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#include        "l.h"

        Prog *p, *p1, *q, *q1;
        int o, curframe, curbecome, maxbecome;

         * find leaf subroutines
         * become sizes
         * frame sizes
         * strip NOPs
         * expand RET
         * expand BECOME pseudo

                Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f noops\n", cputime());

        curframe = 0;
        curbecome = 0;
        maxbecome = 0;
        curtext = 0;
        q = P;
        for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link) {

                /* find out how much arg space is used in this TEXT */
                if(p->to.type == D_OREG && p->to.reg == REGSP)
                        if(p->to.offset > curframe)
                                curframe = p->to.offset;

                switch(p->as) {
                /* too hard, just leave alone */
                case ATEXT:
                        if(curtext && curtext->from.sym) {
                                curtext->from.sym->frame = curframe;
                                curtext->from.sym->become = curbecome;
                                if(curbecome > maxbecome)
                                        maxbecome = curbecome;
                        curframe = 0;
                        curbecome = 0;

                        q = p;
                        p->mark |= LABEL|LEAF|SYNC;
                                p->link->mark |= LABEL;
                        curtext = p;

                case AORN:
                        q = p;
                        if(p->to.type == D_REG)
                                if(p->to.reg == REGZERO)
                                        p->mark |= LABEL|SYNC;

                case AUNIMP:
                case ATAS:
                case ASWAP:
                case ATA:
                case ATCC:
                case ATCS:
                case ATE:
                case ATG:
                case ATGE:
                case ATGU:
                case ATL:
                case ATLE:
                case ATLEU:
                case ATN:
                case ATNE:
                case ATNEG:
                case ATPOS:
                case ATVC:
                case ATVS:
                case AWORD:
                        q = p;
                        p->mark |= LABEL|SYNC;

                case AFABSD:
                case AFABSF:
                case AFABSX:
                case AFADDD:
                case AFADDF:
                case AFADDX:
                case AFDIVD:
                case AFDIVF:
                case AFDIVX:
                case AFMOVD:
                case AFMOVDF:
                case AFMOVDW:
                case AFMOVDX:
                case AFMOVF:
                case AFMOVFD:
                case AFMOVFW:
                case AFMOVFX:
                case AFMOVWD:
                case AFMOVWF:
                case AFMOVWX:
                case AFMOVX:
                case AFMOVXD:
                case AFMOVXF:
                case AFMOVXW:
                case AFMULD:
                case AFMULF:
                case AFMULX:
                case AFNEGD:
                case AFNEGF:
                case AFNEGX:
                case AFSQRTD:
                case AFSQRTF:
                case AFSQRTX:
                case AFSUBD:
                case AFSUBF:
                case AFSUBX:
                        q = p;
                        p->mark |= FLOAT;

                case AMUL:
                case ADIV:
                case ADIVL:
                case AMOD:
                case AMODL:
                        q = p;
                        if(!debug['M']) {
                                if(prog_mul == P)
                                if(curtext != P)
                                        curtext->mark &= ~LEAF;

                case AJMPL:
                        if(curtext != P)
                                curtext->mark &= ~LEAF;

                case AJMP:

                case ABA:
                case ABN:
                case ABE:
                case ABNE:
                case ABLE:
                case ABG:
                case ABL:
                case ABGE:
                case ABLEU:
                case ABGU:
                case ABCS:
                case ABCC:
                case ABNEG:
                case ABPOS:
                case ABVC:
                case ABVS:

                case AFBN:
                case AFBO:
                case AFBE:
                case AFBLG:
                case AFBG:
                case AFBLE:
                case AFBGE:
                case AFBL:
                case AFBNE:
                case AFBUE:
                case AFBA:
                case AFBU:
                case AFBUG:
                case AFBULE:
                case AFBUGE:
                case AFBUL:
                        p->mark |= BRANCH;
                        q = p;
                        q1 = p->cond;
                        if(q1 != P) {
                                while(q1->as == ANOP) {
                                        q1 = q1->link;
                                        p->cond = q1;
                                if(!(q1->mark & LEAF))
                                        q1->mark |= LABEL;
                        } else
                                p->mark |= LABEL;
                        q1 = p->link;
                        if(q1 != P)
                                q1->mark |= LABEL;

                case AFCMPD:
                case AFCMPED:
                case AFCMPEF:
                case AFCMPEX:
                case AFCMPF:
                case AFCMPX:
                        q = p;
                        p->mark |= FCMP|FLOAT;

                case ARETURN:
                        /* special form of RETURN is BECOME */
                        if(p->from.type == D_CONST)
                                if(p->from.offset > curbecome)
                                        curbecome = p->from.offset;

                        q = p;
                        if(p->link != P)
                                p->link->mark |= LABEL;

                case ANOP:
                        q1 = p->link;
                        q->link = q1;           /* q is non-nop */
                        q1->mark |= p->mark;

                        q = p;
        if(curtext && curtext->from.sym) {
                curtext->from.sym->frame = curframe;
                curtext->from.sym->become = curbecome;
                if(curbecome > maxbecome)
                        maxbecome = curbecome;

                print("max become = %d\n", maxbecome);
        xdefine("ALEFbecome", STEXT, maxbecome);

        curtext = 0;
        for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link) {
                switch(p->as) {
                case ATEXT:
                        curtext = p;

                case AJMPL:
                        if(curtext != P && curtext->from.sym != S && curtext->to.offset >= 0) {
                                o = maxbecome - curtext->from.sym->frame;
                                if(o <= 0)
                                /* calling a become or calling a variable */
                                if(p->to.sym == S || p->to.sym->become) {
                                        curtext->to.offset += o;
                                        if(debug['b']) {
                                                curp = p;
                                                print("%D calling %D increase %d\n",
                                                        &curtext->from, &p->to, o);

        curtext = P;
        for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link) {
                o = p->as;
                switch(o) {
                case ATEXT:
                        curtext = p;
                        autosize = p->to.offset + 4;
                        if((p->mark & LEAF) && autosize <= 4)
                                autosize = 0;
                                if(autosize & 4)
                                        autosize += 4;
                        p->to.offset = autosize - 4;

                        q = p;
                        if(autosize) {
                                q = prg();
                                q->as = ASUB;
                                q->line = p->line;
                                q->from.type = D_CONST;
                                q->from.offset = autosize;
                                q->to.type = D_REG;
                                q->to.reg = REGSP;

                                q->link = p->link;
                                p->link = q;
                        } else
                        if(!(curtext->mark & LEAF)) {
                                        Bprint(&bso, "save suppressed in: %s\n",
                                curtext->mark |= LEAF;

                        if(curtext->mark & LEAF) {
                                        curtext->from.sym->type = SLEAF;

                        q1 = prg();
                        q1->as = AMOVW;
                        q1->line = p->line;
                        q1->from.type = D_REG;
                        q1->from.reg = REGLINK;
                        q1->to.type = D_OREG;
                        q1->from.offset = 0;
                        q1->to.reg = REGSP;

                        q1->link = q->link;
                        q->link = q1;

                case AMUL:
                case ADIV:
                case ADIVL:
                case AMOD:
                case AMODL:
                        if(p->from.type != D_REG)
                        if(p->to.type != D_REG)
                        q1 = p;

                        /* MOV a,4(SP) */
                        q = prg();
                        q->link = p->link;
                        p->link = q;
                        p = q;

                        p->as = AMOVW;
                        p->line = q1->line;
                        p->from.type = D_REG;
                        p->from.reg = q1->from.reg;
                        p->to.type = D_OREG;
                        p->to.reg = REGSP;
                        p->to.offset = 4;

                        /* MOV b,REGTMP */
                        q = prg();
                        q->link = p->link;
                        p->link = q;
                        p = q;

                        p->as = AMOVW;
                        p->line = q1->line;
                        p->from.type = D_REG;
                        p->from.reg = q1->reg;
                        if(q1->reg == NREG)
                                p->from.reg = q1->to.reg;
                        p->to.type = D_REG;
                        p->to.reg = REGTMP;
                        p->to.offset = 0;

                        /* CALL appropriate */
                        q = prg();
                        q->link = p->link;
                        p->link = q;
                        p = q;

                        p->as = AJMPL;
                        p->line = q1->line;
                        p->to.type = D_BRANCH;
                        p->cond = p;
                        p->mark |= BRANCH;
                        switch(o) {
                        case AMUL:
                                p->cond = prog_mul;
                        case ADIV:
                                p->cond = prog_div;
                        case ADIVL:
                                p->cond = prog_divl;
                        case AMOD:
                                p->cond = prog_mod;
                        case AMODL:
                                p->cond = prog_modl;

                        /* MOV REGTMP, b */
                        q = prg();
                        q->link = p->link;
                        p->link = q;
                        p = q;

                        p->as = AMOVW;
                        p->line = q1->line;
                        p->from.type = D_REG;
                        p->from.reg = REGTMP;
                        p->from.offset = 0;
                        p->to.type = D_REG;
                        p->to.reg = q1->to.reg;

                        /* ADD $8,SP */
                        q = prg();
                        q->link = p->link;
                        p->link = q;
                        p = q;

                        p->as = AADD;
                        p->from.type = D_CONST;
                        p->from.reg = NREG;
                        p->from.offset = 8;
                        p->reg = NREG;
                        p->to.type = D_REG;
                        p->to.reg = REGSP;

                        /* SUB $8,SP */
                        q1->as = ASUB;
                        q1->from.type = D_CONST;
                        q1->from.offset = 8;
                        q1->from.reg = NREG;
                        q1->reg = NREG;
                        q1->to.type = D_REG;
                        q1->to.reg = REGSP;

                case ARETURN:
                        if(p->from.type == D_CONST)
                                goto become;
                        if(curtext->mark & LEAF) {
                                if(!autosize) {
                                        p->as = AJMP;
                                        p->from = zprg.from;
                                        p->to.type = D_OREG;
                                        p->to.offset = 8;
                                        p->to.reg = REGLINK;
                                        p->mark |= BRANCH;

                                p->as = AADD;
                                p->from.type = D_CONST;
                                p->from.offset = autosize;
                                p->to.type = D_REG;
                                p->to.reg = REGSP;

                                q = prg();
                                q->as = AJMP;
                                q->line = p->line;
                                q->to.type = D_OREG;
                                q->to.offset = 8;
                                q->to.reg = REGLINK;
                                q->mark |= BRANCH;

                                q->link = p->link;
                                p->link = q;

                        p->as = AMOVW;
                        p->from.type = D_OREG;
                        p->from.offset = 0;
                        p->from.reg = REGSP;
                        p->to.type = D_REG;
                        p->to.reg = REGRET+1;

                        q = p;
                        if(autosize) {
                                q = prg();
                                q->as = AADD;
                                q->line = p->line;
                                q->from.type = D_CONST;
                                q->from.offset = autosize;
                                q->to.type = D_REG;
                                q->to.reg = REGSP;

                                q->link = p->link;
                                p->link = q;

                        q1 = prg();
                        q1->as = AJMP;
                        q1->line = p->line;
                        q1->to.type = D_OREG;
                        q1->to.offset = 8;
                        q1->to.reg = REGRET+1;
                        q1->mark |= BRANCH;

                        q1->link = q->link;
                        q->link = q1;

                        if(curtext->mark & LEAF) {

                                q = prg();
                                q->line = p->line;
                                q->as = AJMP;
                                q->from = zprg.from;
                                q->to = p->to;
                                q->cond = p->cond;
                                q->link = p->link;
                                q->mark |= BRANCH;
                                p->link = q;

                                p->as = AADD;
                                p->from = zprg.from;
                                p->from.type = D_CONST;
                                p->from.offset = autosize;
                                p->to =;
                                p->to.type = D_REG;
                                p->to.reg = REGSP;

                        q = prg();
                        q->line = p->line;
                        q->as = AJMP;
                        q->from = zprg.from;
                        q->to = p->to;
                        q->cond = p->cond;
                        q->mark |= BRANCH;
                        q->link = p->link;
                        p->link = q;

                        q = prg();
                        q->line = p->line;
                        q->as = AADD;
                        q->from.type = D_CONST;
                        q->from.offset = autosize;
                        q->to.type = D_REG;
                        q->to.reg = REGSP;
                        q->link = p->link;
                        p->link = q;

                        p->as = AMOVW;
                        p->from = zprg.from;
                        p->from.type = D_OREG;
                        p->from.offset = 0;
                        p->from.reg = REGSP;
                        p->to =;
                        p->to.type = D_REG;
                        p->to.reg = REGLINK;


        curtext = P;
        q = P;          /* p - 1 */
        q1 = firstp;    /* top of block */
        o = 0;          /* count of instructions */
        for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p1) {
                p1 = p->link;
                if(p->mark & NOSCHED){
                        if(q1 != p){
                                sched(q1, q);
                        for(; p != P; p = p->link){
                                if(!(p->mark & NOSCHED))
                                q = p;
                        p1 = p;
                        q1 = p;
                        o = 0;
                if(p->mark & (LABEL|SYNC)) {
                        if(q1 != p)
                                sched(q1, q);
                        q1 = p;
                        o = 1;
                if(p->mark & (BRANCH|SYNC)) {
                        sched(q1, p);
                        q1 = p1;
                        o = 0;
                if(o >= NSCHED) {
                        sched(q1, p);
                        q1 = p1;
                        o = 0;
                q = p;

addnop(Prog *p)
        Prog *q;

        q = prg();
        q->as = AORN;
        q->line = p->line;
        q->from.type = D_REG;
        q->from.reg = REGZERO;
        q->to.type = D_REG;
        q->to.reg = REGZERO;

        q->link = p->link;
        p->link = q;

        Sym *s1, *s2, *s3, *s4, *s5;
        Prog *p;

        s1 = lookup("_mul", 0);
        s2 = lookup("_div", 0);
        s3 = lookup("_divl", 0);
        s4 = lookup("_mod", 0);
        s5 = lookup("_modl", 0);
        for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link)
                if(p->as == ATEXT) {
                        if(p->from.sym == s1)
                                prog_mul = p;
                        if(p->from.sym == s2)
                                prog_div = p;
                        if(p->from.sym == s3)
                                prog_divl = p;
                        if(p->from.sym == s4)
                                prog_mod = p;
                        if(p->from.sym == s5)
                                prog_modl = p;
        if(prog_mul == P) {
                diag("undefined: %s", s1->name);
                prog_mul = curtext;
        if(prog_div == P) {
                diag("undefined: %s", s2->name);
                prog_div = curtext;
        if(prog_divl == P) {
                diag("undefined: %s", s3->name);
                prog_divl = curtext;
        if(prog_mod == P) {
                diag("undefined: %s", s4->name);
                prog_mod = curtext;
        if(prog_modl == P) {
                diag("undefined: %s", s5->name);
                prog_modl = curtext;