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#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <disk.h>

 *  disk types (all MFM encoding)
typedef struct Type     Type;
struct Type
        char    *name;
        int     bytes;          /* bytes/sector */
        int     sectors;        /* sectors/track */
        int     heads;          /* number of heads */
        int     tracks;         /* tracks/disk */
        int     media;          /* media descriptor byte */
        int     cluster;        /* default cluster size */
Type floppytype[] =
 { "3½HD",     512, 18,  2, 80, 0xf0, 1, },
 { "3½DD",     512,  9,  2, 80, 0xf9, 2, },
 { "3½QD",     512, 36, 2, 80, 0xf9, 2, },     /* invented */
 { "5¼HD",     512, 15,  2, 80, 0xf9, 1, },
 { "5¼DD",     512,  9,  2, 40, 0xfd, 2, },
 { "hard",      512,  0,  0, 0, 0xf8, 4, },

#define NTYPES (sizeof(floppytype)/sizeof(Type))

typedef struct Dosboot  Dosboot;
struct Dosboot{
        uchar   magic[3];       /* really an x86 JMP instruction */
        uchar   version[8];
        uchar   sectsize[2];
        uchar   clustsize;
        uchar   nresrv[2];
        uchar   nfats;
        uchar   rootsize[2];
        uchar   volsize[2];
        uchar   mediadesc;
        uchar   fatsize[2];
        uchar   trksize[2];
        uchar   nheads[2];
        uchar   nhidden[4];
        uchar   bigvolsize[4];
        uchar   driveno;
        uchar   reserved0;
        uchar   bootsig;
        uchar   volid[4];
        uchar   label[11];
        uchar   type[8];
#define PUTSHORT(p, v) { (p)[1] = (v)>>8; (p)[0] = (v); }
#define PUTLONG(p, v) { PUTSHORT((p), (v)); PUTSHORT((p)+2, (v)>>16); }
#define GETSHORT(p)     (((p)[1]<<8)|(p)[0])
#define GETLONG(p)      (((ulong)GETSHORT(p+2)<<16)|(ulong)GETSHORT(p))

typedef struct Dosdir   Dosdir;
struct Dosdir
        uchar   name[8];
        uchar   ext[3];
        uchar   attr;
        uchar   reserved[10];
        uchar   time[2];
        uchar   date[2];
        uchar   start[2];
        uchar   length[4];

#define DRONLY  0x01
#define DHIDDEN 0x02
#define DSYSTEM 0x04
#define DVLABEL 0x08
#define DDIR    0x10
#define DARCH   0x20

 *  the boot program for the boot sector.
int nbootprog = 188;    /* no. of bytes of boot program, including the first 0x3E */
uchar bootprog[512] =
[0x000] 0xEB, 0x3C, 0x90, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
        0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
[0x03E] 0xFA, 0xFC, 0x8C, 0xC8, 0x8E, 0xD8, 0x8E, 0xD0,
        0xBC, 0x00, 0x7C, 0xBE, 0x77, 0x7C, 0xE8, 0x19,
        0x00, 0x33, 0xC0, 0xCD, 0x16, 0xBB, 0x40, 0x00,
        0x8E, 0xC3, 0xBB, 0x72, 0x00, 0xB8, 0x34, 0x12,
        0x26, 0x89, 0x07, 0xEA, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF,
        0xEB, 0xD6, 0xAC, 0x0A, 0xC0, 0x74, 0x09, 0xB4,
        0x0E, 0xBB, 0x07, 0x00, 0xCD, 0x10, 0xEB, 0xF2,
        0xC3,  'N',  'o',  't',  ' ',  'a',  ' ',  'b',
         'o',  'o',  't',  'a',  'b',  'l',  'e',  ' ',
         'd',  'i',  's',  'c',  ' ',  'o',  'r',  ' ',
         'd',  'i',  's',  'c',  ' ',  'e',  'r',  'r',
         'o',  'r', '\r', '\n',  'P',  'r',  'e',  's',
         's',  ' ',  'a',  'l',  'm',  'o',  's',  't',
         ' ',  'a',  'n',  'y',  ' ',  'k',  'e',  'y',
         ' ',  't',  'o',  ' ',  'r',  'e',  'b',  'o',
         'o',  't',  '.',  '.',  '.', 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
[0x1F0] 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
        0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x55, 0xAA,

char *dev;
int clustersize;
uchar *fat;     /* the fat */
int fatbits;
int fatsecs;
int fatlast;    /* last cluster allocated */
int clusters;
int fatsecs;
vlong volsecs;
uchar *root;    /* first block of root */
int rootsecs;
int rootfiles;
int rootnext;
int nresrv = 1;
int chatty;
vlong length;
Type *t;
int fflag;
int hflag;
int xflag;
char *file;
char *pbs;
char *type;
char *bootfile;
int dos;

        Sof = 1,        /* start of file */
        Eof = 2,        /* end of file */

void    dosfs(int, int, Disk*, char*, int, char*[], int);
ulong   clustalloc(int);
void    addrname(uchar*, Dir*, char*, ulong);
void    sanitycheck(Disk*);

        fprint(2, "usage: disk/format [-df] [-b bootblock] [-c csize] "
                "[-l label] [-r nresrv] [-t type] disk [files ...]\n");

fatal(char *fmt, ...)
        char err[128];
        va_list arg;

        va_start(arg, fmt);
        vsnprint(err, sizeof(err), fmt, arg);
        fprint(2, "format: %s\n", err);
        if(fflag && file)

main(int argc, char **argv)
        int fd, n, writepbs;
        char buf[512], label[11];
        char *a;
        Disk *disk;

        dos = 0;
        type = nil;
        clustersize = 0;
        writepbs = 0;
        memmove(label, "CYLINDRICAL", sizeof(label));
        ARGBEGIN {
        case 'b':
                pbs = EARGF(usage());
                writepbs = 1;
        case 'c':
                clustersize = atoi(EARGF(usage()));
        case 'd':
                dos = 1;
                writepbs = 1;
        case 'f':
                fflag = 1;
        case 'l':
                a = EARGF(usage());
                n = strlen(a);
                if(n > sizeof(label))
                        n = sizeof(label);
                memmove(label, a, n);
                while(n < sizeof(label))
                        label[n++] = ' ';
        case 'r':
                nresrv = atoi(EARGF(usage()));
        case 't':
                type = EARGF(usage());
        case 'v':
        case 'x':
                xflag = 1;
        } ARGEND

        if(argc < 1)

        disk = opendisk(argv[0], 0, 0);
        if(disk == nil) {
                if(fflag) {
                        if((fd = create(argv[0], ORDWR, 0666)) >= 0) {
                                file = argv[0];
                                disk = opendisk(argv[0], 0, 0);
        if(disk == nil)
                fatal("opendisk: %r");

        if(disk->type == Tfile)
                fflag = 1;

        if(type == nil) {
                case Tfile:
                        type = "3½HD";
                case Tfloppy:
                        seek(disk->ctlfd, 0, 0);
                        n = read(disk->ctlfd, buf, 10);
                        if(n <= 0 || n >= 10)
                                fatal("reading floppy type");
                        buf[n] = 0;
                        type = strdup(buf);
                        if(type == nil)
                                fatal("out of memory");
                case Tsd:
                        type = "hard";
                        type = "unknown";

        if(!fflag && disk->type == Tfloppy)
                if(fprint(disk->ctlfd, "format %s", type) < 0)
                        fatal("formatting floppy as %s: %r", type);

        if(disk->type != Tfloppy)

        /* check that everything will succeed */
        dosfs(dos, writepbs, disk, label, argc-1, argv+1, 0);

        /* commit */
        dosfs(dos, writepbs, disk, label, argc-1, argv+1, 1);

        print("used %lld bytes\n", fatlast*clustersize*disk->secsize);

 * Look for a partition table on sector 1, as would be the
 * case if we were erroneously formatting 9fat without -r 2.
 * If it's there and nresrv is not big enough, complain and exit.
 * I've blown away my partition table too many times.
sanitycheck(Disk *disk)
        char buf[512];
        int bad;


        bad = 0;
        if(dos && nresrv < 2 && seek(disk->fd, disk->secsize, 0) == disk->secsize
        && read(disk->fd, buf, sizeof(buf)) >= 5 && strncmp(buf, "part ", 5) == 0) {
                        "there's a plan9 partition on the disk\n"
                        "and you didn't specify -r 2 (or greater).\n"
                        "either specify -r 2 or -x to disable this check.\n");
                bad = 1;

        if(disk->type == Tsd && disk->offset == 0LL) {
                        "you're attempting to format your disk (/dev/sdXX/data)\n"
                        "rather than a partition like /dev/sdXX/9fat;\n"
                        "this is likely a mistake.  specify -x to disable this check.\n");
                bad = 1;

                exits("failed disk sanity check");

 * Return the BIOS drive number for the disk.
 * 0x80 is the first fixed disk, 0x81 the next, etc.
 * We map sdC0=0x80, sdC1=0x81, sdD0=0x82, sdD1=0x83
getdriveno(Disk *disk)
        char buf[64], *p;

        if(disk->type != Tsd)
                return 0x80;    /* first hard disk */

        if(fd2path(disk->fd, buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0)
                return 0x80;

         * The name is of the format #SsdC0/foo 
         * or /dev/sdC0/foo.
         * So that we can just look for /sdC0, turn 
         * #SsdC0/foo into #/sdC0/foo.
        if(buf[0] == '#' && buf[1] == 'S')
                buf[1] = '/';

        for(p=buf; *p; p++)
                if(p[0] == 's' && p[1] == 'd' && (p[2]=='C' || p[2]=='D') &&
                    (p[3]=='0' || p[3]=='1'))
                        return 0x80 + (p[2]-'C')*2 + (p[3]-'0');
        return 0x80;

writen(int fd, void *buf, long n)
        long m, tot;

        /* write 8k at a time, to be nice to the disk subsystem */
        for(tot=0; tot<n; tot+=m){
                m = n - tot;
                if(m > 8192)
                        m = 8192;
                if(write(fd, (uchar*)buf+tot, m) != m)
        return tot;

dosfs(int dofat, int dopbs, Disk *disk, char *label, int argc, char *argv[], int commit)
        char r[16];
        Dosboot *b;
        uchar *buf, *pbsbuf, *p;
        Dir *d;
        int i, data, newclusters, npbs, n, sysfd;
        ulong x;
        vlong length, secsize;

        if(dofat == 0 && dopbs == 0)

        for(t = floppytype; t < &floppytype[NTYPES]; t++)
                if(strcmp(type, t->name) == 0)
        if(t == &floppytype[NTYPES])
                fatal("unknown floppy type %s", type);

        if(t->sectors == 0 && strcmp(type, "hard") == 0) {
                t->sectors = disk->s;
                t->heads = disk->h;
                t->tracks = disk->c;

        if(t->sectors == 0 && dofat)
                fatal("cannot format fat with type %s: geometry unknown\n", type);

                disk->size = t->bytes*t->sectors*t->heads*t->tracks;
                disk->secsize = t->bytes;
                disk->secs = disk->size / disk->secsize;

        secsize = disk->secsize;
        length = disk->size;

        buf = malloc(secsize);
        if(buf == 0)
                fatal("out of memory");

         * Make disk full size if a file.
        if(fflag && disk->type == Tfile){
                if((d = dirfstat(disk->wfd)) == nil)
                        fatal("fstat disk: %r");
                if(commit && d->length < disk->size) {
                        if(seek(disk->wfd, disk->size-1, 0) < 0)
                                fatal("seek to 9: %r");
                        if(write(disk->wfd, "9", 1) < 0)
                                fatal("writing 9: @%lld %r", seek(disk->wfd, 0LL, 1));

         * Start with initial sector from disk
        if(seek(disk->fd, 0, 0) < 0)
                fatal("seek to boot sector: %r\n");
        if(commit && read(disk->fd, buf, secsize) != secsize)
                fatal("reading boot sector: %r");

                memset(buf, 0, sizeof(Dosboot));

         * Jump instruction and OEM name.
        b = (Dosboot*)buf;
        b->magic[0] = 0xEB;
        b->magic[1] = 0x3C;
        b->magic[2] = 0x90;
        memmove(b->version, "Plan9.00", sizeof(b->version));
         * Add bootstrapping code; assume it starts 
         * at 0x3E (the destination of the jump we just
         * wrote to b->magic).
        if(dopbs) {
                pbsbuf = malloc(secsize);
                if(pbsbuf == 0)
                        fatal("out of memory");

                        if((sysfd = open(pbs, OREAD)) < 0)
                                fatal("open %s: %r", pbs);
                        if((npbs = read(sysfd, pbsbuf, secsize)) < 0)
                                fatal("read %s: %r", pbs);

                        if(npbs > secsize-2)
                                fatal("boot block too large");

                else {
                        memmove(pbsbuf, bootprog, sizeof(bootprog));
                        npbs = nbootprog;
                if(npbs <= 0x3E)
                        fprint(2, "warning: pbs too small\n");
                        memmove(buf+0x3E, pbsbuf+0x3E, npbs-0x3E);


         * Add FAT BIOS parameter block.
        if(dofat) {
                if(commit) {
                        print("Initializing FAT file system\n");
                        print("type %s, %d tracks, %d heads, %d sectors/track, %lld bytes/sec\n",
                                t->name, t->tracks, t->heads, t->sectors, secsize);

                if(clustersize == 0)
                        clustersize = t->cluster;
                 * the number of fat bits depends on how much disk is left
                 * over after you subtract out the space taken up by the fat tables. 
                 * try both.  what a crock.
                fatbits = 12;
                volsecs = length/secsize;
                 * here's a crock inside a crock.  even having fixed fatbits,
                 * the number of fat sectors depends on the number of clusters,
                 * but of course we don't know yet.  maybe iterating will get us there.
                 * or maybe it will cycle.
                clusters = 0;
                for(i=0;; i++){
                        fatsecs = (fatbits*clusters + 8*secsize - 1)/(8*secsize);
                        rootsecs = volsecs/200;
                        rootfiles = rootsecs * (secsize/sizeof(Dosdir));
                        if(rootfiles > 512){
                                rootfiles = 512;
                                rootsecs = rootfiles/(secsize/sizeof(Dosdir));
                        data = nresrv + 2*fatsecs + (rootfiles*sizeof(Dosdir) + secsize-1)/secsize;
                        newclusters = 2 + (volsecs - data)/clustersize;
                        if(newclusters == clusters)
                        clusters = newclusters;
                        if(i > 10)
                                fatal("can't decide how many clusters to use (%d? %d?)", clusters, newclusters);
if(chatty) print("clusters %d\n", clusters);
if(chatty) print("try %d fatbits => %d clusters of %d\n", fatbits, clusters, clustersize);
                case 12:
                        if(clusters >= 4087){
                                fatbits = 16;
                                goto Tryagain;
                case 16:
                        if(clusters >= 65527)
                                fatal("disk too big; implement fat32");
                PUTSHORT(b->sectsize, secsize);
                b->clustsize = clustersize;
                PUTSHORT(b->nresrv, nresrv);
                b->nfats = 2;
                PUTSHORT(b->rootsize, rootfiles);
                if(volsecs < (1<<16))
                        PUTSHORT(b->volsize, volsecs);
                b->mediadesc = t->media;
                PUTSHORT(b->fatsize, fatsecs);
                PUTSHORT(b->trksize, t->sectors);
                PUTSHORT(b->nheads, t->heads);
                PUTLONG(b->nhidden, disk->offset);
                PUTLONG(b->bigvolsize, volsecs);
                 * Extended BIOS Parameter Block.
                if(t->media == 0xF8)
                        b->driveno = getdriveno(disk);
                        b->driveno = 0;
if(chatty) print("driveno = %ux\n", b->driveno);
                b->bootsig = 0x29;
                x = disk->offset + b->nfats*fatsecs + nresrv;
                PUTLONG(b->volid, x);
if(chatty) print("volid = %lux %lux\n", x, GETLONG(b->volid));
                memmove(b->label, label, sizeof(b->label));
                sprint(r, "FAT%d    ", fatbits);
                memmove(b->type, r, sizeof(b->type));

        buf[secsize-2] = 0x55;
        buf[secsize-1] = 0xAA;

        if(commit) {
                if(seek(disk->wfd, 0, 0) < 0)
                        fatal("seek to boot sector: %r\n");
                if(write(disk->wfd, buf, secsize) != secsize)
                        fatal("writing boot sector: %r");


         * If we were only called to write the PBS, leave now.
        if(dofat == 0)

         *  allocate an in memory fat
        if(seek(disk->wfd, nresrv*secsize, 0) < 0)
                fatal("seek to fat: %r\n");
if(chatty) print("fat @%lluX\n", seek(disk->wfd, 0, 1));
        fat = malloc(fatsecs*secsize);
        if(fat == 0)
                fatal("out of memory");
        memset(fat, 0, fatsecs*secsize);
        fat[0] = t->media;
        fat[1] = 0xff;
        fat[2] = 0xff;
        if(fatbits == 16)
                fat[3] = 0xff;
        fatlast = 1;
        if(seek(disk->wfd, 2*fatsecs*secsize, 1) < 0)   /* 2 fats */
                fatal("seek to root: %r");
if(chatty) print("root @%lluX\n", seek(disk->wfd, 0LL, 1));

         *  allocate an in memory root
        root = malloc(rootsecs*secsize);
        if(root == 0)
                fatal("out of memory");
        memset(root, 0, rootsecs*secsize);
        if(seek(disk->wfd, rootsecs*secsize, 1) < 0)    /* rootsecs */
                fatal("seek to files: %r");
if(chatty) print("files @%lluX\n", seek(disk->wfd, 0LL, 1));

         * Now positioned at the Files Area.
         * If we have any arguments, process 
         * them and write out.
        for(p = root; argc > 0; argc--, argv++, p += sizeof(Dosdir)){
                if(p >= (root+(rootsecs*secsize)))
                        fatal("too many files in root");
                 * Open the file and get its length.
                if((sysfd = open(*argv, OREAD)) < 0)
                        fatal("open %s: %r", *argv);
                if((d = dirfstat(sysfd)) == nil)
                        fatal("stat %s: %r", *argv);
                if(d->length > 0xFFFFFFFFU)
                        fatal("file %s too big\n", *argv, d->length);
                        print("Adding file %s, length %lld\n", *argv, d->length);

                length = d->length;
                         * Allocate a buffer to read the entire file into.
                         * This must be rounded up to a cluster boundary.
                         * Read the file and write it out to the Files Area.
                        length += secsize*clustersize - 1;
                        length /= secsize*clustersize;
                        length *= secsize*clustersize;
                        if((buf = malloc(length)) == 0)
                                fatal("out of memory");
                        if(readn(sysfd, buf, d->length) != d->length)
                                fatal("read %s: %r", *argv);
                        memset(buf+d->length, 0, length-d->length);
if(chatty) print("%s @%lluX\n", d->name, seek(disk->wfd, 0LL, 1));
                        if(commit && writen(disk->wfd, buf, length) != length)
                                fatal("write %s: %r", *argv);

                         * Allocate the FAT clusters.
                         * We're assuming here that where we
                         * wrote the file is in sync with
                         * the cluster allocation.
                         * Save the starting cluster.
                        length /= secsize*clustersize;
                        x = clustalloc(Sof);
                        for(n = 0; n < length-1; n++)
                        x = 0;

                 * Add the filename to the root.
fprint(2, "add %s at clust %lux\n", d->name, x);
                addrname(p, d, *argv, x);

         *  write the fats and root
        if(commit) {
                if(seek(disk->wfd, nresrv*secsize, 0) < 0)
                        fatal("seek to fat #1: %r");
                if(write(disk->wfd, fat, fatsecs*secsize) < 0)
                        fatal("writing fat #1: %r");
                if(write(disk->wfd, fat, fatsecs*secsize) < 0)
                        fatal("writing fat #2: %r");
                if(write(disk->wfd, root, rootsecs*secsize) < 0)
                        fatal("writing root: %r");


 *  allocate a cluster
clustalloc(int flag)
        ulong o, x;

        if(flag != Sof){
                x = (flag == Eof) ? 0xffff : (fatlast+1);
                if(fatbits == 12){
                        x &= 0xfff;
                        o = (3*fatlast)/2;
                        if(fatlast & 1){
                                fat[o] = (fat[o]&0x0f) | (x<<4);
                                fat[o+1] = (x>>4);
                        } else {
                                fat[o] = x;
                                fat[o+1] = (fat[o+1]&0xf0) | ((x>>8) & 0x0F);
                } else {
                        o = 2*fatlast;
                        fat[o] = x;
                        fat[o+1] = x>>8;
        if(flag == Eof)
                return 0;
                if(fatlast >= clusters)
                        sysfatal("data does not fit on disk (%d %d)", fatlast, clusters);
                return fatlast;

putname(char *p, Dosdir *d)
        int i;

        memset(d->name, ' ', sizeof d->name+sizeof d->ext);
        for(i = 0; i< sizeof(d->name); i++){
                if(*p == 0 || *p == '.')
                d->name[i] = toupper(*p++);
        p = strrchr(p, '.');
                for(i = 0; i < sizeof d->ext; i++){
                        if(*++p == 0)
                        d->ext[i] = toupper(*p);

puttime(Dosdir *d)
        Tm *t = localtime(time(0));
        ushort x;

        x = (t->hour<<11) | (t->min<<5) | (t->sec>>1);
        d->time[0] = x;
        d->time[1] = x>>8;
        x = ((t->year-80)<<9) | ((t->mon+1)<<5) | t->mday;
        d->date[0] = x;
        d->date[1] = x>>8;

addrname(uchar *entry, Dir *dir, char *name, ulong start)
        char *s;
        Dosdir *d;

        s = strrchr(name, '/');
                s = name;

        d = (Dosdir*)entry;
        putname(s, d);
        if(strcmp(s, "9load") == 0)
                d->attr = DSYSTEM;
                d->attr = 0;
        d->start[0] = start;
        d->start[1] = start>>8;
        d->length[0] = dir->length;
        d->length[1] = dir->length>>8;
        d->length[2] = dir->length>>16;
        d->length[3] = dir->length>>24;