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/* Copyright (C) 2003 artofcode LLC.  All rights reserved.
  This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
  This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
  modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
  of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
  For more information about licensing, please refer to For information on
  commercial licensing, go to or
  contact Artifex Software, Inc., 101 Lucas Valley Road #110,
  San Rafael, CA  94903, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861.

/*$Id: gdevrinkj.c,v 1.1 2004/05/28 23:02:59 raph Exp $ */
/* Support for rinkj (resplendent inkjet) drivers. */

#include "math_.h"
#include "gdevprn.h"
#include "gsparam.h"
#include "gscrd.h"
#include "gscrdp.h"
#include "gxlum.h"
#include "gdevdcrd.h"
#include "gstypes.h"
#include "icc.h"
#include "gxdcconv.h"

#include "rinkj/rinkj-device.h"
#include "rinkj/rinkj-byte-stream.h"
#include "rinkj/rinkj-screen-eb.h"
#include "rinkj/rinkj-epson870.h"

/* Define the device parameters. */
#ifndef X_DPI
#  define X_DPI 720
#ifndef Y_DPI
#  define Y_DPI 720

/* The device descriptor */
private dev_proc_get_params(rinkj_get_params);
private dev_proc_put_params(rinkj_put_params);
private dev_proc_print_page(rinkj_print_page);
private dev_proc_map_color_rgb(rinkj_map_color_rgb);
private dev_proc_get_color_mapping_procs(get_rinkj_color_mapping_procs);
private dev_proc_get_color_comp_index(rinkj_get_color_comp_index);
private dev_proc_encode_color(rinkj_encode_color);
private dev_proc_decode_color(rinkj_decode_color);

 * Type definitions associated with the fixed color model names.
typedef const char * fixed_colorant_name;
typedef fixed_colorant_name fixed_colorant_names_list[];

 * Structure for holding SeparationNames and SeparationOrder elements.
typedef struct gs_separation_names_s {
    int num_names;
    const gs_param_string * names[GX_DEVICE_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS];
} gs_separation_names;

/* This is redundant with color_info.cm_name. We may eliminate this
   typedef and use the latter string for everything. */
typedef enum {
} rinkj_color_model;

 * A structure definition for a DeviceN type device
typedef struct rinkj_device_s {

    /*        ... device-specific parameters ... */

    rinkj_color_model color_model;

     * Bits per component (device colorant).  Currently only 1 and 8 are
     * supported.
    int bitspercomponent;
    int n_planes_out; /* actual number of channels in device */

     * Pointer to the colorant names for the color model.  This will be
     * null if we have DeviceN type device.  The actual possible colorant
     * names are those in this list plus those in the separation_names
     * list (below).
    const fixed_colorant_names_list * std_colorant_names;
    int num_std_colorant_names; /* Number of names in list */

    * Separation names (if any).
    gs_separation_names separation_names;

     * Separation Order (if specified).
    gs_separation_names separation_order;

    /* ICC color profile objects, for color conversion. */
    char profile_out_fn[256];
    icmLuBase *lu_out;

    char setup_fn[256];
} rinkj_device;

 * Macro definition for DeviceN procedures
#define device_procs(get_color_mapping_procs)\
{       gdev_prn_open,\
        NULL,                           /* sync_output */\
        gdev_prn_output_page,           /* output_page */\
        gdev_prn_close,                 /* close */\
        NULL,                           /* map_rgb_color - not used */\
        rinkj_map_color_rgb,            /* map_color_rgb */\
        NULL,                           /* fill_rectangle */\
        NULL,                           /* tile_rectangle */\
        NULL,                           /* copy_mono */\
        NULL,                           /* copy_color */\
        NULL,                           /* draw_line */\
        NULL,                           /* get_bits */\
        rinkj_get_params,               /* get_params */\
        rinkj_put_params,               /* put_params */\
        NULL,                           /* map_cmyk_color - not used */\
        NULL,                           /* get_xfont_procs */\
        NULL,                           /* get_xfont_device */\
        NULL,                           /* map_rgb_alpha_color */\
        gx_page_device_get_page_device, /* get_page_device */\
        NULL,                           /* get_alpha_bits */\
        NULL,                           /* copy_alpha */\
        NULL,                           /* get_band */\
        NULL,                           /* copy_rop */\
        NULL,                           /* fill_path */\
        NULL,                           /* stroke_path */\
        NULL,                           /* fill_mask */\
        NULL,                           /* fill_trapezoid */\
        NULL,                           /* fill_parallelogram */\
        NULL,                           /* fill_triangle */\
        NULL,                           /* draw_thin_line */\
        NULL,                           /* begin_image */\
        NULL,                           /* image_data */\
        NULL,                           /* end_image */\
        NULL,                           /* strip_tile_rectangle */\
        NULL,                           /* strip_copy_rop */\
        NULL,                           /* get_clipping_box */\
        NULL,                           /* begin_typed_image */\
        NULL,                           /* get_bits_rectangle */\
        NULL,                           /* map_color_rgb_alpha */\
        NULL,                           /* create_compositor */\
        NULL,                           /* get_hardware_params */\
        NULL,                           /* text_begin */\
        NULL,                           /* finish_copydevice */\
        NULL,                           /* begin_transparency_group */\
        NULL,                           /* end_transparency_group */\
        NULL,                           /* begin_transparency_mask */\
        NULL,                           /* end_transparency_mask */\
        NULL,                           /* discard_transparency_layer */\
        get_color_mapping_procs,        /* get_color_mapping_procs */\
        rinkj_get_color_comp_index,     /* get_color_comp_index */\
        rinkj_encode_color,             /* encode_color */\
        rinkj_decode_color              /* decode_color */\

private const fixed_colorant_names_list DeviceGrayComponents = {
        0                /* List terminator */

private const fixed_colorant_names_list DeviceRGBComponents = {
        0                /* List terminator */

private const fixed_colorant_names_list DeviceCMYKComponents = {
        0                /* List terminator */

private const gx_device_procs spot_cmyk_procs = device_procs(get_rinkj_color_mapping_procs);

const rinkj_device gs_rinkj_device =
    prn_device_body_extended(rinkj_device, spot_cmyk_procs, "rinkj",
         X_DPI, Y_DPI,          /* X and Y hardware resolution */
         0, 0, 0, 0,            /* margins */
         GX_DEVICE_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS, 4,     /* MaxComponents, NumComp */
         GX_CINFO_POLARITY_SUBTRACTIVE,         /* Polarity */
         32, 0,                 /* Depth, Gray_index, */
         255, 255, 1, 1,        /* MaxGray, MaxColor, DitherGray, DitherColor */
         GX_CINFO_SEP_LIN,      /* Linear & Separable */
         "DeviceN",             /* Process color model name */
         rinkj_print_page),     /* Printer page print routine */
    /* DeviceN device specific parameters */
    RINKJ_DEVICE_CMYK,          /* Color model */
    8,                          /* Bits per color - must match ncomp, depth, etc. above */
    (&DeviceCMYKComponents),    /* Names of color model colorants */
    4,                          /* Number colorants for CMYK */
    {0},                        /* SeparationNames */
    {0}                         /* SeparationOrder names */

 * The following procedures are used to map the standard color spaces into
 * the color components for the spotrgb device.
private void
gray_cs_to_spotrgb_cm(gx_device * dev, frac gray, frac out[])
/* TO_DO_DEVICEN  This routine needs to include the effects of the SeparationOrder array */
    int i = ((rinkj_device *)dev)->separation_names.num_names;

    out[0] = out[1] = out[2] = gray;
    for(; i>0; i--)                     /* Clear spot colors */
        out[2 + i] = 0;

private void
rgb_cs_to_spotrgb_cm(gx_device * dev, const gs_imager_state *pis,
                                  frac r, frac g, frac b, frac out[])
/* TO_DO_DEVICEN  This routine needs to include the effects of the SeparationOrder array */
    int i = ((rinkj_device *)dev)->separation_names.num_names;

    out[0] = r;
    out[1] = g;
    out[2] = b;
    for(; i>0; i--)                     /* Clear spot colors */
        out[2 + i] = 0;

private void
cmyk_cs_to_spotrgb_cm(gx_device * dev, frac c, frac m, frac y, frac k, frac out[])
/* TO_DO_DEVICEN  This routine needs to include the effects of the SeparationOrder array */
    int i = ((rinkj_device *)dev)->separation_names.num_names;

    color_cmyk_to_rgb(c, m, y, k, NULL, out);
    for(; i>0; i--)                     /* Clear spot colors */
        out[2 + i] = 0;

private void
gray_cs_to_spotcmyk_cm(gx_device * dev, frac gray, frac out[])
/* TO_DO_DEVICEN  This routine needs to include the effects of the SeparationOrder array */
    int i = ((rinkj_device *)dev)->separation_names.num_names;

    out[0] = out[1] = out[2] = 0;
    out[3] = frac_1 - gray;
    for(; i>0; i--)                     /* Clear spot colors */
        out[3 + i] = 0;

private void
rgb_cs_to_spotcmyk_cm(gx_device * dev, const gs_imager_state *pis,
                                   frac r, frac g, frac b, frac out[])
/* TO_DO_DEVICEN  This routine needs to include the effects of the SeparationOrder array */
    rinkj_device *rdev = (rinkj_device *)dev;
    int n = rdev->separation_names.num_names;
    int i;

    color_rgb_to_cmyk(r, g, b, pis, out);
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++)                      /* Clear spot colors */
        out[4 + i] = 0;

private void
cmyk_cs_to_spotcmyk_cm(gx_device * dev, frac c, frac m, frac y, frac k, frac out[])
/* TO_DO_DEVICEN  This routine needs to include the effects of the SeparationOrder array */
    rinkj_device *rdev = (rinkj_device *)dev;
    int n = rdev->separation_names.num_names;
    int i;

    out[0] = c;
    out[1] = m;
    out[2] = y;
    out[3] = k;
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++)                      /* Clear spot colors */
        out[4 + i] = 0;

private void
cmyk_cs_to_spotn_cm(gx_device * dev, frac c, frac m, frac y, frac k, frac out[])
/* TO_DO_DEVICEN  This routine needs to include the effects of the SeparationOrder array */
    rinkj_device *rdev = (rinkj_device *)dev;
    int n = rdev->separation_names.num_names;
    int i;

    /* If no profile given, assume CMYK */
    out[0] = c;
    out[1] = m;
    out[2] = y;
    out[3] = k;
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++)                      /* Clear spot colors */
        out[4 + i] = 0;

private void
gray_cs_to_spotn_cm(gx_device * dev, frac gray, frac out[])
/* TO_DO_DEVICEN  This routine needs to include the effects of the SeparationOrder array */

    cmyk_cs_to_spotn_cm(dev, 0, 0, 0, frac_1 - gray, out);

private void
rgb_cs_to_spotn_cm(gx_device * dev, const gs_imager_state *pis,
                                   frac r, frac g, frac b, frac out[])
/* TO_DO_DEVICEN  This routine needs to include the effects of the SeparationOrder array */
    frac cmyk[4];

    color_rgb_to_cmyk(r, g, b, pis, cmyk);
    cmyk_cs_to_spotn_cm(dev, cmyk[0], cmyk[1], cmyk[2], cmyk[3],

private const gx_cm_color_map_procs spotRGB_procs = {
    gray_cs_to_spotrgb_cm, rgb_cs_to_spotrgb_cm, cmyk_cs_to_spotrgb_cm

private const gx_cm_color_map_procs spotCMYK_procs = {
    gray_cs_to_spotcmyk_cm, rgb_cs_to_spotcmyk_cm, cmyk_cs_to_spotcmyk_cm

private const gx_cm_color_map_procs spotN_procs = {
    gray_cs_to_spotn_cm, rgb_cs_to_spotn_cm, cmyk_cs_to_spotn_cm

 * These are the handlers for returning the list of color space
 * to color model conversion routines.

private const gx_cm_color_map_procs *
get_rinkj_color_mapping_procs(const gx_device * dev)
    const rinkj_device *rdev = (const rinkj_device *)dev;

    if (rdev->color_model == RINKJ_DEVICE_RGB)
        return &spotRGB_procs;
    else if (rdev->color_model == RINKJ_DEVICE_CMYK)
        return &spotCMYK_procs;
    else if (rdev->color_model == RINKJ_DEVICE_N)
        return &spotN_procs;
        return NULL;

 * Encode a list of colorant values into a gx_color_index_value.
private gx_color_index
rinkj_encode_color(gx_device *dev, const gx_color_value colors[])
    int bpc = ((rinkj_device *)dev)->bitspercomponent;
    int drop = sizeof(gx_color_value) * 8 - bpc;
    gx_color_index color = 0;
    int i = 0;
    int ncomp = dev->color_info.num_components;

    for (; i<ncomp; i++) {
        color <<= bpc;
        color |= (colors[i] >> drop);
    return (color == gx_no_color_index ? color ^ 1 : color);

 * Decode a gx_color_index value back to a list of colorant values.
private int
rinkj_decode_color(gx_device * dev, gx_color_index color, gx_color_value * out)
    int bpc = ((rinkj_device *)dev)->bitspercomponent;
    int drop = sizeof(gx_color_value) * 8 - bpc;
    int mask = (1 << bpc) - 1;
    int i = 0;
    int ncomp = dev->color_info.num_components;

    for (; i<ncomp; i++) {
        out[ncomp - i - 1] = (color & mask) << drop;
        color >>= bpc;
    return 0;

 * Convert a gx_color_index to RGB.
private int
rinkj_map_color_rgb(gx_device *dev, gx_color_index color, gx_color_value rgb[3])
    rinkj_device *rdev = (rinkj_device *)dev;

    if (rdev->color_model == RINKJ_DEVICE_RGB)
        return rinkj_decode_color(dev, color, rgb);
    /* TODO: return reasonable values. */
    rgb[0] = 0;
    rgb[1] = 0;
    rgb[2] = 0;
    return 0;

private int
rinkj_open_profile(rinkj_device *rdev, char *profile_fn, icmLuBase **pluo,
                 int *poutn)
    icmFile *fp;
    icc *icco;
    icmLuBase *luo;

#ifdef VERBOSE
    dlprintf1("rinkj_open_profile %s\n", profile_fn);
    fp = new_icmFileStd_name(profile_fn, (char *)"r");
    if (fp == NULL)
    icco = new_icc();
    if (icco == NULL)
    if (icco->read(icco, fp, 0))
    luo = icco->get_luobj(icco, icmFwd, icmDefaultIntent, icmSigDefaultData, icmLuOrdNorm);
    if (luo == NULL)
    *pluo = luo;
    luo->spaces(luo, NULL, NULL, NULL, poutn, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    return 0;

private int
rinkj_open_profiles(rinkj_device *rdev)
    int code = 0;
    if (rdev->lu_out == NULL && rdev->profile_out_fn[0]) {
        code = rinkj_open_profile(rdev, rdev->profile_out_fn,
                                    &rdev->lu_out, NULL);
    return code;

#define set_param_array(a, d, s)\
  ( = d, a.size = s, a.persistent = false);

/* Get parameters.  We provide a default CRD. */
private int
rinkj_get_params(gx_device * pdev, gs_param_list * plist)
    rinkj_device *rdev = (rinkj_device *)pdev;
    int code;
    bool seprs = false;
    gs_param_string_array scna;
    gs_param_string pos;
    gs_param_string sfs;

    set_param_array(scna, NULL, 0);

    if ( (code = gdev_prn_get_params(pdev, plist)) < 0 ||
         (code = sample_device_crd_get_params(pdev, plist, "CRDDefault")) < 0 ||
         (code = param_write_name_array(plist, "SeparationColorNames", &scna)) < 0 ||
         (code = param_write_bool(plist, "Separations", &seprs)) < 0)
        return code; = (const byte *)rdev->profile_out_fn,
        pos.size = strlen(rdev->profile_out_fn),
        pos.persistent = false;
    code = param_write_string(plist, "ProfileOut", &pos);
    if (code < 0)
        return code; = (const byte *)rdev->setup_fn,
        sfs.size = strlen(rdev->setup_fn),
        sfs.persistent = false;
    code = param_write_string(plist, "SetupFile", &sfs);

    return code;
#undef set_param_array

#define compare_color_names(name, name_size, str, str_size) \
    (name_size == str_size && \
        (strncmp((const char *)name, (const char *)str, name_size) == 0))

 * This routine will check if a name matches any item in a list of process model
 * color component names.
private bool
check_process_color_names(const fixed_colorant_names_list * pcomp_list,
                          const gs_param_string * pstring)
    if (pcomp_list) {
        const fixed_colorant_name * plist = *pcomp_list;
        uint size = pstring->size;
        while( *plist) {
            if (compare_color_names(*plist, strlen(*plist), pstring->data, size)) {
                return true;
    return false;

 * This utility routine calculates the number of bits required to store
 * color information.  In general the values are rounded up to an even
 * byte boundary except those cases in which mulitple pixels can evenly
 * into a single byte.
 * The parameter are:
 *   ncomp - The number of components (colorants) for the device.  Valid
 *      values are 1 to GX_DEVICE_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS
 *   bpc - The number of bits per component.  Valid values are 1, 2, 4, 5,
 *      and 8.
 * Input values are not tested for validity.
static int
bpc_to_depth(int ncomp, int bpc)
    static const byte depths[4][8] = {
        {1, 2, 0, 4, 8, 0, 0, 8},
        {2, 4, 0, 8, 16, 0, 0, 16},
        {4, 8, 0, 16, 16, 0, 0, 24},
        {4, 8, 0, 16, 32, 0, 0, 32}

    if (ncomp <=4 && bpc <= 8)
        return depths[ncomp -1][bpc-1];
        return (ncomp * bpc + 7) & 0xf8;

#define BEGIN_ARRAY_PARAM(pread, pname, pa, psize, e)\
    switch (code = pread(plist, (param_name = pname), &(pa))) {\
      case 0:\
        if ((pa).size != psize) {\
          ecode = gs_note_error(gs_error_rangecheck);\
          (pa).data = 0;        /* mark as not filled */\
        } else
#define END_ARRAY_PARAM(pa, e)\
        goto e;\
        ecode = code;\
e:      param_signal_error(plist, param_name, ecode);\
      case 1:\
        (pa).data = 0;          /* mark as not filled */\

private int
rinkj_param_read_fn(gs_param_list *plist, const char *name,
                  gs_param_string *pstr, int max_len)
    int code = param_read_string(plist, name, pstr);

    if (code == 0) {
        if (pstr->size >= max_len)
            param_signal_error(plist, name, code = gs_error_rangecheck);
    } else {
        pstr->data = 0;
    return code;

/* Compare a C string and a gs_param_string. */
static bool
param_string_eq(const gs_param_string *pcs, const char *str)
    return (strlen(str) == pcs->size &&
            !strncmp(str, (const char *)pcs->data, pcs->size));

private int
rinkj_set_color_model(rinkj_device *rdev, rinkj_color_model color_model)
    int bpc = 8;

    rdev->color_model = color_model;
    if (color_model == RINKJ_DEVICE_GRAY) {
        rdev->std_colorant_names = &DeviceGrayComponents;
        rdev->num_std_colorant_names = 1;
        rdev->color_info.cm_name = "DeviceGray";
        rdev->color_info.polarity = GX_CINFO_POLARITY_ADDITIVE;
    } else if (color_model == RINKJ_DEVICE_RGB) {
        rdev->std_colorant_names = &DeviceRGBComponents;
        rdev->num_std_colorant_names = 3;
        rdev->color_info.cm_name = "DeviceRGB";
        rdev->color_info.polarity = GX_CINFO_POLARITY_ADDITIVE;
    } else if (color_model == RINKJ_DEVICE_CMYK) {
        rdev->std_colorant_names = &DeviceCMYKComponents;
        rdev->num_std_colorant_names = 4;
        rdev->color_info.cm_name = "DeviceCMYK";
        rdev->color_info.polarity = GX_CINFO_POLARITY_SUBTRACTIVE;
    } else if (color_model == RINKJ_DEVICE_N) {
        rdev->std_colorant_names = &DeviceCMYKComponents;
        rdev->num_std_colorant_names = 4;
        rdev->color_info.cm_name = "DeviceN";
        rdev->color_info.polarity = GX_CINFO_POLARITY_SUBTRACTIVE;
    } else {
        return -1;

    rdev->color_info.max_components = rdev->num_std_colorant_names;
    rdev->color_info.num_components = rdev->num_std_colorant_names;
    rdev->color_info.depth = bpc * rdev->num_std_colorant_names;
    return 0;

/* Set parameters.  We allow setting the number of bits per component. */
private int
rinkj_put_params(gx_device * pdev, gs_param_list * plist)
    rinkj_device * const pdevn = (rinkj_device *) pdev;
    gx_device_color_info save_info;
    gs_param_name param_name;
    int npcmcolors;
    int num_spot = pdevn->separation_names.num_names;
    int ecode = 0;
    int code;
    gs_param_string_array scna;
    gs_param_string po;
    gs_param_string sf;
    gs_param_string pcm;
    rinkj_color_model color_model = pdevn->color_model;

    BEGIN_ARRAY_PARAM(param_read_name_array, "SeparationColorNames", scna, scna.size, scne) {
    } END_ARRAY_PARAM(scna, scne);

    if (code >= 0)
        code = rinkj_param_read_fn(plist, "ProfileOut", &po,
    if (code >= 0)
        code = rinkj_param_read_fn(plist, "SetupFile", &sf,

    if (code >= 0)
        code = param_read_name(plist, "ProcessColorModel", &pcm);
    if (code == 0) {
        if (param_string_eq (&pcm, "DeviceGray"))
            color_model = RINKJ_DEVICE_GRAY;
        else if (param_string_eq (&pcm, "DeviceRGB"))
            color_model = RINKJ_DEVICE_RGB;
        else if (param_string_eq (&pcm, "DeviceCMYK"))
            color_model = RINKJ_DEVICE_CMYK;
        else if (param_string_eq (&pcm, "DeviceN"))
            color_model = RINKJ_DEVICE_N;
        else {
            param_signal_error(plist, "ProcessColorModel",
                               code = gs_error_rangecheck);
    if (code < 0)
        ecode = code;

     * Save the color_info in case gdev_prn_put_params fails, and for
     * comparison.
    save_info = pdevn->color_info;
    ecode = rinkj_set_color_model(pdevn, color_model);
    if (ecode == 0)
        ecode = gdev_prn_put_params(pdev, plist);
    if (ecode < 0) {
        pdevn->color_info = save_info;
        return ecode;

    /* Separations are only valid with a subtractive color model */
    if (pdev->color_info.polarity == GX_CINFO_POLARITY_SUBTRACTIVE) {
         * Process the separation color names.  Remove any names that already
         * match the process color model colorant names for the device.
        if ( != 0) {
            int i;
            int num_names = scna.size;
            const fixed_colorant_names_list * pcomp_names = 
                                ((rinkj_device *)pdev)->std_colorant_names;

            for (i = num_spot = 0; i < num_names; i++) {
                if (!check_process_color_names(pcomp_names, &[i]))
                    pdevn->separation_names.names[num_spot++] = &[i];
            pdevn->separation_names.num_names = num_spot;
            if (pdevn->is_open)
    npcmcolors = pdevn->num_std_colorant_names;
    pdevn->color_info.num_components = npcmcolors + num_spot;
     * The DeviceN device can have zero components if nothing has been
     * specified.  This causes some problems so force at least one
     * component until something is specified.
    if (!pdevn->color_info.num_components)
        pdevn->color_info.num_components = 1;
    pdevn->color_info.depth = bpc_to_depth(pdevn->color_info.num_components,
    if (pdevn->color_info.depth != save_info.depth) {

    if ( != 0) {
        memcpy(pdevn->profile_out_fn,, po.size);
        pdevn->profile_out_fn[po.size] = 0;
    if ( != 0) {
        memcpy(pdevn->setup_fn,, sf.size);
        pdevn->setup_fn[sf.size] = 0;
    code = rinkj_open_profiles(pdevn);

    return code;

 * This routine will check to see if the color component name  match those
 * that are available amoung the current device's color components.  
 * Parameters:
 *   dev - pointer to device data structure.
 *   pname - pointer to name (zero termination not required)
 *   nlength - length of the name
 * This routine returns a positive value (0 to n) which is the device colorant
 * number if the name is found.  It returns a negative value if not found.
private int
rinkj_get_color_comp_index(const gx_device * dev, const char * pname, int name_size, int src_index)
/* TO_DO_DEVICEN  This routine needs to include the effects of the SeparationOrder array */
    const fixed_colorant_names_list * list = ((const rinkj_device *)dev)->std_colorant_names;
    const fixed_colorant_name * pcolor = *list;
    int color_component_number = 0;
    int i;

    /* Check if the component is in the implied list. */
    if (pcolor) {
        while( *pcolor) {
            if (compare_color_names(pname, name_size, *pcolor, strlen(*pcolor)))
                return color_component_number;

    /* Check if the component is in the separation names list. */
        const gs_separation_names * separations = &((const rinkj_device *)dev)->separation_names;
        int num_spot = separations->num_names;

        for (i=0; i<num_spot; i++) {
            if (compare_color_names((const char *)separations->names[i]->data,
                  separations->names[i]->size, pname, name_size)) {
                return color_component_number;

    return -1;

/* simple linear interpolation */
static double
rinkj_graph_lookup (const double *graph_x, const double *graph_y, int n_graph, double x)
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < n_graph - 1; i++)
      if (graph_x[i + 1] > x)
  return graph_y[i] + (x - graph_x[i]) * (graph_y[i + 1] - graph_y[i]) /
    (graph_x[i + 1] - graph_x[i]);

typedef struct rinkj_lutset_s rinkj_lutset;
typedef struct rinkj_lutchain_s rinkj_lutchain;

struct rinkj_lutset_s {
    char *plane_names;
    rinkj_lutchain *lut[MAX_CHAN];

struct rinkj_lutchain_s {
    rinkj_lutchain *next;
    int n_graph;
    double *graph_x;
    double *graph_y;

static int
rinkj_add_lut(rinkj_device *rdev, rinkj_lutset *lutset, char plane, FILE *f)
    char linebuf[256];
    rinkj_lutchain *chain;
    int n_graph;
    int plane_ix;
    int i;
    rinkj_lutchain **pp;

    for (plane_ix = 0; lutset->plane_names[plane_ix]; plane_ix++)
        if (lutset->plane_names[plane_ix] == plane)
    if (lutset->plane_names[plane_ix] != plane)
        return -1;
    pp = &lutset->lut[plane_ix];

    if (fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), f) == NULL)
        return -1;
    if (sscanf(linebuf, "%d", &n_graph) != 1)
        return -1;
    chain = (rinkj_lutchain *)gs_alloc_bytes(rdev->memory, sizeof(rinkj_lutchain), "rinkj_add_lut");
    chain->next = NULL;
    chain->n_graph = n_graph;
    chain->graph_x = (double *)gs_alloc_bytes(rdev->memory, sizeof(double) * n_graph, "rinkj_add_lut");
    chain->graph_y = (double *)gs_alloc_bytes(rdev->memory, sizeof(double) * n_graph, "rinkj_add_lut");
    for (i = 0; i < n_graph; i++) {
        double x, y;

        if (fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), f) == NULL)
            return -1;
        if (sscanf(linebuf, "%lf %lf", &y, &x) != 2)
            return -1;
        chain->graph_x[i] = x / 1.0;
        chain->graph_y[i] = y / 1.0;
    /* add at end of chain */
    while (*pp) {
        pp = &((*pp)->next);
    *pp = chain;
    return 0;

static int
rinkj_apply_luts(rinkj_device *rdev, RinkjDevice *cmyk_dev, const rinkj_lutset *lutset)
    int plane_ix;
    double lut[256];

    for (plane_ix = 0; plane_ix < 7; plane_ix++) {
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
            double g = i / 255.0;
            rinkj_lutchain *chain;

            for (chain = lutset->lut[plane_ix]; chain; chain = chain->next) {
                g = rinkj_graph_lookup(chain->graph_x, chain->graph_y,
                                       chain->n_graph, g);
            lut[i] = g;
        rinkj_screen_eb_set_lut(cmyk_dev, plane_ix, lut);
    return 0;

static int
rinkj_set_luts(rinkj_device *rdev,
               RinkjDevice *printer_dev, RinkjDevice *cmyk_dev,
               const char *config_fn, const RinkjDeviceParams *params)
    FILE *f = fopen(config_fn, "r");
    char linebuf[256];
    char key[256];
    char *val;
    rinkj_lutset lutset;
    int i;

    lutset.plane_names = "KkCMcmY";
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHAN; i++) {
        lutset.lut[i] = NULL;
    for (;;) {
        if (fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), f) == NULL)
        for (i = 0; linebuf[i]; i++)
            if (linebuf[i] == ':') break;
        if (linebuf[i] != ':') {
        memcpy(key, linebuf, i);
        key[i] = 0;
        for (i++; linebuf[i] == ' '; i++);
        val = linebuf + i;

        if (!strcmp(key, "AddLut")) {
            if_debug1('r', "[r]%s", linebuf);
            rinkj_add_lut(rdev, &lutset, val[0], f);
        } else if (!strcmp(key, "Dither") || !strcmp(key, "Aspect")) {
            rinkj_device_set_param_string(cmyk_dev, key, val);
        } else {
            rinkj_device_set_param_string(printer_dev, key, val);


    rinkj_apply_luts(rdev, cmyk_dev, &lutset);
    /* todo: free lutset contents */

    return 0;

static RinkjDevice *
rinkj_init(rinkj_device *rdev, FILE *file)
    RinkjByteStream *bs;
    RinkjDevice *epson_dev;
    RinkjDevice *cmyk_dev;
    RinkjDeviceParams params;

    bs = rinkj_byte_stream_file_new(file);
    epson_dev = rinkj_epson870_new(bs);
    cmyk_dev = rinkj_screen_eb_new(epson_dev);

    params.width = rdev->width;
    params.height = rdev->height;
    params.n_planes = 7;
    params.plane_names = "CMYKcmk";
    rdev->n_planes_out = params.n_planes;

    rinkj_set_luts(rdev, epson_dev, cmyk_dev, rdev->setup_fn, &params);

    rinkj_device_init (cmyk_dev, &params);

    return cmyk_dev;

typedef struct rinkj_color_cache_entry_s rinkj_color_cache_entry;

struct rinkj_color_cache_entry_s {
    bits32 key;
    bits32 value;


static inline bits32
rinkj_color_hash(bits32 color)
    /* This is somewhat arbitrary */
    return (color ^ (color >> 10) ^ (color >> 20)) & (RINKJ_CCACHE_SIZE - 1);

static int
rinkj_write_image_data(gx_device_printer *pdev, RinkjDevice *cmyk_dev)
    rinkj_device *rdev = (rinkj_device *)pdev;
    int raster = gdev_prn_raster(rdev);
    byte *line;
    char *plane_data[MAX_CHAN];
    const char *split_plane_data[MAX_CHAN];
    int xsb;
    int n_planes;
    int n_planes_in = pdev->color_info.num_components;
    int n_planes_out = 4;
    int i;
    int y;
    icmLuBase *luo = rdev->lu_out;
    int code = 0;
    rinkj_color_cache_entry *cache = NULL;

    n_planes = n_planes_in + rdev->separation_names.num_names;
    if_debug1('r', "[r]n_planes = %d\n", n_planes);
    xsb = pdev->width;
    for (i = 0; i < n_planes_out; i++)
        plane_data[i] = gs_alloc_bytes(pdev->memory, xsb, "rinkj_write_image_data");

    if (luo != NULL) {
        cache = (rinkj_color_cache_entry *)gs_alloc_bytes(pdev->memory, RINKJ_CCACHE_SIZE * sizeof(rinkj_color_cache_entry), "rinkj_write_image_data");
        if (cache == NULL)
            return gs_note_error(gs_error_VMerror);

        /* Set up cache so that none of the keys will hit. */
        cache[0].key = 1;
        for (i = 1; i < RINKJ_CCACHE_SIZE; i++)
            cache[i].key = 0;

    /* do CMYK -> CMYKcmk ink split by plane replication */
    split_plane_data[0] = plane_data[0];
    split_plane_data[1] = plane_data[1];
    split_plane_data[2] = plane_data[2];
    split_plane_data[3] = plane_data[3];
    split_plane_data[4] = plane_data[0];
    split_plane_data[5] = plane_data[1];
    split_plane_data[6] = plane_data[3];

    line = gs_alloc_bytes(pdev->memory, raster, "rinkj_write_image_data");
    for (y = 0; y < pdev->height; y++) {
        byte *row;
        int x;

        code = gdev_prn_get_bits(pdev, y, line, &row);

        if (luo == NULL) {
            int rowix = 0;
            for (x = 0; x < pdev->width; x++) {
                for (i = 0; i < n_planes_in; i++)
                    plane_data[i][x] = row[rowix + i];
                rowix += n_planes;
        } else if (n_planes == 3) {
            int rowix = 0;
            for (x = 0; x < pdev->width; x++) {
                byte cbuf[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
                bits32 color;
                bits32 hash = rinkj_color_hash(color);
                byte vbuf[4];

                memcpy(cbuf, row + rowix, 3);
                color = ((bits32 *)cbuf)[0];
                if (cache[hash].key != color) {
                    double in[MAX_CHAN], out[MAX_CHAN];

                    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        in[i] = cbuf[i] * (1.0 / 255);
                    luo->lookup(luo, out, in);
                    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        vbuf[i] = (int)(0.5 + 255 * out[i]);
                    cache[hash].key = color;
                    cache[hash].value = ((bits32 *)vbuf)[0];
                } else {
                    ((bits32 *)vbuf)[0] = cache[hash].value;
                plane_data[0][x] = vbuf[0];
                plane_data[1][x] = vbuf[1];
                plane_data[2][x] = vbuf[2];
                plane_data[3][x] = vbuf[3];
                rowix += n_planes;
        } else if (n_planes == 4) {
            for (x = 0; x < pdev->width; x++) {
                bits32 color = ((bits32 *)row)[x];
                bits32 hash = rinkj_color_hash(color);
                byte vbuf[4];

                if (cache[hash].key != color) {
                    byte cbuf[4];
                    double in[MAX_CHAN], out[MAX_CHAN];

                    ((bits32 *)cbuf)[0] = color;
                    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        in[i] = cbuf[i] * (1.0 / 255);
                    luo->lookup(luo, out, in);
                    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        vbuf[i] = (int)(0.5 + 255 * out[i]);
                    cache[hash].key = color;
                    cache[hash].value = ((bits32 *)vbuf)[0];
                } else {
                    ((bits32 *)vbuf)[0] = cache[hash].value;
                plane_data[0][x] = vbuf[0];
                plane_data[1][x] = vbuf[1];
                plane_data[2][x] = vbuf[2];
                plane_data[3][x] = vbuf[3];
        } else if (n_planes == 5) {
            int rowix = 0;
            for (x = 0; x < pdev->width; x++) {
                byte cbuf[4];
                bits32 color;
                bits32 hash = rinkj_color_hash(color);
                byte vbuf[4];
                byte spot;
                int scolor[4] = { 0x08, 0xc0, 0x80, 0 };

                memcpy(cbuf, row + rowix, 4);
                color = ((bits32 *)cbuf)[0];
                if (cache[hash].key != color) {
                    double in[MAX_CHAN], out[MAX_CHAN];

                    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        in[i] = cbuf[i] * (1.0 / 255);
                    luo->lookup(luo, out, in);
                    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        vbuf[i] = (int)(0.5 + 255 * out[i]);
                    cache[hash].key = color;
                    cache[hash].value = ((bits32 *)vbuf)[0];
                } else {
                    ((bits32 *)vbuf)[0] = cache[hash].value;
                spot = row[rowix + 4];
                if (spot != 0) {
                    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                        int cmyk = vbuf[i], sp_i = spot;
                        int tmp = (cmyk << 8) - cmyk;
                        tmp += (sp_i * scolor[i] * (255 - cmyk)) >> 8;
                        tmp += 0x80;
                        plane_data[i][x] = (tmp + (tmp >> 8)) >> 8;
                } else {
                    plane_data[0][x] = vbuf[0];
                    plane_data[1][x] = vbuf[1];
                    plane_data[2][x] = vbuf[2];
                    plane_data[3][x] = vbuf[3];
                rowix += n_planes;

        code = rinkj_device_write(cmyk_dev, split_plane_data);

    rinkj_device_write(cmyk_dev, NULL);
    for (i = 0; i < n_planes_in; i++)
        gs_free_object(pdev->memory, plane_data[i], "rinkj_write_image_data");
    gs_free_object(pdev->memory, line, "rinkj_write_image_data");
    gs_free_object(pdev->memory, cache, "rinkj_write_image_data");

    return code;

static int
rinkj_print_page(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *file)
    rinkj_device *rdev = (rinkj_device *)pdev;
    int code = 0;
    RinkjDevice *cmyk_dev;

    cmyk_dev = rinkj_init(rdev, file);
    if (cmyk_dev == 0)
        return gs_note_error(gs_error_ioerror);

    code = rinkj_write_image_data(pdev, cmyk_dev);
    return code;