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/* Copyright (C) 2003 artofcode LLC.  All rights reserved.
  This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
  This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
  modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
  of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
  For more information about licensing, please refer to For information on
  commercial licensing, go to or
  contact Artifex Software, Inc., 101 Lucas Valley Road #110,
  San Rafael, CA  94903, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861.
/* $Id: ttfsfnt.h,v 1.6 2003/12/09 21:17:59 giles Exp $ */
/* Changes after Apple: replaced non-portable types with ISO/IEC 988:1999 exact-size types */

        File 'sfnt.h'
        Contains 'sfnt' resource structure description
        Copyright 1991 Apple Computer, Inc.

#ifndef sfntIncludes
#define sfntIncludes

#include "stdint_.h" /* make sure stdint types are available */
typedef   uint8_t    uint8; /* 8-bit unsigned integer */
typedef    int8_t     int8; /* 8-bit signed integer */
typedef  uint16_t   uint16; /* 16-bit unsigned integer */
typedef   int16_t    int16; /* 16-bit signed integer */
typedef  uint32_t   uint32; /* 32-bit unsigned integer */
typedef   int32_t    int32; /* 32-bit signed integer */
#if 0
typedef   int32_t    Fixed; /* 16.16 32-bit signed fixed-point number */
typedef   int16_t    FUnit; /* Smallest measurable distance in em space (16-bit signed integer) */
typedef   int16_t    FWord; /* 16-bit signed integer that describes a quantity in FUnits */
typedef  uint16_t   uFWord; /* 16-bit unsigned integer that describes a quantity in FUnits */
typedef   int16_t  F2Dot14; /* 2.14 16-bit signed fixed-point number */
#if 0
typedef   int32_t  F26Dot6; /* 26.6 32-bit signed fixed-point number */

typedef struct {
        uint32 bc;
        uint32 ad;
} BigDate;

typedef struct {
        uint32 tag;
        uint32 checkSum;
        uint32 offset;
        uint32 length;
} sfnt_DirectoryEntry;

#define SFNT_VERSION    0x10000

 *      The search fields limits numOffsets to 4096.
typedef struct {
        Fixed version;                                  /* 1.0 */
        uint16 numOffsets;              /* number of tables */
        uint16 searchRange;             /* (max2 <= numOffsets)*16 */
        uint16 entrySelector;           /* log2(max2 <= numOffsets) */
        uint16 rangeShift;                      /* numOffsets*16-searchRange*/
        sfnt_DirectoryEntry table[1];           /* table[numOffsets] */
} sfnt_OffsetTable;

#define OFFSETTABLESIZE         12              /* not including any entries */

typedef enum sfntHeaderFlagBits {
        X_POS_SPECS_LSB = 2,
        X_POS_SPECS_BASELINE = 32,
        Y_POS_SPECS_TSB = 64
} sfntHeaderFlagBits;

#define SFNT_MAGIC                                      0x5F0F3CF5
#define SHORT_INDEX_TO_LOC_FORMAT               0
#define LONG_INDEX_TO_LOC_FORMAT                1
#define GLYPH_DATA_FORMAT                               0
#define FONT_HEADER_VERSION                     0x10000

typedef struct {
        Fixed   version;                /* for this table, set to 1.0 */
        Fixed   fontRevision;           /* For Font Manufacturer */
        uint32  checkSumAdjustment;
        uint32  magicNumber;            /* signature, should always be 0x5F0F3CF5  == MAGIC */
        uint16  flags;
        uint16  unitsPerEm;             /* Specifies how many in Font Units we have per EM */

        BigDate         created;
        BigDate         modified;

        /** This is the font wide bounding box in ideal space
        (baselines and metrics are NOT worked into these numbers) **/
        int16           xMin;
        int16           yMin;
        int16           xMax;
        int16           yMax;

        uint16  macStyle;       /* macintosh style word */
        uint16  lowestRecPPEM;  /* lowest recommended pixels per Em */

        /* 0: fully mixed directional glyphs, 1: only strongly L->R or T->B glyphs, 
           -1: only strongly R->L or B->T glyphs, 2: like 1 but also contains neutrals,
           -2: like -1 but also contains neutrals */
        int16           fontDirectionHint;

        int16           indexToLocFormat;
        int16           glyphDataFormat;
} sfnt_FontHeader;

#define METRIC_HEADER_FORMAT            0x10000

typedef struct {
        Fixed   version;                                /* for this table, set to 1.0 */
        int16           ascender;
        int16           descender;
        int16           lineGap;                                /* linespacing = ascender - descender + linegap */
        uint16  advanceMax;     
        int16           sideBearingMin;         /* left or top */
        int16           otherSideBearingMin;    /* right or bottom */
        int16           extentMax;                      /* Max of ( SB[i] + bounds[i] ), i loops through all glyphs */
        int16           caretSlopeNumerator;
        int16           caretSlopeDenominator;
        int16           caretOffset;

        uint32  reserved1, reserved2;   /* set to 0 */

        int16           metricDataFormat;               /* set to 0 for current format */
        uint16  numberLongMetrics;              /* if format == 0 */
} sfnt_MetricsHeader;

typedef sfnt_MetricsHeader sfnt_HorizontalHeader;
typedef sfnt_MetricsHeader sfnt_VerticalHeader;

#define MAX_PROFILE_VERSION             0x10000

typedef struct {
        Fixed                   version;                                /* for this table, set to 1.0 */
        uint16          numGlyphs;
        uint16          maxPoints;                      /* in an individual glyph */
        uint16          maxContours;                    /* in an individual glyph */
        uint16          maxCompositePoints;     /* in an composite glyph */
        uint16          maxCompositeContours;   /* in an composite glyph */
        uint16          maxElements;                    /* set to 2, or 1 if no twilightzone points */
        uint16          maxTwilightPoints;              /* max points in element zero */
        uint16          maxStorage;                     /* max number of storage locations */
        uint16          maxFunctionDefs;                /* max number of FDEFs in any preprogram */
        uint16          maxInstructionDefs;             /* max number of IDEFs in any preprogram */
        uint16          maxStackElements;               /* max number of stack elements for any individual glyph */
        uint16          maxSizeOfInstructions;  /* max size in bytes for any individual glyph */
        uint16          maxComponentElements;   /* number of glyphs referenced at top level */
        uint16          maxComponentDepth;      /* levels of recursion, 1 for simple components */
} sfnt_maxProfileTable;

typedef struct {
        uint16  advance;
        int16   sideBearing;
} sfnt_GlyphMetrics;

typedef sfnt_GlyphMetrics sfnt_HorizontalMetrics;
typedef sfnt_GlyphMetrics sfnt_VerticalMetrics;

typedef int16 sfnt_ControlValue;

 *      Char2Index structures, including platform IDs
typedef struct {
        uint16  format;
        uint16  length;
        uint16  version;
} sfnt_mappingTable;

typedef struct {
        uint16  platformID;
        uint16  specificID;
        uint32  offset;
} sfnt_platformEntry;

typedef struct {
        uint16  version;
        uint16  numTables;
        sfnt_platformEntry platform[1]; /* platform[numTables] */
} sfnt_char2IndexDirectory;
#define SIZEOFCHAR2INDEXDIR             4

typedef struct {
        uint16 platformID;
        uint16 specificID;
        uint16 languageID;
        uint16 nameID;
        uint16 length;
        uint16 offset;
} sfnt_NameRecord;

typedef struct {
        uint16 format;
        uint16 count;
        uint16 stringOffset;
/*      sfnt_NameRecord[count]  */
} sfnt_NamingTable;

#define DEVWIDTHEXTRA   2       /* size + max */
 *      Each record is n+2 bytes, padded to long word alignment.
 *      First byte is ppem, second is maxWidth, rest are widths for each glyph
typedef struct {
        int16                           version;
        int16                           numRecords;
        int32                           recordSize;
        /* Byte widths[numGlyphs+DEVWIDTHEXTRA] * numRecords */
} sfnt_DeviceMetrics;

#define stdPostTableFormat              0x10000
#define wordPostTableFormat     0x20000
#define bytePostTableFormat     0x28000
#define richardsPostTableFormat 0x30000

typedef struct {
        Fixed   version;
        Fixed   italicAngle;
        int16   underlinePosition;
        int16   underlineThickness;
        int16   isFixedPitch;
        int16   pad;
        uint32  minMemType42;
        uint32  maxMemType42;
        uint32  minMemType1;
        uint32  maxMemType1;
/* if version == 2.0
                unsigned short[numberGlyphs];
        else if version == 2.5
} sfnt_PostScriptInfo;

typedef enum outlinePacking {
        ONCURVE = 1,
        XSHORT = 2,
        YSHORT = 4,
        REPEAT_FLAGS = 8,
        SHORT_X_IS_POS = 16,            /* the short vector is positive */
/* ELSE */
        NEXT_X_IS_ZERO = 16,            /* the relative x coordinate is zero */
/* ENDIF */
        SHORT_Y_IS_POS = 32,            /* the short vector is positive */
/* ELSE */
        NEXT_Y_IS_ZERO = 32             /* the relative y coordinate is zero */
/* ENDIF */
} outlinePacking;

typedef enum componentPacking {
        ARG_1_AND_2_ARE_WORDS = 1,              /* if not, they are bytes */
        ARGS_ARE_XY_VALUES = 2,                 /* if not, they are points */
        ROUND_XY_TO_GRID = 4,
        WE_HAVE_A_SCALE = 8,                            /* if not, Sx = Sy = 1.0 */
        NON_OVERLAPPING = 16,
        MORE_COMPONENTS = 32,                   /* if not, this is the last one */
        WE_HAVE_AN_X_AND_Y_SCALE = 64,  /* Sx != Sy */
        WE_HAVE_A_TWO_BY_TWO = 128,             /* t00, t01, t10, t11 */
        WE_HAVE_INSTRUCTIONS = 256,             /* short count followed by instructions follows */
        USE_MY_METRICS = 512                            /* use my metrics for parent glyph */
} componentPacking;

typedef struct {
        uint16 firstCode;
        uint16 entryCount;
        int16 idDelta;
        uint16 idRangeOffset;
} sfnt_subheader;

typedef struct {
        uint16 segCountX2;
        uint16 searchRange;
        uint16 entrySelector;
        uint16 rangeShift;
} sfnt_4_subheader;

/* sfnt_enum.h */

typedef enum {
} platformEnums;

#define tag_FontHeader                    'daeh'  /* (*(LPDWORD)"head") */
#define tag_HoriHeader                    'aehh'  /* (*(LPDWORD)"hhea") */
#define tag_VertHeader                    'aehv'  /* (*(LPDWORD)"vhea") */
#define tag_IndexToLoc                    'acol'  /* (*(LPDWORD)"loca") */
#define tag_MaxProfile                    'pxam'  /* (*(LPDWORD)"maxp") */
#define tag_ControlValue                  ' tvc'  /* (*(LPDWORD)"cvt ") */
#define tag_PreProgram                    'perp'  /* (*(LPDWORD)"prep") */
#define tag_GlyphData                       'fylg'  /* (*(LPDWORD)"glyf") */
#define tag_HorizontalMetrics   'xtmh'  /* (*(LPDWORD)"hmtx") */
#define tag_VerticalMetrics       'xtmv'  /* (*(LPDWORD)"vmtx") */
#define tag_CharToIndexMap        'pamc'  /* (*(LPDWORD)"cmap") */
#define tag_FontProgram                   'mgpf'  /* (*(LPDWORD)"fpgm") */

#define tag_Kerning                                 'nrek'  /* (*(LPDWORD)"kern") */
#define tag_HoriDeviceMetrics   'xmdh'  /* (*(LPDWORD)"hdmx") */
#define tag_NamingTable                   'eman'  /* (*(LPDWORD)"name") */
#define tag_PostScript                    'tsop'  /* (*(LPDWORD)"post") */

#if 0
/* access.h */
#define fNoError                         0
#define fTableNotFound          -1
#define fNameNotFound           -2
#define fMemoryError            -3
#define fUnimplemented          -4
#define fCMapNotFound           -5
#define fGlyphNotFound          -6

typedef int32 FontError;

typedef struct FontTableInfo {
        int32           offset;                 /* from beginning of sfnt to beginning of the table */
        int32           length;                 /* length of the table */
        int32           checkSum;               /* checkSum of the table */
} FontTableInfo;

#define RAW_TRUE_TYPE_SIZE 512
