1,
        Ft6WORD         = Ft1|Ft0,

enum {                                  /* Tcr */
        Crc             = 0x01,         /* inhibit CRC */
        Lb0             = 0x02,         /* encoded loopback control */
        Lb1             = 0x04,
        LpbkNORMAL      = 0x00,         /* normal operation */
        LpbkNIC         = Lb0,          /* internal NIC module loopback */
        LpbkENDEC       = Lb1,          /* internal ENDEC module loopback */
        LpbkEXTERNAL    = Lb1|Lb0,      /* external loopback */
        Atd             = 0x08,         /* auto transmit disable */
        Ofst            = 0x10,         /* collision offset enable */

enum {                                  /* Tsr */
        Ptxok           = 0x01,         /* packet transmitted */
        Col             = 0x04,         /* transmit collided */
        Abt             = 0x08,         /* tranmit aborted */
        Crs             = 0x10,         /* carrier sense lost */
        Fu              = 0x20,         /* FIFO underrun */
        Cdh             = 0x40,         /* CD heartbeat */
        Owc             = 0x80,         /* out of window collision */

enum {                                  /* Rcr */
        Sep             = 0x01,         /* save errored packets */
        Ar              = 0x02,         /* accept runt packets */
        Ab              = 0x04,         /* accept broadcast */
        Am              = 0x08,         /* accept multicast */
        Pro             = 0x10,         /* promiscuous physical */
        Mon             = 0x20,         /* monitor mode */

enum {                                  /* Rsr */
        Prxok           = 0x01,         /* packet received intact */
        Crce            = 0x02,         /* CRC error */
        Fae             = 0x04,         /* frame alignment error */
        Fo              = 0x08,         /* FIFO overrun */
        Mpa             = 0x10,         /* missed packet */
        Phy             = 0x20,         /* physical/multicast address */
        Dis             = 0x40,         /* receiver disabled */
        Dfr             = 0x80,         /* deferring */

typedef struct Hdr Hdr;
struct Hdr {
        uchar   status;
        uchar   next;
        uchar   len0;
        uchar   len1;

dp8390getea(Ether* ether, uchar* ea)
        Dp8390 *ctlr;
        uchar cr;
        int i;

        ctlr = ether->ctlr;

         * Get the ethernet address from the chip.
         * Take care to restore the command register
         * afterwards.
        cr = regr(ctlr, Cr) & ~Txp;
        regw(ctlr, Cr, Page1|(~(Ps1|Ps0) & cr));
        for(i = 0; i < Eaddrlen; i++)
                ea[i] = regr(ctlr, Par0+i);
        regw(ctlr, Cr, cr);

dp8390setea(Ether* ether)
        int i;
        uchar cr;
        Dp8390 *ctlr;

        ctlr = ether->ctlr;

         * Set the ethernet address into the chip.
         * Take care to restore the command register
         * afterwards. Don't care about multicast
         * addresses as multicast is never enabled
         * (currently).
        cr = regr(ctlr, Cr) & ~Txp;
        regw(ctlr, Cr, Page1|(~(Ps1|Ps0) & cr));
        for(i = 0; i < Eaddrlen; i++)
                regw(ctlr, Par0+i, ether->ea[i]);
        regw(ctlr, Cr, cr);

static void*
_dp8390read(Dp8390* ctlr, void* to, ulong from, ulong len)
        uchar cr;
        int timo;

         * Read some data at offset 'from' in the card's memory
         * using the DP8390 remote DMA facility, and place it at
         * 'to' in main memory, via the I/O data port.
        cr = regr(ctlr, Cr) & ~Txp;
        regw(ctlr, Cr, Page0|RdABORT|Sta);
        regw(ctlr, Isr, Rdc);

         * Set up the remote DMA address and count.
        len = ROUNDUP(len, ctlr->width);
        regw(ctlr, Rbcr0, len & 0xFF);
        regw(ctlr, Rbcr1, (len>>8) & 0xFF);
        regw(ctlr, Rsar0, from & 0xFF);
        regw(ctlr, Rsar1, (from>>8) & 0xFF);

         * Start the remote DMA read and suck the data
         * out of the I/O port.
        regw(ctlr, Cr, Page0|RdREAD|Sta);
        rdread(ctlr, to, len);

         * Wait for the remote DMA to complete. The timeout
         * is necessary because this routine may be called on
         * a non-existent chip during initialisation and, due
         * to the miracles of the bus, it's possible to get this
         * far and still be talking to a slot full of nothing.
        for(timo = 10000; (regr(ctlr, Isr) & Rdc) == 0 && timo; timo--)

        regw(ctlr, Isr, Rdc);
        regw(ctlr, Cr, cr);

        return to;

dp8390read(Dp8390* ctlr, void* to, ulong from, ulong len)
        void *v;

        v = _dp8390read(ctlr, to, from, len);

        return v;

static void*
dp8390write(Dp8390* ctlr, ulong to, void* from, ulong len)
        ulong crda;
        uchar cr;
        int timo, width;

         * Write some data to offset 'to' in the card's memory
         * using the DP8390 remote DMA facility, reading it at
         * 'from' in main memory, via the I/O data port.
        cr = regr(ctlr, Cr) & ~Txp;
        regw(ctlr, Cr, Page0|RdABORT|Sta);
        regw(ctlr, Isr, Rdc);

        len = ROUNDUP(len, ctlr->width);

         * Set up the remote DMA address and count.
         * This is straight from the DP8390[12D] datasheet,
         * hence the initial set up for read.
         * Assumption here that the A7000 EtherV card will
         * never need a dummyrr.
        if(ctlr->dummyrr && (ctlr->width == 1 || ctlr->width == 2)){
                if(ctlr->width == 2)
                        width = 1;
                        width = 0;
                crda = to-1-width;
                regw(ctlr, Rbcr0, (len+1+width) & 0xFF);
                regw(ctlr, Rbcr1, ((len+1+width)>>8) & 0xFF);
                regw(ctlr, Rsar0, crda & 0xFF);
                regw(ctlr, Rsar1, (crda>>8) & 0xFF);
                regw(ctlr, Cr, Page0|RdREAD|Sta);
                for(timo=0;; timo++){
                        if(timo > 10000){
                                print("ether8390: dummyrr timeout; assuming nodummyrr\n");
                                ctlr->dummyrr = 0;
                                goto top;
                        crda = regr(ctlr, Crda0);
                        crda |= regr(ctlr, Crda1)<<8;
                        if(crda == to){
                                 * Start the remote DMA write and make sure
                                 * the registers are correct.
                                regw(ctlr, Cr, Page0|RdWRITE|Sta);
                                crda = regr(ctlr, Crda0);
                                crda |= regr(ctlr, Crda1)<<8;
                                if(crda != to)
                                        panic("crda write %lud to %lud\n", crda, to);
                regw(ctlr, Rsar0, to & 0xFF);
                regw(ctlr, Rsar1, (to>>8) & 0xFF);
                regw(ctlr, Rbcr0, len & 0xFF);
                regw(ctlr, Rbcr1, (len>>8) & 0xFF);
                regw(ctlr, Cr, Page0|RdWRITE|Sta);

         * Pump the data into the I/O port
         * then wait for the remote DMA to finish.
        rdwrite(ctlr, from, len);
        for(timo = 10000; (regr(ctlr, Isr) & Rdc) == 0 && timo; timo--)

        regw(ctlr, Isr, Rdc);
        regw(ctlr, Cr, cr);

        return (void*)to;

static void
ringinit(Dp8390* ctlr)
        regw(ctlr, Pstart, ctlr->pstart);
        regw(ctlr, Pstop, ctlr->pstop);
        regw(ctlr, Bnry, ctlr->pstop-1);

        regw(ctlr, Cr, Page1|RdABORT|Stp);
        regw(ctlr, Curr, ctlr->pstart);
        regw(ctlr, Cr, Page0|RdABORT|Stp);

        ctlr->nxtpkt = ctlr->pstart;

static uchar
getcurr(Dp8390* ctlr)
        uchar cr, curr;

        cr = regr(ctlr, Cr) & ~Txp;
        regw(ctlr, Cr, Page1|(~(Ps1|Ps0) & cr));
        curr = regr(ctlr, Curr);
        regw(ctlr, Cr, cr);

        return curr;

static void
receive(Ether* ether)
        Dp8390 *ctlr;
        uchar curr, *p;
        Hdr hdr;
        ulong count, data, len;
        Block *bp;

        ctlr = ether->ctlr;
        for(curr = getcurr(ctlr); ctlr->nxtpkt != curr; curr = getcurr(ctlr)){
                data = ctlr->nxtpkt*Dp8390BufSz;
                        memmove(&hdr, (void*)(ether->mem+data), sizeof(Hdr));
                        _dp8390read(ctlr, &hdr, data, sizeof(Hdr));

                 * Don't believe the upper byte count, work it
                 * out from the software next-page pointer and
                 * the current next-page pointer.
                if( > ctlr->nxtpkt)
                        len = - ctlr->nxtpkt - 1;
                        len = (ctlr->pstop-ctlr->nxtpkt) + (>pstart) - 1;
                if(hdr.len0 > (Dp8390BufSz-sizeof(Hdr)))

                len = ((len<<8)|hdr.len0)-4;

                 * Chip is badly scrogged, reinitialise the ring.
                if( < ctlr->pstart || >= ctlr->pstop
                  || len < 60 || len > sizeof(Etherpkt)){
                        print("dp8390: H%2.2ux+%2.2ux+%2.2ux+%2.2ux,%lud\n",
                                hdr.status,, hdr.len0, hdr.len1, len);
                        regw(ctlr, Cr, Page0|RdABORT|Stp);
                        regw(ctlr, Cr, Page0|RdABORT|Sta);


                 * If it's a good packet read it in to the software buffer.
                 * If the packet wraps round the hardware ring, read it in
                 * two pieces.
                if((hdr.status & (Fo|Fae|Crce|Prxok)) == Prxok && (bp = iallocb(len))){
                        p = bp->rp;
                        bp->wp = p+len;
                        data += sizeof(Hdr);

                        if((data+len) >= ctlr->pstop*Dp8390BufSz){
                                count = ctlr->pstop*Dp8390BufSz - data;
                                        memmove(p, (void*)(ether->mem+data), count);
                                        _dp8390read(ctlr, p, data, count);
                                p += count;
                                data = ctlr->pstart*Dp8390BufSz;
                                len -= count;
                                        memmove(p, (void*)(ether->mem+data), len);
                                        _dp8390read(ctlr, p, data, len);

                         * Copy the packet to whoever wants it.
                        etheriq(ether, bp, 1);

                 * Finished with this packet, update the
                 * hardware and software ring pointers.
                ctlr->nxtpkt =;

                if( < ctlr->pstart)
               = ctlr->pstop-1;
                regw(ctlr, Bnry,;

static void
txstart(Ether* ether)
        int len;
        Dp8390 *ctlr;
        Block *bp;
        uchar minpkt[ETHERMINTU], *rp;

        ctlr = ether->ctlr;

         * This routine is called both from the top level and from interrupt
         * level and expects to be called with ctlr already locked.
        bp = qget(ether->oq);
        if(bp == nil)

         * Make sure the packet is of minimum length;
         * copy it to the card's memory by the appropriate means;
         * start the transmission.
        len = BLEN(bp);
        rp = bp->rp;
        if(len < ETHERMINTU){
                rp = minpkt;
                memmove(rp, bp->rp, len);
                memset(rp+len, 0, ETHERMINTU-len);
                len = ETHERMINTU;

                memmove((void*)(ether->mem+ctlr->tstart*Dp8390BufSz), rp, len);
                dp8390write(ctlr, ctlr->tstart*Dp8390BufSz, rp, len);

        regw(ctlr, Tbcr0, len & 0xFF);
        regw(ctlr, Tbcr1, (len>>8) & 0xFF);
        regw(ctlr, Cr, Page0|RdABORT|Txp|Sta);

        ctlr->txbusy = 1;

static void
transmit(Ether* ether)
        Dp8390 *ctlr;

        ctlr = ether->ctlr;


static void
overflow(Ether *ether)
        Dp8390 *ctlr;
        uchar txp;
        int resend;

        ctlr = ether->ctlr;

         * The following procedure is taken from the DP8390[12D] datasheet,
         * it seems pretty adamant that this is what has to be done.
        txp = regr(ctlr, Cr) & Txp;
        regw(ctlr, Cr, Page0|RdABORT|Stp);
        regw(ctlr, Rbcr0, 0);
        regw(ctlr, Rbcr1, 0);

        resend = 0;
        if(txp && (regr(ctlr, Isr) & (Txe|Ptx)) == 0)
                resend = 1;

        regw(ctlr, Tcr, LpbkNIC);
        regw(ctlr, Cr, Page0|RdABORT|Sta);
        regw(ctlr, Isr, Ovw);
        regw(ctlr, Tcr, LpbkNORMAL);

                regw(ctlr, Cr, Page0|RdABORT|Txp|Sta);

static void
interrupt(Ureg*, void* arg)
        Ether *ether;
        Dp8390 *ctlr;
        uchar isr, r;

        ether = arg;
        ctlr = ether->ctlr;

         * While there is something of interest,
         * clear all the interrupts and process.
        regw(ctlr, Imr, 0x00);
        while(isr = (regr(ctlr, Isr) & (Cnt|Ovw|Txe|Rxe|Ptx|Prx))){
                if(isr & Ovw){
                        regw(ctlr, Isr, Ovw);

                 * Packets have been received.
                 * Take a spin round the ring.
                if(isr & (Rxe|Prx)){
                        regw(ctlr, Isr, Rxe|Prx);

                 * A packet completed transmission, successfully or
                 * not. Start transmission on the next buffered packet,
                 * and wake the output routine.
                if(isr & (Txe|Ptx)){
                        r = regr(ctlr, Tsr);
                        if((isr & Txe) && (r & (Cdh|Fu|Crs|Abt))){
                                print("dp8390: Tsr %#2.2ux", r);

                        regw(ctlr, Isr, Txe|Ptx);

                        if(isr & Ptx)
                        ctlr->txbusy = 0;

                if(isr & Cnt){
                        ether->frames += regr(ctlr, Ref0);
                        ether->crcs += regr(ctlr, Ref1);
                        ether->buffs += regr(ctlr, Ref2);
                        regw(ctlr, Isr, Cnt);
        regw(ctlr, Imr, Cnt|Ovw|Txe|Rxe|Ptx|Prx);

static uchar allmar[8] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff };

static void
setfilter(Ether *ether, Dp8390 *ctlr)
        uchar r, cr;
        int i;
        uchar *mar;

        r = Ab;
        mar = 0;
                r |= Pro|Am;
                mar = allmar;
        } else if(ether->nmaddr){
                r |= Am;
                mar = ctlr->mar;
                cr = regr(ctlr, Cr) & ~Txp;
                regw(ctlr, Cr, Page1|(~(Ps1|Ps0) & cr));
                for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                        regw(ctlr, Mar0+i, *(mar++));
                regw(ctlr, Cr, cr);
        regw(ctlr, Rcr, r);

static void
promiscuous(void *arg, int )
        Ether *ether;
        Dp8390 *ctlr;

        ether = arg;
        ctlr = ether->ctlr;

        setfilter(ether, ctlr);

static void
setbit(Dp8390 *ctlr, int bit, int on)
        int i, h;

        i = bit/8;
        h = bit%8;
                if(++(ctlr->mref[bit]) == 1)
                        ctlr->mar[i] |= 1<<h;
        } else {
                if(--(ctlr->mref[bit]) <= 0){
                        ctlr->mref[bit] = 0;
                        ctlr->mar[i] &= ~(1<<h);

static uchar reverse[64];

static void
multicast(void* arg, uchar *addr, int on)
        Ether *ether;
        Dp8390 *ctlr;
        int i;
        ulong h;

        ether = arg;
        ctlr = ether->ctlr;
        if(reverse[1] == 0){
                for(i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                        reverse[i] = ((i&1)<<5) | ((i&2)<<3) | ((i&4)<<1)
                                   | ((i&8)>>1) | ((i&16)>>3) | ((i&32)>>5);

         *  change filter bits
        h = ethercrc(addr, 6);
        setbit(ctlr, reverse[h&0x3f], on);
        setfilter(ether, ctlr);

static void
attach(Ether* ether)
        Dp8390 *ctlr;
        uchar r;

        ctlr = ether->ctlr;

         * Enable the chip for transmit/receive.
         * The init routine leaves the chip in monitor
         * mode. Clear the missed-packet counter, it
         * increments while in monitor mode.
         * Sometimes there's an interrupt pending at this
         * point but there's nothing in the Isr, so
         * any pending interrupts are cleared and the
         * mask of acceptable interrupts is enabled here.
        r = Ab;
                r |= Pro;
                r |= Am;
        regw(ctlr, Isr, 0xFF);
        regw(ctlr, Imr, Cnt|Ovw|Txe|Rxe|Ptx|Prx);
        regw(ctlr, Rcr, r);
        r = regr(ctlr, Ref2);
        regw(ctlr, Tcr, LpbkNORMAL);

static void
disable(Dp8390* ctlr)
        int timo;

         * Stop the chip. Set the Stp bit and wait for the chip
         * to finish whatever was on its tiny mind before it sets
         * the Rst bit.
         * The timeout is needed because there may not be a real
         * chip there if this is called when probing for a device
         * at boot.
        regw(ctlr, Cr, Page0|RdABORT|Stp);
        regw(ctlr, Rbcr0, 0);
        regw(ctlr, Rbcr1, 0);
        for(timo = 10000; (regr(ctlr, Isr) & Rst) == 0 && timo; timo--)

static void
shutdown(Ether *ether)
        Dp8390 *ctlr;

        ctlr = ether->ctlr;

dp8390reset(Ether* ether)
        Dp8390 *ctlr;

        ctlr = ether->ctlr;

         * This is the initialisation procedure described
         * as 'mandatory' in the datasheet, with references
         * to the 3C503 technical reference manual.
        if(ctlr->width != 1)
                regw(ctlr, Dcr, Ft4WORD|Ls|Wts);
                regw(ctlr, Dcr, Ft4WORD|Ls);

        regw(ctlr, Rbcr0, 0);
        regw(ctlr, Rbcr1, 0);

        regw(ctlr, Tcr, LpbkNIC);
        regw(ctlr, Rcr, Mon);

         * Init the ring hardware and software ring pointers.
         * Can't initialise ethernet address as it may not be
         * known yet.
        regw(ctlr, Tpsr, ctlr->tstart);

         * Clear any pending interrupts and mask then all off.
        regw(ctlr, Isr, 0xFF);
        regw(ctlr, Imr, 0);

         * Leave the chip initialised,
         * but in monitor mode.
        regw(ctlr, Cr, Page0|RdABORT|Sta);

         * Set up the software configuration.
        ether->attach = attach;
        ether->transmit = transmit;
        ether->interrupt = interrupt;
        ether->shutdown = shutdown;
        ether->ifstat = 0;

        ether->promiscuous = promiscuous;
        ether->multicast = multicast;
        ether->arg = ether;

        return 0;