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 * cortex arm arch v7 cache flushing and invalidation
 * included by l.s and rebootcode.s

TEXT cacheiinv(SB), $-4                         /* I invalidate */
        MOVW    $0, R0
        MTCP    CpSC, 0, R0, C(CpCACHE), C(CpCACHEinvi), CpCACHEall /* ok on cortex */

 * set/way operators, passed a suitable set/way value in R0.
TEXT cachedwb_sw(SB), $-4
        MTCP    CpSC, 0, R0, C(CpCACHE), C(CpCACHEwb), CpCACHEsi

TEXT cachedwbinv_sw(SB), $-4
        MTCP    CpSC, 0, R0, C(CpCACHE), C(CpCACHEwbi), CpCACHEsi

TEXT cachedinv_sw(SB), $-4
        MTCP    CpSC, 0, R0, C(CpCACHE), C(CpCACHEinvd), CpCACHEsi

        /* set cache size select */
TEXT setcachelvl(SB), $-4
        MTCP    CpSC, CpIDcssel, R0, C(CpID), C(CpIDidct), 0

        /* return cache sizes */
TEXT getwayssets(SB), $-4
        MFCP    CpSC, CpIDcsize, R0, C(CpID), C(CpIDidct), 0

 * l1 cache operations.
 * l1 and l2 ops are intended to be called from C, thus need save no
 * caller's regs, only those we need to preserve across calls.

TEXT cachedwb(SB), $-4
        MOVW.W  R14, -8(R13)
        MOVW    $cachedwb_sw(SB), R0
        MOVW    $1, R8
        BL      wholecache(SB)
        MOVW.P  8(R13), R15

TEXT cachedwbinv(SB), $-4
        MOVW.W  R14, -8(R13)
        MOVW    $cachedwbinv_sw(SB), R0
        MOVW    $1, R8
        BL      wholecache(SB)
        MOVW.P  8(R13), R15

TEXT cachedinv(SB), $-4
        MOVW.W  R14, -8(R13)
        MOVW    $cachedinv_sw(SB), R0
        MOVW    $1, R8
        BL      wholecache(SB)
        MOVW.P  8(R13), R15

TEXT cacheuwbinv(SB), $-4
        MOVM.DB.W [R14], (R13)  /* save lr on stack */
        MOVW    CPSR, R1
        CPSID                   /* splhi */

        MOVM.DB.W [R1], (R13)   /* save R1 on stack */

        BL      cachedwbinv(SB)
        BL      cacheiinv(SB)

        MOVM.IA.W (R13), [R1]   /* restore R1 (saved CPSR) */
        MOVW    R1, CPSR
        MOVM.IA.W (R13), [R14]  /* restore lr */

 * architectural l2 cache operations

TEXT _l2cacheuwb(SB), $-4
        MOVW.W  R14, -8(R13)
        MOVW    $cachedwb_sw(SB), R0
        MOVW    $2, R8
        BL      wholecache(SB)
        MOVW.P  8(R13), R15     /* return */

TEXT _l2cacheuwbinv(SB), $-4
        MOVW.W  R14, -8(R13)
        MOVW    CPSR, R1
        CPSID                   /* splhi */

        MOVM.DB.W [R1], (R13)   /* save R1 on stack */

        MOVW    $cachedwbinv_sw(SB), R0
        MOVW    $2, R8
        BL      wholecache(SB)

        BL      _l2cacheuinv(SB)

        MOVM.IA.W (R13), [R1]   /* restore R1 (saved CPSR) */
        MOVW    R1, CPSR
        MOVW.P  8(R13), R15     /* return */

TEXT _l2cacheuinv(SB), $-4
        MOVW.W  R14, -8(R13)
        MOVW    $cachedinv_sw(SB), R0
        MOVW    $2, R8
        BL      wholecache(SB)
        MOVW.P  8(R13), R15     /* return */

 * callers are assumed to be the above l1 and l2 ops.
 * R0 is the function to call in the innermost loop.
 * R8 is the cache level (1-origin: 1 or 2).
 * R0   func to call at entry
 * R1   func to call after entry
 * R2   nsets
 * R3   way shift (computed from R8)
 * R4   set shift (computed from R8)
 * R5   nways
 * R6   set scratch
 * R7   way scratch
 * R8   cache level, 0-origin
 * R9   extern reg up
 * R10  extern reg m
 * initial translation by 5c, then massaged by hand.
TEXT wholecache+0(SB), $-4
        MOVW    CPSR, R2
        MOVM.DB.W [R2,R14], (SP) /* save regs on stack */

        MOVW    R0, R1          /* save argument for inner loop in R1 */
        SUB     $1, R8          /* convert cache level to zero origin */

        /* we might not have the MMU on yet, so map R1 (func) to R14's space */
        MOVW    R14, R0         /* get R14's segment ... */
        AND     $KSEGM, R0
        BIC     $KSEGM, R1      /* strip segment from func address */
        ORR     R0, R1          /* combine them */

        /* get cache sizes */
        SLL     $1, R8, R0      /* R0 = (cache - 1) << 1 */
        MTCP    CpSC, CpIDcssel, R0, C(CpID), C(CpIDidct), 0 /* set cache select */
        MFCP    CpSC, CpIDcsize, R0, C(CpID), C(CpIDidct), 0 /* get cache sizes */

        /* compute # of ways and sets for this cache level */
        SRA     $3, R0, R5      /* R5 (ways) = R0 >> 3 */
        AND     $((1<<10)-1), R5 /* R5 = (R0 >> 3) & MASK(10) */
        ADD     $1, R5          /* R5 (ways) = ((R0 >> 3) & MASK(10)) + 1 */

        SRA     $13, R0, R2     /* R2 = R0 >> 13 */
        AND     $((1<<15)-1), R2 /* R2 = (R0 >> 13) & MASK(15) */
        ADD     $1, R2          /* R2 (sets) = ((R0 >> 13) & MASK(15)) + 1 */

        /* precompute set/way shifts for inner loop */
        MOVW    $(CACHECONF+0), R3      /* +0 = l1waysh */
        MOVW    $(CACHECONF+4), R4      /* +4 = l1setsh */
        CMP     $0, R8          /* cache == 1? */
        ADD.NE  $(4*2), R3      /* no, assume l2: +8 = l2waysh */
        ADD.NE  $(4*2), R4      /* +12 = l2setsh */

        MOVW    R14, R0         /* get R14's segment ... */
        AND     $KSEGM, R0

        BIC     $KSEGM, R3      /* strip segment from address */
        ORR     R0, R3          /* combine them */
        BIC     $KSEGM, R4      /* strip segment from address */
        ORR     R0, R4          /* combine them */
        MOVW    (R3), R3
        MOVW    (R4), R4

        CMP     $0, R3          /* sanity checks */
        BEQ     wbuggery
        CMP     $0, R4
        BEQ     sbuggery

        CPSID                   /* splhi to make entire op atomic */

        /* iterate over ways */
        MOVW    $0, R7          /* R7: way */
        /* iterate over sets */
        MOVW    $0, R6          /* R6: set */
        /* compute set/way register contents */
        SLL     R3, R7, R0      /* R0 = way << R3 (L?WAYSH) */
        ORR     R8<<1, R0       /* R0 = way << L?WAYSH | (cache - 1) << 1 */
        ORR     R6<<R4, R0      /* R0 = way<<L?WAYSH | (cache-1)<<1 |set<<R4 */

        BL      (R1)            /* call set/way operation with R0 arg. */

        ADD     $1, R6          /* set++ */
        CMP     R2, R6          /* set >= sets? */
        BLT     inner           /* no, do next set */

        ADD     $1, R7          /* way++ */
        CMP     R5, R7          /* way >= ways? */
        BLT     outer           /* no, do next way */

        MOVM.IA.W (SP), [R2,R14] /* restore regs */
        MOVW    R2, CPSR        /* splx */


        B       topanic
        MOVW    $.string<>+0(SB), R0
        BIC     $KSEGM, R0      /* strip segment from address */
        MOVW    R14, R1         /* get R14's segment ... */
        AND     $KSEGM, R1
        ORR     R1, R0          /* combine them */
        SUB     $12, R13        /* not that it matters, since we're panicing */
        MOVW    R14, 8(R13)
        BL      panic(SB)       /* panic("msg %#p", LR) */
        B       bugloop

        DATA    .string<>+0(SB)/8,$"bad cach"
        DATA    .string<>+8(SB)/8,$"e params"
        DATA    .string<>+16(SB)/8,$"\073 pc %\043p"
        DATA    .string<>+24(SB)/1,$"\z"
        GLOBL   .string<>+0(SB),$25