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typedef struct Etherpkt Etherpkt;
typedef struct Netaddr  Netaddr;
typedef struct Netfile  Netfile;
typedef struct Netif    Netif;

        Nmaxaddr=       64,
        Nmhash=         31,

        Ncloneqid=      1,

 *  Macros to manage Qid's used for multiplexed devices
#define NETTYPE(x)      (((ulong)x)&0x1f)
#define NETID(x)        ((((ulong)x))>>5)
#define NETQID(i,t)     ((((ulong)i)<<5)|(t))

 *  one per multiplexed connection
struct Netfile

        int     inuse;
        ulong   mode;
        char    owner[KNAMELEN];

        int     type;                   /* multiplexor type */
        int     prom;                   /* promiscuous mode */
        int     scan;                   /* base station scanning interval */
        int     bridge;                 /* bridge mode */
        int     headersonly;            /* headers only - no data */
        uchar   maddr[8];               /* bitmask of multicast addresses requested */
        int     nmaddr;                 /* number of multicast addresses */

        Queue   *in;                    /* input buffer */

 *  a network address
struct Netaddr
        Netaddr *next;          /* allocation chain */
        Netaddr *hnext;
        uchar   addr[Nmaxaddr];
        int     ref;

 *  a network interface
struct Netif

        /* multiplexing */
        char    name[KNAMELEN];         /* for top level directory */
        int     nfile;                  /* max number of Netfiles */
        Netfile **f;

        /* about net */
        int     limit;                  /* flow control */
        int     alen;                   /* address length */
        int     mbps;                   /* megabits per sec */
        int     link;                   /* link status */
        int     minmtu;
        int     maxmtu;
        int     mtu;
        uchar   addr[Nmaxaddr];
        uchar   bcast[Nmaxaddr];
        Netaddr *maddr;                 /* known multicast addresses */
        int     nmaddr;                 /* number of known multicast addresses */
        Netaddr *mhash[Nmhash];         /* hash table of multicast addresses */
        int     prom;                   /* number of promiscuous opens */
        int     scan;                   /* number of base station scanners */
        int     all;                    /* number of -1 multiplexors */

        /* statistics */
        int     misses;
        uvlong  inpackets;
        uvlong  outpackets;
        int     crcs;           /* input crc errors */
        int     oerrs;          /* output errors */
        int     frames;         /* framing errors */
        int     overflows;      /* packet overflows */
        int     buffs;          /* buffering errors */
        int     soverflows;     /* software overflow */

        /* routines for touching the hardware */
        void    *arg;
        void    (*promiscuous)(void*, int);
        void    (*multicast)(void*, uchar*, int);
        int     (*hwmtu)(void*, int);   /* get/set mtu */
        void    (*scanbs)(void*, uint); /* scan for base stations */

void    netifinit(Netif*, char*, int, ulong);
Walkqid*        netifwalk(Netif*, Chan*, Chan*, char **, int);
Chan*   netifopen(Netif*, Chan*, int);
void    netifclose(Netif*, Chan*);
long    netifread(Netif*, Chan*, void*, long, ulong);
Block*  netifbread(Netif*, Chan*, long, ulong);
long    netifwrite(Netif*, Chan*, void*, long);
int     netifwstat(Netif*, Chan*, uchar*, int);
int     netifstat(Netif*, Chan*, uchar*, int);
int     activemulti(Netif*, uchar*, int);

 *  Ethernet specific
        Eaddrlen=       6,
        ETHERMINTU =    60,             /* minimum transmit size */
        ETHERMAXTU =    1514,           /* maximum transmit size */
        ETHERHDRSIZE =  14,             /* size of an ethernet header */

        /* ethernet packet types */
        ETARP           = 0x0806,
        ETIP4           = 0x0800,
        ETIP6           = 0x86DD,

struct Etherpkt
        uchar   d[Eaddrlen];
        uchar   s[Eaddrlen];
        uchar   type[2];
        uchar   data[1500];