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typedef struct Dosboot Dosboot;
typedef struct Dos Dos;
typedef struct Dosdir Dosdir;
typedef struct Dosfile Dosfile;
typedef struct Dospart Dospart;
typedef struct File File;
typedef struct Bootfs Bootfs;
int fsread(File *file, void *a, long n);
int fsboot(Bootfs *fs, char *path, Boot *b);
int fswalk(Bootfs *fs, char *path, File *f);
struct Dospart
uchar flag; /* active flag */
uchar shead; /* starting head */
uchar scs[2]; /* starting cylinder/sector */
uchar type; /* partition type */
uchar ehead; /* ending head */
uchar ecs[2]; /* ending cylinder/sector */
uchar start[4]; /* starting sector */
uchar len[4]; /* length in sectors */
#define FAT12 0x01
#define FAT16 0x04
#define EXTEND 0x05
#define FATHUGE 0x06
#define FAT32 0x0b
#define FAT32X 0x0c
#define EXTHUGE 0x0f
#define DMDDO 0x54
#define PLAN9 0x39
#define LEXTEND 0x85
struct Dosfile{
Dos *dos; /* owning dos file system */
char name[8];
char ext[3];
uchar attr;
long length;
long pstart; /* physical start cluster address */
long pcurrent; /* physical current cluster address */
long lcurrent; /* logical current cluster address */
long offset;
struct Dos{
long start; /* start of file system */
int sectsize; /* in bytes */
int clustsize; /* in sectors */
int clustbytes; /* in bytes */
int nresrv; /* sectors */
int nfats; /* usually 2 */
int rootsize; /* number of entries */
int volsize; /* in sectors */
int mediadesc;
int fatsize; /* in sectors */
int fatclusters;
int fatbits; /* 12 or 16 */
long fataddr; /* sector number */
long rootaddr;
long rootclust;
long dataaddr;
long freeptr;
typedef struct Dosboot Dosboot;
typedef struct Dosdir Dosdir;
struct Dosboot{
uchar magic[3];
uchar version[8];
uchar sectsize[2];
uchar clustsize;
uchar nresrv[2];
uchar nfats;
uchar rootsize[2];
uchar volsize[2];
uchar mediadesc;
uchar fatsize[2];
uchar trksize[2];
uchar nheads[2];
uchar nhidden[4];
uchar bigvolsize[4];
/* fat 32 */
uchar bigfatsize[4];
uchar extflags[2];
uchar fsversion[2];
uchar rootdirstartclust[4];
uchar fsinfosect[2];
uchar backupbootsect[2];
/* ???
uchar driveno;
uchar reserved0;
uchar bootsig;
uchar volid[4];
uchar label[11];
uchar reserved1[8];
struct Dosdir{
uchar name[8];
uchar ext[3];
uchar attr;
uchar lowercase;
uchar hundredth;
uchar ctime[2];
uchar cdate[2];
uchar adate[2];
uchar highstart[2];
uchar mtime[2];
uchar mdate[2];
uchar start[2];
uchar length[4];
#define DOSRONLY 0x01
#define DOSHIDDEN 0x02
#define DOSSYSTEM 0x04
#define DOSVLABEL 0x08
#define DOSDIR 0x10
#define DOSARCH 0x20
// #pragma incomplete Bootfs
struct File{
Dosfile dos;
int walked;
Bootfs *fs;
char *path;
struct Bootfs{
union {
Dos dos;
Chan *devch;
char *disk;
/* for *bios.c */
int dev; /* device id */
long (*diskread)(Bootfs*, void*, long); /* disk read routine */
vlong (*diskseek)(Bootfs*, vlong); /* disk seek routine */
long (*read)(File*, void*, long);
int (*walk)(File*, char*);
File root;
extern int dosinit(Bootfs*, char *);
#define BADPTR(x) ((ulong)(x) < 0x80000000)