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#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include <bio.h>

#include "pci.h"
#include "vga.h"

 * Tvp302[056] Viewpoint Video Interface Palette.
 * Assumes hooked up to an S3 86C928 or S3 Vision964.
enum {
        Index           = 0x06,         /* Index register */
        Data            = 0x07,         /* Data register */

        Id              = 0x3F,         /* ID Register */
        Tvp3020         = 0x20,
        Tvp3025         = 0x25,
        Tvp3026         = 0x26,

 * The following two arrays give read (bit 0) and write (bit 1)
 * permissions on the direct and index registers. Bits 4 and 5
 * are for the Tvp3025. The Tvp3020 has only 8 direct registers.
static uchar directreg[32] = {
        0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x00, 0x00, 0x33, 0x33,
        0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
        0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33,
        0x33, 0x33, 0x11, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33,

static uchar indexreg[64] = {
        0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x00,
        0x02, 0x02, 0x33, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30, 0x30,
        0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33,
        0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x30, 0x00,
        0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33,
        0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30,
        0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33,
        0x33, 0x30, 0x33, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x22, 0x11,

 * Check the index register access is valid.
 * Return the number of direct registers.
static uchar
checkindex(uchar index, uchar access)
        uchar crt55;
        static uchar id;

        if(id == 0){
                crt55 = vgaxi(Crtx, 0x55) & 0xFC;
                vgaxo(Crtx, 0x55, crt55|((Index>>2) & 0x03));
                vgao(dacxreg[Index & 0x03], Id);

                id = vgai(dacxreg[Data & 0x03]);
                vgaxo(Crtx, 0x55, crt55);

        if(index == 0xFF)
                return id;

        access &= 0x03;

        case Tvp3020:

        case Tvp3025:
        case Tvp3026:
                access = access<<4;

                Bprint(&stdout, "%s: unknown chip id - 0x%2.2X\n",, id);

        if(index > sizeof(indexreg) || (indexreg[index] & access) == 0)
                error("%s: bad register index - 0x%2.2X\n",, index);

        return id;

static uchar
tvp3020io(uchar reg, uchar data)
        uchar crt55;

        crt55 = vgaxi(Crtx, 0x55) & 0xFC;
        vgaxo(Crtx, 0x55, crt55|((reg>>2) & 0x03));
        vgao(dacxreg[reg & 0x03], data);

        return crt55;

tvp3020i(uchar reg)
        uchar crt55, r;

        crt55 = vgaxi(Crtx, 0x55) & 0xFC;
        vgaxo(Crtx, 0x55, crt55|((reg>>2) & 0x03));
        r = vgai(dacxreg[reg & 0x03]);
        vgaxo(Crtx, 0x55, crt55);

        return r;

tvp3020xi(uchar index)
        uchar crt55, r;

        checkindex(index, 0x01);

        crt55 = tvp3020io(Index, index);
        r = vgai(dacxreg[Data & 0x03]);
        vgaxo(Crtx, 0x55, crt55);

        return r;

tvp3020o(uchar reg, uchar data)
        uchar crt55;

        crt55 = tvp3020io(reg, data);
        vgaxo(Crtx, 0x55, crt55);

tvp3020xo(uchar index, uchar data)
        uchar crt55;

        checkindex(index, 0x02);

        crt55 = tvp3020io(Index, index);
        vgao(dacxreg[Data & 0x03], data);
        vgaxo(Crtx, 0x55, crt55);

static void
options(Vga*, Ctlr* ctlr)
        ctlr->flag |= Hclk2|Hextsid|Hpvram|Henhanced|Foptions;

static void
init(Vga* vga, Ctlr* ctlr)
        ulong grade;
        char *p;

         * Work out the part speed-grade from name. Name can have,
         * e.g. '-135' on the end  for 135MHz part.
        grade = 110000000;
        if(p = strrchr(ctlr->name, '-'))
                grade = strtoul(p+1, 0, 0) * 1000000;

         * If we don't already have a desired pclk,
         * take it from the mode.
         * Check it's within range.
        if(vga->f[0] == 0)
                vga->f[0] = vga->mode->frequency;
        if(vga->f[0] > grade)
                error("%s: invalid pclk - %ld\n", ctlr->name, vga->f[0]);

         * Determine whether to use clock-doubler or not.
        if(vga->f[0] > 85000000){
                vga->f[0] /= 2;
                resyncinit(vga, ctlr, Uclk2, 0);

        ctlr->flag |= Finit;

static void
load(Vga* vga, Ctlr* ctlr)
        uchar x;

         * Input Clock Selection:
         *      VGA             CLK0
         *      enhanced        CLK1
         * doubled if necessary.
        x = 0x00;
        if(ctlr->flag & Uenhanced)
                x |= 0x01;
        if(ctlr->flag & Uclk2)
                x |= 0x10;
        tvp3020xo(0x1A, x);

         * Output Clock Selection:
         *      VGA             default VGA
         *      enhanced        RCLK=SCLK=/8, VCLK/4
        x = 0x3E;
        if(ctlr->flag & Uenhanced)
                x = 0x53;
        tvp3020xo(0x1B, x);

         * Auxiliary Control:
         *      default settings - self-clocked, palette graphics, no zoom
         * Colour Key Control:
         *      default settings - pointing to palette graphics
         * Mux Control Register 1:
         *      pseudo colour
        tvp3020xo(0x29, 0x09);
        tvp3020xo(0x38, 0x10);
        tvp3020xo(0x18, 0x80);

         * Mux Control Register 2:
         *      VGA             default VGA
         *      enhanced        8-bpp, 8:1 mux, 64-bit pixel-bus width
        x = 0x98;
        if(ctlr->flag & Uenhanced){
                if(vga->mode->z == 8)
                        x = 0x1C;
                else if(vga->mode->z == 1)
                        x = 0x04;
        tvp3020xo(0x19, x);

         * General Control:
         *      output sync polarity
         * It's important to set this properly and to turn off the
         * VGA controller H and V syncs. Can't be set in VGA mode.
        x = 0x00;
        if((vga->misc & 0x40) == 0)
                x |= 0x01;
        if((vga->misc & 0x80) == 0)
                x |= 0x02;
        tvp3020xo(0x1D, x);
        vga->misc |= 0xC0;
        vgao(MiscW, vga->misc);

         * Select the DAC via the General Purpose I/O
         * Register and Pins.
         * Guesswork by looking at register dumps.
        tvp3020xo(0x2A, 0x1F);
        if(ctlr->flag & Uenhanced)
                x = 0x1D;
                x = 0x1C;
        tvp3020xo(0x2B, x);

        ctlr->flag |= Fload;

static void
dump(Vga*, Ctlr* ctlr)
        uchar access;
        int i;

        access = 0x01;
        if(checkindex(0x00, 0x01) != Tvp3020)
                access <<= 4;

        printitem(ctlr->name, "direct");
        for(i = 0; i < 8; i++){
                if(directreg[i] & access)

        printitem(ctlr->name, "index");
        for(i = 0; i < sizeof(indexreg); i++){
                if(indexreg[i] & access)

Ctlr tvp3020 = {
        "tvp3020",                      /* name */
        0,                              /* snarf */
        options,                        /* options */
        init,                           /* init */
        load,                           /* load */
        dump,                           /* dump */