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 * non-startup assembly-language assist

#include "mem.h"
#include "/sys/src/boot/pc/x16.h"
#undef DELAY

#define PADDR(a)        ((a) & ~KZERO)
#define KADDR(a)        (KZERO|(a))

 * Some machine instructions not handled by 8[al].
#define OP16            BYTE $0x66
#define DELAY           BYTE $0xEB; BYTE $0x00  /* JMP .+2 */
#define CPUID           BYTE $0x0F; BYTE $0xA2  /* CPUID, argument in AX */
#define WRMSR           BYTE $0x0F; BYTE $0x30  /* WRMSR, argument in AX/DX (lo/hi) */
#define RDTSC           BYTE $0x0F; BYTE $0x31  /* RDTSC, result in AX/DX (lo/hi) */
#define RDMSR           BYTE $0x0F; BYTE $0x32  /* RDMSR, result in AX/DX (lo/hi) */
#define HLT             BYTE $0xF4
#define INVLPG  BYTE $0x0F; BYTE $0x01; BYTE $0x39      /* INVLPG (%ecx) */
#define WBINVD  BYTE $0x0F; BYTE $0x09

 * Macros for calculating offsets within the page directory base
 * and page tables. Note that these are assembler-specific hence
 * the '<<2'.
#define PDO(a)          (((((a))>>22) & 0x03FF)<<2)
#define PTO(a)          (((((a))>>12) & 0x03FF)<<2)

TEXT pagingoff(SB), $0
        DELAY                           /* JMP .+2 */

         *  use a jump to an absolute location to get the PC out of
         *  KZERO.  first establishes double mapping of first few MB.
        MOVL    CR3, CX                         /* load address of PDB */
        ADDL    $KZERO, CX
        MOVL    PDO(KZERO)(CX), DX              /* double-map KZERO at 0 */
        MOVL    DX, PDO(0)(CX)

        MOVL    CR3, CX
        MOVL    CX, CR3                         /* load and flush the mmu */

        MOVL      entry+0(FP), DX

        LEAL    _nopaging-KZERO(SB),AX
        JMP*    AX                              /* jump to identity-map */

TEXT _nopaging(SB), $0
        DELAY                           /* JMP .+2 */

        /* switch to low stack */
        MOVL    SP, AX
        MOVL    $RMSTACK, SP
//      PUSHL   AX

        /* change gdt to physical pointer */
        MOVL    _gdtptr16r-KZERO(SB), GDTR

         * turn off paging
        MOVL    CR0,AX
        ANDL    $~PG, AX
        MOVL    AX,CR0
        DELAY                           /* JMP .+2 */

        MOVL    $_stop32pg-KZERO(SB), AX
        JMP*    AX                              /* forward into the past */

TEXT _stop32pg(SB), $0
        MOVL    multibootheader-KZERO(SB), BX   /* multiboot data pointer */
        MOVL    $0x2badb002, AX                 /* multiboot magic */

        JMP*    DX                              /* into the loaded kernel */

        JMP     _idle

 * BIOS32.
TEXT bios32call(SB), $0
        MOVL    ci+0(FP), BP
        MOVL    0(BP), AX
        MOVL    4(BP), BX
        MOVL    8(BP), CX
        MOVL    12(BP), DX
        MOVL    16(BP), SI
        MOVL    20(BP), DI
        PUSHL   BP

        MOVL    12(SP), BP                      /* ptr */
        BYTE $0xFF; BYTE $0x5D; BYTE $0x00      /* CALL FAR 0(BP) */

        POPL    BP
        MOVL    DI, 20(BP)
        MOVL    SI, 16(BP)
        MOVL    DX, 12(BP)
        MOVL    CX, 8(BP)
        MOVL    BX, 4(BP)
        MOVL    AX, 0(BP)

        XORL    AX, AX
        JCC     _bios32xxret
        INCL    AX


TEXT cgapost2(SB), 0, $16
        MOVL    $0xb8000,CX
        MOVL    CX,(SP)
        CALL    ,kaddr+0(SB)
        MOVL    code+0(FP),BP
        MOVL    AX,BX
        MOVL    BP,CX
        SARL    $4,CX
        ANDL    $15,CX
        MOVBLZX hex(SB)(CX*1),AX
        MOVB    AX,3996(BX)
        MOVB    $7,3997(BX)
        MOVL    BP,DX
        ANDL    $15,DX
        MOVBLZX hex(SB)(DX*1),CX
        MOVB    CX,3998(BX)
        MOVB    $7,3999(BX)

 * Read/write various system registers.
 * CR4 and the 'model specific registers' should only be read/written
 * after it has been determined the processor supports them
TEXT ltr(SB), $0                                /* TR - task register */
        MOVL    tptr+0(FP), AX
        MOVW    AX, TASK

TEXT invlpg(SB), $0
        /* 486+ only */
        MOVL    va+0(FP), CX

TEXT wbinvd(SB), $0

 * stub for:
 * time stamp counter; low-order 32 bits of 64-bit cycle counter
 * Runs at fasthz/4 cycles per second (m->clkin>>3)
TEXT lcycles(SB),1,$0

 * Try to determine the CPU type which requires fiddling with EFLAGS.
 * If the Id bit can be toggled then the CPUID instruction can be used
 * to determine CPU identity and features. First have to check if it's
 * a 386 (Ac bit can't be set). If it's not a 386 and the Id bit can't be
 * toggled then it's an older 486 of some kind.
 *      cpuid(fun, regs[4]);
TEXT cpuid(SB), $0
        MOVL    $0x240000, AX
        PUSHL   AX
        POPFL                                   /* set Id|Ac */
        POPL    BX                              /* retrieve value */
        MOVL    $0, AX
        PUSHL   AX
        POPFL                                   /* clear Id|Ac, EFLAGS initialised */
        POPL    AX                              /* retrieve value */
        XORL    BX, AX
        TESTL   $0x040000, AX                   /* Ac */
        JZ      _cpu386                         /* can't set this bit on 386 */
        TESTL   $0x200000, AX                   /* Id */
        JZ      _cpu486                         /* can't toggle this bit on some 486 */
        MOVL    fn+0(FP), AX
        JMP     _cpuid
        MOVL    $0x400, AX
        JMP     _maybezapax
        MOVL    $0x300, AX
        CMPL    fn+0(FP), $1
        JE      _zaprest
        XORL    AX, AX
        XORL    BX, BX
        XORL    CX, CX
        XORL    DX, DX
        MOVL    regs+4(FP), BP
        MOVL    AX, 0(BP)
        MOVL    BX, 4(BP)
        MOVL    CX, 8(BP)
        MOVL    DX, 12(BP)

 * Floating point.
 * Note: the encodings for the FCLEX, FINIT, FSAVE, FSTCW, FSENV and FSTSW
 * instructions do NOT have the WAIT prefix byte (i.e. they act like their
 * FNxxx variations) so WAIT instructions must be explicitly placed in the
 * code as necessary.
#define FPOFF(l)                                                 ;\
        MOVL    CR0, AX                                          ;\
        ANDL    $0xC, AX                        /* EM, TS */     ;\
        CMPL    AX, $0x8                                         ;\
        JEQ     l                                                ;\
        WAIT                                                     ;\
l:                                                               ;\
        MOVL    CR0, AX                                          ;\
        ANDL    $~0x4, AX                       /* EM=0 */       ;\
        ORL     $0x28, AX                       /* NE=1, TS=1 */ ;\
        MOVL    AX, CR0

#define FPON                                                     ;\
        MOVL    CR0, AX                                          ;\
        ANDL    $~0xC, AX                       /* EM=0, TS=0 */ ;\
        MOVL    AX, CR0
TEXT fpoff(SB), $0                              /* disable */

TEXT fpinit(SB), $0                             /* enable and init */
        /* note that low 6 bits are masks, not enables, on this chip */
        PUSHW   $0x0232
        FLDCW   0(SP)
        POPW    AX

 * Test-And-Set
TEXT tas(SB), $0
        MOVL    $0xDEADDEAD, AX
        MOVL    lock+0(FP), BX
        XCHGL   AX, (BX)                        /* lock->key */

TEXT _xinc(SB), $0                              /* void _xinc(long*); */
        MOVL    l+0(FP), AX
        LOCK;   INCL 0(AX)

TEXT _xdec(SB), $0                              /* long _xdec(long*); */
        MOVL    l+0(FP), BX
        XORL    AX, AX
        LOCK;   DECL 0(BX)
        JLT     _xdeclt
        JGT     _xdecgt
        INCL    AX
        DECL    AX

TEXT xchgw(SB), $0
        MOVL    v+4(FP), AX
        MOVL    p+0(FP), BX
        XCHGW   AX, (BX)

TEXT cmpswap486(SB), $0
        MOVL    addr+0(FP), BX
        MOVL    old+4(FP), AX
        MOVL    new+8(FP), CX
        BYTE $0x0F; BYTE $0xB1; BYTE $0x0B      /* CMPXCHGL CX, (BX) */
        JNZ didnt
        MOVL    $1, AX
        XORL    AX,AX

TEXT mul64fract(SB), $0
 * Multiply two 64-bit number s and keep the middle 64 bits from the 128-bit result
 * See ../port/tod.c for motivation.
        MOVL    r+0(FP), CX
        XORL    BX, BX                          /* BX = 0 */

        MOVL    a+8(FP), AX
        MULL    b+16(FP)                        /* a1*b1 */
        MOVL    AX, 4(CX)                       /* r2 = lo(a1*b1) */

        MOVL    a+8(FP), AX
        MULL    b+12(FP)                        /* a1*b0 */
        MOVL    AX, 0(CX)                       /* r1 = lo(a1*b0) */
        ADDL    DX, 4(CX)                       /* r2 += hi(a1*b0) */

        MOVL    a+4(FP), AX
        MULL    b+16(FP)                        /* a0*b1 */
        ADDL    AX, 0(CX)                       /* r1 += lo(a0*b1) */
        ADCL    DX, 4(CX)                       /* r2 += hi(a0*b1) + carry */

        MOVL    a+4(FP), AX
        MULL    b+12(FP)                        /* a0*b0 */
        ADDL    DX, 0(CX)                       /* r1 += hi(a0*b0) */
        ADCL    BX, 4(CX)                       /* r2 += carry */

 *  label consists of a stack pointer and a PC
TEXT gotolabel(SB), $0
        MOVL    label+0(FP), AX
        MOVL    0(AX), SP                       /* restore sp */
        MOVL    4(AX), AX                       /* put return pc on the stack */
        MOVL    AX, 0(SP)
        MOVL    $1, AX                          /* return 1 */

TEXT setlabel(SB), $0
        MOVL    label+0(FP), AX
        MOVL    SP, 0(AX)                       /* store sp */
        MOVL    0(SP), BX                       /* store return pc */
        MOVL    BX, 4(AX)
        MOVL    $0, AX                          /* return 0 */

 * Attempt at power saving. -rsc
TEXT halt(SB), $0
        CLI                                     /* interrupts off */
        CMPL    nrdy(SB), $0
        JEQ     _nothingready
        STI                                     /* interrupts on */

        STI                     /* interrupts on: service before rescheduling */

 * Interrupt/exception handling.
 * Each entry in the vector table calls either _strayintr or _strayintrx depending
 * on whether an error code has been automatically pushed onto the stack
 * (_strayintrx) or not, in which case a dummy entry must be pushed before retrieving
 * the trap type from the vector table entry and placing it on the stack as part
 * of the Ureg structure.
 * The size of each entry in the vector table (6 bytes) is known in trapinit().
TEXT _strayintr(SB), $0
        PUSHL   AX                      /* save AX */
        MOVL    4(SP), AX               /* return PC from vectortable(SB) */
        JMP     intrcommon

TEXT _strayintrx(SB), $0
        XCHGL   AX, (SP)                /* swap AX with vectortable CALL PC */
        PUSHL   DS                      /* save DS */
        PUSHL   $(KDSEL)
        POPL    DS                      /* fix up DS */
        MOVBLZX (AX), AX                /* trap type -> AX */
        XCHGL   AX, 4(SP)               /* exchange trap type with saved AX */

        PUSHL   ES                      /* save ES */
        PUSHL   $(KDSEL)
        POPL    ES                      /* fix up ES */

        PUSHL   FS                      /* save the rest of the Ureg struct */
        PUSHL   GS

        PUSHL   SP                      /* Ureg* argument to trap */
        CALL    trap(SB)

TEXT forkret(SB), $0
        POPL    AX
        POPL    GS
        POPL    FS
        POPL    ES
        POPL    DS
        ADDL    $8, SP                  /* pop error code and trap type */

TEXT vectortable(SB), $0
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x00         /* divide error */
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x01         /* debug exception */
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x02         /* NMI interrupt */
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x03         /* breakpoint */
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x04         /* overflow */
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x05         /* bound */
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x06         /* invalid opcode */
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x07         /* no coprocessor available */
        CALL _strayintrx(SB); BYTE $0x08        /* double fault */
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x09         /* coprocessor segment overflow */
        CALL _strayintrx(SB); BYTE $0x0A        /* invalid TSS */
        CALL _strayintrx(SB); BYTE $0x0B        /* segment not available */
        CALL _strayintrx(SB); BYTE $0x0C        /* stack exception */
        CALL _strayintrx(SB); BYTE $0x0D        /* general protection error */
        CALL _strayintrx(SB); BYTE $0x0E        /* page fault */
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x0F         /*  */
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x10         /* coprocessor error */
        CALL _strayintrx(SB); BYTE $0x11        /* alignment check */
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x12         /* machine check */
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x13
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x14
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x15
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x16
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x17
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x18
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x19
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x1A
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x1B
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x1C
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x1D
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x1E
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x1F
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x20         /* VectorLAPIC */
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x21
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x22
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x23
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x24
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x25
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x26
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x27
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x28
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x29
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x2A
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x2B
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x2C
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x2D
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x2E
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x2F
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x30
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x31
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x32
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x33
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x34
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x35
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x36
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x37
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x38
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x39
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x3A
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x3B
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x3C
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x3D
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x3E
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x3F
//      CALL _syscallintr(SB); BYTE $0x40       /* VectorSYSCALL */
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x40
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x41
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x42
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x43
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x44
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x45
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x46
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x47
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x48
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x49
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x4A
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x4B
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x4C
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x4D
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x4E
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x4F
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x50
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x51
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x52
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x53
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x54
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x55
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x56
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x57
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x58
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x59
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x5A
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x5B
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x5C
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x5D
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x5E
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x5F
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x60
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x61
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x62
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x63
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x64
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x65
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x66
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x67
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x68
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x69
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x6A
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x6B
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x6C
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x6D
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x6E
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x6F
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x70
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x71
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x72
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x73
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x74
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x75
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x76
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x77
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x78
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x79
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x7A
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x7B
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x7C
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x7D
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x7E
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x7F
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x80         /* Vector[A]PIC */
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x81
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x82
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x83
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x84
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x85
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x86
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x87
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x88
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x89
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x8A
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x8B
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x8C
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x8D
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x8E
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x8F
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x90
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x91
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x92
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x93
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x94
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x95
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x96
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x97
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x98
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x99
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x9A
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x9B
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x9C
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x9D
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x9E
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0x9F
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xA0
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xA1
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xA2
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xA3
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xA4
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xA5
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xA6
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xA7
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xA8
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xA9
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xAA
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xAB
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xAC
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xAD
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xAE
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xAF
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xB0
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xB1
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xB2
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xB3
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xB4
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xB5
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xB6
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xB7
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xB8
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xB9
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xBA
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xBB
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xBC
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xBD
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xBE
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xBF
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xC0
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xC1
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xC2
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xC3
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xC4
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xC5
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xC6
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xC7
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xC8
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xC9
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xCA
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xCB
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xCC
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xCD
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xCE
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xCF
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xD0
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xD1
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xD2
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xD3
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xD4
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xD5
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xD6
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xD7
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xD8
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xD9
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xDA
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xDB
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xDC
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xDD
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xDE
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xDF
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xE0
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xE1
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xE2
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xE3
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xE4
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xE5
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xE6
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xE7
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xE8
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xE9
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xEA
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xEB
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xEC
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xED
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xEE
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xEF
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xF0
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xF1
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xF2
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xF3
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xF4
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xF5
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xF6
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xF7
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xF8
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xF9
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xFA
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xFB
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xFC
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xFD
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xFE
        CALL _strayintr(SB); BYTE $0xFF

Generated by GNU Enscript 1.6.6.