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#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include <bio.h>
#include "pci.h"
#include "vga.h"
* Tseng Labs Inc. ET4000 Video Controller.
enum {
Crtcbx = 0x217A, /* Secondary CRT controller */
Sprite = 0xE0,
NSprite = 0x10,
Ima = 0xF0,
NIma = 0x08,
static void
outportb(0x3BF, 0x03);
outportb(0x3D8, 0xA0);
outportb(0x3CD, 0x00);
static void
snarf(Vga* vga, Ctlr* ctlr)
int i;
vga->sequencer[0x06] = vgaxi(Seqx, 0x06);
vga->sequencer[0x07] = vgaxi(Seqx, 0x07);
for(i = 0x30; i < 0x38; i++)
vga->crt[i] = vgaxi(Crtx, i);
vga->crt[0x3F] = vgaxi(Crtx, 0x3F);
vga->attribute[0x16] = vgaxi(Attrx, 0x16);
vga->attribute[0x17] = vgaxi(Attrx, 0x17);
* Memory size.
switch(vga->crt[0x37] & 0x03){
case 1:
vga->vmz = 256*1024;
case 2:
vga->vmz = 512*1024;
case 3:
vga->vmz = 1024*1024;
if(strncmp(ctlr->name, "et4000-w32", 10) == 0){
if(vga->crt[0x32] & 0x80)
vga->vmz *= 2;
else if(vga->crt[0x37] & 0x80)
vga->vmz *= 2;
ctlr->flag |= Fsnarf;
static void
options(Vga* vga, Ctlr* ctlr)
* The ET4000 does not need to have the vertical
* timing values divided by 2 for interlace mode.
if(vga->mode->interlace == 'v')
vga->mode->interlace = 'V';
if(strncmp(ctlr->name, "et4000-w32", 10) == 0)
ctlr->flag |= Hpclk2x8;
ctlr->flag |= Hclkdiv|Foptions;
static void
init(Vga* vga, Ctlr* ctlr)
Mode *mode;
ulong x;
if(vga->mode->z > 8)
error("depth %d not supported\n", vga->mode->z);
if(ctlr->flag & Upclk2x8){
mode = vga->mode;
vga->crt[0x00] = ((mode->ht/2)>>3)-5;
vga->crt[0x01] = ((mode->x/2)>>3)-1;
vga->crt[0x02] = ((mode->shb/2)>>3)-1;
x = (mode->ehb/2)>>3;
vga->crt[0x03] = 0x80|(x & 0x1F);
vga->crt[0x04] = (mode->shs/2)>>3;
vga->crt[0x05] = ((mode->ehs/2)>>3) & 0x1F;
if(x & 0x20)
vga->crt[0x05] |= 0x80;
* Itth a mythtawee.
if(vga->crt[0x14] & 0x20)
vga->crt[0x17] |= 0x08;
vga->crt[0x17] &= ~0x20;
vga->crt[0x30] = 0x00;
vga->crt[0x33] = 0x00;
* Overflow High.
vga->crt[0x35] = 0x00;
if(vga->crt[0x15] & 0x400)
vga->crt[0x35] |= 0x01;
if(vga->crt[0x06] & 0x400)
vga->crt[0x35] |= 0x02;
if(vga->crt[0x12] & 0x400)
vga->crt[0x35] |= 0x04;
if(vga->crt[0x10] & 0x400)
vga->crt[0x35] |= 0x08;
if(vga->crt[0x18] & 0x400)
vga->crt[0x35] |= 0x10;
if(vga->mode->interlace == 'V')
vga->crt[0x35] |= 0x80;
* Horizontal Overflow.
vga->crt[0x3F] = 0x00;
if(vga->crt[0x00] & 0x100)
vga->crt[0x3F] |= 0x01;
if(vga->crt[0x02] & 0x100)
vga->crt[0x3F] |= 0x04;
if(vga->crt[0x04] & 0x100)
vga->crt[0x3F] |= 0x10;
if(vga->crt[0x13] & 0x100)
vga->crt[0x3F] |= 0x80;
* Turn off MMU buffers, linear map
* and memory-mapped registers.
vga->crt[0x36] &= ~0x38;
if(strncmp(ctlr->name, "et4000-w32", 10) == 0)
vga->crt[0x37] |= 0x80;
vga->sequencer[0x06] = 0x00;
* Clock select.
if(vga->f[0] > 86000000)
error("%s: invalid pclk - %ld\n", ctlr->name, vga->f[0]);
vga->misc &= ~0x0C;
vga->misc |= (vga->i[0] & 0x03)<<2;
if(vga->i[0] & 0x04)
vga->crt[0x34] |= 0x02;
vga->crt[0x34] &= ~0x02;
vga->crt[0x31] &= ~0xC0;
vga->crt[0x31] |= (vga->i[0] & 0x18)<<3;
vga->sequencer[0x07] &= ~0x41;
if(vga->d[0] == 4)
vga->sequencer[0x07] |= 0x01;
else if(vga->d[0] == 2)
vga->sequencer[0x07] |= 0x40;
vga->attribute[0x10] &= ~0x40;
vga->attribute[0x11] = Pblack;
vga->attribute[0x16] = 0x80;
if(ctlr->flag & Upclk2x8)
vga->attribute[0x16] |= 0x20;
ctlr->flag |= Finit;
static void
load(Vga* vga, Ctlr* ctlr)
vgaxo(Crtx, 0x30, vga->crt[0x30]);
vgaxo(Crtx, 0x31, vga->crt[0x31]);
vgaxo(Crtx, 0x33, vga->crt[0x33]);
vgaxo(Crtx, 0x34, vga->crt[0x34]);
vgaxo(Crtx, 0x35, vga->crt[0x35]);
vgaxo(Crtx, 0x36, vga->crt[0x36]);
vgaxo(Crtx, 0x37, vga->crt[0x37]);
vgaxo(Crtx, 0x3F, vga->crt[0x3F]);
vgaxo(Seqx, 0x06, vga->sequencer[0x06]);
vgaxo(Seqx, 0x07, vga->sequencer[0x07]);
vgaxo(Attrx, 0x16, vga->attribute[0x16]);
ctlr->flag |= Fload;
static void
dump(Vga* vga, Ctlr* ctlr)
int i;
char *name;
ushort shb, vrs, x;
name = ctlr->name;
printitem(name, "Seq06");
printitem(name, "Crt30");
for(i = 0x30; i < 0x38; i++)
printitem(name, "Crt3F");
printitem(name, "Attr16");
if(strncmp(name, "et4000-w32", 10) == 0){
printitem(name, "SpriteE0");
for(i = Sprite; i < Sprite+NSprite; i++){
outportb(Crtcbx, i);
printitem(name, "ImaF0");
for(i = Ima; i < Ima+NIma; i++){
outportb(Crtcbx, i);
* Try to disassemble the snarfed values into
* understandable numbers.
* Only do this if we weren't called after Finit.
if(ctlr->flag & Finit)
x = (vga->crt[0x01]+1)<<3;
printitem(name, "hde");
Bprint(&stdout, "%6ud", x);
shb = ((((vga->crt[0x3F] & 0x04)<<6)|vga->crt[0x02])+1)<<3;
printitem(name, "shb");
Bprint(&stdout, "%6ud", shb);
x = (((vga->crt[0x05] & 0x80)>>2)|(vga->crt[0x03] & 0x1F))<<3;
printitem(name, "ehb");
for(i = 0; x < shb; i++)
x |= 0x200<<i;
Bprint(&stdout, "%6ud", x);
x = ((((vga->crt[0x3F] & 0x01)<<8)|vga->crt[0x00])+5)<<3;
printitem(name, "ht");
Bprint(&stdout, "%6ud", x);
x = vga->crt[0x12];
if(vga->crt[0x07] & 0x02)
x |= 0x100;
if(vga->crt[0x07] & 0x40)
x |= 0x200;
if(vga->crt[0x35] & 0x04)
x |= 0x400;
x += 1;
printitem(name, "vde");
Bprint(&stdout, "%6ud", x);
vrs = vga->crt[0x10];
if(vga->crt[0x07] & 0x04)
vrs |= 0x100;
if(vga->crt[0x07] & 0x80)
vrs |= 0x200;
if(vga->crt[0x35] & 0x08)
vrs |= 0x400;
printitem(name, "vrs");
Bprint(&stdout, "%6ud", vrs);
x = (vrs & ~0x0F)|(vga->crt[0x11] & 0x0F);
printitem(name, "vre");
Bprint(&stdout, "%6ud", x);
x = vga->crt[0x06];
if(vga->crt[0x07] & 0x01)
x |= 0x100;
if(vga->crt[0x07] & 0x20)
x |= 0x200;
if(vga->crt[0x35] & 0x02)
x |= 0x400;
x += 2;
printitem(name, "vt");
Bprint(&stdout, "%6ud", x);
printitem(name, "d i");
if(vga->sequencer[0x07] & 0x01)
x = 4;
else if(vga->sequencer[0x07] & 0x40)
x = 2;
x = 0;
Bprint(&stdout, "%9ud", x);
x = (vga->misc & 0x0C)>>2;
if(vga->crt[0x34] & 0x02)
x |= 0x04;
x |= (vga->crt[0x31] & 0xC0)>>3;
Bprint(&stdout, "%8ud\n", x);
Ctlr et4000 = {
"et4000", /* name */
snarf, /* snarf */
options, /* options */
init, /* init */
load, /* load */
dump, /* dump */