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/* Copyright (C) 2003 Aladdin Enterprises.  All rights reserved.
  This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
  This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
  modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
  of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
  For more information about licensing, please refer to For information on
  commercial licensing, go to or
  contact Artifex Software, Inc., 101 Lucas Valley Road #110,
  San Rafael, CA  94903, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861.

/* $Id: gxfill.h,v 1.23 2004/10/26 03:51:16 giles Exp $ */
/* Common structures for the filling algorithm and dropout prevention. */

#ifndef gxfill_INCLUDED
#  define gxfill_INCLUDED

/* Define the structure for keeping track of active lines. */
#ifndef active_line_DEFINED
#  define active_line_DEFINED
typedef struct active_line_s active_line;
struct active_line_s {
    gs_fixed_point start;       /* x,y where line starts */
    gs_fixed_point end;         /* x,y where line ends */
    gs_fixed_point diff;        /* end - start */
    fixed y_fast_max;           /* can do x_at_y in fixed point */
                                /* if y <= y_fast_max */
    fixed num_adjust;           /* 0 if diff.x >= 0, -diff.y + epsilon if */
                                /* diff.x < 0 and division truncates */
    /* neg/pos truncates, we must bias the numberator. */
#  define SET_NUM_ADJUST(alp) \
    (alp)->num_adjust =\
      ((alp)->diff.x >= 0 ? 0 : -(alp)->diff.y + fixed_epsilon)
#  define ADD_NUM_ADJUST(num, alp) ((num) + (alp)->num_adjust)
#  define MAX_MINUS_NUM_ADJUST(alp) ADD_NUM_ADJUST(max_fixed, alp)
    /* neg/pos takes the floor, no special action is needed. */
#  define ADD_NUM_ADJUST(num, alp) (num)
#  define MAX_MINUS_NUM_ADJUST(alp) max_fixed
#define SET_AL_POINTS(alp, startp, endp)\
    (alp)->diff.y = (endp).y - (startp).y;\
    (alp)->diff.x = (endp).x - (startp).x;\
    (alp)->y_fast_max = MAX_MINUS_NUM_ADJUST(alp) /\
      (((alp)->diff.x >= 0 ? (alp)->diff.x : -(alp)->diff.x) | 1) +\
    (alp)->start = startp, (alp)->end = endp;\
     * We know that alp->start.y <= yv <= alp->end.y, because the fill loop
     * guarantees that the only lines being considered are those with this
     * property.
#define AL_X_AT_Y(alp, yv)\
  ((yv) == (alp)->end.y ? (alp)->end.x :\
   ((yv) <= (alp)->y_fast_max ?\
    ADD_NUM_ADJUST(((yv) - (alp)->start.y) * (alp)->diff.x, alp) / (alp)->diff.y :\
     fixed_mult_quo((alp)->diff.x, (yv) - (alp)->start.y, (alp)->diff.y))) +\
    fixed x_current;            /* current x position */
    fixed x_next;               /* x position at end of band */
    const segment *pseg;        /* endpoint of this line */
    int direction;              /* direction of line segment */
#define DIR_UP 1
#define DIR_HORIZONTAL 0        /* (these are handled specially) */
#define DIR_DOWN (-1)
    bool monotonic_x;           /* "false" means "don't know"; only for scanline. */
    bool monotonic_y;           /* "false" means "don't know"; only for scanline. */
    gx_flattened_iterator fi;
    bool more_flattened;
 * "Pending" lines (not reached in the Y ordering yet) use next and prev
 * to order lines by increasing starting Y.  "Active" lines (being scanned)
 * use next and prev to order lines by increasing current X, or if the
 * current Xs are equal, by increasing final X.
    active_line *prev, *next;
/* Link together active_lines allocated individually */
    active_line *alloc_next;

typedef struct fill_options_s {
    bool pseudo_rasterization;  /* See comment about "pseudo-rasterization". */
    fixed ymin, ymax;
    const gx_device_color * pdevc;
    gs_logical_operation_t lop;
    bool fill_direct;
    fixed fixed_flat;
    bool fill_by_trapezoids;
    fixed adjust_left, adjust_right;
    fixed adjust_below, adjust_above;
    gx_device *dev;
    const gs_fixed_rect * pbox;
    bool is_spotan;
    int rule;
} fill_options;

/* Line list structure */
#ifndef line_list_DEFINED
#  define line_list_DEFINED
typedef struct line_list_s line_list;
struct line_list_s {
    gs_memory_t *memory;
    active_line *active_area;   /* allocated active_line list */
    active_line *next_active;   /* next allocation slot */
    active_line *limit;         /* limit of local allocation */
    int close_count;            /* # of added closing lines */
    active_line *y_list;        /* Y-sorted list of pending lines */
    active_line *y_line;        /* most recently inserted line */
    active_line x_head;         /* X-sorted list of active lines */
#define x_list
    active_line *h_list0, *h_list1; /* lists of horizontal lines for y, y1 */
    margin_set margin_set0, margin_set1;
    margin *free_margin_list; 
    int local_margin_alloc_count;
    int bbox_left, bbox_width;
    int main_dir;
    fixed y_break;
    const fill_options * const fo;
    /* Put the arrays last so the scalars will have */
    /* small displacements. */
    /* Allocate a few active_lines locally */
    /* to avoid round trips through the allocator. */
#if arch_small_memory
#  define MAX_LOCAL_ACTIVE 6    /* don't overburden the stack */
#  define MAX_LOCAL_SECTION 50
#  define MAX_LOCAL_ACTIVE 20
#  define MAX_LOCAL_SECTION 100
    active_line local_active[MAX_LOCAL_ACTIVE];
    margin local_margins[MAX_LOCAL_ACTIVE];
    section local_section0[MAX_LOCAL_SECTION];
    section local_section1[MAX_LOCAL_SECTION];

#define LOOP_FILL_RECTANGLE_DIRECT(fo, x, y, w, h)\
  (/*fo->fill_direct*/FILL_DIRECT ?\
   (fo)->fill_rect((fo)->dev, x, y, w, h, (fo)->pdevc->colors.pure) :\
   gx_fill_rectangle_device_rop(x, y, w, h, (fo)->pdevc, (fo)->dev, (fo)->lop))

/* ---------------- Statistics ---------------- */

#ifdef DEBUG
struct stats_fill_s {
        fill, fill_alloc, y_up, y_down, horiz, x_step, slow_x, iter, find_y,
        band, band_step, band_fill, afill, slant, slant_shallow, sfill,
        mq_cross, cross_slow, cross_low, order, slow_order;
typedef struct stats_fill_s stats_fill_t;
extern stats_fill_t stats_fill;

#  define INCR(x) (++(stats_fill.x))
#  define INCR_EXPR(x) INCR(x)
#  define INCR_BY(x,n) (stats_fill.x += (n))
#  define INCR(x) DO_NOTHING
#  define INCR_EXPR(x) discard(0)
#  define INCR_BY(x,n) DO_NOTHING

#endif /* gxfill_INCLUDED */