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%    Copyright (C) 1990, 1995, 1999 Aladdin Enterprises.  All rights reserved.
% This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
% implied.
% This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
% modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
% of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
% For more information about licensing, please refer to
% For information on
% commercial licensing, go to or
% contact Artifex Software, Inc., 101 Lucas Valley Road #110,
% San Rafael, CA  94903, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861.

% $Id: Fontmap.Ult,v 1.4 2002/02/21 21:49:28 giles Exp $
% Fontmap.Ult is derived from the standard Fontmap file distributed with
% ghostscript; for credits and sources see that file.  The modifications here
% are valid for ULTRIX 4.3, and consist of defining some fonts and font
% aliases as the licensed fontfiles included in ULTRIX for use on ULTRIX
% workstations, which give better quality than the free fontfiles available
% for ghostscript.  Under ULTRIX 4.3 the licensed fontfiles are found in
%       /usr/lib/DPS/outline/decwin
% so that directory must either be built into ghostscript by redefining
% GS_LIB_DEFAULT when ghostscript is compiled, or else by defining an
% environmental variable GS_LIB_DEFAULT, which contains it as an element of
% the path, when running ghostscript.  For instance, under the KornShell
%       GS_LIB_DEFAULT=/usr/gs:/usr/lib/DPS/outline/decwin:/usr/gs/fonts
%       export GS_LIB_DEFAULT
% Peter Kaiser ( 27 January 1995
% Updated by L. Peter Deutsch ( 5 January 1999
%   to include correct aliasing for the Bitstream Charter fonts

/AvantGarde-Book                        (AvantGarde-Book)               ;
/AvantGarde-BookOblique                 (AvantGarde-BookOblique)        ;
/AvantGarde-Demi                        (AvantGarde-Demi)               ;
/AvantGarde-DemiOblique                 (AvantGarde-DemiOblique)        ;
/Courier                                (Courier)                       ;
/Courier-Bold                           (Courier-Bold)                  ;
/Courier-BoldOblique                    (Courier-BoldOblique)           ;
/Courier-Oblique                        (Courier-Oblique)               ;
/Helvetica                              (Helvetica)                     ;
/Helvetica-Bold                         (Helvetica-Bold)                ;
/Helvetica-BoldOblique                  (Helvetica-BoldOblique)         ;
/Helvetica-Oblique                      (Helvetica-Oblique)             ;
/LubalinGraph-Book                      (LubalinGraph-Book)             ;
/LubalinGraph-BookOblique               (LubalinGraph-BookOblique)      ;
/LubalinGraph-Demi                      (LubalinGraph-Demi)             ;
/LubalinGraph-DemiOblique               (LubalinGraph-DemiOblique)      ;
/NewCenturySchlbk-Bold                  (NewCenturySchlbk-Bold)         ;
/NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic            (NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic)   ;
/NewCenturySchlbk-Italic                (NewCenturySchlbk-Italic)       ;
/NewCenturySchlbk-Roman                 (NewCenturySchlbk-Roman)        ;
/Souvenir-Demi                          (Souvenir-Demi)                 ;
/Souvenir-DemiItalic                    (Souvenir-DemiItalic)           ;
/Souvenir-Light                         (Souvenir-Light)                ;
/Souvenir-LightItalic                   (Souvenir-LightItalic)          ;
/Symbol                                 (Symbol)                        ;
/Times-Bold                             (Times-Bold)                    ;
/Times-BoldItalic                       (Times-BoldItalic)              ;
/Times-Italic                           (Times-Italic)                  ;
/Times-Roman                            (Times-Roman)                   ;

% Fonts distributed as part of ghostscript

/Bookman-Demi                           (pbkd.gsf)      ;
/Bookman-DemiItalic                     (pbkdi.gsf)     ;
/Bookman-Light                          (pbkl.gsf)      ;
/Bookman-LightItalic                    (pbkli.gsf)     ;
/Calligraphic-Hiragana                  (fhirw.gsf)     ;
/Calligraphic-Katakana                  (fkarw.gsf)     ;
/CharterBT-Bold                         (bchb.pfa)      ;
/CharterBT-BoldItalic                   (bchbi.pfa)     ;
/CharterBT-Italic                       (bchri.pfa)     ;
/CharterBT-Roman                        (bchr.pfa)      ;
/Hershey-Gothic-English                 (hrger.pfa)     ;
/Hershey-Gothic-English-Bold            (hrgerb.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Gothic-English-Oblique         (hrgero.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Gothic-English-SemiBold        (hrgerd.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Gothic-German                  (hrgrr.pfa)     ;
/Hershey-Gothic-German-Bold             (hrgrrb.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Gothic-German-Oblique          (hrgrro.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Gothic-Italian                 (hritr.pfa)     ;
/Hershey-Gothic-Italian-Bold            (hritrb.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Gothic-Italian-Oblique         (hritro.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Greek-Complex                  (hrgkc.gsf)     ;
/Hershey-Greek-Simplex                  (hrgks.gsf)     ;
/Hershey-Plain                          (hrplr.gsf)     ;
/Hershey-Plain-Bold                     (hrplrb.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Bold-Oblique             (hrplrbo.gsf)   ;
/Hershey-Plain-Duplex                   (hrpld.pfa)     ;
/Hershey-Plain-Duplex-Bold              (hrpldb.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Duplex-Bold-Italic       (hrpldbi.gsf)   ;
/Hershey-Plain-Duplex-Italic            (hrpldi.pfa)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Oblique                  (hrplro.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Simplex                  (hrpls.gsf)     ;
/Hershey-Plain-Simplex-Bold             (hrplsb.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Simplex-Bold-Oblique     (hrplsbo.gsf)   ;
/Hershey-Plain-Simplex-Oblique          (hrplso.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Triplex                  (hrplt.pfa)     ;
/Hershey-Plain-Triplex-Bold             (hrpltb.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Triplex-Bold-Italic      (hrpltbi.gsf)   ;
/Hershey-Plain-Triplex-Italic           (hrplti.pfa)    ;
/Hershey-Script-Complex                 (hrscc.pfa)     ;
/Hershey-Script-Complex-Bold            (hrsccb.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Script-Complex-Oblique         (hrscco.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Script-Simplex                 (hrscs.pfa)     ;
/Hershey-Script-Simplex-Bold            (hrscsb.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Script-Simplex-Oblique         (hrscso.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Symbol                         (hrsyr.gsf)     ;
/NimbusRomanNo9L-Regular                (n021003l.gsf)  ;
/NimbusSansL-Regular                    (n019003l.gsf)  ;
/Palatino-Bold                          (pplb.gsf)      ;
/Palatino-BoldItalic                    (pplbi.gsf)     ;
/Palatino-Italic                        (pplri.gsf)     ;
/Palatino-Roman                         (pplr.gsf)      ;
/Shareware-Cyrillic-Italic              (fcyri.gsf)     ;
/Shareware-Cyrillic-Regular             (fcyr.gsf)      ;
/URWAntiquaT-RegularCondensed           (u003043t.gsf)  ;
/URWGroteskT-Bold                       (u004006t.gsf)  ;
/Utopia-Bold                            (putb.pfa)      ;
/Utopia-BoldItalic                      (putbi.pfa)     ;
/Utopia-Italic                          (putri.pfa)     ;
/Utopia-Regular                         (putr.pfa)      ;
/ZapfChancery                           (zcr.gsf)       ;
/ZapfChancery-Bold                      (zcb.gsf)       ;
/ZapfChancery-Oblique                   (zcro.gsf)      ;
/ZapfDingbats                           (pzdr.gsf)      ;

% Font aliases

/Charter-Roman                  /CharterBT-Roman        ;
/Charter-Italic                 /CharterBT-Italic       ;
/Charter-Bold                   /CharterBT-Bold         ;
/Charter-BoldItalic             /CharterBT-BoldItalic   ;
/Courier-BoldItalic                     /Courier-BoldOblique            ;
/Courier-Italic                         /Courier-Oblique                ;
/Cyrillic                               /Shareware-Cyrillic-Regular     ;
/Cyrillic-Italic                        /Shareware-Cyrillic-Italic      ;
/Cyrillic-Regular                       /Shareware-Cyrillic-Regular     ;
/Helvetica-Narrow-Bold                  /Helvetica-Narrow               ;
/ZapfChancery-MediumItalic              /ZapfChancery-Oblique           ;