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% fontmap.vms - Ghostscript fontmap for VAX/VMS systems with DECwindows/Motif.
% Mathog, 14-SEP-2000.  Modified slightly from that provided by 6.01.
% Changed to use Courier font from Decwindows instead of Ghostscript
% The hershey fonts are listed, but they are not constructed during a regular
% build of the package.
% **************************
%Uses all the XDPS Outline fonts (Type 1 fonts) provided with Motif.
%XDPS on VAX/VMS does not have Bookman, Palatino and ZapfChancery fonts, so
%we still have to use the Ghostscript fonts for those. Helvetica-Narrow is also
%missing. But then you get the LubalinGraph and Souvenir fonts which are just

%If you want the Apple symbol (SIC!) then remove the comment (%)
%in front of character 240 in the following file (he he he)

% Fonts contributed by:
%       URW++ Design and Development Incorporated
%       Poppenbuetteler Bogen 29A
%       D-22399 Hamburg
%       Germany
%       tel. +49 (40) 60 60 50
%       fax +49 (40) 60 60 51 11
% for distribution under the GNU License and Aladdin Free Public License.
% See the notice at the head of this Fontmap file for licensing terms.
% Each of these fonts is individually covered by the license:
% for licensing purposes, they are not "part of" any larger entity.
% The following notice applies to these fonts:
%       Copyright URW Software, Copyright 1994 by URW.

% Actual fonts

/URWBookmanL-DemiBold   (b018015l.pfb)  ;
/URWBookmanL-DemiBoldItal       (b018035l.pfb)  ;
/URWBookmanL-Ligh       (b018012l.pfb)  ;
/URWBookmanL-LighItal   (b018032l.pfb)  ;

/NimbusMonL-Regu        (n022003l.pfb)  ;
/NimbusMonL-ReguObli    (n022023l.pfb)  ;
/NimbusMonL-Bold        (n022004l.pfb)  ;
/NimbusMonL-BoldObli    (n022024l.pfb)  ;

/URWGothicL-Book        (a010013l.pfb)  ;
/URWGothicL-BookObli    (a010033l.pfb)  ;
/URWGothicL-Demi        (a010015l.pfb)  ;
/URWGothicL-DemiObli    (a010035l.pfb)  ;

/NimbusSanL-Regu        (n019003l.pfb)  ;
/NimbusSanL-ReguItal    (n019023l.pfb)  ;
/NimbusSanL-Bold        (n019004l.pfb)  ;
/NimbusSanL-BoldItal    (n019024l.pfb)  ;

/NimbusSanL-ReguCond    (n019043l.pfb)  ;
/NimbusSanL-ReguCondItal        (n019063l.pfb)  ;
/NimbusSanL-BoldCond    (n019044l.pfb)  ;
/NimbusSanL-BoldCondItal        (n019064l.pfb)  ;

/URWPalladioL-Roma      (p052003l.pfb)  ;
/URWPalladioL-Ital      (p052023l.pfb)  ;
/URWPalladioL-Bold      (p052004l.pfb)  ;
/URWPalladioL-BoldItal  (p052024l.pfb)  ;

/CenturySchL-Roma       (c059013l.pfb)  ;
/CenturySchL-Ital       (c059033l.pfb)  ;
/CenturySchL-Bold       (c059016l.pfb)  ;
/CenturySchL-BoldItal   (c059036l.pfb)  ;

/NimbusRomNo9L-Regu     (n021003l.pfb)  ;
/NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItal (n021023l.pfb)  ;
/NimbusRomNo9L-Medi     (n021004l.pfb)  ;
/NimbusRomNo9L-MediItal (n021024l.pfb)  ;

/StandardSymL   (s050000l.pfb)  ;

/URWChanceryL-MediItal  (z003034l.pfb)  ;

/Dingbats       (d050000l.pfb)  ;

% Aliases

/Bookman-Demi                   /URWBookmanL-DemiBold   ;
/Bookman-DemiItalic             /URWBookmanL-DemiBoldItal       ;
/Bookman-Light                  /URWBookmanL-Ligh       ;
/Bookman-LightItalic            /URWBookmanL-LighItal   ;

%/Courier                       /NimbusMonL-Regu        ;
%/Courier-Oblique               /NimbusMonL-ReguObli    ;
%/Courier-Bold                  /NimbusMonL-Bold        ;
%/Courier-BoldOblique           /NimbusMonL-BoldObli    ;

%/AvantGarde-Book               /URWGothicL-Book        ;
%/AvantGarde-BookOblique                /URWGothicL-BookObli    ;
%/AvantGarde-Demi               /URWGothicL-Demi        ;
%/AvantGarde-DemiOblique                /URWGothicL-DemiObli    ;

%/Helvetica                     /NimbusSanL-Regu        ;
%/Helvetica-Oblique             /NimbusSanL-ReguItal    ;
%/Helvetica-Bold                        /NimbusSanL-Bold        ;
%/Helvetica-BoldOblique         /NimbusSanL-BoldItal    ;

/Helvetica-Narrow               /NimbusSanL-ReguCond    ;
/Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique       /NimbusSanL-ReguCondItal        ;
/Helvetica-Narrow-Bold          /NimbusSanL-BoldCond    ;
/Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique   /NimbusSanL-BoldCondItal        ;

/Palatino-Roman                 /URWPalladioL-Roma      ;
/Palatino-Italic                /URWPalladioL-Ital      ;
/Palatino-Bold                  /URWPalladioL-Bold      ;
/Palatino-BoldItalic            /URWPalladioL-BoldItal  ;

%/NewCenturySchlbk-Roman                /CenturySchL-Roma       ;
%/NewCenturySchlbk-Italic       /CenturySchL-Ital       ;
%/NewCenturySchlbk-Bold         /CenturySchL-Bold       ;
%/NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic   /CenturySchL-BoldItal   ;

%/Times-Roman                   /NimbusRomNo9L-Regu     ;
%/Times-Italic                  /NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItal ;
%/Times-Bold                    /NimbusRomNo9L-Medi     ;
%/Times-BoldItalic              /NimbusRomNo9L-MediItal ;

%/Symbol                                /StandardSymL   ;

/ZapfChancery-MediumItalic      /URWChanceryL-MediItal  ;

/ZapfDingbats                   /Dingbats       ;

% Type 1 fonts contributed to the X11R5 distribution.

% The following notice accompanied the Charter fonts.
% (c) Copyright 1989-1992, Bitstream Inc., Cambridge, MA.
% You are hereby granted permission under all Bitstream propriety rights
% to use, copy, modify, sublicense, sell, and redistribute the 4 Bitstream
% Charter (r) Type 1 outline fonts and the 4 Courier Type 1 outline fonts
% for any purpose and without restriction; provided, that this notice is
% left intact on all copies of such fonts and that Bitstream's trademark
% is acknowledged as shown below on all unmodified copies of the 4 Charter
% Type 1 fonts.
% BITSTREAM CHARTER is a registered trademark of Bitstream Inc.
/CharterBT-Roman                (bchr.pfa)      ;
/CharterBT-Italic               (bchri.pfa)     ;
/CharterBT-Bold                 (bchb.pfa)      ;
/CharterBT-BoldItalic           (bchbi.pfa)     ;
%Charter to CharterBT aliasing
/Charter-Roman                  /CharterBT-Roman        ;
/Charter-Italic                 /CharterBT-Italic       ;
/Charter-Bold                   /CharterBT-Bold         ;
/Charter-BoldItalic             /CharterBT-BoldItalic   ;

% IBM Courier - Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 1990, 1991
%/Courier               (ncrr.pfa)      ;
%/Courier-Italic                (ncrri.pfa)     ;
%/Courier-Bold          (ncrb.pfa)      ;
%/Courier-BoldItalic    (ncrbi.pfa)     ;
%Oblique to Italic aliasing
%/Courier-Oblique               /Courier-Italic         ;
%/Courier-BoldOblique           /Courier-BoldItalic     ;
/Courier-Italic                 /Courier-Oblique        ;
/Courier-BoldItalic             /Courier-BoldOblique    ;

% The following notice accompanied the Utopia font:
%   Permission to use, reproduce, display and distribute the listed
%   typefaces is hereby granted, provided that the Adobe Copyright notice
%   appears in all whole and partial copies of the software and that the
%   following trademark symbol and attribution appear in all unmodified
%   copies of the software:
%           Copyright (c) 1989 Adobe Systems Incorporated
%           Utopia (R)
%           Utopia is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated
%   The Adobe typefaces (Type 1 font program, bitmaps and Adobe Font
%   Metric files) donated are:
%           Utopia Regular
%           Utopia Italic
%           Utopia Bold
%           Utopia Bold Italic

/Utopia-Regular         (putr.gsf)      ;
/Utopia-Italic          (putri.gsf)     ;
/Utopia-Bold            (putb.gsf)      ;
/Utopia-BoldItalic      (putbi.gsf)     ;

% Fonts contributed by URW GmbH for distribution under the GNU License.
% The following notice accompanied these fonts:
% U004006T URW Grotesk 2031 Bold PostScript Type 1 Font Program
% U003043T URW Antiqua 2051 Regular Condensed PostScript Type 1 Font Program
% Copyright (c) 1992 URW GmbH, Hamburg, Germany
% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
% (at your option) later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; wihtout even the implied warranty of
% See the GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 U.S.A.
% Address:
% URW GmbH
% PC Support
% Harksheider Strasse 102
% 2000 Hamburg 65
% Germany
% Phone: +49 40 60 60 50       (Reception)
% Phone: +49 40 60 60 52 30   (PC Support)
% Fax    : +49 40 60 60 52 52

/URWAntiquaT-RegularCondensed   (u003043t.gsf)  ;
/URWGroteskT-Bold               (u004006t.gsf)  ;

% Shareware Kana fonts.  These are subject to the following notice:
% These copyrighted fonts were developed by Kevin Hartig. Permission is
% granted to freely distribute them in entirety along with this statement.
% This is shareware. If you decide to use these fonts please contribute
% $10 US to help support further freeware and shareware software development.
% Questions and comments may be sent to:
% Kevin Hartig
% 1126 Collyer Street
% Longmont, CO 80501 USA
% copyright 1993.

% Hiragana and Katakana fonts.  The character names are inappropriate,
% and the encoding is probably not related to any known standard.

/Calligraphic-Hiragana          (fhirw.gsf)     ;
/Calligraphic-Katakana          (fkarw.gsf)     ;

% Public-domain fonts.  These have no copyright, and are of unknown quality.

% Cyrillic fonts.  The character names are inappropriate,
% and the encoding is probably not related to any known standard.

/Shareware-Cyrillic-Regular     (fcyr.gsf)      ;
/Shareware-Cyrillic-Italic      (fcyri.gsf)     ;

% Aliases
/Cyrillic                       /Cyrillic-Regular       ;
/Cyrillic-Regular               /Shareware-Cyrillic-Regular     ;
/Cyrillic-Italic                /Shareware-Cyrillic-Italic      ;

% Fonts converted from Hershey outlines.  These are constructed and
% maintained manually.  These are also in the public domain.
% The suggested UniqueID's and filenames are constructed differently for
% these than for the ones above, because of the strange way that the Hershey
% fonts were constructed.  The scheme for these looks like:
% 42TTXY0
% TT = typeface, X = ``class'', Y = variation
% The typeface names and numbers are listed in fonts.mak.
% class:
% 0 = normal                    = r
% 1 = simplex                   = s
% 2 = complex                   = c
% 3 = triplex                   = t
% 4 = duplex                    = d
% variation:
% 0 = normal                    (omitted)
% 1 = oblique                   = o
% 2 = italic                    = i
% 3 = bold                      = b
% 4 = bold oblique              = bo
% 5 = bold italic               = bi

% Fonts created by Thomas Wolff <>, by adding
% accents, accented characters, and various other non-alphabetics
% to the original Hershey fonts.  These are "freeware", not to be sold.

/Hershey-Gothic-English         (hrger.pfa)     ;       % 5066533
/Hershey-Gothic-German          (hrgrr.pfa)     ;
/Hershey-Gothic-Italian         (hritr.pfa)     ; 

/Hershey-Plain-Duplex           (hrpld.pfa)     ;
/Hershey-Plain-Duplex-Italic    (hrpldi.pfa)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Triplex          (hrplt.pfa)     ;
/Hershey-Plain-Triplex-Italic   (hrplti.pfa)    ;

/Hershey-Script-Complex         (hrscc.pfa)     ;
/Hershey-Script-Simplex         (hrscs.pfa)     ;       % 5066541

% Fonts created algorithmically from the above.

/Hershey-Gothic-English-Bold            (hrgerb.gsf)    ;       % 5066542
/Hershey-Gothic-English-Oblique         (hrgero.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Gothic-English-SemiBold        (hrgerd.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Gothic-German-Bold             (hrgrrb.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Gothic-German-Oblique          (hrgrro.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Gothic-Italian-Bold            (hritrb.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Gothic-Italian-Oblique         (hritro.gsf)    ;

/Hershey-Plain-Duplex-Bold              (hrpldb.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Duplex-Bold-Italic       (hrpldbi.gsf)   ;
/Hershey-Plain-Triplex-Bold             (hrpltb.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Triplex-Bold-Italic      (hrpltbi.gsf)   ;

/Hershey-Script-Complex-Bold            (hrsccb.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Script-Complex-Oblique         (hrscco.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Script-Simplex-Bold            (hrscsb.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Script-Simplex-Oblique         (hrscso.gsf)    ;       % 5066556

% Fonts consisting only of characters from the original Hershey
% distribution.  These are Type 3 fonts.

/Hershey-Greek-Complex                  (hrgkc.gsf)     ;       % 5066557
/Hershey-Greek-Simplex                  (hrgks.gsf)     ;

/Hershey-Plain                          (hrplr.gsf)     ;
/Hershey-Plain-Simplex                  (hrpls.gsf)     ;       % 5066560

% Fonts created algorithmically from the above.

/Hershey-Plain-Bold                     (hrplrb.gsf)    ;       % 5066561
/Hershey-Plain-Bold-Oblique             (hrplrbo.gsf)   ;
/Hershey-Plain-Oblique                  (hrplro.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Simplex-Bold             (hrplsb.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Simplex-Bold-Oblique     (hrplsbo.gsf)   ;
/Hershey-Plain-Simplex-Oblique          (hrplso.gsf)    ;       % 5066566

% This font, and only this font among the Hershey fonts, uses
% the SymbolEncoding.

/Hershey-Symbol                         (hrsyr.gsf)     ;       % 5066567