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#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>

 * This file is derrived from nterr.h in the samba distribution

   Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
   DOS error code constants
   Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell              1992-2000
   Copyright (C) John H Terpstra              1996-2000
   Copyright (C) Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton 1996-2000
   Copyright (C) Paul Ashton                  1998-2000

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

static struct {
        int     err;
        char    *msg;
} DOSerrs[] = {
        /* smb x/open error codes for the errdos error class */
        { (0<<16)|1,    "no error" },
        { (1<<16)|1,    "invalid function" },
        { (2<<16)|1,    "file not found" },
        { (3<<16)|1,    "directory not found" },
        { (4<<16)|1,    "too many open files" },
        { (5<<16)|1,    "access denied" },
        { (6<<16)|1,    "invalid fid" },
        { (7<<16)|1,    "memory control blocks destroyed." },
        { (8<<16)|1,    "out of memory" },
        { (9<<16)|1,    "invalid memory block address" },
        { (10<<16)|1,   "invalid environment" },
        { (12<<16)|1,   "invalid open mode" },
        { (13<<16)|1,   "invalid data (only from ioctl call)" },
        { (14<<16)|1,   "reserved" },
        { (15<<16)|1,   "invalid drive" },
        { (16<<16)|1,   "attempt to delete current directory" },
        { (17<<16)|1,   "rename/move across filesystems" },
        { (18<<16)|1,   "no more files found" },
        { (31<<16)|1,   "general failure" },
        { (32<<16)|1,   "share mode conflict with open mode" },
        { (33<<16)|1,   "lock conflicts" },
        { (50<<16)|1,   "request unsupported" },
        { (64<<16)|1,   "network name not available" },
        { (66<<16)|1,   "ipc unsupported (guess)" },
        { (67<<16)|1,   "invalid share name" },
        { (80<<16)|1,   "file already exists" },
        { (87<<16)|1,   "invalid paramater" },
        { (110<<16)|1,  "cannot open" },
        { (122<<16)|1,  "insufficent buffer" },
        { (123<<16)|1,  "invalid name" },
        { (124<<16)|1,  "unknown level" },
        { (158<<16)|1,  "this region already locked" },

        { (183<<16)|1,  "rename failed" },

        { (230<<16)|1,  "named pipe invalid" },
        { (231<<16)|1,  "pipe busy" },
        { (232<<16)|1,  "close in progress" },
        { (233<<16)|1,  "no reader of named pipe" },
        { (234<<16)|1,  "more data to be returned" },
        { (259<<16)|1,  "no more items" },
        { (267<<16)|1,  "invalid directory name in a path" },
        { (282<<16)|1,  "extended attributes" },
        { (1326<<16)|1, "authentication failed" },
        { (2123<<16)|1, "buffer too small" },
        { (2142<<16)|1, "unknown ipc" },
        { (2151<<16)|1, "no such print job" },
        { (2455<<16)|1, "invalid group" },

        /* Error codes for the ERRSRV class */
        { (1<<16)|2,    "non specific error" },
        { (2<<16)|2,    "bad password" },
        { (3<<16)|2,    "reserved" },
        { (4<<16)|2,    "permission denied" },
        { (5<<16)|2,    "tid invalid" },
        { (6<<16)|2,    "invalid server name" },
        { (7<<16)|2,    "invalid device" },
        { (22<<16)|2,   "unknown smb" },
        { (49<<16)|2,   "print queue full" },
        { (50<<16)|2,   "queued item too big" },
        { (52<<16)|2,   "fid invalid in print file" },
        { (64<<16)|2,   "unrecognised command" },
        { (65<<16)|2,   "smb server internal error" },
        { (67<<16)|2,   "fid/pathname invalid" },
        { (68<<16)|2,   "reserved 68" },
        { (69<<16)|2,   "access is invalid" },
        { (70<<16)|2,   "reserved 70" },
        { (71<<16)|2,   "attribute mode invalid" },
        { (81<<16)|2,   "message server paused" },
        { (82<<16)|2,   "not receiving messages" },
        { (83<<16)|2,   "no room for message" },
        { (87<<16)|2,   "too many remote usernames" },
        { (88<<16)|2,   "operation timed out" },
        { (89<<16)|2,   "no resources" },
        { (90<<16)|2,   "too many userids" },
        { (91<<16)|2,   "bad userid" },
        { (250<<16)|2,  "retry with mpx mode" },
        { (251<<16)|2,  "retry with standard mode" },
        { (252<<16)|2,  "resume mpx mode" },
        { (0xffff<<16)|2, "function not supported" },

        /* Error codes for the ERRHRD class */
        { (19<<16)|3,   "read only media" },
        { (20<<16)|3,   "unknown device" },
        { (21<<16)|3,   "drive not ready" },
        { (22<<16)|3,   "unknown command" },
        { (23<<16)|3,   "data (CRC) error" },
        { (24<<16)|3,   "bad request length" },
        { (25<<16)|3,   "seek failed" },
        { (26<<16)|3,   "bad media" },
        { (27<<16)|3,   "bad sector" },
        { (28<<16)|3,   "no paper" },
        { (29<<16)|3,   "write fault" },
        { (30<<16)|3,   "read fault" },
        { (31<<16)|3,   "general hardware failure" },
        { (34<<16)|3,   "wrong disk" },
        { (35<<16)|3,   "FCB unavailable" },
        { (36<<16)|3,   "share buffer exceeded" },
        { (39<<16)|3,   "disk full" },


char *
doserrstr(uint err)
        int i, match;
        char *class;
        static char buf[0xff];

        switch(err & 0xff){
        case 1:
                class = "dos";
        case 2:
                class = "network";
        case 3:
                class = "hardware";
        case 4:
                class = "Xos";
        case 0xe1:
                class = "mx1";
        case 0xe2:
                class = "mx2";
        case 0xe3:
                class = "mx3";
        case 0xff:
                class = "packet";
                class = "unknown";

        match = -1;
        for(i = 0; i < nelem(DOSerrs); i++)
                if(DOSerrs[i].err == err)
                        match = i;

        if(match != -1)
                snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s, %s", class, DOSerrs[match].msg);
                snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s, %ud/0x%ux - unknown error",
                        class, err >> 16, err >> 16);
        return buf;