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* drawfile.h
* Copyright (C) 2005 A.J. van Os; Released under GNU GPL
* Description:
* Include file to deal with drawfiles
* Based on:
* C header file for DrawFile
* written by DefMod (May 4 2004) on Tue May 4 13:34:17 2004
* Jonathan Coxhead,, 21 Aug 1995
* OSLib---efficient, type-safe, transparent, extensible,
* register-safe A P I coverage of RISC O S
* Copyright (C) 1994 Jonathan Coxhead
* All credit should go to him, but all the bugs are mine
#if !defined(__drawfile_h)
#define __drawfile_h
#include "DeskLib:Sprite.h"
#include "DeskLib:Wimp.h"
#if !defined(BOOL)
#define BOOL int
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#endif /* !BOOL */
* Conversion macros *
#define Drawfile_DrawToScreen(i) ((i) / 256)
#define Drawfile_ScreenToDraw(i) ((i) * 256)
* SWI names and SWI reason codes *
#define DrawFile_Render 0x45540
#define DrawFile_BBox 0x45541
#define DrawFile_DeclareFonts 0x45542
* Type definitions *
typedef unsigned int bits;
typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef byte drawfile_fontref;
typedef byte drawfile_path_style_flags;
typedef bits drawfile_text_flags;
typedef bits drawfile_render_flags;
typedef bits drawfile_declare_fonts_flags;
typedef bits drawfile_paper_options;
typedef bits drawfile_entry_mode;
typedef enum {
drawfile_TYPE_FONT_TABLE = 0,
drawfile_TYPE_TEXT = 1,
drawfile_TYPE_PATH = 2,
drawfile_TYPE_SPRITE = 5,
drawfile_TYPE_GROUP = 6,
drawfile_TYPE_TAGGED = 7,
drawfile_TYPE_TEXT_AREA = 9,
drawfile_TYPE_TEXT_COLUMN = 10,
drawfile_TYPE_OPTIONS = 11,
drawfile_TYPE_TRFM_TEXT = 12,
drawfile_TYPE_TRFM_SPRITE = 13,
drawfile_TYPE_JPEG = 16
} drawfile_type;
typedef enum {
drawfile_PATH_END_PATH = 0,
drawfile_PATH_MOVE_TO = 2,
drawfile_PATH_SPECIAL_MOVE_TO = 3,
drawfile_PATH_CLOSE_GAP = 4,
drawfile_PATH_CLOSE_LINE = 5,
drawfile_PATH_BEZIER_TO = 6,
drawfile_PATH_GAP_TO = 7,
drawfile_PATH_LINE_TO = 8
} drawfile_path_type;
typedef struct {
int start;
int element_count;
int elements [6];
} draw_dash_pattern;
typedef struct {
int entries [3] [2];
} os_trfm;
typedef struct {
void *data;
size_t length;
} drawfile_info;
typedef struct {
drawfile_fontref font_ref;
char font_name [1];
} drawfile_font_def;
typedef struct {
drawfile_fontref font_ref;
byte reserved [3];
} drawfile_text_style;
typedef struct {
drawfile_path_style_flags flags;
byte reserved;
byte cap_width;
byte cap_length;
} drawfile_path_style;
typedef struct {
drawfile_font_def font_def[1];
} drawfile_font_table;
typedef struct {
wimp_box bbox;
palette_entry fill;
palette_entry bg_hint;
drawfile_text_style style;
int xsize;
int ysize;
wimp_coord base;
char text [1];
} drawfile_text;
typedef struct {
wimp_box bbox;
palette_entry fill;
palette_entry outline;
int width;
drawfile_path_style style;
int path [1];
} drawfile_path;
typedef struct {
wimp_box bbox;
palette_entry fill;
palette_entry outline;
int width;
drawfile_path_style style;
draw_dash_pattern pattern;
int path [1];
} drawfile_path_with_pattern;
typedef struct {
wimp_box bbox;
sprite_header header;
byte data [1];
} drawfile_sprite;
typedef struct {
wimp_box bbox;
char name [12];
int objects [1];
} drawfile_group;
typedef struct {
wimp_box bbox;
drawfile_type tag;
int object [1];
} drawfile_tagged;
typedef struct {
wimp_box box;
} drawfile_text_column;
typedef struct {
struct {
drawfile_type type;
int size;
drawfile_text_column data;
} columns [1];
} drawfile_text_column_list;
typedef struct {
drawfile_type type;
int reserved [2];
palette_entry fill;
palette_entry bg_hint;
char text [1];
} drawfile_area_text;
typedef struct {
wimp_box bbox;
drawfile_text_column_list header;
drawfile_area_text area_text;
} drawfile_text_area;
typedef struct {
wimp_box bbox;
int paper_size;
drawfile_paper_options paper_options;
double grid_spacing;
int grid_division;
BOOL isometric;
BOOL auto_adjust;
BOOL show;
BOOL lock;
BOOL cm;
int zoom_mul;
int zoom_div;
BOOL zoom_lock;
BOOL toolbox;
drawfile_entry_mode entry_mode;
int undo_size;
} drawfile_options;
typedef struct {
wimp_box bbox;
os_trfm trfm;
drawfile_text_flags flags;
palette_entry fill;
palette_entry bg_hint;
drawfile_text_style style;
int xsize;
int ysize;
wimp_coord base;
char text [1];
} drawfile_trfm_text;
typedef struct {
wimp_box bbox;
os_trfm trfm;
sprite_header header;
byte data [1];
} drawfile_trfm_sprite;
typedef struct {
wimp_box bbox;
int width;
int height;
int xdpi;
int ydpi;
os_trfm trfm;
int len;
byte data [1];
} drawfile_jpeg;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Type: drawfile_object
* Description: This type is used to declare pointers rather than objects
typedef struct {
drawfile_type type;
int size;
union {
drawfile_font_table font_table;
drawfile_text text;
drawfile_path path;
drawfile_path_with_pattern path_with_pattern;
drawfile_sprite sprite;
drawfile_group group;
drawfile_tagged tagged;
drawfile_text_column text_column;
drawfile_text_area text_area;
drawfile_options options;
drawfile_trfm_text trfm_text;
drawfile_trfm_sprite trfm_sprite;
drawfile_jpeg jpeg;
} data;
} drawfile_object;
typedef struct {
char tag [4];
int major_version;
int minor_version;
char source [12];
wimp_box bbox;
drawfile_object objects [1];
} drawfile_diagram;
typedef bits drawfile_bbox_flags;
typedef struct {
drawfile_object *object;
drawfile_diagram *diagram;
drawfile_object *font_table;
drawfile_declare_fonts_flags flags;
os_error *error;
} drawfile_declare_fonts_state;
* Constant definitions *
#define error_DRAW_FILE_NOT_DRAW 0x20C00u
#define error_DRAW_FILE_VERSION 0x20C01u
#define error_DRAW_FILE_FONT_TAB 0x20C02u
#define error_DRAW_FILE_BAD_FONT_NO 0x20C03u
#define error_DRAW_FILE_BAD_MODE 0x20C04u
#define error_DRAW_FILE_BAD_FILE 0x20C05u
#define error_DRAW_FILE_BAD_GROUP 0x20C06u
#define error_DRAW_FILE_BAD_TAG 0x20C07u
#define error_DRAW_FILE_SYNTAX 0x20C08u
#define error_DRAW_FILE_FONT_NO 0x20C09u
#define error_DRAW_FILE_AREA_VER 0x20C0Au
#define error_DRAW_FILE_NO_AREA_VER 0x20C0Bu
#define drawfile_PATH_MITRED ((drawfile_path_style_flags) 0x0u)
#define drawfile_PATH_ROUND ((drawfile_path_style_flags) 0x1u)
#define drawfile_PATH_BEVELLED ((drawfile_path_style_flags) 0x2u)
#define drawfile_PATH_BUTT ((drawfile_path_style_flags) 0x0u)
#define drawfile_PATH_SQUARE ((drawfile_path_style_flags) 0x2u)
#define drawfile_PATH_TRIANGLE ((drawfile_path_style_flags) 0x3u)
#define drawfile_PATH_JOIN_SHIFT 0
#define drawfile_PATH_JOIN ((drawfile_path_style_flags) 0x3u)
#define drawfile_PATH_END_SHIFT 2
#define drawfile_PATH_END ((drawfile_path_style_flags) 0xCu)
#define drawfile_PATH_START_SHIFT 4
#define drawfile_PATH_START ((drawfile_path_style_flags) 0x30u)
#define drawfile_PATH_WINDING_EVEN_ODD ((drawfile_path_style_flags) 0x40u)
#define drawfile_PATH_DASHED ((drawfile_path_style_flags) 0x80u)
#define drawfile_PATH_CAP_WIDTH_SHIFT 16
#define drawfile_PATH_CAP_WIDTH ((drawfile_path_style_flags) 0xFF0000u)
#define drawfile_PATH_CAP_LENGTH_SHIFT 24
#define drawfile_PATH_CAP_LENGTH ((drawfile_path_style_flags) 0xFF000000u)
#define drawfile_TEXT_KERN ((drawfile_text_flags) 0x1u)
#define drawfile_TEXT_RIGHT_TO_LEFT ((drawfile_text_flags) 0x2u)
#define drawfile_TEXT_UNDERLINE ((drawfile_text_flags) 0x4u)
#define drawfile_RENDER_BBOXES ((drawfile_render_flags) 0x1u)
#define drawfile_RENDER_SUPPRESS ((drawfile_render_flags) 0x2u)
#define drawfile_RENDER_GIVEN_FLATNESS ((drawfile_render_flags) 0x4u)
#define drawfile_RENDER_GIVEN_COLOUR_MAPPING ((drawfile_render_flags) 0x8u)
#define drawfile_NO_DOWNLOAD ((drawfile_declare_fonts_flags) 0x1u)
#define drawfile_PAPER_SHOW ((drawfile_paper_options) 0x1u)
#define drawfile_PAPER_LANDSCAPE ((drawfile_paper_options) 0x10u)
#define drawfile_PAPER_DEFAULT ((drawfile_paper_options) 0x100u)
#define drawfile_ENTRY_MODE_LINE ((drawfile_entry_mode) 0x1u)
#define drawfile_ENTRY_MODE_CLOSED_LINE ((drawfile_entry_mode) 0x2u)
#define drawfile_ENTRY_MODE_CURVE ((drawfile_entry_mode) 0x4u)
#define drawfile_ENTRY_MODE_CLOSED_CURVE ((drawfile_entry_mode) 0x8u)
#define drawfile_ENTRY_MODE_RECTANGLE ((drawfile_entry_mode) 0x10u)
#define drawfile_ENTRY_MODE_ELLIPSE ((drawfile_entry_mode) 0x20u)
#define drawfile_ENTRY_MODE_TEXT_LINE ((drawfile_entry_mode) 0x40u)
#define drawfile_ENTRY_MODE_SELECT ((drawfile_entry_mode) 0x80u)
* Function declarations *
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Function: drawfile_render()
* Description: Calls SWI 0x45540
* Input: flags - value of R0 on entry
* diagram - value of R1 on entry
* size - value of R2 on entry
* trfm - value of R3 on entry
* clip - value of R4 on entry
* flatness - value of R5 on entry
extern os_error *Drawfile_Render (drawfile_render_flags flags,
drawfile_diagram const *diagram,
int size,
os_trfm const *trfm,
wimp_box const *clip,
int flatness);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Function: drawfile_bbox()
* Description: Calls SWI 0x45541
* Input: flags - value of R0 on entry
* diagram - value of R1 on entry
* size - value of R2 on entry
* trfm - value of R3 on entry
* bbox - value of R4 on entry
extern os_error *Drawfile_Bbox (drawfile_bbox_flags flags,
drawfile_diagram const *diagram,
int size,
os_trfm const *trfm,
wimp_box *bbox);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Function: Drawfile_DeclareFonts()
* Description: Calls SWI 0x45542
* Input: flags - value of R0 on entry
* diagram - value of R1 on entry
* size - value of R2 on entry
extern os_error *Drawfile_DeclareFonts (drawfile_declare_fonts_flags flags,
drawfile_diagram const *diagram,
int size);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Function: Drawfile_CreateDiagram()
extern os_error * Drawfile_CreateDiagram(drawfile_info *info, size_t memory,
const char *creator, wimp_box box);
extern os_error *Drawfile_AppendObject(drawfile_info *info, size_t memory,
const drawfile_object *object, BOOL rebind);
extern os_error *Drawfile_RenderDiagram(drawfile_info *info,
window_redrawblock *redraw, double scale);
extern os_error *Drawfile_VerifyDiagram(drawfile_info *info);
extern void Drawfile_QueryBox(drawfile_info *info,
wimp_box *rect, BOOL screenUnits);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* __drawfile.h */