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 * command history
 * only implements in-memory history.

 *      This file contains
 *      a)      the original in-memory history  mechanism
 *      b)      a simple file saving history mechanism done by  sjg@zen
 *              define EASY_HISTORY to get this
 *      c)      a more complicated mechanism done by
 *              that more closely follows the real ksh way of doing
 *              things. You need to have the mmap system call for this
 *              to work on your system

#include "sh.h"
#include "ksh_stat.h"

#ifdef HISTORY

#  ifndef HISTFILE
#   ifdef OS2
#    define HISTFILE "history.ksh"
#   else /* OS2 */
#    define HISTFILE ".pdksh_history"
#   endif /* OS2 */
#  endif

# else
/*      Defines and includes for the complicated case */

#  include <sys/file.h>
#  include <sys/mman.h>

 *      variables for handling the data file
static int      histfd;
static int      hsize;

static int hist_count_lines ARGS((unsigned char *, int));
static int hist_shrink ARGS((unsigned char *, int));
static unsigned char *hist_skip_back ARGS((unsigned char *,int *,int));
static void histload ARGS((Source *, unsigned char *, int));
static void histinsert ARGS((Source *, int, unsigned char *));
static void writehistfile ARGS((int, char *));
static int sprinkle ARGS((int));

#  ifdef MAP_FILE
#  else
#  endif

# endif /* of EASY_HISTORY */

static int      hist_execute ARGS((char *cmd));
static int      hist_replace ARGS((char **hp, const char *pat, const char *rep,
                                   int global));
static char   **hist_get ARGS((const char *str, int approx, int allow_cur));
static char   **hist_get_newest ARGS((int allow_cur));
static char   **hist_get_oldest ARGS(());
static void     histbackup ARGS((void));

static char   **current;        /* current postition in history[] */
static int      curpos;         /* current index in history[] */
static char    *hname;          /* current name of history file */
static int      hstarted;       /* set after hist_init() called */
static Source   *hist_source;

        char **wp;
        struct shf *shf;
        struct temp UNINITIALIZED(*tf);
        char *p, *editor = (char *) 0;
        int gflag = 0, lflag = 0, nflag = 0, sflag = 0, rflag = 0;
        int optc;
        char *first = (char *) 0, *last = (char *) 0;
        char **hfirst, **hlast, **hp;

        while ((optc = ksh_getopt(wp, &builtin_opt, "e:glnrs0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,")) != EOF)
                switch (optc) {
                  case 'e':
                        p = builtin_opt.optarg;
                        if (strcmp(p, "-") == 0)
                        else {
                                editor = str_nsave(p, strlen(p) + 4, ATEMP);
                                strcat(editor, " $_");
                  case 'g': /* non-at&t ksh */
                  case 'l':
                  case 'n':
                  case 'r':
                  case 's':     /* posix version of -e - */
                  /* kludge city - accept -num as -- -num (kind of) */
                  case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
                  case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
                        p = shf_smprintf("-%c%s",
                                        optc, builtin_opt.optarg);
                        if (!first)
                                first = p;
                        else if (!last)
                                last = p;
                        else {
                                bi_errorf("too many arguments");
                                return 1;
                  case '?':
                        return 1;
        wp += builtin_opt.optind;

        /* Substitute and execute command */
        if (sflag) {
                char *pat = (char *) 0, *rep = (char *) 0;

                if (editor || lflag || nflag || rflag) {
                        bi_errorf("can't use -e, -l, -n, -r with -s (-e -)");
                        return 1;

                /* Check for pattern replacement argument */
                if (*wp && **wp && (p = strchr(*wp + 1, '='))) {
                        pat = str_save(*wp, ATEMP);
                        p = pat + (p - *wp);
                        *p++ = '\0';
                        rep = p;
                /* Check for search prefix */
                if (!first && (first = *wp))
                if (last || *wp) {
                        bi_errorf("too many arguments");
                        return 1;

                hp = first ? hist_get(first, FALSE, FALSE)
                           : hist_get_newest(FALSE);
                if (!hp)
                        return 1;
                return hist_replace(hp, pat, rep, gflag);

        if (editor && (lflag || nflag)) {
                bi_errorf("can't use -l, -n with -e");
                return 1;

        if (!first && (first = *wp))
        if (!last && (last = *wp))
        if (*wp) {
                bi_errorf("too many arguments");
                return 1;
        if (!first) {
                hfirst = lflag ? hist_get("-16", TRUE, TRUE)
                               : hist_get_newest(FALSE);
                if (!hfirst)
                        return 1;
                /* can't fail if hfirst didn't fail */
                hlast = hist_get_newest(FALSE);
        } else {
                /* POSIX says not an error if first/last out of bounds
                 * when range is specified; at&t ksh and pdksh allow out of
                 * bounds for -l as well.
                hfirst = hist_get(first, (lflag || last) ? TRUE : FALSE,
                                lflag ? TRUE : FALSE);
                if (!hfirst)
                        return 1;
                hlast = last ? hist_get(last, TRUE, lflag ? TRUE : FALSE)
                            : (lflag ? hist_get_newest(FALSE) : hfirst);
                if (!hlast)
                        return 1;
        if (hfirst > hlast) {
                char **temp;

                temp = hfirst; hfirst = hlast; hlast = temp;
                rflag = !rflag; /* POSIX */

        /* List history */
        if (lflag) {
                char *s, *t;
                const char *nfmt = nflag ? "\t" : "%d\t";

                for (hp = rflag ? hlast : hfirst;
                     hp >= hfirst && hp <= hlast; hp += rflag ? -1 : 1)
                        shf_fprintf(shl_stdout, nfmt,
                                hist_source->line - (int) (histptr - hp));
                        /* print multi-line commands correctly */
                        for (s = *hp; (t = strchr(s, '\n')); s = t)
                                shf_fprintf(shl_stdout, "%.*s\t", ++t - s, s);
                        shf_fprintf(shl_stdout, "%s\n", s);
                return 0;

        /* Run editor on selected lines, then run resulting commands */

        tf = maketemp(ATEMP, TT_HIST_EDIT, &e->temps);
        if (!(shf = tf->shf)) {
                bi_errorf("cannot create temp file %s - %s",
                        tf->name, strerror(errno));
                return 1;
        for (hp = rflag ? hlast : hfirst;
             hp >= hfirst && hp <= hlast; hp += rflag ? -1 : 1)
                shf_fprintf(shf, "%s\n", *hp);
        if (shf_close(shf) == EOF) {
                bi_errorf("error writing temporary file - %s", strerror(errno));
                return 1;

        /* Ignore setstr errors here (arbitrary) */
        setstr(local("_", FALSE), tf->name, KSH_RETURN_ERROR);

        /* XXX: source should not get trashed by this.. */
                Source *sold = source;
                int ret;

                ret = command(editor ? editor : "${FCEDIT:-/bin/ed} $_");
                source = sold;
                if (ret)
                        return ret;

                struct stat statb;
                XString xs;
                char *xp;
                int n;

                if (!(shf = shf_open(tf->name, O_RDONLY, 0, 0))) {
                        bi_errorf("cannot open temp file %s", tf->name);
                        return 1;

                n = fstat(shf_fileno(shf), &statb) < 0 ? 128
                        : statb.st_size + 1;
                Xinit(xs, xp, n, hist_source->areap);
                while ((n = shf_read(xp, Xnleft(xs, xp), shf)) > 0) {
                        xp += n;
                        if (Xnleft(xs, xp) <= 0)
                                XcheckN(xs, xp, Xlength(xs, xp));
                if (n < 0) {
                        bi_errorf("error reading temp file %s - %s",
                                tf->name, strerror(shf_errno(shf)));
                        return 1;
                *xp = '\0';
                strip_nuls(Xstring(xs, xp), Xlength(xs, xp));
                return hist_execute(Xstring(xs, xp));

/* Save cmd in history, execute cmd (cmd gets trashed) */
static int
        char *cmd;
        Source *sold;
        int ret;
        char *p, *q;


        for (p = cmd; p; p = q) {
                if ((q = strchr(p, '\n'))) {
                        *q++ = '\0'; /* kill the newline */
                        if (!*q) /* ignore trailing newline */
                                q = (char *) 0;
                if (p != cmd)
                        histappend(p, TRUE);
#endif /* EASY_HISTORY */
                        histsave(++(hist_source->line), p, 1);

                shellf("%s\n", p); /* POSIX doesn't say this is done... */
                if ((p = q)) /* restore \n (trailing \n not restored) */
                        q[-1] = '\n';

        /* Commands are executed here instead of pushing them onto the
         * input 'cause posix says the redirection and variable assignments
         * in
         *      X=y fc -e - 42 2> /dev/null
         * are to effect the repeated commands environment.
        /* XXX: source should not get trashed by this.. */
        sold = source;
        ret = command(cmd);
        source = sold;
        return ret;

static int
hist_replace(hp, pat, rep, global)
        char **hp;
        const char *pat;
        const char *rep;
        int global;
        char *line;

        if (!pat)
                line = str_save(*hp, ATEMP);
        else {
                char *s, *s1;
                int pat_len = strlen(pat);
                int rep_len = strlen(rep);
                int len;
                XString xs;
                char *xp;
                int any_subst = 0;

                Xinit(xs, xp, 128, ATEMP);
                for (s = *hp; (s1 = strstr(s, pat))
                              && (!any_subst || global) ; s = s1 + pat_len)
                        any_subst = 1;
                        len = s1 - s;
                        XcheckN(xs, xp, len + rep_len);
                        memcpy(xp, s, len);             /* first part */
                        xp += len;
                        memcpy(xp, rep, rep_len);       /* replacement */
                        xp += rep_len;
                if (!any_subst) {
                        bi_errorf("substitution failed");
                        return 1;
                len = strlen(s) + 1;
                XcheckN(xs, xp, len);
                memcpy(xp, s, len);
                xp += len;
                line = Xclose(xs, xp);
        return hist_execute(line);

 * get pointer to history given pattern
 * pattern is a number or string
static char **
hist_get(str, approx, allow_cur)
        const char *str;
        int approx;
        int allow_cur;
        char **hp = (char **) 0;
        int n;

        if (getn(str, &n)) {
                hp = histptr + (n < 0 ? n : (n - hist_source->line));
                if (hp < history) {
                        if (approx)
                                hp = hist_get_oldest();
                        else {
                                bi_errorf("%s: not in history", str);
                                hp = (char **) 0;
                } else if (hp > histptr) {
                        if (approx)
                                hp = hist_get_newest(allow_cur);
                        else {
                                bi_errorf("%s: not in history", str);
                                hp = (char **) 0;
                } else if (!allow_cur && hp == histptr) {
                        bi_errorf("%s: invalid range", str);
                        hp = (char **) 0;
        } else {
                int anchored = *str == '?' ? (++str, 0) : 1;

                /* the -1 is to avoid the current fc command */
                n = findhist(histptr - history - 1, 0, str, anchored);
                if (n < 0) {
                        bi_errorf("%s: not in history", str);
                        hp = (char **) 0;
                } else
                        hp = &history[n];
        return hp;

/* Return a pointer to the newest command in the history */
static char **
        int allow_cur;
        if (histptr < history || (!allow_cur && histptr == history)) {
                bi_errorf("no history (yet)");
                return (char **) 0;
        if (allow_cur)
                return histptr;
        return histptr - 1;

/* Return a pointer to the newest command in the history */
static char **
        if (histptr <= history) {
                bi_errorf("no history (yet)");
                return (char **) 0;
        return history;

/* Back up over last histsave */
static void
        static int last_line = -1;

        if (histptr >= history && last_line != hist_source->line) {
                afree((void*)*histptr, APERM);
                last_line = hist_source->line;

 * Return the current position.
char **
        return current;

        return curpos;

        int     n;
        int     last = histptr - history;

        if (n < 0 || n >= last) {
                current = histptr;
                curpos = last;
                return last;
        } else {
                current = &history[n];
                curpos = n;
                return n;

 * This will become unecessary if hist_get is modified to allow
 * searching from positions other than the end, and in either
 * direction.
findhist(start, fwd, str, anchored)
        int     start;
        int     fwd;
        const char  *str;
        int     anchored;
        char    **hp;
        int     maxhist = histptr - history;
        int     incr = fwd ? 1 : -1;
        int     len = strlen(str);

        if (start < 0 || start >= maxhist)
                start = maxhist;

        hp = &history[start];
        for (; hp >= history && hp <= histptr; hp += incr)
                if ((anchored && strncmp(*hp, str, len) == 0)
                    || (!anchored && strstr(*hp, str)))
                        return hp - history;

        return -1;

 *      set history
 *      this means reallocating the dataspace
        int n;
        if (n > 0 && n != histsize) {
                int cursize = histptr - history;

                /* save most recent history */
                if (n < cursize) {
                        memmove(history, histptr - n, n * sizeof(char *));
                        cursize = n;

                history = (char **)aresize(history, n*sizeof(char *), APERM);

                histsize = n;
                histptr = history + cursize;

 *      set history file
 *      This can mean reloading/resetting/starting history file
 *      maintenance
        const char *name;
        /* if not started then nothing to do */
        if (hstarted == 0)

        /* if the name is the same as the name we have */
        if (hname && strcmp(hname, name) == 0)

         * its a new name - possibly
        if (hname) {
                afree(hname, APERM);
                hname = NULL;
# else
        if (histfd) {
                /* yes the file is open */
                (void) close(histfd);
                histfd = 0;
                hsize = 0;
                afree(hname, APERM);
                hname = NULL;
                /* let's reset the history */
                histptr = history - 1;
                hist_source->line = 0;
# endif


 *      initialise the history vector
        if (history == (char **)NULL) {
                histsize = HISTORYSIZE;
                history = (char **)alloc(histsize*sizeof (char *), APERM);
                histptr = history - 1;

 * save command in history
histsave(lno, cmd, dowrite)
        int lno;        /* ignored (compatibility with COMPLEX_HISTORY) */
        const char *cmd;
        int dowrite;    /* ignored (compatibility with COMPLEX_HISTORY) */
        register char **hp = histptr;
        char *cp;

        if (++hp >= history + histsize) { /* remove oldest command */
                afree((void*)history[0], APERM);
                memmove(history, history + 1,
                        sizeof(history[0]) * (histsize - 1));
                hp = &history[histsize - 1];
        *hp = str_save(cmd, APERM);
        /* trash trailing newline but allow imbedded newlines */
        cp = *hp + strlen(*hp);
        if (cp > *hp && cp[-1] == '\n')
                cp[-1] = '\0';
        histptr = hp;

 * Append an entry to the last saved command. Used for multiline
 * commands
histappend(cmd, nl_separate)
        const char *cmd;
        int     nl_separate;
        int     hlen, clen;
        char    *p;

        hlen = strlen(*histptr);
        clen = strlen(cmd);
        if (clen > 0 && cmd[clen-1] == '\n')
        p = *histptr = (char *) aresize(*histptr, hlen + clen + 2, APERM);
        p += hlen;
        if (nl_separate)
                *p++ = '\n';
        memcpy(p, cmd, clen);
        p[clen] = '\0';

 * 92-04-25 <sjg@zen>
 * A simple history file implementation.
 * At present we only save the history when we exit.
 * This can cause problems when there are multiple shells are
 * running under the same user-id.  The last shell to exit gets
 * to save its history.
        Source *s;
        char *f;
        FILE *fh;

        if (Flag(FTALKING) == 0)

        hstarted = 1;

        hist_source = s;

        if ((f = str_val(global("HISTFILE"))) == NULL || *f == '\0') {
# if 1 /* Don't use history file unless the user asks for it */
                hname = NULL;
# else
                char *home = str_val(global("HOME"));
                int len;

                if (home == NULL)
                        home = null;
                f = HISTFILE;
                hname = alloc(len = strlen(home) + strlen(f) + 2, APERM);
                shf_snprintf(hname, len, "%s/%s", home, f);
# endif
        } else
                hname = str_save(f, APERM);

        if ((fh = fopen(hname, "r"))) {
                int pos = 0, nread = 0;
                int contin = 0;         /* continuation of previous command */
                char *end;
                char hline[LINE + 1];

                while (1) {
                        if (pos >= nread) {
                                pos = 0;
                                nread = fread(hline, 1, LINE, fh);
                                if (nread <= 0)
                                hline[nread] = '\0';
                        end = strchr(hline + pos, 0); /* will always succeed */
                        if (contin)
                                histappend(hline + pos, 0);
                        else {
                                histsave(0, hline + pos, 0);
                        pos = end - hline + 1;
                        contin = end == &hline[nread];

 * save our history.
 * We check that we do not have more than we are allowed.
 * If the history file is read-only we do nothing.
 * Handy for having all shells start with a useful history set.

  static int once;
  FILE *fh;
  register int i;
  register char **hp;

  if (once++)
  /* check how many we have */
  i = histptr - history;
  if (i >= histsize)
    hp = &histptr[-histsize];
    hp = history;
  if (hname && (fh = fopen(hname, "w")))
    for (i = 0; hp + i <= histptr && hp[i]; i++)
      fprintf(fh, "%s%c", hp[i], '\0');

# else /* EASY_HISTORY */

 *      Routines added by Peter Collinson BSDI(Europe)/Hillside Systems to
 *      a) permit HISTSIZE to control number of lines of history stored
 *      b) maintain a physical history file
 *      It turns out that there is a lot of ghastly hackery here

 * save command in history
histsave(lno, cmd, dowrite)
        int lno;
        const char *cmd;
        int dowrite;
        register char **hp;
        char *c, *cp;

        c = str_save(cmd, APERM);
        if ((cp = strchr(c, '\n')) != NULL)
                *cp = '\0';

        if (histfd && dowrite)
                writehistfile(lno, c);

        hp = histptr;

        if (++hp >= history + histsize) { /* remove oldest command */
                afree((void*)*history, APERM);
                for (hp = history; hp < history + histsize - 1; hp++)
                        hp[0] = hp[1];
        *hp = c;
        histptr = hp;

 *      Write history data to a file nominated by HISTFILE
 *      if HISTFILE is unset then history still happens, but
 *      the data is not written to a file
 *      All copies of ksh looking at the file will maintain the
 *      same history. This is ksh behaviour.
 *      This stuff uses mmap()
 *      if your system ain't got it - then you'll have to undef HISTORYFILE

 *      Open a history file
 *      Format is:
 *      Bytes 1, 2: HMAGIC - just to check that we are dealing with
 *                  the correct object
 *      Then follows a number of stored commands
 *      Each command is
 *      <command byte><command number(4 bytes)><bytes><null>
# define HMAGIC1                0xab
# define HMAGIC2                0xcd
# define COMMAND                0xff

        Source *s;
        unsigned char   *base;
        int     lines;
        int     fd;

        if (Flag(FTALKING) == 0)

        hstarted = 1;

        hist_source = s;

        hname = str_val(global("HISTFILE"));
        if (hname == NULL)
        hname = str_save(hname, APERM);

        /* we have a file and are interactive */
        if ((fd = open(hname, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_APPEND, 0600)) < 0)

        histfd = savefd(fd, 0);

        (void) flock(histfd, LOCK_EX);

        hsize = lseek(histfd, 0L, SEEK_END);

        if (hsize == 0) {
                /* add magic */
                if (sprinkle(histfd)) {
        else if (hsize > 0) {
                 * we have some data
                base = (unsigned char *)mmap(0, hsize, PROT_READ, MAP_FLAGS, histfd, 0);
                 * check on its validity
                if ((int)base == -1 || *base != HMAGIC1 || base[1] != HMAGIC2) {
                        if ((int)base !=  -1)
                                munmap((caddr_t)base, hsize);
                        goto retry;
                if (hsize > 2) {
                        lines = hist_count_lines(base+2, hsize-2);
                        if (lines > histsize) {
                                /* we need to make the file smaller */
                                if (hist_shrink(base, hsize))
                                munmap((caddr_t)base, hsize);
                                goto retry;
                histload(hist_source, base+2, hsize-2);
                munmap((caddr_t)base, hsize);
        (void) flock(histfd, LOCK_UN);
        hsize = lseek(histfd, 0L, SEEK_END);

typedef enum state {
        shdr,           /* expecting a header */
        sline,          /* looking for a null byte to end the line */
        sn1,            /* bytes 1 to 4 of a line no */
        sn2, sn3, sn4,
} State;

static int
hist_count_lines(base, bytes)
        register unsigned char *base;
        register int bytes;
        State state = shdr;
        register lines = 0;

        while (bytes--) {
                switch (state)
                case shdr:
                        if (*base == COMMAND)
                                state = sn1;
                case sn1:
                        state = sn2; break;
                case sn2:
                        state = sn3; break;
                case sn3:
                        state = sn4; break;
                case sn4:
                        state = sline; break;
                case sline:
                        if (*base == '\0')
                                lines++, state = shdr;
        return lines;

 *      Shrink the history file to histsize lines
static int
hist_shrink(oldbase, oldbytes)
        unsigned char *oldbase;
        int oldbytes;
        int fd;
        char    nfile[1024];
        struct  stat statb;
        unsigned char *nbase = oldbase;
        int nbytes = oldbytes;

        nbase = hist_skip_back(nbase, &nbytes, histsize);
        if (nbase == NULL)
                return 1;
        if (nbase == oldbase)
                return 0;

         *      create temp file
        (void) shf_snprintf(nfile, sizeof(nfile), "%s.%d", hname, procpid);
        if ((fd = creat(nfile, 0600)) < 0)
                return 1;

        if (sprinkle(fd)) {
                return 1;
        if (write(fd, nbase, nbytes) != nbytes) {
                return 1;
         *      worry about who owns this file
        if (fstat(histfd, &statb) >= 0)
                fchown(fd, statb.st_uid, statb.st_gid);

         *      rename
        if (rename(nfile, hname) < 0)
                return 1;
        return 0;

 *      find a pointer to the data `no' back from the end of the file
 *      return the pointer and the number of bytes left
static unsigned char *
hist_skip_back(base, bytes, no)
        unsigned char *base;
        int *bytes;
        int no;
        register int lines = 0;
        register unsigned char *ep;

        for (ep = base + *bytes; --ep > base; ) {
                /* this doesn't really work: the 4 byte line number that is
                 * encoded after the COMMAND byte can itself contain the
                 * COMMAND byte....
                for (; ep > base && *ep != COMMAND; ep--)
                if (ep == base)
                if (++lines == no) {
                        *bytes = *bytes - ((char *)ep - (char *)base);
                        return ep;
        return NULL;

 *      load the history structure from the stored data
static void
histload(s, base, bytes)
        Source *s;
        register unsigned char *base;
        register int bytes;
        State state;
        int     lno;
        unsigned char   *line;

        for (state = shdr; bytes-- > 0; base++) {
                switch (state) {
                case shdr:
                        if (*base == COMMAND)
                                state = sn1;
                case sn1:
                        lno = (((*base)&0xff)<<24);
                        state = sn2;
                case sn2:
                        lno |= (((*base)&0xff)<<16);
                        state = sn3;
                case sn3:
                        lno |= (((*base)&0xff)<<8);
                        state = sn4;
                case sn4:
                        lno |= (*base)&0xff;
                        line = base+1;
                        state = sline;
                case sline:
                        if (*base == '\0') {
                                /* worry about line numbers */
                                if (histptr >= history && lno-1 != s->line) {
                                        /* a replacement ? */
                                        histinsert(s, lno, line);
                                else {
                                        s->line = lno;
                                        histsave(lno, (char *)line, 0);
                                state = shdr;

 *      Insert a line into the history at a specified number
static void
histinsert(s, lno, line)
        Source *s;
        int lno;
        unsigned char *line;
        register char **hp;

        if (lno >= s->line-(histptr-history) && lno <= s->line) {
                hp = &histptr[lno-s->line];
                if (*hp)
                        afree((void*)*hp, APERM);
                *hp = str_save((char *)line, APERM);

 *      write a command to the end of the history file
 *      This *MAY* seem easy but it's also necessary to check
 *      that the history file has not changed in size.
 *      If it has - then some other shell has written to it
 *      and we should read those commands to update our history
static void
writehistfile(lno, cmd)
        int lno;
        char *cmd;
        int     sizenow;
        unsigned char   *base;
        unsigned char   *new;
        int     bytes;
        char    hdr[5];

        (void) flock(histfd, LOCK_EX);
        sizenow = lseek(histfd, 0L, SEEK_END);
        if (sizenow != hsize) {
                 *      Things have changed
                if (sizenow > hsize) {
                        /* someone has added some lines */
                        bytes = sizenow - hsize;
                        base = (unsigned char *)mmap(0, sizenow, PROT_READ, MAP_FLAGS, histfd, 0);
                        if ((int)base == -1)
                                goto bad;
                        new = base + hsize;
                        if (*new != COMMAND) {
                                munmap((caddr_t)base, sizenow);
                                goto bad;
                        histload(hist_source, new, bytes);
                        lno = hist_source->line;
                        munmap((caddr_t)base, sizenow);
                        hsize = sizenow;
                } else {
                        /* it has shrunk */
                        /* but to what? */
                        /* we'll give up for now */
                        goto bad;
         *      we can write our bit now
        hdr[0] = COMMAND;
        hdr[1] = (lno>>24)&0xff;
        hdr[2] = (lno>>16)&0xff;
        hdr[3] = (lno>>8)&0xff;
        hdr[4] = lno&0xff;
        (void) write(histfd, hdr, 5);
        (void) write(histfd, cmd, strlen(cmd)+1);
        hsize = lseek(histfd, 0L, SEEK_END);
        (void) flock(histfd, LOCK_UN);

        (void) flock(histfd, LOCK_UN);
        (void) close(histfd);
        histfd = 0;

 *      add magic to the history file
static int
        int fd;
        static char mag[] = { HMAGIC1, HMAGIC2 };

        return(write(fd, mag, 2) != 2);

# endif
#else /* HISTORY */

/* No history to be compiled in: dummy routines to avoid lots more ifdefs */
        Source *s;
histsave(lno, cmd, dowrite)
        int lno;
        const char *cmd;
        int dowrite;
        errorf("history not enabled");
#endif /* HISTORY */