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/* Copyright (C) 2003 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
For more information about licensing, please refer to For information on
commercial licensing, go to or
contact Artifex Software, Inc., 101 Lucas Valley Road #110,
San Rafael, CA 94903, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861.
/* $Id: ttobjs.h,v 1.6 2004/10/06 11:32:17 igor Exp $ */
/* Changes after FreeType: cut out the TrueType instruction interpreter. */
* ttobjs.h 1.0
* Objects definition unit.
* Copyright 1996-1998 by
* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.
* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used
* modified and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project
* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute
* this file you indicate that you have read the license and
* understand and accept it fully.
#ifndef TTOBJS_H
#define TTOBJS_H
#include "ttcommon.h"
#include "tttypes.h"
#include "tttables.h"
#include <setjmp.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* */
/* This file contains the definitions and methods of the four */
/* kinds of objects managed by the FreeType engine. These are: */
/* */
/* */
/* Face objects: */
/* */
/* There is always one face object per opened TrueType font */
/* file, and only one. The face object contains data that is */
/* independent of current transform/scaling/rotation and */
/* pointsize, or glyph index. This data is made of several */
/* critical tables that are loaded on face object creation. */
/* */
/* A face object tracks all active and recycled objects of */
/* the instance and execution context classes. Destroying a face */
/* object will automatically destroy all associated instances. */
/* */
/* */
/* Instance objects: */
/* */
/* An instance object always relates to a given face object, */
/* known as its 'parent' or 'owner', and contains only the */
/* data that is specific to one given pointsize/transform of */
/* the face. You can only create an instance from a face object. */
/* */
/* An instance's current transform/pointsize can be changed */
/* at any time using a single high-level API call, */
/* TT_Reset_Instance(). */
/* */
/* Execution Context objects: */
/* */
/* An execution context (or context in short) relates to a face. */
/* It contains the data and tables that are necessary to load */
/* and hint (i.e. execute the glyph instructions of) one glyph. */
/* A context is a transient object that is queried/created on */
/* the fly: client applications never deal with them directly. */
/* */
/* */
/* Glyph objects: */
/* */
/* A glyph object contains only the minimal glyph information */
/* needed to render one glyph correctly. This means that a glyph */
/* object really contains tables that are sized to hold the */
/* contents of _any_ glyph of a given face. A client application */
/* can usually create one glyph object for a given face, then use */
/* it for all subsequent loads. */
/* */
/* Here is an example of a client application : */
/* (NOTE: No error checking performed here!) */
/* */
/* */
/* TT_Face face; -- face handle */
/* TT_Instance ins1, ins2; -- two instance handles */
/* TT_Glyph glyph; -- glyph handle */
/* */
/* TT_Init_FreeType(); */
/* */
/* -- Initialize the engine. This must be done prior to _any_ */
/* operation. */
/* */
/* TT_Open_Face( "/some/face/name.ttf", &face ); */
/* */
/* -- create the face object. This call opens the font file */
/* */
/* TT_New_Instance( face, &ins1 ); */
/* TT_New_Instance( face, &ins2 ); */
/* */
/* TT_Set_Instance_PointSize( ins1, 8 ); */
/* TT_Set_Instance_PointSize( ins2, 12 ); */
/* */
/* -- create two distinct instances of the same face */
/* -- ins1 is pointsize 8 at resolution 96 dpi */
/* -- ins2 is pointsize 12 at resolution 96 dpi */
/* */
/* TT_New_Glyph( face, &glyph ); */
/* */
/* -- create a new glyph object which will receive the contents */
/* of any glyph of 'face' */
/* */
/* TT_Load_Glyph( ins1, glyph, 64, DEFAULT_GLYPH_LOAD ); */
/* */
/* -- load glyph indexed 64 at pointsize 8 in the 'glyph' object */
/* -- NOTE: This call will fail if the instance and the glyph */
/* do not relate to the same face object. */
/* */
/* TT_Get_Outline( glyph, &outline ); */
/* */
/* -- extract the glyph outline from the object and copies it */
/* to the 'outline' record */
/* */
/* TT_Get_Metrics( glyph, &metrics ); */
/* */
/* -- extract the glyph metrics and put them into the 'metrics' */
/* record */
/* */
/* TT_Load_Glyph( ins2, glyph, 64, DEFAULT_GLYPH_LOAD ); */
/* */
/* -- load the same glyph at pointsize 12 in the 'glyph' object */
/* */
/* */
/* TT_Close_Face( &face ); */
/* */
/* -- destroy the face object. This will destroy 'ins1' and */
/* 'ins2'. However, the glyph object will still be available */
/* */
/* TT_Done_FreeType(); */
/* */
/* -- Finalize the engine. This will also destroy all pending */
/* glyph objects (here 'glyph'). */
/* */
/* */
struct _TFace;
struct _TInstance;
struct _TExecution_Context;
struct _TGlyph;
#ifndef TFace_defined
#define TFace_defined
typedef struct _TFace TFace;
typedef TFace* PFace;
#ifndef TInstance_defined
#define TInstance_defined
typedef struct _TInstance TInstance;
typedef TInstance* PInstance;
#ifndef TExecution_Context_defined
#define TExecution_Context_defined
typedef struct _TExecution_Context TExecution_Context;
typedef TExecution_Context* PExecution_Context;
typedef struct _TGlyph TGlyph;
typedef TGlyph* PGlyph;
/* */
/* */
/* These tables are not precisely defined by the specs */
/* but their structures is implied by the TrueType font */
/* file layout. */
/* */
/* Graphics State */
/* */
/* The Graphics State (GS) is managed by the */
/* instruction field, but does not come from */
/* the font file. Thus, we can use 'int's */
/* where needed. */
struct _TGraphicsState
Int rp0;
Int rp1;
Int rp2;
TT_UnitVector dualVector;
TT_UnitVector projVector;
TT_UnitVector freeVector;
Long loop;
TT_F26Dot6 minimum_distance;
Int round_state;
Bool auto_flip;
TT_F26Dot6 control_value_cutin;
TT_F26Dot6 single_width_cutin;
TT_F26Dot6 single_width_value;
Int delta_base;
Int delta_shift;
Byte instruct_control;
Bool scan_control;
Int scan_type;
Int gep0;
Int gep1;
Int gep2;
typedef struct _TGraphicsState TGraphicsState;
extern const TGraphicsState Default_GraphicsState;
/* */
/* */
/* These sub-tables relate to instruction execution. */
/* */
# define MAX_CODE_RANGES 3
/* There can only be 3 active code ranges at once: */
/* - the Font Program */
/* - the CVT Program */
/* - a glyph's instructions set */
# define TT_CodeRange_Font 1
# define TT_CodeRange_Cvt 2
# define TT_CodeRange_Glyph 3
struct _TCodeRange
PByte Base;
Int Size;
typedef struct _TCodeRange TCodeRange;
typedef TCodeRange* PCodeRange;
/* Defintion of a code range */
/* */
/* Code ranges can be resident to a glyph (i.e. the Font Program) */
/* while some others are volatile (Glyph instructions). */
/* Tracking the state and presence of code ranges allows function */
/* and instruction definitions within a code range to be forgotten */
/* when the range is discarded. */
typedef TCodeRange TCodeRangeTable[MAX_CODE_RANGES];
/* defines a function/instruction definition record */
struct _TDefRecord
Int Range; /* in which code range is it located ? */
Int Start; /* where does it start ? */
Byte Opc; /* function #, or instruction code */
Bool Active; /* is it active ? */
typedef struct _TDefRecord TDefRecord;
typedef TDefRecord* PDefRecord;
typedef TDefRecord* PDefArray;
/* defines a call record, used to manage function calls. */
struct _TCallRecord
Int Caller_Range;
Int Caller_IP;
Int Cur_Count;
Int Cur_Restart;
typedef struct _TCallRecord TCallRecord;
typedef TCallRecord* PCallRecord;
typedef TCallRecord* PCallStack; /* defines a simple call stack */
/* This type defining a set of glyph points will be used to represent */
/* each zone (regular and twilight) during instructions decoding. */
struct _TGlyph_Zone
int n_points; /* number of points in zone */
int n_contours; /* number of contours */
PCoordinates org_x; /* original points coordinates */
PCoordinates org_y; /* original points coordinates */
PCoordinates cur_x; /* current points coordinates */
PCoordinates cur_y; /* current points coordinates */
Byte* touch; /* current touch flags */
Short* contours; /* contour end points */
typedef struct _TGlyph_Zone TGlyph_Zone;
typedef TGlyph_Zone *PGlyph_Zone;
#ifndef TT_STATIC_INTERPRETER /* indirect implementation */
#define EXEC_OPS PExecution_Context exc,
#define EXEC_OP PExecution_Context exc
#define EXEC_ARGS exc,
#define EXEC_ARG exc
#else /* static implementation */
#define EXEC_OPS /* void */
#define EXEC_OP /* void */
#define EXEC_ARGS /* void */
#define EXEC_ARG /* void */
/* Rounding function, as used by the interpreter */
typedef TT_F26Dot6 (*TRound_Function)( EXEC_OPS TT_F26Dot6 distance,
TT_F26Dot6 compensation );
/* Point displacement along the freedom vector routine, as */
/* used by the interpreter */
typedef void (*TMove_Function)( EXEC_OPS PGlyph_Zone zone,
Int point,
TT_F26Dot6 distance );
/* Distance projection along one of the proj. vectors, as used */
/* by the interpreter */
typedef TT_F26Dot6 (*TProject_Function)( EXEC_OPS TT_F26Dot6 Vx,
TT_F26Dot6 Vy );
/* reading a cvt value. Take care of non-square pixels when needed */
typedef TT_F26Dot6 (*TGet_CVT_Function)( EXEC_OPS Int index );
/* setting or moving a cvt value. Take care of non-square pixels */
/* when needed */
typedef void (*TSet_CVT_Function)( EXEC_OPS Int index,
TT_F26Dot6 value );
/* subglyph transformation record */
struct _TTransform
TT_Fixed xx, xy; /* transformation */
TT_Fixed yx, yy; /* matrix */
TT_F26Dot6 ox, oy; /* offsets */
typedef struct _TTransform TTransform;
typedef TTransform *PTransform;
/* subglyph loading record. Used to load composite components */
struct _TSubglyph_Record
Int index; /* subglyph index */
Bool is_scaled; /* is the subglyph scaled? */
Bool is_hinted; /* should it be hinted? */
Bool preserve_pps; /* preserve phantom points? */
Long file_offset;
TT_BBox bbox;
TGlyph_Zone zone;
Int arg1; /* first argument */
Int arg2; /* second argument */
Int element_flag; /* current load element flag */
TTransform transform; /* transform */
TT_Vector pp1, pp2; /* phantom points */
Int leftBearing; /* in FUnits */
Int advanceWidth; /* in FUnits */
typedef struct _TSubglyph_Record TSubglyph_Record;
typedef TSubglyph_Record* PSubglyph_Record;
typedef TSubglyph_Record* PSubglyph_Stack;
/* A note regarding non-squared pixels: */
/* */
/* (This text will probably go into some docs at some time, for */
/* now, it is kept there to explain some definitions in the */
/* TIns_Metrics record). */
/* */
/* The CVT is a one-dimensional array containing values that */
/* control certain important characteristics in a font, like */
/* the height of all capitals, all lowercase letter, default */
/* spacing or stem width/height. */
/* */
/* These values are found in FUnits in the font file, and must be */
/* scaled to pixel coordinates before being used by the CVT and */
/* glyph programs. Unfortunately, when using distinct x and y */
/* resolutions (or distinct x and y pointsizes), there are two */
/* possible scalings. */
/* */
/* A first try was to implement a 'lazy' scheme where all values */
/* were scaled when first used. However, while some values are always */
/* used in the same direction, and some other are used in many */
/* different circumstances and orientations. */
/* */
/* I have found a simpler way to do the same, and it even seems to */
/* work in most of the cases: */
/* */
/* - all CVT values are scaled to the maximum ppem size */
/* */
/* - when performing a read or write in the CVT, a ratio factor */
/* is used to perform adequate scaling. Example: */
/* */
/* x_ppem = 14 */
/* y_ppem = 10 */
/* */
/* we choose ppem = x_ppem = 14 as the CVT scaling size. All cvt */
/* entries are scaled to it. */
/* */
/* x_ratio = 1.0 */
/* y_ratio = y_ppem/ppem (< 1.0) */
/* */
/* we compute the current ratio like: */
/* */
/* - if projVector is horizontal, */
/* ratio = x_ratio = 1.0 */
/* - if projVector is vertical, */
/* ratop = y_ratio */
/* - else, */
/* ratio = sqrt((proj.x*x_ratio)^2 + (proj.y*y_ratio)^2) */
/* */
/* reading a cvt value returns ratio * cvt[index] */
/* writing a cvt value in pixels cvt[index] / ratio */
/* */
/* the current ppem is simply ratio * ppem */
/* */
/* metrics used by the instance and execution context objects */
struct _TIns_Metrics
TT_F26Dot6 pointSize; /* point size. 1 point = 1/72 inch. */
Int x_resolution; /* device horizontal resolution in dpi. */
Int y_resolution; /* device vertical resolution in dpi. */
Int x_ppem; /* horizontal pixels per EM */
Int y_ppem; /* vertical pixels per EM */
Long x_scale1;
Long x_scale2; /* used to scale FUnits to fractional pixels */
Long y_scale1;
Long y_scale2; /* used to scale FUnits to fractional pixels */
/* for non-square pixels */
Long x_ratio;
Long y_ratio;
Int ppem; /* maximum ppem size */
Long ratio; /* current ratio */
Long scale1;
Long scale2; /* scale for ppem */
TT_F26Dot6 compensations[4]; /* device-specific compensations */
Bool rotated; /* `is the glyph rotated?'-flag */
Bool stretched; /* `is the glyph stretched?'-flag */
typedef struct _TIns_Metrics TIns_Metrics;
typedef TIns_Metrics *PIns_Metrics;
/* */
/* FreeType Face Type */
/* */
struct _TFace
ttfReader *r;
ttfFont *font;
/* maximum profile table, as found in the TrueType file */
TMaxProfile maxProfile;
/* Note: */
/* it seems that some maximum values cannot be */
/* taken directly from this table, but rather by */
/* combining some of its fields; e.g. the max. */
/* number of points seems to be given by */
/* MAX( maxPoints, maxCompositePoints ) */
/* */
/* For this reason, we define later our own */
/* max values that are used to load and allocate */
/* further tables. */
/* The glyph locations table */
Int numLocations;
/* The HMTX table data, used to compute both left */
/* side bearing and advance width for all glyphs */
/* the font program, if any */
Int fontPgmSize;
PByte fontProgram;
/* the cvt program, if any */
Int cvtPgmSize;
PByte cvtProgram;
/* the original, unscaled, control value table */
Int cvtSize;
PShort cvt;
/* The following values _must_ be set by the */
/* maximum profile loader */
Int numGlyphs; /* the face's total number of glyphs */
Int maxPoints; /* max glyph points number, simple and composite */
Int maxContours; /* max glyph contours number, simple and composite */
Int maxComponents; /* max components in a composite glyph */
/* */
/* FreeType Instance Type */
/* */
struct _TInstance
PFace face; /* face object */
Bool valid;
TIns_Metrics metrics;
Int numFDefs; /* number of function definitions */
PDefArray FDefs; /* table of FDefs entries */
Int numIDefs; /* number of instruction definitions */
PDefArray IDefs; /* table of IDefs entries */
Int countIDefs;/* The number of defined IDefs (igorm). */
Byte IDefPtr[256]; /* Map opcodes to indices of IDefs (igorm). */
TCodeRangeTable codeRangeTable;
TGraphicsState GS;
TGraphicsState default_GS;
Int cvtSize; /* the scaled control value table */
PLong cvt;
Int storeSize; /* The storage area is now part of the */
PStorage storage; /* instance */
/* */
/* FreeType Execution Context Type */
/* */
struct _TExecution_Context
PFace current_face;
/* instructions state */
Int error; /* last execution error */
Int curRange; /* current code range number */
PByte code; /* current code range */
Int IP; /* current instruction pointer */
Int codeSize; /* size of current range */
Byte opcode; /* current opcode */
Int length; /* length of current opcode */
Bool step_ins; /* true if the interpreter must */
/* increment IP after ins. exec */
Int numFDefs; /* number of function defs */
PDefRecord FDefs; /* table of FDefs entries */
Int numIDefs; /* number of instruction defs */
PDefRecord IDefs; /* table of IDefs entries */
Int countIDefs;/* The number of defined IDefs (igorm). */
Byte IDefPtr[256]; /* Map opcodes to indices of IDefs (igorm). */
PByte glyphIns; /* glyph instructions buffer */
Int glyphSize; /* glyph instructions buffer size */
Int callTop, /* top of call stack during execution */
callSize; /* size of call stack */
PCallStack callStack; /* call stack */
TCodeRangeTable codeRangeTable; /* table of valid coderanges */
/* useful for the debugger */
Int storeSize; /* size of current storage */
PStorage storage; /* storage area */
Int stackSize; /* size of exec. stack */
Int top; /* top of exec. stack */
PStorage stack; /* current exec. stack */
Int args,
new_top; /* new top after exec. */
TT_F26Dot6 period; /* values used for the */
TT_F26Dot6 phase; /* 'SuperRounding' */
TT_F26Dot6 threshold;
TIns_Metrics metrics; /* instance metrics */
Int cur_ppem; /* ppem along the current proj vector */
Long scale1; /* scaling values along the current */
Long scale2; /* projection vector too.. */
Bool cached_metrics; /* the ppem is computed lazily. used */
/* to trigger computation when needed */
TGlyph_Zone zp0, /* zone records */
Bool instruction_trap; /* If True, the interpreter will */
/* exit after each instruction */
TGraphicsState GS; /* current graphics state */
TGraphicsState default_GS; /* graphics state resulting from */
/* the prep program */
Bool is_composite; /* ture if the glyph is composite */
Int cvtSize;
PLong cvt;
/* latest interpreter additions */
Long F_dot_P; /* dot product of freedom and projection */
/* vectors */
TRound_Function func_round; /* current rounding function */
TProject_Function func_project, /* current projection function */
func_dualproj, /* current dual proj. function */
func_freeProj; /* current freedom proj. func */
TMove_Function func_move; /* current point move function */
TGet_CVT_Function func_read_cvt; /* read a cvt entry */
TSet_CVT_Function func_write_cvt; /* write a cvt entry (in pixels) */
TSet_CVT_Function func_move_cvt; /* incr a cvt entry (in pixels) */
/* GS extension */
jmp_buf trap; /* Error throw trap. */
Int n_contours;
Int n_points;
Int maxGlyphSize;
Int lock;
/* */
/* Code Range Functions */
/* */
/* Goto a specified coderange */
TT_Error Goto_CodeRange( PExecution_Context exec, Int range, Int IP );
/* Unset the coderange */
void Unset_CodeRange( PExecution_Context exec );
/* Return a pointer to a given coderange record. */
/* Used only by the debugger. */
PCodeRange Get_CodeRange( PExecution_Context exec, Int range );
/* Set a given code range properties */
TT_Error Set_CodeRange( PExecution_Context exec,
Int range,
void* base,
Int length );
/* Clear a given coderange */
TT_Error Clear_CodeRange( PExecution_Context exec, Int range );
PExecution_Context New_Context( PFace face );
TT_Error Done_Context( PExecution_Context exec );
TT_Error Context_Load( PExecution_Context exec,
PInstance ins );
TT_Error Context_Save( PExecution_Context exec,
PInstance ins );
TT_Error Context_Run( PExecution_Context exec,
Bool debug );
TT_Error Instance_Init( PInstance ins );
TT_Error Instance_Reset( PInstance ins,
Bool debug );
TT_Error Instance_Create( void* _instance,
void* _face );
TT_Error Instance_Destroy( void* _instance );
TT_Error Context_Destroy( void* _context );
TT_Error Context_Create( void* _context, void* _face );
/* */
/* Handy scaling functions */
/* */
TT_Pos Scale_X( PIns_Metrics metrics, TT_Pos x );
TT_Pos Scale_Y( PIns_Metrics metrics, TT_Pos y );
/* */
/* Component Initializer/Finalizer */
/* */
/* Called from 'freetype.c' */
/* The component must create and register the face, instance and */
/* execution context cache classes before any object can be */
/* managed. */
/* */
TT_Error Face_Create( PFace _face);
TT_Error Face_Destroy( PFace _face);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* TTOBJS_H */
/* END */