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 * rotate an image 180° in O(log Dx + log Dy) /dev/draw writes,
 * using an extra buffer same size as the image.
 * the basic concept is that you can invert an array by inverting
 * the top half, inverting the bottom half, and then swapping them.
 * the code does this slightly backwards to ensure O(log n) runtime.
 * (If you do it wrong, you can get O(log² n) runtime.)
 * This is usually overkill, but it speeds up slow remote
 * connections quite a bit.

#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include <bio.h>
#include <draw.h>
#include <event.h>
#include "page.h"

int ndraw = 0;
enum {
        Xaxis = 0,
        Yaxis = 1,

Image *mtmp;

writefile(char *name, Image *im, int gran)
        static int c = 100;
        int fd;
        char buf[200];

        snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "%d%s%d", c++, name, gran);
        fd = create(buf, OWRITE, 0666);
        if(fd < 0)
        writeimage(fd, im, 0);

moveup(Image *im, Image *tmp, int a, int b, int c, int axis)
        Rectangle range;
        Rectangle dr0, dr1;
        Point p0, p1;

        if(a == b || b == c)

        drawop(tmp, tmp->r, im, nil, im->r.min, S);

        case Xaxis:
                range = Rect(a, im->r.min.y,  c, im->r.max.y);
                dr0 = range;
                dr0.max.x = dr0.min.x+(c-b);
                p0 = Pt(b, im->r.min.y);

                dr1 = range;
                dr1.min.x = dr1.max.x-(b-a);
                p1 = Pt(a, im->r.min.y);
        case Yaxis:
                range = Rect(im->r.min.x, a,  im->r.max.x, c);
                dr0 = range;
                dr0.max.y = dr0.min.y+(c-b);
                p0 = Pt(im->r.min.x, b);

                dr1 = range;
                dr1.min.y = dr1.max.y-(b-a);
                p1 = Pt(im->r.min.x, a);
        drawop(im, dr0, tmp, nil, p0, S);
        drawop(im, dr1, tmp, nil, p1, S);

interlace(Image *im, Image *tmp, int axis, int n, Image *mask, int gran)
        Point p0, p1;
        Rectangle r0, r1;

        r0 = im->r;
        r1 = im->r;
        switch(axis) {
        case Xaxis:
                r0.max.x = n;
                r1.min.x = n;
                p0 = (Point){gran, 0};
                p1 = (Point){-gran, 0};
        case Yaxis:
                r0.max.y = n;
                r1.min.y = n;
                p0 = (Point){0, gran};
                p1 = (Point){0, -gran};

        drawop(tmp, im->r, im, display->opaque, im->r.min, S);
        gendrawop(im, r0, tmp, p0, mask, mask->r.min, S);
        gendrawop(im, r0, tmp, p1, mask, p1, S);

 * Halve the grating period in the mask.
 * The grating currently looks like 
 * ####____####____####____####____
 * where #### is opacity.
 * We want
 * ##__##__##__##__##__##__##__##__
 * which is achieved by shifting the mask
 * and drawing on itself through itself.
 * Draw doesn't actually allow this, so 
 * we have to copy it first.
 *     ####____####____####____####____ (dst)
 * +   ____####____####____####____#### (src)
 * in  __####____####____####____####__ (mask)
 * ===========================================
 *     ##__##__##__##__##__##__##__##__
nextmask(Image *mask, int axis, int maskdim)
        Point δ;

        δ = axis==Xaxis ? Pt(maskdim,0) : Pt(0,maskdim);
        drawop(mtmp, mtmp->r, mask, nil, mask->r.min, S);
        gendrawop(mask, mask->r, mtmp, δ, mtmp, divpt(δ,-2), S);
//      writefile("mask", mask, maskdim/2);
        return maskdim/2;

shuffle(Image *im, Image *tmp, int axis, int n, Image *mask, int gran,
        int lastnn)
        int nn, left;

        if(gran == 0)
        left = n%(2*gran);
        nn = n - left;

        interlace(im, tmp, axis, nn, mask, gran);
//      writefile("interlace", im, gran);
        gran = nextmask(mask, axis, gran);
        shuffle(im, tmp, axis, n, mask, gran, nn);
//      writefile("shuffle", im, gran);
        moveup(im, tmp, lastnn, nn, n, axis);
//      writefile("move", im, gran);

rot180(Image *im)
        Image *tmp, *tmp0;
        Image *mask;
        Rectangle rmask;
        int gran;

        if(chantodepth(im->chan) < 8){
                /* this speeds things up dramatically; draw is too slow on sub-byte pixel sizes */
                tmp0 = xallocimage(display, im->r, CMAP8, 0, DNofill);
                drawop(tmp0, tmp0->r, im, nil, im->r.min, S);
                tmp0 = im;

        tmp = xallocimage(display, tmp0->r, tmp0->chan, 0, DNofill);
        if(tmp == nil){
                if(tmp0 != im)
        for(gran=1; gran<Dx(im->r); gran *= 2)
        gran /= 4;

        rmask.min = ZP;
        rmask.max = (Point){2*gran, 100};

        mask = xallocimage(display, rmask, GREY1, 1, DTransparent);
        mtmp = xallocimage(display, rmask, GREY1, 1, DTransparent);
        if(mask == nil || mtmp == nil) {
                fprint(2, "out of memory during rot180: %r\n");
        rmask.max.x = gran;
        drawop(mask, rmask, display->opaque, nil, ZP, S);
//      writefile("mask", mask, gran);
        shuffle(im, tmp, Xaxis, Dx(im->r), mask, gran, 0);

        for(gran=1; gran<Dy(im->r); gran *= 2)
        gran /= 4;
        rmask.max = (Point){100, 2*gran};
        mask = xallocimage(display, rmask, GREY1, 1, DTransparent);
        mtmp = xallocimage(display, rmask, GREY1, 1, DTransparent);
        if(mask == nil || mtmp == nil) {
                fprint(2, "out of memory during rot180: %r\n");
        rmask.max.y = gran;
        drawop(mask, rmask, display->opaque, nil, ZP, S);
        shuffle(im, tmp, Yaxis, Dy(im->r), mask, gran, 0);
        if(tmp0 != im)

/* rotates an image 90 degrees clockwise */
Image *
rot90(Image *im)
        Image *tmp;
        int i, j, dx, dy;

        dx = Dx(im->r);
        dy = Dy(im->r);
        tmp = xallocimage(display, Rect(0, 0, dy, dx), im->chan, 0, DCyan);
        if(tmp == nil) {
                fprint(2, "out of memory during rot90: %r\n");

        for(j = 0; j < dx; j++) {
                for(i = 0; i < dy; i++) {
                        drawop(tmp, Rect(i, j, i+1, j+1), im, nil, Pt(j, dy-(i+1)), S);


/* rotates an image 270 degrees clockwise */
Image *
rot270(Image *im)
        Image *tmp;
        int i, j, dx, dy;

        dx = Dx(im->r);
        dy = Dy(im->r);
        tmp = xallocimage(display, Rect(0, 0, dy, dx), im->chan, 0, DCyan);
        if(tmp == nil) {
                fprint(2, "out of memory during rot270: %r\n");

        for(i = 0; i < dy; i++) {
                for(j = 0; j < dx; j++) {
                        drawop(tmp, Rect(i, j, i+1, j+1), im, nil, Pt(dx-(j+1), i), S);


/* from resample.c -- resize from → to using interpolation */

#define K2 7    /* from -.7 to +.7 inclusive, meaning .2 into each adjacent pixel */
#define NK (2*K2+1)
double K[NK];

fac(int L)
        int i, f;

        f = 1;
        for(i=L; i>1; --i)
                f *= i;
        return f;

 * i0(x) is the modified Bessel function, Σ (x/2)^2L / (L!)²
 * There are faster ways to calculate this, but we precompute
 * into a table so let's keep it simple.
i0(double x)
        double v;
        int L;

        v = 1.0;
        for(L=1; L<10; L++)
                v += pow(x/2., 2*L)/pow(fac(L), 2);
        return v;

kaiser(double x, double τ, double α)
        if(fabs(x) > τ)
                return 0.;
        return i0(α*sqrt(1-(x*x/(τ*τ))))/i0(α);

resamplex(uchar *in, int off, int d, int inx, uchar *out, int outx)
        int i, x, k;
        double X, xx, v, rat;

        rat = (double)inx/(double)outx;
        for(x=0; x<outx; x++){
                if(inx == outx){
                        /* don't resample if size unchanged */
                        out[off+x*d] = in[off+x*d];
                v = 0.0;
                X = x*rat;
                for(k=-K2; k<=K2; k++){
                        xx = X + rat*k/10.;
                        i = xx;
                        if(i < 0)
                                i = 0;
                        if(i >= inx)
                                i = inx-1;
                        v += in[off+i*d] * K[K2+k];
                out[off+x*d] = v;

resampley(uchar **in, int off, int iny, uchar **out, int outy)
        int y, i, k;
        double Y, yy, v, rat;

        rat = (double)iny/(double)outy;
        for(y=0; y<outy; y++){
                if(iny == outy){
                        /* don't resample if size unchanged */
                        out[y][off] = in[y][off];
                v = 0.0;
                Y = y*rat;
                for(k=-K2; k<=K2; k++){
                        yy = Y + rat*k/10.;
                        i = yy;
                        if(i < 0)
                                i = 0;
                        if(i >= iny)
                                i = iny-1;
                        v += in[i][off] * K[K2+k];
                out[y][off] = v;


resample(Image *from, Image *to)
        int i, j, bpl, nchan;
        uchar **oscan, **nscan;
        char tmp[20];
        int xsize, ysize;
        double v;
        Image *t1, *t2;
        ulong tchan;

        for(i=-K2; i<=K2; i++){
                K[K2+i] = kaiser(i/10., K2/10., 4.);

        /* normalize */
        v = 0.0;
        for(i=0; i<NK; i++)
                v += K[i];
        for(i=0; i<NK; i++)
                K[i] /= v;

        case GREY8:
        case RGB24:
        case RGBA32:
        case ARGB32:
        case XRGB32:

        case CMAP8:
        case RGB15:
        case RGB16:
                tchan = RGB24;
                goto Convert;

        case GREY1:
        case GREY2:
        case GREY4:
                tchan = GREY8;
                /* use library to convert to byte-per-chan form, then convert back */
                t1 = xallocimage(display, Rect(0, 0, Dx(from->r), Dy(from->r)), tchan, 0, DNofill);
                if(t1 == nil) {
                        fprint(2, "out of memory for temp image 1 in resample: %r\n");
                drawop(t1, t1->r, from, nil, ZP, S);
                t2 = xallocimage(display, to->r, tchan, 0, DNofill);
                if(t2 == nil) {
                        fprint(2, "out of memory temp image 2 in resample: %r\n");
                resample(t1, t2);
                drawop(to, to->r, t2, nil, ZP, S);
                return to;

                sysfatal("can't handle channel type %s", chantostr(tmp, from->chan));

        xsize = Dx(to->r);
        ysize = Dy(to->r);
        oscan = malloc(Dy(from->r)*sizeof(uchar*));
        nscan = malloc(max(ysize, Dy(from->r))*sizeof(uchar*));
        if(oscan == nil || nscan == nil)
                sysfatal("can't allocate: %r");

        /* unload original image into scan lines */
        bpl = bytesperline(from->r, from->depth);
        for(i=0; i<Dy(from->r); i++){
                oscan[i] = malloc(bpl);
                if(oscan[i] == nil)
                        sysfatal("can't allocate: %r");
                j = unloadimage(from, Rect(from->r.min.x, from->r.min.y+i, from->r.max.x, from->r.min.y+i+1), oscan[i], bpl);
                if(j != bpl)

        /* allocate scan lines for destination. we do y first, so need at least Dy(from->r) lines */
        bpl = bytesperline(Rect(0, 0, xsize, Dy(from->r)), from->depth);
        for(i=0; i<max(ysize, Dy(from->r)); i++){
                nscan[i] = malloc(bpl);
                if(nscan[i] == nil)
                        sysfatal("can't allocate: %r");

        /* resample in X */
        nchan = from->depth/8;
        for(i=0; i<Dy(from->r); i++){
                for(j=0; j<nchan; j++){
                        if(j==0 && from->chan==XRGB32)
                        resamplex(oscan[i], j, nchan, Dx(from->r), nscan[i], xsize);
                oscan[i] = nscan[i];
                nscan[i] = malloc(bpl);
                if(nscan[i] == nil)
                        sysfatal("can't allocate: %r");

        /* resample in Y */
        for(i=0; i<xsize; i++)
                for(j=0; j<nchan; j++)
                        resampley(oscan, nchan*i+j, Dy(from->r), nscan, ysize);

        /* pack data into destination */
        bpl = bytesperline(to->r, from->depth);
        for(i=0; i<ysize; i++){
                j = loadimage(to, Rect(0, i, xsize, i+1), nscan[i], bpl);
                if(j != bpl)
                        sysfatal("loadimage: %r");

        for(i=0; i<Dy(from->r); i++){

        return to;