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 * POSTBEGIN, if it's not NULL, is some PostScript code that's sent to the printer
 * before any of the input files. It's not terribly important since the same thing
 * can be accomplished in other ways, but this approach is convenient. POSTBEGIN
 * is initialized so as to disable job timeouts. The string can also be set on the
 * command line using the -P option.

#define POSTBEGIN       "statusdict /waittimeout 0 put\n"

 * The following help determine where postio is when it's running - either in the
 * START, SEND, or DONE states. Primarily controls what's done in getstatus().
 * RADIAN occasionally had problems with two way conversations. Anyway this stuff
 * can be used to prevent status queries while we're transmitting a job. Enabled
 * by the -q option.

#define NOTCONNECTED    0
#define START           1
#define SEND            2
#define DONE            3

 * Previous versions of postio only ran as a single process. That was (and still
 * is) convenient, but meant we could only flow control one direction. Data coming
 * back from the printer occasionally got lost, but that didn't often hurt (except
 * for lost error messages). Anyway I've added code that lets you split the program
 * into separate read and write processes, thereby helping to prevent data loss in
 * both directions. It should be particularly useful when you're sending a job that
 * you expect will be returning useful data over the communications line.
 * The next three definitions control what's done with data on communications line.
 * The READ flag means the line can be read, while the WRITE flag means it can be
 * written. When we're running as a single process both flags are set. I tried to
 * overlay the separate read/write process code on what was there and working for
 * one process. The implementation isn't as good as it could be, but should be
 * safe. The single process version still works, and remains the default.

#define READ            1
#define WRITE           2
#define READWRITE       3

 * Messages generated on the printer and returned over the communications line
 * look like,
 *      %%[ status: idle; source: serial 25 ]%%
 *      %%[ status: waiting; source: serial 25 ]%%
 *      %%[ status: initializing; source: serial 25 ]%%
 *      %%[ status: busy; source: serial 25 ]%%
 *      %%[ status: printing; source: serial 25 ]%%
 *      %%[ status: PrinterError: out of paper; source: serial 25 ]%%
 *      %%[ status: PrinterError: no paper tray; source: serial 25 ]%%
 *      %%[ PrinterError: out of paper; source: serial 25 ]%%
 *      %%[ PrinterError: no paper tray; source: serial 25 ]%%
 *      %%[ Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: xxx ]%%
 *      %%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
 * although the list isn't meant to be complete.
 * The following constants are used to classify the recognized printer states.
 * readline() reads complete lines from ttyi and stores them in array mesg[].
 * getstatus() looks for the "%%[ " and " ]%%" delimiters that bracket printer
 * messages and if found it tries to parse the enclosed message. After the lookup
 * one of the following numbers is returned as an indication of the existence or
 * content of the printer message. The return value is used in start(), send(),
 * and done() to figure out what's happening and what can be done next.

#define BUSY            0                /* processing data already sent */
#define WAITING         1               /* printer wants more data */
#define PRINTING        2               /* printing a page */
#define IDLE            3               /* ready to start the next job */
#define ENDOFJOB        4               /* readline() builds this up on EOF */
#define PRINTERERROR    5               /* PrinterError - eg. out of paper */
#define ERROR           6               /* some kind of PostScript error */
#define FLUSHING        7               /* throwing out the rest of the job */
#define INITIALIZING    8               /* printer is booting */
#define DISCONNECT      9               /* from Datakit! */
#define UNKNOWN         10              /* in case we missed anything */
#define NOSTATUS        11              /* no response from the printer */

#define WRITEPROCESS    12              /* dummy states for write process */
#define INTERACTIVE     13              /* and interactive mode */

 * An array of type Status is used, in getstatus(), to figure out the printer's
 * current state. Just helps convert strings representing the current state into
 * integer codes that other routines use.

typedef struct {
        char    *state;                 /* printer's current status */
        int     val;                    /* value returned by getstatus() */
} Status;

 * STATUS is used to initialize an array of type Status that translates the ASCII
 * strings returned by the printer into appropriate codes that can be used later
 * on in the program. getstatus() converts characters to lower case, so if you
 * add any entries make them lower case and put them in before the UNKNOWN entry.
 * The lookup terminates when we get a match or when an entry with a NULL state
 * is found.

#define STATUS                                                          \
        {                                                               \
            "busy", BUSY,                                               \
            "waiting", WAITING,                                         \
            "printing", PRINTING,                                       \
            "idle", IDLE,                                               \
            "endofjob", ENDOFJOB,                                       \
            "printererror", PRINTERERROR,                               \
            "error", ERROR,                                             \
            "flushing", FLUSHING,                                       \
            "initializing", INITIALIZING,                               \
            NULL, UNKNOWN                                               \

 * The baud rate can be set on the command line using the -b option. If you omit
 * it BAUDRATE will be used.

#define BAUDRATE        B9600

 * An array of type Baud is used, in routine getbaud(), to translate ASCII strings
 * into termio values that represent the requested baud rate.

typedef struct {
        char    *rate;                  /* string identifying the baud rate */
        short   val;                    /* and its termio.h value */
} Baud;

 * BAUDTABLE initializes the array that's used to translate baud rate requests
 * into termio values. It needs to end with an entry that has NULL assigned to
 * the rate field.

#define BAUDTABLE                                                       \
        {                                                               \
            "9600", B9600,                                              \
            "B9600", B9600,                                             \
            "19200", EXTA,                                              \
            "19.2", EXTA,                                               \
            "B19200", EXTA,                                             \
            "EXTA", EXTA,                                               \
            "1200", B1200,                                              \
            "B1200", B1200,                                             \
            "2400", B2400,                                              \
            "B2400", B2400,                                             \
            "B4800", B4800,                                             \
            "4800", B4800,                                              \
            "38400", EXTB,                                              \
            "38.4", EXTB,                                               \
            "B38400", EXTB,                                             \
            "EXTB", EXTB,                                               \
            NULL, B9600                                                 \

 * A few miscellaneous definitions. BLOCKSIZE is the default size of the buffer
 * used for reading the input files (changed with the -B option). MESGSIZE is the
 * size of the character array used to store printer status lines - don't make it
 * too small!

#define BLOCKSIZE       2048
#define MESGSIZE        512

 * Some of the non-integer valued functions used in postio.c.

char    *find();

char    *malloc();
char    *strtok();