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// PAK is an encrypted key exchange protocol designed by Philip MacKenzie et al.
// It is patented and use outside Plan 9 requires you get a license.
// (All other EKE protocols are patented as well, by Lucent or others.)
#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include <mp.h>
#include <libsec.h>
#include "SConn.h"
#include "secstore.h"

extern int verbose;

char VERSION[] = "secstore";
static char *feedback[] = {"alpha","bravo","charlie","delta","echo","foxtrot","golf","hotel"};

typedef struct PAKparams{
        mpint *q, *p, *r, *g;
} PAKparams;

static PAKparams *pak;

// from seed EB7B6E35F7CD37B511D96C67D6688CC4DD440E1E
static void
        pak = (PAKparams*)emalloc(sizeof(*pak));
        pak->q = strtomp("E0F0EF284E10796C5A2A511E94748BA03C795C13", nil, 16, nil);
        pak->p = strtomp("C41CFBE4D4846F67A3DF7DE9921A49D3B42DC33728427AB159CEC8CBB"
                nil, 16, nil);
        pak->r = strtomp("DF310F4E54A5FEC5D86D3E14863921E834113E060F90052AD332B3241"
                "21C4656848614D888A4", nil, 16, nil);
        pak->g = strtomp("2F1C308DC46B9A44B52DF7DACCE1208CCEF72F69C743ADD4D23271734"
                nil, 16, nil);

// H = (sha(ver,C,sha(passphrase)))^r mod p,
// a hash function expensive to attack by brute force.
static void
longhash(char *ver, char *C, uchar *passwd, mpint *H)
        uchar *Cp;
        int i, n, nver, nC;
        uchar buf[140], key[1];

        nver = strlen(ver);
        nC = strlen(C);
        n = nver + nC + SHA1dlen;
        Cp = (uchar*)emalloc(n);
        memmove(Cp, ver, nver);
        memmove(Cp+nver, C, nC);
        memmove(Cp+nver+nC, passwd, SHA1dlen);
        for(i = 0; i < 7; i++){
                key[0] = 'A'+i;
                hmac_sha1(Cp, n, key, sizeof key, buf+i*SHA1dlen, nil);
        memset(Cp, 0, n);
        betomp(buf, sizeof buf, H);
        mpmod(H, pak->p, H);
        mpexp(H, pak->r, pak->p, H);

// Hi = H^-1 mod p
char *
PAK_Hi(char *C, char *passphrase, mpint *H, mpint *Hi)
        uchar passhash[SHA1dlen];

        sha1((uchar *)passphrase, strlen(passphrase), passhash, nil);
        longhash(VERSION, C, passhash, H);
        mpinvert(H, pak->p, Hi);
        return mptoa(Hi, 64, nil, 0);

// another, faster, hash function for each party to
// confirm that the other has the right secrets.
static void
shorthash(char *mess, char *C, char *S, char *m, char *mu, char *sigma, char *Hi, uchar *digest)
        SHA1state *state;

        state = sha1((uchar*)mess, strlen(mess), 0, 0);
        state = sha1((uchar*)C, strlen(C), 0, state);
        state = sha1((uchar*)S, strlen(S), 0, state);
        state = sha1((uchar*)m, strlen(m), 0, state);
        state = sha1((uchar*)mu, strlen(mu), 0, state);
        state = sha1((uchar*)sigma, strlen(sigma), 0, state);
        state = sha1((uchar*)Hi, strlen(Hi), 0, state);
        state = sha1((uchar*)mess, strlen(mess), 0, state);
        state = sha1((uchar*)C, strlen(C), 0, state);
        state = sha1((uchar*)S, strlen(S), 0, state);
        state = sha1((uchar*)m, strlen(m), 0, state);
        state = sha1((uchar*)mu, strlen(mu), 0, state);
        state = sha1((uchar*)sigma, strlen(sigma), 0, state);
        sha1((uchar*)Hi, strlen(Hi), digest, state);

// On input, conn provides an open channel to the server;
//      C is the name this client calls itself;
//      pass is the user's passphrase
// On output, session secret has been set in conn
//      (unless return code is negative, which means failure).
//    If pS is not nil, it is set to the (alloc'd) name the server calls itself.
PAKclient(SConn *conn, char *C, char *pass, char **pS)
        char *mess, *mess2, *eol, *S, *hexmu, *ks, *hexm, *hexsigma = nil, *hexHi;
        char kc[2*SHA1dlen+1];
        uchar digest[SHA1dlen];
        int rc = -1, n;
        mpint *x, *m = mpnew(0), *mu = mpnew(0), *sigma = mpnew(0);
        mpint *H = mpnew(0), *Hi = mpnew(0);

        hexHi = PAK_Hi(C, pass, H, Hi);
                fprint(2, "%s\n", feedback[H->p[0]&0x7]);  // provide a clue to catch typos

        // random 1<=x<=q-1; send C, m=g**x H
        x = mprand(240, genrandom, nil);
        mpmod(x, pak->q, x);
        if(mpcmp(x, mpzero) == 0)
                mpassign(mpone, x);
        mpexp(pak->g, x, pak->p, m);
        mpmul(m, H, m);
        mpmod(m, pak->p, m);
        hexm = mptoa(m, 64, nil, 0);
        mess = (char*)emalloc(2*Maxmsg+2);
        mess2 = mess+Maxmsg+1;
        snprint(mess, Maxmsg, "%s\tPAK\nC=%s\nm=%s\n", VERSION, C, hexm);
        conn->write(conn, (uchar*)mess, strlen(mess));

        // recv g**y, S, check hash1(g**xy)
        if(readstr(conn, mess) < 0){
                fprint(2, "%s: error: %s\n", argv0, mess);
                writerr(conn, "couldn't read g**y");
                goto done;
        eol = strchr(mess, '\n');
        if(strncmp("mu=", mess, 3) != 0 || !eol || strncmp("\nk=", eol, 3) != 0){
                writerr(conn, "verifier syntax error");
                goto done;
        hexmu = mess+3;
        *eol = 0;
        ks = eol+3;
        eol = strchr(ks, '\n');
        if(!eol || strncmp("\nS=", eol, 3) != 0){
                writerr(conn, "verifier syntax error for secstore 1.0");
                goto done;
        *eol = 0;
        S = eol+3;
        eol = strchr(S, '\n');
                writerr(conn, "verifier syntax error for secstore 1.0");
                goto done;
        *eol = 0;
                *pS = estrdup(S);
        strtomp(hexmu, nil, 64, mu);
        mpexp(mu, x, pak->p, sigma);
        hexsigma = mptoa(sigma, 64, nil, 0);
        shorthash("server", C, S, hexm, hexmu, hexsigma, hexHi, digest);
        enc64(kc, sizeof kc, digest, SHA1dlen);
        if(strcmp(ks, kc) != 0){
                writerr(conn, "verifier didn't match");
                goto done;

        // send hash2(g**xy)
        shorthash("client", C, S, hexm, hexmu, hexsigma, hexHi, digest);
        enc64(kc, sizeof kc, digest, SHA1dlen);
        snprint(mess2, Maxmsg, "k'=%s\n", kc);
        conn->write(conn, (uchar*)mess2, strlen(mess2));

        // set session key
        shorthash("session", C, S, hexm, hexmu, hexsigma, hexHi, digest);
        memset(hexsigma, 0, strlen(hexsigma));
        n = conn->secret(conn, digest, 0);
        memset(digest, 0, SHA1dlen);
        if(n < 0){
                writerr(conn, "can't set secret");
                goto done;

        rc = 0;
        return rc;

// On input,
//      mess contains first message;
//      name is name this server should call itself.
// On output, session secret has been set in conn;
//      if pw!=nil, then *pw points to PW struct for authenticated user.
//      returns -1 if error
PAKserver(SConn *conn, char *S, char *mess, PW **pwp)
        int rc = -1, n;
        char mess2[Maxmsg+1], *eol;
        char *C, ks[41], *kc, *hexm, *hexmu = nil, *hexsigma = nil, *hexHi = nil;
        uchar digest[SHA1dlen];
        mpint *H = mpnew(0), *Hi = mpnew(0);
        mpint *y = nil, *m = mpnew(0), *mu = mpnew(0), *sigma = mpnew(0);
        PW *pw = nil;

        // secstore version and algorithm
        snprint(mess2,Maxmsg,"%s\tPAK\n", VERSION);
        n = strlen(mess2);
        if(strncmp(mess,mess2,n) != 0){
                writerr(conn, "protocol should start with ver alg");
                return -1;
        mess += n;

        // parse first message into C, m
        eol = strchr(mess, '\n');
        if(strncmp("C=", mess, 2) != 0 || !eol){
                fprint(2, "%s: mess[1]=%s\n", argv0, mess);
                writerr(conn, "PAK version mismatch");
                goto done;
        C = mess+2;
        *eol = 0;
        hexm = eol+3;
        eol = strchr(hexm, '\n');
        if(strncmp("m=", hexm-2, 2) != 0 || !eol){
                writerr(conn, "PAK version mismatch");
                goto done;
        *eol = 0;
        strtomp(hexm, nil, 64, m);
        mpmod(m, pak->p, m);

        // lookup client
        if((pw = getPW(C,0)) == nil) {
                snprint(mess2, sizeof mess2, "%r");
                writerr(conn, mess2);
                goto done;
        if(mpcmp(m, mpzero) == 0) {
                writerr(conn, "account exists");
                pw = nil;
                goto done;
        hexHi = mptoa(pw->Hi, 64, nil, 0);

        // random y, mu=g**y, sigma=g**xy
        y = mprand(240, genrandom, nil);
        mpmod(y, pak->q, y);
        if(mpcmp(y, mpzero) == 0){
                mpassign(mpone, y);
        mpexp(pak->g, y, pak->p, mu);
        mpmul(m, pw->Hi, m);
        mpmod(m, pak->p, m);
        mpexp(m, y, pak->p, sigma);

        // send g**y, hash1(g**xy)
        hexmu = mptoa(mu, 64, nil, 0);
        hexsigma = mptoa(sigma, 64, nil, 0);
        shorthash("server", C, S, hexm, hexmu, hexsigma, hexHi, digest);
        enc64(ks, sizeof ks, digest, SHA1dlen);
        snprint(mess2, sizeof mess2, "mu=%s\nk=%s\nS=%s\n", hexmu, ks, S);
        conn->write(conn, (uchar*)mess2, strlen(mess2));

        // recv hash2(g**xy)
        if(readstr(conn, mess2) < 0){
                writerr(conn, "couldn't read verifier");
                goto done;
        eol = strchr(mess2, '\n');
        if(strncmp("k'=", mess2, 3) != 0 || !eol){
                writerr(conn, "verifier syntax error");
                goto done;
        kc = mess2+3;
        *eol = 0;
        shorthash("client", C, S, hexm, hexmu, hexsigma, hexHi, digest);
        enc64(ks, sizeof ks, digest, SHA1dlen);
        if(strcmp(ks, kc) != 0) {
                rc = -2;
                goto done;

        // set session key
        shorthash("session", C, S, hexm, hexmu, hexsigma, hexHi, digest);
        n = conn->secret(conn, digest, 1);
        if(n < 0){
                writerr(conn, "can't set secret");
                goto done;

        rc = 0;
        if(rc<0 && pw){
        if(rc==0 && pw && pw->failed>0){
                pw->failed = 0;
                *pwp = pw;
        return rc;