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/* Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
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/* $Id: gxiparam.h,v 1.5 2002/06/16 08:45:43 lpd Exp $ */
/* Definitions for implementors of image types */
#ifndef gxiparam_INCLUDED
# define gxiparam_INCLUDED
#include "gsstype.h" /* for extern_st */
#include "gxdevcli.h"
/* ---------------- Image types ---------------- */
/* Define the structure for image types. */
#ifndef stream_DEFINED
# define stream_DEFINED
typedef struct stream_s stream;
#ifndef gx_image_type_DEFINED
# define gx_image_type_DEFINED
typedef struct gx_image_type_s gx_image_type_t;
struct gx_image_type_s {
* Define the storage type for this type of image.
gs_memory_type_ptr_t stype;
* Provide the default implementation of begin_typed_image for this
* type.
* Compute the width and height of the source data. For images with
* explicit data, this information is in the gs_data_image_t
* structure, but ImageType 2 images must compute it.
#define image_proc_source_size(proc)\
int proc(const gs_imager_state *pis, const gs_image_common_t *pic,\
gs_int_point *psize)
* Put image parameters on a stream. Currently this is used
* only for banding. If the parameters include a color space,
* store it in *ppcs.
#define image_proc_sput(proc)\
int proc(const gs_image_common_t *pic, stream *s,\
const gs_color_space **ppcs)
* Get image parameters from a stream. Currently this is used
* only for banding. If the parameters include a color space,
* use pcs.
#define image_proc_sget(proc)\
int proc(gs_image_common_t *pic, stream *s, const gs_color_space *pcs)
* Release any parameters allocated by sget.
* Currently this only frees the parameter structure itself.
#define image_proc_release(proc)\
void proc(gs_image_common_t *pic, gs_memory_t *mem)
* We put index last so that if we add more procedures and some
* implementor fails to initialize them, we'll get a type error.
int index; /* PostScript ImageType */
* Define the procedure for getting the source size of an image with
* explicit data.
* Define dummy sput/sget/release procedures for image types that don't
* implement these functions.
image_proc_sput(gx_image_no_sput); /* rangecheck error */
image_proc_sget(gx_image_no_sget); /* rangecheck error */
image_proc_release(gx_image_default_release); /* just free the params */
* Define sput/sget/release procedures for generic pixel images.
* Note that these procedures take different parameters.
int gx_pixel_image_sput(const gs_pixel_image_t *pic, stream *s,
const gs_color_space **ppcs, int extra);
int gx_pixel_image_sget(gs_pixel_image_t *pic, stream *s,
const gs_color_space *pcs);
void gx_pixel_image_release(gs_pixel_image_t *pic, gs_memory_t *mem);
/* Internal procedures for use in sput/sget implementations. */
bool gx_image_matrix_is_default(const gs_data_image_t *pid);
void gx_image_matrix_set_default(gs_data_image_t *pid);
void sput_variable_uint(stream *s, uint w);
int sget_variable_uint(stream *s, uint *pw);
#define DECODE_DEFAULT(i, dd1)\
((i) == 1 ? dd1 : (i) & 1)
/* ---------------- Image enumerators ---------------- */
#ifndef gx_image_enum_common_t_DEFINED
# define gx_image_enum_common_t_DEFINED
typedef struct gx_image_enum_common_s gx_image_enum_common_t;
* Define the procedures associated with an image enumerator.
typedef struct gx_image_enum_procs_s {
* Pass the next batch of data for processing. *rows_used is set
* even in the case of an error.
#define image_enum_proc_plane_data(proc)\
int proc(gx_image_enum_common_t *info, const gx_image_plane_t *planes,\
int height, int *rows_used)
* End processing an image, freeing the enumerator. We keep this
* procedure as the last required one, so that we can detect obsolete
* static initializers.
#define image_enum_proc_end_image(proc)\
int proc(gx_image_enum_common_t *info, bool draw_last)
* Flush any intermediate buffers to the target device.
* We need this for situations where two images interact
* (currently, only the mask and the data of ImageType 3).
* This procedure is optional (may be 0).
#define image_enum_proc_flush(proc)\
int proc(gx_image_enum_common_t *info)
* Determine which data planes should be passed on the next call to the
* plane_data procedure, by filling wanted[0 .. num_planes - 1] with 0
* for unwanted planes and non-0 for wanted planes. This procedure may
* also change the plane_depths[] and/or plane_widths[] values. The
* procedure returns true if the returned vector will always be the same
* *and* the plane depths and widths remain constant, false if the
* wanted planes *or* plane depths or widths may vary over the course of
* the image. Note also that the only time a plane's status can change
* from wanted to not wanted, and the only time a wanted plane's depth
* or width can change, is after a call of plane_data that actually
* provides data for that plane.
* By default, all data planes are always wanted; however, ImageType 3
* images with separate mask and image data sources may want mask data
* before image data or vice versa.
* This procedure is optional (may be 0).
#define image_enum_proc_planes_wanted(proc)\
bool proc(const gx_image_enum_common_t *info, byte *wanted)
} gx_image_enum_procs_t;
* Define the common prefix of the image enumerator structure. All
* implementations of begin[_typed]_image must initialize all of the members
* of this structure, by calling gx_image_enum_common_init and then filling
* in whatever else they need to.
* Note that the structure includes a unique ID, so that the banding
* machinery could in principle keep track of multiple enumerations that may
* be in progress simultaneously.
#define gx_image_enum_common\
const gx_image_type_t *image_type;\
const gx_image_enum_procs_t *procs;\
gx_device *dev;\
gs_id id;\
int num_planes;\
int plane_depths[gs_image_max_planes]; /* [num_planes] */\
int plane_widths[gs_image_max_planes] /* [num_planes] */
struct gx_image_enum_common_s {
#define public_st_gx_image_enum_common() /* in gdevddrw.c */\
gs_public_st_composite(st_gx_image_enum_common, gx_image_enum_common_t,\
image_enum_common_enum_ptrs, image_enum_common_reloc_ptrs)
* Initialize the common part of an image enumerator.
int gx_image_enum_common_init(gx_image_enum_common_t * piec,
const gs_data_image_t * pic,
const gx_image_enum_procs_t * piep,
gx_device * dev, int num_components,
gs_image_format_t format);
* Define image_plane_data and end_image procedures for image types that
* don't have any source data (ImageType 2 and composite images).
* Define the procedures and type data for ImageType 1 images,
* which are always included and which are shared with ImageType 4.
#endif /* gxiparam_INCLUDED */