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* postprint - PostScript translator for ASCII files.
* A simple program that translates ASCII files into PostScript. All it really
* does is expand tabs and backspaces, handle character quoting, print text lines,
* and control when pages are started based on the requested number of lines per
* page.
* The PostScript prologue is copied from *prologue before any of the input files
* are translated. The program expects that the following procedures are defined
* in that file:
* setup
* mark ... setup -
* Handles special initialization stuff that depends on how the program
* was called. Expects to find a mark followed by key/value pairs on the
* stack. The def operator is applied to each pair up to the mark, then
* the default state is set up.
* pagesetup
* page pagesetup -
* Does whatever is needed to set things up for the next page. Expects
* to find the current page number on the stack.
* l
* string l -
* Prints string starting in the first column and then goes to the next
* line.
* L
* mark string column string column ... L mark
* Prints each string on the stack starting at the horizontal position
* selected by column. Used when tabs and spaces can be sufficiently well
* compressed to make the printer overhead worthwhile. Always used when
* we have to back up.
* LL
* mark string column string column ... LL mark
* Like L, but only used to prevent potential PostScript stack overflow
* from too many string/column pairs. Stays on the current line. It will
* not be needed often!!
* done
* done
* Makes sure the last page is printed. Only needed when we're printing
* more than one page on each sheet of paper.
* Almost everything has been changed in this version of postprint. The program
* is more intelligent, especially about tabs, spaces, and backspacing, and as a
* result output files usually print faster. Output files also now conform to
* Adobe's file structuring conventions, which is undoubtedly something I should
* have done in the first version of the program. If the number of lines per page
* is set to 0, which can be done using the -l option, pointsize will be used to
* guess a reasonable value. The estimate is based on the values of LINESPP,
* POINTSIZE, and pointsize, and assumes LINESPP lines would fit on a page if
* we printed in size POINTSIZE. Selecting a point size using the -s option and
* adding -l0 to the command line forces the guess to be made.
* Many default values, like the magnification and orientation, are defined in
* the prologue, which is where they belong. If they're changed (by options), an
* appropriate definition is made after the prologue is added to the output file.
* The -P option passes arbitrary PostScript through to the output file. Among
* other things it can be used to set (or change) values that can't be accessed by
* other options.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#ifdef plan9
#define isascii(c) ((unsigned char)(c)<=0177)
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "comments.h" /* PostScript file structuring comments */
#include "gen.h" /* general purpose definitions */
#include "path.h" /* for the prologue */
#include "ext.h" /* external variable declarations */
#include "postprint.h" /* a few special definitions */
char *optnames = "a:c:ef:l:m:n:o:p:r:s:t:x:y:A:C:E:J:L:P:R:DI";
char *prologue = POSTPRINT; /* default PostScript prologue */
char *formfile = FORMFILE; /* stuff for multiple pages per sheet */
int formsperpage = 1; /* page images on each piece of paper */
int copies = 1; /* and this many copies of each sheet */
int linespp = LINESPP; /* number of lines per page */
int pointsize = POINTSIZE; /* in this point size */
int tabstops = TABSTOPS; /* tabs set at these columns */
int crmode = 0; /* carriage return mode - 0, 1, or 2 */
int extended = TRUE; /* use escapes for unprintable chars */
int col = 1; /* next character goes in this column */
int line = 1; /* on this line */
int stringcount = 0; /* number of strings on the stack */
int stringstart = 1; /* column where current one starts */
Fontmap fontmap[] = FONTMAP; /* for translating font names */
char *fontname = "Courier"; /* use this PostScript font */
int page = 0; /* page we're working on */
int printed = 0; /* printed this many pages */
FILE *fp_in = stdin; /* read from this file */
FILE *fp_out = stdout; /* and write stuff here */
FILE *fp_acct = NULL; /* for accounting data */
main(agc, agv)
int agc;
char *agv[];
* A simple program that translates ASCII files into PostScript. If there's more
* than one input file, each begins on a new page.
argc = agc; /* other routines may want them */
argv = agv;
prog_name = argv[0]; /* really just for error messages */
init_signals(); /* sets up interrupt handling */
header(); /* PostScript header and prologue */
options(); /* handle the command line options */
setup(); /* for PostScript */
arguments(); /* followed by each input file */
done(); /* print the last page etc. */
account(); /* job accounting data */
exit(x_stat); /* not much could be wrong */
} /* End of main */
* Makes sure we handle interrupts.
if ( signal(SIGINT, interrupt) == SIG_IGN ) {
signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
} else {
signal(SIGHUP, interrupt);
signal(SIGQUIT, interrupt);
} /* End else */
signal(SIGTERM, interrupt);
} /* End of init_signals */
int ch; /* return value from getopt() */
int old_optind = optind; /* for restoring optind - should be 1 */
* Scans the option list looking for things, like the prologue file, that we need
* right away but could be changed from the default. Doing things this way is an
* attempt to conform to Adobe's latest file structuring conventions. In particular
* they now say there should be nothing executed in the prologue, and they have
* added two new comments that delimit global initialization calls. Once we know
* where things really are we write out the job header, follow it by the prologue,
* and then add the ENDPROLOG and BEGINSETUP comments.
while ( (ch = getopt(argc, argv, optnames)) != EOF )
if ( ch == 'L' )
prologue = optarg;
else if ( ch == '?' )
error(FATAL, "");
optind = old_optind; /* get ready for option scanning */
fprintf(stdout, "%s", CONFORMING);
fprintf(stdout, "%s %s\n", VERSION, PROGRAMVERSION);
fprintf(stdout, "%s %s\n", DOCUMENTFONTS, ATEND);
fprintf(stdout, "%s %s\n", PAGES, ATEND);
fprintf(stdout, "%s", ENDCOMMENTS);
if ( cat(prologue) == FALSE )
error(FATAL, "can't read %s", prologue);
if ( DOROUND )
fprintf(stdout, "%s", ENDPROLOG);
fprintf(stdout, "%s", BEGINSETUP);
fprintf(stdout, "mark\n");
} /* End of header */
int ch; /* return value from getopt() */
* Reads and processes the command line options. Added the -P option so arbitrary
* PostScript code can be passed through. Expect it could be useful for changing
* definitions in the prologue for which options have not been defined.
* Although any PostScript font can be used, things will only work well for
* constant width fonts.
while ( (ch = getopt(argc, argv, optnames)) != EOF ) {
switch ( ch ) {
case 'a': /* aspect ratio */
fprintf(stdout, "/aspectratio %s def\n", optarg);
case 'c': /* copies */
copies = atoi(optarg);
fprintf(stdout, "/#copies %s store\n", optarg);
case 'e': /* obsolete - it's now always on */
extended = TRUE;
case 'f': /* use this PostScript font */
fontname = get_font(optarg);
fprintf(stdout, "/font /%s def\n", fontname);
case 'l': /* lines per page */
linespp = atoi(optarg);
case 'm': /* magnification */
fprintf(stdout, "/magnification %s def\n", optarg);
case 'n': /* forms per page */
formsperpage = atoi(optarg);
fprintf(stdout, "%s %s\n", FORMSPERPAGE, optarg);
fprintf(stdout, "/formsperpage %s def\n", optarg);
case 'o': /* output page list */
case 'p': /* landscape or portrait mode */
if ( *optarg == 'l' )
fprintf(stdout, "/landscape true def\n");
else fprintf(stdout, "/landscape false def\n");
case 'r': /* carriage return mode */
crmode = atoi(optarg);
case 's': /* point size */
pointsize = atoi(optarg);
fprintf(stdout, "/pointsize %s def\n", optarg);
case 't': /* tabstops */
tabstops = atoi(optarg);
case 'x': /* shift things horizontally */
fprintf(stdout, "/xoffset %s def\n", optarg);
case 'y': /* and vertically on the page */
fprintf(stdout, "/yoffset %s def\n", optarg);
case 'A': /* force job accounting */
case 'J':
if ( (fp_acct = fopen(optarg, "a")) == NULL )
error(FATAL, "can't open accounting file %s", optarg);
case 'C': /* copy file straight to output */
if ( cat(optarg) == FALSE )
error(FATAL, "can't read %s", optarg);
case 'E': /* text font encoding */
fontencoding = optarg;
case 'L': /* PostScript prologue file */
prologue = optarg;
case 'P': /* PostScript pass through */
fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", optarg);
case 'R': /* special global or page level request */
case 'D': /* debug flag */
debug = ON;
case 'I': /* ignore FATAL errors */
ignore = ON;
case '?': /* don't understand the option */
error(FATAL, "");
default: /* don't know what to do for ch */
error(FATAL, "missing case for option %c\n", ch);
} /* End switch */
} /* End while */
argc -= optind; /* get ready for non-option args */
argv += optind;
} /* End of options */
char *get_font(name)
char *name; /* name the user asked for */
int i; /* for looking through fontmap[] */
* Called from options() to map a user's font name into a legal PostScript name.
* If the lookup fails *name is returned to the caller. That should let you choose
* any PostScript font, although things will only work well for constant width
* fonts.
for ( i = 0; fontmap[i].name != NULL; i++ )
if ( strcmp(name, fontmap[i].name) == 0 )
} /* End of get_font */
* Handles things that must be done after the options are read but before the
* input files are processed. linespp (lines per page) can be set using the -l
* option. If it's not positive we calculate a reasonable value using the
* requested point size - assuming LINESPP lines fit on a page in point size
writerequest(0, stdout); /* global requests eg. manual feed */
fprintf(stdout, "setup\n");
if ( formsperpage > 1 ) {
if ( cat(formfile) == FALSE )
error(FATAL, "can't read %s", formfile);
fprintf(stdout, "%d setupforms\n", formsperpage);
} /* End if */
fprintf(stdout, "%s", ENDSETUP);
if ( linespp <= 0 )
linespp = LINESPP * POINTSIZE / pointsize;
} /* End of setup */
* Makes sure all the non-option command line arguments are processed. If we get
* here and there aren't any arguments left, or if '-' is one of the input files
* we'll translate stdin.
if ( argc < 1 )
else { /* at least one argument is left */
while ( argc > 0 ) {
if ( strcmp(*argv, "-") == 0 )
fp_in = stdin;
else if ( (fp_in = fopen(*argv, "r")) == NULL )
error(FATAL, "can't open %s", *argv);
if ( fp_in != stdin )
} /* End while */
} /* End else */
} /* End of arguments */
* Finished with all the input files, so mark the end of the pages with a TRAILER
* comment, make sure the last page prints, and add things like the PAGES comment
* that can only be determined after all the input files have been read.
fprintf(stdout, "%s", TRAILER);
fprintf(stdout, "done\n");
fprintf(stdout, "%s %s\n", DOCUMENTFONTS, fontname);
fprintf(stdout, "%s %d\n", PAGES, printed);
} /* End of done */
* Writes an accounting record to *fp_acct provided it's not NULL. Accounting is
* requested using the -A or -J options.
if ( fp_acct != NULL )
fprintf(fp_acct, " print %d\n copies %d\n", printed, copies);
} /* End of account */
int ch; /* next input character */
* Translates *fp_in into PostScript. Intercepts space, tab, backspace, newline,
* return, and formfeed. Everything else goes to oput(), which handles quoting
* (if needed) and escapes for nonascii characters if extended is TRUE. The
* redirect(-1) call forces the initial output to go to /dev/null - so stuff
* that formfeed() does at the end of each page goes to /dev/null rather than
* the real output file.
redirect(-1); /* get ready for the first page */
formfeed(); /* force PAGE comment etc. */
while ( (ch = getc(fp_in)) != EOF )
switch ( ch ) {
case '\n':
case '\t':
case '\b':
case ' ':
case '\014':
case '\r':
if ( crmode == 1 )
else if ( crmode == 2 )
} /* End switch */
formfeed(); /* next file starts on a new page? */
} /* End of text */
* Called whenever we've finished with the last page and want to get ready for the
* next one. Also used at the beginning and end of each input file, so we have to
* be careful about what's done. The first time through (up to the redirect() call)
* output goes to /dev/null.
* Adobe now recommends that the showpage operator occur after the page level
* restore so it can be easily redefined to have side-effects in the printer's VM.
* Although it seems reasonable I haven't implemented it, because it makes other
* things, like selectively setting manual feed or choosing an alternate paper
* tray, clumsy - at least on a per page basis.
if ( fp_out == stdout ) /* count the last page */
endline(); /* print the last line */
fprintf(fp_out, "cleartomark\n");
fprintf(fp_out, "showpage\n");
fprintf(fp_out, "saveobj restore\n");
fprintf(fp_out, "%s %d %d\n", ENDPAGE, page, printed);
if ( ungetc(getc(fp_in), fp_in) == EOF )
else redirect(++page);
fprintf(fp_out, "%s %d %d\n", PAGE, page, printed+1);
fprintf(fp_out, "/saveobj save def\n");
fprintf(fp_out, "mark\n");
writerequest(printed+1, fp_out);
fprintf(fp_out, "%d pagesetup\n", printed+1);
line = 1;
} /* End of formfeed */
* Called when we've read a newline character. The call to startline() ensures
* that at least an empty string is on the stack.
endline(); /* print the current line */
if ( ++line > linespp ) /* done with this page */
} /* End of newline */
int ch; /* next input character */
int endcol; /* ending column */
int i; /* final distance - in spaces */
* Counts consecutive spaces, tabs, and backspaces and figures out where the next
* string should start. Once that's been done we try to choose an efficient way
* to output the required number of spaces. The choice is between using procedure
* l with a single string on the stack and L with several string and column pairs.
* We usually break even, in terms of the size of the output file, if we need four
* consecutive spaces. More means using L decreases the size of the file. For now
* if there are less than 6 consecutive spaces we just add them to the current
* string, otherwise we end that string, follow it by its starting position, and
* begin a new one that starts at endcol. Backspacing is always handled this way.
startline(); /* so col makes sense */
endcol = col;
do {
if ( ch == ' ' )
else if ( ch == '\t' )
endcol += tabstops - ((endcol - 1) % tabstops);
else if ( ch == '\b' )
else if ( ch == '\r' )
endcol = 1;
else break;
} while ( ch = getc(fp_in) ); /* if ch is 0 we'd quit anyway */
ungetc(ch, fp_in); /* wasn't a space, tab, or backspace */
if ( endcol < 1 ) /* can't move past left edge */
endcol = 1;
if ( (i = endcol - col) >= 0 && i < 6 )
for ( ; i > 0; i-- )
oput((int)' ');
else {
col = stringstart = endcol;
} /* End else */
} /* End of spaces */
* Called whenever we want to be certain we're ready to start pushing characters
* into an open string on the stack. If stringcount is positive we've already
* started, so there's nothing to do. The first string starts in column 1.
if ( stringcount < 1 ) {
putc('(', fp_out);
stringstart = col = 1;
stringcount = 1;
} /* End if */
} /* End of startline */
* End the current string and start a new one.
if ( stringcount > 100 ) { /* don't put too much on the stack */
fprintf(fp_out, ")%d LL\n(", stringstart-1);
stringcount = 2; /* kludge - don't let endline() use l */
} else {
fprintf(fp_out, ")%d(", stringstart-1);
} /* End else */
} /* End of endstring */
* Generates a call to the PostScript procedure that processes all the text on
* the stack - provided stringcount is positive. If one string is on the stack
* the fast procedure (ie. l) is used to print the line, otherwise the slower
* one that processes string and column pairs is used.
if ( stringcount == 1 )
fprintf(fp_out, ")l\n");
else if ( stringcount > 1 )
fprintf(fp_out, ")%d L\n", stringstart-1);
stringcount = 0;
} /* End of endline */
int ch; /* next output character */
* Responsible for adding all printing characters from the input file to the
* open string on top of the stack.
if ( isascii(ch) && isprint(ch) ) {
if ( ch == '(' || ch == ')' || ch == '\\' )
putc('\\', fp_out);
putc(ch, fp_out);
} else if ( extended == TRUE ) {
fprintf(fp_out, "\\%.3o", ch & 0377);
} /* End if */
} /* End of oput */
int pg; /* next page we're printing */
static FILE *fp_null = NULL; /* if output is turned off */
* If we're not supposed to print page pg, fp_out will be directed to /dev/null,
* otherwise output goes to stdout.
if ( pg >= 0 && in_olist(pg) == ON )
fp_out = stdout;
else if ( (fp_out = fp_null) == NULL )
fp_out = fp_null = fopen("/dev/null", "w");
} /* End of redirect */