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/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1997, 1999 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
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/* $Id: zht.c,v 1.8 2005/10/11 10:04:28 leonardo Exp $ */
/* Halftone definition operators */
#include "ghost.h"
#include "memory_.h"
#include "oper.h"
#include "estack.h"
#include "gsstruct.h" /* must precede igstate.h, */
/* because of #ifdef in gsht.h */
#include "ialloc.h"
#include "igstate.h"
#include "gsmatrix.h"
#include "gxdevice.h" /* for gzht.h */
#include "gzht.h"
#include "gsstate.h"
#include "iht.h" /* prototypes */
#include "store.h"
/* Forward references */
private int screen_sample(i_ctx_t *);
private int set_screen_continue(i_ctx_t *);
private int screen_cleanup(i_ctx_t *);
/* - .currenthalftone <dict> 0 */
/* - .currenthalftone <frequency> <angle> <proc> 1 */
/* - .currenthalftone <red_freq> ... <gray_proc> 2 */
private int
zcurrenthalftone(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
os_ptr op = osp;
gs_halftone ht;
gs_currenthalftone(igs, &ht);
switch (ht.type) {
case ht_type_screen:
make_real(op - 3, ht.params.screen.frequency);
make_real(op - 2, ht.params.screen.angle);
op[-1] = istate->screen_procs.gray;
make_int(op, 1);
case ht_type_colorscreen:
os_ptr opc = op - 12;
gs_screen_halftone *pht =
make_real(opc, pht->frequency);
make_real(opc + 1, pht->angle);
opc[2] = istate->;
opc = op - 9;
pht = &;
make_real(opc, pht->frequency);
make_real(opc + 1, pht->angle);
opc[2] = istate->;
opc = op - 6;
pht = &;
make_real(opc, pht->frequency);
make_real(opc + 1, pht->angle);
opc[2] = istate->;
opc = op - 3;
pht = &ht.params.colorscreen.screens.colored.gray;
make_real(opc, pht->frequency);
make_real(opc + 1, pht->angle);
opc[2] = istate->screen_procs.gray;
make_int(op, 2);
default: /* Screen was set by sethalftone. */
op[-1] = istate->halftone;
make_int(op, 0);
return 0;
/* - .currentscreenlevels <int> */
private int
zcurrentscreenlevels(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
os_ptr op = osp;
make_int(op, gs_currentscreenlevels(igs));
return 0;
/* The setscreen operator is complex because it has to sample */
/* each pixel in the pattern cell, calling a procedure, and then */
/* sort the result into a whitening order. */
/* Layout of stuff pushed on estack: */
/* Control mark, */
/* [other stuff for other screen-setting operators], */
/* finishing procedure (or 0), */
/* spot procedure, */
/* enumeration structure (as bytes). */
#define snumpush 4
#define sproc esp[-1]
#define senum r_ptr(esp, gs_screen_enum)
/* Forward references */
private int setscreen_finish(i_ctx_t *);
/* <frequency> <angle> <proc> setscreen - */
private int
zsetscreen(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
os_ptr op = osp;
gs_screen_halftone screen;
gx_ht_order order;
int code = zscreen_params(op, &screen);
gs_memory_t *mem;
int space_index = r_space_index(op);
if (code < 0)
return code;
mem = (gs_memory_t *)idmemory->spaces_indexed[space_index];
* Allocate the halftone in the same VM space as the procedure.
* This keeps the space relationships consistent.
code = gs_screen_order_init_memory(&order, igs, &screen,
gs_currentaccuratescreens(), mem);
if (code < 0)
return code;
return zscreen_enum_init(i_ctx_p, &order, &screen, op, 3,
setscreen_finish, space_index);
/* We break out the body of this operator so it can be shared with */
/* the code for Type 1 halftones in sethalftone. */
zscreen_enum_init(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p, const gx_ht_order * porder,
gs_screen_halftone * psp, ref * pproc, int npop,
int (*finish_proc)(i_ctx_t *), int space_index)
gs_screen_enum *penum;
gs_memory_t * mem = (gs_memory_t *)idmemory->spaces_indexed[space_index];
int code;
check_estack(snumpush + 1);
penum = gs_screen_enum_alloc(mem, "setscreen");
if (penum == 0)
make_struct(esp + snumpush, space_index << r_space_shift, penum); /* do early for screen_cleanup in case of error */
code = gs_screen_enum_init_memory(penum, porder, igs, psp, mem);
if (code < 0) {
return code;
/* Push everything on the estack */
make_mark_estack(esp + 1, es_other, screen_cleanup);
esp += snumpush;
make_op_estack(esp - 2, finish_proc);
sproc = *pproc;
return o_push_estack;
/* Set up the next sample */
private int
screen_sample(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
os_ptr op = osp;
gs_screen_enum *penum = senum;
gs_point pt;
int code = gs_screen_currentpoint(penum, &pt);
ref proc;
switch (code) {
return code;
case 1:
/* All done */
if (real_opproc(esp - 2) != 0)
code = (*real_opproc(esp - 2)) (i_ctx_p);
esp -= snumpush;
return (code < 0 ? code : o_pop_estack);
case 0:
make_real(op - 1, pt.x);
make_real(op, pt.y);
proc = sproc;
*++esp = proc;
return o_push_estack;
/* Continuation procedure for processing sampled pixels. */
private int
set_screen_continue(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
os_ptr op = osp;
double value;
int code = real_param(op, &value);
if (code < 0)
return code;
code = gs_screen_next(senum, value);
if (code < 0)
return code;
return screen_sample(i_ctx_p);
/* Finish setscreen. */
private int
setscreen_finish(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
istate-> = sproc;
istate-> = sproc;
istate-> = sproc;
istate->screen_procs.gray = sproc;
return 0;
/* Clean up after screen enumeration */
private int
screen_cleanup(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
gs_screen_enum *penum = r_ptr(esp + snumpush, gs_screen_enum);
gs_free_object(penum->halftone.rc.memory, penum, "screen_cleanup");
return 0;
/* ------ Utility procedures ------ */
/* Get parameters for a single screen. */
zscreen_params(os_ptr op, gs_screen_halftone * phs)
double fa[2];
int code = num_params(op - 1, 2, fa);
if (code < 0)
return code;
phs->frequency = fa[0];
phs->angle = fa[1];
return 0;
/* ------ Initialization procedure ------ */
const op_def zht_op_defs[] =
{"0.currenthalftone", zcurrenthalftone},
{"0.currentscreenlevels", zcurrentscreenlevels},
{"3setscreen", zsetscreen},
/* Internal operators */
{"0%screen_sample", screen_sample},
{"1%set_screen_continue", set_screen_continue},
{"0%setscreen_finish", setscreen_finish},