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 * read-only driver for BIOS LBA devices.
 * devbios must be initialised first and no disks may be accessed
 * via non-BIOS means (i.e., talking to the disk controller directly).
 * EDD 4.0 defines the INT 0x13 functions.
 * heavily dependent upon correct BIOS implementation.
 * some bioses (e.g., vmware) seem to hang for two minutes then report
 * a disk timeout on reset and extended read operations.
#include        "u.h"
#include        "../port/lib.h"
#include        "mem.h"
#include        "dat.h"
#include        "fns.h"
#include        "io.h"
#include        "ureg.h"
#include        "pool.h"
#include        "../port/error.h"
#include        "../port/netif.h"
#include        "../port/sd.h"
#include        "dosfs.h"

#define TYPE(q)         ((ulong)(q).path & 0xf)
#define UNIT(q)         (((ulong)(q).path>>4) & 0xff)
#define L(q)            (((ulong)(q).path>>12) & 0xf)
#define QID(u, t)       ((u)<<4 | (t))

typedef struct Biosdev Biosdev;
typedef struct Dap Dap;
typedef uvlong Devbytes, Devsects;
typedef uchar Devid;
typedef struct Edrvparam Edrvparam;

enum {
        Debug = 0,
        Pause = 0,                      /* delay to read debugging */

        Minsectsz       = 512,          /* for disks */
        Maxsectsz       = 2048,         /* for optical (CDs, etc.) */

        Highshort       = ((1ul<<16) - 1) << 16,  /* upper short of a long */

        Maxdevs         = 8,
        CF              = 1,            /* carry flag: indicates an error */
        Flopid          = 0,            /* first floppy */
        Baseid          = 0x80,         /* first disk */

        Diskint         = 0x13,         /* "INT 13" for bios disk i/o */

        /* cx capability bits in Biosckext results */
        Fixeddisk       = 1<<0,         /* fixed disk access subset */
        Drlock          = 1<<1,
        Edd             = 1<<2,         /* enhanced disk drive support */
        Bit64ext        = 1<<3,

        /* bios calls: int 0x13 disk services w buffer at es:bx */
        Biosinit        = 0,            /* initialise disk & floppy ctlrs */
        Biosdrvsts,                     /* status of last int 0x13 call */
        Biosdrvparam    = 8,
        Biosreset       =  0xd,         /* reset disk */
        Biosdrvrdy      = 0x10,
        /* extended int 0x13 calls w dap at ds:si */
        Biosckext       = 0x41,
        Biosedrvparam   = 0x48,

        /* magic numbers for bios calls */
        Imok            = 0x55aa,
        Youreok         = 0xaa55,
enum {
        Qzero,                          /* assumed to be 0 by devattach */
        Qtopdir         = 1,
        Qtopctl         = Qtopbase,

        Qctl            = Qunitbase,

        Qtopfiles       = Qtopend-Qtopbase,

struct Biosdev {
        Devbytes size;
        Devbytes offset;
        Devid   id;                     /* drive number; e.g., 0x80 */
        ushort  sectsz;
        Chan    *rootchan;

struct Dap {                            /* a device address packet */
        uchar   size;
        uchar   _unused1;
        uchar   nsects;
        uchar   _unused2;
        union {
                ulong   addr;           /* actual address (nominally seg:off) */
                struct {
                        ushort  addroff;        /* :offset */
                        ushort  addrseg;        /* segment: */
        uvlong  stsect;                 /* starting sector */

        uvlong  addr64;                 /* instead of addr, if addr is ~0 */
        ulong   lnsects;                /* nsects to match addr64 */
        ulong   _unused3;

struct Edrvparam {
        ushort  size;                   /* max. buffer (struct) size */
        ushort  flags;
        ulong   physcyls;
        ulong   physheads;
        ulong   phystracksects;
        uvlong  physsects;
        ushort  sectsz;

        /* pointer is required to be unaligned, bytes 26-29.  ick. */
//      void    *dpte;                  /* ~0ull: invalid */
        ushort  dpteoff;                /* device parameter table extension */
        ushort  dpteseg;

        /* remainder from edd 3.0 spec */
        ushort  key;                    /* 0xbedd if device path info present */
        uchar   dpilen;                 /* must be 44 (says edd 4.0) */
        uchar   _unused1;
        ushort  _unused2;
        char    bustype[4];             /* "PCI" or "ISA" */
        char    ifctype[8]; /* "ATA", "ATAPI", "SCSI", "USB", "1394", "FIBRE" */
        uvlong  ifcpath;
        uvlong  devpath[2];
        uchar   _unused3;
        uchar   dpicksum;

int biosinited;
int biosndevs;

void *biosgetfspart(int i, char *name, int chatty);

static Biosdev bdev[Maxdevs];
static Ureg regs;
static RWlock devs;

static int      dreset(Devid drive);
static Devbytes extgetsize(Biosdev *);
static int      drivecap(Devid drive);

/* convert ah error code to a string (just common cases) */
static char *
strerr(uchar err)
        switch (err) {
        case 0:
                return "no error";
        case 1:
                return "bad command";
        case 0x80:
                return "disk timeout";
                return "unknown";

static void
assertlow64k(uintptr p, char *tag)
        if (p & Highshort)
                panic("devbios: %s address %#p not in bottom 64k", tag, p);

static void
initrealregs(Ureg *ureg)
        memset(ureg, 0, sizeof *ureg);

 * caller must zero or otherwise initialise *ureg,
 * other than ax, bx, dx, si & ds.
static int
biosdiskcall(Ureg *ureg, uchar op, ulong bx, ulong dx, ulong si)
        int s;
        uchar err;

        s = splhi();            /* don't let the bios call be interrupted */
        ureg->ax = op << 8;
        ureg->bx = bx;
        ureg->dx = dx;          /* often drive id */
        assertlow64k(si, "dap");
        if(si && (si & Highshort) != ((si + Maxsectsz - 1) & Highshort))
                print("biosdiskcall: dap address %#lux too near segment boundary\n",

        ureg->si = si;          /* ds:si forms data address packet addr */
        ureg->ds = 0;           /* bottom 64K */
        ureg->es = 0;           /* es:bx is conventional buffer */
        ureg->di = 0;           /* buffer segment? */
        ureg->flags = 0;

         * *ureg is copied into low memory (realmoderegs) and thence into
         * the machine registers before the BIOS call, and the registers are
         * copied into realmoderegs and thence into *ureg after.
         * realmode loads these registers: di, si, ax, bx, cx, dx, ds, es.
        ureg->trap = Diskint;

        if (ureg->flags & CF) {
                if (dx == Baseid) {
                        err = ureg->ax >> 8;
                        print("\nbiosdiskcall: int %#x op %#ux drive %#lux "
                                "failed, ah error code %#ux (%s)\n",
                                Diskint, op, dx, err, strerr(err));
                return -1;
        return 0;

 * Find out what the bios knows about devices.
 * our boot device could be usb; ghod only knows where it will appear.
        int cap, mask, lastbit, ndrive;
        Devbytes size;
        Devid devid;
        Biosdev *bdp;
        static int beenhere;

        delay(Pause);           /* pause to read the screen (DEBUG) */
        if (biosinited || beenhere)
                return 0;
        beenhere = 1;

        ndrive = *(uchar *)KADDR(0x475);                /* from bda */
        if (Debug)
                print("%d bios drive(s)\n", ndrive);
        mask = lastbit = 0;
        for (devid = Baseid, biosndevs = 0; devid != 0 && biosndevs < Maxdevs &&
            biosndevs < ndrive; devid++) {
                cap = drivecap(devid);
                /* don't reset; it seems to hang the bios */
                if(cap < 0 || (cap & (Fixeddisk|Edd)) != (Fixeddisk|Edd)
                    /* || devid != Baseid && dreset(devid) < 0 || */)
                        continue;               /* no suitable device */

                /* found a live one */
                lastbit = 1 << biosndevs;
                mask |= lastbit;

                bdp = &bdev[biosndevs];
                bdp->id = devid;
                size = extgetsize(bdp);
                if (size == 0)
                        continue;               /* no device */
                bdp->size = size;

                print("bios%d: drive %#ux: %,llud bytes, %d-byte sectors\n",
                        biosndevs, devid, size, bdp->sectsz);

        if (Debug && ndrive != biosndevs)
                print("devbios: expected %d drives, found %d\n", ndrive, biosndevs);

         * some bioses seem to only be able to read from drive number 0x80 and
         * can't read from the highest drive number, even if there is only one.
        if (biosndevs > 0)
                biosinited = 1;
                panic("devbios: no bios drives seen"); /* 9loadusb needs ≥ 1 */
        delay(Pause);           /* pause to read the screen (DEBUG) */
        return mask;

static void

static void

static Chan*
biosattach(char *spec)
        ulong drive;
        char *p;
        Chan *chan;

        drive = 0;
        if(spec && *spec){
                drive = strtoul(spec, &p, 0);
                if((drive == 0 && p == spec) || *p || (drive >= Maxdevs))
                return bdev[drive].rootchan;

        chan = devattach(L'☹', spec);
        chan->dev = drive;
        bdev[drive].rootchan = chan;
        /* arbitrary initialisation can go here */
        return chan;

static int
unitgen(Chan *c, ulong type, Dir *dp)
        int perm, t;
        ulong vers;
        vlong size;
        char *p;
        Qid q;

        perm = 0644;
        size = 0;
//      d = unit2dev(UNIT(c->qid));
//      vers = d->vers;
        vers = 0;
        t = QTFILE;

                return -1;
        case Qctl:
                p = "ctl";
        case Qdata:
                p = "data";
                perm = 0640;
        mkqid(&q, QID(UNIT(c->qid), type), vers, t);
        devdir(c, q, p, size, eve, perm, dp);
        return 1;

static int
topgen(Chan *c, ulong type, Dir *d)
        int perm;
        vlong size;
        char *p;
        Qid q;

        size = 0;
                return -1;
        case Qdata:
                p = "data";
                perm = 0644;
        mkqid(&q, type, 0, QTFILE);
        devdir(c, q, p, size, eve, perm, d);
        return 1;

static int
biosgen(Chan *c, char *, Dirtab *, int, int s, Dir *dp)
        Qid q;

        if(c->qid.path == 0){
                case DEVDOTDOT:
                        q.path = 0;
                        q.type = QTDIR;
                        devdir(c, q, "#☹", 0, eve, 0555, dp);
                case 0:
                        q.path = Qtopdir;
                        q.type = QTDIR;
                        devdir(c, q, "bios", 0, eve, 0555, dp);
                        return -1;
                return 1;

                return -1;
        case Qtopdir:
                if(s == DEVDOTDOT){
                        mkqid(&q, Qzero, 0, QTDIR);
                        devdir(c, q, "bios", 0, eve, 0555, dp);
                        return 1;
                if(s < Qtopfiles)
                        return topgen(c, Qtopbase + s, dp);
                s -= Qtopfiles;
                if(s >= 1)
                        return -1;
                mkqid(&q, QID(s, Qunitdir), 0, QTDIR);
                devdir(c, q, "bios", 0, eve, 0555, dp);
                return 1;
        case Qdata:
                return unitgen(c, TYPE(c->qid), dp);

static Walkqid*
bioswalk(Chan *c, Chan *nc, char **name, int nname)
        return devwalk(c, nc, name, nname, nil, 0, biosgen);

static int
biosstat(Chan *c, uchar *db, int n)
        return devstat(c, db, n, nil, 0, biosgen);

static Chan*
biosopen(Chan *c, int omode)
        return devopen(c, omode, 0, 0, biosgen);

static void
biosclose(Chan *)

#ifdef UNUSED
biosboot(int dev, char *file, Boot *b)
        Bootfs *fs;

        if(strncmp(file, "dos!", 4) == 0)
                file += 4;
        if(strchr(file, '!') != nil || strcmp(file, "") == 0) {
                print("syntax is bios0!file\n");
                return -1;

        fs = biosgetfspart(dev, "9fat", 1);
        if(fs == nil)
                return -1;
        return fsboot(fs, file, b);

/* read n bytes at sector offset into a from drive id */
sectread(Biosdev *bdp, void *a, long n, Devsects offset)
        uchar *xch;
        uintptr xchaddr;
        Dap *dap;

        if(bdp->sectsz <= 0 || n < 0 || n > bdp->sectsz)
                return -1;
        xch = (uchar *)BIOSXCHG;
        assertlow64k(PADDR(xch), "biosxchg");
                /* scribble on the buffer to provoke trouble */
                memset(xch, 'r', bdp->sectsz);

        /* read into BIOSXCHG; alloc space for a worst-case (optical) sector */
        dap = (Dap *)(xch + Maxsectsz);
        assertlow64k(PADDR(dap), "Dap");
        memset(dap, 0, sizeof *dap);
        dap->size = sizeof *dap;
        dap->nsects = 1;
        dap->stsect = offset;

        xchaddr = PADDR(xch);
        assertlow64k(xchaddr, "sectread buffer");
        dap->addr = xchaddr;            /* ulong version */
        dap->addroff = xchaddr;         /* pedantic seg:off */
        dap->addrseg = 0;
        dap->addr64 = xchaddr;          /* paranoid redundancy */
        dap->lnsects = 1;

         * ensure that entire buffer fits in low memory.
        if((dap->addr & Highshort) !=
            ((dap->addr + Minsectsz - 1) & Highshort))
                print("devbios: sectread: address %#lux too near seg boundary\n",
        if (Debug)
                print("reading bios drive %#ux sector %lld -> %#lux...",
                        bdp->id, offset, dap->addr);
        delay(Pause);                   /* pause to read the screen (DEBUG) */

         * int 13 read sector expects buffer seg in di?,
         * dap in si, 0x42 in ah, drive in dl.
        if (biosdiskcall(&regs, Biosrdsect, 0, bdp->id, PADDR(dap)) < 0) {
                print("devbios: sectread: bios failed to read %ld @ sector %lld of %#ux\n",
                        n, offset, bdp->id);
                return -1;
        if (dap->nsects != 1)
                panic("devbios: sector read ok but read %d sectors",
        if (Debug)

        /* copy into caller's buffer */
        memmove(a, xch, n);
        if(0 && Debug)
                print("-%ux %ux %ux %ux--%16.16s-\n",
                        xch[0], xch[1], xch[2], xch[3], (char *)xch + 480);
        delay(Pause);           /* pause to read the screen (DEBUG) */
        return n;

/* seems to hang bioses, at least vmware's */
static int
dreset(Devid drive)
        print("devbios: resetting %#ux...", drive);
        /* ignore carry flag for Biosinit */
        biosdiskcall(&regs, Biosinit, 0, drive, 0);
        return -1: 0;          /* ax != 0 on error */

/* returns capabilities bitmap */
static int
drivecap(Devid drive)
        int cap;

        if (biosdiskcall(&regs, Biosckext, Imok, drive, 0) < 0)
                 * we have an old bios without extensions, in theory.
                 * in practice, there may just be no drive for this number.
                return -1;
        if(regs.bx != Youreok){
                print("devbios: buggy bios: drive %#ux extension check "
                         "returned %lux in bx\n", drive, regs.bx);
                return -1;
        cap =;
        if (Debug) {
                print("bios drive %#ux extensions version %#x.%d cx %#ux\n",
                        drive, (uchar)( >> 8), (uchar), cap);
                if ((uchar)( >> 8) < 0x30) {
                        print("drivecap: extensions prior to 0x30\n");
                        return -1;
                print("\tsubsets supported:");
                if (cap & Fixeddisk)
                        print(" fixed disk access;");
                if (cap & Drlock)
                        print(" drive locking;");
                if (cap & Edd)
                        print(" enhanced disk support;");
                if (cap & Bit64ext)
                        print(" 64-bit extensions;");
        delay(Pause);                   /* pause to read the screen (DEBUG) */
        return cap;

/* extended get size; reads bdp->id, fills in bdp->sectsz, returns # sectors */
static Devbytes
extgetsize(Biosdev *bdp)
        ulong sectsz;
        Edrvparam *edp;

        edp = (Edrvparam *)BIOSXCHG;
        memset(edp, 0, sizeof *edp);
        edp->size = sizeof *edp;
        edp->dpteseg = edp->dpteoff = ~0;       /* no pointer */
        edp->dpilen = 44;

        if (biosdiskcall(&regs, Biosedrvparam, 0, bdp->id, PADDR(edp)) < 0)
                return 0;               /* old bios without extensions */
        if(Debug) {
                print("bios drive %#ux info flags %#ux", bdp->id, edp->flags);
                if (edp->key == 0xbedd)
                        print("; edd 3.0  %.4s %.8s",
                                edp->bustype, edp->ifctype);
                        print("; NOT edd 3.0 compliant (key %#ux)", edp->key);
        if (edp->sectsz <= 0) {
                print("devbios: drive %#ux: sector size <= 0\n", bdp->id);
                edp->sectsz = 1;                /* don't divide by 0 */
                return 0;
        sectsz = edp->sectsz;
        if (sectsz > Maxsectsz) {
                print("devbios: sector size %lud > %d\n", sectsz, Maxsectsz);
                return 0;
        bdp->sectsz = sectsz;
        return edp->physsects * sectsz;

biossize(uint dev)
        Biosdev *bdp;

        if (dev >= biosndevs)
                return -1;
        bdp = &bdev[dev];
        if (bdp->sectsz <= 0)
                return -1;
        return bdp->size / bdp->sectsz;

biossectsz(uint dev)
        Biosdev *bdp;

        if (dev >= biosndevs)
                return -1;
        bdp = &bdev[dev];
        if (bdp->sectsz <= 0)
                return -1;
        return bdp->sectsz;

biosread0(Bootfs *fs, void *a, long n)
        int want, got, part, dev;
        long totnr, stuck;
        Devbytes offset;
        Biosdev *bdp;

        dev = fs->dev;                          /* only use of fs */
        if(dev > biosndevs)
                return -1;
        if (n <= 0)
                return n;
        bdp = &bdev[dev];
        offset = bdp->offset;
        stuck = 0;
        for (totnr = 0; totnr < n && stuck < 4; totnr += got) {
                if (bdp->sectsz == 0) {
                        print("devbios: zero sector size\n");
                        return -1;
                want = bdp->sectsz;
                if (totnr + want > n)
                        want = n - totnr;
                if(0 && Debug && debugload)
                        print("bios%d, read: %ld @ off %lld, want: %d, id: %#ux\n",
                                dev, n, offset, want, bdp->id);
                part = offset % bdp->sectsz;
                if (part != 0) {        /* back up to start of sector */
                        offset -= part;
                        totnr  -= part;
                        if (totnr < 0) {
                                print("biosread0: negative count %ld\n", totnr);
                                return -1;
                if ((vlong)offset < 0) {
                        print("biosread0: negative offset %lld\n", offset);
                        return -1;
                got = sectread(bdp, (char *)a + totnr, want,
                        offset / bdp->sectsz);
                if(got <= 0)
                        return -1;
                offset += got;
                bdp->offset = offset;
                if (got < bdp->sectsz)
                        stuck++;        /* we'll have to re-read this sector */
                        stuck = 0;
        return totnr;

biosseek(Bootfs *fs, vlong off)
        if (off < 0) {
                print("biosseek(fs, %lld) is illegal\n", off);
                return -1;
        if(fs->dev > biosndevs) {
                print("biosseek: fs->dev %d > biosndevs %d\n", fs->dev, biosndevs);
                return -1;
        bdev[fs->dev].offset = off;     /* do not know size... (yet) */
        return off;

static long
biosread(Chan *c, void *db, long n, vlong off)
        Biosdev *bp;

        case Qzero:
        case Qtopdir:
                return devdirread(c, db, n, 0, 0, biosgen);
        case Qdata:
                bp = &bdev[UNIT(c->qid)];
                if (bp->rootchan == nil)
                        panic("biosread: nil root chan for bios%ld",
                biosseek(&bp->Bootfs, off);
                return biosread0(&bp->Bootfs, db, n);

/* name is typically "9fat" */
void *
biosgetfspart(int i, char *name, int chatty)
        char part[32];
        static Bootfs fs; = i;
        fs.diskread = biosread0;
        fs.diskseek = biosseek;
        snprint(part, sizeof part, "#S/sdB0/%s", name);
        if(dosinit(&fs, part) < 0){
                        print("bios%d!%s does not contain a FAT file system\n",
                                i, name);
                return nil;
        return &fs;

static long
bioswrite(Chan *, void *, long, vlong)
        error("bios devices are read-only in bootstrap");
        return 0;

Dev biosdevtab = {
