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/* Copyright (C) 1989-1994, 1998 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
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/* $Id: gdevepsn.c,v 1.9 2004/08/04 19:36:12 stefan Exp $*/
* Epson (and similar) dot-matrix printer driver for Ghostscript.
* Four devices are defined here: 'epson', 'eps9mid', 'eps9high', and 'ibmpro'.
* The 'epson' device is the generic device, for 9-pin and 24-pin printers.
* 'eps9high' is a special mode for 9-pin printers where scan lines are
* interleaved in multiple passes to produce high vertical resolution at
* the expense of several passes of the print head. 'eps9mid' is a special
* mode for 9 pin printers too, scan lines are interleaved but with next
* vertical line. 'ibmpro' is for the IBM ProPrinter, which has slightly
* (but only slightly) different control codes.
* Thanks to:
* David Wexelblat ( for the 'eps9high' code;
* Guenther Thomsen ( for the 'eps9mid' code;
* James W. Birdsall ( for the
* 'ibmpro' modifications;
* Russell J. Lang ( for the 180x60 and 240x180 dpi
* enhancements.
#include "gdevprn.h"
* Define whether the printer is archaic -- so old that it doesn't
* support settable tabs, pitch, or left margin. (This should be a
* run-time property....) Note: the IBM ProPrinter is archaic.
/*#define ARCHAIC 1*/
* Define whether the printer is a Panasonic 9-pin printer,
* which sometimes doesn't recognize a horizontal tab command
* when a line contains a lot of graphics commands,
* requiring a "backspace, space" sequence before a tab.
/*#define TAB_HICCUP 1*/
* Define the minimum distance for which it's worth converting white space
* into a tab. This can be specified in pixels (to save transmission time),
* in tenths of an inch (for printers where tabs provoke actual head motion),
* or both. The distance must meet BOTH criteria for the driver to tab,
* so an irrelevant criterion should be set to 0 rather than infinite.
#define MIN_TAB_PIXELS 10
#define MIN_TAB_10THS 15
* Valid values for X_DPI:
* For 9-pin printers: 60, 120, 240
* For 24-pin printers: 60, 120, 180, 240, 360
* The value specified at compile time is the default value used if the
* user does not specify a resolution at runtime.
#ifndef X_DPI
# define X_DPI 240
* For Y_DPI, a given printer will support a base resolution of 60 or 72;
* check the printer manual. The Y_DPI value must be a multiple of this
* base resolution. Valid values for Y_DPI:
* For 9-pin printers: 1*base_res
* For 24-pin printers: 1*base_res, 3*base_res
* The value specified at compile time is the default value used if the
* user does not specify a resolution at runtime.
#ifndef Y_BASERES
# define Y_BASERES 72
#ifndef Y_DPI
# define Y_DPI (1*Y_BASERES)
/* The device descriptors */
private dev_proc_print_page(epson_print_page);
private dev_proc_print_page(eps9mid_print_page);
private dev_proc_print_page(eps9high_print_page);
private dev_proc_print_page(ibmpro_print_page);
/* Standard Epson device */
const gx_device_printer far_data gs_epson_device =
prn_device(prn_std_procs, "epson",
0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, /* margins */
1, epson_print_page);
/* Mid-res (interleaved, 1 pass per line) 9-pin device */
const gx_device_printer far_data gs_eps9mid_device =
prn_device(prn_std_procs, "eps9mid",
0.2, 0.0, 0, 0.0, /* margins */
1, eps9mid_print_page);
/* High-res (interleaved) 9-pin device */
const gx_device_printer far_data gs_eps9high_device =
prn_device(prn_std_procs, "eps9high",
0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, /* margins */
1, eps9high_print_page);
/* IBM ProPrinter device */
const gx_device_printer far_data gs_ibmpro_device =
prn_device(prn_std_procs, "ibmpro",
0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, /* margins */
1, ibmpro_print_page);
/* ------ Driver procedures ------ */
/* Forward references */
private void eps_output_run(byte *, int, int, char, FILE *, int);
/* Send the page to the printer. */
#define DD 0x40 /* double density flag */
private int
eps_print_page(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *prn_stream, int y_9pin_high,
const char *init_string, int init_length, const char *end_string,
int archaic, int tab_hiccup)
static const char graphics_modes_9[5] =
-1, 0 /*60*/, 1 /*120*/, 7 /*180*/, DD+3 /*240*/
static const char graphics_modes_24[7] =
-1, 32 /*60*/, 33 /*120*/, 39 /*180*/,
DD+35 /*240*/, -1, DD+40 /*360*/
int y_24pin = (y_9pin_high ? 0 : pdev->y_pixels_per_inch > 72);
int in_y_mult = ((y_24pin | y_9pin_high) ? 3 : 1);
int line_size = gdev_mem_bytes_per_scan_line((gx_device *)pdev);
/* Note that in_size is a multiple of 8. */
int in_size = line_size * (8 * in_y_mult);
byte *buf1 = (byte *)gs_malloc(pdev->memory, in_size, 1, "eps_print_page(buf1)");
byte *buf2 = (byte *)gs_malloc(pdev->memory, in_size, 1, "eps_print_page(buf2)");
byte *in = buf1;
byte *out = buf2;
int out_y_mult = (y_24pin ? 3 : 1);
int x_dpi = (int)pdev->x_pixels_per_inch;
char start_graphics =
(y_24pin ? graphics_modes_24 : graphics_modes_9)[x_dpi / 60];
int first_pass = (start_graphics & DD ? 1 : 0);
int last_pass = first_pass * (y_9pin_high == 2 ? 1 : 2);
int y_passes = (y_9pin_high ? 3 : 1);
int dots_per_space = x_dpi / 10; /* pica space = 1/10" */
int bytes_per_space = dots_per_space * out_y_mult;
int tab_min_pixels = x_dpi * MIN_TAB_10THS / 10;
int skip = 0, lnum = 0, pass, ypass;
/* Check allocations */
if ( buf1 == 0 || buf2 == 0 )
{ if ( buf1 )
gs_free(pdev->memory, (char *)buf1, in_size, 1, "eps_print_page(buf1)");
if ( buf2 )
gs_free(pdev->memory, (char *)buf2, in_size, 1, "eps_print_page(buf2)");
/* Initialize the printer and reset the margins. */
fwrite(init_string, 1, init_length, prn_stream);
if ( init_string[init_length - 1] == 'Q' )
fputc((int)(pdev->width / pdev->x_pixels_per_inch * 10) + 2,
/* Calculate the minimum tab distance. */
if ( tab_min_pixels < max(MIN_TAB_PIXELS, 3) )
tab_min_pixels = max(MIN_TAB_PIXELS, 3);
tab_min_pixels -= tab_min_pixels % 3; /* simplify life */
/* Print lines of graphics */
while ( lnum < pdev->height )
byte *in_data;
byte *inp;
byte *in_end;
byte *out_end;
byte *out_blk;
register byte *outp;
int lcnt;
/* Copy 1 scan line and test for all zero. */
gdev_prn_get_bits(pdev, lnum, in, &in_data);
if ( in_data[0] == 0 &&
!memcmp((char *)in_data, (char *)in_data + 1, line_size - 1)
skip += 3 / in_y_mult;
/* Vertical tab to the appropriate position. */
while ( skip > 255 )
fputs("\033J\377", prn_stream);
skip -= 255;
if ( skip )
fprintf(prn_stream, "\033J%c", skip);
/* Copy the the scan lines. */
lcnt = gdev_prn_copy_scan_lines(pdev, lnum, in, in_size);
if ( lcnt < 8 * in_y_mult )
{ /* Pad with lines of zeros. */
memset(in + lcnt * line_size, 0,
in_size - lcnt * line_size);
if ( y_9pin_high == 2 )
{ /* Force printing of every dot in one pass */
/* by reducing vertical resolution */
/* (ORing with the next line of data). */
/* This is necessary because some Epson compatibles */
/* can't print neighboring dots. */
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < line_size * in_y_mult; ++i )
in_data[i] |= in_data[i + line_size];
if ( y_9pin_high )
{ /* Shuffle the scan lines */
byte *p;
int i;
static const char index[] =
{ 0, 8, 16, 1, 9, 17,
2, 10, 18, 3, 11, 19,
4, 12, 20, 5, 13, 21,
6, 14, 22, 7, 15, 23
for ( i = 0; i < 24; i++ )
in+(i*line_size), line_size);
p = in;
in = out;
out = p;
for ( ypass = 0; ypass < y_passes; ypass++ )
for ( pass = first_pass; pass <= last_pass; pass++ )
/* We have to 'transpose' blocks of 8 pixels x 8 lines, */
/* because that's how the printer wants the data. */
/* If we are in a 24-pin mode, we have to transpose */
/* groups of 3 lines at a time. */
if ( pass == first_pass )
out_end = out;
inp = in;
in_end = inp + line_size;
if ( y_24pin )
for ( ; inp < in_end; inp++, out_end += 24 )
gdev_prn_transpose_8x8(inp, line_size, out_end, 3);
gdev_prn_transpose_8x8(inp + line_size * 8,
line_size, out_end + 1, 3);
gdev_prn_transpose_8x8(inp + line_size * 16,
line_size, out_end + 2, 3);
/* Remove trailing 0s. */
while ( out_end > out && out_end[-1] == 0 &&
out_end[-2] == 0 && out_end[-3] == 0)
out_end -= 3;
for ( ; inp < in_end; inp++, out_end += 8 )
gdev_prn_transpose_8x8(inp + (ypass * 8*line_size),
line_size, out_end, 1);
/* Remove trailing 0s. */
while ( out_end > out && out_end[-1] == 0 )
for ( out_blk = outp = out; outp < out_end; )
/* Skip a run of leading 0s. At least */
/* tab_min_pixels are needed to make tabbing */
/* worth it. We do everything by 3's to */
/* avoid having to make different cases */
/* for 9- and 24-pin. */
if ( !archaic &&
*outp == 0 && out_end - outp >= tab_min_pixels &&
(outp[1] | outp[2]) == 0 &&
!memcmp((char *)outp, (char *)outp + 3,
tab_min_pixels - 3)
byte *zp = outp;
int tpos;
byte *newp;
outp += tab_min_pixels;
while ( outp + 3 <= out_end &&
*outp == 0 &&
outp[1] == 0 && outp[2] == 0 )
outp += 3;
tpos = (outp - out) / bytes_per_space;
newp = out + tpos * bytes_per_space;
if ( newp > zp + 10 )
/* Output preceding bit data.*/
if ( zp > out_blk )
/* only false at beginning of line */
eps_output_run(out_blk, (int)(zp - out_blk),
out_y_mult, start_graphics,
(y_9pin_high == 2 ?
(1 + ypass) & 1 : pass));
/* Tab over to the appropriate position. */
if ( tab_hiccup )
fputs("\010 ", prn_stream); /* bksp, space */
/* The following statement is broken up */
/* to work around a bug in emx/gcc. */
fprintf(prn_stream, "\033D%c", tpos);
fputc(0, prn_stream);
fputc('\t', prn_stream);
out_blk = outp = newp;
outp += out_y_mult;
if ( outp > out_blk )
eps_output_run(out_blk, (int)(outp - out_blk),
out_y_mult, start_graphics,
(y_9pin_high == 2 ? (1 + ypass) & 1 : pass));
fputc('\r', prn_stream);
if ( ypass < y_passes - 1 )
fputs("\033J\001", prn_stream);
skip = 24 - y_passes + 1; /* no skip on last Y pass */
lnum += 8 * in_y_mult;
/* Eject the page and reinitialize the printer */
fputs(end_string, prn_stream);
gs_free(pdev->memory, (char *)buf2, in_size, 1, "eps_print_page(buf2)");
gs_free(pdev->memory, (char *)buf1, in_size, 1, "eps_print_page(buf1)");
return 0;
/* Output a single graphics command. */
/* pass=0 for all columns, 1 for even columns, 2 for odd columns. */
private void
eps_output_run(byte *data, int count, int y_mult,
char start_graphics, FILE *prn_stream, int pass)
int xcount = count / y_mult;
fputc(033, prn_stream);
if ( !(start_graphics & ~3) )
fputc("KLYZ"[(int)start_graphics], prn_stream);
fputc('*', prn_stream);
fputc(start_graphics & ~DD, prn_stream);
fputc(xcount & 0xff, prn_stream);
fputc(xcount >> 8, prn_stream);
if ( !pass )
fwrite(data, 1, count, prn_stream);
/* Only write every other column of y_mult bytes. */
int which = pass;
register byte *dp = data;
register int i, j;
for ( i = 0; i < xcount; i++, which++ )
for ( j = 0; j < y_mult; j++, dp++ )
putc(((which & 1) ? *dp : 0), prn_stream);
/* The print_page procedures are here, to avoid a forward reference. */
#ifndef ARCHAIC
# define ARCHAIC 0
#ifndef TAB_HICCUP
# define TAB_HICCUP 0
#define ESC 0x1b
private const char eps_init_string[] = {
ESC, '@', 022 /*^R*/, ESC, 'Q'
ESC, '@', ESC, 'P', ESC, 'l', 0, '\r', ESC, 'Q'
private int
epson_print_page(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *prn_stream)
return eps_print_page(pdev, prn_stream, 0, eps_init_string,
sizeof(eps_init_string), "\f\033@",
private int
eps9high_print_page(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *prn_stream)
return eps_print_page(pdev, prn_stream, 1, eps_init_string,
sizeof(eps_init_string), "\f\033@",
private int
eps9mid_print_page(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *prn_stream)
return eps_print_page(pdev, prn_stream, 2, eps_init_string,
sizeof(eps_init_string), "\f\033@",
private int
ibmpro_print_page(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *prn_stream)
* IBM Proprinter Guide to Operations, p. 4-5: "DC1: Select Printer: Sets
* the printer to accept data from your computer." Prevents printer from
* interpreting first characters as literal text.
#define DC1 0x11
static const char ibmpro_init_string[] = {
DC1, ESC, '3', 0x30
#undef DC1
return eps_print_page(pdev, prn_stream, 0, ibmpro_init_string,
sizeof(ibmpro_init_string), "\f", 1, 0);